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dtpnews · 11 days ago
Una nave da carico che trasportava sostanze chimiche tossiche si scontrò con una petroliera carica di carburante al largo della costa dell'Inghilterra orientale, innescando un'emergenza ambientale. L'incidente ha provocato un enorme sforzo di salvataggio e ha sollevato preoccupazioni per potenziali danni ecologici nel Mare del Nord. Il Solong registrato dal Portogallo si è scontrato con la MV…
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bonificabrasil · 8 months ago
🚀BONIFICA PRODUTOS【Seja Um Consultor Bonifica】
a bonifica produtos é uma estratégia que pode revolucionar o mercado de MMN, especialmente no setor de saúde e bem-estar. A Bonífica serve como um exemplo brilhante dessa abordagem, oferecendo produtos que melhoram a vida dos consumidores e um modelo de negócio que recompensa seus consultores. À medida que mais empresas adotam essa estratégia, podemos esperar ver um crescimento contínuo e sustentável no mercado de saúde e bem-estar.
CLIK NO LINK PARA CADASTRO: https://sites.google.com/view/cadastrobonifica
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kharmii · 1 year ago
After scrolling around on your blog and reading some past posts I have to say that it's refreshing to see someone in this climate be this "normal" when it comes to politics and everything.
Seeing as so many people have this so far-left view with living and seeing politics 24/7 I enjoy how you openly say how you don't care about certain issues (or other non-issues that are made a big deal even though they shouldn't)
Also refreshing to see your view on this transtrender thing going on. It's so insanely shocking to me how many people can't see how this is wrong on so many levels, how they're exploided for life and how these people ruin their lives on a whim and just to be trendy. It's also frustrating and annoying to me that these politics have invaded fandom to this ridiculous degree. If they think celebrating mutilation is something they enjoy then let them, but I don't have to engage or see it. I believe in biology and not in reality bending appeasing of emotions. And I don't need to see this in fandom.
I've always managed to keep my neutrality or opposing view to these topics with only showing vaguely "support" but it has become increasingly difficult. Seeing people with similar views being so openly about them is so encouraging. I may not have the mental stability to stand up just like you but I admire you for not caving into this nonsense and for keeping common sense in this day and age. Thank you for showing me there is still common sense and brain left here.
I have always lived like "I don't care about your views or anything. Don't be a hypocrite and just be a decent human being to me, treat me nicely and I'll treat you nicely too." And no amount of political bs will ever change that.
What's amazing is that I'm getting flak from people for enjoying the twin fetish -in a small-ass fandom where half the people have had a Blankshipping sock at one time or another- and yet nobody talks about how pushing trans bs is basically grooming by their own admission. THERE ARE MINORS ON THIS SITE!! THINK OF THE MINORS!!1!!
If you are an adult on social media glorifying trans mutilation during a point in history when it has become a social contagion preying on vulnerable insecure young girls mostly, then you are a creepo and pervert akin to a child molester. The reason I say it is because molesting a child is something that will alter that person's psyche so badly, they will never live a normal life and might even off themselves young. Taking puberty blockers -basically chemical castration- does the same thing. That person given hormones at a young age was not mentally mature enough to make that decision, therefore they were pushed into it by some sort of creepo.....mostly far leftist attention seeking white women with Munchausen by Proxy.
Do any of the people pushing trans ideology even know the sordid history behind it? The people who founded the trans movement were all mentally ill dysfunctional people who often did horrible things to children. Matt Walsh did a segment on it, and I will post the transcript, along with the video, in case any readers might be more interested in reading than watching.
When the sixth circuit upheld Tennessee's ban on the chemical castration of children last year, they singled out the World Professional Association for Transgender Health or WPATH. This is the organization that major hospitals of general clinic site as the all-important authority on so-called trans healthcare. In fact, in court the ACLU argued that WPath's professional opinions are so important they should overturn the will of the overwhelming majority of voters in the state of Tennessee. The court was not convinced in its opinion.
It pointed out that WPATH by its own admission has presented quote 'limited data on the long-term physical psychological and neurodevelopmental outcomes that result from administering puberty blockers and cross- sex hormones to children' in part because WPath data and the documentation wasn't exactly comprehensive. The court allowed the ban on these so-called treatments to take effect. Six months later we now have a window into what data and documentation WPath actually does have in its possession, and it's not limited as they previously said.
Instead this Internal Documentation at WPath is comprehensive evidence that so-called gender affirming care quote unquote is an 'unscientific scam that ruins the lives of children and permanently damages their bodies' and crucially the documents prove that WPath knows it. These leaked WPath files come to us from a think tank called Environmental Progress and the independent journalist Michael Shellenberger.
Among the files is this internal communication at WPath from a doctor concerning a 16-year-old girl who developed liver tumors, large ones, after she was given drugs to suppress menstruation, as well as testosterone. Quote 'the patient was found to have two liver masses and the oncologist and surgeon both have indicated that the likely offending agents are the hormones'. That's a quote in response to a report another doctor on the WPATH discussion forum said that one of his The Truth colleagues had developed liver cancer and died after taking testosterone for about a decade. To the best of my knowledge, it was linked to his hormone treatment. The doctor wrote quote 'it was so Advanced that he opted for palliative care and died a couple of months later'.
Now at no point in these documents does WPath suggest that they should go public with these concerns. They don't immediately run to the media with their determination that cross-sex hormones could contribute to fatal liver cancer. They don't warn anybody as far as I can tell. Instead, they press on with a plan to mutilate the 16-year-old girl with liver tumors, and the tumors that they have apparently caused. Quote 'We're prepared to support the patient in any way we can'. EG Top surgery when medically stable Etc.
Now ghoulish doesn't even begin to describe this after concluding that they've possibly caused tumors in a teenage girl's liver. Their only concern apparently is how quickly they can remove her breasts. In fact from the documents, it appears that WPATH tries to rush these procedures in general before patients can reach adult age. One surgeon Christine N McGinn boasts that she's performed more than a dozen vaginoplasties on patients under the age of 18. In this context vaginoplasty means that they are removing a child's penis and testicles and scrotum and replacing them with a nonfunctioning open wound. They're doing this to children.
The surgeon writes quote 'I feel the best time for surgery in the US is the summer before their last year of high school'. Many others in this community agree with her. What makes this even more egregious if that's even possible is that WPath knows that children can't provide informed consent to any of this butchery. They admit that in these files Shellenberger obtained this footage showing WPath members discussing how little patients understand about these procedures. Parts of this video were made public last year but Shellenberger obtained the full thing here are a couple of parts of it watch.
I think the thing you have to remember about kids is that we're often explaining these sorts of things to people who haven't even had biology in high school yet. I know I've heard others in this kind of a setting say, "Well, we think adults are like really slick biologically. Lots of people have very little medical understanding of stuff like that. Medical professionals and mental health professionals take it for granted, but I don't know still what to do for the 14-year-olds. The parents have it on their minds, but the 14-year-old does not. It's like talking with diabetic complications with a 14-year-old. They don't care. They're not going to die. They're going to live forever, right? So, I think when we're doing informed consent, I know that that's still a big Lacuna. We try to talk about it but most of the kids are nowhere in any kind of a brain space to really talk about in a serious way."
"That's always bothered me, but you know we still want the kids to be happier in the moment, right? We try to talk about it but most of the kids are nowhere in any kind of brain space to really talk about it seriously." That's just one of the many quotes like this from WPath members. Here's another quote 'It's out of their developmental range to understand the extent to which some of these medical interventions are impacting them. They'll say they understand but then they'll say something else that makes you think oh they didn't really understand that. They didn't really understand that they're going to have facial hair.'
These are the doctors doing this stuff admitting that the patients they're doing it to cannot really consent to it. Elsewhere in the files there's a confession from a therapist that in 15 years she's only turned down one patient for gender treatment. That's only because that patient was in active psychosis and was hallucinating during their interview. There are also discussions about boys who began transitioning when they were 4 years old. To understand the extent of the barbarism you need to read the WPATH files for yourself. I'm not going to summarize them all here only because it would be redundant.
For now it's important to emphasize that none of these findings are surprising. They're unbelievably disturbing, but there's nothing in here that would surprise anyone who's done even a cursory look into WPath. There's no excuse for any hospital or Medical Association to listen to a word WPath says and that's been clear for a very long time. Redux has done extensive work exposing the various perverts who are connected with WPath including fetishists who post their fantasies anonymously on the internet. These are academics who have lectured at wpath and spoken at conferences, and they're apparently sexually aroused by the idea of castrating themselves.
Imagine entrusting the care of your child to an organization that promotes people like that. They want to castrate themselves and they want to do the same to your child. It's unbelievable, but the truth is that even before these kinds of people became affiliated with wpath the organization had no credibility. WPath, the organization that major hospitals and medical organizations hold up as the gold standard for Trans health, was a radical cult from the very beginning. That's what you have to understand so I'm going to recount WPath's sordid history because to my knowledge no one has done it before. You need to understand what this organization is and to know that you need to know where it came from. The history of WPath starts with a gender confused new AG drug addicted lesbian rich kid named Rita Ericson, her prolific nudist friend Zelda Suple, and something called the Ericson Educational Foundation or EEF. Reed Ericson was born Rita Ericson in Texas in 1917 to successful business owners named Robert and Ruth Ericson.
With immense privilege and educational opportunities ironically at an all-girl school, Rita grew up to become an engineer. She contributed to the continued success of her family's lead smelting business. She ultimately inherited and sold it for millions of dollars in 1963 after her father had passed away. Rita sought to transition into a he under the care of a quack doctor named Harry Benjamin. Rita changed her name to Reed Erikson and became the ultimate financial force in the push for mainstream acceptance of transgenderism. Then in 1964 Erikson launched the EF to quote provide assistance and support in areas where human potential was limited by adverse physical mental or social conditions, or where the scope of research was too new controversial or imaginative to receive traditionally oriented support.
Imaginative is one way to put it, but despite Rita's plans for the EF Advance human potential for everybody, supposedly her own life was falling apart. Following the mutilation that Ericson received under the care of Dr Benjamin, she had four failed marriages. She developed a drug addiction and ultimately fled from California to Mexico to avoid drug charges. Her daughter had to take on a conservatorship of her estate due to her mental and physical decline. Beginning around the time of Ericson's transition and all through her decline the EEF pushed transgenderism and mutilation-based care of gender confused people under the leadership of its director Zelda R Suley who was the right-hand woman to Ericson.
Now Suple her claim to fame was her obsession with nudity. Mostly she owned multiple nudist camps and became the first woman to post fully on the cover of Playboy. She also did psychic research and dabbled in past life new age beliefs. Under Suple the EEF sponsored symposiums to bring Fringe doctors together. The organization paid these doctors to travel and spread gender ideology. They also sponsored programs at colleges to inject transgenderism into Academia. They handed out propaganda to doctors and lawyers and police departments and social workers.
The EEF even provided grants for doctors who wanted to pursue gender mutilation. Contributing heavily to today's more mainstream acceptance of this Butchery, the EEF helped to bankroll the first major gender clinic at Johns Hopkin University where Dr John money an EEF board member worked at the time. The clinic received a reported $85,000 from the EEF and that's approximately $750,000 in today's dollars. Now the EEF revered John Money calling him a 'leading scholar and researcher of our time' in a newsletter in 1972. Now what was John money doing in 1972 to be celebrated and financed by the EEF?
Well according to Arizona State University he became Infamous for directing twin boys to quote 'inspect one another's genitals' and 'engage in behavior resembling sexual intercourse'. He also attempted to change one of the boys into a girl, a story you know if you watched What is a Woman. Ultimately one of the boys shot himself in the head and the other died of a drug overdose. Now the EEF suspended its operations in 1977 but not before helping fund the Janis information facility which overtook much of the EEF's work.
The JIF also absorbed the nudist director of the EEF Zelda Suple. The JIF served as a referral service for gender confused people to find fringe doctors willing to sterilize and mutilate them. Along with Suple it was run by the University of Texas's Dr Paul Walker a former Johns Hopkins colleague of Dr John Money through the late 1970s. Bankrolled by the EEF, the Janice Information Facility and Dr Paul Walker led the continued push to mainstream these extreme surgeries which were increasingly marked by patient regret and high complication rates.
In 1982 researchers at Yale and University of Kentucky found that post-operative complications included quote "breast cancer in hormonally treated males, the need for surgical reduction of bloated limbs resulting from hormones, repeated destruction of vaginal openings, infections of the urinary system, rectum hemorrhaging, loss of skin grafts, post-operative suicides and suicide attempts, and patient demands to reverse surgery". Some sex change patients the researchers reported quote 'threatened to shoot the genitals of the surgeon with a shotgun'.
Now those are pretty bad results of this new form of surgery. Did any of this make Ericson, Suple, Paul Walker, John Money, Harry Benjamin or any of their other unhinged counterparts stop? Did it give them a moment of hesitation? No, they doubled down. In 1979 the EEF funded symposia led to the formation of the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association which took over from the Jif. It was chaired by Dr Walker who left the University of Texas thanks to some financial backing from Ericson. Dr. Harry Benjamin the new organization's namesake had long been bankrolled by his former patient and extraordinaire Ericson. Benjamin received $118,000 per year from Eriksen which is worth about $176,000 today.
In the early years of the Harry Benjamin Association, at the urging of Benjamin, Erikson allowed the EEF to be revived for a year to fund newsletters to get its message out to the masses. What was it about Benjamin that made him so beloved? Well, in 1966 Dr Harry Benjamin had authored the transsexual phenomenon which inspired this community of fringe doctors. In it, Benjamin acknowledges that fake vaginas are quote 'wounds' and says that these fake vaginas can degrade to the point of being quote 'obliterated and useless for sexual relations'. This is him admitting that they're creating open wounds in patients and calling them vaginas.
Benjamin also outlines the social motivation behind some transitions. In one case Benjamin writes that a mother was embarrassed to be seen with her son in public, but when her son began identifying as a girl, the mother suddenly became proud of him and even found him to be quote 'attractive'. In an especially creepy passage Benjamin writes that he could also verify the attractiveness of the supposed young lady. The Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association led by Paul Walker fully recognized its roots in Dr Harry Benjamin, Reed Ericson, Zelda Suley, presenting them with lifetime achievement awards.
The newly formed Harry Benjamin Association wasted no time creating their first standards of care in 1977, despite the ample history of failure and suffering they had inflicted on people who often had co-orbit mental illnesses. They declared themselves Arbiters of Authority. Their only mild redeeming quality was that they seemed to agree that this sadistic quackery shouldn't be inflicted upon minors who were obviously incapable of consent. That's what they said back then in 2000.
One of Dr Anne Lawrence earliest iterations of the website for the Harry Benjamin Association linked to another website called transsexual women's resources run by their early members, Dr Anne Lawrence who sat on the standards of care committee for the association. He was and still is an admitted gynephile, which is a paraphilia where a man is sexually aroused by the thought of himself as a female. In a paper Dr Lawrence refers to a gynephile as an underappreciated paraphilia. Now few have been as honest about this paraphilia as Dr Aaron Lawrence. In a 1999 version of his website which is the Harry Benjamin Association linked to, he wrote about his personal experience with genital mutilation saying that he very badly wanted to be a quote 'receptacle' and that's why he wanted to get the mutilation surgery.
Lawrence resigned from a hospital after admitting to a serious lapse in judgment quote unquote 'involving a patient' and the lapse of judgment was that, according to an incident report, a hospital gynecologist repeatedly told Lawrence that a patient an Ethiopian woman had not experienced female circumcision. When the gynecologist left the room Lawrence performed a non-consensual genital exam on the woman who was unconscious that was his lapse of judgment otherwise known as sexual abuse of a woman. Now how many quote unquote 'trans women' are just men with a paraphilic sexual arousal of themselves as women. More concerningly how many of them who view themselves as, uh, you know....women, also view women simply as quote unquote 'genital receptacles'? How many are being allowed in the restrooms and locker rooms of actual girls and women?
Despite having published this garbage Dr Anne Lawrence remained involved in the standards of care for the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association. He was a co-author on the sixth version of the standards which were published in 2001. That was the last version published before the organization changed its name in 2007 to WPath or the World Professional Association for Transgender Health. Now despite this new branding WPath continued promoting the same radical gender ideology and sexual paraphilia of its predecessors. The seventh version of the standards of care released under the new WPath name in 2012 and valid all the way through 2022 continue to reference the work of Dr John money whose victims killed themselves. WPath also cited the receptacle auto gynephile Dr Anne Lawrence as recently as last year.
The WPath website fully acknowledged almost proudly their origin with the the EEF and how its suspending of operations in 1977 directly led to this pack of fringe doctors forming the Harry Benjamin International gender dysphoria Association which is now WPath. Despite its sordid history WPath is somehow now taken seriously as the standard setter in the field by major hospitals and medical associations. This is maybe the single greatest scam in modern medicine. It's destroying the lives of children across the country and that much is clear. What's less clear is why anyone who knows the truth about W path's origin would ever listen to a word they have to say.
The W path of today is the proud product of decades of quackery and sexual experimentation. It's a threat to Public Health, in particular to children. Now the good news is that there's a simple solution. The fact that radical activists at WPath provides standards of care doesn't mean doctors, hospitals, medical schools, and insurance companies have to follow them or use them for any purpose at all. Medical professionals have the capacity and capability of rejecting barbarism and doing what's right. They can exercise some level of Common Sense and restraint. It's happened before
Physicians used to engage in a wide range of practices that we now recognize are gruesome and unethical, like lobotomy, using heroin as cough syrup, and treating asthma with chloroform. In time WPath's standards of care and the procedures they endorse will meet the same fate. WPath exists because for years most people didn't know about its history or how its standards of care are used. Most people didn't know that hospitals will perform double mastectomies and other life-altering operations on children. Well, that's all changing now. WPath and everything that stands for has been exposed and now it's time for the medical profession to do what it should have done a long time ago and shut down these con artists once and for all.
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gps-yaps · 4 months ago
The stars tbh they're so pretty
And also hot (please tell me you get the joke)
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OP clearly doesn't have a tumblr account.
anyway drop your wild hear me outs that you would ACTUALLY make out with if given the chance
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twinhearted · 2 years ago
one thing about me is i will always find something to get pissed off about. it's okay though because it's a coping mechanism
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anorerose · 5 months ago
Chia, antydepresanty i suple🦢🌸
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vookio · 1 year ago
thigh fetish gojo satoru
conent : thigh fucking, cum licking, praises. notes : i need gojo on my lap rn. reblogs are appreciated.
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gojo goes crazy, mad even when he catches the smallest glance of your suple thighs. he has his hands on them in every chance he gets, neading, touching, kissing, fucking.
leisure moments with gojo would involve him reclining amid your thighs, his face gently pressed against your skin as he does whatever.
gojo would intentionally only buy you skirts or shorts regardless of the season and make you wear them outside just so he could see more of your skin. plus points if there is a visible hickey on your inner thigh from previous nights. it gets him so worked up that you both have to go home earlier than planned.
his phone would have a special locked album of you wearing different kinds of stockings. his favorites are the ones where your skin would stick out because of how tight the socks were.
his cock would squeeze in between the soft flesh, hands gripping onto your knees for support. mouth spilled countless whines and moans about how perfect you were and how good your thighs made him feel. gojo's head would go dizzy as he's about to cum, purposely pulling out from his current position and shooting his load on your legs just to have an excuse to "clean" them. his tongue would get to work, lapping up his own release while planting multiple kisses along with a few bites. he takes hours until your legs go sore and by the time he is done, your thighs are in a much worse shape.
vookio · all rights reserved. do not modify, post, translate or recommend my work in any type of app.
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cigarettesaftersxenjoyer · 8 days ago
macie do polecenia jakies suple? na hamowanie apetytu/przeczyszczenie, doslownie cokolwiek bo sie chyba zaraz zapierdole
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Perros, bombones, juguetes eróticos…, cada uno suple la falta de afecto con lo que puede.
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tjkl895 · 8 months ago
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Coach Stanchev (https://www.instagram.com/p/BWFxL3sBlsh/)
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bonificabrasil · 8 months ago
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catylsmental · 5 months ago
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11 października '24
Tak, wysrałam się xD Ktoś tutaj polecał witaminę C, przedawkowanie to 1000mg, więc tyle wzięłam + i tak się m.in. nią kuruje oraz syropem z dzikiej róży. Dołożyłam tabletkę Dulcobisu i tadam. A sam w sobie nawet dwie tabletki nie działały. Jezu, jak można nie 💩tydzień, a nawet nie pamiętam w sumie ile. 850/900g do kolejnego GW. Swoją drogą muszę napisać od nowa wstępnego, przypiętego posta, który spadł razem z poprzednim blogiem. Tam miałam wszystkie swoje staty.
Dziś? Obudziłam się o 10:00, wzięłam szybko leki, bo czułam się jak to rano paskudnie (normalna kontuzja obudzeniowa + choroba) i po wzięciu leków czekam godzinę aż będzie lepiej kiedy zaczną działać. Zarzuciłam lek wykrztuśny do szklanki i nawet nie wiem jak, kiedy i dlaczego zasnęłam o 12:00 nie wypijając jej.
I teraz najlepsze: Obudziłam się o 16:00 z gorączką 37,7-8°C z dreszczami no i wszystkimi innymi objawami x2. Przez całą kulminację problemów wpadłam w histerię, irygując nos ledwo stojąc na nogach (tw; ochydne) wypluwalam żółtą wydzielinę z krwią w większej ilości niż ostatnie dwa dni. Chwilę wcześniej pisałam do koleżanki, która totalnie mnie olała - pochwaliłam się czymś (jutro powiem) oraz napisałam o moim stanie. A ta nic na to, tylko to, że jej kotek ma lekko podwyższony cholesterol. Aha. Super wiedzieć. Przykro mi, ale może jakaś odpowiedź? Czuję się w ogóle strasznie sama w tym wszystkim, nadal irygowalam nos, plułam i płakałam. Żałosna jednostka ze mnie. Ale to była taka wisieńka na torcie. To nie tak, że płakałam z powodu braku jednego zainteresowania, tylko to była już kuliminacja wszystkiego, jak bardzo czuję się sama i wszystko inne, czyli źle psychicznie i fizycznie. Tak, mam męża, ale on pracuje do popołudnia przy komputerze w drugim pokoju i zawsze jest słabym wsparciem psychologicznym. To nie tak, że ma mnie gdzieś, chociaż takie wrażenie na mnie sprawia, tylko nie wie jak reagować i co mówić. W łóżku płakałam dalej, straciłam głos już całkiem i nie do końca myślałam już logicznie.
Koleżanka w końcu po czasie dodała, że mam iść do apteki (mam cały arsenał leków i witamin w formie naturalnej oraz syntetycznej, nie suple, pisałam o tym post). To pytam, że niby po jaki specyfik. No powinnam, skoro temperatura mi rośnie. Kurwa, nie zbija się temperatury póki nie przekroczy 38°c, to naturalna walka organizmu. Wzięłam łyżkę Solpadeiny na tę histerię i tak sobie żyłam cicho krwawiąc z nosa.
O 23:00 stał się cud i poczułam się fizycznie nagle lepiej - temperatura 37°c, czyli nawet niższa niż w poprzednie dni. Nie wiem co się odjebało. Najwyraźniej organizm temperaturą załagodził infekcję. Czyli tak jak wcześniej wspominałam. Może teraz zacznę już zdrowieć i to nie grypa.
Jestem czysta od benzo, zarówno od klonów jak i alpry. Zupełnie już na mnie nie działają, a to trochę drogie cukierki.
Idę spać, mimo, że mi się nie chce. Więcej na temat powodu histerii napiszę jutro.
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niechcebycjuzgruba · 13 days ago
Zjadłam dziś ok 1600kcal bez owoców. Nie liczę ich bo mają mało kcal. Byłam też na targu i kupiłam spoczko rzeczy, potem pojechałam na rowery z bratem i zrobiliśmy 13km!!! Zrobiłam też 4tys kroków bo byłam na spacerze rano i wieczorem (na takich krótkich). Potem nic już wsm nie robiłam.
Ten tydzień jak już mówiłam będę jeść 1600kcal a w następnym obniżę o 100 itddd
Dziś zjadłam na razie 1000kcal bez owoców ale dorobie jeszcze troszkę bo aktualnie wracam do domu. Kupilam tez bizuterie, wklad do sody stream. Chcialam tez kupic top ale niestety nie było ładnych. Kupiłam też suple.
Oceniam dzisiejszy dzień na taki średni ale cóż bywa. Było fajnie i mam dobry humor. W dodatku zrobiłam trening wieczorem i robiłam kroki przez cały dzień ale i tak mam mało 7k.
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roseeycreates-blog · 5 months ago
"Sa ganitong paraan ko ba malalaman na tapos na tayo?"
Paano kaya kung mayroong piksyon na naisulat ng isang tagahanga ng LinZin na hango sa Filipino?
Paalala: Hindi ako propesyonal na manunulat, kaya paumanhin sa mga pagkakamali sa gramatika, HUY XD
Isang araw na naman ang natapos. Pagod man, naisipan pa rin ni Lin na puntahan ang kanyang nobyo sa Isla ng Templo ng Hangin. Nagkaroon sila ng maliit na pagtatalo, kaya’t napagdesisyunan niyang sorpresahin ito sa kanyang presensya. Ngunit sa kanyang pagdating, siya ang nasurpresa sa kanyang nakita. Sa patyo ng templo, naroon ang isang matangkad na lalakiat isang tagasunod, magkalapat ang kanilang mga labi.
Naghalo ang sakit at galit sa dibdib ni Lin; sa bigat ng damdamin, nasundan ito ng pagyanig ng lupa. Agad na naramdaman ito ng dalawa at napako ang tingin ng matangkad na lalaki sa direksyon ni Lin.
Dali-daling umalis si Lin, ngunit agad din siyang sinundan ni Tenzin upang magpaliwanag.
“Lin, sandali!” sigaw ni Tenzin,
Ginamit ni Lin ang kanyang elemento upang hindi siya maabutan, ngunit mas mabilis pa rin ang hangin. Hinawakan ni Tenzin ang kanyang mga kamay, ngunit inalis niya ito.
"Sa ganitong paraan ko ba malalaman na tapos na tayo?" tanong niya, puno ng hinanakit at pagod ang tinig.
“Lin, pakiusap… hayaan mo akong magpaliwanag.”
“Magpaliwanag? Ano pa bang dapat mong sabihin? Hindi pa ba sapat ang nakita ko?”
Napabuntong-hininga si Tenzin, ang kanyang mukha seryoso, nagtatangkang gawing kalmado ang sitwasyon. “Ang nakita mo… isang pagkakamali lang. Si Pema, marahil nadala siya ng emosyon. Walang namamagitan sa amin, maniwala ka.”
"Pema? 'Yan pala ang pangalan ng babae mo. Anong pinangako niya sa’yo—mga supling ba? Mga supling na may elemento ng hangin upang buhayin ang iyong nasyon?" sagot ni Lin, puno ng galit.
Napaangat ang tingin ni Tenzin,"Walang patutunguhan ang usapang ito kung idadaan mo sa init ng ulo, Lin. Pakinggan mo sana ako…”
“Dumating ako rito para makipag-ayos, Tenzin,” bulong ni Lin, ang kanyang tinig garalgal, “pero ano ang nadatnan ko? Ang mga labi mong nakalapat sa labi ng iba.” Tumulo ang luha sa mga mata ni Lin at nagpasya siyang umalis, dala ang bigat ng sakit sa kanyang puso.
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alyiin · 16 days ago
A veces se suple con una sonrisa un cúmulo de cuestiones dispuestas a ser declaradas...
¿Por qué?
Juro que estaba anada de decirlo.
No sé porque preferí daruna sonrisa y entender.
No es que me moleste, en lo absoluto, pero es justo ahi cuando me doy cuenta que el problemas también soy yo.
Soy mi única compañia, cómplice, inicio, fin, tormenta, melancolía.
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shycutiie · 17 days ago
Ostatnio mega dobrze radzę z jedzeniem mało.
Mieszkam z chłopakiem, który nic nie zauważa.
Jest też w pracy często do 14 lub 22 więc zawsze mówię, że coś jadłam i mi wierzy.
Biorę też suple hamujące głód i naprawdę mi pomagają.
Jem głównie kaszki manny, budynie low cal, skyry naturalne i zupy co mają po 30 kcal na 100 ml.
Dziś się skusiłam wyjątkowo na Cappuccino zamiast obiadu i wziełam ją z mlekiem odtłuszczonym( bo tęsknie za mlekiem w kawie) oraz z dodatkowymi 2 shotami kawy ( żeby zmniejszyć ilość kalorii oraz syropem bezcukrowym żeby mieć jakąś słodycz.
Na wieczór jak mnie przyciśnie to zjem jakiś mus i zapiję dużą ilością wody to to mi wystarczy.
Kocham życie i kocham kontrolę.
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