#jon has more important things to worry about than if the grandpa who was ready to kill his dad wants to give him terrible life advice
undertheknightwing · 1 year
I think I just see the show differently because I look through the tag I always see something that makes me go "huh?". Like the "Sam is being grandpa to everyone but Jon" take, I never once thought Sam was a good grandpa who was in Jon and Jordan's lives as they grew up. He always seemed like he would occasionally pop in to say hi and maybe take the boys fishing once a random day out of the year but that's it
The only reason he's now building a relationship with Jordan is because he has powers, if he didn’t Sam likely wouldn't do anything with him, which honestly makes me feel more bad for Jordan than Jon
And Jon is so much like Clark I can not see him and Sam getting along at all (since Sam barely gets along with Clark). They both have completely different personalities and viewpoints, they wouldn't make it an afternoon without arguing over something. Jon doesn't need a relationship with him and I seriously doubt he even cares that doesn’t have a relationship with the grandpa who was barely around
Also Sam is awful at talking and can't say anything without pissing one of his grandkids off so Jon isn't really missing anything. He doesn't need to hear Sam say something like "Just because you’re not special or as useful as your brother-"
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