#striker is subtlety who
Regarding Stolas and Stella. It says something that both their VAs were thinking there was something more to their relationship than the actual showrunner.
Fans wanna throw up this excuse that “their headcanons weren’t true.” But what about the actual input from the actors? Do they not get a say in their own characters?
Also I have to be honest, this whole arranged marriage has been completely pointless as a ‘plotline’ because Stella is just a nothing character and Andreaphuls is going to be the big bad.
You can write Stella out of the show and nothing changes, hell in hindsight she wasn’t even needed for S1. You can have her just be dead and things can play out the same. Striker could still be involved, just don’t show who hired him, but it’s revealed later that it’s Andre.
Yea definitely I find it very notable that her VA thought we'd see more of her side of things and then... nope. So many people thought there would be more to her, and that doesn't translate to thinking she'd be a good person like the "stop crying about your HC" people insist, but rather, we simply thought she'd be, A PERSON AT ALL. She was set up to be genuinely upset over being cheated on, like so many of her S1 scenes are her screaming with rage and throwing things and panting over it. We also had this plotline that once the Stella/Stolas marriage had been happier. These people insisting Stella was always just evil seem to forget the S1 era of this show and how its subtlety was so good. How it was able to tell us a lot without insane biased BLITZO KYS party type writing. Remember this dialogue? (Sidenote, God seeing this makes me remember why I used to like Stolas and this show a lot less critically its such a shame it used to be so good).
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There was a lot of intrigue and mystery as to how things occurred in regards to their marriage at this point in time but we knew Octavia, granted she was a young child in the early marriage but still, she saw the home environment as having changed. I think her missing signs as a child because she was little could explain some of it... but clearly there was more to everything than that alone. And she blamed STOLAS specifically for it from what we saw. She says to him you ruined it, aka the cheating was the instigating event. Stolas' "I thought love would be fun" in the song of this episode and his failed explanations to Octavia suggested multiple possibilities. Back then a lot of people suspected Stolas was gay and now in 2024 we know its true, so the scenarios that seemed to be at play were either:
A) Neither of them loved each other but pretended to for Octavia's sake and maybe other reasons, but then Stolas broke that arrangement by sleeping with Blitz which angered Stella for reasons outside of love ie reputation.
B) Stella genuinely loved Stolas while he never did her, he tried to make it work but just couldn't, leading to Stella being furious over being arranged married to a guy, falling in love with him, only to find out he never loved her and no longer wanted to pretend.
Both of these are really interesting and this all felt so much different than S2 imo. We didn't need to be spoon fed a side to pick. Getting to have seen which of those scenarios it was and Stella's perspective would have been so good. At this point in time they were both victims and in turn the arranged marriage had made Octavia one too as she was stuck caught between them and their drama. It felt nuanced, realistic, interesting and cool. Stolas was still allowed to fuck up back then (just like Stella). It was painted as understandable but still a fuck up. Now, hes just a victim, victim, victim, and to write him as one, they took this interesting thing and twisted it into something else.
They made Stella some evil animal torturing bitch from birth that seemingly was completely unaffected by being raised and forced into an arranged marriage and that decided to devote her sole existence to stick around Stolas to torment him in various over the top and cruel ways (what is with this show and making people throw hate parties). Instead of being ANGRY, like she was in S1, panting with rage and clearly stressed, shes gleefully happy when it comes to her urge to hurt Stolas and at the idea of hurting him? How in the fuck is writing Stella to be like that instead of just focusing on how she felt about the marriage and how it affected her not outlandishly unrealistic and weird and stupid? Being forced into an arranged marriage and then the guy not loving you and cheating on you would hurt and affect anyone. Yet she seems so unaffected. Shes not allowed to actually feel anything other than hate for Stolas, she can feel no grief for herself, love for her daughter, sorrow at having to move out of her home for the past 18 or so years, nothing. Shes just a device to beat on Stolas so we feel sorry for him and she has no goals or thoughts outside of it.
Even fucking VALENTINO in Hazbin was shown to have more depth than this in that he was allowed to be shown to be upset at Angel changing where he lived. Yes it was shown as unhinged abuser's upset, but he shown as being bothered and hurt by Angel not wanting to be around him. I repeat: Rapist pimp Valentino who has convinced several people into abusive sexually exploitative soul contracts was allowed to be shown to be hurt and to long for someone more than Stella was.
Stella is so much so a device instead of a person that they had to shove in a brother character and divorce settlement plotline to overturn the assassination plotline (since that too has fulfilled its purpose as Stolitz drama now). All of this nobody saw coming because all of it was barely set up to the point Stella is still actively working against this new plotline once it comes in and is told by her brother she's a stupid cow and to stop doing what shes doing. And so she does. Instead of getting to drive her own story and goal and what she wants, instead of perhaps being written to change her mind herself, to choose to focus on something else even temporarily, nope, just have a man command her what to do (while still giving her no sympathy over being merely a puppet either of course). Now its time for the bullshit Andrealphus plotline so Stella can be replaced by the gay male character who gets to be a relevant plot driving antagonist instead. Its pathetic writing.
This show constantly does this. It sets things up, people get invested, then it gives them the middle finger and tells them they're stupid idiots for seeing what was actively shown and trusting the writing and it focuses on something else its now decided instead. Striker being bigoted straight and a joke is another example. The fact he appeared in Blitz's dream sequence, flirted with him while proposing blitz follow an alternate path in life in which they work together - nope you saw none of that he's just a dumb joke and you're dumb for seeing things and expecting consistency!
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tigreblvnc · 1 month
BLUE LOCK MATCHUP — @emmaitoshi
Your match is...
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— Itoshi Sae
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✦ (I promise I didn’t look at your username when choosing your match.)
✦ (Seriously, I didn’t check.)
✦ I won’t lie, I was wondering when I’d finally match this little guy with someone!
✦ Actually, my first choice was a completely different person, but as always, when a bio makes me think for a long time, something wasn’t convincing me 100%—even 200%.
✦ I need that moment of clarity, you know, the "Yes, that’s it!"
✦ So gradually, reading between the lines, a magenta-haired character came to mind…
✦ There are a lot of small things in your bio that led me to Sae, but not directly, and I think that represents the nature of your ship well: all about subtlety.
✦ I find that you have many little passions and details that would appeal to Sae’s very ambitious mindset. Or at least, in which he would find himself.
✦ I’ve always believed that it’s easier to open up to someone who shares common interests.
✦ First off, there’s the fact that you’ve been immersed in sports for a long time—especially soccer, which you seem to have a particular attachment to.
✦ Sae also started playing soccer at a very young age. To quote the egoist bible:
Starts playing football: At age 1. “Before I knew it, I was playing soccer.”
✦ … The more I do these matchups, the more I tend to believe that people are drawn to characters who resemble them.
✦ In the fun little details that I always like to point out: "I’m a Sagittarius sun" Sae is a Libra, and you know, when you check online, it’s a great match. In fact, the air element of Libra stimulates the fire of Sagittarius. Basically, it’s a constantly challenging relationship, and that’s what contributes to the strength of your bond, no matter the distance. Sagittarius is also the ultimate traveler, and I think that’s significant with someone like Sae, who frequently moves from one place to another in the world.
✦ "I’m really into cars and it’s been a massive part of my life, especially the motorsport aspect" This is the kind of uncommon hobby that makes me think Sae would find it interesting.
✦ He’s very focused on the real world, on his goals, and always achieving more. Remember? 100 million yen wasn’t enough for him.
✦ One could criticize him for being too materialistic and arrogant, but I think it also reflects someone who is never satisfied with himself, who always needs to do better, to do more. Moreover, this ultra-competitive temperament is also what excites him: finding someone who is more talented than he is.
✦ Let me quote again because we can never get enough:
What makes him happy: “A play beyond my imagination.”
✦ We already see it when he recognizes Isagi’s talent as a striker. He acknowledges it.
✦ "I’ve been considered an academically gifted student since before I attended primary school" Sae will only consider someone at least as talented as he is. That’s the bare minimum if you want to keep him interested.
✦ "I have two very different sets of friends, but I love them all so much" In Sae’s case, I don’t think he has many friends, but I can see him compartmentalizing all his relationships very strictly. In other words, different people might know different aspects of him. Like Rin, who knew him as closer and more human, while everyone else sees Sae as an arrogant and overly confident guy.
✦ But this gives you a common point in that you both identify groups within your own relationships. It’s as if you’re always mindful of how you present yourself and to whom.
✦ It’s a bit of social strategy, really.
✦ Speaking of which, I’ve come to think that Sae’s love languages are probably what you’d least expect from him, like acts of service and giving gifts. I don’t think he’s very good at listening to others talk about their problems (let’s be clear, he doesn’t care, it doesn’t serve his interests). But for someone important to him, I can easily imagine him pulling out his wallet to offer all sorts of things. To me, he’s not someone comfortable with words; he prefers a more material expression of affection, as we see with Rin when, as children, he always gave him ice cream. It’s not overly demonstrative, but to me, it’s a sincere sign of interest in Rin. When Rin wasn’t feeling well, Sae always offered him ice cream.
✦ "I grew up watching it with my brother" Why do I keep seeing the Rin-Sae dynamic aaaaah
✦ "I can speak English and Irish fluently" This detail, along with the one about your school in Dublin, made me think that your encounter happened there. Probably at the soccer club, a match between Real Madrid and the Irish national team, after Sae had left Japan.
✦ A girl playing in the middle of a boys’ team is something that stands out.
✦ But there’s another thing, too.
✦ "I also love playing the sport too, I’ve played for my local team as a midfielder since I was a child" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
✦ ??????????????
✦ Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeez
✦ But I really want to see this movie!!!!
✦ (Rin might not be so thrilled though)
✦ But…
✦ Damn, you did this on purpose, didn’t you? You knew Sae would come eventually?
✦ The worst part is that it’s not over, you nailed it even more with the quote that comes right after:
✦ "It’s my ultimate dream to attend a Grand Prix decked out in Fernando Alonso, Max Verstappen, or McLaren gear." Gooooosh! That’s it!! That’s also why it clicked so well between you two!!! Someone who aims for the Grand Prix, the top spot! I can’t see Sae with anyone else.
✦ In fact, he likes that you specialize in several areas. I can’t help but imagine conversations in the stadium stands, very relaxed, where he simply asks you what your ambitions are. Why are you here, what are you going to do later? And once you’ve snatched that first prize? What will your new goal be?
✦ It’s only through goals and skills that you can have long conversations with Sae.
✦ He’s not a guy who likes to dream, in my opinion, he wants something concrete, something solid.
✦ "I would also love to become a strategist in Formula 1, devising how to win the race and being able to make quick and urgent decisions in seconds." Why did I imagine you becoming his manager?
✦ "The ones I prefer to be on the receiving end of are words of affirmation and quality time." I’m starting to realize that listening to someone talk and asking questions is not at all in Sae’s usual attitude. Which makes me think that if he starts doing that, it’s clearly a sign of interest—and so… You know where I’m going with this. Something’s definitely happening there!
✦ For me, there’s a trope that works really well with Sae, and it’s anything that involves rivalry. He’ll watch you thrive throughout your career, always reminding you, "We’ll meet at the top of the podium." Because in the end, what Sae will want is to win against you. I think that would eventually become his goal.
✦ It will be an ascent together, even if it has to be done from a distance—especially if it has to be done from a distance. Sae travels a lot, all the time for his career, so there will be times when he’s not around. Moments when he won’t respond to messages. But that doesn’t mean he’s lost interest. I think he prefers to address the other person directly on the field, simply put.
✦ "I’m very insecure about my large thighs I’ve got from football." Okay, let me end on a high note with one last quote:
Fixation: Buttocks. “You’ll know an athlete’s ability by the shape of their buttocks.”
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A word about your match: As I said, I initially thought of someone else, and it was Barou. I think the fact that you started sports very early could have been a major connection with him, but I think he would have been too intense, taking up too much space in the relationship. There’s a sense of independence in you that I read through your descriptions, which suits Sae much better.
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sir-subpar · 10 months
Just curious, what do you think of Fizzarolli from Helliva Boss??
Whoa boy, this'll be long, bear with me
I'll be honest-
I like him.
He's very charming and funny
Love the prosthetics
The writing for him has been off lately, one of the very least he hasn't been butchered like everyone else. He's still very charming and funny, and well it confused me at first, I do now find his Dynamic with Ozzy to be very Charming. To be honest, they're kind of the only reasons I hold out even a tiny sliver of Hope for the show. The rest of the show has become very aggravating but whenever those two were on screen at the very least I'm entertained
Having said that-
His outfits are terrible
He deserves better than... This
This outfit especially
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The colors clash and are strange. Very unflattering, especially for a character as Charming as him.
And I will admit, I'm a little biased because I am an Alex Brightman fan, I think he's very funny and very talented
His dynamic with Mammon feels off.
Maybe it's because he's the only one of the seven deadly sins who actually acts like the seven deadly sins, or maybe it's because Mammon looks like a Christmas tree
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Or it might feel off because.. it feels like he shouldn't be that intimidated by Mammon when he's got Asmodeus right there. I don't mind the idea of Mammon being a jester, because if I remember correctly, one of his many nicknames was the "Lord of fools"
And I don't necessarily hate his voice either. I'm not sure if it matches him or not. I'm still on the fence about it, but the voice itself is all right.
I feel like Fizz could have had a very interesting Dynamic with Mammon, especially if the whole "Mammon's the reason he became successful and met the love of his life" is what they're going for. But I feel like it gets ruined by making Mammon such a caricature. There's no subtlety.
If Mammon really views Fizz as an ungrateful brat that he gave everything to, I feel like that should be explored.
Getting back on track. While I like Fizz, I'd argue he's probably my favorite character, I have an issue with him. Or rather, how the show treats him
Maybe it's just because I'm asexual, so when things are overly sexual I tend to be less interested, but I'm really tired of just how much are the cast is hypersexualized 24/7
Almost every character that is significant to Blitzo's story (other than his relatives, thankfully) seems to have to be a sexual or romantic interest at some point.
Stolas, Verosika, Fizzarolli, Striker, Chaz, Moxxie and Millie, Dennis, etc,
Don't get me wrong, the idea of a character using sex as a tool to get what they want is interesting. And is not necessarily bad. Even if it was against my preference, I can see potential in it.
But it seems like the majority of the queer characters are either mocked or hypersexualized. (I'll give Ozzy a pass, since he is the embodiment of Lust)
Moxxie is a punching bag, Blitzo, Stolas, Fizz, Striker (in the harvest moon festival), Chaz is basically nothing but a sentiant libido, Glitz and Glam, Verosika, etc.
It's just dissapointing how it's lacking variety.
Fizz himself is great, I like him a lot.
Originally for my redesign/reimagine project, I wasn't going to do the seven deadly sins but I might have to do Asmodeus and Mammon since they are so entwined with fizz story-wise.
Also because their designs drive me up the wall, but I'll talk about that more in their posts
Long story long, Fizz is the best character in the show to me.
For the record, if any of you like the show as it is, great! I wish I could, I really do, but I just can't enjoy it as much as I want to. And yeah, reimagining the show has been really fun! I'm not entirely sure why, but it is. Maybe it's just a good creative exercise
At the end of the day, these are just my opinions, I'm sure all of you have your own reasons for liking or disliking it, my word is not law. Feel however you feel, and I will feel what I feel.
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And all right, I confess, these two are cute.
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kilfeur · 9 months
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C'est plutôt sympa de voir que Stolas se réfugie dans l'espace quand il parle de quelqu'un qu'il l'aime (You'll be okay avec Octavia et maintenant Look my way avec Blitzo) Stolas est prêt à laisser partir Blitzo avec le cristal. Ce qui est en soi une forme d'amour, car leur relation transactionnelle et professionnelle empêchait ces deux là de conclure de manière personnelle. Tant que Stolas lui donnait le grimoire, il avait un certain pouvoir concernant Blitzo vu qu'il en avait besoin pour travailler. De plus il est prêt à couper les ponts si nécessaire si ça permet à Blitzo de se sentir mieux à propos de leur relation. Le fait que les murs de Blitzo soit justement une lune est assez ironique vu que sa fille s'appelle Loona. Et qui a des problèmes à gérer sa colère certes mais qui au fond essaie de se faire des amis malgré son côté introvertie.
Le truc c'est que Blitzo l'aime, il est dans le déni et refuse de conclure car ils sont tout les deux de classes différentes et aussi parce qu'il se dévalorise mais ils s'aiment mutuellement. Il y a une mauvaise communication qui est en soi assez réaliste vu leurs problèmes. Ce que je crains c'est que Stolas soit vulnérable à la manipulation du frère de Stella après la rupture. Mais aussi le fait que Stolas peut mourir, du moins va presque mourir. Il chante une chanson à Octavia en la rassurant que si il n'est pas là il veillera sur elle. A failli frôler la mort à cause de Striker. Et là dans Look My Way, il se noie ! C'est plus de la subtilité à ce niveau là, Vivziepop et les scénaristes nous font comprendre que quelque chose de grave va arriver à Stolas et j'ai peur !
It's pretty cool to see Stolas taking refuge in space when he's talking about someone he loves (You'll be okay with Octavia and now Look my way with Blitzo) Stolas is willing to let Blitzo go with the crystal. Which in itself is a form of love, since their transactional and professional relationship prevented these two from concluding in a personal way. As long as Stolas gave him the grimoire, he had a certain power over Blitzo, since he needed it to work. What's more, he was willing to cut ties if necessary if it made Blitzo feel better about their relationship. The fact that Blitzo's walls are actually a moon is ironic, given that his daughter's name is Loona. And who has problems managing her anger, of course, but who's basically trying to make friends despite her introverted nature.
The thing is, Blitzo loves him, he's in denial and refuses to come to any conclusion because they're both from different classes and also because he devalues himself, but they love each other. There's a miscommunication, which in itself is quite realistic given their problems. What I fear is that Stolas will be vulnerable to manipulation by Stella's brother after the break-up. But also the fact that Stolas may die, or at least will almost die. He sings a song to Octavia, reassuring her that if he's not there, he'll watch over her. Nearly dies because of Striker. And here in Look My Way, he drowns! No more subtlety here, Vivziepop and the writers are letting us know that something serious is going to happen to Stolas, and I'm afraid!
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heungmins · 2 years
It’s insane because the fact that Harry doesn’t really compliment Sonny in the way that Sonny is always ready to ramble about him is so special. Simply because Harry loves Sonny so much it’s obvious - you don’t even need words to know. It’s in the way he always runs backwards to catch him after a goal, in the way he never doubts Sonny, in the way he smiles at him and laughs with him when they do interviews together, shedding that stoic personality of Harry Edward Kane, England’s golden boy, that he’s built up over the years. He’s just so different around Sonny.
And it makes things like “Never in doubt” or “Anything that makes Sonny smile is a good thing” and “Sonny’s a very important player to the team” even more special. Yes, everyone loves Sonny, but Harry loves him in this, like, absolutely furtive secret way even though it’s out in the open for everyone to see? Like the love he has for him is so personal?
It’s so … “If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more.”
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i don’t even feel qualified to answer this, because how are you going to drop the most heartbreaking ask on my humble little blog? 
(disclaimer? note?: i can’t believe i’m writing all this for a footballer.. while i was typing this out i was genuinely concerned for my mental health)
harry’s a pretty selfish player, and i’m not saying that to talk bad about him, that’s just the way he needed to develop, as a striker whose first priority is to score goals for himself. 
heungmin and harry are almost polar opposites, and although we normally associate acts of love as something grand, something we need to show around, maybe sometimes, love is stored in small acts that only the person you love know, actions that are so out of character for you, but actions that develop into habits that you’re so unaware of, but habits you develop for them… does this make sense !!! and it’s genuinely insane that harry, out of everyone, is the one that notices the small things about heungmin, like when harry pushed eric aside when he saw that he was being too harsh with heungmin when he was stretching him out, doing everything he possibly can to get heungmin another goal to secure an individual golden boot when he heard that salah had scored another goal, and patting his chest in silent apology when he accidentally pushed heungmin while trying to get in between heungmin and some arsenal players… Does this Make Sense !!!!!
heungmin loves him in a way where he talks and talks and talks about harry to other people, because that’s just his way of expression; he wants the media to know that what a great person harry is, and perhaps that stems from his need for praise from his dad or from the media. when heungmin loves something, it just oozes out of him - you can physically see the happiness and his love for football radiate off of him when he plays. he doesn’t do subtlety and that’s just the way heungmin is !! he wants everyone to love and see harry in the way that he does. 
and harry loves him in a way where he wants to be the only person who gets to see heungmin in a certain way, because everyone loves heungmin but he’s the only one who knows certain details about heungmin. i was talking to alex abt this but my fucking gad i wish i could express myself better on this bc i have SO much to say on the way they love …. oughhhhh
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et20worldcup · 6 months
Chris Gayle In T20 World Cup: Unveiling the Fastest Centuries
written by Et20worldcup.Com April 8, 2024
In the heart-throbbing arena of T20 cricket, power-hitting has become an indispensable art form.  Chris Gayle is the Picasso of the platform, splashing sixes with the finesse of an artistic genius. In the annals of the T20 World Cup, Gayle’s name is not merely etched but carved deep and irrevocably, marking his indelible stance within cricket’s most vibrant format. His records are not just statistical landmarks but enduring legacies that define the very tempo of the T20 game. This blog post is a tribute to his prowess, an exploration of a career that continues to resonate with the cricket world. Chris Gayle in T20 World Cup: A journey through his record-breaking centuries, impact on matches, and legacy in cricket. Dive in now!
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The T20 Format: Where Every Ball Counts
A format that redefined cricket, T20 is the epitome of consuming, unapologetic entertainment. With each side afforded a mere 20 overs, there’s no room for subtlety. Moreover it’s a carnival of power-hitting, cunning bowling variations, and acrobatic fielding. And at the center of this whirlwind stands the towering figure of Chris Gayle, amidst colossal sixes and a strike rate that defies the very concept of scoreboard pressure.
“In T20, you have the license to go big from ball one. It’s the format that suits my game the best.” ~ Chris Gayle
The excitement doesn’t wane from the first ball to the last; it’s a crescendo that builds from frenetic beginnings to pulse-quickening finales. It’s a spectacle that leaves the crowd breathless and the sport unraveled, laying bare the fierce, addictive nature of T20 cricket.
The Legend of Chris Gayle in T20 World Cup
The T20 World Cup isn’t just a stage for the world’s finest cricketers. In fact it’s a culture, an ethos, a narrative unfurling with the bat, ball, and electric energy. And within this grand saga, Gayle’s story is one of dominion, reaching mythic proportions with every innings.
Gayle’s excursions in the T20 World Cup have been nothing short of splendid spectacles. His 117 off 57 against South Africa in the inaugural 2007 edition was a revelation, a harbinger of the carnage he’s capable of and when he replicated this feat with an unbridled 100 off 48 against England in 2016, he didn’t just rewrite the record books. In fact, he scripted a saga of strength and strategy, of which every budding striker of the ball aspired to be a part.
Unpacking Chris Gayle’s Batting Technique
To classify Gayle’s batting as mere power batting would be an injustice. His technique is a blend of controlled ferocity. His stance, wide and sturdy, seems to harness the earth’s energy before releasing it skyward. The timing, the swing, the follow-through; every motion is a testimony to hours of practice culminating in a symphony of destruction when he takes guard.
But Gayle’s technique extends beyond the bat and ball. It’s in the steely resolve that remains unyielding even as wickets tumble at the other end. It’s in the selective agression, picking moments with precision, ensuring that the sixes always dwarf the wickets and fours outnumber the dot balls.
The Challenge of Scoring a Century in T20 Cricket
A century in T20 cricket is akin to a shooting star—beautiful, rare, and fleeting. It requires a game plan that oscillates between caution and chaos, a fine-tuning of aggression hovering over the thinnest wire of strategy. In Gayle’s case, it’s a script he’s mastered in two act-worthy performances. To score a T20 century is to become the game’s protagonist. In addition shouldering the burden of a quick scoring rate while protecting the precious resource of wickets. And no one does it with the elan and effectiveness of Gayle.
The Impact of Gayle’s Centuries on Opponents and Game Dynamics
Gayle’s centuries aren’t isolated events on the scorecard; they’re seismic activities that alter the match’s tectonics. The bowlers, for one, find themselves staring at a lost cause, with their deliveries being reduced to mere statistics on the scoreboard. For the opposition, Gayle’s century is an unraveling, a sight of disconcerting superiority that often drags morale with the plummeting runs.
The elusive mix of caution and aggression in a T20 hundred compels bowlers to rethink their plans on the fly. As well as leading to strategic meltdowns and hasty reconfigurations. It’s a triumph of mind and muscle, one that leaves his team on the brink of victory, basking in the afterglow of Gayle’s brilliance.
Chris Gayle: Beyond the Boundary
Chris Gayle is more than just a cricketer; he’s a phenomenon. His popularity has sprinted past fence clearings to dominate the fan following charts. It’s not just the quantum of runs he scores but the manner in which he does it—a blend of dominance and disdain. Which underlined with an engaging streak that captivates the most casual observer. His off-field shenanigans only add layers to the legend, making him an enigma that the cricket world can’t seem to get enough of.
The Future of T20 Batting Records
Can anyone eclipse Gayle’s records? At present, the thought seems blasphemous. But, as with any pursuit of excellence, the T20 game will evolve. Players will emerge with bat-speeds quicker, muscles stronger, and minds keener. But until then, Gayle’s records will stand as the apex, the summit to which every T20 batsman directs his forays.
The anticipation is palpable, the race tantalizingly close to inception. With the night’s sky of T20 cricket studded with stars, the quest for the fastest century in a T20 World Cup is akin to that for the brightest celestial body. And for now, that luminary is Chris Gayle—the one they call Universe Boss.
The chapter of Chris Gayle in T20 cricket, especially in the T20 World Cup, speaks to more than just runs and records. It’s about setting the bar high—so high that it scrapes against the sky’s ceiling of possibilities. Gayle’s dash between the wickets is an odyssey, a cinematic experience that brims with anticipation. Moreover, delivery, and the enduring applause that follows a masterpiece. His legacy, secured in the cradle of T20 cricket, will resonate through the canorous ‘thwacks’ of bat on ball. In addition to that echo in every boundary and every stadium hosting the fevered duels of T20 cricket.
It’s the saga of a centurion celebrated not just for runs scored but for runs made in rhyme with the spirit of the sport. And as T20 cricket hurtles towards newer frontiers and fiercer battles. As well as its iconography will always bear the silhouette of Chris Gayle, cast in the vibrant hues of his unending glory.
Who was the first man to score 100 in T20?
The first player to score a century in T20 internationals was Chris Gayle. His hundred came in 2007 against South Africa.
Who scored 2 centuries in the T20 World Cup?
Basically Chris Gayle is the only batsman to score multiple centuries in T20 World Cup history.
What makes Chris Gayle’s batting style unique in T20 cricket?
Chris Gayle’s batting style is marked by its sheer power and aggression. He possesses the ability to hit the ball long and hard, making use of his remarkable hand-eye coordination and physical strength. Gayle’s strategy of targeting specific bowlers and pacing his innings has set him apart as a master of the T20 format.
How has Chris Gayle influenced T20 cricket worldwide?
Chris Gayle has significantly influenced T20 cricket worldwide by setting high batting standards and records. That have become benchmarks for aspiring cricketers. His charismatic personality and entertaining playing style have also contributed to the global popularity of the T20 format. That is making it more attractive to fans and players alike.
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von-eldritch · 2 years
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@strikers-saloon​ said: "Can I have this dance?" Comes the unfamiliar tone of a voice from a fancily dressed imp, but once they smile they'd flash a familiar golden fang before it hides behind his lips. Her spy has returned.
Certified chance to sweep her off her feet
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Eyes flit over to the imp. Anyone familiar with events like these would recognize her demeanor marking her as someone to avoid-- the slight frown that marks her features and the disdain that swims in her eyes carry the potential for cruelty from her the likes of which would ruin the night for the other. It was best to wait for her to find something that interested her on her own than risk it. The very fact he approached is her first clue.
She gets her second just by looking at him. His disguise is, in a way, commendable, certainly enough to throw most others off, but she’s observant. Appraising eyes notice every single detail, a quick mind rattles off names of who it could possibly be, the list narrows to one.
The grin is what confirms it.
When she speaks her voice is colder than it usually is, not because she is displeased but as a manner of appearances.“How brave of you to ask.” Spoken for reasons likely to be misconstrued in his mind, he doesn’t know the subtleties of these things, but intentions can be clarified later. Striker’s mere presence has her hackles raised-- where there’s smoke, there’s fire. She pauses, allowing the illusion that she’s considering the prospect to pass, before taking his hand in hers.
“I’ll lead.”
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OCs Flirting: Angels Edition
Tagged by @rekkingcrew!
Ki’anya (i’ve used that top gif for Ki’anya before but it fits so well imma include two!)
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Woad (bless u woad but u cant flirt for shit)
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Ace X S/O: Admiral Partner.
Thanks for the magic prompt, Anon! They requested "a reaction on the monster trio and ace (+ the reaction of their crew, if possible..) with an admiral s/o, and they have a secret relationship".
Read the rest here! Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Ace.
Warning: Marineford, but no donuts because this isn't that kind of bakery. WC: 1.55K
“Oh, Mr.Portgas, thank you for saving me, I was completely blindsided (by your naked chest) by the sun! That I missed (your strong arms around me) the reef! And I (oogled your ass) ended up getting stuck in a whirlpool! Whatever can I ever do to repay you for saving me?” Strike a seductive pose and pretend you know what you're doing, despite the masked man behind giving you a thumbsdown. It’s all good, Ace has no idea what you are trying to do either.
Ace is kind enough and the right amount of himbo to trust you, he doesn’t care that the little boat, recently dubbed ‘The Striker’, doesn’t fit three people. Ace felt like he couldn’t just leave you stranded in the waters, he had to help you. Dropping you off at the nearest island, you headed back to the Marine base thinking about the young man who saved you.
You went to the bar that night with a few coworkers, figuring a drink or two would get the chest of your dreams out of your mind. But fate has kinder options when you open the bar door to see the tavern freaking out about a man fainting in his food.
Trained in CPR, you place your hands on his chest and give him mouth-to-mouth… Or a second of lip touching until he rams his forehead into your nose. The subtle taste of fried rice and blood lingers on your mouth long after he wakes up. Recognizing the man as the ‘someone’ who saved you, you can’t help but taunt him.
“Tell me you didn’t do that to catch my attention? Saved me so I save you?"
“There’s an Angel holding my boobs, I’m already in heaven.”
One drink turns into a few, turns into several, to bottles later, you wake up in the morning with a written note, in a doctor’s scrawl, on your arm.
“Sorry for last night, Ace just burns through alcohol, he forgets not everyone is resilient. Here’s my Den Den number, you can talk to him later. (Don’t worry, nothing bad happened.) -M. Deuce"
“Oh, Mr.Deuce, you deserve so many good days."
In the months following up, you get stuck into work so much that most Den Den calls end with you falling asleep before the narcoleptic. Not being able to talk about your job made it vague on both ends, but the subtlety wasn’t lies.
Maybe you were too blinded by his pearly white smile that you didn’t connect ‘Fire Fist Ace’ was the same ‘Portgas D Ace’ you’ve been talking to for a year and a half, until the news crossed your desk that the Spade Pirates joined the Whitebeard Pirates. The call that night was tense.
“You’re a pirate…”
“Yeah, I am… Is that an issue?”
“Oh… No. Not to me. But, I’m a Marine. Is that an issue?”
“No. Not to me.”
Okay, so… New step in the relationship. You have to pretend y’all broke up or he died to get people off your back, now that you’re no longer talking to the handsome man who saved your life. Everyone thinks you’re mourning or something, and lets you stay home from weddings or bar nights. Don’t need you in a relationship after the ‘last one’ was so perfect. Ace makes sure the only person who even knows your name is Deuce, no one on either crew knows you occupy all of his brain.
Throwing yourself into work, you didn’t see yourself becoming an Admiral until the name ‘Shirouma’ was given to you by the old white guys that run the world. ‘White Horse’, as if it was corny enough, the Marine ship they honored you with… has a white horse figurehead. Not intimidating in the slightest. But Ace would enjoy a laugh every time he was able to catch a glimpse of it. Maybe you wouldn’t change it if you got to hear his laugh every time you chased him… Maybe.
During one of your totally normal Marine work days, you got the loving pleasure to go to Holy Land Mary Geoise and meet with the Seven Warlords of the Sea. You get the honors of helping to choose the pirate who will replace Crocodile. You remember Ace talked about his younger brother, Luffy, enough you connected the dots of how Crocodile fell and who beat him.
You thought about recommending ‘Strawhat’ Luffy or maybe Ace again, simply to make it easier to talk to him. But the meeting was interrupted when a tall man in a top hat had to recommend his own captain. Despite being an unknown man, the name 'Marshall D. Teach’ was one you knew quite very well. You try to get the man forgotten, but the idea of sending a man to the Holy Land was just ballsy enough for him to get chosen.
Ace gets captured by the Blackbeard pirates, and Teach gets the Warlord position. There was little you could do. You couldn’t protect him, you couldn’t save him. The second he was sent to Impel Down you knew it was going to be a war. Whitebeard would come for his son, and you didn’t know if anyone knew you and Ace were together.
Nine a.m., the day of his execution, you stood on the main boat that would transport him to Marineford for his death. When you first saw each other, it was hard not to cry. You had never seen him so broken and enraged, hearing his brother had broken into the prison left you with two choices; the one he wanted you to make, to save Luffy, and the one you wanted to make, save Ace
Leading Ace by the chains, you attacked the ones around him first. You weren’t an Admiral for show, you are stronger than that average Marine, you had to be. There were seventy Marines on the boat, over fifty guards of Impel Down, and a secondary unknown Marine ship coming up behind yours. Over a hundred people… versus You.
You didn’t have the power of Haki, it wasn’t a gift you unlocked yet. You didn’t have a strong enough Devil Fruit to combat Logia, Paramecia, and Awakened Zoan at the same time. All you had were your fists and a brain.
Hearing the sea part behind you, the outline of a giant whale opened, and out flew a firey blue bird. Raising your head, he dove to you and you felt talons grip into your arm. Hearing Whitebeard laugh over the sea, you begged for the man to show up.
The last thirty-seven times you called Ace’s personal Den Den Mushi, the call either failed to go through or was answered and ended. You cried when on the thirty-eighth call, a familiar voice answered you. “Combustion.”
“Spontaneous. Deuce, it’s been three years. Have you written me a good book yet?” The only member of the former-Spade and current-Whitebeard pirates to know who you are, the masked man was enough to convince Whitebeard and Marco to trust in you, despite you admitting to be a marine and one of the Admirals.
Sitting on the Moby Dick, well after Ace was saved and Luffy was in a food coma in his big brother’s lap, you leaned against his shoulder. Some of the pirates looked at you from the corner of their eyes, but when Deuce hugged you and let you cry into his shoulder, the crew figured letting you on the ship was… fine.
Well, not by a lot. But for now, you were happy to be in the arms of the man you love.
You got asked one “Why did you answer the call with ‘Combustion’ and ‘Spontaneous’?”
“Because of this.” Leaning over and pressing a chaste kiss to Ace’s nose, a large flare came from the top of his head and engulfed his hat. His brain reset for a second before he pulled the cowboy hat off and started waving it. Covering his red face, you attempted to kiss him again.
The months after Ace’s rescue, you left the Marines. Lying and saying the Whitebeard pirates appeared from nowhere and took everyone out, it was too much for you to deal with. Living with Ace on the ship was a dream, neither good nor bad.
Original members of Whitebeard’s crew didn’t let you alone with the man they called Pops, you had to be escorted anywhere and everywhere, anytime you had to make a call was recorded and in face with Marco. With Ace healing and the news of his unknown long-time partner being a marine, saving him just after he was sentenced to die, and then magical Admiral Partner quiting their luxurious job to stay with him. It sounded fake. They didn’t believe it; you had to have been a ruse for them to lower their guard so the real Admirals can show up and kill both Ace and Whitebeard.
After dinner one night, Marco went to check on his little brother in his room. He paused outside the gently cracked door and peaked in. Bathed in candlelight and moonlight, two figures slow dance to no music. With just the feeling of their own heartbeats and whispers unheard, the big brother bird figured you were trustworthy enough.
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how about Blitzo, moxxie and Millie (both together), Striker and maybe Stolas with a male S/o noble overlord who rules a small town of imps, there the imps have better living conditions and suffer almost no discrimination.
Royal Overlord S/o that rules a city for Imps
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When you first walked into Blitzøs office, he was in total awe.
You were so majestic, breathtaking, the pinnacle of royalty. And so damn Sexy.
Blitzø had heard about your supposed city of Imps.
A city where Imps were treated like equils and where the best of Imp-kind could be allowed to thrive outside of there usual suppression.
He never actually thought it was real, let alone that he'd of all Imps would be invited.
Telling him you only approached the best of Impkind to live in your city, and you were there for him.
He wouldn't even need to think about it, agreeing on the spot.
You would move the whole gang to your city, it took some work as your city was a good distance away from most other cities.
Your city was amazing. Primarily made up of Imps, with a few other hellbornes sprinkled in there, he would be treated like the business man he was.
Youd get them set up. A new home. A new office and a list of contracts. The whole Shibang.
You and Blitzø become increasingly playful over your time working together, you getting him targets and him killing them. Your relationship often time bordering flirtatious.
And when you did cross that border, your flirting would often leave Blitzø a blushing mess, especially if you really pushed it.
Of course, Blitzø being Blitzø would push right back, pushing until your flirting wasnt pretending any more.
It was real.
You didnt need subtlety, you had no royal duties, no royals to look down there noses at you for being with an Imp.
You were free.
Blitzø simply didn't understand subtlety, so when he found himself falling for you, it wasn't long until he told you so.
Your relationship would be an interesting one to say the least.
A Imp assassin with the Royal Overlord that ruled a sizable city. But you chose him out of an entire city of Imps.
Sounded like a joke.
But youd be a very real and intimate couple, you spending every free moment together.
Being with you would be a dream for Blitzø. You were this incredible, intelligent, sexy as fuck, Royal overlord, a powerful combination, who ruled your very own city.
He would love seeing you in action, watching you so easily govern your city. Watching the people swoon over you while knowing he was the only who could have you.
You would Spoil Blitzø rotten.
Dinner dates, gifts, the theatre, anything he could want.
You'd shower him in affection, spending almost all your free time together.
Blitzø would practically worship you, you being everything he could want. You were a fun, exciting person who genuinely cared about Impkind.
You were what every Imp dreamed of.
And you were all his.
Millie & Moxxie
When they found out Blitzø was invited to your city, they were somewhat concerned, both of them mildly concerned for the state of there employment.
But then they met you, your mere presence seemed to calm them down.
The two raised there concerns, but you quickly dismissed there concerns, telling the pair the invitation went to all of them.
You told them they were the backbone of the company, something that made the pair get all flustered, as such they were both invited as well.
They of course, accepted, happily being wisked away to your city.
It was a beautiful place, surreal for the Imp couple.
Imps were safe and happy, they were treated well, it was the total opposite to the crime and hate filled streets of Imp city.
But what really surprised the pair, was when you began openly courting them. Telling them you had become fond of them, wanting to have a real relationship.
It would take some time, you having to carefully influence the pair, more so Moxxie then Millie, making sure they knew your intentions were genuine.
And you would eventually win there hearts, the three of you becoming an official couple.
Your relationship would be so romantic.
So filled with a tender love and respect, you spoiling the pair. Treating them to every luxury at your command.
The two would be utterly love-struck, your constant affection having a serious impact on there lifestyle and way of thinking.
The three of you would love each other so deeply, Millie & Moxxie already being love-birds, that love would seamlessly transition into your new relationship.
It would take a while to fully adjust to there new situation, but being so pampered by you, your every free minute would make it easier to adjust to there new life with you.
Honestly, he wasn't surprised when you approached him.
He'd heard about your city, hearing how it was a haven for exceptional Imps. And he was by far the most exceptional Imp he knew of, he found the whole idea intriguing.
You were something of an enigma for him. As he despised both Royalty and Overlords.
But instead, he found himself intrigued by you.
You were different, as you seemed to genuinely care about hellbornes. Supposedly building an entire city dedicated to them.
So he came along, if only to figure out what your deal was.
The two of you would form a unique relationship.
You were interested in such a capable Imp specimen. Where as Striker just wanted to see if all your talk was genuine or not.
He would spend great lengths of time with you, fascinated by you and your governing of your city.
Youd enjoyed the Imps company, it being so rare you find an Imp that could really grab your attention and Striker was holding it with an Iron grip.
The two of you would be very playful, as you both respected each others abilities and could take a joke. The pair of you often teasing and pushing each other's buttons.
You were both the dominant types, So naturally your relationship would turn flirty.
Your working relationship eventually morphing into a personal one. The two of becaming a couple.
Your relationship would be very romantic, as your romance was built more so on personality than physical attraction.
Not to say you didn't get physical, it's just your romance didn't completely rely on sex.
You wouldn't need to spoil Striker.
He honestly didn't need much to be happy. But that of course wouldn't stop you from buying him all the fancy weapons and gear he could ever want.
You made him your chief of security, this giving the two of you lots of chances to use them together. Your city did need defending itself on the odd occasion.
It would be an odd relationship, built on mutual respect and strength, but it would still have lots of love.
Stolas, unlike most of the nobility, had never held any real animosity towards Imps.
If anything he had mostly found them rather adorable.
So when you, an elusive and powerful fellow noble came to him with an invitation to a supposed Imp paradise, he just couldn't help but take you up on it.
'It was just a week', he told himself.
He'd go for a week, have a look around, enjoy the sights and then come home and go back to his life.
When he did arrive he found himself in total awe. It was beyond anything he could have imagined.
Everything was so clean.
Hellbornes walked around freely, there was no fighting, no divides, even as he walked the streets he was treated like an equil, not some higher then thow noble to be feared or hated.
Something that most nobles would have taken great offensive at, but for Stolas was a breath of air he hadn't known he needed.
You would give him the grand tour, spending all your time together, as you showed him the many wonders of your city.
Showing him the time of his life.
He got so caught up in enjoying the city life that before he knew it, he had reached the end of the week.
He was devastated, he never wvwn knew you could have fun like that, and now he had to go home.
He couldn't help but wish it could last forever.
It would be as he was preparing to leave that you made him a proposition.
Your city was almost completely self-sufficient, almost.
It needed a few crucial resources from the rest of hell.
So in return for Stolas providing said resources, you'd make sure he got to spend as much time there as possible.
And so with the deal struck, your city got it's resources, and Stolas got to keep spending time with you in your city.
It was an easy arrangement, disguising his time there a important business, and with the resources he was gaining his trips never raised any suspicion.
However the more time he spent there, the more he came to realise you were a major part of why he loved the city.
You were so kind and popular, treating him like a dear friend, he slowly came to terms with his affection for you.
Youd, of course already know this, feeding into his growing attraction towards you without making it obvious.
And eventually, Stolas wouldnt be able to contain himself, the owl confessing his feelings for you. Spilling his guts as to how much he loved you and your city.
You would return his affection, of course, you finding the Prince adorably charming, while greatly enjoying his company. The two of you becoming a couple then and there.
You were everything he searched for in a partner.
You were strong, powerful, kind and you loved him for him. His title rarely, if ever being a factor outside of business.
And your city. Your city was the only place he truly felt free, free to be himself. Spending his time freely, while being treated like an equal.
You'd pamper the poor fool so much he'd forget what the real world was like. Never really needing expensive things, so long as he was with you, youd spend lots of time together.
Your relationship would be so filled with love. Both physically and emotionally.
You being the emotional outlet Stolas, oh so desperatly needed, while Stolas would do his best to be a supporting S/O.
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neoyi · 5 years
Hi!!! Do you still take asks for hc? If so, could you tell your headcanons about minor character? (Like King Knight's mom, Baz, Reize, etc. Maybe even The Enchantress!)
Sure! This one will be a bit quicker since I got to sleep soon.
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*I don’t know what King Mom did back in her youth, but clearly she did not miss a chance to lift weights. There’s a point in the game where she’s carrying a scared King Pridemoor. Perhaps lifting AND holding her child (let’s face it, all the way to his adult years) over the years has given her excellent physical strength.
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*It was impromptu how the Wandering Travelers met and functioned as a group. Reize, Baz, Phantom Striker, and Mr. Hat just happened to be in the same road when they were ambushed by a sea of Liquid Samurai, leftovers from the Enchantress. Battle they did and along with it, rest.
They intended to part ways the next day, but found it functional to travel together. Striker’s idea. He was keen on defeating the remaining pieces of the Enchantress and with his age catching up to him, he decided safety in numbers. All of them were eager to join, Reize because he wanted to be a good hero, Baz because it was yet another group he could belong in, and Mr. Hat because there were still hats to be found.
Striker was more or less the leader, though he largely kept it discreet. Reize often took on a “Take Charge” personality as you’d expect of a rambunctious fourteen-year-old. He was the one giving the Power of Friendship speeches, always cheering that they as a band were undefeated because they had each other and a pure spirit, etc. How could Striker take that away from the child? So he’d chuckle and wave his arm, “Lead on, my boy.”
Though he was the youngest, the Wandering Travelers didn’t really have to babysit Reize as much as they thought. Oh, he jumped head first and often misinterpret people’s intent. He was young and naive, with much to learn (and taught the three did for the boy), but he was largely independent and took cared of himself. Really, it was BAZ they had to keep an eye on.
At some point or another, they just became a group. Their weren’t always together - sometimes they split up because they had their own goals to achieve - but they’d reunite daily and more adventures were to be had.
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*Mr. Hat is likely the strongest being in existence. Who is he? I don’t know. I think it’s better and funnier NOT knowing what this guy is. He may or may not be mortal, but he is a being of mystery and high strangeness. As long as he has a singular hat on his head, he can absorb that person’s abilities and perhaps a bit of their memories. Living in a world filled with hat-wearers means he has a variety to work with.
The world is so lucky that Hat’s only defining obsession is to obtain as many hats as possible. If he had any awareness of just how powerful he is and what he could do with it, then maybe the Valley would have more to fear than even the Enchantress herself...
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*The Enchantress would have done more - might have even won and successfully taken over the world - if she did had possessed someone who was weak-willed. She unfortunately took over Shield Knight, a woman of strong conviction and determination. Shield Knight knew she was trapped, but for the longest time, not sure why. She just knew she had to fight and keep on fighting. Whenever Shield Knight felt something was off, she acted accordingly. This frustrated the Enchantress to no end who, damning of all, felt a tinge of emotion from this mortal that sometimes stayed her hand. Moments of rare hesitation and decision making have sabotaged her plan because she chose Shield Knight and it angered her.
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*Luan was an excellent thief and he was very excellent because he learned from his misguided youth. So he could only look amused when he caught a young thief - perhaps no more than sixteen, certainly a teenager - trying to steal the very same item he was. And poorly at that. Oh, he had vast potential, but he lacked subtlety. This kid was flashy and prone to mocking his opponents openly as he pilfered.
When the two were forced to work together, Luan immediately lend a guiding hand, “We need to cooperate if we’re going to get out of this mess.” But the boy would have none of it, “I can get out just fine! Besides, you are the one who had the gall to take what I was trying to steal!”“Who are you?” Luan asked.“None of your business.”
Luan chuckled, then with a swiftness the younger thief could not see, he made off with his wallet.
“Thieves would do better than to carry their own identity,” Luan peeked inside, gave off a mild look of surprise, then gently smiled, “Ahh, I see.”The boy screeched, “How did you swipe that so fast?”Luan simply grinned, “You’re talented kid, and fast, But I’m quicker. Now if you want to get out of this mess, we work together and then I’ll return your wallet. And maybe I’ll keep your true identity a secret, too.”
The youth sighed.
“First things first, what do you call yourself?”The thief grinned, even if Luan couldn’t see it in his helmet. He crossed his arms and boldly declared, “I am Propeller Knight, up and coming sky pirate! And don’t you forget it!”
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*Reize didn’t quite get what his father meant when he first told him his mother would no longer “return.” She’s gone forever and it would just be the two of them. Reize didn’t understand. Sometimes mommy would go away for a while, but she’d always come back. This confused the poor tyke. At four-years-old, Reize would at best, wait until she came back, optimistically declaring she was off on another adventure. At worst, he’d cry in bed, kicking and screaming, wailing to his father on his mother’s whereabouts.
Shortly after, he came. The man in the blue cape. The man was silent and kept to himself. And yet he was just as boisterous and prideful. He carried an air of aggression that frightened the boy.
Reize did not like that man.
Why was daddy friends with him? And yet the Blue Caped Man did not harm him. Sure, their interaction were minimum to begin with (Reize got the impression the man actively avoided him), but why would such an Angry Man not want to hurt him? He though all Angry People were bad people. Maybe this man isn’t so bad?
Reize approached the Blue-Caped Man one day while the latter was dining alone. He stood on his toes as he grabbed the edge of the table and still only barely saw the top. Reize said nothing until the Blue-Caped Man spotted him.
“...Yes?”Reize said nothing, suddenly terrified.
“Well, out with it?”Reize gasped, then fiddled with his fingers, “umm.. uh...”“Child, if you cannot speak, how will you get anywhere?” The man asked him, sternly, but with a pleasing gentleness Reize never picked up on him before.
“...Um...are you....are you my mommy?”
“Excuse me? Where. Where did you get that idea?” The man asked, confused.
“um well because um mommy goes away a lot. because she has adventure but she always comes back. but then mommy went away for a long time and daddy said she’s not coming back anymore, but mommy always comes back and maybe this time she came back differently. maybe she came back as you. ...so are you my new mommy?”
The Blue-Caped Man stared with a look both aghast and pity. He placed a hand on his head and stuttered, “I- no. I’m not. I’m not your mother.”
“Then...are you a new dad? Another daddy?”
Donovan finally lowered his harsh gaze. He got up from his chair and went on one knee so he was at the child’s level. With a look of sympathy, the Blue-Caped Man placed a hand on Reize’s shoulder.
“I’m not your father. ...But I am going to live here with you and your father, so you can come to me for anything. I will protect you.”
Reize wasn’t afraid anymore.
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gamingbell · 3 years
Silence at Camp Nou: Juanmi's goal for the 1-0 Barcelona vs. Betis for LaLiga [VIDEO]
Silence at Camp Nou: Juanmi’s goal for the 1-0 Barcelona vs. Betis for LaLiga [VIDEO]
Spanish striker Juanmi has scored the first goal of the match between Barcelona and Betis within the framework of the date 16 of LaLiga Santander at Camp Nou. The attacker of the box directed by Manuel Pellegrini appeared almost at the end of the match to define with subtlety against Ter Stegen and decree the advantage of the Betis. When the 79 minutes of the game were running, Juanmi, who has…
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lewis456ppamela · 3 years
Premier League Top Goal Scorers All-Time | My Football Facts
All time top scorer epl - All time - Leading Scorers Premier League
Since its inception, it has got a lot of football fanatics glued to their screens. The Premier League has a huge viewership, along with a large fanbase. The league spreads across 20 of the top clubs in England. The competition works on the system of promotion and relegation, which makes it furthermore interesting.
Each team plays 38 matches, 19 being at home. Although 49 teams have participated since the tournament started inonly 6 have managed to win. The most successful club has been All time top scorer epl United all time top scorer epl 13 titles, followed by Chelsea at 5 and Arsenal and Manchester City at 3.
Over the years, several top-notch strikers have also graced the Premier Scorwr and have enthralled one and all with their goal-scoring exploits. Click here for premier league live score. He has the most number of goals in the history of the Premier League.
He played for Newcastle United for the majority of his career. Paul Merson. Wilfred Zaha. Robbie Ecorer. Rod Wallace. Alan Smith. Dean Saunders. Juan Pablo Angel. Leon Osman. Demba Ba. David Hirst. Marko Arnautovic. Jonathan Walters. Ayoze Perez. Michail Antonio. Shola Ameobi. Noel Click for more. Andrei Kanchelskis.
All time top scorer epl Kanoute. Jay Rodriguez. Graham Stuart. Marians Pahars. Julian Joachim. Chris Wood. Paul Ince. Philippe Coutinho. Mikel Arteta. John Terry. Ashley Barnes. Kevin De Bruyne. Steve McManaman. Steffen Iversen. Marcus Bent. Matthew Taylor. Kenwyne Jones.
The Top 20 All-Time English Premier League Goal Scorers
Aaron Ramsey. Steed Malbranque. Roy Keane. John Carew. Patrik Berger. Dean Sturridge. Tore-Andre Flo. His best season at Chelsea came inall time top scorer epl he fired the Blues to a league title by scoring 29 goals in 32 Premier Original site games.
It appears that Drogba will enjoy many more successful seasons in the Premier League, and will likely be higher up lists like this by the time he retires. Born as Jerrel Hasselbaink inthe man known as Jimmy Floyd would go on to become one the all time top scorer epl Premier League goal scorers.
Whether it be the manner he scored goals, or his ebullient personality, subtlety has never been Hasselbaink's way. Hasselbaink is renowned for jackhammer strikes that break the net, usually all time top scorer epl by wild celebrations. He scored 16 EPL goals in his first season at Leeds, and followed that up with 18 goals the following year when he won the Golden Boot Award. Hasselbaink netted 23 goals in both of his first two seasons at Stamford Bridge, by the time he left to join Middlesbrough inHasselbaink had scored 70 EPL goals for Chelsea and became a cult hero with the fans.
The feeling was mutual and was demonstrated and the end of his Premier League career when he scored for Charlton Athletic in a game at Chelsea, and rather than celebrate, he held up his hands in a ttime gesture to the Chelsea fans.
Before joining Charlton, Hasselbaink scored 23 goals in two seasons at Middlesbrough, and played his part in what was one of the most successful spells in Boro history. The lasting memory of Hasselbaink with many fans is his shooting power and that is demonstrated by the video, when he smacked home one of tkp more well hit free kicks of all-time.
Robbie Fowler was a boyhood Everton fan, who would go on to become a legend in the red half of Merseyside. Fowler joined Liverpool as a 10 year old, and turned professional on his 17th birthday. Fowler's success at Liverpool was nothing short of spectacular, he scored EPL goals for the Reds and honed a reputation as one of the best natural finishers in the English game.
Fowler had an infectious enthusiasm that made him a cult hero with fans, he also showed a sense of honesty that is less common in today's game. Fowler subsequently missed the penalty, but the sense of fair play was somewhat ruined when Jason McAteer slammed home the rebound and celebrated in delirious fashion. Fowler's success led to increased tkp attention and that is something he did not always deal with well. He headed a group known as 'The Spice Boys' that were branded as players who focused on the nightlife as much as the hard work involved in professional football.
The forward all time top scorer epl to Liverpool fans as "God" left the club inand played at Leeds United and Manchester City without quite hitting the heights of his Anfield brilliance. Fowler returned to Liverpool in and tim eight goals sckrer two seasons before leaving again. Fowler ended his Premier League career at Blackburn Rovers, where he failed to find the e;l. While his career burned out and many negative all time top scorer epl surround Fowler, his first spell at Anfield cemented him in history as one of the all-time great Premier League goal scorers.
Most Goals In A Premier League Season
Michael Owen all time top scorer epl another boyhood Everton fan who would go on to earn legendary status at bitter rivals Liverpool. Owen would spend seven more seasons and record over double figures in goal in each one.
Like Fowler before him, Owen would struggle to match the heights he reached while playing all time top scorer epl Liverpool. He scored 26 EPL goals in four seasons for the Toon Army, and has scored four goals in two seasons so far in his current spell at Manchester United.
Owen made his living in his early career as a lightning-quick forward who was a constant threat to be released in behind the defense. Full article speed is not there as much nowadays, but he still has the finishing touch that could see him add a few more EPL goals before his Old Trafford days are over. Ryan Giggs. Frank Lampard. David James. James Milner Liverpool. Gary Speed. Emile Heskey. Mark Schwarzer. Jamie Carragher.
Mohamed Salah- 32 Goals, Liverpool Advertisement. Give feedback. Who holds the Premier League record for scoring most goals as a substitute? Top 5 Premier League players with most assists in a single season.
Johnny Nicholls. All time top scorer epl Glazzard. Huddersfield Town. Charlie Wayman. Preston North End. Jorge Robledo. Stan Mortensen. Blackpool FC. Dickie Davis. Willie Moir. Ronnie Rooke. Dennis Westcott. Wolverhampton Wanderers.
Tommy Lawton. Freddie Steele. Raich Carter. Pat Glover. Grimsby Town. Bobby Gurney. Ted Drake. Jack Bowers. Derby County. Dixie Dean.
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Walking the Old Paths (And Charting the New)
Ideas on the new subclasses, how each class reacts to it, what they mean, all that jazz.
 “The Light, you shape it, you tool it, that’s what a Hunter does y’know? Everything is about efficiency and necessity when you’re out in the wilds, and nobody knows that better than a Hunter.”
There was a time before the Dancers. Before Arc was remade to become a blade so sharp it hurt to touch, it was crutch to lean on. They say the Arc Light is Life, you know? Every living thing has a spark or two of Arc in it, even the Planets. And yes, the Planet lives you idiot, don’t question it. You’re still wet around the ears, stop asking questions and just listen, ok? Look, back in the old days, when we were all Risen and the Iron Lords were the only thing keeping people from slitting each other’s throats, we weren’t assassins. Traveler knows we had enough killers roaming wide, and subtlety wasn’t an art anyone but the Nightstalkers had any idea of. Naw see, back in the day we used to pull up these great big staffs, cross the field in a second and show the Fallen and their gimpy little spears what close quarters really meant. We would get refugees to towns with just the Arc light alone, just our staffs and that tingly pretty blue Light keeping the darkness at bay. And when the City was starting to come together? Take a hot guess who it was who brought in all them people. Cus it sure as shit wasn’t the Titans, they couldn’t move fast enough to get to the poor sops who were so far out into the Dead Zones they hadn’t seen anything but hostiles in generations. Warlocks were too busy trying to build every Golden Age defensive precaution back into action so we weren’t all killed before the Walls were built. So it came down to the Hunters. The Nightstalkers, especially Takanome and her Rangers, they would scout miles ahead and mark the safe paths with these flowers and tether anything that looked at ‘em funny. Gunslingers would walk in, talk the talk, get as many willing people on board as possible. When it was time to dust off and leave, the Arcstriders would pick up their staffs and lead the way. I remember one guy, he took one swing with his Arcstaff and sent 10 Fallen flying. Kid he saved held onto his cloak the entire way home. Imagine that huh? A kid clinging to an Arc Hunter. Yeah, those were some days, Greenhorn. After that though, wasn’t much need for the wandering protectors. There weren’t any crazy mass exoduses like that for centuries until… well, you know. Bladedancers came about right around then. Gunslingers and Nightstalkers have always walked the same path, probably always will. But Arcstriders were protectors of the travelers too weak and too tired to protect themselves. No more travelers, no more Arcstriders. The Dancers came in, and Arc Hunters get the big ol’ scary assassin title slapped on ‘em. Slip into the shadows, reappear halfway across the room with a knife full of arc and boom everyone’s dead and Zavala is calling it a wrap. Those were the Dancers. They knew all the dirty tricks that came with wet work. They could Blink better than half the Warlocks in the Tower, hide as well as any Nightstalker, and their knives made Strikers think twice in the Crucible. Different style for a different time, you know? But now the Red Legion is here making a fuss and you know…. I haven’t seen a Dancer since Ghaul reared his ugly mug. All them Arcstriders came right back, like they never left. Changing times, kid. Just remember, whatever you pull out of the light when you finally do figure it out, you’re a Hunter. Whether you fill a crowd with Solar bullets or tie em down with Void, or hell, if you’re full of Arc and pull our staff, just remember: it isn’t the stupid glowing ball in the sky you’re fighting for. You’re protecting all those people behind the Wall, and that is why we’re here. Don’t let the wilds make you forget that, Greenhorn.
 “Complacency is every strategist’s worst nightmare. You get lazy, you get stupid, and soon your impeccable strategy is crumbling to bits and the rug has been pulled out right underneath you.”
You understand why we have the Shield now, right? A lot of it has to do with the Firebreak Order. They had a single rule, the Firebreak Calculus. It asked, how much good would I do if I find the right place to fight and die? I’m sure you can see where this is going. It optimizes the efficiency of a Guardian, of a Titan, up until their dying breath. They were fearsome for it, moreso than any of the rest of us could ever hope to be. Even the Pilgrim Guard, with all their fire and fury for those outside the walls could not hold a candle to the Firebreak Order. It was why we failed so spectacularly when the Red Legion swept through our City, and it is why we carry a Shield now and forever. We thought ourselves safe in the City, on top of our walls with all our guns and a host of battle-tested Guardians who had held off so many invasions for centuries. If six of us could slay the Taken King in his own throne room, what could an army bring? Hubris. There is no other name for it. We fell to our own arrogance. Zavala himself sought to stand his ground and he faltered. Ask yourself this: why? Very few times have the Defenders ever let their dome of Light, the ever-present Ward of Dawn, fall. So how could it now? The very symbol and definition of a Guardian’s protection simply fell to pieces on that bloody day, and now we carry shields. The Defender Titans failed, we failed because we stood our ground instead of taking a step forward. We thought ourselves brave for standing upright against the Darkness, but we never once dared for a foothold beyond where we stood. Every single Titan Order failed and died that day because none of them did what the Firebreak Order truly dared to do: step forward and fight for what was ours. We had grown comfortable in our small corner of Earth. The Ward of Dawn, the Defender, never thought to step forward. The Sentinel does. We raise our shields and we step forward and we fight Guardian, we will fight till our dying ragged breath and then we will come back and fight some more. Sol is our home, and never again shall we make the mistake of simply watching our invaders step all over it. The only path to victory is to continue onward and refuse complacency at every turn. Learn this lesson well, Guardian. We all took the hard fall for failing to do so, and I pray you never see it repeat.
 “We told ourselves the Light wasn’t a tool, it wasn’t a weapon, it was a force unlike any other. Pure, unadulterated energy in its rawest and most primal form. We sought to be a conduit.”
There is no Guardian prouder than we Warlocks, and not without reason. Within our number hold some of the strongest Guardians to ever brave the Second Death, and of all the orders, only Warlocks thought to use Light as light and not as a tool. Hunters make bows and pistols and blades, they craft Light. Fitting, for a Hunter scavenges what he can get from the Wilds and never wastes what he finds. Titans create a point, a focus for their Light. They form a fist, a Shield, a Hammer, all with their indomitable will. A Titan makes her light a weapon and stands stronger for it, for she is never unarmed and never unprepared. Hunters are the blades that carve Light into a shape of their choosing, and Titans are the spear-tip that makes Light a weapon to defend any and all. Fearsome and cunning warriors both make, but they fundamentally fail to know the Light like we Warlocks do. We do not force or shape the Light, we become one with the Light. We are the conduits through which the Light flows, and from our fingertips we wield power like no other. Stormcallers were forces of nature, the epicenter of a storm without end. Voidwalkers saw beyond the veil, they walked with death and shadows and called both friend. And once, Sunsingers, did what no other could: they defied the Second Death. Even without a Ghost, a true Sunsinger could use the Solar light to form themselves from nothing and burn like the phoenix of old. We thought ourselves mages and scholars without equal, we fancied ourselves as dragons, especially after we faced true dragons that whispered deals and whose bones gave us strength. Knowledge and understanding was our gain, our true purpose, and Osiris and Toland both would agree wholeheartedly. We drank of strength and Light till we forgot who we were, and when Ghaul came we crashed back to earth and broke ourselves on the ground we thought ourselves too mighty to touch. And would you like to know how we recovered, young Guardian? We ­changed. Our songs of the sun turned to screams of vengeance, and we lit our blood on fire just to rise again. No Sunsinger will ever rise again, not in this life or the next. The Dawnblade has replaced that particular fantasy, and with good reason. A conduit cannot tear burning vengeance into he who stripped us of our home and friends. We thank him, for reminding us of our humanity. Our gift back to Ghaul was a blade of sun-fire buried deep in his chest, and a vow to never lose ourselves in the stars again. Our folly was pride, our lesson was loss, and our strength is bound in a blade of Light we would have once scorned. We learned the lesson that Titans and Hunters had already so long ago figured out: that Light is ours to use and wield to protect that which we love. The how matters very little when all the chips are down, only that you succeed. Of course, it helps that Hunters are jealous we can fly and don’t have to pull our sword from the hands of a dead Captain, but you didn’t hear that from me.
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thisdaynews · 4 years
BREAKING:Osimhen rushed to hospital
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/breakingosimhen-rushed-to-hospital/
BREAKING:Osimhen rushed to hospital
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Napoli risk man, Victor Osimhen was hurried to the medical clinic following an impact with an adversary in their 4-2 misfortune to Atalanta the previous evening.
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The striker, who as of late recuperated from a shoulder injury and COVID-19, is accepted to have endured a genuine injury.
However, subtleties of player’s ailment is as yet questionable yet doctors endeavored to balance out him before he was stretchered off for game to continue.
The instructing staff drove by Gennaro Gattuso and his colleagues anyway were looking stressed which means that serious occurrence.
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SportingSun a week ago announced that the Napoli’s record obtaining at €70 million denoted a-multi day without scoring an objective for the Serie A side.
The forward’s last objective for Napoli, as indicated by check, was his solitary strike in their one nil prevail upon Bologna on November 8, 2020.
With 40 focuses from 22 games, Napoli right now seventh on the log, following the association chiefs Inter Milan by 13 in the Serie A.
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tonystarktogo · 7 years
I saw the Brock and Tony prompt request and I'm all for rare pairs! Non Powered AU where Tony is oblivious to Brock being a 'bad guy' (monster, serial killer, assassin you pick) But Brock is this really scary guy but he's super sweet on Tony and protective of him. Pretty Please :))
A little darker than the last one. Enjoy :) Also tagging @darkly-stark and @susieeslei for obvious reasons.
Brock stares at the name the HYDRA has given him. Keeps his face expressionless. Ignores his pounding heart. Burns the name.
The HYDRA does what no computerised algorithm ever could. The HYDRA gives them names. Names of variables. Names of inaccuracies. Names of problems.
It is the strikers’ mission to eliminate the problems.
Brock Rumlow joins the strikers straight out of high school. Because he believes in the cause.
“Do you mind if I sit here?” The kid peers down at Brock over his monstrous sunglasses. “You look lonely.”
Brock shrugs. Eyes never leaving the blonde two tables down.
“Her name is Alicia,” the kid rambles. Sits down. Chair scratching over the ground. “She’s about to break up with her boyfriend, thank god. I can introduce you if you want?”
“I know the name,” Brock mutters. Freezes because he did not mean to say that.
The kid just grins. “’Course you do. Look, not like I know much about girls or anything, but I think they prefer guys who talk to them. Instead of, you know, stalking them to their favourite coffee shop every day and staring at them for two hours straight.”
Brock turns around, finally really looks at the kid. It’s an attentive one. And not as young as he first thought.
“Is that so?” He humours the kid. Tries to calculate whether it has seen too much, has become a problem. Comes to a decision. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
Brock stands up.
“My name is Tony!” the kid yells after him. No subtlety whatsoever. Would make for a terrible striker.
The name dies two days later.
“Was there a problem?” his commander asks.
A faint memory of shades in the most atrocious shade of green flash through Brock’s mind. His face remains blank.
“Just a name,” he replies without inflection. As always.
The commander smirks. Clears him for another name.
“Alicia doesn’t work here anymore,” are the words that greet Brock when he takes a seat at his usual, currently occupied table.
He bites back the I know just in time.
“I don’t like girls,” he says instead.
“Oh.” The kid mulls over that for a moment, like he’s been handed the most interesting puzzle piece. “I didn’t know that.” He sounds surprised.
Brock raises his eyebrows. “You don’t know me,” he points out.
The kid shrugs. “I’m good at knowing.”
His sunglasses are orange today. Brock likes them even less than the green ones.
“What are you doing?”
There are sheets of paper covering every inch of their table. Tony doesn’t even look up, keeps scribbling away in tiny letters that hurt Brock’s head just to look at. A distracted hum is his only answer.
It’s frustrating. Brock doesn’t even know why he keeps coming back. That part is frustrating too.
Bored Brock takes a closer look at the notes. Finds himself drawn in almost against his will.
“Is that… a program?”
Brock has never cared much about computer languages. But he’s been a part of the HYDRA for years, and he understands more than he thinks he’s supposed to.
“Yeah.” A quick, bright smile, a gulp of coffee.
“It’s good.” Brock says, and means it. It’s a strange feeling.
Tony’s smile brightens.
His shades are a light pink today.
The new name is five years old.
Brock wonders what HYDRA sees in him that he doesn’t.
Tony’s mind is a marvel, Brock learns. It’s brilliant, and calculating, and ruthlessly logical, and so reminiscent of the HYDRA sometimes, it sends a shudder of–something down his back.
“It’s just an algorithm,” Tony says and breathes life into numbers and codes.
“This is incredible,” Brock comments, not sure what he’s even looking at, but more than sure of that.
Tony blushes. The colour goes nicely with his red sunglasses.
Tony’s mind is a marvel, Brock knows. It’s so much like the HYDRA, too much like the HYDRA. It’s also unlike the HYDRA in all the ways that matter. And Brock knows.
He doesn’t understand yet, not right away. But he knows Tony is brilliant. Knows Tony likes covering half his face with the most ridiculous sunglasses. Knows Tony smiles like it’s the simplest thing in the world.
Brock watches Tony bring miracles to life on paper, humanise machines in ways he hadn’t believed possible, and he doesn’t wonder. Doesn’t contemplate what the HYDRA might see when it looks at Tony.
Because he knows.
Brock is seventeen when he draws the third name. Only it doesn’t make any sense. It can’t make sense. It has to be wrong. 
The HYDRA is never wrong, his training tells him, but this time. This time, it has to be. 
He stares down at the name the HYDRA has given him. Keeps his face expressionless. Ignores his pounding heart. Nods at his commander. Leaves, with slow, steady steps.
Burns the name. 
Kills a young businessman later that night. An innocent one. Instead of the real name. Because it’s not possible.
Brock is seventeen and he believes in the HYDRA. But everyone can make mistakes. Even the HYDRA.
Brock is twenty-three and he doesn’t know every striker. But he knows this one. When Tony leaves, and the striker moves to follow, so does Brock.
Motions for the man to wait up.
“What are you doing here?” the striker asks, confused. There is no such thing as teamwork in the service of the HYDRA. “Is this a test or something?”
The striker is young, inexperienced. He doesn’t stand a chance.
Brock doesn’t hesitate.
After all, he has always known. He hasn’t understood for the longest time, but he’s always known.
The next day, Brock buys Tony a pair of sky blue sunglasses. Tells Tony there can never be too much person in a program, when Tony hesitates to name his new AI ‘JARVIS’ because it might be too sentimental. Wonders about the future he sees glittering and glowing and ever-changing in Tony’s smile. About the changes he knows their presence will bring. 
Because when he was seventeen, the name of the third problem he got read Brock Rumlow.
And the HYDRA doesn’t make mistakes.
This was just a really quick idea, I’m not certain it even made any sense. I pretty much made everything up as I wrote it haha. So if you have any questions about this AU please ask away! And as usual, tell me what you think please? *puppy eyes*
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