lianobody · 11 months
Warnings: Worshipping behaviour, yandere platonic hashiras.
[Name] was a Goddess a very powerful one she cared for her people and gave them blessings her worshippers cared for her deeply but a certain group of 9 say they worship [Name] more then anyone or anything.
At night all the Hashira goes to an altar with your picture on it when they saw they picture all the Hashira smiled even Giyuu. with a lot of offerings on it. It can be roses or your favourite things. All the Hashira were very devoted to you and they all have there reasons for it. “Let’s pray for our loving Goddess!” Gyomei said all the Hashira nodded.
“Dear divine thank you for making us live another day. Without you we wouldn’t feel any emotion we hope we can forgive us for all the sins we did and if you can’t we promise we do anything for you to forgive us”
After the Hashira were done praying they got the gifts they got you and they placed it down on your altar. “I wish one day our divine one could come to Earth” Giyuu mumbled but yet all the Hashira could hear him. “I hate to agree with you but I want her to come down to Earth to” Sanemi said glaring at Giyuu rudely. They were about to go home until..
Someone dropped down from the building and fell face flat! It left a hole in the wall and the Hashira were mad and wanted to kill you for destroying your altar. The person taught they were a demon as they had black horns. “This demon destroyed our goddesses altar. We have to kill them brutally” Muichiro muttered madly. “I’ll make sure to torture them with a heavy poison!” Shinobu smiled in a menacing way. Obanai was about to stab you until you woke up. They looked at your appearance and you had star pupils? Only there divine one has star eyes! And you also have black horns? Do they think your there goddess? NOPE! They think your a copycat! “This copycat had the urge to copy our divine one appearance!“ Obanai madly said. “These are the people I helped when they were in a rough time. I remember but I don’t blame them for thinking I’m a identity fraud I wouldn’t believe myself either” you taught to yourself. “Wait I’m actually not a fraud!” You said! You were not scared as you were immortal. But not to your surpriseyou were “lying” that you were the God they worshipped. “You have guts to lie that your our divine one your nothing but a demon” Sanemi said smiling in a menacing way. You we’re going to defend yourself until Mitsuri’s blade scratched you. “That’s what you gets for disrespecting our God! >:(“. Gyomei about to finish the final blow until your Black blood was shown. All of them were thinking “Wait I taught demons had Red blood like us? Wait! That means!” They all went down all their knees immediately after they realized. “Please forgive us our divine one we were foolish and mistaken you for a demon and a fake” Gyomei said while crying. “It’s ok guys I forgive you all! You guys can stand” All the Hashira signed in relieved and they stood up. They wouldn’t know what to do if you didn’t forgive them they were grateful that your such a forgiving and nice God.
“Our divine one we are so grateful you ascended to earth!” Rengoku said coming one step closer to you. “I hope we will be of worth to you!” Tengen said. Meanwhile every Hashira was already thinking of a way to kidnap you. “Would you like to come with us. You don’t hav a place to stay..” Muichiro curiously said. “Oh don’t worry I’m good! I can just Uhm use magic to make a building” all the Hashira was mad at that! They needed there Goddess to stay with them! So Gyomei knocked you out and you were bleeding a little your very strong but physically weak. Sanemi went to go check on you “Lets hope she will still forgive us..” wiping your Black blood away.
Remember it’s platonic
• Some of the Hashira didn’t worship you in the beginning but after you went into there lives they couldn’t find a way for you to get back out.
• Sanemi didn’t worship you and often ignored the posters of you until after he killed his mom. While we was walking home still sad about his moms death he started to cry until he saw a poster of you. He felt happier? But why did he his mom died because of him. Until it clicked he felt happier because you felt pity and sadness for him you wanted to be his new mom. And he accepted that rather quickly. When he was still a kid and was killing demons by tying them up he said some lines such as “This is for [Name]” or “[Name] is proud of me” and after he kills the demon he says “I know your proud of me my divine one” or “My divine one are you proud of me? Why am I even saying this I know you are..right?” Sometime he kills people for sacrifices to you surely you enjoy the things he does for you?
• Even through he is colourblind he can see you in colour
• Tengen’s clan worshipped you so he was forced to worship you but he didn’t pray to you or participate in any religion related stuff since he didn’t participate in any religious stuff he taught you hated him. But after his clan died he felt lighter in his body and he felt Happier when it was raining he didn’t have an umbrella but an umbrella flew his way untouched and he taught you gave mercy on him. You still loved him you gave him a second chance he must make it up to you! He prays every night for forgiveness for 2 straight months. When he thinks he’s forgiven he does rituals. The rituals are that he kills people and puts their blood in a cup and prays hoping you will ascend to earth.
• Giyuu knew about you in the beginning but he really didn’t worship you he barley paid attention to you until his elder sister died he taught that was you punishing him for his ‘sins’ but he hated you he despised you after Sabito died he hated you more for not blessing him with luck until he ears a voice in his head saying “I’m sorry please forgive me” and he taught that was you. Why are you begging him to forgive you? Your the god not him but it doesn’t stop him from obsessing over you. Always praying to you and begs for blessings once in a while and you give them to him but not exactly.
• Giyuu is also the second one closest to you he taught you human things and took care of you. You see him as a dad. But he sees you as a fragile thing that needs to be protected.
• The day before Kanae died Shinobu saw Kanae having photos you everywhere the house and she was mad at her for this “Big sister! If [Name] was a really powerful god then why didn’t she save our family!” Kanae was smiling and just patted her head which made Shinobu rage intensify. After Kanae died Shinobu saw this as a warning to worship you and she did praying to every night but then she guilt tripped herself that you were her saviour and she convinced Kanao and Aoi to worship you to.
• Mitsuri didn’t worship you in the beginning as she didn’t know who you were but after her failed marriage courting she was walking and saw an altar she went in it and saw a picture of you. She saw how you were the most beautiful thing to exist she needed to worship you. She found out your name, your family member, your favorite things and your backstory she cries when she saw how you were so mistreated by your parents because you tried to go to Earth. she needed to protect you! And she did by killing people who spoke badly of you.
• Obanai was the first one to worship you while all the females in his family was worshiping the serpent demon he worshipped you. He had a dream of you and you were talking to him how he will escape one day. He woke up he didn’t want the dream to end. Before he met Mitsuri you were the only female he liked (Platonic) he kills people who dear disrespect the first women who helped him thru his trauma. He dreams of you 4 times a month and your the ones giving him dreams and you make sure to check on him daily.
• Muichiro didn’t really like you only because Yuichiro didn’t like you so he listened to Yuichiro but then after Yuichiro died he hated you more. Until he randomly started to forget things but why did he remember the hatred he has for you? Until it clicked. He only remembers you because you matter to him.. He’s happy he doesn’t forget you he prays to you daily and goes to your altar a lot.
• Muichiro clings onto you often when your in the basement no where to run.
• Gyomei Didn’t worship you as he worships Buddha but then one day we was walking past your altar he didn’t have any intentions to go in but he had a gut feeling to but then something unexpected happened. He acutally could see how you look like but he couldn’t see the people around him.. only your picture. This much be a sign he has to worship you! He worships you and prays to you daily. When he’s eating he always leaves a chair beside him as your sitting with him.
• Rengoku didn’t worship you in the beginning as he taught your the reason his mom died and his dad is an alcoholic until one day he saw senjuro praying to you. He didn’t like that one bit but he didn’t confront him but then the next day he saw Senjuro so much happier Rengoku knew it was your doing he decided to worship you. Whenever he’s in a conversation he always brings up you but if a person says anything rude about you ex: “She’s not the divine one” the only thing that will save them from death if there in another religion or they just say there joking and say compliments about you and Rengoku will join then into saying compliments.
After you ascended all the Hashira were so happy and they needed to kidnap you to make sure your ‘safe’ you can’t be rude to them its impossible for you to! You allow them to be clingy to you and kill people for you even though they disturb you. To make it even worse they are delusional to! They read all the scriptures about you they say no one can compare the worship we have to anyone else. They think you enjoy the things they are doing to you.
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shiro-sideblog · 6 months
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"If this is all it takes to surpriseyou, then your heart will be stopping every five seconds you spend with me!
But of course, I'll just wake you up with a magic kiss every time~!" I'll never get over this part! Wataru just easily said he will kiss Eichi. Wataru it was very smooth!
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But this part... Eichi... 🥺
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You two... It's too much for my heart! Love this part! 🥺🥰💖
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Poor Keito... These two never give him a break 😂 Let's pretend he wasn't in the box in Diner Live story 😂
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But again... this part...😭 I love how Tori and Wataru are always there to remind him that he's not alone and he should rely on them more... 🥺😭💖
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Sunny in Philadelphia - A Joseph Quinn Story (Chapter 1)
hey everyone! I’m new to using Tumblr to post my writing but I figured I would give it a try. I have this Joe Quinn story I’ve been working on. It isn’t done and I honestly have to fight to find time to write so I don’t know if it will ever be done but I wanted to share what I have so far and I will share new chapters when/if I can write them. Hope you enjoy (: (also idk what the title is if it’s stupid, I couldn’t come up with anything better lol)
(no mature/sexual content in this part but may eventually be in future parts - Minors caution)
Chapter 1 - Photo Op Surprise
You were in line at Fan Expo Philadelphia waiting for your photo op with Joseph Quinn, who played none other than Eddie "the freak" Munson, your best friend Rachel, who also happened to be your older brother's girlfriend, by your side. You two have been friends since before they were together, matching tattoos and all, so having you as a possible future sister-in-law was a very exciting road for the both of you. She was a bit older than you, 35, the same age as your brother. She liked Stranger Things too, but she didn't quite understand the obsession you had with Joe. She supported you all the same. She hates the city and driving in it but "risked her life," as she would call it, for you to finally meet this man. Cons really weren't her thing either. She just knew how important it was for you and didn't want to leave you going alone.
"Mack, this is it. You've been waiting 6 months for this," she said as you neared the booth curtains, grabbing your arms in excitement.
"Don't remind me, I'm already shaking," you responded through a nervous giggle. You made it to the front of the line just outside the curtains. A Fan Expo worker scanned the QR code from your phone and escorted the two of you through. There was still another curtain between you and the photo booth, but it was opened by the person in front of you just enough that you got a peak at Joe. You exhaled nervously, eyes widening. "Oh my God, it's an all-black outfit today. I'm officially dead," you said to Rachel, earning a laugh from her.
"You'll be fine, just breathe."
The line kept moving forward as each person posed with him. A worker let you inside the second curtain and there were only two people ahead of you. Your hands were shaking, your breath hitched.
"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God," you were whispering to what you thought was yourself, but Rachel laughing beside you let you know it was louder than you thought. The person right in front of you walked up to Joe, leaving you next in line. Your anxiety peaked and you could feel yourself sweating. Your friend stayed back to let you have your moment when it was time. The person in front of you walked away from Joe and he turned his attention to you. Those big chocolate brown eyes met yours combined with a crooked smile as you walked up to him. "Hi," you managed to force out shyly.
"Hello there," Joe said to you and put his arm around your back, starting to pose for the photo. Your skin tingled under his touch. You smiled up at him in awe and turned to the camera, wrapping an arm around his back, and placing the other hand on his stomach.
Holy shit, ABS, you thought to yourself. You could feel yourself blushing. The camera flashed and you turned to Joe.
"Thank you," you said to him quickly, trying to move along and not hold up the line.
"Enjoy your day," he replied as his arm guided you away on the small of your back, the physical contact and British accent turning your cheeks even more red. You started for the exit curtain, your friend running over to catch up.
"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God," you started again once both of you were outside the curtain. Rachel laughed and started handing you your bags that you had to leave behind for the photo.
"You did it!" she squealed, grabbing your shoulder.
"I did it," you assured with a smile, your hand shaking as you reached up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. "Holy shit, that just happened."
"Hell yeah, it did! I feel like a proud mom," she said, earning a laugh from you.
The two of you followed the path made by curtains out of the booth area and towards the photo pick-up line. Once you were checked out by staff, you walked up to the photo table. Yours was the only one lying there at the time, and you squealed as you picked it up to get your first look at it.
"Oh my God, it looks so good!" You showed Rachel and she smiled. A huge weight was lifted off your shoulders. You didn't have the most confidence and had been worried for months that you would look like a potato standing next to Joe - if your head or body was turned an inch, it wouldn't look right because it wasn't your good angle – but it was PERFECT. You glanced down at his hand around your back and you got a little weak in the knees all over again.
"Look at you! It's so cute!" she said, pointing at your hand on his stomach. You blushed and let out a small squeal.
"I just touched Joseph Quinn's abs," you said aloud, letting out a hitched breath. Rachel laughed and whipped out her phone. Your brother's name showed on her screen. She was getting a FaceTime call. He had a way of having impeccable timing. She swiped across the screen and his face popped up.
"Hey babe, how's it going?" he asked before she could say anything. She turned her phone camera towards you and he saw you holding your photo and smiling excitedly. "Heyyyy, that's awesome! And you didn't die."
"I almost did," you exhaled with a nervous laugh. "I touched Joseph Quinn's abs," you repeated, earning a laugh from him and Rachel. You stared down at your photo as the two of them had a brief conversation since it had been a few days since they saw each other. She hung up the call and you headed towards the hallway.
You got in line at a table where protective sleeves for the photos could be purchased when someone tapped on your shoulder. You turned around to see the worker that had let you into Joe's photo booth.
"Oh, hey," you greeted her curiously, wondering what she could possibly want. She sneakily handed you a folded-up piece of paper and leaned down close to your ear.
"This is for you. From Joseph."
Those words caused your eyes to widen and your extremities to freeze in place.
"F-for me?"
"He told me to give this to the blonde girl with black glasses and white dress that just came through. Pretty sure that's you," she smiled, patting your shoulder as she walked away. You looked at Rachel with a both surprised and confused expression. She shrugged her shoulders, silently agreeing with your emotions.
"Open it," she said excitedly. You grabbed the edge of the paper, struggling to grasp it with still shaking hands. You finally managed to fold it open and there was scribbly handwriting and some numbers.
You are absolutely beautiful, darling. Text me, if I would be so lucky. -JQ
Your eyes widened as you turned to Rachel, who let out a gasp before your eyes made it to her, as she had already read it over your shoulder.
"Oh my God," you said, your voice cracking into almost a whisper.
"You HAVE to text him, Mack," she said, trying to keep her voice down since there were other fans passing close by.
You stared at the note in disbelief. Was this a prank? Am I dreaming? You hadn't pinched yourself, but it was definitely a possibility. The thought crossed your mind that it could have been written by someone else, but you looked closer at the handwriting and you knew it was his. You recognized it from seeing personalized messages he added to his autographs that other fans had shared on the internet from other conventions. As much as your brain was trying to convince you it couldn't possibly be from him, you knew it was, and that was amazing and scary at the same time. Why would he like me? I'm nothing special. He thinks I'M beautiful? HOLY SHIT. Thoughts raced through your mind until you were interrupted by your friend's voice.
"You might want to stash that somewhere before someone sees."
"Good idea," you responded, shaking your head back to reality and sticking the note in your dress pocket.
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alisah-beth · 4 years
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#questionoftheday #question after knowing people for so long there is very little you don’t know about them #surpriseme #surpriseyou #quoteoftheday #quotestoliveby #quotes #quotesaboutlife 🏡👩🏻 #singleparent #singlemom #Infj #empath #highlysensitiveperson #infjpersonalitytype #infjthoughts #sanjosehairstylist #408hairstylist #christian #latina #salvadorena #california #californian #beauty #writer #writing #art #photography #love #romance (at San Jose, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBV2L1ahJqv/?igshid=a6dptuegajwp
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ppathmorocco · 4 years
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Inside a Riad, wonderful patios await you, some with gardens and a fountain, some with swimming pool, but all of them a #surprisebehindcloseddoors ! You'll never guess what jewels you can find behind the doors of the #medinas of #morocco 👣 Let me #surpriseyou and get your accommodation sorted during your #moroccotrip 📨 #ppathmorocco #riads #traveltomorocco #riadlovers #secretsofmorocco #moroccovacations #travelassistance #traveladvisor #tourleader #moroccoguide #travelguides #marrocos #marruecos #instamorocco #instariad #marrakech #sahara #fezmorocco #chefchaouen (at Marrakech-Moroco ღ) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7oqG1DhHWF/?igshid=t86sddbvtkjr
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tomhiddlestonfanfic · 2 years
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TITLE: Surprise CHAPTER NUMBER/ONE SHOT: One shot WHICH TOM CHARACTER: Actor Tom, President Loki PAIRING: Tom Hiddleston/Gender Neutral Reader, President Loki/Gender Neutral Reader GENRE: Romance, Fluff REQUEST PICTURE CREDIT: @prislaa​ TAGLIST: @waddlenut​ @sleutherclaw​ @twhiddlestonsstuff​  @prislaa​
You were having a really bad week. Pretty much everything hadn’t worked out the way you had wanted them to, so you had to improvise a lot and come up with makeshift solutions at work. You had tears in your eyes and felt so impossibly tired as you came home on Friday night. Finally you could rest.
Tom was a delight. He sensed that you were tired, so he cooked you dinner and suggested that you should just lay on the couch watching TV together. He assured you that it would be okay if you fell asleep, he just wanted to be near you. On your request, you watched the Loki series together.
“Awwh, I love alligator Loki,” you told Tom with an amused smile. “But I sure wouldn’t mind hanging out with president Loki. He’s kind of hot.”
“You think?” Tom asked with a grin.
“Yeah,” you said and rested your head on Tom’s lap, pulling a blanket on top of you. It didn’t take long for you to fall asleep with a content smile on your lips. You had made it through a rough week and now had a whole weekend to spend with your dear boyfriend.
When you woke up the next morning, you felt rested and eager to take on a new day. A day with Tom. You turned around towards his side of the bed and screamed once you saw alligator Loki where Tom was supposed to be. For a brief moment, you thought the alligator was real, it looked real, so you backed away from it until you fell out of bed. Then you burst into a fit of laughter at how ridiculous it all was. Of course Tom wouldn’t put a real, live alligator in your bed.
“My God, Tom!” you called into your apartment, not knowing where he was. “You really got me with alligator Loki! How did you get him?”
When you received no answer, you walked around your apartment, looking for your boyfriend.
“Tom? Tom? Where are you?” you called out. But the apartment was empty.
You sighed and were about to pick up your phone to call him, when you noticed that he had set the table and served you breakfast. There were fresh fruit, berries and pancakes. You touched them and noticed that they were still warm. With a smile, you sat down by the kitchen table and pulled out your phone to take a picture of it.
You also texted Tom. ‘My beloved. Where art thou?’
Tom called you up soon after you had sent the message.
“Hello darling,” he said in a sugary voice.
“Where are you at?” you asked him with a smile.
“I’ll tell you later. Please, eat the breakfast I have made for you. You’re going to need the energy later,” Tom told you and you laughed.
“What is that supposed to mean?” you questioned amusedly.
“You’ll see,” Tom replied. “I’ve got to go now. I’ll be home in an hour. Have some coffee and breakfast and just relax, my dear.”
“Okay. At least I’ve got alligator Loki to keep me company. I got so scared at first that I fell out of bed,” you told him. You smiled as you heard Tom laugh.
“You didn’t hurt yourself, did you?” he asked after laughing heartily at your clumsiness.
“I might have a bruise on my butt since I landed on it, but it was worth it. I love alligator Loki. Thank you for cheering me up, Tom,” you said appreciatively and went to fetch alligator Loki to seat him by the table to keep you company.
“You’re very welcome, my dear. I’ll see you in an hour,” Tom said.
“See you then,” you said and hung up.
You enjoyed your breakfast in the company of the alligator with a horned helmet on and put on some music to break the silence. You sang along to the songs on your most played playlist and had a pretty good time as you cleared the table, put away the rest of the food in the fridge and did the dishes.
You had a good feeling and decided to surprise Tom by mopping the floor. You started in the hall and continued into the other rooms, dancing around as you were cleaning.
“My bad habits lead to wide eyes stare into space. And I know I’ll lose control of the things that I say. Yeah, I was lookin’ for a way out, now I can’t escape. Nothin’ happens after two, it’s true, it’s true. My bad habits lead to y-”
Your singing was interrupted by a loud noise from the hall. You hurried over to see what it was and gasped as you saw your boyfriend laying on the floor in full president Loki gear.
“Oh my God! Are you okay?!” you asked and quickly came to his aide, helping him up.
“It was hardly the entrance I had in mind,” Tom said with an embarrassed smile. “Why is the floor all wet?”
“I wanted to surprise you by mopping the floor,” you replied and felt your cheeks grow warm. “I’m so terribly sorry you slipped. Are you okay, president Loki?”
“Of course I’m okay, mere mortal. I’m a god after all,” he said in president Loki’s voice. You smiled mischievously at him as he brushed off his jacket. “What’s that smile about?” he demanded. “Do I amuse you?”
“No, not at all, my dear president. I’m just glad to see you, that’s all,” you assured him. “It’s an honour.”
He grinned at you in response and took you by the hand, leading you towards the bedroom.
“What are you doing?” you asked amusedly after he pushed you down on the bed.
“I’m just giving you what you want. If you want me to stop, just say so,” he told you with a mischievous smile. His sex appeal was driving you crazy, so you grabbed him by the green tie and pulled him towards you until he had climbed on top of you on the bed.
“I’m all yours, mister president,” you told him and brought him into a passionate kiss.
The entire thing was truly a dream come true for you and you felt deeply moved by how your boyfriend constantly found new and creative ways to cheer you up when you were feeling down. If this wasn’t love, you didn’t know what was.
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tokiotours · 5 years
Join one of our #experiencedguides on a #touroftokyo. We know all the #bestspots and will explain only the #backgroundstories you are interested in. Whether you are a #foodie enjoy #crafts like to buy the most #perfectsouvenir go on a #historicalwalk or see the #famoussights we have the #righttour for you. We like to #customize our #tokyotours to your needs. We even have a #ghosttour. See #tokyo #throughoureyes and let us #surpriseyou. #tokyotourguide #dutchguideintokyo #wanderlustjapan #localguidetokyo #bespoketourguide #tokyoexpatlife https://www.instagram.com/p/B46ctmflAkz/?igshid=d9wv12zx7cwg
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esoteric77 · 7 years
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#newmusicfriday @brysontiller released his sophomore album #TrueToSelf a month before initial scheduled date also @lilyachty debut album #TeenageEmotions and @guccimaneofficialpage newest album #DropTopWop is out and @chrisbrownofficial single #SurpriseYou feat @tydollasign & @kidink (at Radio-One KBXX 97.9 The Box)
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looksmartteam · 7 years
Please silence... Good night all friends ;) The Smart Owl is an educator, a caregiver and a friend of your child. An owl - a mysterious and protected bird - symbolises wisdom. Our Owl, likewise, is supposed to reflect intelligence and mystery. Our Smart Owl implements the STEAM (Science, Technology, Arts, Engineering, Mathematics) education program. She teaches mathematics, programming, work group, logic and language. The Owl knows how to talk and listen, helps the child in their daily duties. By integrating the latest hardware technology and programming, she will surprise you with her knowledge and the way it is transferred. Let me tell you more about it... The Owl knows all the colors in the world and their Polish, English and German equivalents. She interacts with your child asking for help in identifying the color of a nearby object. How does she know? A reader installed in the toy recognizes the RGB color in real time and instantly translates it into English and other supported languages, the name is displayed on the screen and spoken by the voice of the children's teacher. Finally, the Owl's eyes keep flashing in the identified color of the object. The Smart Owl can also tell the time and will make sure that your child has learned how to use it. On the basis of the current time with the precise GPS satellite, she reminds of a meal, an upcoming meeting or the need to return home on time. The possibilities in this module are much wider and depend on creativity - the Owl encourages the child to play and learn. The Owl is also programmable. By using intelligent technology, children will be able to easily encode their own ideas, and in this way learn new things. #steam #teaches #kids #children #mathematics #groupwork #programming #logic #languages #hardwaretechnology #surpriseyou #knowledge #childasking #rgbcolor #teacher #gps #satellite #meeting #homeswethome #programmable #intelligent #artificialintelligence #ownideas #thisway #newthings #newtechnology #possibilities #creativity #smart7team #goodnight
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gun-roswell · 3 years
Ode, to my very own Wellingtons (yes, it's that time of the year again!)
Ode, to my very own Wellingtons (yes, it’s that time of the year again!)
“I may be an optimist, but I always pack my wellies” Ode, to my very own Wellingtons You beautiful loveliesMy sweet red WellingtonsLuckily I wasn’t swayedBy those tempting sandalsI would have been betrayedWhen the rain came pouring downHopeless without my crownPuddles all over the groundNo safe harbour to be foundTaking a small stepAnticipating the get wetBut to my surpriseYou saved my life!
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thesanitaryware · 3 years
You don't need to be reminded that the costof living is pretty high today
You don't need to be reminded that the costof living is pretty high today. But maybe you do need to be reminded that thereare things that you can do to help lower these nagging monthly costs thatreally do not cost a lot to implement. One of the easiest ways that I know forconsumers to make a real difference is by installing efficient low flow plumbingfixtures in your homes that will allow you to save money through saving water inour daily routines.  And the fact is youcan do this by yourself for just a few dollars.
To get the most effective plumbing systemthat will not cost you too much on your bills, all you will need to do is changeout a couple of older plumbing fixtures for a couple of newer more efficientlydesigned alternatives. Specifically, what we are referring to are low flowshower heads which were designed to really make a significant impact on theamount of water being used in order to conserve our planet's natural resources.
When a homeowner opts to use low flowplumbing fixtures throughout their home, they are making a one-time investmentthat will reap benefits for a lifetime. These fixtures are durable and they areused literally every single day. You can be doing your part to conserve water throughoutyour life with fixtures that have been proven to save homeowners money.
That is all fine in theory, but now you areprobably wondering just how much of a difference a single fixture couldpossible make to a family's water consumption. Well, it may actually surpriseyou to find out that, according to estimates, twenty percent of all the waterused in our homes is used in the shower. That is why low flow shower heads are thefirst thing that homeowners need to consider when looking for ways to save andcut back on the amount of water used and wasted. In order to put this intoperspective, let's run the numbers. When an individual chooses to replace anolder shower head that might use about 4.5 gallons of water per minute and youhave Shower Screens Manufacturers a family of four, you can realistically expect to save roughly 20,000gallons of water per year and the good thing about this shower head is that it reallydoesn't cost a lot to purchase. These fixtures cost just a few bucks dependingon how fancy a model you wish to purchase.
Everyone is looking to save and even if youare not one of those people who get into conservation and saving the environment,it is probably a good bet that you want to save a little bit of money. So, by lookinginto making a small change to your bathroom plumbing, you will get the fiscalbenefits that you are looking for while getting an added bonus of conservation.That sound like a pretty good proposition to me. So, if you already have a lowflow shower head installed, good job. If not, what are you waiting for? Go andget one today!
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ruin-myself · 6 years
Taylor: You were in college, working part-time, waiting tables
me: Left a small town never looked backI was a flight risk, with a fear of fallin'Wondering why we bother with love, if it never lastsI say, "Can you believe it?"As we're lyin' on the couchThe moment, I can see itYes, yes, I can see it nowDo you remember, we were sittin', there by the water?You put your arm around me for the first timeYou made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughterYou are the best thing, that's ever been mineFlash forward, and we're takin' on the world togetherAnd there's a drawer of my things at your placeYou learn my secrets and you figure out why I'm guardedYou say we'll never make my parents' mistakesAnd we got bills to payWe got nothin' figured outWhen it was hard to takeYes, yesThis is what I thought aboutDo you remember, we were sittin' there, by the water?You put your arm around me, for the first timeYou made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughterYou are the best thing, that's ever been mineDo you remember all the city lights on the water?You saw me start to believe, for the first timeYou made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughterYou are the best thing, that's ever been mineOh, oh, oh, ohAnd I remember that fight, two-thirty a.m.Cause everything was slipping right out of our handsI ran out, crying, and you followed me out into the streetBraced myself for the goodbye,Cause that's all I've ever knownThen, you took me by surpriseYou said, "I'll never leave you alone"You said, "I remember how we felt, sitting by the water.And every time I look at you, it's like the first time.I fell in love with a careless man's careful daughterShe is the best thing that's ever been mine."You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughterYou are the best thing, that's ever been mineDo you believe it?We're gonna make it nowAnd I can see it
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rangermusik · 3 years
Lirik Lagu Singing Our Love Song – Fariz RM
Lirik Lagu Singing Our Love Song – Fariz RM
O ahead tell me liesIt was no surpriseYou did it for so longWhere did we go wrong No excuses to explainWhat you’ve doneWe better make our choicesFeel no rejoins We do our bestForgiveness and sorrowNo regrets makes more likeSingin’ our love songsIn disguise Just through awayOur stories and promisesWe may now makes more likeSingin’ our love songsTill the end no time Though we live in…
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ppathmorocco · 4 years
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Bass on a Fly – Orvis Guide to Fly Fishing welcome to the Orbis guide tofly-fishing I'm your host Tom Rosenbauerbass are the number-one sport fish inNorth America and for good reasonthey're readily available aggressive anda lot of fun to catch best of all youcan catch them virtually anywhere inboth rural and urban settings heck youcan even catch them in Central Parkcatching bass on a fly rod is so muchfun and anyone can do it in this episodewe'll discuss all the basics you need tocatch bass on a flybecause this is the way to capthis show has been brought to you byOrvis sporting traditions Ontario yoursto discover Ontario's Algoma region whoare huron and superior meetingI love catching bass they strike hardthey jump and there are a lot of fun tocatchespecially on a fly rod I know that manyof you already fish for bass usingplastic wormstopwater lures and hard baits wellfly-fishing is similar it's all aboutfiguring out what the bass are feedingon we use different types of flies toimitate these food sources for bass thenpresent them as naturally as possiblethis can be anything from imitating afrog or a mouse on the surface to fliesthat replicate bait fish or evencrayfish underwater and some bass fliesdon't look like anything in particularthey just look good to eat the key is toget the fly near a bass and make it looklike something alive doesn't really takemuch to get started in fly fishing forbass you need an inexpensive rod outfitand some basic flies then you're inbusiness bass are often aggressive andopportunistic and will attack anythingthat looks alive you don't really haveto worry that much about fly selectionand that's why bass fishing is a greatway to get started often this action isall on the surface which makes it thatmuch more exciting because everything isvisualbut first let's discuss the physicaldifferences between largemouth andsmallmouth bass and also discuss theenvironments they inhabitdifferentiating smallmouth andlargemouth is simple if the mouth onlyextends to the middle of the eye it's asmall mouth if the mouth extends beyondthe eye then it's a large mouth bodymarkings are also a giveaway largemouthare green and have a defined blacklateral linesmallmouth are brown or bronze withvertical black lines and usually somehorizontal lines on their cheeks tounderstand the environments bass live inat different times a year I went rightto the expert my friend Dave PhilipDavis spent his life studying bassprofessionally as a biologist and alsochasing them with a fly rod largemouthand smallmouth bass are similar in a lotof ways but they do have some subtledifferences in the springtime as thewater warms they move into the shallowsone to warm up sobecome more active and they look forfood items as well that are also tryingto warm up so minnows and frogs arealong the banks in the springtime andthey're looking for those they also aremoving in to spawn as the watertemperatures warm up they're done withspawning smallmouth tend to move intodeeper cooler water more so thanlargemouth although both you could getalong the shallows at dawn and at duskthe largemouth hang out in the lily padsand the weeds and the shallows all yearround in the sticks etc so they alsotend to go into different types of waterlarge mouths like darker readier warmerwater small mouths like cooler watereither flowing streams or in deeperwater off of rocky points so in the heatof the summer you need to look in deepwater for smallmouth sometime shallowerwater for largemouth back in the fallthen they'll get more active in theshallows and move in and feed heavilygetting ready for winter so they can beoff deep points feeding on minnowsfollowing minnows up at night into theshoreline etc and so it depends on thetime of the day the time of the seasonwhich species you're looking at butyou'll still be able to catch fish youhave to consider two factors whether thebest can be caught below the surface oron the surface the answer is based on afew simple factors what the bass arehunting for in terms of forage and ofcourse the impact of weather time a dayand time of year if you haven't fish forbass before these are things you'llquickly learn the key is we have twochoices of presentations to make with afly rod either on top or below thesurface most of the time you can catchbass on subsurface flies just like withconventional lures bass love Dee minnowshed even juvenile bass if they can baitfish provide a lot of nutrition for abass which is critical for theirsurvival there's a wide variety ofconventional lures available thatimitate various baitfish based on shapecollar and action bass flies are thesame they're also made to replicate thesize collar and relative action ofbaitfish the only difference is that theFlies are made from feathers fur andsyntheticswhereas lures are usually made fromplasticwould the same comparison applies forother food sources for bass things likecrayfish mice and frogs some people tietheir own flies but you don't need to dothat you can buy already made flies fromyour local fly shop or online catalogstore you just need a good generalselection based on the kind of bass foodthat's in your area so let's discuss theequipment needed for fly fishing forbass the best all-round rod for bassfishing for largemouth and smallmouthprobably an eighth weight you need aneighth weight because you need a heavierline to drive some of those bigger fliesmore air resistance flies like hair bugsand big poppers and and big big hairystreamers now if you're only fishing forsmall mouths you can use a six or even aseven weight because the flies are alittle bit smaller and it's not reallydetermined by the size of the fish it'smore the size of fly you're fishing andlarge mouths figure more air resistanceflies small mouths smaller slimmer fliesin general for bass fishing you don'tneed an expensive reel your reel ismainly going to be used for storing yourline you don't need an expensive dragsystem for bass because they seldom pullany line the best fly line to use is asimple weight forward taper which willhelp turn over the large flies used fortop water bugs to learn more aboutproper bass equipment setups visit theOrvis website at or viscom so now wehave some of the basics of bass fishinglet's look at how to apply these basicsto rivers streams and lakes it's reallyeasy to understand and I know you'llhave a ball doing ityoucome on up babyyeah sometimes you have to go deep for abass days like this you've got to godeepvirtually every large city in NorthAmerica has ponds lakes or rivers thathold bass the first thing you shouldknow about bass and rivers and streamsis that generally large month thesmallmouth will seek out different partsof moving water largemouth bass willusually be in the slower we tier deepersections of a river especially aroundlogs roots fallen trees and weed bedssmallmouth can tolerate faster movingwater and will be right in the currentor riffles they'd like to hold behind infront of boulders rocks along banks andespecially around rock ledges they canalso find cover around fallen trees andlogs but they like it to be a little bitcloser to moving water generally is easyto locate bass on small creeks andrivers it'll be pretty apparent wherethey're living on larger rivers whichare actually almost like lakes it's alittle bit tougher and you have to seekout the structure I guess what I likeabout stream fishing for bass is thatthey're usually easy to locate find ariffle running into deeper water or somestructure and you're bound to find smallboats small streams and most rivers areeasy to fish from the bank or just bywearing waders and walking in the waterunlocker you'll probably have to use aboat again look for structurethat'll hold an attract bass and putyour fly as close to the cover aspossible searching for bass on lakestakes a little more thought in researchthere's a lot of big water in most biglakes that'll be empty of bass so youhave to determine where the structure isand where their food supply might be onlake structure is key especially if it'sclose to deepwater bass like deepwaterbecause it provides security from theirpredatorstructures that you should cast toinclude docks boat houses rockyshorelines shoals fallen trees weed bedsand any other kind of structure thatwill provide cover to the bass you alsoneed to consider what the bass might beeatingyour powers of observation can help alot with this when you wade into a riverand notice lots of small crayfish alongthe bottom that's a pretty goodindicator that bass will be keyed intoeating them so a crayfish pattern willbe best bass love crayfish it also meansthat you should be casting to rockyshorelines where the crayfish are mostlikely to be living you can get it tosink straight on it good you got it allright he ate that crayfish pretty wellthey love minnows they love leeches theylove insects big insect larvae butcrayfish are their number one prey youcan never go wrong fishing a sunkencrayfish fly to a smallmouth beautifulfish don't have to handle them one waygoes smallmouth bass you know althoughalthough we'd like to catch these smallmouths on the surface the middle of abright day fish are in pretty deep waterso we're fishing a crayfish fly and yougot to be careful when you fish acrayfish fly you want to throw it beyondwhere you think the fish is and thenstrip it back and let it drop strip itback and let it drop and watch the tipof your floating line because that fishtook it on the drop is they usually didand all I saw was that line dart forwardand then I did a strip strike and therewas the fish slide out the hook on theother hand if you see minnows jumpingfrom the water pretty good indicationthat they're being chased by predatorslike bass if you see this it's a goodidea to switch to a streamer fly thatimitates a minnow and it should beroughly the same size and shape as theminnows you saw it jumping cast rightinto where you saw the minnows jump youmight be in for a surpriseyou don't need a wide variety of fliesfor smallmouth bass first and foremostis some sort of crayfish invitation likethis one here it's weighted gets downnear the bottom and you fish it withtwitches or just sinking to the bottomone of the most popular flies forsmallmouth bass is a black wooly buggerimitates hellgrammite switch they feedon in streams very heavily also could bea crayfish imitation or some sort ofbait fish or lychee invitation but smallmas love a black woolly bugger thenmaybe some sort of trout dry fly likethis big stone flight they will come upfor insects and some big some big troutsized flies will work for smallmouth andthen a couple of surface flies a sliderlike this white sneaky pete this onedoesn't make quite as much commotion inthe water and then finally a popping bugone with a face that pops that make somenoise in the water smallmouth oraggressive feeders and they will come upfor a for a popper that's worked fairlyaggressively across the surfacebecause largemouth bass there's suchvoracious predators they'll eat almostanything and they got a big mouth sothey can inhale some pretty large fliesthe Flies are gonna use probably alittle bit bigger than they use forsmallmouth some of the popular ones aresome sort of streamer this one happensto imitate us a sunfish and sunfish arenot only prime largemouth bass food butthey're also nest predators onlargemouth bass so they'll they'll graba sunfish when it gets near this is atwisty tail with lead ice doesn'timitate anything really it's a lure justlike a bass luretraditional cork popper is one of themost fun ways to catch a largemouthparticularly mornings and evenings whenthey're when they're near the surfaceand in shallow water they need a lot offrogs this happens to be a deer hairfrog great fly for largemouth fun tofish and then finally who could golargemouth fishing without a mouseimitation they lots of mice and smallrodents so now we understand more aboutrivers streams and lakes and where basswill live in them we've also discussedusing our powers of observation todetect what the bass may be eating nowin the next segment we'll discuss castand retrieves to tie it all togetheryouin fly fishing the line propels the flyin spin fishing casting the lure propelsthe line to the target it's important tounderstand you don't need to make longcast to catch a bass on a fly simplecasts of 20 to 30 feet will be finenow let's visit my friend Pete cuts arefrom the Orbis fly fishing schools forsome tips on casting big bass bugs inthe wind hi I'm Pete coots are from theOrbis fly fishing schools today we'regoing to talk about tips on how to castin windy conditions when can be a littlebit intimidating for some folks tryingto cast that fly in the in those windyconditions can be a little bit difficulthowever there are some things we can doto help deal with that wind a windcoming at you a wind coming at your noncasting shoulder wind coming at yourcasting shoulder or behind you there aredifferent casts we can do for each oneof these situations let's start off witha wind coming directly at you a windcoming straight at you is not the worstwind to deal with there's a couplethings we can do the first is make a lowangle cast and get below the wind if wecan send that fly out underneath thewind we can deliver that fly to ourtarget watch shore birds when they'reflying around at the beach they almostfly between the waves there's a lot lesswind down low another option is to makea high angle back cast and drive thatfly down through the wind down to thewater you don't get the bestpresentation when you're making thatcast but it can help deal with thosewindy conditions when you're dealingwith a wind coming at your non castingshoulder I'm right-handed so if thatwind was blowing out my left shoulderwhat I might have to do is compensatefor that wind a little bit I can sendthat fly a little bit more to the leftof that target hopefully that wind willblow it on track or just like with thatwind coming at me I can cast below thewind making that low angle cast andgetting that fly out to target if I havea win blowing at my back that wind canbe a little more difficult than youthink you want to make a low angle backcast and get that line underneath thewind make sure that line gets out niceand straight then we can make thathigher angle forward cast the castalmost looks a little bit like an ovalwe're going to make a low back castbring the rod tip up than a high forwardcast to deliver that fly out to ourthe worst one you can deal with is awind blowing at your casting shoulderwhen you're dealing with that wind thatcan in some cases blow that fly rightinto you hooking yourself I've hookedmyself in the neck in the ear in theback even in the rear end it's not verycomfortableso there's a couple techniques onetechnique is actually taking that rawtip and angling it over your left handshoulder make a high angle cast and getthat line off your shoulder above youone friend used to describe it ascombing your hair comb your hair that'sgoing to keep that fly off of that leftshoulder another technique is to switchhands practice casting with yournon-dominant hand I practice all thetime and it really does help in thosewindy conditions but perhaps the easiesttechnique to deal with those windyconditions at your casting shoulder isto simply turn your back to the wind andmake a back cast delivering that fly tothe fish that's going to keep that flywell away from you keep you nice andsafe and help you catch more fish tolure more casting techniques visit theOrvis Learning Center for moreinformation and videos okay so now we'velearned some casting techniques for basslet's discuss retrieves that helpanimate your flies so that they imitatefood items that bass prey onnow all these flies worked very well butyou have to do your part you have toanimate the fly so it looks to the basslike something it wants to eat animatingand retrieving a bass fly is the funpart of fly fishing for bass becauseyou're making it look natural with yourown emotions the best way to give actionto a bass fly is to keep your rod tiplow and give it all the action bystripping the line at various speedsthere's a real tendency when your bassfishing to twitch the rod tip to givethe fly action and that creates problemsit throws slack into your line you'regonna miss strikes and you're not goingto be prepared for the next cast so ifyou can it's hard to do but if you cantry to give that fly action you what bystripping the line and keeping the rodtip low to the water you'll really getthe same action and you'll always be incontrol of your fly when you're fishingwith a sinking line you want to try alldifferent kinds of retrieves you can'tsee the fish you don't know otherreacting to the fly so sometimes youwant to do long slow strips just barelycrawling that fly along and really longstrips so that the fly goes steady othertimes you might want to give it sharplittle wraps or you might want to reallyrip the line back in and everything inbetween so you you've got experimentit's usually best to change yourretrieve before you change fliesyoujust like catching bass withconventional tackle when using a fly rodfor bass you have to understand thesefish how they live how they eat how theysurvive what they do during the day andwhat they do throughout the year butthis is part of the fun of fly fishinglearning how they operate within theirecosystems I encourage you to readeverything you can about bass and watchvideos to learn more about how to catchthem catching bass on a fly rod is justa blast they're available to almostanyone within just a few minutes driveof home I hope you'll try it out with afly rod I know you'll enjoynot hard to figure out why bass areAmerica's favorite game fish and they'regreat on a fly rod you don't have tocast very far you don't need a lot offancy flies you don't need a lot offancy equipment everything I've got herefor catching bass cost around twohundred dollars a complete fly rodoutfit for catching bass and we'rehaving a ball today you too can enjoybass fishing on a fly rod and it's easyto get started the best thing about bassis that they're readily available toalmost everyone throughout North Americato learn more about this episode andbass fishing on a fly go to the OrvisLearning Center at or viscom slash learnto fly fish thanks for watching andwe'll see you on the waterthis show has been brought to you byOrbis sporting traditions Ontario yoursto discoverOntario's Algoma region right Huron andspear me
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