#symptoms of dehydration in women
targetstudy · 4 months
Dehydration can cause Headaches and Dizziness
Yes, Dehydration can cause Headaches and Dizziness. If you are feeling a headache or mild dizziness during the summer season, then it can also be a sign of a lack of water.
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What do Dehydration Headaches and Dizziness Feel Like
If you are troubled by dehydration and if you also drink less water then these tips can help.
Tips 1. Use Mix Ice and Lemon Slices in Water
If you do not like plain water then you can do some experiments with it. Instead of plain water, add some ice cubes to it. You can add slices of lemon, orange, or seasonal lime. Apart from this, some other similar experiments can also be done, which will increase the taste of water.
Tips 2. Increase Water-Rich Fruits and Vegetables
To keep the body hydrated, apart from water, also consume juicy fruits like watermelon, melon, orange, pear etc. Some fruits contain up to 90% water. Apart from this, soup and dairy products are also helpful in keeping the body hydrated.
Read More About Tips>>>
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maaarine · 9 months
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Scientists Pinpoint Cause of Severe Morning Sickness (Azeen Ghorayshi, The New York Times, Dec 13 2023)
"More than two-thirds of pregnant women experience nausea and vomiting during the first trimester.
And roughly 2 percent of women are hospitalized for a condition called hyperemesis gravidarum, which causes relentless vomiting and nausea throughout the entire pregnancy.
The condition can lead to malnutrition, weight loss and dehydration.
It also increases the risk of preterm birth, pre-eclampsia and blood clots, threatening the life of the mother and the fetus.
Perhaps because nausea and vomiting are so common in pregnancy, doctors often overlook hyperemesis, dismissing its severe symptoms as psychological, even though it is the leading cause of hospitalization during early pregnancy, experts said.
Although celebrities like Kate Middleton and Amy Schumer have raised the condition’s profile in recent years by sharing their experiences, it remains understudied.
“I’ve been working on this for 20 years and yet there are still reports of women dying from this and women being mistreated,” said Dr. Marlena Fejzo, a geneticist at the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine and a co-author of the new study.
She knows the pain of the condition firsthand.
During her second pregnancy, in 1999, Dr. Fejzo was unable to eat or drink without vomiting.
She rapidly lost weight, becoming too weak to stand or walk.
Her doctor was dismissive, suggesting she was exaggerating her symptoms to get attention.
She was eventually hospitalized, and miscarried at 15 weeks. (…)
The researchers found that women experiencing hyperemesis had significantly higher GDF15 levels during pregnancy than did those who had no symptoms.
But the hormone’s effect seems to depend on the woman’s sensitivity and exposure to the hormone before pregnancy.
The researchers found, for example, that women in Sri Lanka with a rare blood disorder causing chronically high levels of GDF15 rarely experienced nausea or vomiting in pregnancy.
“It completely obliterated all the nausea. They pretty much have next to zero symptoms in their pregnancies,” said Dr. Stephen O’Rahilly, an endocrinologist at Cambridge who led the research.
Dr. O’Rahilly hypothesized that prolonged exposure to GDF15 before pregnancy could have a protective effect, making women less sensitive to the sharp surge in the hormone caused by the developing fetus. (…)
The new study is powerful because it offers genetic proof of a causal relationship between GDF15 and the disease, said Dr. Rachel Freathy, who is a geneticist at the University of Exeter and was not involved in the study.
That will help the condition gain greater recognition, she said.
“There is kind of an assumption made by many people that women should just be able to cope with this,” Dr. Freathy said.
With this biological explanation, she said, “there will be more belief that this is a real thing rather than something in somebody’s head.”"
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she-is-ovarit · 1 year
This might be old or unhelpful information to some, but along with women needing higher healthy fats in our diets (avocados, eggs, etc.) and liquid vitamins potentially being life-changing (because the body only has a 10-20% absorption rate for supplement pills), dehydration can be a huge trigger for chronic fatigue syndrome.
We can get to a dehydrated point where we won't feel thirsty (which is easy to reach), and some of us might struggle with cravings, because we are thirsty but these thirst receptors aren't perfect (also, prior to us being able to develop drier foods, most foods had water content in them so it's intuitive that our bodies do this). We live in an age where we can't unfortunately trust our water sources due to environmental pollution, and where the workplace might not accommodate healthy hydration (or frequent peeing). What I do to limit how much I pee and increase how much fluid I retain is to add those little electrolyte packets to my bottled water.
If your mind feels laggy or jumbled, if you feel too weak to get out of bed, if you're tired like all the time, if no matter how much sleep you get you still feel tired, if you have cold hands and feet, anxiety, and if you have memory issues - these are all signs of chronic fatigue and women experience it more than men. It's a complex chronic condition that is debilitating and not taken seriously at all, and there can be numerous triggers to it. I mentioned not obtaining enough healthy fats above or proper vitamin levels (especially iron and vitamin Bs), and these issues can trigger the above symptoms of chronic fatigue. Dehydration is another big trigger, and it's why we might especially experience these symptoms a few hours or a day after exercise or after drinking alcohol. Take care of yourself, pound water.
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granulesofsand · 1 year
Reasons people underestimate the prevalence of RAMCOA:
Untraumatized people don’t think about trauma nearly as much as survivors
People don’t know what the signs are. Trainings are shitty when given, attendees don’t think they’ll need to use the information, and trainings offered are usually online and easy to walk away from
Mandatory reporters don’t usually follow through their contracts. This is sometimes a good thing, but it can leave room in the wrong places for endangered children
People who know the signs will ignore them. They think it unlikely, that they’re overreacting, or they just don’t notice
Survivors are quiet. Speaking up puts us in danger, and more people think of us as media material than peers
The police don’t do jack shit for us. Some stations train officers to overlook our cases, and it’s difficult to take to court if a survivor wants to. In larger cases, government works with organized criminal groups that perpetrate or do so themselves for research
We’re a test question. The only time we are brought up in psychology classrooms is if they want to nod to a DID diagnosis. Few therapists are educated and willing to take us on as clients
Abusers know how to make connections with local authority. In high control groups, members may be taught how to abuse and evade interception
All of this makes it hard to report anywhere how many survivors exist free, and the low numbers in turn make us less believable when we do report
RAMCOA includes severe religious abuse, manipulative coercion, programming, cults, trafficking rings, criminal gangs, and more. Survivors are your coworkers, neighbors, cashiers, librarians.
Signs to look for:
Ritual Abuse
History of self-harm, substance use, sui/homicidality, especially with prescribed patterns
Unusual phobias (red or brown foods, kinds of houses, churches, hospitals, fear of the dark or being alone in adults)
Aversion to or obsession with the occult/witchcraft or other faith traditions
Patterns of nightmares, aversions or obsessions with common or nondescript themes (gore, needles, bugs, rodents, monsters, babies, men or women)
Sudden or irresistible urge to relocate, recontact abusers, participate in abusive ceremonies
High pain tolerance
Repeated phrases with violent, aggressive or religious themes
Mind Control and Coercion
Unquestioning obedience of a person or doctrine
Defers to another, speaks as though scripted, frequently accompanied by another or has to ask permission inappropriate for their age
Sudden or dramatic change in behavior, hobbies, or long-standing habits
Refusal to consume media unless approved by another/without further explanation
Anxious or idealized descriptions of childhood home and family, unable to recall these things
No memory of childhood or missing years
Multiple self-states, especially in high quantities
Organized Abuse and Trafficking
Disconnection from peers, family and friends
Does not attend community events or faith services or is perpetually preoccupied with a single group
Repeated unexplained absences from work or school
Disoriented, confused or dissociated for long periods of time or without explanation
Fearful or self-persecutory behavior, especially with allusions to another person or group
Bruises, broken skin or other wounds in various stages of healing
Minors engaging in commercial sex (including CSEM or survival sex)
Timid, skittish, fearful or submissive behaviors (including when this is the norm)
Malnourished, dehydrated, exhausted or with untreated ails
Without belongings or suitable living space
Many indicators of abuses flow together, as do the events themselves. It’s common that RA and OA perps use MC to keep victims in line, and techniques are often implemented by default in abusive environments. A group using RA or MC also qualifies as OA. This is why the community acronym includes all three.
There are more discreet examples for each. It’s possible to find many symptoms of RAMCOA and have none of those maltreatments as the cause. It’s possible to have none and still be abused.
Noticing indicators in children should be followed up by alerting any available reliable authority. Children sometimes disclose using metaphors or slang words they have been taught, so keep this in mind if you work with them.
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tirsynni · 10 months
Slightly random mental health thing:
I often see people posting ADHD or ADHD-adjacent things online, and people who haven't been diagnosed with ADHD (for multiple reasons, usually just failing to see a psychologist/psychiatrist in the first place) go "Oh, shit, that sounds like me! I must have ADHD!"
When it comes to mental health diagnoses, a good doctor will rule out other possibilities first. It's not to discredit or diminish the patient. It's to make sure the right thing is treated. When you see something like that online describing mental health symptoms, it might be a good idea to give yourself a good once-over, too.
For example, while many people (typically women and non-white individuals) are frustrated that they don't get an ADHD diagnosis and thus treatment until they're adults, many children are diagnosed with ADHD who don't have ADHD and thus receive medication they never should have had. Why? Because exhaustion and stress have many of the same symptoms as ADHD. For many doctors (and especially parents), it's quicker and easier to slap on the ADHD label and, in far too many cases, effectively blame the child for the child's struggles rather than recognize it as an environmental issue which needs changing asap. A parent struggles with a child being cranky, distracted, and moody and decides that the child must have ADHD rather than it being a symptom of their parenting. They take the child in and will sometimes doctor-shop until the doctor agrees with them and medicates the child into submission.
(Sometimes, the parent ignores the child's concerns in a completely different way and blames the child for "staying up too late" and "playing too many video games" and insists that ADHD is made up and their child doesn't have it, but that's a different rant.)
ADHD symptoms have a strong overlap with other symptoms from other issues, including burnout and depression. Sometimes, things aren't symptoms and are basically just personality quirks. (Remember: for it to count as a disorder, it has to have history to it and it has to have a negative impact on someone's life.) There's a fine line between self-awareness and self-pathologizing. The immediate response shouldn't be watching a Tik-Tok and going "Shit, I must have a neurological disorder!" Sometimes going down that rabbit hole helps someone realize that yes, they should check in with a psychologist for a professional opinion. Sometimes, it just ends with the person self-diagnosing with something they don't have and entering self-pathologizing or hypochondriac territory.
But the big thing? Sometimes, people watch videos with people describing ADHD or other symptoms and feel kinship, and it's not because they have a neurological disorder (or that specific neurological disorder). Cranky? Distracted? Having problems focusing? Difficulties with emotional regulation? Difficulties starting/completing tasks? It might be ADHD but it is usually better to check into physical or environmental problems first and rule them out. It might not be an ADHD diagnosis which is needed but a life/environmental change, improved self-care, a new life path, whatever. Sometimes the need is less for meds and more for improved sleep, more sleep, finding things of actual interests instead of what you feel like you should be interested in, etc.
It's always better to rule out physical issues before checking into neurological disorders. It's similar to the doctors who have the kneejerk response of "You're just fat and you need to lose weight," and then the person discovers the symptoms were due to cancer. Before deciding your constant distractibility or whatever is due to ADHD, make sure it isn't exhaustion, dehydration, and pending emotional/physical burnout before the shit hits the fan.
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creative-anchorage · 9 months
Welcome to the Great UTI Scandal, a story of unnecessary suffering for millions, needless hospital admissions, antibiotic resistance, sepsis-related deaths and basic ignorance of the science around female bodies. Women are 30 times more likely to get a urinary tract infection than men, and UTIs are agonising and occasionally fatal. In the past five years, there were 1.8m hospital admissions involving UTIs in England alone, plus even more GP appointments. This is not just a gender health gap – it’s a dangerous crevasse. But is there another way? ... Younger women do suffer from infections, dehydration and post-sex cystitis, but the brunt is borne by older women. UTI rates shoot upwards when women hit 45 and are perimenopause. The loss of the hormone oestrogen leaves the vulva dry in menopause (and sometimes post-pregnancy), a condition previously called “vaginal atrophy” – perhaps because early medics were only focused on those lady parts useful to men. Now, the hormone deficiency has been renamed Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM) and Dr Rachel Rubin, a campaigning urologist [...] explained why. “This is not just vaginal dryness. GSM is a very serious condition. Without hormones in the local environment of the vagina and the bladder, you are susceptible to both genital and urinary symptoms. So, yes, it’s about pain with sex, decreased orgasm, decreased arousal. As a sex doctor, those are important to me. However, as a urologist, the much more serious issues are discomfort, pain when sitting, irritation, burning and itching of the vulva, urinary frequency and urgency. And the thing that kills elderly people all the time is urinary tract infections, which can lead to sepsis, worsened dementia, and death.” The NHS says the death rate for hospital UTIs is 4 in 100, rising to 1 in 10 in those aged 95 and over. Just as we have a gut microbiome, we have a vaginal microbiome. Lack of oestrogen means the lactobacilli and other good bacteria in the vaginal microbiome can be replaced by pathogenic ones. Oestrogen also helps collagen production, and collagen disappears from the vulva by up to 30% in the five years after menopause. We invest millions in collagen supplements and anti-ageing serums for our faces, but it never occurs to us that precisely the same process goes on down below. ... But guess what? We can prevent GSM for women in perimenopause and menopause by giving them a safe, incredibly low dose of vaginal oestrogen, which plumps the tissue back up again, feeds the vaginal microbiome and reduces UTIs by 50%, according to the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. It’s safe for most breast cancer patients, too, it’s a win-win on the sex front and you can take it alongside normal HRT. Vaginal hormones come as a cream, gel or pessary and are cheap, costing the NHS around £5 for the cream. Meanwhile hospital admissions for people with UTIs stand at around £400m a year. Although some GPs and urologists are getting the message and prescribing vaginal oestrogen, more work needs to be done. In one California study in 2003 of over 5,000 women (average age 70), more than half had reduced UTIs after a year on vaginal oestrogen and a third had none whatsoever. Dr Rubin said: “We have millions of people in nursing homes who are dying of UTIs [in the US] and we have lots of data since the 1990s to show that vaginal hormones massively decrease urinary tract infections. We have new data. We have old data. We have so much data. The problem is that nobody’s talking about it.”
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About Nina Cerasus’s illness the HCM
I mentioned in most of the chapters in Star-crossed and in Heavenbound (they both my fic you can read them here) that she has an illness that causes her character to have some plotlines and complexity. 
It is actually a rare disease in real life, and not many know about it, so I decided to make an extra post to share some extra info about it. Let’s dig in!
About HCM: 
It’s a type of heart disease called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). 
It basically causes the heart muscles to thicken, which in turn makes it more difficult to pump blood through the body’s system. HCM is a heart disease that can affect how effectively the heart can pump blood.
HCM is autosomal dominant condition, meaning that individuals have a 50% chance of inheriting, or passing on, the predisposition to this disorder to their children. (Nina inherited from her father Felix who already had a heart transplant surgery.)
What is it like to live with a disease like this? 
The symptoms that Nina exhibits include shortness of breath, chest pain, and a propensity for fainting or feeling dizzy. There’s also a heightened risk of heart failure or sudden cardiac death. Also the medications she needs to take, make her often have a cold nose, hands and feet. 
People with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) will benefit from a heart-healthy diet. This includes a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and low in added sugar, sodium, and trans and saturated fats.
So Nina usually eats a very healthy balanced meal.
Making lifestyle changes such as exercising more, quitting smoking, and avoiding alcohol are beneficial. However, if you have HCM you should speak with a doctor before increasing your physical activity. The recommendation for people with HCM is to avoid high-intensity exercise since it can worsen symptoms. This is why Nina has pilates classes with Master Plo, and meditating classes.
About drinking coffee or other caffeinated drinks, always talk to your cardiologist! Because  caffeine is a stimulant that affects everyone differently. If you are living with HCM, know how the foods, beverages, and supplements you consume could affect your heart rhythm.
Like alcohol, caffeine can also cause dehydration, which can worsen the symptoms of HCM. Ask your doctor about caffeine and what levels of coffee, soda, tea, and other caffeinated products are safe for you to drink.
I made Nina a tea girlie. 
Women with HCM generally tolerate pregnancy well. The risk is however higher in women who are symptomatic before pregnancy or in those with severe left ventricular outflow tract obstruction. The incidence of arrhythmias does not appear to be increased during pregnancy and maternal mortality is low. But I made Nina make the decision to not have her own biological baby, and choose adoption instead in the Heavenbound storyline.
Author's Note: 
I have to say that people with this kind of disease can live a normal life.
But I slightly overemphasized Nina's illness at certain points for dramaturgical reasons.
For example, hyperspace travels take a toll on her, if she doesn't receive certain treatment beforehand. This idea came from the fact that all travel can be physically stressful for us, so traveling in space and hyperspace jumping can certainly have an even greater effect on a person, and there is also space radiation. Thus, Nina must receive a certain vitamin cocktail injection in my story before the trip. This is, of course, fiction!
Nina avoids alcohol, smoking and caffeine-based drinks mostly. In her early 20's and party years she drinks and occasionally smokes, and quits it after receiving some bad news of her health.
She drinks mint tea. She exercises often and takes the necessary medications despite the side effects. She chose not to have a baby because she does not want to pass on this disease and is also afraid of death caused by childbirth.
I also wanted to show the emotional side of what it's like to live with this type of illness. In Star-crossed fic I have written many emotions based on my own experiences. (Not everyone accepts this disease with such feelings, of course it happens differently for everyone.) But in Nina's point of view - even if it was a little exaggerated - I gave her a lot of emotions and memories from my life. 
In the first chapter and several other crisis situations, Nina experiences these  emotional "storms". 
These panic attacks usually happen to her after experiencing trauma. For example, when her mother died or when her father left them. When she found out about her illness and when Maul left her. (all mentioned in Star-crossed fic).It’s basically a panic attack mixed with deep repressed depression bursting out. 
She called these episodes "storms" because just like the rain clouds these episodes end eventually.
Under these episodes she usually feels chest pain, dizziness, nauseous and she can't stop crying for a long time. 
Nina is terribly ashamed of these episodes, she feels weak and vulnerable, which she hates. In such cases, she releases all suppressed anger and sadness by crying. When they are over, Nina is numb and quiet, her mind clears as she rebuilds her armor/or inner world. She represses and buries all the painful memories and thus tries to move on. (The first chapter of Star-crossed is basically an episode of one of her "storm.")
I know I kinda trauma dumped her, but don't feel bad about it. With these illnesses both physical and mental I wanted to give her character some complexity, and some dramatic deep feelings.
She is my character and I wanted to write a character who has the same illness as me. This is a kind of personal coping mechanism for me and I don't want to receive negative comments about it. If you don't like it, or triggered by it then, please move on to another blog and another story.
Taglist: @hellhound5925 @cloneloverrrrr @stardustbee @the-chains-are-the-easy-part @firstofficerwiggles
let me know if you would like to be added!
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lunarsilkscreen · 2 months
Criminalization of Human Urges
This is literally going to be about Sex, Women's Reproductive Rights and Birth Control.
If a person was starving; would you imprison them for sating their hunger? Or if they were thirsty and dehydrated, would imprison them for slaking their thirst?
Highly religious people always go to this weird place that everybody has it in them to be like Ghandi, and just never masturbate, never give in to their urges, etc...
Look, I'm not saying Men should give in to their urges and Rape every chance they get. We have the word "Blueballed" for a reason.
Consent matters.
But when two people are in a state of thirst, and they thirst for each other; they're going to slake it.
IN FACT! Being able to walk away as the Christ or Ghandi is literally a symptom of being on the autism spectrum.
It's the core joke in the high functioning Autism boards AND the aro/ace(aromatic/asexual) boards that "I would rather play Legos with somebody than have sex on a first date."
I know "Playing Legos" *sounds* like it could be double entendre; but I ensure you. It's meant literally
And while I was raised Christian, and have internalized the "Don't have sex ever cause getting somebody pregnant is the devil's work" Most religious people haven't even done that.
That's why God invented Condoms.
Because he was the one who gave humans their urges in the first place.
And so if you want to be super religious "no sex unless you're married and want to have kids" argument because Abraham said Soo....
We must also consider human urges and what happens if a spark happens betwixt two people.
If God designed human to starve; he wouldn't make them hunger.
And so; I believe, that our society's laws should reflect this and provide avenues for this logical outcome.
Not everyone is pious enough to abstain for a lifetime, and so we shouldn't expect them to be. Otherwise it's a criminalization of simply being alive and human.
We logically know that people under a certain age, have an impulse control less than their urges. Especially, if put at an extreme.
And again; I'm not saying we shouldn't also teach abstinence. But at the same time; we shouldn't condemn people for shaking what their God hath gave them.
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marissadickens · 4 months
Water retention: know it, and then fight it!
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If there is a skin blemish that puts a strain on our self-confidence, it is water retention, especially with the arrival of summer. It makes our legs heavy and swollen, and we can add the emotional discomfort to the physical one. This happens because this condition often imposes itself as an obstacle too difficult to overcome, and that is why it tends to run for cover at the last minute, spending a lot of money to witness a miracle that never arrives!
Nowadays we often hear about many strategies against the accumulation of water in the body, such as facial lymphatic drainage massage that is becoming popular, but there is still a lot of confusion about it. This happens because it is not clear to everyone what the real causes are, and consequently, what the right treatment is.
What is water retention?
Water retention is a common condition that occurs when excess fluid accumulates in body tissues: the organism tends to accumulate liquids in the spaces between the cells, thus causing more or less evident swelling called edemas. These edemas are often spread in areas of the body predisposed to the accumulation of adipose tissue, such as the buttocks, legs, ankles, and abdomen. This condition is related to the action of estrogen hormones, typically female, which is why water retention affects women the most. 
We often tend to confuse water retention with cellulite, but in reality, these are two different ailments: cellulite is an inflammatory process of subcutaneous adipose tissue, due to hypertrophy of fat cells and changes in the venous and lymphatic systems. Cellulite, compared to water retention, it is more difficult to treat. That said, water retention can be cured, especially if the causes are identified. 
What causes water retention?
Understanding the causes and symptoms of water retention is essential to effectively combat this condition and improve overall health. Several factors can contribute to water retention, and some of the most common causes include:
• Sodium intake
• Excessive use of salt
• Dehydration
• Hormonal changes
• Some medications
• Problems of blood circulation
• Sedentary 
• Keeping a static position for too long
• Clothes too tight
• Heels too high
• Smoking
• Excessive consumption of alcohol
How to combat water retention?
There are several effective ways to combat water retention and reduce swelling in the body, and many of them are directly proportional to the causes mentioned above: 
• Reduce sodium intake and eat foods rich in potassium, because it helps balance sodium levels in the body and reduce water retention.
• Reduce the use of salt
• Stay hydrated (drink at least 2 liters of water a day)
• Treat hormonal dysfunctions
• Do sports or go for a walk
• Lead a healthy lifestyle (sleep well and eat healthy)
Follow these tips if you want to get many more results:
• Drinking draining herbal teas: herbal teas based on draining plants such as dandelion, nettle, fennel, or birch, can help stimulate lymphatic drainage and reduce water retention.
• Lymphatic massages: specific massages that stimulate the lymphatic system can be effective in promoting excess fluid drainage and reducing swelling.
• Raising legs to the wall: maintaining this position for 10-20 minutes stimulates blood circulation and reduces swelling considerably.
• Eating diuretic foods: many plant-based foods counteract water retention thanks to their diuretic action. The most common are: pineapple, watermelon, asparagus, artichokes, cucumbers, melon, blueberries, celery, apples, and tomatoes.
• Taking specific supplements: Using supplements based on natural components further increases the diuretic action. The most effective ones contain birch, centella, dandelion, melilot, pineapple, and bromelain.
Water retention occurs in the same way, through heaviness, swelling, and stagnation, but the causes are multiple. Fortunately, the solutions are no less, and they are not unattainable. Unless you are dealing with specific issues, following strategic precautions can cure and also eliminate the accumulation of water in your body. Once you individualize the cause, go and find the right solution. But don’t go too far... it’s closer than you think!
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rabbitcruiser · 4 months
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National Heat Awareness Day
National Heat Awareness Day is observed annually on the last Friday of May, which falls on May 31 this year. National Heat Awareness Day is an effort by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the National Weather Service to alert workers, employers, and the public at large about the (preventable) health dangers related to heat, in order to reduce the overall rate of illnesses and deaths caused by it. This day was specially founded as a reminder that many outdoor workers or laborers are at risk of serious heat-induced conditions like heat exhaustion, dehydration, heatstroke, and even death. We bring you tips on how spreading awareness about these conditions and their prevention can help mitigate such unnecessary medical emergencies.
History of National Heat Awareness Day
National Heat Awareness Day was founded by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the National Weather Service, an agency of the U.S. Federal Government. While there is no record of its first observance, the importance of this day and what it stands for is why we are including it.
The reality is that every year, in the U.S. alone, people suffer and die from heat-induced illnesses, which could easily have been prevented with the right protective measures and intervention. Groups that are especially vulnerable to heat are outdoor workers (like farmers and manual laborers), young children, elderly adults, people with chronic medical conditions, and pregnant women. Heatwaves have been on the rise over the past few decades, with a definite correlation to climate change and the crisis of global warming. In the U.S. itself, recent history shows the shocking death toll due to heatwaves. While various measures are being taken to adapt to rising temperatures and humidity, there is a need for awareness to be spread in order to mitigate the losses.
Therefore, this day was created in order to spread awareness to overcome the high-temperature-related issues. This day is also observed to encourage the consumption of water to avoid heat-related illness. Americans seem to still underestimate the health risks related to conditions of extreme heat or temperatures, even though it’s the deadliest weather condition in the country. With factors like pollution causing temperatures to rise earlier each year, the onslaught of the heat of summer is coming faster every year. For this reason, it is imperative that the nation at large begins to sit up and take notice of the fact that there are many groups in need of protection from an unexpected killer.
National Heat Awareness Day timeline
1600s The Term ‘Heatwave’ is Born
The term heatwave originates in America.
198o Heatwaves Turn Deadly
A heatwave kills 1,250 in the U.S.
1995 Chicago’s Killer Heatwave
A heatwave in Chicago kills 700 people.
2003 Worst Heatwave in Europe
A heatwave across Europe becomes responsible for over 50,000 deaths.
National Heat Awareness Day FAQs
What are three signs of heatstroke?
Symptoms of both heat exhaustion and heat stroke include fatigue/weakness, headaches, and confusion or dizziness. However, in the case of heat exhaustion, your heartbeat slows down, muscles can cramp and there is excessive sweating accompanied by intense thirst. In the case of heatstroke, your heartbeat quickens, you can experience shortness of breath and your skin feels hot, with decreased sweating and urination. In both cases, the person affected should be moved to a cool, shaded location, given sips of water to drink and their skin needs to be cooled with water or ice (until medical help arrives).
Why is heatwave dangerous?
“Heatwaves can kill via the dehydration caused by heavy sweating; the altered sodium and potassium concentrations in the blood confuse both heart and nerve cells, and so breathing or heartbeat may suddenly stop,” according to DownToEarth.
What is the highest heatwave ever recorded?
The National Weather Service recorded a temperature of 130℉ in Death Valley National Park, California, in 2020. This could be the highest temperature ever reliably recorded on earth!
How to Observe National Heat Awareness Day
Chug, chug, chug that H2O
Commit to protecting the vulnerable
Get the word out
Dehydration is one of the most preventable things, which, if left ignored, can lead to more serious health issues. Therefore it is recommended by experts everywhere that eight glasses of water a day is a good standard to maintain. Not only does your body stay hydrated, but water also helps flush toxins out of the body.
There are many online campaigns and grassroots petitions being signed to support the need for outdoor workers to have adequate laws to protect them from heat and other work- environment-related health hazards. Read up and get involved, because every voice does matter!
With powerful tools like social media at our disposal, we can rally our communities (both virtual and real) to spread awareness about the very real risks of heat-related medical conditions that could affect anyone at any time. Train yourself and someone you know to recognize the signs and take action — a little bit can go a long way.
5 Tips On Beating The Heat This Summer
Stay hydrated
Keep your fashion light and breezy
Slather on sunscreen
Avoid going outdoors in peak times
Limit your activity
The manifold benefits of drinking enough water and fluids cannot be stressed enough.
Wear loose-fitting and lightweight clothing, made with breathable fabrics like cotton.
The importance of sunscreen as protection against the sun is never going to get old.
Avoid stepping out into the sun during its peak hours, especially without protection.
Leave the intense workouts for early mornings or nights, and take it easy during the midday heat.
Why National Heat Awareness Day Is Important
Lobbies to protect the vulnerable
It educates us on prevention methods
It resonates with people everywhere
Several years ago, OSHA began a Heat Illness Prevention Campaign to spread awareness about the dangers of working in conditions of extreme heat. Their petition for change could be boiled down to three simple demands for workers — shade, rest, and water. The onus falls on employers to ensure that their workers are receiving these basic requirements and are being protected from extreme heat and other hazardous conditions.
By reinforcing such basic preventative measures, National Heat Awareness Day brings the reality of things we take for granted (like water) to the forefront and makes us more mindful of our own health.
Heatwaves and heat-related health issues are on the rise all over the world, thanks to climate change. Therefore the message of National Heat Awareness Day is relevant to people across the globe, especially as many nations do not even have access to resources like drinking water and electricity. It opens one’s eyes to the larger realities of social injustice and climate change.
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foundtherightwords · 1 year
All Our Yesterdays - Chapter 7
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Pairing: Ralph (Timewasters) x OFC
Summary: Thu, a museum archivist, only wants to escape her dull life in 21st-century Hanoi. The last thing she expects is to end up in 1929 Indochina via a time-traveling elevator and cross paths with Ralph, an Englishman on the run from the French Foreign Legion. Romance blossoms between them, but in a colonized country, unrest is always looming on the horizon, and Thu must decide if she wants to stay with Ralph in the past or return to the safety of the future.
Warnings: outdated/period-typical attitudes about women, mentions of war, mentions of pregnancy and abortion (involving a supporting character), some angst, some smut (non-explicit)
Chapter word count: 3.8k
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Ralph was a little suspicious when Thu gave him the paracetamol and explained that it would bring his fever down.
"How can a painkiller bring down a fever?" he said. "I've never heard of laudanum or morphine being used as a fever reducer."
Thu stared at him, until she remembered those were the common painkillers of this time. "Look, don't ask me how it works, all right?" she said irritably. "Just take it whenever you feel the fever coming, but no more than one every six hours."
Ralph meekly complied. About twenty minutes later, he sat up in bed, looking astonished. "My God, I feel better already! And yet you said there was no cure?"
"No, this only takes care of the symptoms," she said reluctantly, hating to see the fear coming back in his eyes. "But don't worry. I'll be here." She gave his hand a little pat.
On her way back to Ralph's place, she had dropped by the office to ask for the rest of the day off, saying she had to take care of a sick friend. She knew they would all guess who the "friend" was, but she ignored their pointed looks.
"You don't have to go to such trouble for me," Ralph said, when she asked if he wanted her to stay that night.
"It's no trouble at all. Your couch and I are old friends," she said, trying to make a joke. She didn't want to scare him by mentioning that he might take a turn for the worse in the night.
"Then stay. Please."
There was something in the simple, familiar way he said those words that touched her. So she stayed that night, and the night after, and the night after as well, until she all but moved in with him. Though she still went to work as usual, she gave all the errands to Mai so she could stay in the office and check on Ralph sporadically during the day. She slept on the couch in the living room that first night, but as his fever raged on, she forgot her modesty and dragged the couch into his bedroom, where she could get up more easily and give him some water or wipe down his sweaty brow with a cool towel.
Ralph's early grumpiness was gone, burned away by the fever while he lay tossing and turning in bed. The paracetamol helped a little, but then the fever would come back with a vengeance, leaving him too exhausted to even speak. Only his eyes, despite looking rather glassy and tired, remained fixed on Thu, full of trust, as she went about the room, tidying it up or laying out his medicine and food.
She bought him congee, that traditional food for sick people, and oranges, which she juiced and added a pinch of salt. He grimaced at the first sip.
"Drink it," Thu said grimly. "Or you'll end up like me, dehydrated and your electrolytes all out of whack."
"I don't know what that means."
"It means hospital," she deadpanned. At that, he didn't need to be told twice and obediently gulped down the orange juice.
On the third day, the fever broke, and Ralph was able to sit up in bed, looking more alert. Thu remained cautious, noticing how pale his lips had gone and how a rash had started to break out on his skin, creeping up his neck and down his arms. She knew this stage was when the real danger began and tried to remember what treatment she had gone through when she was in the hospital. Unfamiliar words like platelet count and fluid build-up flitted through her mind, but there was no way she could do any of that at home. The only thing she could do was to watch Ralph carefully for signs of bleeding.
"Listen, if you find blood when—uh, when you go to the bathroom, you have to let me know, OK?" she told him, making them both squirm with embarrassment. "If that happens, there's nothing I can do. You have to go to the hospital."
"Do I?"
"What would you rather risk, getting arrested or dying? Promise you'll tell me?"
"... All right, I promise."
Unlike his quiet lethargy during the fever, Ralph was agitated in the days of vigil that followed. He tried to move around, going into his dark room to look over his neglected photos, but he got tired so quickly that he was forced to go back to bed, only to sit there fretting because he was bored. Thu brought back some French-language books and newspapers for him, but he only glanced at them before tossing them aside. His appetite was also affected by the fever, and when Thu brought home some more congee, he only took a sip, then made a face and pushed his bowl away.
"What's wrong?" she asked.
"I don't want it."
"But this is easy to digest, in case—in case your stomach is bleeding."
"I'm sick of it."
"Well, what do you usually eat back home when you're sick then?" Thu asked, trying hard not to get annoyed. After all, she couldn't blame him. She remembered getting fed up with the endless congee during her stay at the hospital too. There were different side dishes that went with it—minced pork, poached eggs, braised chicken, pickled vegetables, fresh herbs—but after a while, it had blurred into the same dish.
"I don't know, soup, I guess?" Ralph said. "I would kill for some split pea soup right now. Or oxtail soup."
Oxtail soup?! Does he think he's at some fancy French hotel or something?
"Well, I'm sorry our culinary selection is rather poor for your taste," Thu snapped. "There are starving children out there, you know!" She stormed into the living room, taking the congee with her.
A few minutes later, a sheepish Ralph appeared at the door. He went over to the table and timidly reached for the bowl. She tried to swat his hand away. "I thought you didn't want it."
"I'm sorry," he said in a small voice. "I didn't mean to complain. You've done so much for me, and here I am, being a spoiled brat..."
Thu tried to keep her face stony, but when he wobbled a little and slumped down into the chair in front of her, she couldn't take it anymore. "Go back to bed before you kill yourself," she said, trying to sound stern. "I'll bring the bowl in."
Later, after Ralph had finished the congee under her watchful eye, he looked at her apologetically. "I'm sorry for snapping at you when you first came in too," he said. "It's just that—everybody always thought I knew nothing and had to be taken care of."
"Who's everybody?"
"Oh, you know. My parents. Victoria. We're twins, you know, except Victoria always has to tell people that she was born first, so she can boss me around."
Thu paused in the middle of sipping from her own bowl. "I don't boss you around, do I?"
"No, not at all." He gave her a little smile. "And even if you did, I wouldn't mind."
Flustered, she lifted the whole bowl up to slurp the rest of the congee. Her mom would probably scream at her for having such terrible table manners, but she had to do it to hide her blush, which always seemed to surface whenever he smiled at her.
The nights were long and restless. Thu kept waking up with a start, afraid that Ralph might be bleeding to death across the room and she wouldn't know. One night, as she startled awake yet again, she saw Ralph looking over at her. Even with the two layers of mosquito nets between them, she could still see his eyes sparkle in the dim light of the street lamps.
"Can't sleep?" he asked.
"No, it's not that. Just—how are you feeling?"
"I feel fine. Really. Go back to sleep."
"That's the thing with dengue fever. One minute you're feeling fine, the next you're bleeding from your organs and going in to shock—sorry, didn't mean to scare you."
"Would you like to take the bed? It's more comfortable. I wouldn't mind the couch. I've slept enough during the day already."
"I'm not taking your bed."
The bed creaked. From the street came the sad, drawn-out sound of a vendor selling rice cakes, like the call of some lonely night bird.
"Do you think I'm creepy?"
The non-sequitur made Thu turn to her side to take a better look at him. "Why'd you ask that?"
"Lauren called me creepy."
"Because you proposed?" She didn't want to be petty, but the more she heard about Lauren, the less Thu started to like her.
Ralph's hands were fiddling with his quilt, and he didn't look at her. "I—uh, I tried to capture her breath. In a jar."
"You what now?!"
"I read it in a poem. Something about capturing your lover's breath so when she takes your breath away, you can get it back—"
Thu sat up. "It's poetry! It's a figure of speech! Seriously, what were you thinking?"
"I thought I was being romantic—"
"Romantic? You were just one short, crazy step away from turning her into a human skin coat!"
Ralph turned to her, startled. "Wait, why did you say that? Lauren said the same thing. Is that an actual thing in the future or—"
"It's from a movie," Thu said, rolling her eyes. She had to stop with the modern references. Ralph was worse than Captain America when it came to them.
"So I am creepy?"
Thu scrutinized him. Two months was not a long time to get to know someone, but she couldn't imagine that Ralph was some sort of a creepy stalker or serial killer in disguise. She had never met anyone so transparent with his emotions, with everything he did. Besides, even if he was some sort of creepy stalking serial killer, who would his intended victims be? Young women lost in time? It wouldn't be a very lucrative career for him. And a creep wouldn't have the self-awareness to ask if he was a creep, would he?
"That was creepy, but no, I don't think you are a creep." Then, just to make it clear that she would not stand for that sort of behavior, she grumbled, "It's a good thing you didn't tell me this earlier, or I never would've stayed with you."
In the gloom, Ralph's eyes were huge with worry. "You're not going to leave now, are you?"
Thu thought about Homeless Pete, about the time machine at the Printing House still calling for her like a beacon. "No," she said. "I'll be here until you get better."
Finally, after a week, Ralph appeared to be out of danger. His rash was mostly gone, and though he remained pale and often out of breath, he could move about more easily. Thu started thinking about bringing up her discovery of Homeless Pete and the possibility of her going home, but for some reason, she kept putting it off. She didn't even raise the question of going back to her boarding house—Heavens know what her landlady must be thinking of her now—and Ralph didn't either. They had settled into a comfortable routine over the past week, and it seemed both were reluctant to break it up.
So she still tossed and turned at night, not with worry, but with the dilemma of what to say to him churning up her brain. On the bed, Ralph was wakeful as well, watching the faint shadows of the trees outside on the wall and the ceiling.
"If you had the time machine, where would you go? Or rather, when would you go?"
He took a moment, thinking. "Summer of 1914," finally he said. "Victoria and I were nine going on ten. We were supposed to go to our country estate, but the War had just started and it was all chaos, so our parents sent us to some cousins in Rye instead. We went hop picking with them. Victoria hated it because she got hay fever, but I loved it. You ever picked hops?"
Thu shook her head. "We don't have hops here. Is the stuff they use to make beer, right?"
"Yes. I remember running between the tall rows of hops like a giant green tunnel, and catching caterpillars, and jumping into the hop bins with the other kids. It smells so good." He turned over to his back, looking up at the ceiling, reminiscing. "Sometimes the cousins would take us to Dungeness Beach. It's a shingle beach, you know, no sand, all pebbles. I always tried to find a hag stone, but I never did."
"What's a hag stone?"
"A stone with a hole in it. They say it's magic and can bring you good luck."
Thu watched him getting lost in his memories, and for a moment, felt herself transported there as well. She could see Ralph as a little boy, running through an idyllic English landscape that she'd only seen on TV or read about in books. "But if you went back there, you would still be you now," she said. "I suppose you have to be a kid to enjoy all that, don't you?"
"No, I think I'd still enjoy it," he said, with conviction.
"So why would you even need the time machine? You can just go home. The beach is still there. And so are the hop fields."
Ralph looked wistful. "Yes, but there was something about that summer. I think everybody, whether they knew it or not, was trying to have a great time before the War took it all away. That's what made it special."
Thu was quiet, thinking about the war that was coming to the entire world, and the one coming to her country, and the one after that. For the first time, she realized that Ralph would have to live through another world war. He was probably a little young to remember the first one, but he would be sure to remember this one. That is if he survived it. Her heart constricted.
"Wouldn't you like to go to the future?" she asked.
"Perhaps," he answered, turning to his side so they were face-to-face. "Is it very different from now?"
"Yes. Almost like another world."
"In a good way or bad way?"
"Some of the changes are good. Better technology, better medicine. Some are bad though. It's a lot more crowded. Polluted. And when everything about you can be stored in a plastic rectangle, or a phone the size of your palm, it's very easy to lose a sense of who you are."
But Ralph wasn't interested in philosophical discussions about the self in modern times. "Is the food still the same?" he asked.
Thu had to smile. "Yeah, it's the same. Better, even. There's more variety. You can have oxtail soup in Hanoi, if you want."
"Wizard. Maybe I could go for a visit then. If you'd be there to show me around."
"Thank you," he said, his eyes fluttering drowsily. "And then maybe we could go back to 1914 together. I'd love to show you around too."
"I'd like that."
"Good. 'Cause it'd be no fun without you..."
Something in the way he said it made her heart do a summersault. Surely, they were just talking hypothetically here. And surely, his offer was just to be polite. She tried to tell herself that. She tried to tell herself that he simply latched on to her because she was the only person that knew his secret, just as she'd latched on to him. She tried to tell herself that the tenderness in his eyes was probably just due to the fever. And even if it was real, then this was a boy who had proposed to a girl he'd only known for a week, a girl who, by his own admission, hated his guts. He probably fell in love all the time. It didn't mean anything.
Even as she told herself this, Thu realized she was actually considering the possibility of Ralph falling in love with her, and her heart was doing a jazz number at the idea. No. It was stupid. She had a boyfriend... or had she had a boyfriend? And even if she had broken up with Hoang, Ralph wasn't even her type! Her type was strictly "tall, dark, and brooding", Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice. Well, Ralph was tall, but he wasn't exactly dark—his hair and eyes both had lighter undertones that, under the right light, made them look like they were dusted with gold—and he certainly wasn't brooding. That boy was a golden retriever. He couldn't brood even if his life depended on it.
Plus, it was pointless to entertain the idea. Regardless of how Ralph felt about her, regardless of how she felt about him, she was going home, and that was that. She just had to tell him so, and let him decide what to do.
"Well then you're in luck," she said, trying to sound cheerful, "because guess what, or rather, who I ran into?"
There was no answer. She looked over to the bed. Ralph was fast asleep, his cheek pillowed on his hand, his mouth hanging open, snoring lightly.
Thu sighed. She would have to try again then. The only problem was she had no idea when or how.
It was too hard, Thu decided, to tell Ralph about her imminent departure face-to-face. It would be best if she went back to her boarding house and left him a note, as she had done that first night. She had to go back for her things anyway, and to hand in her notice at the newspaper. There was a twinge in her heart when she thought about saying goodbye to the women. She was going to miss them. She tried not to think whether she was going to miss Ralph.
"So you're going?" he asked that morning, looking rather downcast as he watched her pack her things.
"I have to, or my landlady is going to think I've done a runner," she said, trying to joke.
"It's my birthday on the 30th," he said. "I don't know what I'm doing yet, but I'll see you then, shall I?"
His birthday! Damn it. She couldn't bring herself to tell him that she would be gone by then. "Yeah," she said shortly, not looking at him.
Ralph hesitated, like he wanted to say something but wasn't quite sure how to. "Well... thank you for everything," eventually he said.
"Don't mention it." She lifted her bag up and extended a hand. "... Take care of yourself, OK? And for Heaven's sake, don't forget that mosquito net."
"I won't." Was it her imagination, or did he squeeze her hand a little too tightly, and let go a little reluctantly? "Thank you, Autumn," he said.
"Did you just call me 'Autumn'?" she asked, amused.
"... Yes." He looked away briefly, before turning those puppy eyes on her again. "May I?"
"What's wrong with 'Thu'?"
"Nothing! It's a perfectly fine name. I know they mean the same thing, but they evoke different things, you know? Thu is cool and bright, while Autumn is gentle and elegant... does that make sense? They're both you. It's just—Autumn sounds more romantic to me. As in poetic, I mean," he hastily corrected himself. When she didn't answer, he looked down, discomfited. "I know we haven't known each other for very long. And I'm not familiar with the Annam etiquette for nicknames. Perhaps you don't have nicknames at all. I suppose it's rather presumptuous of me to even ask. You can refuse. I'll understand."
But Thu wasn't listening to the rest of his speech. She just kept staring at him, all disheveled in his pajamas, pale and thin after his illness, while he avoided her eyes and shuffled his feet, the tips of his ears turning bright red. Did he just call me cool and bright and gentle and elegant? If he wasn't interested in her, he was doing a terrible job of showing that.
"No, it's OK," she said, a little breathlessly. "You can call me Autumn."
In a daze, she went back to the boarding house and dropped off her things. She had to pack, to stop by the office, and write the note for Ralph... Ralph, who had smiled and squeezed her hand as they said goodbye, certain that he was going to see her again... Ralph, who had asked if he could call her a romantic nickname... Somehow, her feet took her, almost of their own accord, back to the War Memorial at Robin Park. There was something she must check first. It had been a week; he might not be there at all.
She felt something rather akin to disappointment when the memorial came within sight and she saw Homeless Pete's black-coated figure lounging at its base, next to some ragged, desperate-looking people. This must be a regular hangout spot for the local homeless population. So Homeless Pete had told her the truth. He could be found there.
For a long while, Thu stood across the avenue, under the shadow of the Flag Tower, while a debate raged on in her mind. She could go home. It would be so easy. All she needed was some chocolate. It had only been two months. Even if she had gone missing for two months back in 2023, she was sure she could think of some crazy story to explain it away, and her family would be so glad to see her that they wouldn't care.
But as she was contemplating this, she was also remembering the way Ralph had looked at her in the past week, with so much trust and perhaps something else as well, the way he had offered to show her his world just like she had shown him hers, the way he had asked, so shyly and tenderly, if he could call her "Autumn". There was so much she still wanted to show him, so much she wanted to experience with him—his birthday, Christmas, New Year, Lunar New Year, all the foods and festivals and the fun of everyday life...
With one last look at Homeless Pete, Thu turned on her heel, walked to Rue Paul Bert, and went into Godard's department store. She didn't buy any chocolate though. Instead, she bought a wheel of Brie, which Ralph had mentioned as his favorite cheese. It cost her nearly half a month's rent, but she could afford it, and after a week of nothing but congee, he deserved a treat.
Chapter 8
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usfreehealthcare · 1 year
natural remedy for gastroparesis
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Gastroparesis or stomach paralysis is a condition in which the movement of the stomach (due to spontaneous muscle contraction) does not work properly. When the stomach muscles are strong and healthy, they push food forward along the digestive tract in preparation for release into the intestines.   In gastroparesis, this mobility is limited or absent at all, and therefore the contents of the stomach are not emptied completely. In this way, the natural digestion process is disrupted and the conditions for symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, increased blood sugar, etc. are provided.   Currently, there is no definitive treatment for this problem and only the symptoms can be improved. We recommend to start with home treatment of stomach paralysis and traditional medicine. If they are not effective, go to drug therapy. Because most home remedies are safe and without side effects.
Treatment of gastroparesis with home and natural methods
According to statistics, the probability of contracting gastric paralysis is about 50 cases per 100,000 people. Women are 4 times more prone to this problem than men. Although experience has shown that home remedies are really effective in managing gastroparesis, it is very important to seek medical advice from a gastroenterologist and a neurologist. Because the complications of this disease, such as dehydration, malnutrition, and blood sugar fluctuations, can negatively affect the overall quality of life. In the following, we will mention the most important home remedies for stomach paralysis. Change in eating habits Here are some tips on how to eat that you can pay attention to in order to improve the condition and reduce the symptoms of gastroparesis. Things like: Eating smaller meals Eating smaller meals in several sessions will make your stomach completely empty and reduce bloating. Proper chewing of food the more food is chewed, the easier it is digested in the stomach. So, spend time chewing your food properly to help with digestion. Avoid lying down during and after eating When you lie down after eating, you stop the digestion process and slow down the digestion, because digestion needs gravity to function properly. In addition, lying down after a meal also helps the reflux of stomach acid into the esophagus. Drink fluids between meals Avoid drinking fluids with meals, as they take up space in the stomach and can slow digestion and cause bloating. Instead, drink fluids between meals to stay hydrated. Regular practice of yoga Yoga has been found to stimulate the normal function of the liver and pancreas to regulate blood sugar levels. As a result, if the blood sugar level increases or decreases, it can improve the symptoms of gastroparesis. On the other hand, it has been found that performing abdominal exercises and yoga breathing exercises are useful as a means to better control gastroparesis. To do them, place one hand on your stomach and the other hand on your chest and focus on your breathing with your eyes closed. Inhale and exhale slowly through your nose and sometimes try to pinch your nose and tilt your chin to let all the air out. Slow down your breathing while concentrating. Another movement is to rotate the spine while sitting on a chair. Place one arm behind the chair and look behind you while inhaling and exhaling slowly through your nose. Return to center and do the same for the other arm. Another movement is to bring your arms towards your back with the help of interlaced fingers and extend them until the chest opens and the ribs are pushed out. Make sure to keep your attention on your breath in this situation. Daily use of aloe vera for home treatment of stomach paralysis Aloe vera helps the process of digestion and regulating bowel movement. In fact, as a natural laxative, it is effective in supporting the proper functioning of digestion and relieves bloating and stomach pain. We recommend that you take a cup of aloe vera juice every morning before defecation for the home treatment of stomach paralysis. You can make this mixture by mixing two tablespoons of aloe vera gel with a cup of water or orange juice in a blender. Before meals, you can drink aloe vera juice. Avoid consuming more than two tablespoons of aloe vera gel per day. Add apple cider vinegar to your diet Apple cider vinegar helps to alkalize the body, which is effective in improving stomach pain, heartburn and bloating and improving the digestion process. Dissolving a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a cup of warm water and consuming it 15 to 20 minutes before meals is all you need to improve the symptoms and home remedies for gastric paralysis. Avoid undiluted apple cider vinegar, as it is too acidic and can damage your teeth. Stomach paralysis diet Paying attention to diet is another key measure that can help improve gastroparesis. In fact, knowing what to eat and what to avoid is important. In the following, we will refer to the complete details of the diet of gastric paralysis patients. Suitable foods in gastroparesis diet Common foods include fruits and vegetables in the form of purees and smoothies, canned peaches and pears, well-cooked fruits and vegetables, juices and soups. Because in the condition of stomach paralysis, the stomach does not have the power to digest well and we have to help this problem by chopping or heating the food. Of course, consulting a nutritionist can help you determine more suitable foods. You should be careful with your fiber intake, because its increase in gastric paralysis can cause constipation and bloating. Therefore, consumption of low-fiber foods is recommended. Try to eat more carbohydrates and starches such as corn tortillas, cookies, toasted grains, sweet potatoes (without the skin) and white or refined bread, crackers, bagels, pasta or rice. To provide protein and calcium, low-fat cheese, custard, boiled eggs, minced or pureed meat, low-fat milk and milkshakes, plain yogurt and frozen yogurt, skinless chicken, oysters, tofu, and fish. Tons are great. When following a gastroparesis diet, it is best to go for coconut oil, as it contains essential fatty chains that can aid in digestion. In general, it's important to eat softer foods because they're easier to digest and put less stress on your digestive system. This issue is more important in following the gastric paralysis diet for children. Prohibited foods in the gastroparesis diet Experience has shown that avoiding certain foods can help reduce symptoms because they are difficult for the digestive system to digest. To begin with, it is better to know that fatty and trans-containing foods delay gastric emptying. On the other hand, choosing the right fats such as unsaturated fats can help digestion. So be aware of the types of fats you consume. As mentioned, consuming too much fiber can make symptoms worse, so low-fiber foods are a better option. High-fiber foods include fruits such as apples, berries, figs and oranges, vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, whole grains, nuts and seeds, beans and lentils. Also, avoid eating foods that are not easily chewed, because they are harder to break down through the digestive process. These consist of corn, seeds, and nuts. Avoid eating unhealthy foods such as fast food because they can cause blood sugar levels to fluctuate. Finally, cut back on alcohol as it significantly slows down gastric emptying. Treatment of gastroparesis in traditional medicine In addition to emphasizing the points mentioned about diet in gastroparesis or delayed gastric emptying, traditional medicine experts also emphasize the use of ginger as an anti-nausea herbal medicine. Drinking peppermint or chamomile tea may also be helpful. On the other hand, placing a warm pad on the abdomen or a warm water bath may also help reduce abdominal pain associated with gastroparesis. Recently, traditional medicine has been able to prove the beneficial effects of acupuncture and acupressure for the treatment of gastric paralysis. In fact, these alternative solutions use the manipulation of trigger points on the body, either with pressure or with needles, to treat gastric paralysis with traditional medicine. Some studies have also been able to show relief of bloating and other digestive symptoms in patients who have done acupressure or acupuncture. Usually, the wrist, forefoot and under the kneecap are the most effective trigger points for the treatment of gastric paralysis in traditional medicine. Always talk to a traditional medicine practitioner before doing acupressure or acupuncture, as they know more about the key areas of the body to heal stomach and digestive problems. When should we see a doctor? We recommend that you see a doctor or traditional medicine specialist as soon as you experience the symptoms of stomach paralysis. Because any delay increases the possibility of complications of this disease. Read the full article
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dushyantverma · 2 years
Dushyant Verma Maharani Bagh - Headache: What It Is, Types, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
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Dushyant Verma Southern Avenue - Headaches are a common occurrence for many people. They can range from a mild discomfort to a debilitating pain that interferes with daily life. In this blog, Dushyant Verma will explain what headaches are, the different types of headaches, their causes, symptoms, and treatment options.
What Is a Headache?
Dushyant Verma Shillong says, A headache is a pain or discomfort in the head, scalp, or neck. It can be a dull ache, sharp pain, or throbbing sensation that may last a few minutes to several hours. Headaches can occur on one or both sides of the head and can range from mild to severe.
Types of Headaches
According to Dushyant Verma Maharani Bagh, There are several types of headaches, each with their own distinct characteristics. The most common types include:
Tension Headaches
The most common type of headache is a tension headache. They typically cause a mild to moderate pain that feels like a tight band around the head. They can last anywhere from 30 minutes to several days.
Migraine Headaches
Migraine headaches are a type of headache that causes intense pain, typically on one side of the head. They can last for several hours or even days. Migraine headaches can also cause sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, and vomiting.
Cluster Headaches
Cluster headaches are a rare type of headache that occur in clusters or cycles. They typically cause intense pain around one eye or on one side of the head. They can last anywhere from 15 minutes to 3 hours and can occur several times a day for weeks or months.
Sinus Headaches
Sinus headaches are caused by inflammation of the sinuses, which are air-filled cavities in the face. They can cause a deep, constant pain in the forehead, cheeks, and bridge of the nose.
Hormonal Headaches
Hormonal headaches are a type of headache that occurs in women due to changes in hormone levels. They can occur during menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause.
Causes of Headaches
Dushyant Verma Southern Avenue says, Headaches can have various causes, including:
Tension: Tension in the muscles of the head, neck, and shoulders can cause tension headaches.
Dehydration: Dehydration can cause headaches as the brain needs adequate hydration to function properly.
Sinusitis: Inflammation and congestion in the sinuses can cause sinus headaches.
Hormonal Changes: Changes in hormone levels, particularly in women, can cause hormonal headaches.
Migraine Triggers: Migraine headaches can be triggered by certain foods, stress, lack of sleep, and other factors.
Symptoms of Headaches
Headache symptoms can vary depending on the type of headache. Common symptoms include:
Pain or discomfort in the head, scalp, or neck
Sensitivity to light and sound
Nausea and vomiting
Changes in vision
Difficulty concentrating
Treatment Options for Headaches
The treatment for headaches depends on the type and severity of the headache. Here are some common treatment options:
Over-the-counter Medications: Over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen, aspirin, and acetaminophen can help relieve mild to moderate headaches.
Prescription Medications: Prescription medications such as triptans and ergotamines can be used to treat migraines and cluster headaches.
Relaxation Techniques: Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and yoga can help relieve tension headaches.
Alternative Therapies: Dushyant Verma Shillong says, Alternative therapies such as acupuncture, chiropractic, and massage can also be used to help relieve headaches. Acupuncture involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to alleviate pain and promote healing. Chiropractic treatment involves manual manipulation of the spine to relieve tension and improve circulation. Massage therapy can help to relax tense muscles and improve blood flow, which can reduce the frequency and severity of headaches.
It's important to note that while these therapies can be effective, they should be used in conjunction with traditional medical treatment and under the guidance of a healthcare professional. In some cases, headaches may be a symptom of a more serious underlying condition, and proper medical care should always be sought.
In addition to these treatment options, there are also some preventative measures that can be taken to help reduce the frequency and severity of headaches. Some of these include:
Maintaining a healthy diet and staying hydrated
Getting regular exercise and maintaining a healthy weight
Avoiding triggers such as certain foods, bright lights, and loud noises
Practicing good sleep habits, such as getting enough rest and sticking to a regular sleep schedule
Managing stress through techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga
Dushyant Verma Maharani Bagh says, Headaches can be a frustrating and sometimes debilitating condition, but with the right treatment and prevention strategies, it's possible to reduce their impact on your life. If you experience frequent or severe headaches, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause and develop an effective treatment plan. By working with your healthcare provider and making healthy lifestyle choices, you can take control of your headaches and enjoy a better quality of life.
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Surviving Withdrawal: Tricks and Tips to Get You Off the Floor
Three women of whom I’m very fond (note: my 5th grade English teacher would be proud of that sentence construction…) ended relationships recently. One was after 8 years, one after 2 years, one after 2 months. One was her idea, one was mutual, one got dumped. But, but as the late John Bradshaw reminded us in his early work on codependency, abandonment is painful no matter who is doing the abandoning. These women are all in withdrawal, and withdrawal sucks. I feel sad for all of them.
The one hit the hardest is the one mourning the 2-month-long relationship. That doesn’t surprise me; those fresh infatuation chemicals, the ones that produce that delicious feeling of limerence, are the most intoxicating of all. The higher you get, the harder you crash. That’s just physics. Anyway, I don’t think the intensity of withdrawal has much to do with the length of the relationship, or the health of the relationship, or for that matter the other person in the relationship. I think it is all about the level of love addiction in the person doing the withdrawing.
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I am not and never have been here to give relationship advice; you would be an idiot to take it. I have been married and divorced three times. I am not good at maintaining relationships. But I am pretty good at helping people get through withdrawal. So, as the nice man said as I was lifting my bag into the overhead compartment, let me help you with that.
First and most important: Withdrawal is a physical reaction to an emotional event. All those lovely neurotransmitters the relationship provided are draining from our brains like water escaping a leaky bucket. I always say that withdrawal is closer to a nicotine fit than to clinical depression. It’s depressing, yes. But that’s not the same thing. Withdrawal feels like the flu. It makes you nauseous and gives you headaches. You have no appetite. I’ve had withdrawals where I couldn’t sleep because of the scenarios whirling around my hamster head (“I should have said that, and then he would have said that, and then I would have said that and then he would have said that…”) and some where I didn’t have the energy to do anything but sleep. 
These symptoms are not unlike a hangover (withdrawal from alcohol) or being dopesick (withdrawal from heroin) except for the "I should have said that” part. It’s because our bodies strive for homeostasis, or balance. We get too hot, we sweat to cool off. We get dehydrated, we gulp water. Our bodies strive to balance pH and liver enzymes and God knows it strives to balance neurotransmitters, which is why you can’t stop obsessing about phoning the person just to hear the sound of their voice because the sound of their voice will flood your brain with happy hormones and you will be able to finally fucking exhale.
Then you have to withdraw all over again when the object of your obsession still doesn't want to love you forever. So I don’t recommend that. Plenty of people opt for finding someone else to make you feel good. “Getting over someone by getting under someone else,” as advice columnist Dan Savage puts it. I consider that the dubious luxury of normal men, to quote the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. For one thing, it’s not nice to use another person just to make me feel better. For another, it isn’t very reliable and usually doesn't last - we only found ourselves back where we were before, and worse, to quote Cocaine Anonymous literature.
So how do we achieve homeostasis, how do we supplement our brains with the stuff it’s withdrawing from? The good news is, we can get high on our own supply. We are our own best drug dealers. 
You miss the dopamine that comes from the excitement and anticipation of a new romance? Dopamine is all about novelty and anticipation… maybe a touch of danger thrown in, which is why illicit affairs are so intense. What about skydiving, or rollercoasters, or scuba? Any time you try something new and challenging you are squirting dopamine, be it snake-charming or pickleball. Tame a horse. Climb one of those weird rock walls in the mall.
Serotonin is the mood leveler. It’s the security that comes from feeling connected to a partner. You know what else produces serotonin? Sunlight. Get your ass outside. Good quality protein is also a great serotonin booster: hit the tofu if you’re vegan, salmon if you’re not. Get a massage, take a bubble bath, get a pedicure. Socialize. You want some great happy hormones coursing through your body? Join a choir. Community and the music taken together are like medicine.
You notice I am not recommending actual medicine for any of this. For one thing, I am not a doctor. For another, in my experience drugs are rarely a good solution for addiction.
Last and most notable in its absence is oxytocin. Oxytocin is what we get from those long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days (okay, kids, what am I quoting this time?) Also orgasm. Oxytocin is the Cuddle Chemical, it’s Love Potion Number 9. It’s irreplaceable… but it can be supplemented. Hugging is a great oxytocin release. Hug your family, hug your friends, hug the people in your church group or 12-step meeting - in a safe, non-sexual way, of course. Even Zoom meetings help, since eye contact itself increases oxytocin. Prolonged eye contact with a dog increased human oxytocin levels by 300% in controlled study! Definitely hug a dog. (Or a cat, if you must.)
I have one more recommendation to share, a trick that reliably increases all of these hormones. You’re going to hate it. It sounds dull and old-fashioned and not sexy at all. The trick is… being of service. Volunteering. Giving to charity. I know, I know. It sounds simplistic and goody-two-shoes. But there are good solid studies that show the fastest way to get yourself out of fetal position on the floor is to do something nice for somebody else. Random acts of kindness. It couldn't hurt, and it might help more than you know.
Or you could go with the snake thing.
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susantaylor01 · 4 days
How to Remove Fat in Face
Face Fat
Excess facial fat can significantly impact an individual's self-esteem and confidence levels, leading to concerns among many people. "Face fat" denotes the buildup of surplus adipose tissue within the facial region, especially around the cheeks, jawline, and chin areas. This condition may result in a more rounded or voluminous facial contour.
Causes of Face Fat
Too much fat on the face is often due to unhealthy eating habits, a lack of exercise, getting older, or inherited conditions. The area around the face is often quite apparent, even when you've shed pounds in total. Someone who keeps their weight in check is less likely to have facial fat compared to an individual who is either overweight or obese.
Poor Diet: A poor diet can lead to fat storage on the face and body, especially if it lacks essential nutrients and creates a calorie surplus. High salt intake can also cause a puffy or bloated face.
Genetics: Genetics play a role in face shape and fat storage, making it impossible to spot-reduce facial fat. Overall weight loss may help you lose unwanted fat. Genetics and environmental factors impact obesity, which affects the amount of fat in the face.
Hormones: Many women's faces swell before or during their periods, and this can also happen during perimenopause, which is the time before menopause. This swelling is due to a rise in progesterone, a hormone that causes PMS symptoms, including facial swelling that might be confused with weight gain.
Aging: As you get older, your body undergoes various transformations. The makeup of your body shifts with age, and even people who are generally healthy and have maintained a stable weight might see a reduction in muscle mass and a rise in body fat. This can lead to more fat accumulation around the face.
Alcohol consumption: Drinking too much alcohol can lead to weight gain, especially in the face. Research proved that the more alcohol people drank over ten years, the more weight they gained. People who were not overweight at the start were more likely to become overweight or obese compared to those who didn't drink.
How To Remove Fat In Face
First, let’s take a look at some natural tips to reduce facial fat.
Staying hydrated with at least 8 glasses of water daily can help reduce face fat by flushing out toxins and keeping skin and facial tissues healthy.
A balanced and nutritious diet is important for weight management, including reducing processed foods, sugary drinks, and excessive sodium to prevent water retention and facial bloating.
Drink less alcohol and caffeine to avoid dehydration and bloating, which can make your face look worse. Drink water or herbal tea instead.
Get enough good sleep to avoid weight gain and puffiness. Try to sleep for 7-9 hours every night for better health.
Do cardio exercises like running or cycling for 30 minutes daily to lose body fat, which helps make your face look slimmer.
Using facial massages and tools like jade rollers can improve blood flow, reduce swelling, and help with lymphatic drainage. Massage your face to get the best results.
Cut down on salt to avoid water retention, which can lead to swelling puffiness, and even facial fat.
Treatment Options for Facial Fat: If diet and exercise fail to reduce facial fat, some treatments can help shape your face.
Liposuction: Facial liposuction is a medical operation designed to eliminate surplus fat from different body regions, such as the face. This technique utilizes a slender tube, known as a cannula, to extract fat accumulations. It is particularly suited for people who have bigger, more concentrated fat pockets in places like the neck, chin, and cheeks. Below are the pros and cons of liposuction:
Long-lasting fat reduction when paired with a nutritious way of living
Quick procedure, which typically takes about 30 to 60 minutes
The least amount of scarring
Additional outcomes that might occur include hemorrhaging, issues with anesthesia, damage to nerves, and/or a loss of feeling.
Surgical method that, for certain individuals, may lead to swelling and disease
Buccal Fat Removal: Buccal fat removal, also referred to as cheek reduction surgery, aims to diminish the fat in the cheeks, thereby sculpting a more contoured facial profile. Individuals with cheeks naturally predisposed to fullness often opt for this procedure after finding that diet and exercise alone have not yielded the desired results. The pros and cons include:
A targeted approach to cheek fat reduction
A quick procedure, typically lasting around 45 minutes
The fat cells removed do not return
There is a potential for over-reduction, which could result in a gaunt appearance
This procedure necessitates the expertise of an experienced surgeon
It may take several months for the results to fully manifest.
CoolSculpting: CoolSculpting is a non-surgical fat reduction technique that employs controlled cooling to freeze and eliminate fat cells, offering a noninvasive alternative to surgical options. The pros and cons of coolsculpting include:
Non-surgical and minimally invasive
Minimal recovery time, with most individuals returning to their activities immediately
Precisely targets and reduces localized fat deposits
Minimal to no pain or discomfort during the procedure
Results are typically gradual, often taking weeks or even months to fully manifest.
Potential side effects include intense cold, a pinching sensation, and tenderness.
It may be necessary to conduct several sessions to attain the desired outcome.
It's important to note that this method may not offer as significant a fat reduction as surgical alternatives.
Jawline Fillers: Dermal fillers, like those containing hyaluronic acid, can be precisely injected into the jawline to sculpt a more defined look. This method is perfect for individuals aiming to improve jawline structure and diminish the appearance of jowls.
The procedure entails sculpting the jawline to enhance facial definition and diminish the visibility of sagging skin around the neck and chin. As people age, their facial contours naturally soften, leading many to seek out makeup techniques for contouring their cheeks and jawlines. Jawline fillers have emerged as a popular method for facial contouring, offering individuals a sculpted jawline without the necessity of cosmetics. The pros and cons of jawline fillers are:
Non-invasive and expedient
A minimal to no recovery period is required
Natural-appearing outcomes
A temporary effect that necessitates regular maintenance, which can be expensive.
The necessity for an experienced injector to achieve the best results.
Possible side effects include redness, swelling, and bruising.
The risk of overfilling by inexperienced practitioners.
discomfort during the procedure.
BOTOX® Cosmetic: A purified form of botulinum toxin, widely used to treat wrinkles and fine lines. However, it can also be employed to sculpt a slimmer face by focusing on specific facial muscles that contribute to a rounded appearance.
Minimally invasive and quick, with no downtime required. 
You can see noticeable results within as little as three days, with the best results typically seen one to two weeks after the treatment.
Temporary effects that necessitate maintenance treatments may not be as effective for individuals with excessive fat deposits.
Non-Surgical Face Slimming: Non-surgical facial slimming treatments have gained popularity due to the availability of less invasive options for reducing facial fat. These methods often include cosmetic injectables, laser therapy, and radiofrequency therapy. Below given list are the pros and cons to be aware of:
Minimally invasive techniques
Short recovery periods
Natural-appearing outcomes
Rapid treatments
Short-term impacts that demand expensive upkeep
Not suitable for all individuals
Outcomes hinge on the practitioner's abilities.
How long does it take to lose facial fat?
The speed at which you shed facial fat will vary based on how your body reacts to these modifications. Some people might see changes in how their face looks within a few weeks or months of beginning their weight loss journey, whereas others might experience a delay.
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Potent morning tea destroys 57lbs
Wrapping Up
Reducing facial fat naturally requires a comprehensive strategy that merges healthy lifestyle decisions, specific facial exercises, and self-care routines. By maintaining proper hydration, embracing a well-balanced diet, participating in facial workouts, engaging in cardiovascular exercises, and adopting other beneficial habits, you can attain a slimmer and more sculpted face over time. It's important to remember that consistency is crucial, and steady progress is more enduring than rapid solutions. Embrace these natural approaches to not only improve your physical appearance but also enhance your overall health and well-being.
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cocoonhospital · 5 days
Anemia During Pregnancy: Symptoms, Risks & Prevention
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Pregnancy is a beautiful and transformative journey for many women, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. One common issue that pregnant women may face is anemia, a condition characterized by a deficiency of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood. Anemia during pregnancy can have serious implications for both the mother and the baby, but with proper awareness and care, it can be managed effectively. In this article, we will discuss the symptoms, risks, and prevention strategies for anemia during pregnancy.
Symptoms of Anemia During Pregnancy
Anemia during pregnancy can manifest with various symptoms, including:
Fatigue and weakness
Shortness of breath
Dizziness or lightheadedness
Rapid heartbeat
Pale skin
Cold hands and feet
Chest pain
Cravings for non-food items (pica)
It's essential for pregnant women to be aware of these symptoms and to promptly seek medical attention if they experience any of them.
Risks of Anemia During Pregnancy
Anemia during pregnancy can pose several risks for both the mother and the baby. Some of the potential complications include:
Preterm birth: Anemic women are at a higher risk of delivering prematurely, which can increase the baby's risk of health problems.
Low birth weight: Anemia during pregnancy has been associated with an increased risk of delivering a baby with low birth weight.
Maternal fatigue and weakness: Anemic women may experience severe fatigue and weakness, which can impact their ability to carry out daily activities and care for themselves and their baby.
Postpartum complications: Anemic women may be at a higher risk of postpartum hemorrhage (excessive bleeding after childbirth) and other complications during the postpartum period.
Prevention of Anemia During Pregnancy
Preventing anemia during pregnancy is crucial for the health and well-being of both the mother and the baby. Here are some strategies that pregnant women can adopt to prevent or manage anemia:
Iron-rich diet: Consuming foods that are high in iron, such as lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, lentils, fortified cereals, and dark green leafy vegetables, can help prevent iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy.
Iron supplementation: In some cases, healthcare providers may recommend iron supplements to pregnant women who are at risk of developing anemia or who have been diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia.
Vitamin C-rich foods: Consuming foods that are rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, strawberries, bell peppers, and tomatoes, can enhance the absorption of iron from plant-based sources.
Prenatal care: Regular prenatal check-ups are essential for monitoring the mother's health and detecting any signs of anemia early on. Healthcare providers may perform blood tests to check the mother's hemoglobin levels and recommend appropriate interventions if needed.
Rest and relaxation: Pregnancy can be physically demanding, so it's essential for pregnant women to prioritize rest and relaxation. Getting an adequate amount of sleep and avoiding excessive physical exertion can help prevent fatigue and weakness.
Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water is essential for maintaining good overall health during pregnancy. Dehydration can exacerbate symptoms of anemia, so it's crucial for pregnant women to stay hydrated.
At Cocoon Hospital, we understand the unique needs of pregnant women and are committed to providing comprehensive maternity care services. As the best maternity hospital in Malviya Nagar Jaipur, we offer personalized care and support to ensure a healthy and happy pregnancy journey for our patients. With our team of experienced obstetricians, gynecologists, and support staff, you can rest assured that you and your baby are in safe hands.
Whether you're looking for specialized maternity services, Cocoon Hospital, the Top Maternity hospital in Jaipur, is here to help. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and experience the difference in maternity care!
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