#superman's grandparents
cantsayidont · 9 months
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November 1981. Embiggenable family tree for the pre-Crisis Superman, from SUPERMAN: THE KRYPTON CHRONICLES #3. Here's a breakdown:
Superman's paternal grandparents were Jor-El I and Nimda An-Dor.
Jor-El I had a sister, Kalya Var-El, who married Nim-Zee, a member of the Kandorian Science Council, and a brother, Zim-El, who married Byma Ruth-Ar.
Nim-Zee and Kalya Var-El had two sons: Gem-Zee, whose daughter Thara Gem-Zee later married Ak-Var (Jimmy Olsen's successor as Flamebird), and Van-Zee, who later married the Earthwoman Sylvia DeWitt (and for a while succeeded Superman as Nightwing, hero of Kandor). Van-Zee and Sylvia have two kids, twins Lyle-Zee and Lili Van-Zee.
Zim-El and Byma Ruth-Ar's son Kru-El (Jor-El's cousin) was sent to the Phantom Zone for creating forbidden weapons.
Jor-El I and Nimda An-Dor had three sons: Jor-El II, his twin brother Nim-El, and their younger brother Zor-El.
Nim-El married Dondra Klu-Ta; their son Don-El later became the police chief of Kandor.
Jor-El II married Lara Lor-Van; their son, Kal-El, became Superman.
Kal-El's maternal grandparents (Lara's parents) were Lor-Van and Lara Rok-Var.
Zor-El married Alura In-Ze in Argo City after the destruction of Krypton. Their daughter, Kara Zor-El, born some years later, became Supergirl.
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mysterycitrus · 7 months
European Dick Grayson could relate to immigrant story Superman probably
it’d be a super interesting parallel to both kara and clark — especially when dick ends up taking the nightwing mantle. like… u lose everything you’ve ever known, and everything there ever was, and u have to rebuild urself in an alien world that can be so unkind to u. i appreciate that a narrative through line for superman comics as a whole cause u see that with kon and chris as well. that’s crazy!!!
like…,, there’s a primary disconnection from ur culture as a result of violence (a mass extinction event in the case of krypton, and american bureaucracy with the graysons) but there’s also the reconnection. like, that kind of grief is profound. how do u mourn what’s gone if u don’t entirely know what was supposed to be there? how do u stop grieving a shared memory rather than just a place? that’s nuts. that connection is something u spend ur whole life rebuilding. the act of learning what you’ve lost and can’t return to is painful, and it never stops. it’s such a heavy burden to carry the weight of what came before u, and what u outlived. she still dreams of krypton!!
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theelkmaiden · 2 years
So I've been thinking.
If Captain Marvel is the Champion of Magic, does that mean he has to play by the rules of all magic? Demon, fea, pixie etc.? Because if you owe something to one of those, things tend to go wrong. Fae can take your children, pixies can make your life hell, demons can literally take your souls.
So what if Billy Batson, being the sweet boy he is, keeps doing people favours? Now, he'd never take a child or cause someone chaos, as that means actually interfering, but souls? That boy could definitely be having people sign their souls away to him and he has no idea.
The first time he did someone a favour after the wizard granted him his powers, Billy was overtaken by a surge of tingles that tasted vaguely of rotten eggs. The feeling only lasted a second, but he couldn't stop thinking about it for the rest of the day. All he did was help Old Linda from the block over carry a bag of food to her place of residence. That was it. But after the tingling, Billy felt like he was connected to her in some way, on a deep and intimate level that didn't make sense.
And then it kept happening.
Helping to paint his neighbours room. Helping a girls cat from a tree. Letting a lost child sleep in his abandoned apartment overnight.
And later, bringing Batman a coffee after a long mission. Teaching Green Arrow the basics of pickpocketing. Spotting Flash on his running form.
Anytime someone said "can I ask you a (quick) favour" the tingling and eggs would come and Captain Marvel had no idea what it was or why it happened.
That is.
Until Old Linda died.
It had been a long patrol for Captain Marvel. There was a crime wave almost every year around July, like clockwork. Mainly teenagers getting in with gangs and trying to prive their worth now that school was out (or, at least, that was Cap's theory).
He was just touching down near his building to transform when he felt an entirely unique sensation. The tingling he was so familiar with came crashing over him in a wave so intense the demigod found himself wobbling where he stood, garnering a few concerned stares by citizens. The part of him that had been connected to Linda had snapped into place and, without even having to doue check, Billy knew for a fact that Old Linda was dead.
He also knew where to find her.
Drawing on his magic, Captain Marvel opened a portal to a corner of the Rock of Eternity ans stepped through.
There, on the otherside, stood the kind old woman who would often give him food if she had any left over.
"Excuse me, sir?" She asked, looking rather fearful, "would you mind telling me where I am?"
With eyes already misting, Marvel closed the portal and stepped towards her with his arms out in a calming manner.
"Linda. I'm so sorry. You're in the Rock of Eternity. You shouldn't be here but I think it's my fault you are," he was swallowed thickly, putting every ounce of self control he had to the test to bit show how distraught he was with this development.
Clearly seeing his distress, Linda calmed and gripped the Captains arm in a consoling manner. "I'm sure it's quiet alright, dear. Why don't you tell me what happened and then you can return me home. And then you can explain to me all about this place, hmm?"
Her small smile fell when the captain did not immediately react to her request.
"Miss Linda," Billy tried, not feeling very much like a superhero at that moment I time, "I'm so so sorry! I shouldn't have helped you with the food. But I just wanted to do something good. And now you're stuck here forever and I don't know how to free you and there's so many people that are going to come here and I didn't mean to!"
The hulking form of Captain Marvel was now a kneeling, sobbing mess as the twelve year old realised what he had done. The feeling of rightness that sang in his magic at Linda standing within the Rock of Eternity. The pull of what he now knew to be souls pulling him in different directions. The fact that he had only been trying to help.
"Now dear," Linda kneeled next to him, patting his shoulder in confused concern, "I assure you I have no idea what you're going on about. I've seen you flying overhead and fighting monsters, but we've never met officially past today. But if I'm stuck here forever, then at least I'll have company. Now, come, dry your eyes and get up. You need to explain to me what's going on." The mum of four in her seemed to have taken over as she dragged the massive man up to his feet and the stood on her toes to wipe his cheeks with the sleeve of her cardigan.
Taking a deep breath, Captain Marvel nodded. "Miss Linda. You are dead. I'm sorry. I accidently own your soul and I don't know how to release you to go somewhere better. And you're only the first person that's going to arrive here. This is completely new for me and I'm not sure what to do. This place is my home so you are welcome to explore and make yourself comfortable. But it's not much."
The silence that followed was deafening as Linda contemplated her situation. It stretched on until a look of resolve made its way onto the old souls face.
"Okay? Is that it?"
"Well you are obviously very distressed so it was definitely an accident. But I am not staying somewhere that looks so dull for the rest of Eternity. You and I are going to be doing some redecorating. How big is this place?"
"Then this shan't be an issue. We can build a lovely garden where we can all stay until you get this figured out. Besides, it'll give me something to do."
So, he did. Captain Marvel (who Linda learned to be Billy Batson) got to work and transformed a large section of the Cave into a garden, with strict directions from Linda.
Over time, more people joined and Linda took it upon herself to greet the newcomers and explain what had gone on. Many people were unhappy, but soon settled into their afterlife and making friends.
After awhile, Billy took Linda aside and granted her a Boon. One of her choosing. She chose "to be the peacekeeper of this little afterlife. I want to help comfort those here who miss their old lives. I try, I do, but a little magical help wouldn't go amiss." And so she became the Peacekeeper.
In the outside realm, when Captain Marvel explained to Batman, Green Arrow, and The Flash that he accidently owned their souls, well, let's just say that shitshow lasted a while.
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Reading Superman Smashes the Klan and it's so fucking good BUT
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Are those the Graysons?!?!!!!
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undertheknightwing · 1 year
I think I just see the show differently because I look through the tag I always see something that makes me go "huh?". Like the "Sam is being grandpa to everyone but Jon" take, I never once thought Sam was a good grandpa who was in Jon and Jordan's lives as they grew up. He always seemed like he would occasionally pop in to say hi and maybe take the boys fishing once a random day out of the year but that's it
The only reason he's now building a relationship with Jordan is because he has powers, if he didn’t Sam likely wouldn't do anything with him, which honestly makes me feel more bad for Jordan than Jon
And Jon is so much like Clark I can not see him and Sam getting along at all (since Sam barely gets along with Clark). They both have completely different personalities and viewpoints, they wouldn't make it an afternoon without arguing over something. Jon doesn't need a relationship with him and I seriously doubt he even cares that doesn’t have a relationship with the grandpa who was barely around
Also Sam is awful at talking and can't say anything without pissing one of his grandkids off so Jon isn't really missing anything. He doesn't need to hear Sam say something like "Just because you’re not special or as useful as your brother-"
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bobbinalong · 2 years
listen to him, he's great
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Prompt 235
“Mother, I have made a friend.” 
Now don’t get him wrong, Danny was delighted at the idea of Jordan making a friend, he really was. But the last three attempts had been borderline kidnappings, so he wasn’t entirely sure if he should be. Thankfully it doesn’t seem he’s kidnapped this one. Hopefully. 
Not that he wouldn’t be surprised if Dan managed to kidnap a tiny kryptonian, but the kid- Jon apparently- seemed happy enough to be there. Apparently his grandparents lived in the midwest too, and was happy enough to have someone to talk about it. 
Though um, maybe Danny should have checked to see if his parents knew where he’d gone, because he was not expecting a harried-looking superman to suddenly appear at his window. 
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kashlyn · 10 months
Idk if anyone has ever thought of this but hear me out! Classic Damian and Danny twin AU, and good parents Fentons AU where Danny is so tired and tells his parents so they advise him to leave Amity and "find himself" like they did. But instead of going to Gotham, he goes to this small area in Kansas... He goes to live as a city boy moving to Smallville to inherit his grandparents' farm. (Like the beginning of Stardew Valley lololol) cuz y'all can't tell me that neither of the Fentons with their loudness, openness to guests, and not being used to having neighbors aren't county kids that moved into the city/town that never really adapted! They are! (My headcanon lol)
Turns out, the farm was in proximity to other family members too! His Grandparents' cousins own a farm in Smallville too so they often invite him to come eat with them or something.
Of course, Danny is just adopted to the family but when did blood ever matter to the Fenton-Kents? He's family!
So when Damian goes with Jon to visit his grandparents... Well... To summarize, Danny is now in the middle of a custody battle between his biological family and his adoptive family.
The JL are so confused and concerned when Superman and Batman go from friends with inside jokes and can calm each other down... to passive aggressive towards each other.
Wonder Woman is just chilling knowing that her grandfather, Kronos AKA Clockwork, is the one that will ultimately win. Clockwork ghost adopted Danny. Both their cores are tied now and they know it. So that's her baby uncle no matter who wins.
Plus points if Damian and Danny never really had a close relationship (or any relationship at all but they don't hate each other) and Damian is trying to change that and be a better brother but Danny is content with his sister.
Also, idk what to call this AU. Any suggestions?
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satoshy12 · 4 months
Danny is missing son of Lois and Clark Danny is same age As Dick That made Dani their Grandchild
After a fight against one of his villains, Superman's son was kidnapped by them. He wasn't able to find his boy, so he and Lois thought for years that he was dead.
Amnestic Danny was found by the loving Fenton parents, who took him in. The magic attack made his kryptonian DNA weaker, but he was still strong. Jack said he was as strong as him! His new dad seems to be a meta. Danny loved his new life in Amity Park, and after the portal, he was turned into a Kryptonian/Ghost Hybrid. 
Danny Phantom was born. The years are going all normal. 
Bruce looked at the computer as he called Clark.
"This is about Damian's new friend; she is weak to kryptonite, and the DNA test shows she is related to you."
Clark:"A new Clone? I got better after Conner."
Bruce. "No, she has your and Lois DNA; you know what that means."
Clark:" He is alive, and I and Lois are grandparents." We missed so much." 
A/N Kryptonian/Ghost Dani and Danny
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bumblehwa · 9 months
Dates with Damian x Reader x Jon
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☆ Masterlist ☆
Summary: What types of dates and things they like to do together.
Note: English is not my first language. Characters may look ooc.
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At Home:
Jon and Y/n have an endless list of movies that they made, especially for Damian.
They like to show things that he never had the opportunity to see when he was a child.
They really like the theater room at the mansion, but the most comfortable place is Y/n apartment. (And very occasionally, Jon's grandparents' house because of the food they make)
They also really enjoy cooking together.
Damian has a lot of vegan recipes that Alfred shared with him.
Just chilling with their pets on rainy days is their most favorite thing.
Their most favorite place to have a picnic is at the Kent's Farm.
Damian brings snacks made by Alfred most of the time. (Sometimes, he makes it himself.)
Jon always brings a pie made by his grandmother.
One time, they had a picnic in the rooftop of a Wayne building. It was very windy but the view was beautiful.
Parks and Carnivals:
Metropolis has the best carnivals, and Jon loves to bring them there.
Lots of fun getting prizes for each other.
Jon likes the funny ones, Damian gets the animals, and Y/N gets the ones that are their favorite color.
The ferris wheel is good to rest for some moments or to hide from anyone that ends up recognizing Damian.
They like the themed rides a lot. Especially the Superman one.
Damian tries to act indifferent whenever they show something Batman themed, but on the inside, he thinks they are cool.
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spacedace · 1 year
It feels to much like crack to actually include it in the House of Elle series (where Elle ends up getting adopted by Tim & Kon after ending up in the DC universe), but I've been haunted by the idea of Elle deciding to spend time with her "grandparents" and the chaos that comes with that decision.
Like, in particular I'm just imagining Lex, holding her out in front of him like a bomb, chasing after Superman (who is flying for his *life* because Elle just ate her own weight in Kryptonite while staring directly into his eyes without blinking) screaming that it's Supes' turn with the demon.
While they're distracted yelling at each other publicly that no, it's *your* turn, Ra's grabs Elle planning to hold her hostage or something and use her against Tim.
He lasts ten minutes.
He tries returning her to Lex & Superman, but it's too late. She's smelled his fear. He's never getting rid of her now. He begs Bruce for help, but just gets told that they all appreciate him volunteering to babysit. (Bruce was the one Elle started with. She brought the dinosaur to life. Damian's adopted it.)
Eventually Lois shows up and just, scoops Elle up and takes her along on her latest story. She says Elle is a perfect angel. No one is sure if which of the two they should be more scared of.
Meanwhile Tim & Kon are just blissfully enjoying their date-day, fully aware of the chaos their little adopted hellion is causing and enjoying every minute of it while ignoring the increasingly frantic calls from their various father figures. Elle will let them know if she needs them.
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cinematics123 · 4 months
There’s a knock on Buck’s door. Buck slowly opens it and reveals - Chris - pushing on against the door with his crutches.
Buck (yelping): Christopher! How are you, Superman? It’s so good to see you, Buddy.
Chris: Hey Buck. Tommy here?
Buck: Uh… no, he isn’t at the moment. He’s on shift.
Buck (looking into his hallway): Chris… is your dad with you?
Chris: Nope. I’m hungry. Can we make cookies again?
Buck (slowly pulling out his phone): uh… maybe later. We can make something a little healthier first. Maybe some berries…? Or grapes? I have to make a call though real quick though, buddy. One second.
Buck dials Eddie:
Eddie: Buck! Sorry I didn’t call you. I’m in Texas. My parents called me last night. No one can find Christopher!
Buck: … because, he’s here.
Eddie: What? Chris… is in L.A.? With you? How did he-? HOW?
Buck: Chris, how did you get here?
Chris: Greyhound. Do you have popcorn?
Buck: ok, but I’ll have to microwave it. Eds, he said greyhound.
Eddie: He took a greyhound?!? He’s barely a teenager - how could he-?
Buck: Eddie.. I think he is a surprisingly resourceful teenager. I will watch him and take care of him until you can make it back to L.A., ok?
Buck pulls out a popcorn packet and puts it in the microwave and starts scrounging in his fridge, pulling out a few apples and a large, conical bunch of grapes.
Buck: So, Christopher, you definitely didn’t tell your dad you were coming, but it sounds like you didn’t talk to your grandparents either…
Chris: They suck. They treat me like I’m my dad.
Buck: ok, your dad told you he would come and get you if you-
Chris: He sucks too.
Buck: I can see why you might feel that way. But, buddy, he’s your dad and-
Chris: You can be my dad too. If you want, you know. I missed you in Texas.
Buck (eyes watering): you and your dad can stay here as long as you need. But I also need you to know how much he missed you and how much he worries about you. And I’ll talk to him about getting you a phone so you can call ahead. Ok, Superman? Now let’s get this popcorn before it burns.
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1-xo-xo-xo-7 · 4 months
So, not to be sporadic or anything- But I would like to see a Grand-Off between 'Grandfather Ra's Al Ghul' and 'Grandpapa Pennyworth' for Damian's Grandparents Day.
And other BatFamily members get roped into it.
[They are currently having a WHOLE family meeting, what with The League of Assassins in your damn living room 'enjoying' afternoon tea.
Dick on an armchair, Jason leaning on walls as usual, Tim sitting beside Damian/surprisingly, Stephanie nervously fiddling with her hair behind Tim, Cassandra also by her side just blankly staring at air, Barbara on her wheelchair opposite of Bruce's place as head/mediator/middle, and Duke also hanging out with Jason very nervously playing with his hands. Lastly, Talia Al Ghul sitting with her father opposing Damian. I DON'T KNOW WHY I WENT ON A TANGENT, I JUST WAS!]
Bruce :... So, everyone-
Ra's Al Ghul : Oh, silence your puny little mouth.
Bruce :... [Is slowly, discreetly, looking at Talia, asking for help]
Talia Al Ghul : [Frowning, as if saying, 'Do not look at me. I am as clueless as you are to Father's antics.]
Bruce :...
Pennyworth : I implore you not to speak to Master Bruce in such a tone. [Is standing just beside Bruce, ever prim, proper, and regal]
Ra's Al Ghul : Quiet! You are a mere butler. Know your-
[Know, multiple BatChildren are ready to charge if he had finished his sentence.]
Damian : Grandfather, please allow me to question as to why you are here.
Ra's Al Ghul : Ah, Damian. You see, I have heard from your Mother-
Talia Al Ghul : What?
Bruce : [Looks at Talia again]
Talia Al Ghul : [Looks at Bruce again] No.
Ra's Al Ghul : -That it is Grandfather's Day, and so, I have come to collect your appreciation.
Damian :... Excuse me?
Talia Al Ghul : What?
Bruce : Ever-
Pennyworth : Forgive me, Master Bruce, for I will address some liberty to speak but-
Pennyworth : That is pure ludacris, Ra.
[The BatKids : OHHHHHHH]
Ra's Al Ghul : WHAT?!
Talia Al Ghul : Oh, come on. [Is exhausted, just straight up grabbed Bruce to haul him with her]
Talia Al Ghul : Damian, with me. [Is ushering ALL children out with Bruce as an assistant to handle Jason and some overly enthusiastic kids for a fight with THE 'Head Of The Demon']
Pennyworth : You heard me. Damian is my grandson, so I certainly doubt if you can 'collect' your appreciation whilst he is spending his day with me, celebrating our bond.
Ra's Al Ghul : YOU! [He goes all batshit crazy]
Agent A : [Already has his gun out and readied his head to fight 'The Head Of The Demon']
If you are wondering, Grandparent's Day is celebrated on first Sundays after Labor Day ^^
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in honor of tilly dropping ace lore here's her reaction in the ponyboys dead au because I'm am going crazy.
Death wasn't something new to Ace. It had been by her side for years. it was by her side for her mother, for her father, and hell even her grandparents. it was something she had learn to grow with it and heal. death came easy to her for the most part or that's what she had thought.
never once did she expect to lose anyone in the gang, nor did she think it would hit her as hard as it did. finding out on an afternoon that the youngest in her little group was dead felt like the world was ending.
she had been hanging with Steve at the dx during his shift, the two just fucking around until either she got bored or he got off his shift. two-bit came in with this devastated look on his face, dried tear tracks on his cheeks caused her stomach to do flips. something had happened and nothing would prepare her for hearing the words come from two-bitz mouth.
"he's dead. ponyboy is dead."
she heard Steve curse and hit the counter he had been standing behind. she just stood there for a moment, feeling the tears weld up in her eyes. no. just no. this wasn't supposed to happen.
ponyboy should be at home safe or at a track practice not lying somewhere dead. she just remembered breaking down sobbing. she briefly remembered Steve just kneeling down beside her and just holding her as he talked to two-bit. two told them that the socs that had nearly fought them the previous night had attacked Johnny and ponyboy. that they held pony in the fountain until there was no going back.
there was no going back.
those words haunted her. haunted her all the way to seeing her friends fall apart, fall into shells of themselves. Soda who had constantly joked and flirted with her now like a lifeless zombie just wishing for his baby brother back and Darrel go from being superman to a man who she couldn't recognize. two-bit struggling to even smile each day and steve losing his best friend.
and Johnny. seeing the kid just be overtaken with grief was fucking hard. it was hard to believe any of this was happening.
at the rumble she remembered the utter fear she had when it came to men. deep down she knew they would not hurt her but part of her was *scared* seeing darrel just pounding on his ex bestfriend(part of her just had a flashback to that man just beating on her aunt and she feels like that little kid who didn't know how to fight.) she watches the sweet kid she wishes she could have protected from the cruel and harsh world beat the ever living shit outta this socs that's just towering over him but Johnny gets him on the ground and she knew it was over for that socs. hell even dally was scared so she knew it was bad.
Johnny would kill each and everyone of them if it ment ponyboy could come back. but he wasn't. he will never be coming back and they must accept that.
after the rumble she remembered just heading back to the curtis' and they just sit in silence as they all help patch eachother up. she hates to admit it but she refused to let anyone but steve touch her. she watches as soda leaves quickly making up some excuse about curfew which she guess could've been true but she could tell he just needed to escape from his brothers- no just *brother*. One by one they all left and all ace could think was how death still seemed to be right by her side.
haunting her like never before and she feels like things will never get better
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farshootergotme · 6 days
Kinda doing a hurt/comfort aftermath of Forever Evil in Wayne Family Adventures universe.
Dick's "thing with the Crime Syndicate".
As posted in Asks before, decided Spyral and Identity Reveal is unlikely to have happened in this timeline. So it is mostly a Batfam hurt/comfort fic while Dick recovers from the torture (and Bruce tries to recover from having to watch his son die).
Thinking about the angst potential... The Crime Syndicate looked like the Justice League members. Bad in N52 Forever Evil, but at least that Dick doesn't have much of a connection to most of them.
WFA!Dick? These people torturing him has the faces and voices of his dad, his aunts and uncles, the people who watched him grow up. That has to be a whole new boatload of trauma.
Hours waiting in there, bleeding and in pain, strapped to a bomb, knowing death is next to inevitable... And the ones responsible look identical to the people he love and trust so much.
But he can get over that, at least, around that. They've all dealt with mind control/possession scenario of getting attacked by a friend.
Plus, Owlman kept his costume on all the time, and wasn't even the Bruce Wayne of Crime Syndicate universe, there's a difference. And Ultraman may have sounded like Superman, but he can't sound/look like Clark Kent. Diana and Superwoman... a bit more trouble, but Diana isn't a frequent visitor, he has time to get through it before meeting her again.
The problem is... Alfred.
Owlman's Alfred is the one who strapped Dick to the bomb, who watched, offering tips, while Dick was being tortured.
Alfred, who looked and sounded identical to their Alfred.
Dick, waking up in the med bay of the Cave, freaking out at the sound of Alfred's voice...being triggered by him...
I really hope you make something about this because I love what you're exploring and the potential there is.
Seeing the same person who raised you be the one who hurt you can be very damaging... Even if that wasn't his Alfred, he still wore his face and used his voice.
Luckily for Dick, he doesn't live in the manor, so he can get away if he needs space. But I'm sure the first few weeks he would be asked to stay to take care of him. Dick is tense, though. It's hard falling asleep when you could freak out once you wake up when you see the face of your parent (yes, Alfred is more of a parent to him than he is a grandparent).
It'd require a lot of space, time and some exposure to get over it in a healthy manner. (I wouldn't be surprised if at first Dick forced himself to repress these fears as not to hurt Alfred, though, which would only play against him later on since he didn't allow himself to heal naturally and instead left the knife where it is so the blood wouldn't pour out, even when he had the tools to clean the wound and stop the bleeding. All this figuratively speaking, of course.)
Hopefully Dick will reach out to his friends if he doesn't feel comfortable telling any of this to his family.
Thanks for sharing!
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bluerosefox · 9 months
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|Why Ra’s Would Summon the Ghost King (Also Twins AU) [Part 1] |Danyal, Danny, Phantom [Part 2] |WIP [Part 3] |Bio!Dad Jason and Bio!Mom Jazz (With Oc!Kid or Son!Danny) |Ghost Gotham (With Bonus Ghosts Martha and Thomas) |Danny Says Clone Rights |Robin’s Haunted Halloween (Feat. Ghost King Danny and Ghostly grandparents Martha and Thomas) |Library Cryptid Danny |Twins to Trio? (Dani mistakes Damian as Danny, and Damian learns his twin might not be dead) |Twins AU BUT WITH ANGST! |Mom!Dani (Square up Superman) |Free Flying Graysons (Feat. Ghostly John and Mary Grayson) |Comes in Twos (Twins! Jason and Danny die on the same day) |Foreboding Words of Warnings (Feat. Competent Ghost King Danny) |Across My Memories (Feat. Ghost King Danny, Ghost!Prince Jason) |Consorthood Via Combat (Feat. Ghost King Danny, and Danny dating any Bat of your choosing) |Wrong Number Au (Danny sends a rant text to Tucker... Only its not Tucker) |Todd and Phantom, Mostly Ghostly Shenanigans (Danny and Jason try to get out of the GZ together and bond) |Ellie “I WILL bite you” and Danny “He’s just a baby” Fenton (Deaged Danny and caretaker (and tiny bit feral) Dani (Ellie) watch out Gotham, she’ll bite.) |Double Troubles (another Damian and Danny twin au but they wanna see how long their families notice they switch places) |Everything, including the bride. WAIT, BRIDE?! (Dead Tired pairing, Tim now regrets being a smart cookie as a kid and solving a magical puzzle box while Danny regrets beating Pariah Dark cause he got the old King’s bride now as his own) |CAT Ghost INSTINCTS (Damian brings home a... interesting new acquaintance who has some interesting... quirks) |Peek-A-Boo Champ! (Jazz and her baby being taken by a cult. Jason coming to save them. And Uncle Danny being the best at peek-a-boo) |Teeny-Tiny Kitten (Danielle ‘Ellie’ makes a wish and later gets found by a certain cat and bat) |Same As The Day I Lost You (Mix de-aged Danny, and siblings!Damian and Danny, add in some teleporting/portaling when the bats are fighting the League and you get this idea.) |Cuckoo Clocks (Clockwork sends a certain RR a sticky note during his solo run to come find Phantom and later find him) |The (Not) Normal One... (a reborn/reincarnted Danny idea where he’s the normal one in the batfam... only he’s really not.) |Dip and Kiss (Jason totally would kiss the person who ended the Joker in an Oscar worthy movie moment) |The Trouble With Time Travel Guilt (Danny starts an AITA thread due to his guilt over the future that will never be, he trauma bonds with fellow heroes and time travelers over it) |Friendships Between Realms (YJ and Danny Shenanigans Being Peek Friendship) |Misunderstandings and Miscommunications (Danny panics and runs, good Fenton parents want their son home, well meaning but not knowing the full picture best friends, on a war path Jazz and the maybe wooing of RH, and the DCverse getting caught in the middle of the chaos) |A Little Robin (Danny gets stuck in a Robin doll/plush and winds up in Gotham) |Kid's y'know? (Youngblood wants to be an astronaut this time, and Danny... Has to stop him from running amok the JL Watchtower) |Gothamites Never Really Rest (Johnny was a crime alley kid, Kitty was the daughter of a mob boss, and Jason was a kid they pseudo raised before their deaths. They meet again when Kitty and Johnny return to Gotham and find budding crime lord named Red Hood)
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