diddle-riddle · 2 years
"You're perfect! I always wanted a pet, like a cat or a bird, but you are so much cooler! My own badass pet monster!"
The Bat purred loudly when the blonde girl stroked its huge frame under the chin, making it react like the biggest, weirdest happy kitty ever.
Behind the Bruce-and-his-symbiote duo with the Bat in charge, Edward Nashton restrained the urge to facepalm.
Stephanie Brown, as is apparently called this dauntless little girl, reacted in an... anything but expected manner to this abnormal encounter.
"They are not a pet," Eddie sighed; he took a step closer and, when he didn't meet any negative reaction from the bold five years old, sat on the couch next to her.
"What are you, then?" The kiddo interrogated the beast, not scared in the slightest by the muscular black frame, the leatherish bat wings folded on its back, the pointy ears on top of the smooth head, the triangular glowing white eyes and the large mouth baring spiky teeth plus a huge, thick pink tongue.
Some grown adults run away screaming or faint at the sight of the alien, while as for her this child... scratched its ears, then giggled when it purred anew to express its contentment.
"We are the Bat," the alien and its host answered.
Their gaze drifted to Edward and they added:
"We are also Eddie's boyfriends."
Steph tilted her head to the side, like a curious bird would upon detecting something especially unusual.
"You are boyfriends? That... must be a bit weird, right?"
"In the good sense of the term," Ed teased before remembering he is... talking to a kid. "Nevermind, forget about that," he blushed, embarrassed. "How long do you... plan on staying with us?"
"Forever," Stephanie responded, far took relaxed, before bouncing on the cushions of the sofa to make herself comfortable. "I don't want to go back and I already love you guys, I don't see why I should leave! Besides I can't go back."
"I devoured her father and her mother had a heart attack when she spotted me. I checked on her, she is dead too."
Edward's eyes widened.
This is not what he expected to come across to when returning home from his day of work.
"Bats," he blamed the symbiote. "This is... not something appropriate to say."
"It's fine," Stephie shrugged. "Daddy is mean all the time and mommy is always drugged. Not like I would miss them."
That indirectly explained her black eye.
So the Batman duo bursted in that broken family's home, ate the dad, killed the mom and brought the daughter to their place?
Alright... Tonight will be a long night.
Read “Bat-Parenting” on AO3 here Discover the rest of the DC Symbiotes Series on AO3 here
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Symbiote Ellie Phantom AU
After she was saved from Destabilization, Ellie gained a nifty new power. She can Melt on command and move around freely, which is just a really fun power, even if she is a bit weaker when she uses it .
But one day, she gets really badly hurt. Like, Really Hurt. Let's say the GIW got a lucky shot and managed to capture her, and experimented on her for a week before she managed to escape.
She can't keep her Human Form stable anymore, but her Goop Form is good enough for now. All she needs to do is find an Ectoplasm Rich Environment and try to heal up the best she can. Hopefully Danny will find her after she misses her monthly Visit.
She ends up in Gotham while searching for a place to heal, but the GIW is hot on her tail.
She needs a place to hide, and the only way she can think of is to overshadow somebody and pretend to be them while the GIW passes her by.
So she jumps into the nearest person she can find, a girl close to her age jumping across Rooftops.
But since she was in her weaker Goop Form, she can't enter a person without their permission. So she slides up to the person in Goop Form, jumps on her Back, and telepathically asks her for help, begging for permission to hide in her for a bit.
The girl she tried to overshadow was Cassandra Cain.
After some begging, Cass agrees and Ellie sinks into her. Again, she can't fully Overshadow her, so she's basically a passenger until Cass decides to give her some control.
The GIW passes by them, and Ellie tries to leave Cass only to realize that she can't. Since Cass was exposed to the Lazarus Pits, she is has a weird Biology, and since Ellie already had a Wierd Biology being a Halfa Clone as a Pile of Goop, they somehow can't leave eachother.
Cass gets a new Roommate, but instead of sharing an apartment, its her body. It's honestly not that bad, Ellie can give her some of her old powers and she can still communicate by making a Goop Head come out of Cass's shoulder.
They get along really well too, Ellie can ways be there for Cass whenever she needs somebody to talk to, and Cass is the Supportive Older Sister who helps Ellie talk about her feelings.
The Bat Fam also doesn't know. They figure that this will probably be fixed soon enough, so there's no real reason to tell her Family. They do find out after a few weeks however.
Cass accidently uses Ellie's powers in front of one of her brothers, which causes them to tell Bat's which means the entire family knows by the end of the day.
Cass has to explain the situation and introduces her new little sister. "This is Ellie. She's a Meta who escapes a secret Government Organization and asked for my help to hide from them by hiding in my Body. Unfortunately, we can't split up because her powers reacted strangely to the Lazarus in my blood. She is now my sister. You are not going to make her leave, I will not let you."
It takes a while, but the Bat Fam ends up accepting her. They do end up looking into that "Secret Government Organization" though, and find that they have been experiencing Raids by an army of Ghosts for the last few weeks.
"Oh right, I missed my monthly visit to my brother." Says Ellie from Cass's shoulder. "He must be looking for me, no biggie."
It's definitely a Biggie.
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drawing-write · 5 days
Tim Drake and Visage
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As a continuation of my Fanfic idea, here’s my rushed doodle!
Introducing Visage! A little piece of Venom from the Marvel Multiverse. Accidental child abandonment on Venom’s part —as we know that Symbiotes reproduce asexually— this little baby Symbiote ended bonded to little baby Tim Drake.
Another drawing
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^^^ My original doodle, it says “Vee” instead of “Vis” because I was using Venom as a placeholder name.
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rokishimizu4 · 1 month
Flash dealing with a feral child (Adult)
Flash, known as one of the fastest men alive, was stopping to check out a known hangout spot for rouges in Central City when he got a notification from the JL about dead bodies of drug dealers, kidnappers, etc, showing up in abandoned warehouses in Gotham and other cities around the world.
He may not be the brightest, but he was still the first one to notice that most of his rouges, at least not the money hungry ones, seemed to only come out in the daylight to do only minimal damage and stealing. Which was strange in of itself.
He was also one of the first ones to notice, besides Batman and Green Arrow, that most of the rouges whisper about a Dream demon or some kind of demon that eats villians’ heads and leave their bodies for the police to pick up.
Tonight, one of many nights, he was eavesdropping on some rouges when he noticed that was rocking back and forth, muttering that he somehow fucked up on a heist and a kid accidentally got hurt.
Some of them were trying to comfort the terrified rouge, but others were too busy looking around with guns and other weapons in hand.
Flash, who was known by his rouges as caring and willing to help those that wanted/needed the help, tried to slowly walk in, but due to his powers it ended up just scaring his rouges instead.
“FUCK FLASH!” “Don’t do that!” “You got to help!” “Please don’t let me die!” All of them cry, each in different levels of fright, with one rushing over to him and grabbing onto his suit, begging for his life. “I did’t mean to! She was just there!”
Cue a very confused Flash, who can only sit down and have his rouges explain what the actual hell was happening. Which included learning about the spread of drugs and trafficking of women and children around the world, but mostly focusing in the U.S in major cities, and the meeting of a black slime thing eating a corrupt cop (who was supposedly abusing his family)
The hours pass without an incident, and as the daylight start to dawn, Flash goes out of his way to rush all the rouges into a safe place. Including the one that accidentally hurt a little girl, which in reality she only got scared by his enterance and wasn’t actually hurt.
Flash then goes back to the warehouse and notices that a man was standing in front of a young teenager, or a child (all he knew that the young thing was small and looked very young), and pointing a gun to their forehead and had a black slimy thing in his other hand.
Flash panics for a brief moment before rushing in, not noticing that the slimy thing was opening its mouth to bite the man at the same time.
Time slows down as he grabs the gun and man’s hand to point it away from the kid, but he then notices that the slimy thing has opened its mouth, full of pointing and knife-like teeth, and bit down on the man’s hand (right next to Flash’s fingers).
The man screams in pain as blood squirts out of the deep bite mark and the gun goes off in another direction. Which causes both the man and Flash to let go, the gun to drop, the slimy thing drops and goes back into the child, and the child bites the man’s left leg.
Cue Flash and the man panicking and jumping away from the child thing, which causes it to melt into a huge black, and purple, monster with dark purple tentacles, and pure white ‘eyes’, with a ‘mouth’ full of sharp teeth (like Canies or knives).
The man gets hit in the head with one of the tentacles and gets knocked unconscious. Flash gets one smacked into his stomach and he smashes into one of the walls.
The creature makes a weird distress child noise as Flash tries to recover, holding onto his stomach area and taking a few deep breaths.
”I’m good, I’m good. Just wasn’t expecting for the power behind your punches, or well slaps.” He jokes as he flops to the ground and rubs his back with one hand, glad that he his super speed allows him to heal quicker.
”Forgive us, we were trying to get a quick meal, but his face reminded us of someone else. It will not happen again.” The thing ‘says’ as it stands up and seems to stretches itself out, like it wasn’t seconds away from dying.
Flash can only wave the thing off, trying to determine if this thing was the “Dream demon” that his rouges were terrified of, which he doesn’t blame them now, and if the man was supposed to be it’s next meal.
”Well, all’s well that ends well. Just please don’t put yourself in these type of situations again, please?” He asks, begs, because he still is very confused on if the thing is a child in a monster’s body or an adult, or what.
”We can not keep that, as we need to eat. However, we will make sure to devour our meal and not play with it.” The thing ‘promises’?, and Flash tries to laugh it off, but the thing doesn’t laugh with him…
”Right, well. I’ll be taking this man to prison and then come back to get you.”
”No, we will go get a new meal. Thank you for teaching us that we should not play with our food.” The thing thanks him, which he doesn’t know to accept or not, before it CLIMBS out of the building, scaling the walls up to the skylight with it claws and tentacles and disappears into the night.
”Hey Flash to JL, we have a feral child on the loose, and it likes to eat humans. Please be advised that I accidentally gave it advice and now I’m not too sure where it went. Please don’t kill me, I thought it was just a kid.”
Cue the Flash experiencing the strangest police interview ever, and JL interview as well. Including being pulled to the side by Batman and getting the rundown on what he knows.
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daydreamerwonderkid · 5 months
The logical part of me knows that if Eddie and Venom ever showed up in Gotham (via the power of dimension hopping or magic crossover bullshit), Bruce would chase them out so fucking fast they'd have fucking whiplash from how hard Batman literally kicks their ass back into their own dimension.
On the other hand, I want Jason to hear about the bad guy eating alien and his hypercompetent reporter but ultimately cringe fail loser of a human host and IMMEDIATELY rush to offer them both asylum in Crime Alley solely for the absolute migraine it'll give Bruce.
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littleinkling64 · 1 month
more bio dad/symbiote au things
so like....marie can sense living things and their general heatth as a part of Tikki's power set, leading to strange conversations like:
Marie: Dang I'm so nervous I feel like my heart's going to EXPLODE I swear Clark: Your heart is very healthy, so I'm sure that won't happen. Nice strong beat. Marie: Thanks, yours too. Might want to watch the pie tho, pancreas looks a little iffy from here but that could also be the lighting Clark: Clark: oh so that's what this feels like
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
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After some (not unpleasent and worth it) waiting,The Anomalies meme doodle i requested from @jellyjays is finally complete!!!Gracias tanto Connor,se ven tan lindos♡♡♡
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
Day 10
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Au belongs to @phoenixcatch7
(Which btw my mutual I have discovered something perfect for vibes for the dolls. Spirit Warriors from Spelljammers in DnD, I would watch the video by Dungeon Dad on Youtube, they're great)
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pin-crusher2000 · 13 days
✈️ : What is one thing about canon that you'd change?
🐕 : An Elseworlds story you'd like to see
🛸 : A crossover you'd like to see
🌠 : Something about canon/fanon you dislike
1: definitely De-age Jon lol
2: a story where Chris and Jon are brothers (plus Kon too) and maybe a injustice story where Batman is the dictator.
3: I say super sons and Dylan Brock and Normie Osborn
Canon: age up Jon (lol) evil Chris Kent (lor zod) and the way Damian and his mom is sometimes portrayed
Fanon: the way most people use the super sons,
Jon: sunshiny boy who cries easily, goody two shoes
Damian: feral kid who acts super formal and naive to pop culture.
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I get stuff wrong about my favorite characters, like, a good fair amount of times (mostly things I forget, or lore that I have heard secondhand, but haven’t seen for myself yet)
I used to think that meant that I was like a fake fan until I realized that literal employed comic authors at Marvel and DC also do this. So my friends. May we go forth and get things wrong and then just say it’s a slightly OOC headcanon and be at peace.
If people get paid to mischaracterize my faves then I can damn well do it on accident for free during crazed, 3:00am blorbo hyperfixations.
(However, this also means that you don’t have to be the character police. Yall get so touchy about them and while I get it’s irritating to see your fave mischaracterized, there’s this really fun option you can choose called “ignore it and interact with blogs/posts that characterize them in the way you prefer.”)
TLDR: it’s not the end of the world if you think character would have made choice A when someone else thinks he would’ve made choice B. Don’t be a baby about it
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voltboltz · 3 months
So ever since cass got white eyes on her suit ive thought she looked a lot like spider-man or at least symbiote spider-man. Truthfully idk much about the symbiote but i wanted to draw her with one anyway.
I also have the opposite of same face syndrome where i cant draw the same face for the life of me 🥲
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the-autistic-spider · 6 months
do anyone know any good venom x dc crossovers?
if you do please reblog/comment them
thanks = ]
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mae-kent · 8 months
hi comics fans please like me. also feel free to recommend comic runs for me to read
i also run @autistic-hc-bracket
i like:
- matrix/mae kent
- jean paul valley
- tim drake
- hal jordan
- matt murdock
- frank castle
- eddie brock
- clint barton
I want to learn more about/read more from:
- alan scott
- klarion
- hartley rathaway
- ted kord
- cass cain
- helena bertinelli
- kyle rayner
- scott summers
- reed richards
- hank pym
my top kins are tim drake, jean paul valley, bart allen, tsukishima kei, and nico di angelo
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roughentumble · 1 month
crossover concept: superman with the venom symbiote.
honestly superman is so OP that having the symbiote might slow him down, since it's feeding off him, right? and he doesnt need the enhanced senses or responses. but at the same time, he doesnt exactly have "super healing" so much as general immunity to stuff, but he does heal a bit faster than normal humans-- perhaps fast enough to supply the brain enzyme venom needs without needing to eat people. maybe it still hurts him, makes him slower and dizzier because his brain's being munched on and he isnt healing fast enough, or maybe it can be offset with enough chocolate.... and assuming you could work out that kink since superman would Not eat people, it would be a superman who trully cannot go down. even in a red sun room, or surrounded by kryptonite, no matter how much he withers he's got venom in his back pocket ready to heal him from any injury. he cant be hurt, but even when he is hurt it's never a death sentence. venom's safe from fire because it can just retreat into superman's body and be totally protected. his physical abilities are pushed even further. it might be like some of the best symbiosis a symbiote could dream of tbh
and personality-wise, like, there's plenty of continuities where venom wants to be a hero, and superman's about the most heroic hero you could latch onto. venom's a lonely alien that can never go home, superman's a lonely alien that could never go home. supes longs for HUMAN companionship, but venom would give him a link to the stars, constant companionship with no need to hide or keep secrets. and i think he'd feel bad for venom, so many harsh memories of "home", trying so hard to be better than what it was born of.
i think it could be interesting! and i want to see batman slowly notice that Something Is Wrong With Clark
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rokishimizu4 · 30 days
Harley (Fucken) Quinn’s girls’ night out!
(I love Harley to the moon and back! But I have a special chapter for her when my story comes out, that I refuse to spoil!)
When Selina called her to inform her that Wonder Woman would be joining them, which she then had inform Dinah and Ivy, she was both super excited and nervous. (Since she used to have a big lesbian crush on Wonder Woman)
It took less time for Selina and Diana to show up than it took for Harley to set out more booze and order another batch of junk food. But before she could say something stupid, Ivy stepped in and got everyone settled down
”Pardon the intrusion, but Cat Woman informed me of a party only for the females and I wished to invite myself to partake in the festivities.” Diana explains as she finishes dragging Selina into Harley, and sometimes Ivy’s when they weren’t arguing over Harley being a sometimes hero, and towards the beanbags.
”No problem girly! The more, the merrier!” Harley returns the joy, pleased with herself when she didn’t stutter like a school girl.
”Honestly, I was hoping that Diana would be joining us, Ollie was telling me about the strangest kidnapping attempt just a few days ago. I’m kind of disappointed that I missed it.” Dinah chuckles as she picks up her wine glass and takes a sip of the dark red liquid.
”Oh yeah! Something about an attempted poisoning and a drug dealer getting her shit rocked by a thing of goop!” Harley adds, as she seen the thing on the news and became interested when she learned that the woman was actually attempting to the sell the kids to some couple at the gala, at least according to theories from certain rouges.
”Yes, speaking of that incident, Diana has some questions for you darling.” Selina gets straight to the point as she pours herself a tall glass of red wine and drowns it, knowing that she might as well be tipsy for this.
Harley stuffs a thing of nachos in her mouth, before turning to Diana (who was also devouring a whole box of Meat lovers Pizza and drinking from a can of cheap beer, as if she hasn’t eaten anything all day) and giving a her a look.
”Excuse me, it has been quite a week of searching for any leads to the mysterious child of goop and the warriors that follow it. It also takes a lot of energy to contact the Olympians to seek guidance and wisdom.” She excuses herself as she takes the napkin offered to her, and wipes the grease and crumbs off of her lips and hands.
”I was hoping to seek your wisdom Dr. Quinzel, as a woman trained in the mind.”
Harley blinks, and blinks once more before she realizes that Wonder Woman, The Wonder Woman, was asking for her professional help as a psychiatrist. ‘This is the best night of my life.’
”Hold up, I got to get my professional glasses on! And my notebook!”
Cue Selina, Dinah, Ivy, and a slightly drunk Nora Fries, clinging to the sides of walls, furniture, and other objects to get out of Dr. Quinzel’s way (Not wanting to be ran over or be dragged into a therapy session.)
Ivy and Selina grab and moves the table of food closer to their side of the living room/Kitchen area, as soon as Harley comes back in with her glasses on, her blonde (with some reds and blues dyed in) tied up in a ponytail, comfy pjs on, and a huge notebook in hand.
”Sorry that we can’t do this in a more professional setting, but I know that these girls can keep a secret. Well as long as it doesn’t bring harm to Nora and Selina, or Ivy.”
”Yes, I believe that the women you surround yourself with are trustworthy friends, and the advice I seek might benefit them as well. As I believe it is best to get more opinions into the matter at hand.”
Diana then goes onto to explain the warning her mother gave her and what her and the JL have been experiencing for the past few months: From the strange message on a copper spider to Luther asking the JL for safety for himself and his personal staff.
Cue a mix of fierce determination, fear, and just WTF that sparks a realization in Harley’s PHD brain.
Cue her spending the rest of the night creating a timeline, including the information that Nora gave her in a private session (aka weird people asking about Dr. Fries experiments and his knowledge on Cryogenic technology, and how long someone could last inside a Cryotube), which she made sure to keep private.
It takes a few more rounds of drinks and food before the rest of the ladies pass out (from the alcohol or exhaustion, she didn’t question it) and for Harley to set up a private meeting with the Riddler and Scarecrow (both who were still in Gotham Asylum for….reasons).
Harley checks her notebook one more time, before she carefully puts into her bulletproof, lock breaking proof, explosion proof, safe and locks it up for tomorrow afternoon, before taking a double shot of straight vodka.
’Life was soooo much easier as a supervillain. But, being under John Doe’s thumb was a lot worse.’
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rewrittenwrongs · 4 months
Saw a post on Pinterest about Vemon and Eddie, but literally the previous post was about Tim Drake, so I thought it was a crossover and now I am severely disappointed it was not because what a concept?? I can totally see him finding a blob of sentient goo while out stalking the bats and letting himself be adopted, or Venom bonds with him during a Young Justice mission and Tim just rolls with it, or finding him in the League of Assassins on Brucequest and (accidentally?) breaking him free, or he investigates Eddie and/or Venom for whatever reason and collects another father figure (this one is no more functional than the previous).
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