Alright I am going in!
Bucky’s keen eyes showed the moment it dawned on him, his eyebrows shot up and his mouth sagged and he ran a weathered hand over his face
Ok first of all, Bucky’s initial reaction to asking her was very special to me. I liked that he also had this reaction because he wants her safe and he doesn't necessarily LOVE the idea but he knows she can do it and so thats what makes it worth it, as proven here: Bucky grounded aloud, “Nah, nah she’s -Lu would solve it.” he muttered
The way his Buck swallows hard and dry contradicts his words, “I do remember that.”
This was just so sweet to me oh my god. The way he just wants her safe and out of danger, these two are SO special to me🥹🥹
“Really?” Bucky’s mouth gives a soft smile of doubtful incredulity and Gale mimics it, mournful but a smirk all the same, “Feel like she should answer to ‘Gale’s Baby’ these days. Lieutenant Smith who?”
LMAO given what you’ve said about Bucky’s fatherly projection onto her AND him teaching her to drive, this is so funny to me. I LOVE IT. 😭😭
“No really, she’s an officer and she wants to be treated like one. It’ll do her good to have work. Her kinda work.”
And this! I love this, i know we say Gale is the one who knows her but I’m soft for Bucky emphasizig this about her!
They found Lu with Murph and Benny and Brady, measuring out what seemed to be lot lines between Love Shack #9 and the next combine, boot scuffed perimeters already visible in the light snow and drawn in a decently tidy rectangle.
OK THIS THIS THIS! The garden! Yay I love them. And! The way Lu is already being Lieutenant Smith here 🤭🥹
Bucky sniffed, a casual set to his body that belied his quest, “Just the little one.”
This is just precious, sorry!
Smith promptly looked startled, then eager. “All well Majors?”
AW precious again!! Startled and then eager, sweet girl 😪😪
“Need your advice on the color of my cufflinks with this suit.” Bucky extended his arm and beckoned her, “C’mon back in for a minute.
Also I don’t know why I found this so cute but! What can I say…
the Buckies stood over Smith’s small frame as she sat at the table and inspected the simplistic device with keen eyed appreciation for the construct.
This! Like the scene of her between them on the forced march, this is one that I can see so clearly😅😅 Them towering over her as she does her thing. And her knee eyed appreciation 🥹🥹
“It’s really marvelous.” she assured Cleven, running her fingers over the carefully coiled wire and precarious pin.
Gale didn’t even crack a smile. “What’s wrong with it?” he asked instead.
Poor Gale but. The way this showed the confidence he has in her brain just took me out.
“Take your time, Lu.” Bucky spoke up
My heart is melting sorry!
Lu pressed it to her ear, not to discern what was quite obviously radio silence, but to imagine the whole process in reverse, track it down the cord all the way to the base, each possible breakdown of the conduction.
THIS! THIS! The way that you describe this and her intelligence and her intuitive ability! I love!
Smith bit her lip, “We need sulfur added. Lead won’t conduct on its own.”
Love my genius baby 🥰🥰
“If I had sulfur we could add it to the lead dust, ignite it and- burn it down and you’ve got something close enough to Galena. Just need a pinch of it should work.”
Love my genius baby part two!
Ya sure that’s it?” he asked Lu once more. She gave a helpless little shrug. “Gotta be. Or the wire’s dirty. Where’d it come from anyway?”
Ok but I love her confidence in herself and her smarts and her abilities? Like she’s so eager to please but she knows she knows what she’s talking about. I love that!
“We should let it sit.” Lu surmised, her big dark eyes surveying the burnt bowl and their smoking experiment with glittery excitement at the possibility of success
I just adore this. Adore this so much. Because it’s the combination of, us being in awe at her brain and her talent and her competence but also- she’s so excited about it?! Like glittery excitement omg aw I can literally SEE her eyes 🥹🥹
Even Major Clark had joined them in the barracks for this final try and Lu’s cheeks were maroon from the attention even as her deft hands steadily pressed her concoction beneath its intended rod.
THIS!!!! THIS IS THE EPITOME OF HER!! Shy from the attention but confident in her ability because she is just THAT smart! Also! I love Colonel Clark being there 🥰🥰
“Pass me the pliers, sir?” She asked and for a moment, the teacher became the apprentice
This is just another line that is insanely cute ugh Gale and Lu I love youuuuuu
“You could check your look in this wire’s reflection.” She complimented Gale’s buffing of the copper wire
SWEET GIRL AGAIN!!!! She’s so kind hearted AH
Gale picked up the headphone from in front of him on the table like it was a gun he was about to bring to his head. “Here.” He extended it to her instead, “S’right, it was your job, you should be the first. Cmon.”
I LOVE THIS! He wasn’t in the best state of mind for this fic and he was so stressed but even amidst all that, he still handles her with so much love and care 🥹
For a good ten seconds everyone in the room held their breath as Smith pressed the headphone to her ear and gently wiggled the clothespin along the wire, searching and tuning, her face holding that old peaceful concentration they hadn’t seen since the last mission. She was at home with her mind tuned to another dimension. The pilots in the room knew that look, that was the look of someone at home with something that terrified them all the same, the gut swooping feeling of clearing the take off and sledding along the tops of the clouds. Wrong and strange and utterly incomparable to others, it was the closest to home one’s mind could be. Lu belonged somewhere on those electric currents and searching them out was like finding oneself again.
Then at last, Lu’s eyes sharpened out of their dreamy haze of concentration and she said, gentle as always, “It’s the BBC sir.”
Ok and here, words fail me. Truly words fail me to explain how incredible this part was. Ugh. The way you described her peaceful concentration and her dreamy haze. I can literally SEE IT. And that LAST LINE. I loved it so so so much. Like adored it an absolutely insane amount. Wonder baby pulled it off 🥲🥲
This whole fic was so lovely and so beautifully written and I just wanna thank u for writing it and sharing it 🫶🏼
OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH - I got myself a live blog synopsis review on losing my damn mind this is my favorite thing ever, I write in hopes of these sorts asks. For real tho, this is peak happiness, this is like me getting to read an update. Babes, thank you and I’m so happy you liked it ☺️🥹
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typosandtea · 4 months
With Artfight very soon I though it was about time to post about some of my ocs!
Introducing: Murphy!!
Nora Murphy is a whole 5ft of mutant soldier trauma and caring.
The short:
S:5, P:7, E:8, C:10, I:3, A:7, L:2
Toughness, Lifegiver, rad resistant, refractor, admantium skeleton, animal friend, inspirational, local leader, rifleman
BOS main, contractor for the minuteman, deacon only minor contact with the railroad, hates the institute
Good, helps people, very anxious, terrified of becoming a monster. Unlucky.
Is a mutant: can fly, quick heal / tough, but needs to eat a lot, restricted to night by being nocturnal, shunned by many
Companions: Danse and Preston mostly, sometimes nick, befriends all of them at least a bit.
Heritage: white Australian
The long: Lore \/
The long:
Fallout 4 ‘Sole survivor’ oc, but in my Mutant AU where vault 111 was a dual experiment creating super soldiers by forcing animal DNA on people with some twisted results (Murph is very lucky to still look mostly human with wings), basically fallout 4 but with a bunch of extra side quests to fight or help her old neighbours in various states of mind.
She is Australian! From NT, Which kinda sucks in fallout universe since most countries had fallen well before the bombs ever fell, Australia was absorbed by USA for its abundance of uranium and strategic proximity to china! She and Nathan (Nate) were accepted as military refugees into the us army about 2065, where they were in power armour core together her as a soldier and him as a mechanic. They were married shortly before where they both get injured in an explosion, Nathan much more so as Murphy was in power Armor at the time. They are discharged, Nathan for injury and Murphy for being pregnant with Shaun. Bombs fall etc.
She is mutated with sooty owl DNA by Vaulttec in an attempt to make an extremely mobile stealth night operative, which didn’t go entirely to plan! While she hardier than normal, capable of flight and is reasonably stealthy she is also now limited to night ops by being nocturnal, daytime is way too bright and painful for her to be in without eye protection! She also struggles to be awake in the day. She also has other negatives from the mutation such as lost intelligence, needing to eat way more food, being smaller than she used to be, and being shunned or shot at. The mutation forces each of the residents to cocoon and liquify into their new forms!
She has so much military trauma, from being in the Aus army when they get demolished by china and then by USA fighting china to take control of Aus, by being acquired by the us army, being a ‘volunteer’ for the power Armor testing, seeing fellow Aussie soldiers get treated poorly in the army, having to participate in the mandatory war crimes, her and Nathan getting badly injured in anchorage, the horrors of war etc.
Personality wise she is very people oriented and will put people before the goal often, extremely charismatic which is the only reason she hasn’t been shot multiple times by just about every faction 😅. Very anxious even before being mutated, but is positively a nervous wreck now, is ok at hiding it. Soldiers training helps a lot to shift into mission focus but is not sustainable in the long term as she finds out! Worries about being a mutant and is terrified of becoming, or being seen as a monster so she is very restrained in her combat, how she moves and speaks, rarely yells or fights first. Will go out of her way to help people as has become the go to helper for many people against her will such as the minuteman, the other mutants and various other people she has helped. She has a very broad definition of person much to Danse’s + the BOS’s chagrin. Has multiple mental breakdowns throughout the story. Privately thinks she deserves to be hated and hunted from a combination of BOS rubbish, military trauma at the awful things she has done as a soldier both pre and post war, and just all round ruined self esteem. Banter is a core part of her speech, if an Aussie is mildly insulting you they think you’re neat!
Pre war was 5’6���, post mutation is 5’ with 15’ wingspan, is not happy about suddenly being a lot shorter. As a morning person naturally the shift to nocturnal is extremely difficult to her, dislikes having to wake people up constantly and feels bad about it. (She feels bad about everything really). Jury-rigs some aviators goggles sunglasses so she can tolerate the sun slightly better, is not a fan of the day anymore, feels too exposed and dislikes flying in the sun.
BOS as feels the familiarity of being as soldier as that’s all she’s ever been for the past 17 years (her perspective excluding the ice nap). Unknown to her, Danse is instructed by Maxon after arcjet on to recruit her so they can study her, and use her as a political pawn with the minutemen and mutants, because by the time she goes to Cambridge she is already reasonably well know and tentatively liked in the commonwealth. (Don’t worry I love both Danse and Maxon as characters so they are not reduced to 1 dimensional jerks!) over time though she befriends Danse as he is assigned to her as her ‘sponsor’ (observe her for study and make sure she makes BoS friendly decisions), mixed feeling in the BoS when she is made knight by Maxon to say the least! over time she becomes a great friend and asset to the BoS and Maxon realises one day the he no longer intends to go through with his original secret plans.
Since she spent so much time in power armour prewar, and Nathan was a power armour mechanic, she knows quite a lot about it! And is very unhappy that she physicaly cannot wear it anymore!
Physically she is small wiry and very hardy from the mutations. Though she can’t wear armour due to its weight and her small stature so she needs to be tough! Important appearance features are she is short, lots of freckles, gap in front teeth, rather flat face, prominent eyebrows, eyes that are too big and yellow from the mutation, shoulder length thick light brown hair that’s messy or braided, she is lean, pear shaped, and has a wide gait. Prefers baggy clothes and will layer over the vault suit / bos uniform. She rather suntanned / leathery and freckled from spending a lot of time outside pre war. She has a prominent set of vertical scars over her left eye from anchorage. She has barbed wire tattoos around her arms above her elbows on both sides. wings connect to her body like having a second set of shoulders.
Absolutely has no cold tolerance from the double whammy of being a Northern Territory Aussie (winter is like 17c here) and cryosleep trauma! Layers clothing wherever possible. Being very cold brings bad memories.
Left leg gets messed up in a nasty fight later, can’t really run much anymore, so is a lot more reliant on flying and her friends, scar on her stomach from stacking it badly on her bike as a kid.
Despite being highly charismatic keeps messing up and emotionally hurting her friends (everyone needs to grow as a person in my fanfic I’m trying to write and that includes messing up in relationships and subsequently repairing the relationship stronger)
Uses laser rifle from Danse that’s modified to be scoped and extra light, carries a combat knife on her person at all times out of habit, before meeting Danse was using 10mm but prefers long range without power armour, which she can’t wear anymore. Her and Sturges whip up some rudimentary comms for her, which later she and danse improves so she can use them in flight without the wind noise making her illegible.
Tends to horde / carry / eat any food she finds since she needs to eat so much and doesn’t want to be a burden on anyone else, most of the time her very limited caring capacity is atleast half food. Has very few clothes because of the time and effort required to modify them, gets a modified bomber jacket later and basically never takes it off again cause bloody hell Boston is cold compared to Aus.
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jozstankovich · 2 months
get to know me
Rules: answer + tag 9 people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with
Tagged by: @whimsicalwadewinstonwilson luv u murph 💚
Favorite Color -> teal & coral
Last Song -> Yen on a Carousel - David Holmes
Currently Reading -> uhhhh... my own fics? lol i need to find something to read fr
Currently Watching -> Good Girls, Stranger Things, Bake Off
Currently Craving -> donuts & a hug
Coffee or Tea -> coffee
A hobby you would like to try -> technically i've been doing it already, but i'd always wanted to do resin art & I've been making these adorable little shaker charms & I love it, i'll probably post some photos soon
An AU you're working on/thought of -> I started planning out a Steve/Reader Fear Street 1978 AU that I'd like to write for Halloween, but who knows if I'll get to it with all the other wips I've got going. 😅
Tagging: @elliethesuperfruitlover @dragonsneversharetheirtreasure @super-unpredictable98 @batterycityghoul @stellamancer
@wroteclassicaly & whoever else would like to do it :3
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d20unfuckability · 1 year
I’m a lesbian who is super into MILFS. But like… Barry. I had to vote for him. I don’t understand why. Murph just plays him in a way that makes him so hot 😅
as funny as the tournament largely being dominated by sandra lynn and her sex life, barry knocking her out in round two would be DELICIOUS and well deserved.
barry FUCKS.
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unsleepingtales · 5 months
Finale part one!!! This feels like it has flown by, I can’t believe we’re coming to the end of fhjy <3
I am home, I am cozy, let’s do this!
We’ve got a deaths of minors warning throughout idk if they’re sparing the ratgrinders guys 😅
Your humble dungeon master Everybody!
Oh god all the election stuff ages so poorly the minute it’s said
Is he actually letting them potentially keep her
Oh my god is k2 coming back
Fig misses Gilear 😭
Gorgug x Unit
Oh my GOD
We have started here. I’m gonna start crying.
Yeesh that’s a lot
Yayyy short rest in the tiny hut
I do a little dance :D
Ice feast real and confirmed <3 please tell me what it does
They’re all back up to full! Yay!
Sorry you Wear The Vultures Like Epaulets???
They can’t not smile at that
Fight me in the sky!!
Behold the ice feast guvna!!
I’ve never looked weirder
Rat worldddd
When’s the campaign in rat world
Zac is in rare form tonight
Officer Kristen is in fact canon. The fact that Kristen is still carrying those handcuffs on her is. Interesting.
Congratulations to everyone who called Squeem coming back for the finale
‘Why are you so yoked?’ ‘I’m a wizard’
Oh did you guys forget that you did that. Because you did.
God that set is cool
Magical ambush baby!!
Love Murph immediately doing the math for Emily
Holy shit Fabian Jesus Christ
(Unhinged cackling)
Oooh I love that they can go under the floorboards
Horrifying. Horrifying!
I love the d20 art department so much but I gotta be honest some of the choices have not been it for me personally lately. The rain animation last episode and all the blinking red lights in this set are really distracting and I keep losing my train of thought.
The fact that they keep specifying that the ice was unseasoned
Oh my god
Murph’s rage about them grinding is fantastic
So glad that real teenagers get some rep in Mary Ann. Everybody in high school is going through it all the time and very few people wear a full face of makeup to school every day
I’m loving the camera angles on the minis as they rp these confrontations
Holy Shit Siobhan that spell is incredible
He has four concentrations going at once???
Goddamn that set is so fucking sick
Oh god
Remember when we thought they might spare them.
He didn’t even get a TURN
This is unrelated to anything but I love being home for this. I’ve traveled more in the past five months while this has been airing than I ever really have before and I’ve enjoyed watching fhjy from everywhere I’ve been but it really is very lovely and comfortable to be able to be home and exist in my own space while watching the show. I’m glad I’m home for the finales <3
Goddamn that’s great
Fight me in the lava
Oh that’s such a bad energy
Fuck bodies count as objects
Fuck Gorgug keeps going down end it’s stressing me out so much
The set is SO cool
Oh godddddd
This is so brutal oh my god
It would be so nice if my afterlife was just being a sound tech. I miss doing sound tech I’d be fine with that being my afterlife.
OOOOOH oh god okay
Hey what’s going on with those outfits guys
How is Brennan keeping a straight face when they all look like that
Ally with the ONE elf ear
And the bubble wand????
Well. Next week looks fun.
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depravedangelbaby · 8 months
Ayy shout out to Murph pcs! Theres always a certain level of unhinged he has to make his characters lol. Cody is definitely my fav
okay I was in my Getting Too High To Remember Anything phase when I watched season two and all I remember is him getting old all of a sudden 😅 need to rewatch it asap!! lmao
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somena-libra-dawn · 2 years
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Apparently Murph attempts to copy Barlow 😅 and is scared + trapped in haunted house.
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jamscandraw · 1 year
you talked about murph's life and there's you talked about a swamp bath he used to take before that and he wanted you to draw that you know or that scene in steve and murph's public shower where you mentioned they kinda sweaty from sports or pictures of their childhood
Thanks for clarifying! I'll put the suggestions on the list but I can't make any guarantees as I have a lot on my to-do list already 😅
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Darling this is such a sweet ask and really makes me curious regarding the age range of her fan base, never even occurred to me
well. i did come on your blog a few weeks after turning 18 and it was right around the time u posted that lu was 18. and i was like OH? 18 in a pow camp😅😅 i just got done complaining about class!
Whew, puts it into perspective, huh? That’s very neat. When I learned Murph (Crank’s radio man in the show) was eighteen in the stalag I about cried and was like, yeah, these two are besties and I like to have them paired up in a lotta scenes. Crazy how young they were!
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queer-boo-radley · 8 months
For the favourites asks 😎 i’m very curious about all of them but figured that would be a bit much so i narrowed it down to a smaller number. You don’t have to answer any of them though if you don’t wanna haha no hard feelings lol. So. How about: 2, 5, 10, 19, 22, 30, 56, 57, 72, 75, 82, 96 and 98? 😜
lol I will happily answer them all to sate your curiosity Anon.
2. Favorite song? It just occured to me that reblogging a favorites ask was a really silly thing for me to do because I typically couldn't pick a favorite anything with a gun to my head 😅 So we're going to do favorites at this moment in time lololol My favorite song right now is Heartbroken by Jessie Murph, Diplo, and Polo G. It makes me loooooong for love.
5. Favorite band? Artist? I just discovered this singing duo called First Aid Kit that I really love.
10. Favorite hair color? Eye color? I don't super have a preference for hair colors but I'm a sucker for brown or green eyes.
19. Favorite quote? “No one can tell what goes on in between the person you were and the person you become. No one can chart that blue and lonely section of hell. There are no maps of the change. You just come out the other side. Or you don't.” ― Stephen King, The Stand
22. Favorite color? Pink, preferably softer ones.
30. Favorite Tumblr? I don't really have a favorite that I can think of lol.
56. Favorite phone app? lol I guess tumblr if I must pick. That or my Hearts game. 😂
57. Favorite type of phone? lol Whichever one is cheap enough for me to afford whilst still letting me take halfway decent pictures. I have no brand loyalty to practically anything, but especially not phones.
72. Favorite lyrics? That is a toss-up between, "No masters or kings when the ritual begins. There is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin. In the madness and soil of that sad earthly scene. Only then I am human, only then I am clean. Oh, oh, Amen, Amen, Amen." - Hozier, Take Me To Church and,
"Cause I'm a future gazer, a past dweller And I've always been a storyteller But no one's listenin' anymore And I'm a latecomer, a last chancer A slow runner and a final dancer You see me glide across the floor And I know it sounds strange And I've got nothin' to exchange But I wonder if you could" - Passenger, Remember To Forget 75. Favorite message you've ever received? lol I can't think of any off of the top of my head that reached and kept their favorite status but I do like all of you asks Anon 😊
82. Favorite emoji? 💀 For sure lol
96. Favorite picture on the Internet? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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98. Favorite weather? I fucking love a good thunderstorm, after that it's like drizzly but warm weather. The kind you can run around outside in and get your Fleetwood Mac on in. Thank you for all of the questions Anon lol
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I snagged a 3a-3p shift today with Caroline. She ran in this morning and tackle- hugged me which honestly was great since I could use a lot of hugs right now, things have been draining lately. 🥺 She handed me this little bat squishy and was like “I missed you spooky bat! I was out shopping, saw this and thought of you. A spooky bat needs a spooky bat squishy.”
She also switched my laptop background to “something more appropriate for the season” 😂
It was a pretty hectic shift at first but settled down midway(ish) through. I truly love my shifts with her. I know she has my back and I have hers no matter what. Plus we work very well together skills wise too 😊
And she let me play my music playlists today which was therapeutic for both of us really! Lol. Jessie Murph (Feat Maren Morris) Texas for the most played today 👍 Now to spend the rest of the night catching up on notes and shit since I’m a tad behind with biochem and neuro fundamentals 🙃, still have A’a but I’m so paranoid of fucking up that the amount of anxiety is pushing me to pull all nighters studying if I even get like one module behind 😅
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stargazing15 · 2 years
17 q's
thanks for tagging @cycbaby
nickname: my husband calls me little potato
sign: Sagittarius
height: 4'11
last thing i googled: Landal GreenParks (I'm on vacation, needed to search something)
song stuck in head: closer by The Chainsmokers & Halsey
number of followers: 235
amount of sleep: my body needs 8, but I mostly get 5, when I'm lucky 6 hours
lucky number: 15
dream job: I wanted to be so many different things when I was younger, at the moment panda hugger 😅 I actually wanted to join the military, but I don't think I will able pass the medical selection
wearing: jeans, black blouse and grey jacket
movie/book that summarizes you: I have no idea 🤷‍♀️
favorite song: Always Been You by Jessie Murph
favorite instrument: none really, but I wish I could play the acoustic guitar
aesthetic: coffee house/cafe, cosy & rainy day
favorite author: I'm not really a reader
fun fact: When I was very little, aka 3 or 4 years old, I filled the grill of the car with cement, my dad had explained it to my mini self and I must have thought 'well if dad can do that, me toon, he left me unsupervised between the car and a bucket of cement for 5 minutes 🤣
no pressure tags: @wildbornsiren @mothdruid @fuckyeahhangman @rooster-84 (if you have been tagged already -sorry)
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evans-endeavors · 2 years
i think murph was talking about your beatrix fanart on the latest short rest btw. i haven't seen much other beefy beatrix art tbh
I've been sitting on this ask for a few days so I could listen to it when I was driving home.
I DONT WANT TO ASSUME IT WAS ME. but... him talking about liking fanart of her being real buff... it does sound like me 😅
either way I'm flattered that you thought of my art when hearing it, dear anon!
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alaufeyson · 3 years
My Lassie
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Request by @murphslass
Summary ~ something with Murphy confessing his feelings toward me in fluffy smutty way 😅😅
Here you were at Docs with the boys. Well just Murphy because Connor and Doc went downstairs to get more whiskey.
"I think they passed out." Murphy laughed.
"Probably... light weights." You say taking another shot.
"Just gives me more time with you." He said walking over to you and your back pressed against the pool table.
"Well your in a mood." "Only around you Y/n" he said having his chest against yours. You core was so hot and you wanted Murphy so bad but you knew he didnt think you the way you liked him.
"Aye Lassie can I try something?" He said running his right hand on your cheek.
"Sure Murph." He lifted you up on the pool table and put his hands around your waist.
"Wish I wasn't drunk I would show you how much I care for you." He said kissing at your neck. You closed your eyes loving this feeling and how he was being so soft with you.
"How do you feel about me?" He started to nip at your skin causing a small moan to escape your lips.
"I like you Y/n i dont like you I love you." He said crashing his lips into yours. You kissed back.
"I love you too Murphy." He pulled away from you and stood before your legs with an obvious tent in his blue Jean's.
"This is what you do to me. Christ sakes I think every night I rub one out to the thought of you." You jump down and get on your knees for him.
"Perfect image right there." You unzipped his pants and pull down his boxers. You take him into his mouth causing a loud moan to escape his lips.
"Fuck Y/n" he said throwing his hands in your hair gripping it tight causing you to take him all the way in your throat. He picks up the pace with your hair and pulls you away causing drool to drop down on your tank top.
"Mmm fuck I love how dirty you are." He pulls you into a kiss and makes quick work of your tank top and bra. You try to get back on your knees to taste him again and he stops you.
"I'm coming in that tight wet pussy princess." No sooner he says that he jerks your pants and underwear off.
He lays you on the pool table with your legs and your butt barely on the edge of the table. He gets on his knees between you and kisses up your thighs causing you to squirm on how ticklish you are.
"Stop squirming dollface." He said before he sucked at your clit. It caused you to moan you couldn't get enough of his tongue on you.
"Fuck Murph." You moan trying not to be loud afraid to wake up Connor and Doc.
"That's right baby moan my name." He said before he started to lick faster.
"Murph Murphy I'm going to cum." He grips down on your thighs holding you down while you cum on his face.
He stands up with his goatee glistening from where you just cummed on his face. He pushes you back a little farther on the pool table and stands between your legs rubbing his throbbing member.
"Tell me how bad you want this big cock."
"Murphy please." You plead almost of the verge of begging.
"Not want I want to hear call me daddy."
"Daddy please please I need your big cock please." Before you could finish he entered you causing a loud moan. He threw a hand over your mouth.
"Shhhhh dont wanna wake them and ruin our fun." He started going faster and harder causing the pool table to rock. You were screaming into his hand feeling so good feeling amazing you were rolling your eyes in the back of your head unable to concentrate.
"Fuuuck Y/n I'm going to cum." Murphy said getting sloppy. You felt another wave come over you and you were cumming again.
"Fuck Y/n I'm cumming." Murphys body jerked and his head fell in your neck breathing heavily. He kisses at your neck and you know you have a hickey but you dont care you were in cloud 9 right now.
He stands up and puts his boxers and pants back on and hands you a pair of his sweats and a new pair of underwear since he ripped the ones you had on.
You manage to find your shitt hanging on a random box and you and him are fully dressed now sitting outside on the fire escape to get some cool air to cool down your hot bodies.
"Y/n lassie will you be mine?" He said looking over at you with his baby blue eyes.
"Yes yes Murphy." You say kissing him.
"Hey break it up you too there are children." Connor laughs poking his head out of the window.
"Fuck you Connor "Hun you dont want me to you want my brother." He replied.
"She already did." Murphy said. You slap him in the chest as your face turned red. It was going to be a long night.
Here you go babes always happy to write a Murphy request for you :) ~Eddiesgirl
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snekjin · 3 years
debrincat being a new face of the franchise i get, but jones? come on, he’s ok but he’s not exceptional and i don’t think he deserves to be the face of any franchise. like, compare jones to toews and kane, mcdavid, crosby, giroux, ovechkin, matthews, panarin, mckinnon, fuck even zegras. jones doesn’t deserve to be a face, but with the dumb contract bowman gave him….smh
I think it's a bit unfair to compare Jones to some of the other names you mentioned given he's only been in Chicago half a season and doesn't have much of a winning rep behind him due to being stuck on a team like CBJ for so long.
I'm not the biggest Seth fan in the world obviously but he is objectively the Hawks' best dman. That contract is an absolute killer though.
There were some interesting tidbits in that article I mentioned, namely around the locker room dynamics and how he's trying to become more of a leader in the room but it hasn't come naturally to him. The coaches have apparently tried to push him to be more vocal as well, obviously realising that he's going to be there for the long haul.
So as the team tries to build momentum down the stretch, Jones said his top priority will be expanding and solidifying his leadership skills, hoping to become more outspoken.
"I'm trying to fill that void," he said. "Our room is pretty unique, actually, where everyone says what they feel. That's actually the first thing Toews said this year in camp: 'It's our team, so if you have something to say in the room, you can say it, no matter how many games you've played.' That has been good. But when I want to say something, I do whether it's for the team or one-on-one with a guy, helping him out in practice or a game."
The coaching staff, meanwhile, has challenged Jones to force himself outside his comfort zone as a leader even more than he already has.
"This is where he needs to improve his game," King said. “It's not always on the ice; it's off the ice. He is a leader – he puts a lot of pressure on himself that way. But he still can be a little bit more vocal and challenge the other guys. We have young guys who need to learn, and what better way [is there] to learn than from another player?"
I've wondered how the Jones brothers have fit in the room because I know Seth was notorious for being part of Columbus's er, very right wing circle, that was rumoured to have been part of the reason Pierre-Luc Dubois asked for a trade elsewhere. I assume players are usually able to work together regardless of political preferences unless there's a particularly big rift (although most of them are right-leaning anyway) but Jonny's always seemed pretty lefty so I'm curious if it's ever been a topic of conversation. Caleb has buddies I'm pretty sure because I know he went out for dinner with Murph (#RealFriendsGetTheirCarsStolenTogether) and I think his girlfriend is part of the 'inner wag circle' 😅 but idk about Seth.
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twdeadfanfic · 3 years
Even when fics don't get comments or reblogs, shot outs in fic Rev lists or whatever, there's people reading... Like me! Sometimes I read then again at night after a sad day 💚 (Green heart for Murphy... Hoping you wrote for Connor too)
That's nice to know.
But yeah it's sad when you see the fics in your dash getting shouts out and comments and all that, while it seems you can't write anything that people like anymore. Especially like people who I interacted with since forever and I don't anymore.
Then again I pissed off everyone in the Daryl writing fandom except like 5 people so it's my fault 😅
By this point I write for 3 people, or it feels like it. But for those 3 people, I'm trying to write an end for Outsider and to not drop Irish Luck (you read that one I guess? I'm sorry that I can't get into Connor! He's attractive though... I just really wish to interact in the chapters with people that read it).
So yeah, I read some spoilers this morning that got me into writing mood but then my activity was so dead that the mood kind of died because... What for? Everything I'll write will get systematically ignored by 3300 of my followers (I don't think non followers would get any interest in it, also a high percent of followers follows just because I reblog fics not for my own but why don't follow the original posters) , and the people who will not ignore it, 90% won't enjoy it, not even the people who used to like my things can get into what I write anymore, I guess something changed, maybe with my struggle to still love Daryl I can't write him anymore (and I guess I'm not enough into Murph to write him properly)
I used to be like hopeful, if I write this thing, maybe they'll like me again? But it was dumb and now I know better.
I don't know. Now it feels funnier to play Sims and make silly storyline there with crazy Sim stuff than putting effort in writing an actual thing.
Which it's bad because in my work I have to speak in english a lot and writing would be a good practice so I tried to get into it again, but the lack of interaction really turns off my ideas and makes me not want to get bothered into writing an actual story when I can just write random scenes in drafts without they needing to make sense.
But yeah, I feel this blog is dead even if I tried to come back.
Anyway I'll try to finish Outsider. Also tomorrow I want to post some of those no context no effort drafts that I threw together (just for the spoiler mood, got inspired to throw those drafts together, regret it now, but I'm mean so I'm posting it anyway and pushing it in all your faces haha)
I also have some rough drafts of a sequel for Hot Cocoa in which teacher reader (kind of pregnant), Daryl and nephew Dixon face the apocalypse together, some sort of rewrite, but I'm not very sure what I will do with those.
I'm not sure what I'll do with Irish Luck either, sorry! But if you read the last chapter you know that Murphy and reader aren't making it easy for me haha... Maybe I should change him for Connor lol.
I should crochet a green heart for the imaginary MacManus that live in my head.
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