#jon samuel kent
camo-wolf · 1 day
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So I just found out that juni ba has drawn super sons before for his cover of “saved by the belle reve” so thanks Juni Ba!!!!
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spicy-apple-pie · 2 months
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The Al Ghuls have a family curse of falling is live with pathetic men.
Commission Info / Kofi
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edi-storm · 3 months
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Damijon in my current spring outfits 🫶
They keep me mentally stable
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askdamijon · 2 months
Welcome to the Ask Damijon Blog!!
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Before you run to the inbox, let's lay down some ground work.
Damian is 21 and Jon is 18, meaning that Jon was never aged up. Damian is currently living with Bruce and is going to school for illustration while patrolling as Robin during the night. Jon has just graduated and is taking a year off since he has little to no idea what he wants to do with the rest of his life. They are both hopelessly crushing on each other but is oblivious that the other also has a crush on them.
Nothing too sexual. Let's keep it PG 13 but with more cussing.
Address the character(s) you're asking. For example; "Hey Damian,...." Or "What does Jon think about this?" etc.
You aren't limited to just asking Damian or Jon, you can ask anyone in the DCU
Please keep it on the topic of Damijon, don't ask like, what's Flash's favourite ice cream flavour?
Please be patient, I'm working on a couple of other projects right now so if need be I might put this on the back burner.
I'll edit the rules and guidelines how I see fit if things get out of hand.
Have Fun!
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purpleangiie · 7 days
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mnicpixyrealgrl · 2 years
One of the things that’s so tragic about Damian Wayne is that there are so few people in the world that he allows himself to love without restraint.
Dick Grayson, Maya Ducard, Jon Kent, Alfred Pennyworth, and occasionally Stephanie Brown.
Not to say he ONLY loves those specific people, but they are the only ones he doesn’t feel the need to protect himself from.
Every other person he’s ever cared about has done something, intentionally or otherwise, that deeply hurt him; be it emotionally or physically.
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anothertimdrakestan · 2 years
jon: hey dami whatcha doing?
damian: i'm in a bad place right now jonathan.
jon: but your tracker says your at the manor?
damian: exactly.
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imuncreativesorry · 1 month
DC Characters as actual things my friends have said: Part 1
Jon: I’m a co parent of a beaver named Kyle Jr and it’s all because of poor golf cart driving skills. I’m pretty sure he has rabies but it’s NOT my fault
Dami: For once
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puppiesandnightlock · 9 months
theres this 'talk too much' animatic on yt and it looks so much like a jondami animatic?????? AND LITERALLY THE SONG IS PERFECT FOR THEM??? LIKE THE WHOLE GREEN EYES SHIT??? HELLO?????
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Supers weird age stuff.
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drawingjester00 · 2 months
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Cute prompts from a prompt generator
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camo-wolf · 6 months
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This is Jon’s gay awakening moment and I stand by that
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cookeybg · 2 months
Unexpected Cohabitation a JonDami fic
Title: Unexpected Cohabitation
Main Characters: Jonathan Kent and Damian Wayne (some of the others show up too, the list is too long)
Eventual relationship: Jonathan Kent/Damian Wayne (my fave)
Stuff to know: No capes, reverse robins, high school AU, no smut, no Brucie Wayne, I know nothing about sports but it will show up, (aaand I think that's it, will add more if it comes up)
Word Count: 1,272
[Here's my table of contents]
Part 2 - Chapter 8
“This is Bat-Cow,” Damian said, patting a brown and white cow, “she’s a cow and gives milk.” “I know what a cow is, Damian.” Jon said exasperated. “My Dad’s Ma and Pa own a farm in Kansas.” After having tea in Damian’s balcony the boys had left the Mansion passing the kitchen where they saw Alfred prepping dinner. They were joined by a massive black dog named Titus as they walked past a small vegetable garden and through a wooden door attached to an old stone fence covered in vines. They continued walking through a grove of trees that, surprisingly, hid a barn surrounded by a fence. When they arrived a cow had gone up to the fence to greet them. “Why is it named Bat-Cow?” Jon asked looking around at the large fenced area. The barn was painted in dark muted colors so that it wouldn’t stand out and its doors were left open. Titus gave the cow its greetings, hopped the fence and disappeared into the barn. “Richard name her,” Damian sighed, “on account of the bat shaped spot on her face.” Jon could see it now, nodding he was about to ask why he had a cow when a white horse left the barn and galloped towards them. It stopped, neighing at Damian who petted it and took out a sugar cube from his pocket to feed it. It watched Jon wearily from the corner of its eye. “This is-“ “Let me guess Bat-Horse.” “No,” Damian responded, unamused, “her name is Lady. Jason named her.” “Why exactly am I here?” Jon asked after a pause. “It is time to bring them in.” Damian opened the gate the path had led them to, indicating Jon to follow. “You’ll be helping me muck out the stalls every morning.” “What! You’re rich, don’t you have someone else that can do that?”
Jon’s yell startled the horse causing it to buck and run into the barn. Damian glared at him and ran into the barn. Jon stood there for a second feeling bad for scaring the horse and cautiously approached the barn doors to look in. Damian was rubbing Lady’s neck, murmuring something to her. Light from the open windows shone in, casting golden rays on both Lady and Damian. It felt other worldly like an elf taming a unicorn. Damian’s ministrations seemed to soothe her and she calmed pretty quickly. Jon wasn’t sure what came over him but he took a picture of the intimate moment. He nearly dropped his phone when Bat-Cow mooed right behind him. “Oh, sorry!” Jon stepped out of the cow’s way as she plodded into her stall and laid down on a bed of clean hay. “These two are rescues.” Damian walked Lady to her stall and closed it. “Father’s condition for me to keep them was that I would be responsible for their well being.” Damian looked at Jon seriously, “I gave him my word.” There it was again, Damian’s intense stare and combined with his low voice it made something flutter in Jon’s stomach. He didn’t like the sensation, not one bit. Jon looked away gripping the hem of his shirt. His eyes wandered around the barn, trying to avoid staring at Damian and he yelped from seeing a pair of blue eyes staring down at him from the loft. Damian’s attention snapped towards him and followed Jon’s gaze. “Richard?” Damian called, looking up. The top of a black head vanished with a giggle and Jon heard soft padding from above. With a spray of hay and a yelled “catch me” a small body vaulted from the edge of the loft, flipping mid air, arms extended, a small stuffed elephant clutched in one hand. Jon felt his stomach drop, unsure if he should rush to catch the boy, but Damian took a couple steps back and expertly caught him. “Tt, I’ve asked you not to do that!” Damian admonished. “You can get seriously hurt.” “But, I didn’t get hurt!” Dick laughed hugging Damian around the neck, his hair was covered in hay and his clothes were rumpled and dusty. “Does Alfred know you were out here?” Damian glared at the boy. “What were you even doing up there?” “He knows I’ve been outside,” Dick hugged the stuffed elephant close and mumbled, “the hay reminds me of Zitka…” “Make sure to let someone know when you come out here.” Damian sighed, putting Dick down so he could stand on his own. Dick nodded and then abruptly turned to Jon smiling. He grabbed Jon’s hand pulling him out of the barn. Damian followed double checking the stalls, Titus close behind them. The sun had started to set causing shadows to elongate. Dick didn’t stop pulling until they were close to the gate, he then turned back to Jon with a mischievous grin. “I saw you.” He sang. “Saw what?” Jon stared at him puzzled. “You took a picture.” Dick continued to sing song. “He’s not gonna like that.” “Wait-“ Jon started. “I’m gonna go wash up!” Dick yelled towards Damian who was locking up the barn.
Damian waved back in affirmation. Jon stood there like an idiot watching Dick run away, Titus barking and chasing him. Damian walked up to him and gave him a strange look. Shrugging, he then poked Jon’s shoulder indicating for him to follow. “You will also be helping me collect eggs and feed the chickens.” He followed Damian to the side of the barn where a large chicken coop stood. The chickens were roosting in their enclosure. Damian walked up to a shed that was built against the coop and took out a baseball glove, a mitt and a baseball. He threw the baseball glove to Jon, who caught it. “Let’s see if you’re any good.” Damian smirked. “Isn’t it almost time for dinner?” Jon just wanted to go back to his designated room, maybe delete the pic he took before it could be used against him. “Tt, too afraid to play? I bet you aren’t any good” Damian challenged. “I’ll wipe that smirk off your face.” Jon gritted through his teeth. Jon took his place at the pitcher’s mound on the makeshift baseball diamond behind the barn. Damian stood in the catcher’s box waiting for him to throw. Jon narrowed his eyes at Damian’s casual stance, did a quick stretch to warm up his shoulders, wound his arm back and threw. The ball slammed into Damian’s mitt, his eyes widening slightly. “You’re passable,” Damian cocked his to the side to stare at Jon in thought, “but your technique could be improved.” Jon watched him wearily as he walked up behind him. “May I?” Jon nodded in response. Damian proceeded to explain a better throwing technique while also moving Jon’s body into step by step positions. His hands were warm through the jeans he was wearing, surprisingly calloused but gentle on his arms and his breath tickled the back of his neck. It was the first time that Jon was aware of Damian being a couple inches shorter than him. He took his instruction as seriously as he had that time in art class and Jon felt the strange fluttering in his stomach return. He tried to stamp it down by focusing on pitching. They continued playing even after the sun had gone down and Damian turned the outside barn lights on. A few minutes afterward Bruce came by to fetch them for dinner. The day had been busy and Jon fell asleep that night fairly quickly despite being in a foreign room. He dreamt of the color green and fast pitches.
Writing is hard guys.
I'm trying to improve, but not sure if I'm succeeding.
Still having fun though and I hope you are enjoying reading this as much as I am enjoying writing it! :D
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adalineozie · 1 year
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Here is the two boys together! Super Sons designed by @camo-wolf
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nepobabyeurydice · 6 months
batman is straight up: your boyfriend has ties with a group that KILLS people and doesn’t SHY AWAY from it. and Jon just shrugs, mulls it over a bit and decides he still loves his man and his man says: I was tortured brutally for years and they’re the only ones who did anything wtf wouldn’t I support them? and Jon is like: Yeah that’s fair and ignores batman like he should.
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purpleangiie · 8 days
Jon, lying on his bed, calling back Clark who's about to exit his room. "Dad?"
Clark: "Yes?"
Jon: "Can I ask you something?"
Clark: "Of course, bud. What is it?"
Jon: "How do you know if you like someone? I mean, like like someone? Not just as a friend but... as something more."
Clark: "You'll know it when you find that person."
Jon, blushing slightly: "I think I know it then."
Clark, smiling: "You wanna tell me who this person is?"
Jon: "Damian Wayne."
Clark: "..."
Clark: "You don’t know it."
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