#such a fucking waste of space
lmao the two things i hate the most are men who think theyre funny, and men who pick up a mic and think they can call themselves musicians.
somehow i managed to snag not only those two things but also 'so fucking boring but thinks he could keep up with me enough to fuck me' all in one dumbass guy!! i fucking hate tinder, man.
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xxcherrycherixx · 8 months
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cupid's gals meet
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darlingod · 6 months
Cardan: *brings his ex back to live on the land and then exiles Jude who he married the night before & who just got back from enduring over a month of torture*
Cardan: *does not have any doubts that Jude could possibly misinterpret this situation*
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buckttommy · 1 year
One thing that was very interesting to me in this episode is the way Eddie was just... not joking about Buck's love interests.
That stuck out.
Usually when Eddie talks to Buck about his love interests, it's with an edge of fond exasperation, teasing laced around his gently delivered truths, but there was none of that this episode. Buck told Eddie he went to see Natalia and it was like something switched. Eddie's entire affect changed when Buck started talking about Natalia. He went from being loose and easy (as loose and easy as one can get when standing at a grave) to being... not combative, necessarily, but visibly actively not wanting to engage in conversation about her either, and it's not...
It's not even jealousy!! We joke a lot about Eddie and jealousy, but it wasn't that at all. It was a fatigue that comes with silence, that comes with holding your tongue, that comes with keeping secrets. Especially when Buck said that he feels like Natalia sees him. That look Eddie gave him immediately after? That was pure hurt. That was him saying I see you too, I've always seen you. But he can't say that. He can't say that, because to say that would be to say so many other things about the way he sees Buck, and to say so many other things would mean to have to unstick his tongue from the roof of his mouth about the ONE thing he's been holding onto ever since he was shot.
I don't know. I don't know, but I think Eddie taking Buck on a date and I think about how Eddie left his son—his heart—in Buck's care so they could bake cookies together (which becomes profoundly more significant in an episode where Christopher was talking about baking smores with his mom), and I think about Kenny saying Ryan has been doing some very nuanced work in the back half of this season, I'm like
Oh. Oh. I see it, thank you. Loud and clear.
#Before 5B I was like 'Eddie's pining era Eddie's pining era WHEN?'#but babes we are right in the thick of it. It's in his eyes. It's in his smile. It's in the way he looks Buck#in the way he treats him. In the way he creates space for his confusion for his fatigue for his grief.#In the way he shows quiet support and a stern shoulder to lean upon#In the way he doesn't burden Buck with his own feelings (even though that's mostly selfish on his part because#no part of Eddie will ever be a burden on Buck but Eddie doesn't know that yet)#It's just. Eddie's feelings for Buck are literally in *everything* he says and everything he does#It bleeds from him just like his blood did on that street.#If everything about Buck/Eddie's lives have been shrouded by the shooting since it happened#everything about their lives has *also* been shrouded by Eddie's enormous and unflinching love for him#and he keeps holding his breath and swallowing it down and putting off the moment where he pulls back the lid#and it all spills out and before he knows it... before he knows it#it's going to be too late. And instead of his blood staining the street it's going to be Buck's and he's going to tell him#but he won't hear him because Eddie was too slow too fucking slow#(did we all peep the watch on his wrist? Yeah. Time is running out Eddie. Time is running out and it is not going to#wait for fear to release its hold on you. Buck's not going to cheat death again. Don't waste time babe)#Anyways. Yeah. YEAH. Yeah....... whew. This episode was a Lot#jack.txt#tv: 911#911: 06 x 15#911 spoilers
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shoujoboy-restart · 2 years
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But remember guys, this is only about women's rights and if you disagree with this Concerned Apolitical Women's Right Advocate™ you are big lesbophobic, support omnipresent rapists in bathrooms and also don't believe in the rights for women.
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sp00kysk3lly · 1 year
Why am I such a fuck up?
All I ever do is fuck things up. My life, my friendships, any relationship I had in the past. Something is wrong with me, I'm a curse.
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variousqueerthings · 10 months
And twenty years after government officially declared that being trans is not a mental illness, why is trans healthcare still located in NHS mental health trusts instead of in ordinary district general hospitals?
Gender Identity Clinics: Genesis and Unoriginal Sin
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ellenthefox · 4 months
that feel when your old comfort videos have clips like this in them and you have to reevaluate the last four years again
fuck wilbur soot and go support shubble
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lilacevans · 6 months
it’s amazing how men can just ruin everything
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outer wilds patch for inverted x-axis real?????? oh it's OVER for me let's fucking GOOOOOOOOO 🎮 🎉
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sirenium · 1 year
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[ID: a banner that's a pale magenta color, with a cropped he/him lesbian flag in the left corner. Black text sits beside the cropped flag, saying 'this blog is a safespace for he/him lesbians' end ID]
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[ID: a bluish, slightly darker shade of lavender, with black text reading 'this blog is a safespace for she/her gays'. A cropped she/her gay flag can be seen on the left side of the text. End ID]
I tried my hand at making banner things, lol. Feel free to use if for some reason you like these janky ass banners that took about five minutes each. /lh
credit is appreciated but not necessarily needed, as these were made for fun.
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unown · 3 days
I just need to start going to the library for fun genuinely
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bright-and-burning · 4 months
just lost several wars against canned goods
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miss-fortune-thinks · 9 months
existing as a queer person who isn’t exceptionally educated on politics is so funny because i’m as educated as i need to be to live sustainably but it’s not enough to justify my existence to some people. obviously i strive to be informed on things that are important but it is simply not feasible for my mental health to keep up with all of the things that these people deem me required to be an expert on.
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woodchipp · 2 months
I've seen some OMORI fans talk about the "Sunny and Mari's parents were abusive" fanon and this discussion really fascinates me because like. They were certainly not abusive in the game proper because the story doesn't care about Sunny's family enough to elaborate on what kind of people his mom and dad were. I can also agree that a LOT of stories tend to make the main characters' parents abusive as a quick and convenient way to explain their issues, so it's an overused cliche by now.
At the same time, however, as overused as it may be, abusive parents still are quite a solid reason for a kid to end up with significant mental issues. And what OMORI's story lacks is just that - a solid reason why Sunny and Mari were the way they were. Trust me, you don't grow up with low self-esteem or into an overly uptight perfectionist by eating watermelon on the beach, building a treehouse and partying at your besties' birthdays lmao
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freshbeeth · 3 days
hey besteyyy ☀️☀️ one black girl to another: WE NEED TO GET INSIDE WHITE PEOPLES HEADS THAT POCS 👏🏾 SHOWING 👏🏾 SOLIDARITY 👏🏾 IS 👏🏾 NOT 👏🏾 RACISM 👏🏾‼️
nah i’m not explaining shit to white ppl i’m just gonna call them cringe and move on
what we NEED to do is show solidarity and pay absolutely no attention to white people at all
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