#survivor diaries
thegreenhordes · 29 days
Survivor Diaries - Odd Sightings
I noticed something late last night. My room in the Castle- and I swear, the inside of the Castle is internally the size of a city, thanks to the Princess's expansion spell- Is located in an upper area. One of many rooms that all have a connection to a single external window. I was struggling to sleep again, just staring outside at the moon as I recovered from yet another nightmare. But something caught my eye down below, some movement in the dark streets. I turn my eyes down, towards a home a short distance away. it was decrepit and crumbling from a fire that broke out around two weeks ago. What caused it I don't know, but it was likely a survivor waiting till morning to finish their pilgrimage here. Regardless of that, though, something was there now. At first I thought, 'oh, likely just an animal.' But, something didn't feel right. I saw a faint silhouette in the dimly lit shadow of the burnt out home, tall and a little lopsided. It just kind of.... sat there. I tend to keep the window open some nights, for the breeze. If it is quiet outside, at least. Last night it was, so, the window was open. I heard nothing but the faint sound of the wind for a long time. Then something strange happened. An animal did come around, wandering by the house slow and careful. It was a large cat, light in color though I couldn't make out exactly what. Maybe orange, maybe gray- it was too dark to tell. But, it was walking through when suddenly I heard a kitten-like meow. It seemed to startle the cat, who looked around for the noise. A moment passed and, then, another meow. The cat turns in the direction of the silhouette I saw, starting to move towards it. Until a green pulse emanated from where the thing stood. Green light, seeming to come from within this... creature. It meowed, again, and started rapidly shuffling toward the cat. The poor thing was suddenly horribly frightened as it let out a yowl and ran as fast as it could. The creature almost reached it until the cat crossed the line where the darkest shadows of the house end, and it just. Stops moving? It's suddenly so still and quiet, eerily so. I find myself shifting uncomfortably- and then startled when what i think is the creature's head snaps in my direction. Another green pulse as it opens its mouth and says something before I quickly close the window and shut the blinds. I haven't asked anypony else about what I saw, or heard. I'm too frightened to. It said to me, this: "Hello? How are you? I'm fine. And you? Come here, come here, come here..... Hello? How are you? I'm fine."
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nutmegthings · 4 months
When MurderBot says "sometimes people do things to you that you can't do anything about. You just have to survive it and go on"
Fucking Hell.
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crazycatsiren · 2 months
Hearing your mother's voice on the phone shouldn't activate your fight-or-flight, I'm just saying here. 😑
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julietsothervision · 3 months
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im sorry
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leonspretty · 1 month
boil over
in which your assignment is getting too much for you to handle but keith is there to help you out
pairing: keith x reader
tags: fem! reader, college au!, established relationship, keith is a biker (yum), very fluffy, no use of y/n, reader gets a bit short with keith. keith is a sweetheart, slight angst.
notes: finally writing for keith. its sadly much shorter than i wanted but i spent ages looking for what to write for him because i wasn't sure what i was in the mood for. i had already made notes on season 7 episode 6 where they get like lost in space but then when it came to writing i hated the idea so now we have a college au. he's so pretty in this scene!!!
wc: 839
"Buck and Wild, Swing to be free, Your hands just can't keep ahold of me." — Kate Denson's "Boil Over"
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The sound of a motorbike pulling up dragged you out of your train of thought. If this was any other time, you would have jumped out of your seat to meet your boyfriend at the door. Today, however, was not one of those days.
You had a huge assignment to do for college, and even though you had plenty of time to get it done, you prided yourself in having things completed as soon as physically possible. This assignment was deciding to not let you commit to it. Everything you would type out would be deleted pretty much immediately.
With a groan, you deleted the last paragraph you had typed out. There were spelling mistakes throughout it and it didn't read right. Anymore force put into your backspace key and you're sure it would break.
Keith couldn't wait to see you. You had been asleep when he left in the morning for work at the Garrison and you hadn't picked up any of his calls all day. He was aware of your assignment and knew how you got when they became difficult and so made a pit stop on his way home.
Greeting Kosmo at the door, Keith placed his helmet and keys down, toeing off his boots simultaneously. "Hey buddy. Where is my pretty girl?" He asked Kosmo. As if the wolf could understand, he immediately got up and started off towards the living room.
Upon entering, Keith saw you sat with your back to the arm rest, computer in your lap and a multitude of notebooks splayed out on your coffee table. A half empty mug of coffee also sat closest to you on the table, but Keith assumed this to be cold as it normally ended up to be when you would become so engrossed in your work.
Kosmo walked up to your side, partially blocking your view of your notebooks. You were yet to notice your boyfriend's presence in the room despite you realising that he will be home now.
"Kosmo, honey, please move," you pleaded. You were finally beginning to form a thought that could lead you on your next point you wanted to make but by the time Kosmo had moved, you had lost it.
You let out another groan. Louder this time, accompanied by you shutting you laptop and putting your head down.
"Hey baby, you okay?"
The voice made you jump, and instead of soothing you like Keith had intended it to, it only angered you.
"Do I look okay, Keith?" You snapped. You had sat up now, laptop still in your lap.
What you hadn't noticed but Keith had was your hands. They were curled up above your laptop but were shaking. At this realisation, Keith was quick to move your notebooks neatly into a pile, placing the bag of food he had in his hand on the free space on the coffee table.
"I’m struggling with this assignment and I know I have time but I want it done now and nothing I write is good enough and then- What are you doing? I need those!"
Still not saying anything, Keith kneeled in front of you, taking your laptop and moving that to the table too. He then grabbled your hands, holding them tightly.
"Look at me, darling."
You didn't hear his words, too busy rambling in a mumble about how you need to get back to work so you could get it done. Keith realised this when your eyes didn't even flick to Kosmo who had not rested his head in place of where your laptop previously was. At this you would usually let out a coo and stroke his head. Instead you were staring at your books on the table. Knowing you wouldn't listen to him any other way, Keith placed his index and his thumb under your chin to move you to face him.
When you made eye contact with Keith's sympathetic gaze, your eyes started to well up. Suddenly the stress and guilt overwhelmed you and you broke down.
Rather than trying to shush you or get you to stop crying, Keith leaned up to hug you. This was what you needed. You had been over working yourself and it was finally catching up to you.
The familiarity of Keith's smell and his warmth was soothing to you. "Keith, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-" Your voice was croaky and broken as your tears refused to stop just yet.
"I know, darling, I know."
You pulled away to look him in the eyes. You didn't know what to say or do and so you said the only thing you did know. "I love you."
"I love you most. So much so that I brought you some food."
To this you let out a quiet giggle and hugged him again.
"It's okay to be overwhelmed. You're putting way too much pressure on yourself for something that you have so much time for. I'm here for you, and so is Kosmo. You are not alone. Now, how about, we eat? And then we can find a way to distract you for a while. How does that sound?"
Taking note of the insinuation, you just nodded, throwing yourself to him for a kiss.
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this is so much shorter and rushed than i wanted it to be but i really struggled with finding a good idea to use for him so this is really disappointing. im gonna try make the next one a little longer but its not gonna be a voltron fic i fear. onto kate denson’s final perk though!
@cafekitsune made the dividers here!
thank you for reading!!
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dogstomp · 1 year
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Dogstomp #2979 - February 26th
Patreon / Discord Server / Itaku / Bluesky
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dizzieartist · 4 months
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cryptic-healing · 10 months
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Heya! Just trying this account out:) it’s not technically art just a brain dump but there will be art, poetry, art journaling, junk journaling, scrapbooking, mental health stuff and whatever else comes to mind. Everything I post is mine unless stated otherwise.
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m340700 · 1 year
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The Moon's Lament
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trauma-bois · 1 month
I was filled with so much love but everyone else took advantage of it and treated me like shit so all the love turned to rage and hatred
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thegreenhordes · 1 month
Survivor Diaries - A Foal's Tale Pt.1
Pa likes to write stuff down when he gets angry, or scared, or needs to think. Almost all the stuff we've done since the sick ponies started hurting others, was written down in Pa's old thick journal. So, I figure if it helps, and it keeps us all alive, then it must be good right? So I'm gonna write what happened today! It was really scary, then it was really cool. This tall green maned stallion saved our lives today! He looked so cool! Like, he's COVERED in bandages, he's got some mask on you see doctors wear, and he's a blank flank like me! Ma says everypony gets their cutie mark eventually, so I shouldn't worry about other foals bullying me, but if this adult doesn't have his and is still so strong and brave? Maybe being a blank flank isn't so bad. I'm gonna tell Ma I don't want my cutie mark anymore, I wanna save lives and not care about my flank at all! But, anyway, I wanna write about what happened today. Pa says I need to sleep, but I just can't close my eyes until I get this all out of my system. So, like, Pa has us going through the town square, and he keeps looking at the main hall building. I ask him why cause its' freaking me out- he shushes me, only for a sick pony to come crashing through the window! They moved sooooo fast, and it was really scary watching this big heavy bulb-headed thing attack my Pa. I thought he was bit or dead for sure! I was crying and everything because I knew if my Pa died it would be my fault for not keeping my big dumb mouth shut like I shoulda. But then this green haired stallion comes rushing! He's all tall and skinny and smelled like he hasn't had a bath in weeks. Like, wade in some water dude. But he came running over and rams the sick pony right in the side with his big horn! THAT was cool, I admit. It was like one of those comic books Ma doesn't want me reading, all blood and action. The sick pony goes BAM right to the dirt! And the stallion tears out his horn and just starts bashing his hooves into the big green bulbs all over its' head, until they make a loud pop and it stops moving. We hear more in the distance, and the unicorn tells us to follow him. He says his name is Null, and he can take us somewhere safe for the night. So we follow behind, laying low and being super super quiet this time. Guess where he takes us? Sugar Cube Corner! I was excited until I realized all the sweets were spoiled or gone. Shame, I haven't had candy in over a month! That's like, a hundred years for a foal! But still, even with the weird red-brown stains everywhere and Ma telling me to stay away from the Kitchen, everything seems fine. No sick ponies nearby, its' warm inside, and we can all shuffle into one room to sleep with plenty of places to hide or escape. There's more, but, like, I should go to bed. I'll write about what happened next tomorrow! Ma will tan my hide if she sees I'm still awake anyway.
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nutmegthings · 4 months
... Miki was a bot who had never been abused or lied to or treated with anything but indulgent kindness. It really thought its humans were its friends, because that's how they treated it.
... I needed to have an emotion in private.
Oh buddy.
Devastating interaction for a MurderBot who has almost Only been abused lied to and never treated with kindness.
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crazycatsiren · 16 days
I think the worst part of when "I wish I had my mom here" moments happen for me is that my mother is alive but inaccessible to me now, and she is no longer my mother.
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animeaipdf · 3 months
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susieandhobbes · 4 months
"SydCarmy is the first time I've been queerbaited by a straight ship" - someone who has never had a ship featuring a Black woman and a white man before
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sionwritingco19 · 5 months
my 25th birthday is looming, there IS excitement, but also this…sadness. a sadness as heavy as the struggles i’m carrying right now.
i’m tired of fighting the same battles with addiction and codependency. its like this anchor, dragging me down, keeping me from reaching the surface, from reaching my full potential. i see glimpses of who i could be, this strong, capable person with dreams and goals. but then the struggle pulls me back, and sometimes being high is all i can do to keep my head above water.
today it feels especially suffocating. i’m angry too. angry at the way these things hold me back, steal my time and energy. angry at myself for letting them have this much power over me.
but under all the anger and sadness, there's a flicker of hope. maybe because putting it into words, here on this page, makes it feel a little less overwhelming. maybe because i know admitting it is always the first step, a crack in the armor.
i don't know what the future holds, but i can't keep doing this. i deserve better. i want to be better.
this sadness can be a turning point. maybe it can fuel a fire, a determination to break free and finally reach for that person i know i can be.
at least I got it out. ar least it's written down. and that, for now, feels like a small victory.
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