keravg · 8 years
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I didn't die😅😱 . . . #Day13 of the #supeschallenge and we just finished three different workouts. Thankfully, none of them was the dreaded #Murph😅 . . . #fitnessblogger #somanyworkouts #wodjournal #superchallenge #supeschallenge #fitness #FitFam #fitnessblog #FitnessThings #Crossfit #CrossfitThings #CrossfitCouple #SAFitness
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keravg · 8 years
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I got SUPER interrupted during my challenge and was M.I.A for a week. And you can read all about it in my new #BlogPost. Link is in my bio and below. . . . https://keraground.com/2017/03/24/super-interrupted/ . . . #healthandfitness #fitnessblog #fitnessblog #FitnessThings #Crossfit #CrossfitThings #CrossfitCouple #superchallenge #supeschallenge #30daychallenge #challengeinterrupted #healthyeating #healthyliving #INearlyDied #ThrustersDidntKillMe
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keravg · 8 years
Jedi keeping me company and looking effortlessly adorable while I feel like I've been hit by the Titanic. Soooo over being sick🤧 . . . #Day14 & #Day15 of the #supeschallenge and I'm just taking things super, super slow. Eating is kind of an issue right now, buuuuttt right now I don't care. Everyone is going to see a doctor except for me because I'm badass and stupid😎😅 . . . #supeschallenge #superchallenge #fitnessblog #fitness #squats #Crossfit #CrossfitCouple #CrossfitThings #CurrentlySick #SendHelpPls #FitnessThings #catsofinstagram #Jedi #JediLife #maytheforcebewithyou
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keravg · 8 years
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#Day11 & #Day12 can be found in my new blog post, plus a summary of #Week2 of the #supeschallenge. Plus, the workouts that are going to kill me on Saturday. Link is in my bio & below. . . . keraground.com/2017/03/10/super-challenge-week-2/ . . . #healthandfitness #healthyeating #eatclean #eathealthy #Crossfit #CrossfitThings #CrossfitCouple #fitnessmotivation #30daychallenge #fitness #supeschallenge #superchallenge #Murph #CroasfitMurph #Deadlift #WOD #wodjournal #wodwoes😅 #somanyworkouts #YouGotThis #fitnessblogger #fitnessblog #SouthAfricanBlogger #HelpMePls
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keravg · 8 years
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I just had to kill a character... . . . #Day10 of the #supeschallenge and I'm in no mood to comment. My murder has left me weak😭 (note: not a real murder. I killed someone fictional. Calm down) . . . #writing #writinglife #writersofinstagram #killingoffcharacters #30daychallenge #fitnessmotivation #fitness #superchallenge #Day10 #IAmTooUnstableToSayAnything #ImSorry #ItWasForThePlot
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keravg · 8 years
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#Day9 of the #supeschallenge. Today was a hard day, but you should never give up. Push through, you got this👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻 . . . They released the first workout of the competition on Saturday. Let's just say 50 is the lucky number and I might just die😅 . . . #Crossfit #CrossfitCouple #CrossfitThings #Competition #LuckyNumber50 #supeschallenge #fitness #fitnessmotivation #30daychallenge #Day9 #YouGotThis #FitFam #FitnessThings #JourneyToAbs
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keravg · 8 years
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When I first started writing my book, I drew a lot of inspiration from my family. I took inspiration from our traditions, to personalities, to faith, to humor and every single day I am so grateful, loved and beyond blessed for the families I was born into. Without my family, the story may never have been the same. And every day it's growing, as we all - myself included - stretch our branches and grow into a stronger, more solid tree but the roots are forever woven into my heart. Thank you for existing, and thank you for inspiring me constantly, creating what I love to do❤️👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 . . . P.S. It's #Day7 of the the #supeschallenge and I had my first cheat meal. It was pancakes. 🥞 . . . #Family #FamilyReunion #MyFamilyInspiresMeDaily #ThankYouForExisting #ThankYouForTheWeekend #SlayerTraitsInspiration #SlayerTraitsSeries #Writer #AmWriting #writersofinstagram #writinglife #VanGraans #OumaHadALotOfSiblings #OneBigFamily #DeSousas #Rooted #supeschallenge #eatclean #eathealthy #fitnessmotivation #30daychallenge #CheatMeal #IveBeenWantingPancakesAllDamnWeek
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keravg · 8 years
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#Day6 of the #supeschallenge and we've been hiking all day😁 It's beautiful here❤️ . . . #MeiringsKloof #Hike #SouthAfrica #FreeState #SouthAfricanBlogger #Travel #TravelBlogger #Hike #HikingTrails #RainyDay #SunnyDay #TheWeatherIsMoody #OkayIAmTooLazyToTagMoreThings #FamilyReunion #VanGraans
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keravg · 8 years
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Happy Friday/ #Day5 of the #supeschallenge! I wrote about my progress for the five days past plus my workout routine that I've been playing around with and you can read all about it in my new post (plus a not-really recipe recipe for the shake in this picture). Link in my bio and below: 🍈https://keraground.com/2017/03/03/super-challenge-week-1 . . . Plus, I am going away to a #FamilyReunion, so not only will there be a new post and a new video next week, but @max_make26 and I are going to get some epic pics😍❤️ . . . #30daychallenge #fitnessmotivation #eathealthy #eatclean #somanyworkouts #blog #SAFitness #SouthAfricanBlogger #Blogger #Nutritech #ChromeSA #CookiesAndCream #OkayIAmTooLazyToTagMoreThings
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keravg · 8 years
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Starting to miss sugar a little😢 My cereal is so bitter without it😭 #Day4 of the #SupesChallenge and I decided to do Burpees and Squats for my Mini Morning WOD😭 . . . Last night I didn't get to go to gym, so I did a very small Workout at home that included 10 lunges, squats, push-ups,sit-ups, stretches and then I did a headstand to see how long I could hold it for. The answer: 7 seconds. My handstands are a lot stronger than my head stands. Gonna have to work on that🙌🏻 . . . #eatclean #wodjournal #workoutmotivation #supeschallenge #superchallenge #Day4 #pushup #SitUps #lunges #squats #StiffMuscles #Handstand #Headstand #Crossfit #CrossfitThings #CrossfitCouple #30daychallenge #eathealthy #FitFam #fitnessmotivation #IStillWantPancakes
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keravg · 8 years
#Day3 (Technically Day 1) of the #SupesChallenge and I woke up a whole three minutes before my alarm & decided to do round of a core workout I found (20 Reps of Knee-to-elbow crunches, flutter kicks, criss-cross kicks, hundreds, reverse crunches and Russian twists) in a time cap of six minutes. Plus I added 20 sit-ups and 20 squats. Then I decided to do a plank and hold it for as long as possible which was just under a minute😁🙌🏻 . . . Last night we did deadlifts and I reached a new max of 95kg😱 it instantly erased the bad mood that the day had left me in😅 So yay! And plus, I did an emom without pausing to catch my breath. That is a first🌬 . . . #supeschallenge #superchallenge #workoutmotivation #wodjournal #WOD #EMOM #Deadlift #NewDeadliftMax #PushPress #HangCleans #PlankHold #SitUps #Squats #CorewOD #Day3 #eatclean #eathealthy #Workout #FitFam #Crossfit #CrossfitCouple #CrossfitThings #WOD #IReallyWantPancakesThough #BeSuper #MorningMiniWOD #MiniWOD #planksarefun
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keravg · 8 years
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Some inspiration for this Tuesday. Dad always says that my attitude determines my altitude & that I have to what I have too before I do what I want to. But sometimes it's all a lot easier said than done. . . . #Day2 of the #supeschallenge and last night and this morning I hit a bit of a slump. Last night I sadly dropped 5kgs of my MAX back squat weight. Sooooo that was a little disheartening. And this morning I didn't want to get out of bed. But I did. And I did a quick morning mini workout + have breakfast. It's about the little victories. Still slumpy but I will get there😁 . . . #superchallenge #superchallenge #Day2 #BePositive #KeepMovingForward #KeepPushing #KeepFighting #IKnowItsHardWhenYouAreSadButYouAreStrongerThanYouThink #ProgressIsAnEveryDayThing #Crossfit #WOD #wodjournal #CrossfitCouple #EatingClean #CrossfitThings #fightthesadness #KeepGoing #HSPU #Squat #BurpeesStillSuck #SoManyPushUps #BackSquats
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keravg · 8 years
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#Day1 of my (not-really-challenge-challenge) #SupesChallenge! And after a very quick workout, and one cup of coffee, I'm stuck with my detox water and stiff muscles :"D Hooray for fitness🚩 . . . P.S. Max and I didn't register for the Open this year, but we did do it on Saturday. I didn't finish coming in on 30 DB Snatches and the 15 Burpee Box Jumps. Max finished just after 40. Whoo! I hope you're all having a good day😁🌸 . . . #supeschallenge #SuperChallenge #DetoxWater #LemonAndMint #CrossfitOpen #17Point1 #eatclean #workout #workoutmotivation #wodjournal #WOD #Crossfit #CrossfitCouple #CrossfitThings #BurpeesStillSuck #BurpeeBoxJumps #DBSnatches
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keravg · 8 years
SUPER Challenge: Week 1
WEEK 1 of the #SupesChallenge, and I didn't die. #Crossfit #EatClean #FitFam #30DayChallenge
So far, eating has been the greatest challenge. Happy Friday, Gumdrops! And though this week is far from over, today marks the fifth day of the Super Challenge. One week has almost flown by and of all the challenges I have forced myself to participate in, this one is by far the most difficult one. I’ve done food challenges before, no sugar for a month, water for a month and so many more and the…
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keravg · 8 years
SUPER Challenge: Introduction
I'm eating clean and working out and calling it a challenge :"D #SupesChallenge #EatingClean:)
30 Days. Eating clean. And training my butt off. Basically to become Batman. Okay, so before I dive into this little challenge of mine, you need to know the backstory. Some time, in January – inching closer to three months without gym – I was browsing the good ‘ol Youtube when I came across this: We Trained Like Superheroes for 30 Days from Buzzfeed. So of course, Superheroes, working out are…
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