#swearing by word
melefim · 1 month
Swearing in Dead Boy Detectives: Fuck
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Fuck was said a total of 90 times, in all 8 episodes and by 15 different characters.
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Uses Per Episode:
Fuck is said in all 8 episodes of the show, one of only 4 words to do so.
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Episode 1: 7
Episode 2: 5
Episode 3: 13
Episode 4: 5
Episode 5: 8
Episode 6: 13
Episode 7: 16
Episode 8: 23
Uses Per Character:
Fuck is said by 15 different characters, more than any other word.
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Edwin: 2
Charles: 5
Crystal: 20
Jenny: 18
David: 12
Esther: 6
The Cat King: 6
Tabby Cat: 2
Calico Cat: 1
Litty: 8
Kingham: 5
Brad: 2
Hunter: 1
Twitchy Richie: 1
Girl in Crystal’s Memory 2 (Club Fight): 1
Percent of Total:
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Fuck is used 90 times, which is 27.9% of cursing in the show.
There are 7 variations of the word used in the show, with the most popular being Fuck, which was used 42 times.
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Fuck: 42
Fucking: 37
Fucked-up: 7
Fucked: 1
Fucker: 1
Fuckboy: 1
Mindfuck: 1
Total Uses: Fuck comes in first for total uses, being said 90 times.
Number of Episodes: Fuck is one of only four curse words that is said in all 8 episodes- the others are Shit, Ass, and God.
Most Uses of a Word in a Single Episide: Fuck holds 5 of the top 11 spots.
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Most Uses of a Word by a Single Character in One Episode: Fuck took the title here as well, being said 10 times by Jenny in episode 8.
Total Characters: Fuck comes in first for number of characters to say it, with 15 using it throughout the show.
It is one of only two words said by the main trio of Edwin, Charles, and Crystal, the other being Damn.
It is one of only four words said by both Edwin and Charles—the others being Damn, Bloody, and Bloody Hell.
Favorite Word: Fuck is the favorite word of 7 different characters: Jenny (18), David (12), Litty (8), The Cat King (6), Kingham (5), Tabby Cat (2), and Brad (2).
Curse Word Variations: It comes in first for most variations, with 7.
Episode 1:
Charles: Edwin, hurry the fuck up!
David: I'll fucking gut you! (x2 while possessing Crystal)
Crystal: It's just a stupid fucking name.
Tabby Cat: Fuck you. I'm not telling you nothing about that house or the witch inside.
Crystal: So maybe he's our fucking demon now!
Edwin: Police don't know what to do with a fucking witch!
Episode 2:
Litty: Little ghost fucker!
Litty: I'm gonna tell you something, because I think you really need to hear it, okay? You should go fuck yourself.
Litty: You know what? You can take that sweater and you can shove it up your ass. Do you have any clue how powerful we are? We are fucking gods!
Kingham: You better hope we never get out of here or we are going to fuck you up, like 'brass knuckles and mace' fuck you up!
Episode 3:
Jenny: It's a super fucked-up story so I'm gonna need some coffee
Crystal: What the actual fuck?
Calico Cat: At least we don't have to go inside. This house is fucked up.
Crystal: Just what the fuck is it?
Litty: Looks like they left you behind because you fucking suck.
Litty: They're all gonna fucking die.
Litty: We were fucking kidding, can't you take a fucking joke?
Litty: Stupid fucking bitch!
Charles: I'm just sick of watching this asshole kill his family a million times for no fucking reason. Tried it your way, and it did nothing. Sod it. Let's try mine. (x2 due to time loop)
Charles: His dad was bad, Edwin. Royally fucked-up bad.
Crystal: I am done wasting my energy on your fuckboy bullshit.
Episode 4:
Jenny: Ok, so you're what? You're just, you're not gonna leave until I explain this even though it's private and go the fuck away?
Tabby Cat: Fuck off. The kid had a sardine.
Crystal: You fucked with my head, I'm gonna fuck with yours.
Charles: Every day, I'm fucking smiling.
Episode 5:
Twitchy Richie: The fuck is this?
Jenny: Oh my fuck.
Crystal: You walk around acting like the sun always shines, and then you lost your shit while beating the Night Nurse. Edwin and I are walking on eggshells around you instead of just saying 'what the actual fuck?'
Jenny: What the fuck, Maxine?
Hunter: Oh, fuck that, you whiny little bitch.
Brad: It's a fucking tragedy that we died, okay?
Brad: What the fuck does that mean?
David: I'm a demon! And I always get what I fucking want!
Episode 6:
Crystal: I want to keep this demon the fuck out.
Jenny: Just like whatever the fuck I am doing is none of yours.
Crystal: It's like he's fucking haunting me.
David: Oh no, I'm so fucking scared.
Charles: Don't listen to him Crystal, it's just some sort of a mindfuck, innit?
David: Why the fuck do you smell so weak?
David: What the fuck did you do?
Crystal: I gave up my powers, OK? I got you out of my fucking head.
David: Now, she's just another fucking terrified lump of human flesh!
Crystal: I am nothing special, So why don't you just leave me the fuck alone?
David: Did you really think that you could beat me with a fucking cricket bat?
The Cat King: Do you hear me? I will stop fucking playing nice!
Esther: Teeth Face, what the fuck?
Episode 7:
The Cat King: Why the fuck are you here?
Esther: I know you blew up Monty's spot, you little fucking snitch.
The Cat King: I don't give a fuck, OK? End of audience.
The Cat King: That was my third life, you bitch. I only get nine. Would you fuck off? Fuck!
Crystal: Fucking bullshit, like I can't help.
Crystal: God, that's fucking insane.
Jenny: Fucking kid.
Jenny: What the fuck?
David: Why the fuck would you even want that?
David: What the fuck did you do? Where are we?
David: Maybe I was just fucking with you.
David: Fuck! Fine, you got your memories back.
Jenny: What the fuck was that?
Esther: You, you.. you think that you're the only one who's ever been screwed over? You're not. I fucking deserve this!
Edwin: That is so fucking stupid, It's unbelievable!
Episode 8:
Girl in Crystal’s Memory 2 (Club Fight): Get your fucking hands off my boyfriend, you slut!
Crystal: Oh, my God. Oh, I'm a fucking awful person. Oh, God, I'm the worst.
Jenny: What the actual fuck?
Jenny: And why the ever-loving fuck is my hair braided?
Jenny: Fuck that! That is bullshit!
Jenny: No fucking way.
Kingham: "No fucking way" to you. "No fucking way" to that side braid. What the fuck is that?
Jenny: Fucking fuck!
Jenny: Screw it. I'd rather know my own life, no matter how fucked-up.
Jenny: Jesus, fuck!
Crystal: Fuck! (Esther has the boys)
Jenny: I figure a meat cleaver can cut up a witch, but what the fuck do I know anymore?
Crystal: Because whatever fucked-up little thing you have going on with Edwin, you must care about him a little.
The Cat King: Fuck me. Did you even listen to my story?
Esther: Oh my God, my own sacrificial knife? I'm impressed. But I'm not fucking around that you're also gonna patch that wall before you die too.
Esther: Who the fuck are you?
Esther: What the fuck? Hey hey hey no! What did you just do?
Jenny: God, that sounds so fucking procedural.
Crystal: I don't have to give up my new fucked-up life while I'm trying to sort out my old fucked-up life.
Not included:
In episode 1, Crystal flips off Edwin in the malt shop.
In episode 2, Litty flips off Charles, Edwin, and Crystal with both hands, and then later Kingham and Litty both flip off Edwin.
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More Dead Boy Detectives Swearing Posts:
Swearing by Episode
Swearing by Character
Swearing by Word
All Swearing Posts
And if you like lists of things like I do, you can check out my other Dead Boy Detectives ones here!
When Charles’ Shirt Colors Change
George Rextrew’s Edwin comic inspo board
Full soundtrack with timestamps
Moves, Incidents, and Cases Masterlist
First pass at finding where the songs in the score are used- full post with timestamps in progress
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emilnikos · 9 months
I need non autistic people to realise meltdowns are a real debilitating thing that has a serious effect on your mental and physical health NOWWWWW!!! The way its been trivialized and lessened pisses me the fuck off. It's not a tantrum and it doesn't come from "being too weak-willed" it's painful and it's embarrassing AND MOST OF ALL IT'S INVOLUNTARY!! Don't claim to be an ally to autistic or disabled people and then make fun of people who have meltdowns. Literally get the hell out of my sight
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dduane · 13 days
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(via @slop.guru on Bluesky)
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maxgicalgirl · 7 months
Being a “Fun Fact !” kind of autistic is all fun and games until you get halfway through sharing an interesting tidbit and realize that it probably wasn’t appropriate to share in polite company and now you have to deal with the consequences :(
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prokopetz · 4 months
Level 1: I didn't assume that these two words with similar spellings and related meanings share a common origin because I don't think about things like that.
Level 2: I'm completely certain these two words with similar spellings and related meanings share a common origin because it's fucking obvious just from looking at them, you absolute simpleton.
Level 3: I didn't assume that these two words with similar spellings and related meanings share a common origin because I know what a false cognate is.
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erabu-san · 4 months
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I enjoyed every second of this quest
[This art has platonic intention. Thank you for not tag ship!]
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jibberjibbsart · 1 month
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Supernatural “Power Hour” Part 16
Dean is a rated R character in a PG world
First | Prev | Next
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caffeinatedopossum · 2 years
For all my fellow ADHD and soft voice-havers when we get interrupted/can't say anything constantly
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schnuffel-danny · 4 months
I think it's funny if Vlad absolutely refuses to use actual swear words, regardless of the company or situation he's in. So when the day comes, when he introduces Danny as his "piece of shit nephew" to someone at a casual business event, the entire room goes silent in pure fear of what exactly Daniel Fenton has done to deserve that title...
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supernovasilence · 2 years
Ok we all talk about the Pevensies' trauma at returning to Earth at the end of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and their trouble readjusting to life there again but think of all the funny/good parts too
They return from the country, and their mom is surprised when all her children hug her at the station. Even Peter, who thinks he's all grown up. Even Edmund, who went away surly and withdrawn. She doesn't know her children haven't seen her in over a decade.
They miss their dear Cair Paravel, but they absolutely do not miss its chamber pots. Indoor plumbing is amazing.
It takes a while to remember how modern technology works, though. How many heart attacks did the siblings give their parents or the professor because they walked into a dark room only to turn on the light and find the children sitting there in the dark. (They were by the window! There was still plenty of light from the sunset! They would have gotten a candle in a minute!) The kids sheepishly remember oh yeah electricity is a thing.
(Edmund has a new electric torch in Prince Caspian. He was so excited to get that torch. Almost more excited than you'd think a kid his age would be, and his parents expect Peter at least to tease him, but the siblings all agree light in your hand at the touch of a switch is terrific.)
Suddenly getting really high grades in some subjects and terrible in others. Their grammar, reading comprehension, spelling, vocab, even penmanship? Amazing. History and geography? They don't remember anything. One time in class Susan forgets Earth is round and wants to die.
Also they can never remember what the date is supposed to be because Narnia uses different months and years. They can estimate time really well by looking at the sun though, and Edmund at least can always tell which way is north etc without thinking about it (again, using the sun)
Okay but how many times did they go to pick something up or reach something and realize they are so much shorter and less muscled than they expect? It's a common sight to see Peter climbing on counters to reach a top cabinet, grumbling about how he's High King this is demeaning. (No he never takes the extra five seconds to grab a stool. He will climb that shelf.)
Peter and Susan being delighted because they are no longer almost thirty. (In a few years Edmund and Lucy will tease them about being old and their parents will not understand.)
Lucy doesn't have to deal with periods anymore for a few years yet. Susan might not either. Heck yeah
Lucy loves to climb into her siblings' laps and be cuddled. In Narnia she eventually she grew too big, but now she is small and snuggleable again. Peter is her favorite, and if she's upset, he'll tickle her and tell bad jokes until she's smiling again, but really she loves cuddling with all her family. She grew up without her parents; how many times did she just want to crawl into her mom's lap and her mom was a world away? Imagine the first time she realizes she can now. Or, imagine one day, a cold and grey sort of day, when the rain is pattering against the windows, and it sounds like the rain on the windows of the Professor's house, that first day they went exploring. It sounds like the day they played hide and seek. It sounds so like the rain on the windows of Cair Paravel, that if Lucy closes her eyes she can imagine she's back there, having tea and chatting with Mr. Tumnus before the fireplace of her room, and soon the rain will stop, and they will go out on the balcony and wave to the naiads and the dryads and the mermaids, who have come out to enjoy the rain and visit one other on the banks of the Great River winding past Cair Paravel down to the sea.
But if Lucy looks out the window, all she'll see is the rain over London, so it's not only a cold and grey sort of day, it's a lonely sort of day too.
Susan and Edmund are playing chess in the living room (and they must have studied with Professor Kirke, thinks their mother, because they certainly weren't that good when they left). Lucy goes over to Edmund, and oh dear, thinks their mother, now he's going to call her a baby and be horrible to her, but instead he picks her up and puts her on his lap without even taking his eyes off the chessboard; it's simply a matter of course.
"Doesn't the rain sound familiar?" says Lucy in a solemn, wistful way.
Their mother doesn't know what that means, but her siblings must, because Susan says, "Yes, Lu, it does,” and Edmund gives her a little hug with his free arm as she tucks herself under his chin to watch the chess match.
(Five minutes later there is a crash from the next room as Peter falls off a counter. Their mother does not understand the words he must have picked up from the Professor, but he's grounded for them anyway. His siblings have no respect for their High King, because they refuse to stop laughing.)
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effinbirds · 5 months
Last time I did a run of these they sold out in a day. Yes, I ordered way more this time, and in larger and smaller sizes.
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Send pictures while wearing it in front of a sunset or holding your performance improvement plan.
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melefim · 2 months
Swearing in Dead Boy Detectives: Masterlist
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My Dead Boy Detectives swearing posts are on the way!
I went through each episode and tallied up every curse word I could find, and the results are in!
I’ll be putting up posts for individual episodes, characters, and words- with lots of interlinks to hopefully make navigating everything easy. This post will be the Masterlist, updated with direct links each time a new individual post goes up.
Each post will have charts and graphs, as well as the original lines containing each swear.
Lines in red below are posts that have not gone up yet. Lines in black are up and links should be live. All posts will be tagged as “#dead boy detectives swearing” on my blog.
The Case of Crystal Palace
The Case of the Dandelion Shrine
The Case of the Devlin House
The Case of the Lighthouse Leapers
The Case of the Two Dead Dragons
The Case of the Creeping Forest
The Case of the Very Long Stairway
The Case of the Hungry Snake
Edwin Payne
Charles Rowland
Crystal Palace
Niko Sasaki
Jenny Green
David the Demon
Esther Finch
The Night Nurse
The Cat King
Tabby and Calico Cats
The Boys Who Killed The Boys (Simon & Charles’ ‘Friend’)
Ghostly Clients
Twitchy Richie
Crystal’s Parents
Girls in Crystal’s Memories
Non-Cursing Characters
Bloody Hell
Words said only once
Words said only twice
Words said only thrice
Overall notes/caveats:
-I did a couple double check rewatches, and tried my best to be accurate, but I still might have missed something- if you spot one I’ve not included, please let me know!
- I did not include the episode recaps in the tallies.
- Variations of the same word are grouped together- for example, ‘Shit’ ‘Bullshit’ and ‘BS’ were all counted towards the total for ‘Shit’.
-The exception to this was ‘Bloody’ ‘Hell’ and ‘Bloody Hell’- all three were counted separately.
- If a word was not used as a curse, it was not counted. For example, ‘I spent seventy years in Hell’ was not counted, while ‘What the hell?’ was.
- I am not British, and therefore I’m not 100% on all the British curses. If there were words I wasn’t sure about, they were not included in the tallies, but will appear in the relevant posts as bonus comments. Again, please feel free to correct me if any words were categorized incorrectly and I’ll update the posts!
- I’ll do my best to get them out as quickly as I can, I’m aiming for minimum one a day but will be trying to do more whenever possible.
If you like lists of things like I do, you can check out my other Dead Boy Detective ones here!
When Charles’ Shirt Color Changes
George Rextrew’s Edwin comic inspo board
Full Soundtrack with timestamps
Moves, Incidents, and Cases masterlist
First pass at finding where the songs in the score are used- full post with timestamps in progress.
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theotterpenguin · 6 months
it’s always “let aang swear” or “let zuko swear” but y’all are missing out on the comedic potential of katara being the one who has the dirtiest mouth. she swears like a sailor but is just better at hiding it than everyone else because she doesn't want to influence aang or toph, and tries to keep up pretenses of being proper.
after all the time they spent fighting each other as enemies and sparring as friends, zuko’s the only one that knows this about her but no one believes him.
(for those who question where katara could possibly learn to curse, i ask - have you ever assisted women through childbirth in a world where epidurals don't exist? katara has. like c'mon. she knows all the swear words).
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prokopetz · 4 months
Imagine extrapolating "oh my God" > "oh my gods" to other popular Christian and Christian-adjacent oaths. Good lords. Jesuses Christ.
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erabu-san · 4 months
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I enjoyed every second of this quest This art has platonic intention, please don't tag ship
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zephyrchama · 4 months
It's the middle of the night. The house is still. All is quiet.
You don't know why you woke up, or if you're even really awake. You're just vaguely conscious. The room is dark, but you're too tired to open your eyes anyway. It's time to go back to sleep.
Your feet are hot. The fact doesn't register in your tired mind, it's just a subconscious feeling that makes you instinctively readjust your feet. You try and shake off the blanket to cool down.
It doesn't work. You move again, nothing changes. Your body knows something is amiss and at this point is waiting for your brain to process what's happening. Your feet are hot, and heavy. When you try to cool off you are rooted in place and there's an uncanny sensation you can't place. It feels prickly.
You wake up enough to crack open your eyes and adjust to the dark room. Conscious thought is booting back up. Everything seems normal - the door is closed, you're under the blankets, everything is where it belongs. Only your feet are really, unusually warm, and something is moving on them.
You sit up in a stupor to discover Belphagor at the end of your bed, wrapped in his own blanket, distinguishable by his two-tone hair peaking out from the sheets. Only he could be comfortable sleeping in such a bizarre curled-up ball by your legs with your feet, of all things, as his pillow.
You experimentally try flexing your toes. The demon reflexively bites your foot until you stop. Perhaps a habit picked up from Beelzebub?
Luckily, the covers soften any real damage. Unlike his dangerous twin, whose bite could be fatal even with protection, Belphegor's gnawing is rendered harmless. It doesn't happen unless you move in some way. The mystery is solved.
You lay back down and sink your head into the pillow. A weird talk might be in order once morning comes, but you can deal with some warm feet for one night.
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