#sure you can say you cannot have my pain when your family is alive and well
isdalinarhot · 6 days
Drink reasonable human amounts mission FAILED now it’s time for deranged post 14 shot beasts. Things Dalinar says.
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eskir · 5 months
pining from a glided cage - sunday x reader
he watches you with a dull ache in his chest and handcuffs to duty - unrequited love on sunday's part
wc: 808 a/n talks: soft sunday w/angst :D got the idea from @eternity-death and i vibed with it a lot. also i'm proud of my first tag (please say yes)
Penacony can only be called the land of dreams, for the sole reason that it is in ones dreams. It will never be the land of fulfilled dreams, never the land where wishes come to fruition. Because even as life slumbers, nightmares run amok and bitter pieces of reality infest dreams, leaving the conscious person choking and gasping for breath.
But Sunday cannot awaken from the dream, so he is left watching you with an impassive face and hidden heart pains from a glided view. He loves you. He cannot say the words that dare to burst from his traitorous lips, nor can he express the sweet pains that reside in his chest. He is an administrator, the head of the Oak family, and he is bound by decorum, order, and the rules imposed upon him by the Dreammaster. He lacks control, so he craves it in everything he can hold in the palm of his insignificant hand. He is bound to Penacony, and he realizes that Robin, his dear sister, spoke uncomfortably bitter truth.
"Brother, I am leaving Penacony. A lavish yet empty cage that I have to leave, but I will miss it nevertheless. I hope you make it out of there, or at the very least, walk in reality."
But he cannot bear to leave Penacony, not when so much is expected of him as the head, not when the Dreammaster oversees almost every move of his, not when you reside in the place he can only call a home because of you.
For if you were no longer in Penacony, he would have nothing joyous holding him back. He would languish apathetically for all the Golden Hours, unable to pursue his dreams. So he makes sure to cherish the moments he has with you, knowing that you could leave at any moment like Robin did.
(he'll hold onto you with a tight desperate grip that he knows is unacceptable. he doesn't want to lose anyone else that's important to him. and even though robin is still alive, she is too far away and the presence of her letters only tears his heart up more.)
So whenever you visit him, bringing sweet treats that you know he'll like, talking about parts of your life, Sunday will listen. He always listens with that soft gaze that could almost make you believe that he is in love with you. He is, but that is a point you'll never acknowledge or realize. Sunday knows that, he can tell when you talk about someone you are clearly enamored with.
He's listened to you for a long enough time that he knows your tells. So when you talk about someone else that isn't him in a romantic light, he freezes. His smile becomes a little more forced, and he closes his eyes to hide the uncomfortable emotions that are swirling in them. In those moments, he misses you. Even though you are right in front of him, he aches for the old you and for Robin. You three would just run throughout the Dreamscape with no worries as children. He misses you even though you're right in front of him. He aches to reach out for your face and kiss your forehead gently.
But he can't, he has to restrain himself from any action that could be misconstrued as affectionate. He cannot do anything but drown in his emotions because that is what the Dreammaster ordered of him. The Dreammaster disapproves of him acting on his feelings because he must 'act accordingly' and 'not be distracted from his duties'. It's suffocating that he cannot reach out for your hand or your kind touch.
(he just craves you. he craves your presence and smile. he'd never have either of the two if you weren't close friends, but the proximity to you just makes his heart ache even more. he lets you touch his wings, even though he knows you only love him as a friend. he lets you, enjoys it even, with you play with his hair, commenting on how soft it is. he wishes that it was because you truly did love him, but it's just how you are, naturally affectionate. so he feigns the neutrality of a long term friend.)
So he smiles whenever you met up. His eyes always light up when you bring new sweet treats and you always laugh at his expression good-naturedly. It's a comfortable relationship that the two of you have, and when night falls, he'll always wish for your happiness.
(he just wishes that you'll never fall in love with anyone but him. he wishes that you won't fall in love with him because he cannot love you back and he doesn't want to reject you.)
Just like Robin, you are a star that he revolves around, never getting closer or further away.
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littlelillycatsworld · 7 months
weight loss breakdown (for once not a mental one impressive ik)
as promised heres my weight loss breakdown. I have awful brain fog words aren't working properly (using any and all brain power on English rn) and it's a bit all over the place please be patient with me I have most definitely forgotten some stuff I'll update when I remember
this is not healthy this is what works for me I know the limits of my body you are your own person please look after yourself and don't compare yourself to me. I'm a professional ballerina and ex-taekwondow artist
please be polite don't leave unsolicited advice if I need or want it I'll ask and right now I DONT.
I'm not suggesting that anyone should attempt to fallow this since this is actually insane
I drink lemon honey water or tea for breakfast most days depending on how much calorie dread I have (does that make sense?)
I will only allow myself to drink water, tea or diet coke/zero or ultra monster throughout the day
OMAD when possible budget is 900 I rarely ever make it close to my budget
I'll only intentionally eat dinner unless forced otherwise. I must burn off whatever I can from dinner since I don't have classes that late
some days it's completely unavoidable and I have to eat snacks due to outside pressure like friends and family or my manager (he's apparently hell bent on keeping my ass alive)
binges happen we (I) acknowledge them we (me) move
if I feel faint when In class nothing matters I WILL eat I cannot run the risk of hurting myself or my dance partner when it's him who will be the one who makes sure i dont hit the ground
meta days are important please take them!
I must allow myself 2 grace days a week and I try to be gentle with myself. (essentially I'm gentle parenting myself on these days)
I try not to fall into my normal over the top exercise routine since I still haven't figured out how to make these days my bitch
my cal budget is normally around 1400 for these days
I must do 10k steps at least (normally much closer to 25k)
I start every day off with a mile run sometimes 2 (depending on how much I want to not exist and weather conditions)
i go to the gym at my dorm when weather conditions are bad or it's to cold for me I run on the treadmill it's not as mentally stimulating as outside but I don't like the rain ice or wind too much
i can be expected to be dancing for 8-9hrs on my longest day so for the most part I don't need to worry too much about forcing myself to burn calories but it gives me peace of mind I burn an estimated 4500cal these days (impossible to know for sure since 2 teachers don't allow activity trackers)
around 3000 on my normal days but again 2 teachers are a pain In my ass
I play just dance religiously at this point it takes me 2hrs to burn 500 I do this after dinner or twice a day on the weekends where possible.
I still practice taekwondo and go to a studio to do classes once a week but it's not as extreme as it used to be (no longer training 6 days a week and doing competitions)
I weigh myself most days
I don't weigh myself during my meta days I don't need the added mental stress
I get weighed by my school once a week but only update my profile if there is a big difference either up or down (accountability and all that)
I normally do 24hr since omad
I don't count my medication, gum, diet coke/zero tea or lemon honey water as breaking my fast. if this keeps me mentally stable then idk it doesn't count (politely eat a brick if you try to tell me otherwise)
I always try to get at least one longer fast a week normally after dinner on wednesday to Friday dinner sometimes I can make it to Saturday dinner it just depends on who's around to make me eat
if your wondering how I've survived this far all I can say is I'm a spiteful little bitch who's going to prove a whole list of people wrong
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murfpersonalblog · 3 months
IWTV S2 Ep6 Musings: Loumand (Spoilers)
Armand stressed me TF out this episode; I can't believe they had me yelling at my favorite TVC book character this much on this dang show. But I still stand by what I said about him having good intentions--
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--but by god does this man make the worst decisions for the best reasons.
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FACTS, I can't stand modern art. The first vamp capitalist, faaaacts.
The first vamp pilot--Louis WANTS to fly now!? Or maybe it's just the Cloud Gift that freaks him out; a vampire taking him up without his control/consent?
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I cannot BELIEVE they're banging in Armand's office right in front of that flimsy glass door--that's why the coven hated y'all. 🤦 Rubbing in their faces that Lou can do whatever--and whoever--he wants.
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OF COURSE that mofo was gonna say No--DUH! Lou, Armand don't want Lestat's spawn, he wants Lestat's SEED, there's a DIFFERENCE. 😅
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He. Didn't. NO. The attitude in Lou's neck rolls had me QUAKING. AMC is leaning IN to Armand withholding more than Lestat, jfc. 😬
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It was NOT ok, Armand. That was your cue to be part of the family, and join Lou as he went to the IVF clinic to get his eggs fertilized with YOUR seed, MORON. 🤦 Y'all could've been the Le Russe/Romanus family! Now they'll always be Lioncourts! 😩 Alexa, play Rolling in the Deep, cuz they could've had it all! 😔🎵 🎶
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Roleplay don't mean ISH outside the bedroom--just cuz Armand's a subby bottom don't mean he didn't hold ALL the power the whole time; eff what Lou said, asked or "ordered." I said back in S1: Les & Armand HUMOR Lou, and let him pretend to be in charge (X X). It's called POWER IMBALANCE.
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It looks like childbirth gone wrong.
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Lou going from battered wife depression in S1 to post-partum-depression in S2. 😔 So Loius tried to kill himself again? By bleeding out? Throwing up all the blood he drank from Madeleine. Dang.
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What "you did to yourself" is a little inaccurate, considering it was YOUR insensitive words that triggered him and made him want to yeet himself into the sun! This is what I always mean by Armand taking advantage of Louis' agency, cuz Louis was CLEARLY not in his right mind at the time to be asking for anything THAT serious, which he NEVER would've done elsewise.
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So, 3 days after Louis' failed suicide attempt, he asked for his mind to be wiped--cuz he was still TRAUMATIZED, Armand! 🤦
Lou got high as a kite (if he was ever sober in SanFran.....)
Nearly killed the first human who managed to get anywhere towards helping him process his PTSD--if not just VENT a bit; as he hadn't spoken Lestat's name in 20+ years by that point.
Vented all his resentment to Armand for being hella boring
Was triggered by Armand telling Louis Claudia never loved him, wtf
Tried to kill himself by burning himself alive in the first sunrise he'd seen since Paul's suicide
Burnt to a crisp, he has to watch Armand torture TF out of Daniel, begging for his life & powerless to do anything
Then lay there all crispetty cracketty crunchetty and hear Armand have a effing telephone call with LESTAT
He even told OIdmaniel he'd been in so much pain he blanked out
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Armand said drugs did a number on Dan's mind--Louis DIED an alcoholic; he was turned while he was drunk, and I bet mental illness runs in his family, too. So what damage was done to LOUIS' mind when he was in SanFran getting stoned every night b4 you scrambled his brain, Armand?!
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Daniel's mind is sharp, yes, but his body sure ain't. Armand caused Daniel's Parkinsons--if it's even really Parkinsons, and not just the consequences of 6 days of bodily & mental torture, as his arm was crushed, head bashed, nose bled, and muscles were contorted. "To protect me, from YOU, my Molloy"--we been knew. "Why did I owe YOU my shame...my one act of cowardice?" Oh, you mean selling Claudia & Louis down the effing river?!
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I'd bet money that Armand was so shook seeing Louis' reaction to what he said about Claudia hating Louis, and was so terrified of being on permanent suicide watch, that he was RELIEVED to have the chance to wipe Louis' memory, and soften the blow of his own culpability in WHY Claudia died hating Louis. Cuz she was HAPPY at that cafe with y'all! What happened AFTERWARDS, Armand!?
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Why would vamps cheer and drink with alcohol; y'all shoulda known something was up; with this JUDAS at the effing table.
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Why tf is Armand sleeping in Claudia's coffin? I guess Loumand doesn't share Louis' the way Loustat did. But better question: Why TF are they still in that flat?! I'd've left Paris for good; that was stupid of them to stay in coven territory. But I guess we know why Armand didn't insist they leave. 😒
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Louis and Madz have tension. :(
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This poor boy just CANNOT help himself, LOL.
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LOLOLOLOLOL! Madz is NOSEY, spill all the tea, girl, yaaas! XD (The bass in Lou's voice when he says BIIIIIG HEAD nearly put me in a stretcher--omfg it was IMPROVISED!?)
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👀 Yeah, he knows, alright. Knows you'll forgive him, Lou.
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Cuz he felt he had nothing left if he didn't have you.
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Cuz Santiago was right:
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Speak of the devil, carrying the effing burlap sacks.
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I could never sit there that calm and talk about all that without lunging over and pulling every follicle out of Armand's head.
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Omg it's a matinee in DAYLIGHT, it's happening right then & there. 😭☀️
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suuuupernovaaa · 2 months
Too Young (Part 2) - ft Aemond Targaryen
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Part 1
Maybe loving you is dangerous.
Sitting by her beside became too quiet and still, after a time. The killing rage flowing through Aemond Targaryan’s veins was powerful, and could not be ignored for long.
The maesters had sewn her wounds, cleaned her cuts, and given her all the tonics they could, but there was not much to do about her bruised ribs but wait.
Every time he glanced down at her, watching to ensure her chest was still rising and falling, he felt a painful mix of relief and fury.
They must pay, he told himself, over and over. He must hunt down who betrayed her, and by extension, the crown, and they must pay.
Upon first waking, a strange but not terrible tingling sensation was awash over your entire body.
Milk of the poppy, probably, wearing off slowly. You lay still, taking in deep breaths, feeling every part of your body to assess the damage. Surely, being alive and awake meant you were yet to survive.
There were deep cuts, now sewn, that began to throb as the milk wore off. On your arms, chest, stomach, neck and thighs. They would leave scars, you were sure, as a reminder of the three days of torture you’d endured.
The most painful was your ribs. They were back and blue, surely, and every breath was painful.
You winced as you inhaled deeply, and opened your eyes. Surprisingly, the Dowager Queen sat at your bedside, staring down with watery eyes.
“Your Highness,” you said in a strained whisper. Your voice had not yet returned, tired from the screaming.
“My dear girl,” she said, reaching for your hand. This warmth from your lover’s mother was surprising. You’d spoken in passing only, seated near to each other at dinners and banquets, but there was no love there.
The kindness in her eyes now, was new.
“I see what you’ve endured, for my family,” she said in the rushed, quiet tone she usually used. “It will not go unpaid.”
You tried to shake your cloudy head. “No, please. I want of nothing.”
She released your hand and sat back in her chair, her hands atop her green skirts. Her lips pursed, she looked away and sighed, then back to you. “A match, then. To my son.”
The sharp intake of breath caused such a violent pain in your abdomen that you let out a hiss.
She smirked. “The King is already married.”
Your cheeks flushed and you lay your head back on the pillow.
“I will admit that I hoped for a more advantageous match for my second son. Your house cannot offer that many men and those it can are already pledged to us. We stand to gain nothing from this marriage… but I would like to see my son marched with someone who displays the kind of courage and loyalty that you have.”
Her eyes were softer again, and you let her words wash over you like a healing salve.
“Will you accept?”
“Yes,” you replied eagerly.
She stood, adjusting her emerald dress. “Very well, daughter. Once you are well, I will see to the arrangements.”
Without another word, the Queen turned and left.
Despite the excitement of your conversation with Aemond’s mother and all the questions it left you with, you were unable to hold on to consciousness for much longer.
You drifted in and out over the course of the night and in the morning, woke with just as much pain but considerably less fog in your mind.
A handmaiden helped you use the chamber pot and very carefully bathed you, without submerging you, and dressed you before helping you slip back into clean sheets in a more upright position.
Being clean helped tremendously, and you were grateful for it when soon after, Aemond strode through the door.
He strode quickly to your bedside, perching on the fine red duvet, and took your hand in his.
“I came last night but you were thankfully asleep. How are you feeling this morn?”
You signed. “To be honest, terrible, but better than yesterday. Are my ribs broken?”
“Bruised, they say.”
“It hurts to breathe.”
Something flashed in Aemond’s eye. Anger, rage, and sadness, perhaps.
“It will heal. You look much better this morning.” He paused, his usual swagger slipping away. “I hear my mother paid you a visit.”
Though your face was sore and bruised, your lips still managed to upturn in a smile. “I am sure I dreamed it.”
“Not unless we all shared the same dream. She asked what we could do for you, in return for your loyalty. I asked for your hand. It’s been granted. We will be wed once you are well.”
“I’m well,” you said, and Aemond chuckled, a deep sound of joy that so few were allowed to hear.
He caressed the back of your hand and smiled. “Soon, you will be, my brave girl.” His expression darkened. “They’ve been punished, those who betrayed you.”
“Is it someone I knew?”
He shook his head. “No, not well. Members of the court who sought to use you for your own advantage. But from now on, my dove, I won’t be keeping you in the dark. We’ll be married, one flesh, and you’ll know all I know. This will never happen again.”
You squeezed his hand. “Let us not discuss it now, Aemond. Lay with me. Hold me while I rest.”
With considerable effort, you moved over on the bed just enough to make room for your groom to be. He hesitated, unwilling to cause you any harm, but then removed his sword, and then his coat and eye patch, and slid in next to you, gently pulling you to him.
Safe and secure in his arms, you closed your eyes and began to drift into a healing sleep.
“The moment you are well, we will be wed,” Aemond promised, and placed a kiss behind your ear.
“I am well,” you replied again, and his laugh was the last thing you heard before sleep took you again.
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inspirationalucky · 5 months
🐎 EPIC: The Musical: Act One, The Troy Saga sentence starters. Because the lines are just That Good. Going by the exact lyrics mostly, definitely change things to fit your muse's situation<3
The Horse & the Infant
"Ten long years they've killed us slowly."
"Your family wonders where you've been."
"They're growing old, and yet you're still here."
"Do what I say and you'll see them again."
"What do you live for?"
"What do you fight for?"
"I fight for us."
"What is to come cannot be outrun, can only be dealt with right here and now."
"Say no more, I know that I'm ready."
"I don't think you're ready."
"What sort of imminent threat does he pose that I cannot avoid?"
"If you don't end him now, you'll have no one left to save."
"He will burn your house and throne."
"He'll find you wherever you go."
"This is the will of the gods."
"Please, don't make me do this"
"The blood on your hands is something you won't lose, all you can choose is whose."
Just A Man
"I look into your eyes and I think back to the son of mine."
"You're as old as he was when I left for war."
"Will these actions haunt my days?"
"Is the price I pay endless pain?"
"Close your eyes and spare yourself the view."
"How could I hurt you?"
"I'm just a man who's trying to go home."
"I'm just a man who's fighting for his life."
"Deep down, I would trade the world to see my son and wife."
"When does a man become a monster?"
"When does the reason become the blame?"
"Forgive me."
Full Speed Ahead
"Six hundred men under my command with only one goal in mind: make it back alive to our homeland."
"The problem's not the distance, it's what lies in between."
"My kingdom is waiting!"
"We've run out of supplies to eat."
“Curse the war, our food store’s depleted.”
"Watch where the birds fly, they will lead us to land."
"Look! There in the distance!"
"Maybe they'll share some food, who knows?"
"Something feels off here."
"I say we strike first, we don't have time to waste."
"Gear up, you and I'll go ahead."
"We should try to find a way no one ends up dead."
"Give me 'til sunrise."
Open Arms
"I can tell you're getting nervous."
"Do yourself a service and try to relax, my friend."
"I know that you're tired of the war and bloodshed."
"Is this how we're supposed to live?"
"Why should we take when we could give?"
"You could show a person that you trust them when you stop and lower your guard."
"We're only here for food."
"Stay back, I'm warning you!"
"If we don't get back safely, my men will turn this place into blazes!"'
"This life is amazing when you greet it with open arms."
"It's a lotus, it controls your mind and never lets you free."
"That's what we'd get with open arms."
"I want to show my friend that kindness is brave."
"We'll be fine if we're leading from the heart!"
"I see in your face there is so much guilt inside your heart."
Warrior of the Mind
"Have you forgotten the lessons I taught you?"
"Have you forgotten to turn off your heart? This is not you."
"I see you changing from how I've designed you."
"Have you forgotten your purpose? Let me remind you."
"I had a challenge, a test of skill."
"Maybe one day he'll follow me and we'll make a greater tomorrow."
"I know he'll change the world."
"If there's a problem, he'll have the answer."
"I know you're watching me, show yourself!"
"How can you see through me spell?"
"I was lying, and you fell for my bluff!"
"Well done! Enlighten me, what's your name?"
"Nice try, but two can play this game."
"Nah, don't be modest, I know you're a goddess!"
"So let's be honest, you are Athena!"
"If you're looking for a mentor, I'll make sure your time's well spent."
"I still intend to make sure you don't fall behind."
"Don't disappoint me."
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blueraineshadows · 1 year
Thank you so much for responding to my request last time, it was so good! I have another concept that's also inspired by something else if you don't mind?
Sebastian and MC are married, but he goes missing (due to his dangerous job) and is thought to be dead for years. MC is still grieving, but trying to move on. She gets engaged to another wizard, but Sebastian finally returns after trying his best to get back to her. They have a huge fight when Sebastian finds out (it'd be nice if it had a happy *smutty* ending, though).
"Where do you get off letting him think he can have you? You're mine and I'm yours. That's it!"
Great Request! 😃 Thank-you 💜
This has angst! It's also long! NSFW 🌶 🔥
Sebastian Sallow x F!MC (Mrs Sallow) as adults.
My beloved, Sebastian,
They tell me you are gone, forever, lost to me...dead. I haven't seen your face for over two years now, and my deepest fear suspects they may be right. But in my heart, safe for always, you will remain. As much as it hurts me, I could never let you go completely, for that would mean the end of me also.
I know our friends mean well, they wish to see me happy, at peace perhaps. But it has been hard to hear their insistent pleas for me to move on. Of late, I have had to succumb to their pleas. I'm not sure I can handle another visit to the morgue to identify another poor soul, the guilt of my relief that it is never you under the cloth, but some other lost loved one. I don't envy their family's pain, but it is another desperate scrap of hope that you are still alive.
We are holding a ceremony for you, to say goodbye, to let you go. I cannot say goodbye, merely farewell, for one day I know we will be reunited. How could we not? Whatever awaits beyond the mortal realm, I will find you there, my whole soul is destined for it. It always was.
It breaks me that you had to go before me, and all I have left are my memories, precious moments that are a comfort during dark, lonely nights.
Forgive me for having to let you go, if only for a time. I will love you forever, just as I promised you.
Wait for me. I will wait for you.
Your wife, MC.
Six months later...
"Matthew has proposed," MC said. Her fingers clutched her teacup a little tighter. The words sounded so terribly real when said out loud.
Poppy paused as she went to take a sip from her own tea cup, her eyes widening. She quickly put down her cup and put a hand on MC's arm. "Oh my goodness," she said. Concern clouded her face. "How...I mean...what did you say?"
"I told him I needed to think about it," MC said. Which was the truth. She looked down at her left hand, the silver band symbolising her eternal promise to Sebastian still there on her finger. Her voice became a whisper. "I can't help but feel like I am being unfaithful."
"Oh, MC," Poppy said. "I know it must feel strange, and of course it's so very difficult. But, you deserve to find some happiness, MC. And, Matthew is so lovely, I know he would take care of you."
MC nodded. "That's what makes it so difficult, Poppy. Matthew is wonderful, so understanding. He told me to take all the time I need to think. He would make a wonderful husband, but..."
The pause lay heavy between them. Poppy nodded knowingly. "He isn't Sebastian."
MC took a swallow of tea to loosen the restriction in her throat. She took a deep breath. "However, I did make a promise to try and move on, didn't I? Maybe a new beginning would be the best way to go about it."
"I agree," Poppy said. "It would gladden my heart to see you happy again, MC."
The fire crackled and dipped in the hearth. MC sat cross legged before it, her eyes watching the flames dance. Passion, and heat, unpredictability, fire had always reminded her of Sebastian.
A hand on her shoulder made her look up. Matthew smiled down at her, handing her a wine goblet. She took it with thanks. He folded to sit on the rug beside her. "Are you cold?" He asked. He wrapped an arm about her, rubbing her arm with his hand.
"No, just unwinding," she smiled. She leant her head against his shoulder. He was sturdy, safe, comforting. Traits that had made her gravitate towards him. It kept the edge off her loneliness.
He pressed a kiss to her head, his thumb making lazy circles on her arm. He had never pushed her to be physical with him, knowing how fragile her heart was. He had been an exemplary gentleman, and she was grateful for it.
She sipped her wine, the firelight glinting off the diamond she wore on her ring finger. She had accepted his proposal. Sebastian's ring was now on a chain around her neck, close to her heart. She rubbed a hand absently against it through the fabric of her blouse.
"I thought perhaps we could take a boat trip tomorrow," Matthew suggested. "We could get some fresh air, maybe take a picnic. It would be good to escape the city for a while."
"That sounds perfect," she smiled. She looked up at him. He had lovely, blue eyes, blue like the sky. His hair was fair, neatly trimmed. He was nothing like Sebastian, and that was how she wanted it.
Matthew's gaze was warm, loving. He tightened his hold a little, his gaze dropping to her lips. MC felt a little breathless and wondered if perhaps she had drunk too much wine. His kiss was soft, testing. He did not want to pressure her.
MC felt her body respond. It was weak, just a flutter, but it was the first time she had felt anything remotely close to desire in years. She kissed him back.
As the kiss deepened, the warmth of it seemed to ease back the cavern of loneliness that had carved itself in her chest. So, she let him lay her back on the rug, his mouth claiming hers more deeply.
There was a war going on inside of her. Half was opening up, reaching out for the closeness, the warmth, after so long in the dark. The other half of her was screaming, no, this was all wrong. She was wrong, a betrayer, she was betraying Sebastian.
She pulled back from Matthew's kiss, her hands flat against his chest. She could feel the pounding of his heart.
"Are you alright?" He asked. The concern in his gaze made her want to scream and rip at her own hair. She was being so unfair to him. She would be a terrible wife. He deserved so much better.
"A little overwhelmed," she breathed. She winced. "Forgive me. I think I need a minute."
"Of course," he said. He immediately sat up, adjusting his trousers.
"You must think I am a terrible tease," she grimaced. "That is not my intention."
"No, MC, I don't think that at all. I think you have suffered a terrible loss, and I do not ever expect to fill the hole Sebastian left behind." Matthew said. "I wish I could take the pain away for you, truly I do. I only hope that, one day, you can love me even a fraction of what you felt for him."
MC felt her heart squeeze painfully. Matthew was a good person. She did not deserve him. She reached out and took his hand. "How are you so perfect?"
A sharp rap on the front door made them both jump and turn. "Who on earth could that be at this hour?" MC asked.
Matthew frowned. "I will see to it." He got to his feet and MC couldn't help lift her eyebrows. He was sweet for thinking that she needed protecting, after all, she was a far more powerful witch than most.
She heard the door open and the surprise in Matthew's voice. "Ominis!"
MC immediately got to her feet. It was very unlike Ominis to call upon her so unexpected like this. Her heart kicked up a notch and she twisted her fingers together as he appeared in the living room doorway.
"Good evening, MC. I am sorry to call on you so late, but this couldn't wait," he said. He looked grave, a little flustered even. He tilted his head trying to locate her.
She went to him, reaching for a hand. "Ominis, I'm here, it's alright." He squeezed her fingers, his usual cool fingers hot and sweaty. She swallowed. "What is it?"
"I don't know where to start," he said. He pressed long fingers to his brow. "I had word through the Ministry that a stronghold of slavers has been discovered in America. There were many prisoners, witches and wizards from all over the world, Aurors, Unspeakables..."
MC felt his grip tighten on her fingers, his bones grating against hers. She didn't even feel the pain. Her vision was starting to tunnel. All she could see was his face, her eyes fixed on his lips as the words came out. "Go on," she urged.
Ominis took a deep, shuddering breath. "The list of survivors, the ones they brought back..."
"Ominis," she said. Her voice was a strangled plea. She was clinging to his hand, her other hand reached out to grab the front of his immaculate robes. Hope was being dangled in front of her eyes. Years of agony were twisting harshly in her chest and her ears were screaming for what he had to say next. Oh, Merlin, please!
He nodded and got a hold of himself, his eyes blinking back the sudden shine in them. "His name was on that list, MC. Sebastian...he has been found."
She could hear someone wailing, a terrible, wrenching sound and then all was quiet. Soothing blackness wrapped around her and then there was nothing else.
She blinked. Once, twice, the living room swimming into view. She felt heavy, sluggish, her mouth glued shut. MC tried to sit up on the settee, and then hands were there steadying her shoulders. Matthew's face was a picture of worry.
She turned her head, and there in the wingback chair sat Ominis, looking anything but his usual composed self. His fingers were clutching the arms of the chair, his face rigid, his hair a little ruffled.
They had found him!
"Is it true?" She croaked.
Ominis turned his face her way, his lips trembled, and he nodded. "The survivors were brought back to England three days ago. I made some enquiries and Sebastian was placed in a safe house. I had trouble believing it myself, and so I made arrangements to go and make absolutely sure it was true."
Her heart was a wild thing in her chest, it hurt to breathe. "You've seen him?"
He nodded. "Yes," he said. "I saw him not two hours ago."
Her breath left her in a rush, a tear slid from her cheek. She shook, uncontrollably, and shifted, fully facing him now. "Can we...can I," she gasped. She put her fingers to her lips. "Is he alright?"
"He is alive, and not badly wounded. I can't say much about his state of mind, of course. He is...understandly, traumatised. But he did ask for you. It was one of the first things he said to me." Ominis said. He hesitated, his fingers flexing. "He wanted to know everything...about you. I...filled him in a little. I apologise."
She flinched and slid from the couch to her knees, literally crawling across the floor to clasp Ominis' hand. "Take me to him, please."
Ominis held her hand, but his head turned in the direction of Matthew, a pained look on his face. MC gasped and swung her gaze around to Matthew, horrified that she had completely forgotten he was standing there. She began to stutter out an apology, but he held up a hand to stop her.
"Don't say another word," he said. His eyes were sad, but his mouth was firm. "Go, go to him. It's only right." He faltered. "He is your husband, after all."
Ominis and MC Apparated to the location of the safe house. The road was dark, quiet, a chill breeze tugging at the trees. Set back from the road was the house, an Auror standing guard near the door. A light glowed in a downstairs window.
MC was clinging on to Ominis' arm, too afraid to let go lest she just collapse to the ground. None of this felt real. He led her through the gate and towards the door, her feet stumbling along the path.
"Are you sure you're up to this?" Ominis asked.
"I will crawl through that door if I have to," she said through gritted teeth. "I need to see."
The Auror guard gave a nod to Ominis. "Gaunt," he said, respectfully. His eyes took in MC. "Mrs Sallow, I take it."
"I think Mr and Mrs Sallow need some time," Ominis said. "By all means, keep your guard, but perhaps at a distance. I will be nearby as well, but they need some privacy just now."
"Understood." The Auror gave the door a long look before he made for the gate. "I will be along the front of the property."
"Why are they guarding him?" MC asked.
Ominis frowned. "Not all the slavers have been caught yet, and every survivor is a witness. It's for Sebastian's protection."
"Anyone coming for him will have to get through me first," she growled. It gave her some of her strength back to think that anyone might be about to snatch him away from her again, and she hadn't even seen him yet.
Ominis held her close for a moment. "I don't doubt it," he said. He pressed a kiss to her forehead, and she looked up at him in surprise. Ominis was not one for overly displaying affection. "Will you be alright, now?"
"Yes," she said. "And thank you. Thank you for bringing me here."
"It's only where you belong, MC," he said. He moved from her grip and knocked on the door. "I doubt you will need me, but I won't be far away. He...he did not take the news well that there is another gentleman in your life."
MC could well imagine it. Sebastian wasn't the sharing type, especially when it came to her. But then, she would have felt just the same if another woman had laid a hand on him. She opened her mouth to reassure Ominis, but the latch sounded on the door.
The door opened, the light from inside spilling out onto the front step. MC stared, eyes wide, heart pounding as Sebastian stepped into view.
"You have a visitor, brother," Ominis said. He gave MC a gentle nudge forward.
Sebastian and MC looked at each other for the first time in almost three years. Her eyes devoured his face, ogling the shape of him, lines and angles she knew so well, but they were oddly strange to her now. He looked leaner, shadows under his eyes making him look weary, and there was a scar on his forehead that disappeared into his hair line.
Her name whispered from his lips. She took a faltering step towards him, and then another. He just stared, his eyes trying to comprehend that she was truly there at all. Her hand reached up, her fingers trembling so badly, that she missed on her first attempt. But then, she was touching him.
Her fingers trailed from his forehead, down over his nose to brush against his mouth. "You're real," she breathed. "It's really you."
A tear slid from his eye, rolling over his cheek. Her lips trembled. And then she was in his arms, crushed against him, as a sob ripped from her throat.
He held her so tightly that she could hardly breathe, but she didn't care. She squeezed her eyes shut, breathing him in with small gasps, her fingers gripping at whatever she could get a hold of. He was solid, he was warm, he was here, alive.
Ominis slipped quietly away into the shadows, leaving husband and wife to find each other again.
The inside of the cottage was sparsely furnished but warm, a fire burning in the grate. The remains of a half eaten meal was on a tray, and a blanket was hanging off the edge of the settee.
MC wandered in behind Sebastian, her eyes constantly checking he was still there, feeling a little adrift since he had released her from that choking hug. He hadn't looked at her since, his face tense as he began to pace before the fireplace.
"I can't believe you're actually here," she said. "It's like a dream."
He spun to face her, his eyes hard. She flinched as he strode towards her, snatching up her hand to look at Matthew's diamond on her ring finger. He dropped her hand as if it burned him. "Some fucking dream," he hissed.
"Do you have any idea what it was like!" He snapped. His face was so harsh, so cold. "Night after night, the screams, the beatings. An endless loop of nothingness. I thought I was going to go mad, I felt myself slipping away, but I kept hanging on. It was you! Your face, my memory of you, that kept me going. And now, now I find out that you replaced me! You're wearing another man's ring on your finger instead of the one I gave you!"
His voice had reached a pitch that made her press her fingers to her face, the fury in his eyes so much to bear that she gasped, her heart breaking into a thousand splinters.
He growled viciously and kicked out at a chair at the table. It clattered to the floor.
"I'm sorry," she gasped. "Let me explain..."
He glared at her. "Does he touch you? Does he make you feel good?"
MC remembered the kiss her and Matthew had shared mere hours ago and flushed, but she shook her head. "No, Sebastian, please..."
"You're lying," he spat. He began to pace again, his hands raking through his hair. He swore harshly.
MC gritted her teeth. Her own shame at accepting Matthew gnawed at her, had she not felt like she was betraying Sebastian? She had not wanted to let him go, but had tried to, tried to please her friends, tried to be happy.
This was not how she had envisioned a reunion taking place. She watched Sebastian pace, his fury darkening his face, the pain flickering in and out in his eyes. "Stop this," she said. "I never stopped loving you."
He lunged for her arm, holding her hand up between them. The ring shone brightly in the firelight. "This says different."
His face was close and her heart ached for him. She felt the sting of tears. She fumbled her chain from out of her blouse, his ring hanging from it. "I never let you go, not really," she said.
He eyed the ring and then her. He shook his head. "You were all I thought about." He sounded broken.
He released her arm and turned away.
"I had to bury you!" She wailed.
He stiffened.
Her hands curled into small fists. "We had a ceremony, each of us saying how much we loved you. We put momentoes in a box and buried it because there was no body to say goodbye to. I wrote you letters, hundreds of them, but I had nowhere to send them. I had to bury them in the ground, with all the hope I could barely hang on to that you were still alive."
He turned to face her. She was really crying now, huge, fat tears of despair. She jabbed a finger at him. "You were gone. I was alone, so fucking alone, and I tried to find you. Searching, begging, pleading, driving everyone mad with my nonstop hope that you would be found. I almost threw myself into death's arms at one point, I thought it might be the only way to escape the pain of you not being there when I woke up every day."
Sebastian swallowed, some of the fury fading from his face. "You...you were going to kill yourself?"
She was panting, sucking in deep breaths, chest tight. She swiped the tears from her face and turned away from him, her cheeks colouring with her shame. She had never admitted that out loud until now. She calmed herself, smoothing her hands over her hips
"How was I supposed to go on without you? It was a really low point, but I was lucky. I had friends who cared enough to pick me up. And then...and then I met Matthew."
Sebastian scowled. But MC continued. "He was kind, he tried to help me. He works at the Ministry and he tried to help in my search for you. He took care of me, he never pressed me for anything in return."
"Sounds like a right hero," Sebastian muttered.
"Maybe he is," she said, whirling to face him. "He was certainly there for me. After we all said goodbye to you, he asked me to marry him. I agonised over it, but eventually accepted. But do you know what he said when Ominis came to get me tonight? He told me to come to you, that it was only right that I did. He didn't try to stop me."
"He wouldn't have got far if he had tried," Sebastian growled. He stalked towards her, his hand catching hold of her chin, forcing her to look up at him. "How could you ever think about letting him touch you?"
MC was breathing hard and fast again, her heart hammering in her chest. Their gazes were locked, the fire in Sebastian's eyes shifting from fury to pure desire, a hunger so deep and vast she was starting to drown in it. A flame flickered into life deep inside her, trails of fire spreading thick and fast through her veins.
He could still do it. After all this time apart, he made her blood sing, made her melt into the merest touch. "We didn't...he hasn't..." She swallowed hard. "I wasn't ready."
He lowered his face to hers. "Good," he breathed into her mouth. "You're mine, and I'm yours. That's it!"
MC lowered her eyes to his mouth. Slowly, agonisingly slow, he leant in and pressed his lips against hers. A moan, relief mixed with need, sounded in MC's throat.
He gripped her hair at the back of her head, kissing her deeply, stumbling back towards the table with her. Desperate groans fell from their lips as he lifted her skirt, parting her legs as she sat up on the edge of the table.
He stroked his fingers against her heat, finding it pleasingly wet. "Oh fuck," he groaned. He shifted, opening his trousers and pulling his arousal free.
Need came before anything else. He pressed inside of her, thrusting deep, greedily. She cried out at the immediate stretch. It had been a long time, his thickness burning along her walls, but she didn't stop him. Instead, her hips lifted to meet him, needing to feel him fill her up. His eyes were glazed, drunk on the very feel of her, he began to thrust, deep, desperate, like a man starved.
His fingers dug into her flesh, his lips were parted and his breaths came harshly as he fucked. He wasn't violent, but neither was he gentle. His release came hard and fast, his hips bucking desperately and a growl tearing from his mouth as he collapsed over her. She held him, her hand stroking through the unruly locks of his hair, calming him.
"I'm sorry," he whispered. His head was buried against her chest. "Did I hurt you?"
"No," she said, shaking her head. It felt so good to be holding him again. It had been a long time, she had understood his need, let him take what he longed for.
He straightened and took hold of her hand. "Come on," he said.
"Where are we going?"
He smirked. Her heart glowed at the sight of it. The memory of that smirk had haunted her dreams, but there it was, for real. "I'm taking my wife upstairs to my bed," he said. "I am far from done with you."
MC couldn't have told a soul what that bedroom looked like when she first entered it. So intent were they on each other, removing every barrier of clothing, tossing it all to the floor without a care, just desperate to feel skin against skin.
The blanket was cold against her back, no fire up here, just the moonlight gleaming through the window. She arched her back, welcoming the feel of Sebastian's lips as he kissed her breasts, learning every curve again like it was the first time.
Her heart beat for him, her pulse skittering madly as he sucked at her neck, his hands exploring the curve of her waist. Her nipples brushed against his chest hair, hardening into desperate peaks. Fuck, she was aching with the need for him, it was almost a pain that only he could heal.
"Sebastian," she whined.
"I know," he whispered. He kissed her, his teeth tugging on her bottom lip. "Patience, my love, I need to taste all of you. Trust me, I will give you what you seek, and more."
MC moaned, her fingers seeking greedily through his hair, massaging his scalp, drawing moans from his lips. Every sound he made was a balm against the pain in her chest. He was alive. He was here.
Her fingers traced new scars on his chest, hurts he had endured so far from home. She kissed them, her tongue trying to soothe the pain inflicted on him. She caught a nipple in between her teeth and tugged, his cock twitching and dripping onto her thigh.
She reached for him, teasing fingers drifting up the silky hardness. "MC..."
She smiled against his skin, breathing in the scent of him, feeling like she was finally at peace. She began to stroke up and down his length and his hips bucked. He groaned and pressed her back down onto the bed. "No," he breathed. "It's your turn."
His mouth worshipped her stomach, his tongue dipping into her navel, swirling hotly. She found herself lost in a haze of fire, only his mouth, his hands, the sounds of his breathing mattered. She reached up to grip the blanket behind her head, her thighs separating, her hips grinding as his hot tongue slid luxuriously up her slit.
Oh, he knew what she liked!
Waves of delicious flame circled hotly at her core as his tongue swirled over her clit, his fingers teasing cries from her lips as he fucked her, slow, and with a knowing touch. She whimpered, her thighs beginning to tremble, as her release began to build.
Three years without him, three years of yearning, and now he was here, driving her over the edge again, sending her spinning outwards to see stars. Her fingers gripped his hair, holding his head right where she needed him most as her climax hit.
She was shaking, tears flooding her eyes, and he held her. His kisses warmed her cheeks, her neck, his hands smoothing up her back and over her hips. "That's my girl," he whispered. "Gods, I have missed you."
Barely having caught her breath back, Sebastian rolled them, settling her above him. "Fuck me," he begged. "Show me how much you missed me. I want to watch as you fuck me."
Aftershocks tingled through MC, her cunt pulsing with a need to feel him deep inside her. She caught his arousal in her hand, pumping him softly, her thumb sliding over his tip. He held her hips, his hungry eyes watching as she lined him up against her soaked entrance. He parted his lips, anticipation thick on his tongue, a delicious groan leaving him as she slid on to his cock.
She rolled her hips, her head falling back, her hair trailing down her back, the moonlight soft against the sweat on her skin. He let her move at her own pace, licking his lips at the sounds coming from her throat, at the hot slickness of her walls sliding along him.
MC still had a hunger for him, a need to feel out of control, lost in him. She angled her hips, ensuring that his throbbing tip was stroking just where she needed him. The pressure began to build and she began to bounce harder. His hands caressing her breasts as they jiggled with her efforts.
He was appreciating every move she made, his hips bucking to meet her, his own fire building to the limit. "Cum for me, MC," he said. He slid a thumb to press against her nub. She cried out, her hips twitching. He looked down, saw the slick shining on his cock. He licked his lips. "Mine, all mine."
She clenched around him, desperate cries echoing around the room. Sebastian knew the Auror was still outside. He hoped he could hear her, let the whole fucking world hear what he did to her. She was his wife, his love, his fucking everything. He wanted everyone to know it.
Driven mad by his utter need to claim her again, he flipped her, her hair fanning out across the blanket. He grabbed her hand, tugging the diamond free and letting it tumble across the bed. He linked their fingers, his eyes roaming over her as she panted below him. He saw his ring, attached to the chain around her neck, pooling in the dip of her throat.
He bent to catch it up into his mouth, rolling it on the tip of his tongue. He bent to kiss her, softly, his cock aching to fuck her, the ring caught between their mouths.
"I love you," she breathed. "I've never stopped."
He smiled, the ring slipping to fall onto the bed near her ear. He would be putting that right back on her finger where it belonged. But first...
He slid into her, rolling his hips, revelling in the way she clenched around him, sucking him deeper. He couldn't hold it off any longer. He fucked her, hard, unforgiving, burying her into the mattress under the fire of his need. She clung to him, her nails scraping against his flesh and he savoured every scratch.
The sweat dripped from his face, the room was filled with the slap of their skin, the grunts and cries of their pleasure, and then he squeezed his eyes shut, hips bucking. Hot release spilled into her, and she squeezed her muscles, drawing every last drop from him.
They collapsed into a breathless heap of limbs, mouths seeking and finding each other in a long, slow kiss.
As their breathing calmed, and their flesh cooled, he drew the blanket over them both, holding her close. She looked sleepy, content. He kissed her forehead. As he settled onto the pillow beside her, holding her warmth close, he thanked every star for letting him get back to her.
His nightmares hovered over his shoulder, but he grit his teeth, willing them to stay away. Let him have tonight, just tonight, to hold her, to remember.
Tomorrow, the healing could begin for real.
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odditycircus-2002 · 10 months
Mortal Kombat 1 Intros with Medusa!Reader Part II
Li Mei
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Y/N: Are you sure we cannot keep the traitor as a lovely ornament?
Li Mei: Reiko has to face trial like anyone else, Y/N.
Y/N: I still regret that I could not have done more for Sindel.
Li Mei: I know it pains you, but no one is accusing you of doing nothing.
Y/N: I am not sure I can give a testimony without trying to kill Shang Tsung on sight.
Li Mei: Justice cannot function properly unless you follow it thoroughly.
Y/N: I hope you're still not holding it against Syzoth for disturbing the lantern festival.
Li Mei: After everything he's done for the Empire? I'll let him off with a warning this time.
Li Mei: It is thanks to you that most of Sun Do's constables survived our battle with Shao and his allies.
Y/N: I am glad to hear they made full recoveries.
Li Mei: You must put your faith in justice.
Y/N: There is no such thing as it, the best I could hope for is revenge.
Li Mei: It still baffles me that you managed to slip away from me the first time you came to the palace.
Y/N: What can I say? I've always been the slippery type.
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Y/N: I am presuming that Li Mei wishes to speak with me about slipping hallucinogenic mushrooms into the rebel army's food supply.
Kitana: You did what now?!
Y/N wistfully: It seems like only yesterday to me that I helped bring you into the world.
Kitana: Time tends to fly by like that, Y/N.
Y/N surprised: I understand honoring Baraka, but Mileena wants to do the same with me?
Kitana: You have served Outworld with as much determination and loyalty as any honored soldier, Y/N
Y/N: I am truly sorry I couldn't save your mother.
Kitana: My family and I know more than anyone how hard you try to keep her alive.
Kitana: By the gods, NO! That is absolutely a cruel idea.
Y/N: How is throwing food that is secretly explosives worse than Shao weaponizing Onaga?
Kitana: Perhaps you should stop coming to the strategy meetings...
Y/N: Is this about my latest suggestion?
Kitana: You have a sister?
Y/N: Yes, but we're not as close as you and Mileena.
Liu Kang
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Liu Kang: Even though he proves to be resilient, I’d be wary of Baraka loosing control.
Y/N: Have you forgotten I too was once a beauty now a turned beast?
Liu Kang: Baraka and his fellow Tarkatans view you as a beacon of hope for all you’ve done for them.
Y/N: Only because NO ONE elssse would help those poor unfortunate soulsss!
Liu Kang: Do not become tempted by Shang Tsung’s Well of Souls.
Y/N: If you had any chance of saving the one you loved from a cruel fate, wouldn’t you take it? /
Y/N: I asked you to kill me in a previous timeline???
Liu Kang: Kronika made it so you cannot go on without Shang Tsung. /
Y/N: I was a dangerous enemy in a past timeline, why didn’t you erase me for good?
Liu Kang: Because I had hoped that with better circumstances, you’d turn out kinder.
Y/N: I am grateful that you didn’t have me predestined to marry Shang Tsung
Liu Kang: As am I that you had an actual choice to choose who to love.
Y/N: I hope you do not expect I pray to you, not when I have to rely on myself to heal others.
Liu Kang: No, I do not need any of the sort, Y/N.
Kiu Liang (Scorpion)
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Y/N: For freeing me from Shang Tsung and Quan-chi, I am in your debt till death.
Kiu Liang: I could not stand idly by and let the Sorcerers continue to use you.
Y/N: Thank you again for those earthrealm medical books you've gifted me.
Kiu Liang: May they prove to greatly help your cause.
Y/N: Truth be told, I envy that you and your new bride have life to look forward to together.
Kiu Liang: I understand why your heart would be in such turmoil.
Y/N: My venom is more than strong enough to overpower yours.
Kiu Liang: But can you take the force of my sting?
Kiu Liang: Baraka and the rest of the Colony are fortunate to have you as their healer.
Y/N: As is the Shirai Ryu for having you as Grandmaster.
Kiu Liang: I promise you, my clan and I will ensure that Bi-han is tried for his crimes-
Y/N angrily hisses: I do NOT care that he'sssss your brother! He must be cut like the tumor he is for hisssss attack on the colony!
Kiu Liang: You taught Outworlds High Mage hydromancy?
Y/N: Only the basics. He bringsssss me great shame for abusing the magic he's learned.
Sub-Zero (Bi-Han)
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Y/N: Kuia-Liang will be disappointed that he's not the one who finished you.
Bi-Han: He will be disappointed to know you died thinking you could.
Y/N: You are plague to everything you touch.
Bi-Han: Only to those who would stand against me or my clan.
Y/N angrily and hissing: You killed my patientssss!!!
Bi-Han: I did them a favor by releasing them from their misery.
Y/N: Taking Shang Tsung's offer was a foolish mistake.
Bi-Han: You're right. I do not need his sorcery to bring power and glory to my clan.
Bi-Han: What manner of illness did you give my Lin Kuei, witch?!
Y/N patronizingly: I thought your clan was supposed to be stronger.
Bi-Han: I know your cold blood will stand no chance against my cryomancy.
Y/N: Actually, I ssstill remain warm-blooded.
Bi-Han: Your hydromancy has no chance against my cryromancy.
Y/N: Have you forgotten what ice is made from, Bi-han?
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Rain: Why did you never teach ME how to control blood?
Y/N: I wished to spare you of the magic’s cost of madness.
Rain: I will always regret my crimes against Seido
Y/N: If you’re truly remorseful, then their ssssouls shall haunt you till the day you die. /
Y/N: I did NOT teach you how to control water, sssso you could dishonor me or your family!
Rain: I know how deeply I’ve shamed all of you. /
Rain: With the magic you know, why did you never pursue becoming High Mage?
Y/N: To avoid being overwhelmed with ambition asssss you were. /
Y/N: Your once cleansing water are ssssstained with the blood of Seido’s victims.
Rain: It is something I can never truly wash away. /
Rain: I have surpassed your water magic!
Y/N: How bold to assume that I’ve taught you EVERYTHING about water’s capabilitiessss.
Y/N: You want to come with ME into the Kytinn Hive???
Rain: So I can finally start my penance.
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mollywog · 2 years
A list of people Katniss Prim’s-the-only-person-in-the-world-I'm-certain-I-love Everdeen loves (in the order mentioned in the text)
How could I leave Prim, who is the only person in the world I'm certain I love?
Sing. My throat is tight with tears, hoarse from smoke and fatigue. But if this is Prim's, I mean, Rue's last request, I have to at least try. The song that comes to me is a simple lullaby, one we sing fretful, hungry babies to sleep with. It's old, very old I think. Made up long ago in our hills. What my music teacher calls a mountain air. But the words are easy and soothing, promising tomorrow will be more hopeful than this awful piece of time we call today.
[proceeds to sing a song]
The final lines are barely audible.
Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true
Here is the place where I love you.
It's like being home again, when they bring in the hopelessly mangled person from the mine explosion, or the woman in her third day of labor, or the famished child struggling against pneumonia and my mother and Prim, they wear that same look on their faces. Now is the time to run away to the woods, to hide in the trees until the patient is long gone and in another part of the Seam the hammers make the coffin.
But I'm held here both by the hovercraft walls and the same force that holds the loved ones of the dying. How often I've seen them, ringed around our kitchen table and I thought, Why don't they leave? Why do they stay to watch?
And now I know. It's because you have no choice.
* There are other instances- just sighting the first
I turn and see them all waiting in a big chamber at the end of the hall - Effie, Haymitch, and Cinna. My feet take off without hesitation. Maybe a victor should show more restraint, more superiority, especially when she knows this will be on tape, but I don't care. I run for them and surprise even myself when I launch into Haymitch's arms first. When he whispers in my ear, "Nice job, sweetheart," it doesn't sound sarcastic.
Additional Notes:
Katniss doesn’t talk about feeling a sense of debt to Haymitch, even though he continually helps keep her alive. This feels significant, and I choose to believe it’s because she considers him family
Haymitch is included in the running away from D12 scheme because she can’t leave him
After the bombing in D13 and failed propo she only wants to be comforted by Haymitch “because he loves Peeta, too.”
"I've heard worse," she says. "You've seen how people are, when someone they love is in pain."
Someone they love. The words numb my tongue as if it's been packed in snow coat.
Of course, I love Gale. But what kind of love does she mean? What do I mean when I say Ilove Gale? I don't know. I did kiss him last night, in a moment when my emotions were running so high. But I'm sure he doesn't remember it. Does he? I hope not. If he does, everything will just get more complicated and I really can't think about kissing when I've got a rebellion to incite. I give my head a little shake to clear it.
I nod and go straight to my room. I sit on the bed, knowing I will never write those letters. They will be like the speech I tried to write to honor Rue and Thresh in District 11. Things seemed clear in my head and even when I talked before the crowd, but the words never came out of the pen right. Besides, they were meant to go with embraces and kisses and a stroke of Prim's hair, a caress of Gale's face, a squeeze of Madge's hand. They cannot be delivered with a wooden box containing my cold, stiff body.
Too heartsick to cry, all I want is to curl up on the bed and sleep until we arrive in the Capitol tomorrow morning. But I have a mission. No, it's more than a mission. It's my dying wish. Keep Peeta alive. And as unlikely as it seems that I can achieve it in the face of the Capitol's anger, it's important that I be at the top of my game. This won't happen if I'm mourning for everyone I love back home. Let them go, I tell myself. Say good-bye and forget them. I do my best, thinking of them one by one, releasing them like birds from the protective cages inside me, locking the doors against their return.
Honorable Mention
(She at minimum cares about and feels responsible for these people - love could be implied.)
Mrs. Everdeen - Katniss loves Prim, Prim loves their mother, Katniss at minimum feels responsible for her mother if only for her sisters sake
The Hawthornes - She provided for their family from the woods after Gale starts work in the mines. They are included as part of her escape plan in CF. She gets Hazelle the job working for Haymitch when times are lean.
Finnick and Johanna - Come on! She doesn’t say as much, but she loves them, right?
District 12 - she altered the Lady the Goat story to protect people back home. Also Greasy Sae.
Please add your thoughts!
* Inspired by this question
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promptling · 6 months
STAR TREK: INTO DARKNESS ( 2011 ) change pronouns as needed.
that was our ride!
what the hell did you take?
we have to do this now.
if we're doing this, we've got to do it now.
you sure you don't want me to go instead?
i was kidding.
they're trying to kill us!
i can't hold this position.
i am, surprisingly, alive.
i can save her.
what did you say?
who are you?
you're not actually going to answer that, are you?
you filed a report?
are you giving me attitude?
i am expressing multiple attitudes simultaneously.
you have any idea what a pain in the ass you are?
what's the lesson to be learned here?
you think the rules don't apply to you because you disagree with them.
what was i supposed to do, let them die?
you think you're infallible.
it's a pattern with you.
why should i listen?
you don't listen to anybody but yourself.
you got your ass handed to you.
i don't know what to say.
it's fortunate that the consequences were not more severe.
do you understand why i went back for you?
the truth is, i'm going to miss you.
tomorrow's too late.
spit it out, don't be shy.
there is no regulation that condemns a man to die without a trial.
i'm not going to take ethics lessons from a robot!
this action is morally wrong.
i wasn't asking for your opinion.
i don't have time for a lecture.
this is clearly a military operation.
is that what we are now?
i'd rather not talk about it.
your ears burning?
let's go get this son of a bitch.
i was simply attempting to use your vernacular to convey an idea.
you don't rob a bank when the getaway car has a flat tire.
enough with the metaphors.
remind me never to piss you off.
i would prefer to discuss this in private.
are you really gonna do this right now?
i'm not the only one who's upset with you.
don't drag me into this.
you mistake my choice not to feel as a reflection of my not caring.
the truth is precisely the opposite.
i am here to help you.
you and your people are in danger.
how the hell do you know that?
i will consider that an apology. and i will consider that apology.
the nerve of that guy!
i am not doing that man any favors.
are you out of your corn-fed mind?
you're actually going to listen this guy?
don't agree with me, it makes me very uncomfortable.
when were you going to tell me that?
you're much cleverer than your reputation suggests.
may i remind you, you are not there to flirt.
you're going to want to see this.
you are a murderer!
my crew is my family.
you already knew that, didn't you?
i don't take your meaning.
i'll do anything you want. just let them live.
we cannot fire and we cannot flee.
the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
i have no idea what i'm supposed to do.
you coming with me or not?
just give me two seconds!
try not to get shot.
your path is yours to walk, and yours alone.
did you defeat him?
i got you, i got you.
you'd better get down here.
that's a nice move.
i'm scared, _______.
how do you choose not to feel?
there's too much damage.
go get him.
you saved my life.
it's nice to have a family.
i defer to your good judgement.
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fishsticksloser · 1 year
Can I have a request that the rottmnt turtles s/o died with karai by the shredder and then came back as a ghost to reunited their boyfriend as they got their hamato ninpo they can defeat the shredder
Ghost of You
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Raph x gn!reader
Warnings: death, injuries, angst, comfort, yo'kai/mutant!reader, this is pretty long...
A/N: I'm only doing one turtle because I wasn't really sure how to do the others without sounding redundant. Reader is either yo'kai or a mutant due to the fact that when they unlocked their ninpo, NYC was in the orb. I skip quite a bit of what happens, but this is still pretty long.
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You had gone to the lair because you hadn't heard from your boyfriend all day. You hadn't seen him since the day before the Battle Nexus Big Mama held in New York.
"Raph?" You call, walking through the demolished lair. "Raphael!?"
Something explodes and you are buried under rubble. You can't move, even breathing hurts due to the dust.
"Gram Gram!" You hear Leo yell.
"No! The Hamato must live on!" Raph tells him. You wanted to yell for him. You were trapped, you needed him. You hear a lot of commotion before hearing someone yell about the Turtle Tank.
"For the boys." Draxum sighs.
"For our boys." Splinter corrects.
You hear fighting. Still trapped under the rock. Everything stopped soon after. You heard the Foot Clan play a video.
"I've got the Empyrean." Draxum grunts.
"Draxum! I cannot believe you are doing this you turned out..." Splinter groans.
"You knew this day was coming, rat." You could hear Draxum's evil smile. "He hates me. I hate him. It's kind of our thing and now I win."
"Where is the Empyrian?" Shredder asks.
"Down there in the Hidden City."
They left. You were still trapped. There was no sign of help. You didn't know how long you were there before you heard someone run in. You heard someone else moaning in pain.
"Guys, I'm coming!" You hear April call. Rubble starts moving somewhere nearby. "Karai!"
"Stop, we don't have much time..." Karai answers.
"No no. I gotta help you, take you to a hospital..."
"I will not be able to finish this journey. Now you must teach the family..."
"How can I? I'm not... I'm not one of you!"
"Oh my child... You have always been one of us..."
You see a bright green light and you felt power.
"April!" You cough. "April."
"Oh my god!" You feel rubble sliding off you. "Y/N! What... Does Raph know you're here?"
"April..." You gasp, you felt like you were drifting.
"No... Oh, please. Hang on!" You see tears slowly fall down April's face. "I'll get you to the Hidden City and we can get you some help, okay?"
April pulled you out of the rubble and helps you stand. You both limp out of the lair and you stumble. You start to fall, but April catches you and she lays you down.
"You're not going to make it, are you?" April sniffs. You shake your head, trying to get your final thoughts in order. She presses her forehead to yours. "I'm so sorry, y/n."
"It's not your fault." You breathe. "Please... Tell Raph..."
You couldn't finish, tears of your own falling. You couldn't think, couldn't speak. Still April nodded and held you.
"I'll tell him..." Her voice breaks as you finally drift away. "I'm so sorry, y/n... You deserve so much better."
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ⋆。❤️ 。⋆꒱ ˎˊ˗
"Guys! Guys guys guys guys guys!" April calls, running up to the turtles. They were in the woods with Todd.
"April?" Leo asks.
"Oh my gosh! You won't believe what happened." April tells them. "I went to the lair which is totally destroyed and found Karai and she turned into light and now I hear her voice inside my head!"
"Wanna say that one more time?" Donnie sighs.
"Karai. She did a Hamato glowy light thing and now I think she lives inside of me?" April repeats, the boys hug her.
"Gram Gram's alive?" Leo smiles.
"Gram gram, it's Mikey I miss you!" Mikey yells into April's ear.
"Gram gram would like you to let go and never do that again." April shoves Mikey away.
"Okay new plan. Gram gram tells April to tell us what to do. Please instruct us April Gram Gram sensei." Raph decides.
"She wants me to teach you the art of pinpo—" She hums.
"Ninpo." Donnie corrects. They continue to discuss the plan and what happened at the lair.
"Hey, Raph... Can I talk to you, privately?" April mumbles to him. Raph nods and they walk away from the group. "Something else happened at the lair..."
"What?" Raphael questions.
"Y/N was in the lair when it was demolished..." April begins, looking at the ground, tears starting to fall again. "They didn't make it... They wanted me to tell you um... They love you and they believe in you."
Raph didn't answer. He walked away, into the forrest.
"Is everything okay?" Mikey asks, they all watched Raph disappear.
"Y/N's dead..." April chokes. The other boys run after Raph. They find him sitting, back against a tree, crying. His brothers kneel next to him and wrap their arms around their eldest brother, tears also falling from their eyes.
"I'm so sorry, Raph..." Leo mutters.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ⋆。❤️ 。⋆꒱ ˎˊ˗
Slowly, Raph leans backwards, falling to the cliff. "Anatawa Hitorijanai.". Realizing this, his brothers jump after him, screaming at the top of their lungs. "RAAAAAAAAAPHHHHHH!"
Their markings begin to glow in the gorgeous light and their Hamato sign appears on their chest. Their clothing becoming black as night. Their bandana tails grew.
"Saving like a Boss!"
Leo, Mikey, and Donnie form a hand, Raph grabs it hand, and joins in the transformation. They land in the water, where April was watching. The turtles have gotten their true selves back.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ⋆。❤️ 。⋆꒱ ˎˊ˗
"Hey Shredhead! We heard you were looking for some Hamato energy. Guys?" Raphael grins, turning to Leo and Mikey.
"Oh I think I got some for him." Leo chuckles, his trowels transforming into katanas.
"That's right it's us and we've had a bit of an upgrade." April smiles.
"Big time!" Mikey cheers, his rope transforming into num-chuks, Donnie's hoe turns into a bo staff.
"And this time around...." Donnie smirks.
"We won't lose." Raph chuckles, his hand rakes becoming sais. A drill erupts from behind them, explosions flood the sky.
"My drill is out of beta!" Donnie yells.
"Donnie nice. Now put it in action." Raph laughs.
"I did. It's just for hero poses." Donnie answers.
"Respect!" Leo applauds, leaning over Raphael's shoulder.
The fight begins, the boys and April flying around Shredder. Cassandra watches Splinter wither away. She knew she had to save him and eventually she has a change of heart. Casey attacks Shredder. She shatters one of the chains, the boys run to help Splinter. They join their mystic powers.
"Oh no it is not enough. I have failed." Splinter frowns.
"No dad we can do this. You may not have taught us everything."
"But you did teach us the most important thing."
"Be there for each other."
"Remember what your mom said to you that day at the park. You are not alone!"
"My sons I..." Splinter sniffs.
"Yoshi…" A woman appears, floating in front of them.
"Mom? You're here." Splinter smiles sadly.
"I have always been here."
More Hamato ancestors appear, grabbing the shaft of the spear. "We all have."
Raph locks eyes with you. He smiles wistfully, tears threatening to spill. The others see you too, all of them smile softly.
"Hot…" Yoshi's mom began.
"SOUUUUUUUUP!!!!!!" Everyone calls. The spear shatters the armour. Shredder is destroyed once and for all and Oroku Saki returns. Karai leaves April's body and hugs her father for the first time in 500 years.
"My daughter…" He breaths.
"Thank you my young Hamatos. We will always be with you." Karai tells the turtles.
Karai, her father and all of the ancestors bow to the Turtles and their family. With this, all the Hamato spirits fade away into the night. You stay. Raph rushes forward and hugs you.
"I'm sorry..." He sobs, pulling away to look at you. You hold his face in your hands. "I should've been there for you."
"I will always be with you, Raph..." You tell him, he leans into your touch. "I'll always love you."
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bodrewritten · 3 months
Daughter of Discord Rewritten Chapter 19: Contact Sport
Cw: child abuse, very brief
"I never wanted any part of Mother's plan," Mothball explained. "Not after I met you."
He and Screwball were sitting at Zecora's table, eating soup with one hoof and holding hooves with the other. Well, Screwball was the only one eating anyway, since Mothball was not accustomed to solid food.
"But what was I supposed to do?" he continued. "I was young, I had nowhere else to go. The hive is the only home I've ever known. The changelings never really felt like family, but..."
"I get it," Screwball said, giving his hoof a gentle squeeze. "No matter how crazy they are, you can't pick family." She hung her head. "And sometimes, you'd do anything to please them."
"but the family I made is so much kinder to me...Part of what my mother told you is true, though. I was supposed to feed off your love, but...I couldn't bear to hurt you. Eventually, I kept away from you altogether."
"It's funny. You keep saying that the more time I spend with you, the weaker I get, but the thing is..." She put down her spoon and scooted closer to him. "When I'm with you, I feel...stronger."
"You do feel stronger. I still don't understand how that's possible."
"Perhaps I can explain," Zecora volunteered, "why she feels no pain. I spoke to you of balancing your traits. There is more to what the candle dictates. You gain power from Screwball's love, it's true, but from your love, she gains power too. What you give replaces what you take. 'Tis such a rare magic that you two make."
"So what you're saying is," Mothball attempted to clarify, "that instead of me taking away her power, we're...sharing our own?"
The zebra nodded.
"It makes sense," Screwball declared. "Love is the most powerful form of chaos there is." She smirked. "But I thought you didn't have a heart, you big softie."
"So did I," the prince said. "But Zecora told me something interesting. If I were heartless like my mother, I would have left you for dead." He gazed into her eyes. "But I didn't."
Screwball smiled and nuzzled her head into his chest. "I'm sorry I doubted you."
He grinned nervously. "Well, you had reason."
She studies his face for a moment, taking in all the intricacies. The way she cannot see the muscles moving under his skin from under the exoskeleton he bears. The way he has a beak-like mouth with pincers instead of teeth...
"can you open your mouth real wide for me? Really quick?"
He complied and she looked down his throat. She illuminated the way just a bit...
"you have teeth in your throat! Why do you need those if you only eat love?"
"pharyngeal teeth, lots of aquatic animals like turtles have them. I've always wondered about that, nopony would tell me why."
She slowly pulled away and looked at him seriously. "What else do you know about Chrysalis' plan?"
He turned his head away in shame as he explained everything to her.
"...and zany?"
"He's alive, as far as I know. He's being held in the hive's nursery. Changelings find babies to be..." he winced, "a bountiful food source, because in their innocent age, they have no morals. They attached to anypony. I would have rescued him, but I was banished from the hive. "
Screwball's eyes were wild with worry. "Why is she doing this?"
"She wants revenge on your father. What for, I'm not sure, but this was all so she could get him back into stone. With him out of the way, and his power transferred to Chrysalis, the changelings would be free to take over Equestria!"
As He spoke, a frog crossed with a teapot hopped onto the windowsill. Its lid opened as it croaked.
"I think your dad's alive," Mothball observed.
"But we might not have much time!" Screwball exclaimed. "We have to warn him! We have to save Zany! We need to explain things to..."
"No," Zecora said. "You have not fully recovered, and you cannot risk being discovered."
"But if I wait too long, it'll be too late!"
"Your father is crafty, clever and cunning. He will sense the ponies coming. It will take time for them to hunt him down. I suggest you rest till morning comes round."
She trailed off as Mothball laid a hoof on her shoulder. "She's right. You need your strength if you want to go up against my mother." He hung his head. "I wouldn't recommend it though. My mother is clever too, not to mention she has a whole army on her side."
"Yes," Screwball said with a sigh. "I'm sorry, my mind is so jumbled right now!"
"You should get some sleep."
"Yeah. Zecora, do you have a sleeping bag or something?"
"You are welcome to sleep in my bed," the zebra offered. "I will find a place to rest my head."
"But where can I...?" Mothball started to ask.
He trailed off as Zecora winked at him. He was silent as she gathered the empty teacups and disappeared behind a curtain. Screwball and Mothball simultaneously glanced at the bed and then at each other with a blush.
"I don't really want to do anything."
"Neither do I..."
"I suppose there will be no harm in..." Screwball stammered, "snuggling?"
In a few minutes, they were lying under the covers, tight in each other's embrace, their hooves entwining. Mothball finally let himself kiss her forehead. She smiled, finally feeling him willingly give himself little steps to love.
She sighed again and gazed up at the ceiling. He looked in the same direction and for a while, neither of them said anything.
"Did you know?" Screwball asked abruptly.
Mothball raised an eyebrow at her. "Did I know what?"
She locked eyes with him. "Did you know how I felt about you?
He looked away shamefully. "I can sense emotion a mile away. I've always known."
"Why didn't you say anything?"
"Because I thought I couldn't return your feelings. And...I didn't want you to think I was just staying with you so I could feed."
Screwball could understand that, considering how she had treated him earlier.
"Also...I never properly thanked you for saving my life."
That made her feel even more guilty.
"That's okay," Mothball said with a shrug. "I never thanked you."
"For what?"
"For saving me...from my myself?" He winced. "Okay, that was cheesy."
Screwball laughed. "Cheesy's how we do it in pomyville."
She took his hoof and snuggled against him again. He smiled and stroked her mane.
"What I mean is...would have been just like chrysalis if I had not met you. Not only that, but you showed me what it's like to have fun, to be crazy, to be...well, a kid."
"When we first met, you were so different that I found you interesting. I knew you weren't as bad as Daddy said, because you tried to save me from that manticore. I...I can't really explain it, but...I just feel so...complete with you."
Screwball sighed contentedly as he wrapped his hooves around her.
"I feel the same way."
She was so happy that she finally had her prince, but her heart sank at the thought of her family.
"I have to make things right," she whispered. "She was stopped before at Cadence and Shining Armor's wedding."
Screwball raised an eyebrow. "You mean your mother never told you about that?"
"If she was defeated, I don't think she would have."
"Well, basically, what happened is that Princess Cadence and Shining Armor cast a spell that banished the changelings from Equestria. But they're all the way in the Crystal Empire now! By the time they hear about Chrysalis, it'll be too late!"
"What kind of spell did they cast?"
"I...I don't remember. My mom told me a long time ago, right after I met you, but I don't remember. I just know they cast it together and not even Chrysalis could fight it."
"We'll worry about it in the morning. For now, let's get some sleep."
As they held each other, Mothball could feel her love transfer to his body, but he could also feel his love going to her in return.
"how did you end up here? You already know Zecora?"
"she saved me. When I was... Cast out, she took me in because I nearly died."
Screwball shuddered and held him closer. Gosh, she was so cold, so afraid of death.
He had to clean up the mess he had caused, and he knew exactly how.
When Screwball awoke, she was alone. Her hoof went to the empty space beside her.
She stepped out of bed and looked around the hut. Her eyes fell upon a note on the table:
Stepped out for a moment, will be back before evening. MB
A few minutes after Screwball had read the letter, Zecora returned with a plate of fufu and soup. "Your father turned the waterfall red, in place of dye he used paprika instead."
The two waited hours for Mothball to return, untill Screwball grew impatient.
"Where could he possibly be?" she demanded, slamming her hoof on the table.
"Hush, my dear," Zecora said sternly. "You must have patience. It's not like we've been waiting for ages."
"But what is he doing?! Can't you look in your magic brew or something?"
The zebra rubbed her chin. "I will see what I can do. Hand me that mirror, would you?"
"His twenty-four hours are up," said the voice of Princess Twilight. "I'm sorry it had to come to this, Fluttershy."
"No!" cried Fluttershy's voice. "Just a little more time! Please!"
"You could try to reason with him once more, but it must be done. Come on, girls. Let's find Discord."
As the image disintegrated, Screwball felt a wave of panic.
The filly rushed to the door.
"Where are you going?" Zecora demanded.
"I have to warn him! Or, if I find Mom first, I'll explain things to her! I have to fix this! When Mothball gets back, tell him where I've gone!"
The zebra was about to protest further when Screwball slammed the door.
Mothball hid behind a dead tree so the changelings guarding the entrance to the hive would not see him. For a second, he considered turning back. Suppose he were caught, or worse, if his mother caught him! She would do worse than ground him! She would blast him to dust!
The prince closed his eyes and took the form of a nurse changeling. "I hope my smell doesn't throw them off," he muttered to himself.
The guards did not appear to be suspicious, which was a great relief to Mothball, but the most difficult part of the task was yet to come. He took the passage to the lower level of the hive where the nursery was. He immediately caught sight of the gray foal lying in a cocoon shaped like a cradle.
The night before
Within the arms of discord, a baby lay, seemingly bountiful with energy, never letting up his excitement. At the same time, A changeling drone was on the front lines, deceitful in every sense.
Mantis and his legion reconvened with Queen Chrysalis and marched forth back to ponyville, where the queen would return to her post as the baby zany. As the others walked along, Chrysalis turned to Mantis.
"My son," Chrysalis called to him. Mantis trotted over to her, head low and respectful.
She commanded the others to fly forth, and swiped her hoof across his face, throwing him off his balance. He clutched his face and bowed to her immediately.
"My apologies mother, I meant not to disappoint-"
"That maggot is going to ruin all of our plans and it's your duty to exterminate him. You could not do it once, and unless I'm to assume you're no different from him, you will not disappoint me again."
The fear on his face wrapped around the stinging pain.
"Never, mother. Never again. I promise."
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thecomfywriter · 2 months
OC quote tag
okay, i got this one from @urnumber1star. if i'm interpreting this one correctly, it's using quotes from your oc to show the general vibe of them?
i'll do my main character from tov (Alan) since this man sure does have a bunch of goofy quotes.
"My voice had cracked, and I wanted to die."
“My seniors nearly branded a man with a knife! Apologies for my volume but, that-! That is not even how you do it!"
"Suffering was her last shred of humanity"
[this is Caramel speaking:] "But now we have our issues, don't we? You've seen a bit too much." [Alan:] "I can unsee it?"
"Most fondly was the long-haired grass that brushed against our thighs, though not really, because none of this was real, and I could not feel a thing.”
"There were occasional landmarks Morreial decided to take me: the high mountains of the Himalayas, whereupon my poor pace climbing up those rocky beds, he scoffed jibing words and offered to carry me on his back like a child. I should note, I did not take up his offer (I do not have pride, but I am not so undignified either) , but instead panted my way as much as I could before his impatience grew and he teleported us to the peaks of the Non-Mage’s highest mountain."
“Absolutely horrendous. Awful. I am the epitome of an incompetent man in that field of training.”
“Distressing? Hilbert! Qu’quoi hates you! Everyone in Soilaila does. You cannot be starting fights with the Redheaded Bandit of all people, in the middle of the street with magic during a magic ban!”
“Can a man not stretch after breaking his back so— mhmm— violently? Maadh, Morreial. Did you even try to help me?"
"NO! I will bring them here. Do not tell them about the dreams. None of them."
"As much as I wish you did not know, I cannot help it that you do. My mind is essentially yours now."
"Everything hurts, Cara. My body, my head, my mind…. everything always hurts. My training, my schoolings, my lack of sleep…. I cannot take it any longer. But I cannot stop. There is a momentum that is driving me, accelerating me towards a force I cannot deny. Every time I perform magic, I feel more alive, and yet all the more insane. The more I suppress it, the stronger I crave meat. The more I wrap them, the longer my wounds bleed. Everything bruises me, as though my body were made of silk and frost. I cannot control how weakened my physicality has become, and yet I have never felt the more stronger. What cruel paradox is this?”
“I know it is nothing compared to the pain you have experienced, and I truly cannot fathom the loneliness of not having a Family to share a community with. But do not ever dare to say you do not have a family, Caramel. Because you are my family just as much as you are Cara’s and Morreial’s. When I imagine my future, I see you in it. This is not some friendship  where I learn from you and that is the end of it. I meant it when I said I trust you, wholeheartedly and unconditionally. And I am here for you, even if I am awful company.”
"Damn the CVM. You need me more."
"I have no such intentions of denying you, Caramel. Not now, not ever."
16. "She did not kill my mother. Not alone. If anyone is responsible for my Valeen's death, it is you. Because you chose Von Doro over her every single time for years. You killed her spirit before Von Doro even had the chance to kill her body. Shame on you."
17. “Go away, Caramel. I trusted you wholeheartedly. All I asked for was a couple of days and some support. All I asked for was for you to trust me back. And you could not even do that much. You wanted me to abandon the man who took me in without hesitation when he himself lived in poverty because… what? What reason have you ever given me? What was the justification behind your baseless anger? You have never given me any response, anything! And I respected that! But do you truly respect me so little that you could not extend the same courtesy onto me?”
18. "Do you want to fight me? Do you think you will be able to win? Do you think you will be able to stop me? Me?"
19. "I was long gone before any of you had the chance to save me."
20. "No... Do not say that. I respect you more than the moon shines, Caramel."
21. "I will do it for you. I will burden all your sins. Be your gemba-bor. I will kill him for you. His blood does not have to be your unbecoming."
22. "Darkness is your domain. It will never be mine."
23. "And you... I will have fun making you my first victim."
24. "I want to draw out her suffering. To memorize the shade of her blood in every lighting."
25. "I suppose I will see you in hell then."
OKAY. i will stop here before i go overboard, but as you can tell... my boy has a downfall 😞 RIP middle-book Alan. I will always miss you.
once again! open tag! have fun!
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So I wanna request a Loki x plus!size reader where the reader gets kidnapped by Hydra and Loki and the avengers have to get her Hydra said that she won't be hurt when they get there but she is and It just pisses Loki off because his fiance is in pain let's just say no one in the Hydra base comes out alive.
Happy Monday, hope you like it!
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You getting saved by the Avengers and your bae Loki includes:
-Thor having to hold Loki back once he finds out that you have been snatched by HYDRA agents while going for a stroll, them having you tied up in a chair and begging for your life on camera while it’s obvious that they kidnapped you with pure violence
-Once Thor calms him down, the avengers plus Loki getting suited up, making sure that the mission is to save your life and leave as minor casualties behind
-”No one deserves to live after what they but my love though” is what Loki hsses while sharpening his daggers, his rage and fear taking over him as he simply wants to hold you and promise you that he’ll do anything to keep you save in the further future
-It doesn’t take the super team long to locate you, make sure that normal civilians are absent from the building you’re being kept hostage in before they start the mission, everyone silently wishing that they’ll be able to save you because you’re a part of the family
-Loki and Thor grouping up and successfully defeating every HYDRA agent that comes their way, their godly strength stamina being something the other avengers always admire
-Natasha being able to find out on which floor exactly you’re kept in before telling the news to Loki who immediately orders thor to use Stormbreaker to fly to that floor
-You fighting to stay awake as you’re tired, sore and aching from the beating you received, crying to yourself as you hope that you’ll see another day
-A harsh slap from one of your kidnappers snapping you back to reality as loud screams, gunshots and pure violence is heard outside of the room, you having to swallow the cry that’s bubbling in your throat as you cannot handle any physical pain 
-The door to your room being burst open before another round of screams and breaking bones ring in your ears
-”We’ve found you my love”, Loki’s gentle voice speaks up when you finally open your eyes again and see that your fiance is standing in front of you
-Loki removing the tight ropes before picking you up in bridal style, promising that everyone single person who hurt you is now dead and that you’re safe now
-The only thing you’re able to do is cry as you’re just happy and relieved that you’re safe now, that no one will punch or kick you and that you get to see another beautiful day thanks to your love and familiy
-The whole team making sure that you’re hydrated wrapped in a warm blanket before they ask a few questions about the kidnapping and motive so that they can prepare themselves for future attacks
-After getting released from the medical station at the compound, Loki starts taking care of you by setting up a nice bubble bath with your favorite salts, oils and soaps before joining you and gently washing you
-He kisses the tears away, tells you how he wouldn't have forgiven himself if you’d end up losing your life and how he vows to protect you more in the future
-You listening to his vulnerable words and slowly being able to relax again
-By the time it’s night, you’re sleeping in Loki’s arms while he watches you in awe and gently whispers to you that he can’t wait longer to make you his wife
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Tag list: @jamesbarnesappreciationclubub  l @pleasantdreamqueen l @disneymarina l l @harleycativy  l @sparklemichele l @melaninmarvel l @amethyst09 l @the-force-of-imagines l @bossyboyd03 l @pebblesz892 l @stars8melanin l @brittyevans l @toc1985 l @janeyboo l @badassbaker l @winters-beauty l @cannonindeez  l @ilovefanfic86  l @adorablespecialsnowflakes l @brittanyovens l @kanupps06 l @jazmynejack l @thebookwormslytherin l @theunsweetenedtruth l @talannalew l @littlexmissxfandomxlover l @amethyst-dreams-and-candy-canes l @crimsonash330 l @booklover2929 l @aranelgrey l @panda-duuu l @thisismysecrethappyplace  l @titty-teetee l @honey-anon l @princess-evans-addict l @hp-hogwartsexpress l @malindacath  l @letsdisneythings l @scorpionchild81 l @shado-raven l @alisoncdariel l @plutoneu l  @queenoftheworldisdead l @briannab1234l @miyaeadys-blog l @thenamelesscorpse2185 l @hihellogoodbyebruh l @nackrosor l @nerdgurl1985 l @2darkskinbeauty l @bugngiz l @african-melanin-goddess l @barnes-wilson-love l @ktiz90 l @let-the-love-in l @forlornfortitude l @robinredboob l @hopefuloperaangelnerd l @kola95 l @partypoison00 l @alwaysadreamingoptimist l @reniescarlett l @g0thicdream l @mayasopinions l @captaintightpants58 l @leillee
-Emmanuelle 💋❤️
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j-nipper-95 · 1 year
Fic Rec (plus late Six Sentence Sunday) Monday!
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Ok, so I’m late posting this, but oh well. It’s being posted!
I’m not sure if my tumblr notifications are working properly at the moment (I know I missed at least one tag last week, so if I’ve missed your tags the last couple of weeks I’m sorry, I’m not ignoring you, tumblr is acting up!) but I’m still alive. I’m back, and I have words to share!
July’s Camp NaNoWriMo has been amazing for getting words down for COTTA, and I am finally back on track with following the El Dorado plot line again! I managed to double the word count goal I had by 1am this morning, so all in all, a very productive month. So without further ado, here’s six(teen) sentences from that! Thanks for the tags @artsyunderstudy @theearlgreymage and @hushed-chorus (and anyone else if I’ve missed your posts!!)
“Get in the back,” he grunts, nodding at the truck. “I’ll cover you.”
“With what, Snow?”
“Just do it.”
No. I won’t leave him.
“They’ll shoot you on sight,” I say (I plead, I almost beg. Don’t make me face the thought of losing you, Simon). “I can’t get over there without your help,” I add. If there’s one thing I can count on right now, it’ll be Simon’s inner heroism.
“Bet you can,” he says, without thinking.
“Two shillings say I can’t.”
The challenge in my voice is enough to make him turn to glare at me. And knowing how much it irritates him, I cock an eyebrow and tilt my chin up to look down my nose at him.
Snow opens his mouth to argue but snaps it shut when we hear the Now Next almost at the corner we’ve just run around.
“You’re on.”
And then Jas also tagged me in a fic rec post, so here’s a few I’ve been enjoying recently!
Someone Wicked by @artsyunderstudy ([E, 53.9k, Carry On, complete]
I had the chance to beta read this fic with @cutestkilla and oh my God it was a rollercoaster of emotions and tender smut and I loved every single second of it!
Normal AU, complicated family relationships, religious guilt, chronic pain rep, escort Simon, this fic had me hooked from the second Ashton pitched it to me! It’s angsty and soft and emotional in all of the ways we’ve come to expect from her fics, and it ticks all of the boxes.
Ashton managed to tackle some really tough emotions and relationship dynamics in this one, and I don’t really want to say any more and risk spoiling any of it.
Check it out if you haven’t yet, but just remember it is explicit with plenty of on page smut/sex scenes!
More Than Friends by @fatalfangirl [E, 19.9k, Carry On, incomplete]
This fic updated today. It was a good day!
Simon and Baz are roommates, and having survived lockdown together their feelings are becoming much more than platonic. Both of them like the other, but neither is willing to compromise their friendship.
Another Normal AU, this time ‘friends with benefits’, featuring lots of unhealthy coping mechanisms, a sexually promiscuous Simon (which I for one am loving!), Baz as a writer, and some new tags that were added today (trigger warnings for mentions of past ab*se and panic attacks).
This fic is updating currently, and I cannot wait to see what Stacy has in store for the boys! (Again, it’s explicit, so minors begone!)
What Remains After the Storm by @hushed-chorus [M, 86.3k, Carry On, complete]
When I tell you this fic had (and still has) me in a fricken chokehold, that’s an understatement! I still think about this fic on a daily basis, and Demi’s writing is simply stunning.
A fantasy/historical fiction(ish) AU, with fae, curses, much pining, and plenty of cute goats.
Simon is a goatherd on the edge of a fishing town, and while he’s not entirely trusted by the townsfolk, he’s not outright despised either. He works the land, and always pays his tithe to the fae. Until he pulls something from the ocean. Or rather, someone. When Baz flees his fae captors and returns home, he and Simon have to work together to help him remember his humanity.
This fic. Oh. My. GOD! Every update had me on the edge of my seat. Do yourself a favour, and go and read this fic. Especially as Demi is considering writing more in the same AU!
Strictly Professional by @palimpsessed [E, 38.5k, Carry On, complete]
This fic completed a couple of days ago, and I didn’t have time to finish reading it until this morning, and my god was it worth the wait!
Simon is a new recruit at Baz’s firm, and he’s joined the company just in time for the professional conference. But not in time to get his own hotel room. Cue only one bed forced proximity fast burn get together!
This fic pays off so quickly in the best way possible! The emotions Pal has managed to get into such a short space of time for the boys is incredible, and had me so invested in this relationship! Baz trying to remain professional, Simon’s unabashed flirting, neither of them managing to keep their hands off each other. Again, every single box ticked!
The Selkie and his Boy by @hushed-chorus [T, 21.8k, Carry On, complete]
It’s very rare that I pick up a T or G rated SnowBaz fic. I usually go for M and above, but once again, Demi had me hook line and sinker with this one.
Every year, Baz and his family holiday in Cornwall (can I just say how much I love Demi’s writing about Cornwall? It’s so nice to see the South West represented in fic!! As a Dorset girl who holidayed a lot in Cornwall as a kid, I love this so much!). Everything goes to plan … most of the time. One year, he meets a boy with bronze hair and blue eyes that utterly captivates him, and who he expects to spend the whole summer getting to know.
But the boy never shows up the next day. Or the next. Or indeed for the next several years.
Flash forward seven years, and an embittered Baz finally meets Simon again, and finds out why Simon never came back all those years ago.
An AU where Simon is a selkie, Baz is still a vampire, and Mordelia is unabashedly sassy!
Tagging (for both SSS and fic recs): @artsyunderstudy @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @aristocratic-otter @palimpsessed @larkral @orange-peony @dragoneggos @prettylightsbigcity @stardustasincocaine @fatalfangirl @cutestkilla @ileadacharmedlife @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @ebbpettier @martsonmars @erzbethluna @hushed-chorus
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Jess x Leto #3 “I’m a complete failure”
Sequel to righteous fury, content warning for very vague talk of assault // mid-era, PG-ish, also on ao3.
The worst possible thing has happened.
The worst possible thing – there is no doubt in his mind about this, several days later. For the rest of his life he will be haunted by what he saw, and to think that he was lucky enough to only deal with the aftermath of-
Someone wanted him unstable. Mission accomplished.
He gets to deal with the outside world and protect his partner in what minimal ways he still can. Enough of the guard saw… enough, but the public statement is only that she was deeply hurt and recovers in seclusion and from that-
Skies, he doesn’t know how she runs damage-control in his favor near-constantly, he has to do it to defend her honor about once a decade and he can barely even do that let alone-
She stays in a certain guest wing until further notice. If left unsupervised and given more of a choice, he expects she’d go right back to her usual spaces and damn those already haunted walls even further with this-
He only blames himself. Whatever security protocol went wrong that will be found in the coming days was at least a piece of paper he should’ve looked at better when it crossed his desk. He is aware of the weight of his responsibilities, above all else to protect his family and if he couldn’t manage that then-
He should leave her be. He should give his wounded partner whatever space she needs. But the fear of it all is too great, and-
He is aware that the only other human contact she has is when someone brings her meals she barely tries to eat. Their son, usually the only companion she allows, is being kept away from the situation for now; Leto supposes he’s probably screwed that up too but one crisis at a time and-
“You look troubled.”
At least the sharpness of her mind is still present. If she says what she feels, that is far better than the formality he’d expected she would revert to, and the lack of coldness is at least-
“I wronged you.”
“You did no such thing.”
And there it is. He’d learned not to admit any feelings of guilt regarding her years ago; he knows she forgives too much, but they politely do not speak of it to maintain their balance, and-
“There should’ve been some way of-“
“Even you are not perfect.”
He wants to say a hundred things, every bit of the blame he has felt in these days, horror that may not be his to carry and yet-
“I’m a complete failure. If I can’t protect you-“
“Do you think for a moment that I have blamed you, even indirectly?”
In a less tense moment, he would make some comment about how she’s had no trouble blaming him for a spectacular array of things over the years, but… not now, not in this barely-lit room where she sits perfectly still on the edge of a bed while he paces, not with the tension he feels that he cannot fix as he’d like, not-
“Forgive me if I take your pain as my own, but-“
“You have shown me who you are in this time, and I-“
He knows how rarely she is overwhelmed by her emotions, and how often he has seen her sadness in these days. He could never fault her for that, but it is still strange to watch and not be sure if she would allow-
“I still-“
He can almost feel the power of her, too close to a line she swears she does not cross, and his own guilt is nothing against her fury, and-
“Give me one good reason not to.”
“Because I am still alive, and my body heals, and my mind will follow.”
The fact that she is in such condition at all has made him burn since it happened, and he has already learned to hold that back in her presence, to keep from anything that might look like he is angry at her. If anything the opposite, if anything a brutal reminder of just how deeply he loves her and-
“Tell me what you want and I will-“
“Sit by me for a moment. Let me-“
He does, and it is too easy to let her fingers wrap around his wrists and find the right pressure points to take the edge off if not… her abilities do have their limits, but-
It is strange, he thinks, that she is willing to touch him at all. It is stranger still that she leans her head against his shoulder and he can feel the worry in her skin and-
“May I hold you?”
Her body still feels right, curled up against his. The state of his heart has not changed for a moment, and there will be life on the other side of this, and-
“You should stay,” she murmurs. “I will feel better if you stay.”
“Anything to calm you.”
“This isn’t just about me. I know you don’t…”
“And I could not ask you for-“
“We have to go back to normal eventually.”
“I still won’t have you hurt yourself because of me.”
Her fingertips move, tracing patterns on the little strips of skin where she’s pushed his sleeves back for access, a mirror of so many times he’s tried to comfort her in similar ways and-
“I cannot see how asking you to keep me warm in the night could count as-“
“A presence out of your control-“
“And how many thousands of nights have I closed my eyes next to you and been fearless about it? I do know you. You would not-“
“If you do not want-“
“I would keep you safe. Above all else. And I have failed, and-“
“You have been patient with me since. I would never ask for more.”
She should, he thinks. It is not the way of her, but if ever there was a time for her to become everything she is feared to be…
And she won’t. It is brave enough for her to press her lips to his neck, and he will allow whatever she needs, and-
“Don’t lose yourself for me,” she murmurs. “Don’t let this be more than it is.”
Too late, perhaps, but-
He’ll still try.
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