#severe dehydration
I spent 36 hours in the er yesterday and the day before. This heat is deadly you guys. 115f Thurs, 114 yesterday, 108 today. My kidneys decided to try to fail even though I have been drinking water.
Pretty sure this is my thyroid issues again. But I am drinking water with electrolytes and eating food. Still dizzy/headachy but not as bad as Thurs.
For those who follow my obey me fics, I'm sorry I haven't been writing, my health issues have been kicking my ass making me not want to write.
I will get back to it. Just give me time.
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targetstudy · 4 months
Dehydration can cause Headaches and Dizziness
Yes, Dehydration can cause Headaches and Dizziness. If you are feeling a headache or mild dizziness during the summer season, then it can also be a sign of a lack of water.
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What do Dehydration Headaches and Dizziness Feel Like
If you are troubled by dehydration and if you also drink less water then these tips can help.
Tips 1. Use Mix Ice and Lemon Slices in Water
If you do not like plain water then you can do some experiments with it. Instead of plain water, add some ice cubes to it. You can add slices of lemon, orange, or seasonal lime. Apart from this, some other similar experiments can also be done, which will increase the taste of water.
Tips 2. Increase Water-Rich Fruits and Vegetables
To keep the body hydrated, apart from water, also consume juicy fruits like watermelon, melon, orange, pear etc. Some fruits contain up to 90% water. Apart from this, soup and dairy products are also helpful in keeping the body hydrated.
Read More About Tips>>>
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house-of-slayterr · 1 year
Hoy no es muy bueno, estoy muy enfermo y lo odio! I’ve been throwing u since 5am, then repeatedly getting dizzy, adding out and having seizures since about 9. ¿Por qué mi cuerpo está tratando de matarme? Mi corazón se siente mal y no sé lo que está pasando. I am not a happy camper today.
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n0phis · 2 months
the feeling of immediate headache relief upon granting your body a sip of water is almost tantilizing enough to encourage me to remain on the precipice of dehydration endlessly. just to experience it over and over
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licollisa · 1 year
Asriel is fluffly?
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The fluffiest brother in the world (or at least after shower)
Okay so while drawing this I got some HCs that translates into details in this pic that I'm just going to ramble:
* For whatever reason, Asriel (as Flowey too) wanted to gain Chara's approval at whatever he does or say -- he seemed to regard them highly, often agreeing with them and copy the things they do (like a cat. E.g with that full glass of water thing).
Here I hinted it through Asriel asking if Chara agrees with him, plus him actually being upset at both of their behalf instead of just himself). Asriel also doesn't actually like getting hairdryed, the noise grates his ears, but he started doing so after seeing Chara doing it (again with the copying).
*Imagine the amount of fur that gets stuck at literally everything though. But now Chara's used to it, just one of them Goat Family things.
* The brush Chara is using is the same one you'd have for a furry pet. It's just more efficient this way.
* Kids wear something striped. It doesn't really need to be a shirt, so Chara here of course just wears a self-made nb flag pants.
Asriel's shirt is not green-yellow because I wanted to make the pic more... Candid? He owns more than just one kind of striped shirt yk.
* I've mentioned this but it's a fun lil HC of mine to make Asriel's locket as human soul-shaped, and Chara's as monster soul-shaped.
* I referenced this tweet:
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thetimelcss · 3 months
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tragic emotionally suppresed slow burn lesbians or tragic one night stand speedrun loner gays?
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silverpsychedelic · 1 year
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I felt like drawing some Pikmin
Small unhinged thing tries to ask their crush out but deflates on the spot
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merged my two psychonauts doodle pages with a bit of appearance headcanons thrown in… uuwgghh
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+ these little thangs i never posted
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sorry for making you look at bobby. i am half asleepe
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Augusnippets Day 15: Starvation
cw: drugging, substance dependency, starvation, emeto, sorta dehumanization, dissociation, nonsexual nudity, vague deathwish
previous // next
for the @augusnippets challenge // word count: 537
He can no longer sit up on his own.
Too weak. In the sparse moments where he's coherent enough to think, the spy knows they're tapering off his rations. Hunger crawls up from his stomach like a swarm of ants, leeching what little strength remains.
He It is always trapped in a haze, but the haze is no longer big enough. It aches all day, unable to even sleep until someone brings another water bottle. Pain consumes its leg, hunger shivers in its bones. When guards pass by, it begs them for water, not food, wanting only to numb it all.
Sometimes they comply, but it's rarely enough. Are they taking away its relief too? Or has it built a tolerance to the drug?
(the thought terrifies the spy when he can comprehend it; the thought of never returning to himself)
It can hardly move. It doesn't want to move. When the stubborn thing inside tries to lift its head, there is only dizziness, more pain, a fleeting fear that this may be the end.
The creature wants none of that. No thoughts, no senses, only the drug that allows it to sleep.
They bring it water and it drinks and nothing happens. No fog, no sudden emptiness. It whimpers into the concrete for hours or days.
The bring it water and it drinks.
(no food)
It can't stop shivering, nausea twisting its empty stomach.
(why can't you do something why can't you move why couldn't you have held fast)
They don't bring it water.
Two guards, it can see them through hazy vision. Its eyes hurt, its head aches.
(this is different)
They grab its arms, dragging it out of the cell, bad leg howling, utter agony, creature howling with it, voice weak
(pathetic, could've ran, could've done something)
the movement and pain and nausea and dizziness are all too much after it's been allowed to feel nothing for so long and it heaves up nothing, bile on its tongue, tears in its eyes. They drag it somewhere and it hurts it hurts it hurts.
(could've turned it down)
would've died
(would've been better)
They have to hold it up, hands around and under its arms. Someone else is talking at it, but it doesn't matter. It hurts and it's cold, colder than the cell was.
(when did they take his clothes?)
It tries to vomit again, left with a sour string of spit clinging to its chin. Over, it just wants it to be over, just wants it to—
Its head jerks up so quickly it sees spots when it hears the snap of a bottle opening. The new person is holding it out
It tries to reach for the bottle, can't shake itself free of the hands, trapped. It can't make sense of the stream of words pouring from its mouth, but it can't stop them either.
(you were supposed to be better than this you were supposed to endure–)
The man laughs.
“Damn. Guess you really can do a number on a guy without lifting a finger.” He screws the cap back on, ignoring the creature's despairing whine.
“Put him back for now. I think he's almost ready for some questions.”
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wait okay wait stop
when stede punches that guy (so cute) and izzy comes to the door and the editing makes it look like stede is excitedly telling izzy 'i threw a punch :D' and he twirls around all cute.
if you're telling me...if you're even hinting okay, that izzy fucking hands realized he loves ed more than he loves the idea of blackbeard, has a complete change of heart and can't stand the sight of ed heartbroken anymore...
gets up and decides to fucking hunt stede down and starts teaching him how to be a proper pirate and hes the one to help bring the two back together...
because he loves ed and wants him to be happy even if that means sacrificing his own obsession and conceding ed to stede fucking bonnet???
you're gonna have to commit me to the hospital because i'm gonna need fluids.
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imgonnabethatone · 10 months
bro that B-rank federation worker has one(1) oak boat and a dream
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crowsaysstuff · 9 months
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“I’m proud of you”
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jaarijani · 2 months
joost played florida 2009 yesterday and we could barely hear him because the bass was so fucking loud but it still managed to absolutely destroy me
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pyrepostings · 7 months
whumpee who's only given soft water to drink/bathe with.
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treehuggerthegreat · 6 months
A love letter to those who create
I ramble half incoherently on here for the hope that someone comes across my posts and thinks ‘wow they’re off their rockers but holy shit they have a point’ and something in them changes just a little. I know one post isn’t going to change anyone’s life or perspective. Which is WHY i post so much. Maybe I don’t get on some random person’s dashboard more than once. But a few writers or people out there read my posts, and regardless of whether or not it stood out to them, it changed them. Just a little, and that’s enough for me. I hope one day by writing so much, I change a lot of people, and hopefully at least a few i change by a lot. It’s not a question of can I do something that would completely change the industry or genre of books, its can I help people with stuff i’ve struggled on. It’s can I be that one post someone thinks about while writing occasional, thinking back to MY advice. Even if i have no idea what I’m doing for most other things. I know I can write something new and quite different with time and motivation, but in the meantime, I can share my thoughts and ideas as I go through them. Even if they change. Because I love creativity and creating and most of all. Creators. I love you all, and i love being one.
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swiftmitsu · 5 months
At this point you have an army of anons (HI PSYCHO NICE TO MEET YOUUUUUUUUU, sry i've been dead havent been feeling well. Anyways I'm back to daily harrassment)
-Idiot anon
the anon saga continues…
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