#strawhat group chat
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Luffy’s the outgoing on the chat
Also Nami’s dms with Vivi:
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latinasforace · 3 months
Hidden feelings
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A/N: Hihi! First mini(?) series about cute kdrama romantic school au for luffy bc i love him and i’ve been bringing dramas lately. :P enjoy!! Also i wrote this through hs and i’m barely now uploading it bc.. why not. So bare with me with the writing and updating T_T it’s not yet completed.
Pairing: Luffy x Fem reader.
Warnings: mid writing (first work published …) & cursing.
Word Count: 2.4k.
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Chapter 1: Yearning
The sun shone brightly over Grand Line High School, signaling the start of another typical school day. Students filled the hallways, chatting excitedly about their weekend plans. Among the crowd, you walked quietly, blending into the background as you always did.
It was start of your lunch period and you were making your way to the cafeteria, hoping to find your lunch table mates. It was your first year here at Grand Line and even after 3 months into the school year, you had yet to make stable friends. Sure, you had your lunch table mates who were welcoming and kind enough to let you sit with them and avoid sitting alone at lunch. Even so, they didn’t really make an effort to talk to you outside of class.
Lost in your own thoughts, you failed to notice Tashigi approaching you in the hall.
“Hey Y/N. You’re heading to lunch?” Tashigi’s voice cut through the hallway noise, her glasses slightly askew and her bright smile, walking alongside you.
You nodded and offered a small smile in return. “Yeah I am.”
As you walked down the bustling hallways, Tashigi chatted animatedly about history class, her words flowing in a stream of excitement. You listened attentively, nodding and offering a few soft responses here and there. Preferring to observe and listen rather than dominating conversations, you find comfort in the background.
“You know, I think I finally understand that chapter about the Void Century,” Tashigi said, adjusting her glasses. “I mean, Professor Clover explains it well, but it’s so much to take in!”
You smiled slightly, appreciating Tashigi’s enthusiasm. “Yeah, it’s a lot of information. You did well on the last quiz, though.”
Tashigi’s face lit up with pride. “Thanks! I’ve been studying hard. What about you? How do you feel about it?”
“It’s interesting,” Y/N replied softly. “So much mystery. Makes you wonder what really happened.”
You both approached the cafeteria and told Tashigi that you would be lining up for the food offered at the cafeteria today. “Ah okay. I heard from Vivi that they’ll be serving sandwiches. Go now so the line doesn’t get too long.” Tashigi said and motioned to go sit at your lunch table, who you saw Vivi, Cody and Shirahosi already settled in.
You hummed and made your way to the kitchen line. The noise level had increased from the halls to the cafeteria has increased. The air filled with the chatter and laugher of students. Nearing the line, you noticed a familiar group of students already lined up. It was the Strawhat Club.
A group of chaotic and energetic filled students, whom you had no idea what their club was even focused but they seemed to always stick with each other and cause chaos here and there. You were however, kinda familiar with their leader. Luffy.
You observed and saw Luffy at the front of the line, animatedly talking with Usopp and Nami. Luffy’s laugher was infectious, his energy seemingly boundless. He was effortlessly charming, always drawing people to him like a magnet. Very known throughout the school, mostly from causing lots of trouble and bothering a couple of teachers.
As you inched forward the line, you couldn’t help but feel a pang of longing seeing Luffy so vibrant and happy. Your mind drifted back to the moment you first fell for him—a memory you cherished secretly.
It was a rainy afternoon a few months ago, and you were struggling to carry a stack of heavy boxes filled with supplies for art class. You managed to get them halfway down the hall when you tripped, the boxes teetering precariously. You just laid there, fighting the urge to cry. You were already having the most saddest and shittiest day recently and you couldn’t even muster the courage to get up and pick the loaded boxes.
“Need a hand?” a cheerful voice called out from afar.
You heard and quickly composed yourself, looking up to see one of you the students here, Luffy, wearing his signature cap turned back and a bright grin on his face. Without waiting for your response, he grabbed the boxes from the floor and steadied the rest with ease.
“Thanks,” You mumbled, feeling your cheeks warm.
“No problem! These look heavy,” Luffy said, effortlessly lifting the boxes as if they weighed nothing. He carried them to the art room, setting them down with a satisfied sigh. “There you go!”
You smiled shyly. “Thank you. That was really kind of you.”
Luffy grinned and waved it off. “Anytime! See you around.”
With that, he was off, joining his friends down the other hall. For Luffy, it was just a brief, friendly interaction, one of many in his day.
But for you, it was a moment that changed everything. His genuine kindness and the way he acknowledged your existence left a lasting impression, especially with some past events that had left your heart feeling heavy. From that day forward though, you found yourself intrigued and looking forward to getting glimpses of him in the hallways and during lunch breaks.
You became familiar with his friend group as well, observing and learning some of his friend’s name and attitudes. Which is why it didn’t surprise you that the reason why the line was sightly being held up was due to a certain moss headed individual and one of the kitchen’s student chief volunteers as well as Luffy’s friend, Sanji. Their bickering over the food options had amused you, forming a little smile your face but, was really holding up the line now.
You were startled by the loud yelling behind you.
“HURRY UP AND GET YOUR SHIT!” A certain red headed dude exclaimed. Eustass Kid. You were acquaintance with him before through a past… somebody. He had always scared you, not just with his big tall built, which suited his position in the wrestling team but with his loud angering attitude.
The arguing between the 2 from before had stopped and the group ahead served their lunches and moved out the line. Finally, it was your turn to get her lunch. Kid’s yelling from before had tensed you up so you quickly picked up a tray and moved toward the sandwich station, where Sanji was serving as a lunch volunteer. His blond hair fell elegantly over one eye, and he wore a charming smile that surely made the girls in line blush.
“Well, well, if it isn’t a lovely lady.” Sanji said with a playful wink. “What can I get for you today, beautiful? We’ve got ham and cheese, turkey, or a classic BLT.”
You felt her cheeks heat up under his gaze, used to having someone flirt at you even if you knew he’s known to do that with every girl near him. Still you managed to keep your composure. “I’ll have a turkey sandwich, please.”
“Excellent choice,” Sanji said, swiftly preparing the sandwich with a flourish. “Anything for you, my dear. How about some extra lettuce and tomatoes? Just for you.”
“Anything is fine.” you softly replied.
Sanji finished the sandwich and handed it to you with a dramatic bow. “Here you go. Made with extra care.”
“Thank you,” you gestured your tray up.
“Anytime, mademoiselle,” Sanji replied, his eyes twinkling.
With your tray in hand, you looked around for your lunch table again. The cafeteria was crowded, but seeing one of your lunch table mates fall figure, Shirahoshi, made it easier to spot your table. You made your way over, setting your tray down and taking a seat.
“Hi Y/N!” Your lunch table greeted.
Unpacked lunch boxes and books loaded with worksheets filled most of the table.
Shirahoshi sent you a cheerful smile and offered one of her yogurts to you. You smiled and kindly declined.
Observing the rest of your friends. Vivi was writing her little heart away in what you assumed was an essay prompt worksheet and Koby with Tashigi, quizzing each other using one of those heavy thick books loaded up with Marine corps information.
All of them wearing their signature student council vests. Sitting with them made you stick out like a thumb, since you didn’t have the beige colored uniform they were awarded with for being part of Student Council.
You continued eating your lunch quietly, every once in a while contributing to the conversations in the table but even so, still reserved and isolated. While you greatly appreciated them, you didn’t really feel connected with your friends. All of them were really close with one another due to the club they're all in, leaving you left out from many conversafions and activities they do.
You didn’t mind it though. They really influenced you to maintain your outstanding grades and care for your future after graduation. You were also very use to the solitude and isolation, both during in and outside of school. You had to admit though, it sucked missing out on many accompanied experiences and you missed having solid friends.
Lunch period went on and you remained quiet and reserved. Your vision drifting the table where Luffy and his friends sit at. You observed them and noticed their perfect dynamic. Luffy being the heart of the group. Teasing and bickering with one another, their affection unmistakable.
You longed to be part of something like that—a close-knit group of friends who accepted each other unconditionally, flaws and all. The groups table was a whirlwind of chaos and joy, a vivid contrast to your own quiet, isolated tiny space. Even with the yearning to be part of them, be part of Luffy’s bubble, you deemed you were not fit for such group. Your quiet and unnoticed character didn’t blend in with theirs.
That was okay. You found solace in your own quiet company, observing the world around you and cherishing the small, unnoticed moments.
The rest of the school day flew by in a blur for you. After lunch, you kept to herself, moving from one class to another, focusing entirely on your studies. Taking detailed notes and completing your assignments with care. Interactions with your classmates were minimal, your reserved nature making her almost invisible in the bustling environment of Grand Line High School.
As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, you packed up your things and made your way to the locker hall. The hallways, usually bustling with students, were quieter than usual today due to a late dismissal. You had to quickly for a favor of turning in papers to the office from your chemistry teacher, Caesar Clown. Seriously whose name is clown…
Most students had already left, leaving the school eerily calm.
You closed her locker and turned to leave, only to bump into a familiar figure. Your books and papers scattered across the floor, and you found herself face-to-face with Luffy, his wide grin and bright eyes catching you off guard.
"Hey, Y/N, right?" he said, his voice cheerful and energetic.
Startled, you blinked in surprise. "Uh, hi, Luffy," you replied softly, your voice barely audible in the nearly empty hallway. Quickly kneeling to pick up your scattered belongings, feeling your cheeks warm slightly with embarrassment.
Luffy immediately crouched down to help, his grin never wavering. "You hang out with Vivi sometimes, don’t you? I think I’ve seen you with her.
"Yeah, we sit together at lunch," You said, fumbling to gather your things. You weren’t used to being the center of attention, especially not from someone as popular as Luffy.
As you both stood up, your hands brushed briefly, causing you to pull yours back quickly. Luffy didn’t seem to notice, his attention already shifting to the empty hallway. "Cool," he said, nodding. He then glanced around, a look of slight concern crossing his face. "Hey, have you seen a yellow with red cap around here? I think I might've dropped it."
You heart skipped a beat. You shook her head. "No, I haven’t seen it today," your voice soft. "But I can help you look for it if you want."
Luffy’s face lit up with his characteristic grin. "Really? Thanks! I was just heading this way, so maybe it fell somewhere nearby."
Together, you started retracing his steps. You tried to focus on looking for the hat, but you just couldn’t help but steal glances at Luffy. His carefree nature and the way he treated everyone so kindly made your heart flutter.
As you both moved through the quiet hallway and out to the courtyard, Luffy chatted easily about his day, sharing funny anecdotes and laughing. You listened, smiling at his stories, feeling more at ease with every step.
After a few minutes, Luffy sighed, scratching his head. "Guess it’s really gone, huh? I’ll have to look for it again tomorrow."
You nodded, feeling a mix of guilt and anticipation. "Yeah, maybe it will turn up."
Luffy looked at you with genuine appreciation. "You’re really nice, Y/N. We should hang out more often."
You felt your warm warm at his words, and you nodded shyly. "Yeah, maybe."
As they parted ways, You felt a warmth in her chest. Your interaction had been brief, but it left you with a feeling of hope and excitement. For Luffy, it was just a simple request for help, another moment in his busy day. But for you, it was something more—a fleeting connection that made you feel seen and acknowledged.
As you walked home, you took a different route through the school courtyard to get home and to your bus stop faster.
It was there, under a bench, that you spotted a crumpled, dirty yellow striped with red hat. Your heart raced as you picked it up, recognizing it immediately as Luffy’s. The brim was torn, and it looked like it had been stepped on.
Without a second thought, you decided to take it home. Once at home, you cleaned the hat, mended the tear, and restored it as best you could. As you worked, you thought about how surprised Luffy would be when you returned it to him the next day.
You will finally have a reason to approach him again, and with any luck, it could be the beginning of something new. You hoped, but mostly for courage and confident to even approach Luffy.
For now, you felt a tiny spark of hope. Maybe, just maybe, you weren’t as invisible as you thought. And maybe there was a chance for you to find a place among the chaos and camaraderie that is Luffy’s bubble.
To be continued…
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a/n: yay! first ever work. sorry if it’s boring rn i just like story building n small details. luffy soon. new chap soon. as well.
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french-unknown · 1 year
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: luffy, zoro, nami, usopp, sanji, robin 𝐂/𝐖: hurt/comfort 𝐖/𝐂: 950 +
| m a s t e r l i s t | - | p t . 2 |
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You're insecure because, unlike him who's passionate about his dream of becoming the King of Pirates, you don't have a big dream to fulfill.
You joined the crew because you wanted to leave a family in which you were unhappy and where your destiny was already mapped out until your death. Once you found a new family thanks to the Straw Hat crew, you decided to set sail on their ship to stay with them. You were happy with your daily routine as well as the adventures you were having, and that was enough for you. During the trip, you took the opportunity to start a book on life at sea as well as on the lifestyles of the inhabitants of the islands you had visited. However, it was more of a hobby than a real passion or a dream. So when you see Luffy giving all he got for his dream, you're afraid he'll think you're less interesting for not having a goal you care about so much.
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Zoro is a calm and silent man, especially since your reunion on the Sabaody Archipelago, so you're sometimes afraid that he'll get tired of your bubbly and very talkative personality. You were worried that he would wake up one day from one of his many naps and leave you because you required too much attention and time.
You have always been an outgoing person who liked to chat with people and be aware of the latest gossip. It had always been an advantage when you were alone in a new place or in new social groups. Yet when you were with Zoro, you sometimes found yourself wishing you could shut up. Indeed, where you spent hours telling the swordsman whatever goes through your mind under his attentive - though rather neutral - gaze, you found yourself regretting having talked so much afterward. You wondered if you had annoyed him and if he wouldn't prefer a less noisy person.
| he comforts you about your insecurity |
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After spending so much time with her on your adventures, if there's one thing you've learned about her, it's that she's very popular. She is beautiful, intelligent and you have no doubt that if she left you, she would have no trouble finding someone new given the list of suitors.
You've never been an extremely rich or extremely important person with rock-solid self-confidence so you didn't really see what made Nami choose you over all the people at her feet. It was a stroke of luck. She is also not very expressive about the reasons for her choice because she never clearly expressed what she liked about you. The dynamic of your relationship is mostly a teasing game on her part to which you gladly answer as long as she continues. But it sometimes makes you wonder when she'll let you down to find a better partner.
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With Usopp, what scares you the most is your fear of rejection because since he's also someone who is insecure, you are afraid that you will both leave the relationship if something goes wrong because of your insecurities on both sides.
Usopp is a fearful person, and while he's willing to overcome some of his fears for his friends, his inferiority complex has caused him to quit the Strawhat Pirates once. On your side, you are also terrified of being rejected in general, so you often prefer to stay in your comfort zone. The fact that you have that in common means that you often understand each other and it is also what brought you closer to each other in the first place. However, you can't help but tell yourself that, if there is the slightest problem, he will prefer to abandon your relationship because of the fear of not being enough. And you might not be strong enough to get him back either.
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The man is a womanizer who, unfortunately, can't help but rave about every woman who crosses his path. It's stronger than him, he becomes unrecognizable in the presence of a woman.
So even though you know he loves you dearly, you can't help but feel insecure about women. Maybe if, in your own way, you were as beautiful as Nami or as smart as Robin, he wouldn't leave your side to court them. Yet, even though you realize that's not the right way to think about it and that he mostly admires them for their gender qualities as a "gentleman", you still feel that empty feeling when you see him going to swoon over every woman he sees. Each time, the only thought that crosses your mind is that, if you were attractive enough, he wouldn't let you down for strangers.
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Robin is very intelligent: she reads a lot, she can decrypts the poneglyphs, she is interested in many fields etc... However, you are very far from being the most intelligent person in Grand Line and you often wonder if you don't make her bored.
You love to listen to her speak about what she reads and you could drink her words for hours when she talks to you about subjects that fascinate her like archeology or the mysteries of history. You are captivated every time she says something to you, even if you don't always understand everything she tells you. You also follow her with great happiness each time she asks you to accompany her to discover the city - and its bookstore - as soon as you arrive on a new island. Sadly, the fact that you're not as smart as her often makes you ask yourself if she's bored with you or just missing out on being able to argue with someone rather than just relate.
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foxydivaxx · 4 months
One Piece Actor AU
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- Luffy always gets nominated for Best Actor every award show whilst Zoro gets Best Supporting Actor noms. There were a few times Sanji gets the Best Supporting Actor honour instead
- Nami is nominated for Best Actress and Robin is always Best Supporting Actress. Vivi got Best Supporting Actress nom once
- Zoro and Sanji are always the best dressed couple every single award show
- Zoro has the most awards to his credit thanks to starting off as a child actor followed by Sanji thanks to his music career
- Nami got pregnant around season 4. Everyone was protective of her
- Robin and Franky are a couple in real life just like their characters
- Usopp and Kaya married in real life
- Chopper always goes to the others for advice
- Sanji is responsible for all the group get together a
- One Piece has won Best TV Show the most of any show. The only shows that rival it are Code Geass, Death Note, Naruto, Bleach, Attack on Titan and Jujutsu Kaisen
- Zoro finally got a lifetime achievement award at the Animex Awards (in-universe version of Oscars). He was 25 years old at the time and he and Sanji had already gotten married. Sanji ironically was the one that gives him the award
- Sanji would get his a year later and Zoro would return the favour. Luffy gets his after Sanji and the Strawhats all give him his award
- Everyone has a group chat where they all share their outfits for every single event or award show they go to
- Buggy is the director for One Piece and almost always wins Best Director every year
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zorosleftmantit101 · 1 year
One Piece characters, as shit I've sent to my group chat.
Characters: strawhats + law kid and killer
C/W: swearing, I have zero shame
A/N: my stomach is sore RAA 🇺🇸🦅
Luffy: Guys, I'm gonna kms, I just dropped my slushie.
Zoro: I never apologise I'm always right. Zoro: I am Batman  
Franky: Kinda gay ngl Franky: would burn
Sanji: I have something very important to say Nami: Kill yourself
Talking about Halloween costumes
Franky: like a sexy cowgirl Nami: If you're coming to my house, absolutely not Franky: Slut Franky: Fine Franky: I'll be grandma Nami: my grandma usually comes and sits outside the house Franky: I will distract her with my cowgirl moves Franky: Yeehaa Nami: KYS Franky: hear me out Franky: Cowgirl with nipples out. *Franky has been removed from the GC*
Robin: I'm going to #hell
Luffy: I sent a vid shitting Robin: god Nami: TO LAW? Luffy: maybe...
Franky: girls cant shit Franky: ideot Franky Your crazy
Killer: I'm so sorry Kid: I'm not Kid: I have no regrets
Usopp: OR I WILL FISH IT OUT YOUR INTESTINES FROM YOUR URETHRA Nami: should probably not go anywhere near my uti riddled pussy rn
Sanji: are you a duck because I wanna check inside your butt-quack Nami: again should probably not be around my nether regions unless you want pink eyes. Sanji: Is its bubble gum pink Nami: It's moss green
Law: Luffy can you please explain to me why I just watched a video of you shitting with very good sound quality Lufft: Ummm uh umm, the real question is, are you hard yet Law: I'm always hard
Luffy: I just ate like six churros I don't know what end but something is projecting out of somewhere.
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Hellooo! Im so happy you opened your request 😩Can i request something for platonic Yandere strawhats (zoro and luffy really) with a teen! Reader who acts snarky and bold but they’re scared of everything form a butterfly to a emperor of the sea so they refuse to join the crew?
On your peaceful and beautiful island you were currently wiping tables, life was a bit quiet and easy but you liked it that way..though you would never admit it of course. Taking your apron off and hanging it up you were just about to leave until you heard two of co workers walk past.
They seemed a bit frightened but very intrigued about what they were gossiping a lot and you couldn’t help but listen.
“Have you heard about the pirates who just docked on our island yesterday??…”
“Yea apparently their some favorite pirate group called ‘the strawhats..’ I heard their captain took out Kaido! He’s an emperor of the sea!”
Your eyes widen and you bit your lip. Kaido?..one of the strongest emperors of the sea?..you gulp and truth be told was frightened to death like you were with a lot of things..
Truth be told, you secretly hated anything that had to do with adventure and danger..but you couldn’t let anyone know that so it’s better to just put on a tough face..right?..
Taking a deep breath and gulp you quickly scoffed and put your hands on your hips, adding a snarky expression on your face as you pointed to the two girls who worked with you.
“Hey you two idiots! Stop chatting and take your shift already!! I wanna go home!”
The girls blinked and glared at you but said nothing and just walked past you, taking their shift so you could clock in. You sighed softly in relief as you got your belongings and left out the store, closing it and walking home.
Your thoughts were wondering about those straw hats..you definitely seen them on their wanted poster and the news paper, gulping with a sigh you quickly hurried to your house. Decided to just avoid them and try not run into them as best as you could. Leaving it at that you started to do your night routine and trying to let the thought settle out of your head.
But you couldn’t help but have feeling that wasn’t going to be the end of it..
The next day, you woke up and yawned heading out to the diner you worked at and started to do your job of course. Your back was turned when you heard what sounded like ten people entering. Quite rowdy and loud but you used to it since you’ve been working a long time.
Putting on your customer service smile and cheery voice you greeted them.
“Hello everyone welcome to Jax’s Steak house! What can I get for you today?-” when you opened you your house you couldn’t believe what you saw. There they were the straw hat pirates..
Your eyes widened as you gulped and tried not to hide your fear and surprise, it was painfully obvious though that you were started.
You noticed all ten of them staring intently at you..especially the boy in the straw hat and the one with green hair..
‘Brush it off..make it seem like you don’t care!!’ You shouted in your head and quickly put your smile back on your face. Smiling almost sweetly you took them to your table and tried to pretend you weren’t scared as hell.
“What kind of boos do you guys have here?..”
“Oh my lady you sure are beautiful..did you know that??”
Their loud behavior and attitudes were quite unusual for pirates..at least that’s what you thought..still keeping your distance you gave them the menu nonchalantly and went over to the counter to continue your work.
While you were wiping tables, sweeping and doing your regular duties you felt eyes on you..multiple of them..the Pirates eyes were practically all over you! You huffed a bit in annoyance but of course didn’t dare to to speak to them.
When they finally ordered their meal which was practically the whole menu, you wrote it all down and tried to leave them alone again but of course..you were stopped.
“Hey waitress lady! What’s your name?! I’m luffy and this is my crew!”
You blinked and gulped, why on earth would they want your name..?
Trying to act nonchalant and snarky you placed your hand on your hip and turned around. “What’s it to you?..oh whatever it’s Y/N..” you said softly but still keeping a straight face, ignoring how your heart was pounding inside of your chest.
You saw the green haired man smile and the boy know as ‘Luffy’ grin at you. The rest of them smiled and even chuckled at your behavior which has never really happened before..
“Cool name! That’s zoro and Nami!” He goes on to introduce his whole crew without even thinking about the fact that you’re a complete stranger. You didn’t really have choice and just listened to him while you did your work, even talking and engaging in the conversation.
Though you couldn’t get over how their eyes followed you, how the one named Robin always formed her gentle but somewhat devilish smile when you walked past or face her tea. How Sanji you presumed kept complimenting you non-stop and seemed to love staring at you.
Zoro would just simply stare at you and seemed to drink his sake faster just so you could pour him more. They all in fact enjoyed your snarky comments and jokes, even laughing at them while some even chimed in and gave some back. They all seemed so intrigued with you, ever since you walked in that door.
Too intrigued…
You were almost done with your shift but they were still there for some reason but you felt quite comfortable now so you didn’t really care that much.
Luffy was currently chewing on a hunk of meat he ordered and zoro was leaning back in his seat, both were staring at you intently as usual.
“So Y/N! You’re pretty nice and cool! Wanna join the crew?” He asked with a grin and a mouth full of meat, swallowing it down and taking another bite. Zoro just took another swing of his sake and stared at you expectedly, you blinked and as your eyes widened in surprise. Join their crew?..were they crazy?!
All the time they were here luffy kept going on and on about his adventures and how he saved numerous kingdoms by fighting incredibly strong foes. There was absolutely no WAY you would survive.
You snorted and placed a hand on your with a joking smile. “Join your crew? Yea right I wouldn’t be caught dead with you losers..” you joked as you turned your back to them and went put away all the cleaning supplies.
Luffy chuckled and zoro smirked they both thought you were joking..no they knew you were joking because there was no way you wouldn’t join.. “Shi shi shi! okay whatever! But really, join the crew it would be great to have aboard!!” Luffy said cheerfully and you sighed as you felt the whole crew turn to you. How we’re you going to tell them..?
You slowly shook your head and leaned against the counter. “Sorry guys..no can do..you guys are pretty cool..for pirates..but I have a life here and I just can’t abandon it..”you said while looking away with another sigh.
The crew went silent and saw zoro narrow his eyes and huff in annoyance. “Are you saying that or are you just scared?..you know we won’t let anything happen to you.” He said nonchalantly while crossing his arms. You raised an eyebrow and laughed, they didn’t seem to find anything funny though..
“Yea you wish..but really I just can’t come with you guys..sorry..” you said softly, suddenly you saw luffy stretch his arm towards you and wrap his hand around your wrist without saying anything. His eyes were covered by a dark shadow as the crew went silent still and looked down.
“Sorry Y/N..we weren’t asking..” he said cockily as he grabbed a drink in which you saw chopper put some type of pill in earlier.
Your eyes widened and you gulped, this wasn’t part of your peaceful life..you tried to pull away but to no surprise luffy was too strong and held on to you tighter as he then raised his hand up and forced the drink down your throat. A few minutes later you started to feel drowsy, the world seemed to spin around you as you clenched the table and looked up at them with confusion, fear, sadness and even a bit of anger.
You mumbled something incoherent and gulped. Without a word, Zoro lifted you up and swung you over his shoulder like you were nothing. Giving a few pats on the back he made sure to be gentle with holding you. If you didn’t cause a fuss that is…You heard Nami whisper “relax..we’ll take good care of you..promise..” in a soft voice as you stared into her dark chocolate brown eyes.
You closed your eyes and eventually lost conscious. The straw hats carrying you on their ship to set sail to a new island and on the seas and have many fun adventures on the way.
They didn’t really know why they took such interest in you…they just seemed to love your Bratty attitude…
I really hope you liked this one because I tried my best on it, also I know it’s a bit short but I honestly didn’t know what else to add😅
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hihi !!
can you do an Usopp X reader where reader is a much better liar than he is and it always sounds believable—and honestly sometimes it is the truth, so no one realizes until either Y/N tells them it was a lie or it’s too late and they’ve already fallen for it and USO’s just like “… AH—WAS THAT A LIE? YOU LITTLE!” but it’s cute? I dunno how but it’s all silly silly banter
bonus points if despite this, Y/N somehow always falls for Usopp’s lies even when they’re shitty asf 😭
Hey! This was such a great idea! I had a lot of fun writing it. I hope I did it justice for you! I tried to brainstorm and be original with it. Hope you enjoy reading! Summary: When a lying competition gets a little out of hand. Characters: Usopp, GN!Reader, Sanji, Zoro, Nami, and Luffy. Pairing: Usopp x GN!Reader TW: Nothing that I know of.
Liar, Liar
.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.
There is a week that the Strawhat crew officially calls the worst week in hell. Now, you might be thinking that something horrendously bad happened. Maybe there was a series of bad events during that week? Maybe they were stranded on an island for a week and couldn’t leave? Something bad. You would be wrong. Nothing horrible happened during that week… Unless you count a lying competition as something horrible.
It all started with the two resident liars on the crew, Usopp and (Y/N). To say that lying was their specialty would be putting it lightly. They were experts. If anyone could convince you of anything, it would be them. This was useful on multiple occasions, especially with their pirate lifestyle. It was an absolute hindrance when that ability was used against you.
One day, a conversation took place between the two. It was a day like any other day. It was another day out at sea. The crew was bored to death. It was a while before they would reach the next island and they had zero entertainment. They all did things to keep them occupied in the meantime. Zoro polished his swords, Sanji was cooking their lunch, Nami was studying the Grand Line map, and Luffy was sitting on the mast. This left the last two additions of the Strawhat Crew.
“You have a tell when you’re lying,” (Y/N) was on one of the crates on the deck of the ship. Their legs were crossed, and so were their arms. They were giving a stern look to Usopp.
Hearing this from them made the man make a face. This expression clearly said, ‘You’re lying.’ Usopp scoffed with a smile on his face, “No, I don’t. I’ve taught myself to remain perfectly normal,” He locked eyes with them, “If anyone has a tell, it’s you.”
That wasn’t true. They had zero tells whatsoever. They stared at him with a questioning look, “Oh, really? Then what is it?” They knew he wouldn’t be able to name anything. They were confident in their lying skills.
For a few moments, Usopp stumbled over his words, “Well, uh… You do the thing-” (Y/N) hummed, urging him to continue. All that came from him was jumbled-up words that didn’t make sense. It wasn’t long until (Y/N) started giggling. This was all it took to set Usopp off. He nodded to himself and leaned forward, “Okay. How about this… We have a lying competition,” Now (Y/N) was interested. “Whoever can make everyone believe the most outrageous lie wins.”
A smirk took over (Y/N)’s features, “You’re on.”
Just like that, the week started. Both parties started off with small lies. Things like shoes being untied or lying to get out of doing stuff. Then, it started to get bigger. They would lie about forgetting something important or being sick. That’s when (Y/N) decided to take it up a notch. They knew exactly what they could do to win.
In the morning, while they were docked at a new island, everything was calm. The crew was eating breakfast and chatting over what they were going to do that day. The only one not there yet was (Y/N). This wasn’t surprising. They always overslept. What was alarming to the group was when they walked into the room with a panicked expression. With wide eyes, they said, “I can’t find the map.”
The group froze. Nami slowly looked up from her food, “Which map?”
“The Grand Line map.”
Everything went to chaos. They all freaked as they looked furiously around the ship. They came up with nothing. This made them panic more. What could have happened to it? They rarely took it off the ship. When they did, it was always with one of them. They would never take the risk of having it out in the open for someone to take. After more moments of freaking out, one of them took charge.
“Who had it last?” Zoro inquired.
Only one person spoke up, “I was, but I would never lose it.” It was Nami. That wasn’t surprising. She had the map on her at all times. Though, everyone knew she wouldn’t be dumb enough to misplace it somehow.
“Let’s retrace your steps!” Usopp suggested. “If we can find out everything you did yesterday, we can find the map.”
This gave (Y/N) an idea. They pulled out the container the map was usually kept in and looked inside once more. That’s when something caught their eye. They pulled it out for everyone to see. It was a slip of paper. Everyone stared at the slip of paper curiously. (Y/N) scanned their eyes over it before they sighed, “It says that it was taken. They’ll give it back for a ransom.”
“Ransom?” Sanji questioned.
“Maybe we can take it back by force!” A smirk appeared on Luffy’s face.
Shaking her head, Nami asked the question on everyone’s mind, “Does it say who took it?”
Once again, (Y/N) looked down at the note. Their eyes stopped on a particular part of the note, “Hold on, I didn’t notice this before. It says..,” Everyone waited, worried for what they might hear them say. “It says that I lied,” (Y/N) looked up from the note with a grin. They pulled the map out of their bag. “It was right here the whole time.”
All hell broke loose from three people.
“Not this again!” Sanji.
“Can you guys cut it out already?!” Nami.
“This lying competition is getting out of hand.” Zoro.
And Luffy was laughing at the reactions of their crewmates.
Meanwhile, Usopp had a shocked expression on his face, “SO THAT WAS A LIE?” (Y/N) hummed, rocking back and forth on their heels. “YOU LITTLE-”
He was quickly cut off by (Y/N) saying, “I guess this means that I won!”
No response was given. Usopp shook his head with an amused expression. He walked up to them and took the map from their waiting hand. He opened up the map and suddenly froze. He looked at (Y/N) with a serious face, “(Y/N), this isn’t the map.”
Fear filled (Y/N). Everyone else froze when they heard him say this. (Y/N) didn’t know what to say when they heard his words, “But- It should be. I didn’t lose it- I wouldn’t lose it- I had it with me the whole ti-” A grin grew on Usopp’s face. “OH, I HATE YOU!”
Lying competitions were banned after this incident.
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hannahbarberra162 · 2 days
Not My Monkey, Chapter 2
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on Ao3
Link to Chapter 1
Dining with the Strawhats is just as you would expect.
The song the Reader hums and sings with Sanji is this ad: https://youtu.be/FbQt8pYUY6Q?si=qtAVuaC_wUggmSQd
You tore your gaze from Blue Maui to glance at the rest of the crew. Luffy was sitting and pounding his fists on the table, chanting for meat. Robin was sitting next to the android and chatting, with her hand on his oversized forearm. The green swordsman was slouching with his arms crossed next to a tiny…deer. Who was talking to a giant skeleton with an afro. Alright. Nami sat next to you and Usopp, with Sanji coming from the kitchen with a serving platter. A strange group of people, but hey, you were dead so it’s not like you could talk. 
Sanji served you first, even before the Captain, which surprised you. “A vegetarian meal for our dearest Reader,” Sanji said. He looked anxious and he was hovering over you. He clearly wanted you to try the food in front of him and give him a review. He gave you glazed carrots, a spring style salad, and a bean and mushroom stew served over rice. 
He didn’t need to be nervous, it all looked incredible. You weren’t the main cook in your previous relationship, that had been mostly done by your partner. You were satisfied eating the same boring things over and over daily, which you’d done for the past few years. You picked up your fork and sampled the glazed carrots. It was unbelievable, the carrots practically melting on your tongue. Your taste buds were singing, you didn’t think carrots could be so rich. You sampled each item he’d prepared while he flitted back and forth, serving the rest of the crew, starting with the women. 
“Sanji, this is outstanding! I’ve never eaten anything like this before, you’re such a talented chef.” The carrots, the stew, the salad, everything tasted like it had been made by a French chef. Sanji beamed at you.
“I apologize, we are running low on supplies right now. At the next island, I’ll buy more vegetables. Most of the crew prefers a more meat heavy diet.” This was him running low on supplies? You couldn’t wait to see what he whipped up with a fully stocked kitchen.
“MEAT! MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!…” Luffy continued to chant over Sanji speaking to you.
“LUFFY, SHUT UP! I’m speaking to our lovely Reader,” Sanji sighed and went to fetch food for Luffy. Once the food was placed in front of him, Luffy was like a vacuum. You made a mental note to keep your hands and feet away from his mouth during meal time. He reminded you of that game, Kirby, where the little pink guy would literally inhale food. Or a dog with food aggression. Luffy was using both hands, double fisting the meat and eating as rapidly as humanly possible. 
“Would you like to introduce our new Reader, Luffy?” Robin asked politely.
“Oh yeah, this is Misty,” Luffy said while chewing, gesturing to you with one meat skewer. It took everything in you not to chide him for speaking with his mouth full. Who raised this kid? 
“Actually, her name is also Robin, but we are calling her Misty to avoid confusion,” Robin clarified. “She is our new Reader, but she does not know any information about our world, including who we are. It's a fresh start for all of us, so let’s go around and introduce ourselves. Appropriately. ” Robin gave a look to the android and skeleton, emphasizing the last word.
“She’s obviously lying,” interjected the green haired swordsman.
“No, I’m not, I really -” you started to argue with him but were interrupted by Sanji, who already had his foot on the swordsman's shoulder. 
“How dare you accuse our newest, sweetest Mellorine of lying?!” He was in the green guy’s face on your behalf, it looked like they might fight again. 
“Thank you, Sanji, but I understand his hesitation. But I promise, I really don’t know anything about this world. I haven’t even been to the sea before. I guess that’s one thing off my bucket list.” Well, you’d already kicked the bucket so you weren’t sure that it counted. 
“Whaddya mean? Never been to the sea?” asked Luffy, still chewing with his mouth open. You shrugged.
“I mean, I’ve been in lakes and rivers and pools and things like that. I always wanted to visit the ocean before I died. Where I lived, the ocean was really far away. It was always a little too expensive to go so I never did.” It made you sad to think you'd spend nearly your whole life working and for what? You didn't get to the Pacific, you didn't travel to Fiji, you didn't get to do a lot of things you'd wanted before you apparently died.
“We’ve heard about their world before, others have shared similar sentiments. To Zoro’s point, I do not believe she is lying. I’ve been monitoring her interactions and she does not seem to know any prior information.” Robin had been watching you? You hadn’t seen her following you around. But at least she was corroborating that you weren’t lying. So the green haired guy was Zoro. He still hadn’t introduced himself.
“I’m Franky, the shipwright. It’s SUUUUUPER nice to meet you.” He had exquisite blue hair shaped like a sailing ship. Maybe wild hair colors were natural in this world. You hoped so, you absolutely loved it.
“I like your hairstyle,” you complimented. 
“Thanks, sis,” Franky responded, making a finger gun and running his hand along the side of his hair. It was clearly a source of pride for him, as was only right for such a good style. Next, the skeleton put down his cup of tea.
“I’m Brook, the Soul King. I'm the musician on the crew and I’d love to see -” Nami bonked him over the head before he could finish his sentence. Hard.
“Don’t you dare! Robin just asked everyone to behave!” She was quick, that was for sure. And based on his reaction, fairly strong.
“-your panties,” he finished despite the bonk. 
“No. Don’t ask again,” you replied. Ew. But also he was a nine foot tall skeleton, so his sense of decorum might have been off. He had kind of a Hendrix / Slash vibe going on, complete with afro. You really should commend whoever made this world, the hair here was fantastic.
The little deer put down his milk and said in a serious tone, “I’m Chopper, the ship’s doctor.” It would have been more impressive if he didn’t have a milk mustache when he told you this. Talking skeleton, talking deer, rubber people, dead people, this ship was like a haunted house mixed with Disneyland. At least your life was ending with a bang. “I can help you if you have a headache from the timespace travel, it’s happened to a few of our readers.” 
After thanking Chopper, the last of the group, Blue Maui, introduced himself as well. “I am Jinbe, the ship’s helmsman. It is a pleasure to meet you,” he said, giving you a bow. Your heart and face warmed. You knew it didn’t mean anything - it was basically the same introduction everyone else had given you as well. But coming from someone as good looking as Jinbe, you couldn’t help it. What, were you 12 again?
“Pleased to meet you as well,” you replied smiling. Luffy interrupted your very brief conversation with his mouth full.
“So if you’re shipwrecked on an island, and there were only animals there,” Luffy began as you inwardly groaned, already knowing where this was going, “would you eat one to survive?”
You laughed. “You know what’s funny? I die and come to this world only to be asked the same questions as the last one. I would. But it’s not something I worry about.”
“So who’s your favorite?” Luffy continued, beaming at you.
You weren’t sure exactly what he was asking. “My favorite what?”
“Your favorite Strawhat!” Luffy smiled, but you saw Sanji and Usopp tense slightly.
“Luffy, she doesn’t know us. She doesn't have a favorite like our previous readers,” Robin interrupted her Captain. “I do not know if she is even aware we are the Strawhat Pirates.”
Luffy shoved more meat into his mouth before replying, “oh, right. Well, we’re the Strawhats. Cus of my hat. And your favorites probably gonna be me. Or Zoro. Or Nami. That’s who everyone says.” Luffy grinned widely. You didn’t reply but it seemed kind of rude to pick favorites in front of the other crew members. 
“You’re not always everyone’s favorite!” interjected Usopp, the conversation hitting a nerve.
“I am! It’s my show! I’m the antagonist-” Luffy yelled back.
“Protagonist,” corrected Robin, now sipping on some tea.
“This isn’t a show, it's just life!” continued Usopp. “You’re not the main character, that’s not how it works.” Luffy pouted but kept eating.
“Let’s get a round going for the new reader!” exclaimed Nami, trying to change the subject. 
“Brilliant idea Nami-swan! Dearest Misty, what would you prefer to drink? We have some sake, wine, and ale. You are our guest, you choose first. ” Sanji came to your side immediately, like a waiter on demand.
“Oh, I don’t drink,” you replied, “but it doesn’t bother me if anyone else does.” Zoro (who still hadn’t introduced himself) snorted.
“What kinda life is that? No meat, no booze. What’s the fuckin’ point?” he scoffed. 
You laughed lightly. “I would have said the same when I was 20. Just not my style anymore.” 
“So go get the booze shitcook, she said we can drink,” Zoro turned to Sanji, already ignoring you. You could see Sanji puffing up for a fight already.
“If she’s not drinking, you’re not drinking either, you stupid mossbrain! You don’t get shit anyway for insulting her!” They were already in each other’s faces. No one else had paused their side conversations to listen or watch. You wondered how many times a day this happened. Zoro and Sanji went back and forth, though you noticed Zoro didn’t stop eating his food and Sanji didn’t put down his tray. Everyone else had returned to their side conversations, ignoring the two men completely. The crew seemed cohesive, like everyone was on good terms with each other. Even Zoro and Sanji's fighting wasn't disturbing the overall vibe of the dinner. It was loud, animated, chaotic, and reminded you of Sunday night dinners with your own family. You enjoyed it for a few minutes, eating your meal and watching the dynamics of the crew. 
Everyone was wrapping up their meals and finishing their food. Usopp and Nami got up to leave, but left their dirty plates on the table. “ Excuse me, take your plates to the sink. No one’s coming behind to pick up after you,” you snapped at them. The room went silent as they stared at you. Oops. Having several bad roommates and coworkers over many years had left a few ingrained habits. “Uh, sorry, didn’t mean that. Just tell me where I can put my plate.”
“Leave it on the table, Twirlybrow cleans up,” replied Zoro.
“Why? Didn’t he cook the food?” you asked, confused. It was basically a sin where you grew up to leave your plate on the table, much less for the cook. Didn’t they rotate the cleaning?
“So? He likes it,” Zoro was being petulant, probably because of whatever he had going on with the cook. 
“Again, sorry, I didn't mean to overstep. It’s just that where I’m from, if you cook, you don’t clean. That’s always how it is. But, not my circus,” you said, putting your hands up in apology. You didn’t mean to offend, but the man had just cooked a multi course meal for eleven, plated and served it. Surely he didn’t have to clean up everything by himself too. It felt unfair, but it wasn’t your place to change the way things were.
“Whassat mean? Not my circus?” Luffy asked, finally full of food. His belly was stretched comically large, seemed like being made of rubber had its benefits.
“Oh, it’s a common saying. ‘Not my circus, not my monkeys.’ Meaning, it isn’t my place to say anything. You know like, not my problem, not my business.” Luffy smiled at you.
“I am your monkey! Monkey D. Luffy! Thanks Sanji!” With that, Luffy got up and took his plate, putting it into the sink. Usopp and Nami did the same, bringing their plates with them after watching their Captain. One by one, the crew thanked Sanji and brought their plates to the sink until it was just you and Sanji left. You still had a lot of food on your plate and you weren’t done eating yet. 
“Sorry, I’ve always been a slow eater, especially when I’m in a group or talking with other people. I can finish this later.” You felt bad stopping him from beginning on the overwhelming amount of dishes he was going to have to do. 
“No, no. Please. Enjoy at your leisure mon cherie. It’s nice to see someone who doesn’t just shove everything down their throat.” Sanji was a little off, he wasn’t saying anything cringy or chivalrous in your honor, just clearing off the table.
“Sorry that I butted in. I didn’t mean to disrupt the way things are here,” you offered. 
“No, I - I appreciate the sentiment.” Sanji said, back turned to you.
“I can help you clear the table if you wish, or wash some dishes. I can’t fight and don’t have super-powers like everyone else but I definitely know my way around dish soap,” you tried for a light hearted approach. “My mom really drilled into us that whoever cooks doesn’t clean. It’s hard for me to watch you and not help, especially after you just cooked such an incredible meal.” Sanji smiled at you, but it didn’t reach his eyes. 
“It is no burden on me, mon coeur. Please, eat. You are a guest on the ship, and a lady besides.” You dropped it as the chef began cleaning again, clearing the table of serving platters and pitchers, bringing them to be washed. You watched him as you ate, asking him about the preparation of the dishes you were eating. Once you got him talking about food, he dropped a lot of the chivalrous talk and spoke passionately about his love of food and drink. He was calm and patient, answering all your questions. It was obvious he excelled in his field, both from your empty plate and the amount of knowledge he had. Once you were done, you stacked your silverware, cup and plate and brought them to the sink. Sanji was elbow deep in dishes, and he would be for a while. 
“C’mon, let me help you. This is gonna take you hours to do alone.” 
“Ladies shouldn’t have to life a finger -” Sanji began.
You cut him off. “I don’t have to, I want to. It would…make me happy?” You ended the sentence on a higher register. You figured that if he was really a chivalrous guy, he would take your wants and desires into consideration. 
Sanji blinked up at you with his one visible eye, surprise registering before it was hidden. “It would make you happy? But you only have precious little time left, you want to spend it washing dishes?” What was this guy’s deal? Did no one ever help him before? You’d never fought so hard to wash dishes in your life.
“Well, I want to spend every day eating more of your scrumptious food. Which means that the utensils, pots, pans, bowls, everything has to be washed and cleaned, right? Kind of goes hand in hand.” 
“Alright, just this once mon mie. If it would make you happy.”
“It would,” you replied firmly. With that, he moved over, giving you some space at the sink. You’d had a dishwasher at your house for years, but growing up everything was washed by hand. You had countless hours of experience doing the dishes, and there weren’t any differences between your world and this one on how to scrub a dirty fork. You and the chef fell into an amicable silence, working side by side.
Something you hadn’t anticipated was that there was no background noise on the ship. Sure, there were the sounds of the waves, of some sea birds, of the crew on board. But for the past few years you’d gotten used to always having something on to provide white noise - the television or YouTube mostly. You were used to passively listening to music or long form videos while you cooked, cleaned, did laundry, any basic repetitive task. So standing quietly next to the cook made your mind wander to music. 
Obviously, you didn’t have access to your music from home. You tried to think of songs to sing in your head to keep yourself busy. But, as it turned out, you didn’t know the complete lyrics to all that many songs, even though you listened to music constantly. You could remember bits and pieces, or remember the tune, but there weren’t that many songs you could sing from beginning to end. It seemed like the only songs you could remember the lyrics to were either Top 40s hit ending in 2012, songs from your childhood, or songs from the Disney movies your nieces liked. You were deep in your mind, trying to conjure up some songs to sing to, when the cook asked you what you were humming.
“Beg your pardon?” you hadn’t realized you were humming out loud.
“Oh, I was just wondering what song you were humming. I haven’t heard that one before. It’s always entertaining to learn new songs from Readers.”
“Ah. Sorry. Um, it’s nothing, just a commercial jingle, I’m sorry. I’ll stop,” you turned a little red. 
“No, no. I liked it a lot. Does it have lyrics?”
And so you taught Sanji the words to 877-CASHNOW. By the time the two of you were finishing the dishes, you were calling and responding to one another with gusto. It was quite fun, and you were glad the young chef was humoring you. When the last dish was dry, you patted him on the arm. 
“Thanks for indulging me, Sanji. You have quite a pleasant singing voice. We’ll do it again soon.” He didn’t know you’d be helping him a lot on dish duty. You’d tell him later, you had a feeling he was going to fight you on it. But you wanted to be useful, and it had actually been a fun way to pass the time. 
“The pleasure is all mine,  mon cherie. I’m done much earlier than I usually am, for which I have you to thank.” Sanji lit up a cigarette. You’d seen him smoking earlier, but not during dinner service. But you didn’t know any chefs who didn’t smoke, so you weren’t going to give him grief over it.
“Thank you for dinner, Sanji.” You patted his head like a little boy and left the galley. Outside the crew was relaxing and enjoying the cool evening air together.
“What’s a structured settlement?” Luffy yelled across the deck. You laughed.
“Oh, sorry. I didn’t know you could hear us. I’ll keep it down next time.” You hoped your singing wasn’t too off key.
“Why do you do that?” Luffy asked, walking towards you while picking his nose.
“Sing? I’ve always liked it. I’m not good by any means, but it’s fun -”
“No, apologize all the time. You’re always saying sorry but you don’t do anything you need to apologize for.” 
You fidgeted, rubbing the tips of your fingers together. “Oh, sorry, bad habit, I guess. I’ll try to stop.” Luffy flicked a booger onto the deck and sat down cross legged without washing his hands. Gross.
“You don’t need to be sorry for being here. We want you here.” Luffy said, his hands resting on his feet. For being a gross teenager, he was perceptive. You did worry a little about being a burden on the crew, even if it was only for a short while. You had always been a people pleaser, even when you were a child. It had gotten better for a little while in adulthood, but recently you’d fallen back into old habits. You didn’t like relying on other people without providing anything in exchange. Maybe that’s why you fought Sanji so hard on washing the dishes. It wasn’t like it was a chore you loved doing, it was something you knew you could do. You’d think about what Luffy said more.
“Thank you, Luffy. That’s kind of you to say.” You almost patted his head too, but you remembered the boogers. Maybe after he bathed. You noticed Nami had come up, waiting for you to finish your conversation with Luffy.
“Come on, I’ll give you a tour of the ship,” she said. “We can pop by the living quarters too, Robin’s set something up for you.” You agreed, following the orange haired woman. 
“So, the ship’s called the ‘Going Sunny,’ it’s like the ‘Going Merry’ and ‘1,000 Sunny’ mixed together. I don’t know how Franky did it, but he took the Merry and combined it with the Sunny and this is what we ended up with. A Reader once gave us a good drawing of the 1,000 Sunny and Franky used the best parts of both ships." You didn’t know what she was talking about but you nodded anyway. She took you around the ship, starting with the top deck and working your way down to the bottom. It was an incredible ship - there was a tangerine grove, the head of a ram on the keel, a huge fish tank, a spa level bathing area, even a library. You had never seen anything like it. Finishing with the crew quarters, Nami showed you where you would be sleeping. It was a small cot between her bed and Robin’s. Nothing fancy, but you hoped you wouldn’t need to use it too much. You only had three weeks left to live, and you wanted to make the most of it. 
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ideas-4-stories · 5 months
I saw that art of baby iceburg and franky you revolved earlier and it reminded me than, shanks, and buggy are all around the same age. They might all already know each other in canon but my heads starting to hurt so I’m not researching this rn but I think it’d be real fun if shanks and buggy are losing their shit about how cuttys franky now and also he’s running around luffy. In an au where they’re vibing they just convinced everyone they’re not they are for sure both getting on a three way call with iceburg about this. What do you mean he was hit by a train and lived and also replaced his insides with a cooler? Maybe they know and we’re chilling with him occasionally after he started going by franky but also he ran off to help luffy achieve his dream. Frankys gotta have a live den den cell phone in a tank somewhere and they call him up. Their group chats gotta be wild. They are always bullying each other.
Yeah, I believe they know each other at some extent because during the flashback with Oden there’s the part where the Roger Pirates go back to Water Seven to find Tom, so he can fix something wrong with the Oro Jackson. I don’t know if they know each other that well, maybe just a few things about each other from the times that their guardians needed to meet up.
An AU where they know each other more than they do in Canon sounds fun, it must make Buggy another reason not to fight the Strawhats. Poor Shanks and Buggy, they must so worry about Franky. I like to think Franky was a nickname that Iceberg and others used until he made himself into a cyborg and renamed himself. I could be wrong, but yeah, they definitely are pretending everything is fine while both are going to fret over the three-way call because they fell like something is wrong and they were right.
I agree their group chats would be wild as their crews will be in the background hearing everything they are saying. Wouldn’t be surprised if they are bullying each other. It would be interesting if Buggy is putting aside his differences with Shanks to talk with Franky and Iceberg. Yeah, those group chats would be chaotic as hell.
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tripleglitchwriting · 7 months
You mentioned Ultra Magnus trying to cope with the world of One Piece and the Strawhat Pirates and I. Am. Here. For. It.
UM is a very ernest stressed out lawful good character. and the Strawhats are a chaotic good force. More Chaos than all the Wreckers and the Lost Light put together.
So in honor of that post If you don't mind me asking for two requests in one request box open run I'd like to request a One Piece/Lost Lighters crossover.
The Strawhats are helping The Lost Light crew because Luffy and Rodimus vibe. Roddy has a grand fleet flag and Luffy has a Rodimus star.
Either, Ultra Magnus/Minimus Ambus in a lull in the action asks Robin why she's a Strawhat Pirate. She's the only sane one here.
Or, if your in the mood for something lighter, Franky and Brainstorm Share The Brain-cell^TM while Usop and Perceptor attempt damage control.
YOU UNDERSTAND. YOU GET IT. I will be happy to write this!! I’m sorry it took me so long, I’ve been going through a rough patch when it comes to motivation.
The lost light characters may be a bit ooc because I’ve been having a hard time gauging their personalities. A lot of what I have for them in my head is from other fanfictions.
Also, this is just the start of the story, it’s just how they meet. I’ve yet to write specific interactions between characters, but I wholeheartedly plan to write more!
A little side note for clarification on One Piece in case anyone needs it:
- This takes place sometime after Jinbei gets on the ship
- I watch the dub so I’m going to use all of the names and such they use there (ex. Black foot Sanji -> Black leg Sanji)
- Sanji and Brook will be normal to women. I just don’t want to write them being weird.
Without further ado, I present…
Ten Idiots Meet A Ship Full Of Other Significantly Bigger Idiots
After an experiment gone bad on the Lost Light (again), a portal is temporarily opened up to another dimension. Before it could be closed, however, a group of strange individuals manage to slip through.
After a long day at sea, The Strawhats always look forward to a first-class home cooked meal by Sanji himself. It was a beautiful evening- the crew opted to stay out on the deck of the Sunny to watch the sunset.
“SANJI! I’M HUNGRY! FOOD! NOW!” Not that much peace could be had with a captain like Luffy.
“I’m coming! Not every cook can whip up something like this every night you know. I swear, you guys eat more than a whole island every day.”
“Hey, that’s just Luffy. Don’t include the rest of us in this!” Nami shouted from the stairs leading to where the rest of the crew sat.
“I’M YOUR CAPTAIN AND I SAY FEED ME! MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!” Luffy pumped his arms as he chanted, sticking his tongue out as he watched Sanji cart out a giant platter of cartoonishly large meat.
“Smells as delicious as ever, Sanji.” Brook commented.
“Thank you, Brook. At least someone appreciates my food around here.” He glared at his captain, who was completely oblivious to everything else around him and solely focused on his food. Everyone else chatted away. Laughing, eating, looking up at the beautiful swirling vortex that had just appeared in the sky.
Luffy had to stretch his arms up as his food began to be sucked into the portal above them, but it was in vain as he began to float too. The Sunny creaked as gravity shifted around them, everything but the ship itself beginning a startling ascent upwards.
“How should I know?!” She clung to an uprooting tangerine tree, “This is NOT normal! I haven’t read anything about whatever this is!”
“Everybody hang on to something!” Jinbei ordered, staring to float himself. Brook didn’t seem to get the message, as he was the first to loose his grip.
“SOMEBODYHELPMEIMBEINGPULLEDIN—”vwoop! And then he was gone.
“BROOK!” Luffy, having already eaten everything on his plate, launched himself into the portal.
“Damnit Luffy!” Zoro did the same soon after.
“What? Are we seriously going in that thing?” Chopper squealed, Usopp and Nami seemed to agree.
“Maybe we’ll all be immediately killed once we enter. It would be a painless death at least.” Robin said calmly, affixing herself to the ground with her devil fruit powers.
“YOU ARE NOT HELPING!” Usopp, Nami, and Chopper all screamed in unison.
“I suppose this is our next adventure!” Jinbei leapt through the portal. Sanji sighed and followed after him.
“Well, Sunny’s too big to go through that thing, so I guess we’re goin’ in without her.” Franky detached himself from the mast.
“Okay everyone, come on.” Robin peeled Usopp, Nami, and Chopper from their death grips on the ship and took all of them with her as she joined the rest of the crew.
“ROBIN WHY-“ Vwoop! And just like that, the Thousand Sunny was left empty.
Brainstorm was in big trouble. And possibly the entire Lost Light. And maybe the universe. The good news is his portal machine worked! The bad news is it was now pulling in random things from a random space in the multiverse. This would be a great opportunity to study it, unfortunately the stability of the thing was questionable. That is to say the portal was currently beginning to implode.
“Brainstorm, what are you doing!?” Preceptor skidded into the room right as he heard the snapping and crackling of something that probably shouldn’t be making that sound.
“Oh, nothing. It’s fine! It’s fine. I just need to- oh that’s not good. Actually do you mind helping me shut this down before it destroys the entire ship?”
“You’re going to be the death of all of us-” right as he began to walk toward the vortex, a screaming clatter of something came speeding out of it. On closer inspection, it seemed to be the corpse of a human.
“Oh, well, that’s new.” Brainstorm oh so helpfully commented. Just after another being came from the portal, also screaming but not quite as dead. Another followed, this one with a complete and utter look of annoyance on his face.
“What in the- Brainstorm, what did you do?” Ratchet entered, as did Ultra Magnus.
Soon there was an array of things entering the room. Aside from the array of random objects, there was a large blue organic followed by an another human wearing a black suit, then large possibly techno organic. Four other small people shot out shortly after.
“CLOSE IT! CLOSE IT NOW!” Ratchet ordered.
“Oh why didn’t I think of that- oh wait, I did, and I COULD USE SOME HELP!” Together they pulled on a comically large mad scientist like lever affixed to the portals control panel. As quick as it had arrived the portal was gone, though what- or who- it had just pulled in were gaining their bearings.
“Hahahaha! That was fun!” One of the humans, one wearing a yellow hat with a red line across it, put his hand on his head and looked around. It took him a second to notice, but when he finally realized where he was the man yelled, “WOAH! Cool! This place is huge!”
“It seems to be some sort of… metal building. A giant workstation perhaps.” The blue man said thoughtfully.
“Well I say we get out of here! I don’t want to be around when we find out why this place needs to be so big!” A long-nosed human whisper shouted.
“What, like those freaky statues?” The very annoyed man gestured at Brainstorm, Ultra Magnus, Ratchet, and Preceptor, who were all standing completely still. That is, until Rodimus showed up.
“Brainstorm, I heard yelling, is there a fight? Without me?” He strolled in casually, not looking at the floor, and instead focusing on his crew who were all staring at him. “What? What did I do?”
“That. Is. AWESOME!” Something from the floor shot up at Rodimus’s face. “Are you a robot? Can you shoot lasers? Do you eat metal?!” Somehow, someway, there was an ecstatic human right in front of his optics.
“Luffy! Get down from there!”
“Woah. So, care to explain? Anyone?”
“We are not robots, we are Cybertronian.” Ultra Magnus automatically stated.
“Cool!” ‘Luffy’, as his friend called him, somehow managed to launch himself on top of Rodimus’s helm. “Is there any food here?”
“Luffy! Damnit-” Another of the humans, the one in the suit, jumped. Accept when one would normally begin to succumb to gravity and fall back down, he took another step in the air and kept going. “You are so reckless!” The man tackled Luffy off Rodimus and they both began to plummet down to the ground- a height deadly to something so small.
“Sanji, let me down! I want to talk to the robot!”
“How about you shut up and come up with a plan before you get us all killed!” The moment they jumped off, Ratchet was already in motion. He was able to dive behind Rodimus to catch the two, but as he slid on the ground to save them ‘Sanji’ jumped off the air again and landed perfectly safe.
“I… I can’t even begin to explain this.” He admitted in a completely defeated tone, now chassis down on the floor.
“Do they all move?” A small voice whispered from the group still standing where the portal once was.
“I hope not.” Another replied.
“Wow. I wasn’t expecting that.” Brainstorm said calmly.
“I don’t think anyone could have predicted this.” Ultra Magnus put his servo on his helm. The two that had just survived a deadly landing like it was nothing walked back to their group- one much more unhappy than the other.
“Sorry about him. He does this a lot.” The annoyed green haired man glared at both of them.
“Oh, like you’re any better moss head.”
“Oh yeah? At least I didn’t jump in the face of a giant robot!”
“Yeah, cause you’d get lost on the way there!”
“You take that back-“
“STOP IT!” Half of the new arrivals shouted at the same time. One orange haired girl stepped up to comfort the bickering duo.
“This is not the time to argue! We’re kind of… we- look!” She gestured at, well, everything. Everyone else seemed to silently agree.
“Greetings visitors from another world! Welcome aboard the Lost Light!” Brainstorm announced with a flashy arm movement.
“Hey, I’m the captain, I get to welcome people into the ship!”
“You’re a captain?! Is this a pirate ship? Are you giant robot pirates?!” Luffy shouted in awe, though still in the arms of Sanji, who promptly dropped him.
“He said he was ‘Cybertronian’ bro. Not a robot.” The probably techno organic chastised.
“Psh, whatever.” Luffy got himself to his feet.
“We are not pirates.” Ultra Magnus said very sternly. “We are on a perfectly legal exploratory expedition.”
“Oh, bummer.” He glanced around once again. Apparently deciding now was a good time, he introduced himself. “My name is Monkey D. Luffy and I’m gonna be King of the Pirates!” Luffy smiled brightly and giggled, either ignoring or disregarding his friends facepalms.
“Well, I’d say this was a great success!” Brainstorm cheered to himself. “Who knew that was possible! I really am a genius.”
“And who are you?” ‘Moss head’ sneered at him. “Who are any of you? This is weird.”
“Well, if I’m allowed to introduce my own ship this time, my name is Rodimus Prime, captain of the Lost Light!”
“Hang on, this is your ship? How did you build something like this, it looks like it’s straight outta Vegapunk’s lab! What part of the world are we in anyway?” The blue hair techno organic asked, putting his oversized hand on his strangely shaped chin.
“Space, my friend. We’re in space. Honestly, I wasn’t sure if anything living would make it through that portal. Looks like it’s got about a 9 out of 10 survival rate which is better than most multidimensional portals I’ve seen. That is to say I’ve never seen one before, because I built the first one. Just now. No need to congratulate me.” Ignoring Brainstorm’s blatant narcissism, the of new arrivals looked absolutely flabbergasted by this information.
“We’re in space? Like, space space? Outer space?” Luffy asked with eyes wider than any moon, a big bright burning ball of excitement building in his chest.
“I assume you’ve never been off your planet before?” Perceptor asked. Luffy didn’t respond this time. He looked like he was about to burst with excitement, though his crew mates didn’t seem to pay much mind. One or two of them shook their heads in response to the question. “Well, Brainstorm, care to explain what you’ve done here?”
“What I’ve done- well, if you have the mental capacity to understand- I can give you a basic rundown. I’ve designed this portal to reach into alternate dimensions, which have hardly been confirmed to exist other than the dead universe. I’ve been worked steadily on it for a while now, and today I tested it out. It brought these ten organics here as well as some other junk.”
“You mean to tell me, you turned on an untested and extremely dangerous machine that could obliterate our entire existence within nanokliks for no reason other than bragging rights? And when it miraculously did work, you pulled in ten random people from an unknown possibly incredibly dangerous world that could have also imploded our entire existence?”
“Yes that about sums it up.” Perceptor’s optic twitched, but as it seemed time was moving a bit too fast for him to start lecturing. The corpse on the floor began to move, slowly at first, and then in a sharp practiced motion it popped up on its feet.
“Yohohoho! I think I passed out for a second there!” The skeleton looked around. “Oh. I definitely passed out. No bones about it!” The apparently not corse laughed to himself.
“Cool! I didn’t think those human stories about corpses coming back to life were real!” Rodimus said with a childlike playfulness.
“They’re not.” Ultra Magnus argued bluntly.
“Oh, I am a skeleton. It’s a long story. Say, Luffy, what is going on?”
“We got sucked through a portal and now we’re talking to giant robot guys.”
“Oh okay.” The skeleton nodded, and then quickly scurried to where three of the other humans (and animal thing?) were huddled.
“Well, remind me to change that to a 10 out of 10 survival rate!”
“I feel like introductions are in order here…” Perceptor stated, “I’ll go first. My name is Perceptor. I’m a scientist. Now, you.” He gestured at Brainstorm.
“Well, if you insist. I am Brainstrom. Genius inventor of the machine that brought you all here.”
“I am the duly enfor- ah, I mean Ultra Magnus. I try to keep the peace around here.”
“You know me, I’m Rodimus.” He nudged Ratchet. “It’s your turn, doc.”
“Fine. I’m Ratchet. Retired head medical officer.“
“Cool names!” Luffy, having sprung back up, was jumping up and down. “This is my crew, the Strawhat Pirates!”
“Roronoa Zoro. Soon to be greatest swordsman and second hand man.” ‘Moss head’ introduced himself. The orange hair girl stepped out of the group.
“I’m Nami, the navigator.” The long nose man shakily emerged after her.
“I am commander Usopp! Best sniper in the world! I’m also the leader of one thousa-“
“Don’t even start.” The suit wearing man stepped up. “Sanji. I’m the crew’s chef.” The animal like thing approached from behind another crew member.
“Um, my name’s Chopper. I’m the doctor.” He tapped his hooves together nervously. A woman, one who hasn’t said much until now, patted the hat on his head in a compassionate manner.
“I’m Nico Robin, an archeologist.” She smiled sweetly and quickly got out of the way of the blue haired inhuman human man rushing to the front.
“Name’s Franky!” He struck a strange pose. “A SUPER good shipwright!” The skeleton stepped up beside him and did a short bow.
“My name is Brook. I am lucky to be the musician of this crew. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” When he stood up the large blue man stood beside him.
“I am Jinbe, the helmsman. It is a pleasure to meet you as well.” He bowed deeply.
“Now that we did that, do you guys have any food?” Luffy asked immediately and without hesitation.
The fifteen of them stood in Brainstorm’s mildly disfigured lab space, each with very different thoughts running through their heads. A new world, a new people, things most on the Lost Light never even imagined possible. From then on, the world got a little more chaotic.
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@astridd-chr suggested Strawhat group chat. Expect more
(Also for anyone that couldn’t tell from Usopp’s message Luffy is the outgoing texts)
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
Pudding and Usopp should be friends me thinks. Usopp hears about everything that happened to Sanji on WCI and is fully prepared to hate her guts no matter what anyone says and then it’s slightly mad at himself when he actually likes her. I have a very specific image of Sanamipu bff dynamic in my head I can’t really describe but I’m having it. The type of people who think of themself as some of the more sane people in the group and sure, they get the idiot ball just a tiny bit less often when they are all together and snarking, but when they get it they slam dunk it so hard the entire court shatters.
I AGREE COMPLETELY!!!!!!!!! This would be so funny, too 😭 (Making this Sanusona as I always do) Usopp finds out about what happened back on WCI and he hates Pudding. Sanji keeps telling him to see it from a different angle. That it wasn't really Pudding's fault and she was being manipulated by her mom. That she actually helped them in the end. But Usopp doesn't like her- Not only because she did what she did, but also because he can't stand the way Sanji talks about her. Ngl, I think Usopp isn't a jealous person, but he is very insecure and Sanji being fond of the girl he almost ends up marrying makes him a bit sick. But, yeah. Final saga, they rescue Pudding, and she meets the Strawhats. Usopp is fully prepared to be her worst enemy no matter what! But- But she's actually really nice? And cute? And really, really funny? And he can't hate her. He tries to be angry at her but she's cooking sweets for everyone and even though she has this weird on-and-off personality when it comes to Sanji... She has a good heart. But Usopp keeps pretending that he hates her because he's a proud idiot and he won't admit he was wrong about her. Sanji just tells him to get his shit together already and enjoy their time together because otherwise, he'll regret it (funny that he's the one saying that as if he wasn't equally as stubborn. That frustrated Usopp more). I think Pudding would actually make amends with them, you know, since I doubt Nami and Luffy could forgive her that easily. But they end up getting along with her when she apologizes (when Sanji isn't around because if he is in front of her she'll end up yelling without wanting to). Usopp doesn't buy it. I mean- He does buy it. He just doesn't want to. So Pudding talks to him in private and explains her situation and apologizes and says she understands if he doesn't want to forgive her. She almost marries his boyfriend, after all. And she has hurt him in multiple ways. And she has broken his heart. It's understandable if Usopp wants to hate her so bad. But the guy is soft against that and Usopp believes people can change. Besides, he knows what being insecure about your appearance and status is, especially if it has to do with a parent. So they end up getting along. The same thing happens with Nami, actually. Imagine trying to forget what Pudding did to their cook. Nami is going feral cat mode against her. If looks could kill, y'know... But! But she saw with her own eyes how Pudding helped them out and she knows what it feels like. To act like somebody you're not. And yeah, okay, the girl might be a little bit insane but it could be worse. And when she's acting like a normal person, she's a sweetheart. So Usopp ends up befriending her quickly, while Nami accepts her and embraces her friendship, but not without the typical "But I swear, if you do anything remotely bad to him again I am not hesitating to electrocute you and throw you overboard. Understood? Understood. Glad we had this chat, bestie". So, uh, yeah- At least they're friends now.
And let me tell you-- It's chaotic. Sanji thought he would be devastated if they didn't get along, but now that they do... Sanji is losing his mind. They're all crazy. He's living his dream, you know. His dear Pudding is friends with his partners. Great. Yeah. Uh. Pudding is teaching Usopp how to use a revolver, which makes sense since he is a sniper and he's curious about guns. That makes sense. But she's also telling Nami manipulation tactics and the navigator couldn't be happier. And you might think that's it, but then you have Usopp showing off his abilities and Nami giving tangerines to Pudding so she can make sweets with them. Which is adorable and cute and Sanji loves every second of it, but it's like they planned this to make him go insane. His poor heart can't handle this. He's going to die. They're a menace to society. Honestly? An unstoppable trio. They manipulate, gaslight, and Sanji malewifes. If they don't like you and you have something they want they probably will steal that from you using either manipulation, burglar tactics or, you know, a gun. Perfect trio. They're also Sanji's protection squad. And also they're the ones who scold him when he doesn't behave. He's a bit scared of them but like, in a good way? And they also look after him a lot so it's alright. And besides, Sanji is kind of like their knight in shining armor too because he gets extra violent if something happens to any of them.
Isn't it just,,, Such a cute picture to imagine Sanji and Pudding cooking while Usopp and Nami work on their own things at the dining table while they keep them company? I find it cute,, They're all a bit crazy but it's fine.
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sanjis-moulinrouge · 10 months
Until Dawn: The Chat
Zoro x Sanji
Summary: The Strawhats have a costume party at an island, Zoro and Sanji finally have the chance to share things that seemed impossible.
a/n: Fluff for part one. English is not my first language, so my apologies if something sounds weird.
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Zoro contemplated how the crew moved agitatedly from one room to another looking for accessories and appropriate clothing for the costume event on the island. Robin and Nami were almost ready, they were helping each other with some details, fastening and arranging the folds of fabrics. Robin was wearing a hooded purple cloak making her look like an ancient death divinity, Nami was a sorceress in a white dress covered by a long velvet cape, and Chopper was their mysterious companion.
"It's been a long time since we've done something like this... it makes me a little anxious, I’m starting to feel sick. Who’s going to be checkin’ Merry?" Usopp said while the doctor tried to calm his insecurities.
“Chill-out, Usopp. We’re safe here, the villagers are very nice” replied Nami. “And trust me, I guess Zoro will be watching it.”
Sanji walked down the corridor, leaving behind the aroma of cigarettes. He put on elegant patent leather shoes, wearing a sober, completely black outfit.
“Wooa, Sanji, are you going as a detective?" Luffy asked as he saw him putting on a long scarlet coat.
"No, I'll make sure to go as a vampire… maybe I got the chance to surprise ladies…”
Robin approached Sanji, put a top hat on him, part of her collection, and lifted the collar of his coat. "Now you look more mysterious, cook," she giggled. 
Zoro was about to fall asleep when suddenly he saw Sanji's figure kneeling in front of him.  
“Marimo, are you coming with us?”
He nodded yawning. 
“Oeee Zoroooo, I don't see your costume?” Luffy shouted while wearing the famous afro wig and Usopp had already entered character to act as his representative.
“I will go as a swordsman” 
“Whaaaat” the whole crew exclaimed.
“At least change the outfit, loser?” Nami sighed as she stood Zoro up, she quickly led him to his room. “You have a kimono, be creative... we leave in 10 minutes.”
He left the ship following the crew. He decided to wear the nagagi and haori in a semi formal way, but it felt much more comfortable. His figure was elegant. He walked slower than other times, he didn’t want to receive any comment from the nakamas.
Sanji turned around rapidly while smoking. As soon as he detected Zoro, he felt a little dazed, in his mind he tried to remember other occasions where Marimo looked refined but couldn’t recall. He also didn't want to think about it so much, after all it was just a new Zoro’s image on his brain, he would get used to it later.
The cook’s footsteps were heard all the way to the tavern. The place was giant, it was divided into a bar with different types of liquor, live music, and a restaurant. 
“Guys, this place is extremely crowded. Let’s stay in the groups we’ve planned” Nami affirmed.
As the group spreads, Sanji and Zoro reluctantly got together.
“I don’t see many ladies around, Cook”
“Oh shut up or i’ll kick you”
“I’ll be at the bar”
“Gonna check what they have on the menu, but don’t move from the bar, mosshead” 
“Don’t tell me what to do” Zoro barked as he drank sake.
The lighting switched, a new band was performing and people gathered to dance. After a while, Zoro decided to go out and walk around the hall, glancing at some aisles, he was reassured to see Luffy and Usopp eating and laughing at tables in the corner.
The restaurant had a wide variety of menus, he saw Sanji in the background, talking passionately to what appeared to be the kitchen staff, his genuine smile made his blue eyes sparkle, Zoro couldn’t deny his gentle beauty, the smoothness of his costume accentuated his features and his gestures of awe did not go unnoticed either. This was one of the few times where the swordsman could appreciate the cook’s smile and enthusiasm as a stranger, accepting the qualities for himself but never finding the right moment to put it into words.
Overwhelmed with feelings, he left to get some fresh air. Sanji, on the other hand, interrupted the chatter to go back to Zoro. As he approached the bar, he noticed the absence.
The strong lights, the crowd and the heat of the place made the cook uncomfortable. “Shit, where did he go?” He asked the bartender and then other customers, but they couldn't give details. “This asshole,” he thought. “He should be on the ship by now.” 
Sanji went out of the tavern fast, there were a few people outside, mostly drunk pirates on the floor. The blond took a long sigh, lit a cigarette and entered a nearby alley. Despite the dim lights he could walk, the pavements were small and sometimes zigzagged but not to get lost. At the end of the street, he sat down on a bench and lit a cigarette, a breeze soothed the high temperatures he had brought from the bar.
“You shouldn't let your guard down here” he heard as he felt one of Zoro’s swords behind his shoulder.
“mmm, get that shit out of me”
Zoro sheathed the sword and sat down on the other side of the bench.
“Why are you here?” the swordsman voiced.
“Apparently, someone idiot was about to get lost” 
“But… I found you” he goaded sarcastically.
“Do you want to be alone? Why don’t you go to Merry and get some sleep? It would give me… a break to enjoy the party”
“You piss me off, curly” Zoro muttered as he stood up in a dizzy way.
“Are you drunk, shitty mosshead? Why are you staring at me like this?”
Zoro observed Sanji’s posture, there was something exquisite in the way he sat, his long crossed legs looked extremely stylized in the suit, he had a defiant look while he exhaled the smoke from his cigarette.
“I should be the one asking if you’re drunk” Zoro scolded as he got closer.
“I'm not the one who’s swinging while standing up, I’m not even acting silly…”
The swordsman’s heartbeat was struggling, he didn't know how much longer he could cope with the distance, he felt so bewitched that it was difficult to contain himself being alone with the cook, that's why he avoided spending time alone with him, he fought internally to not lose control.
After a silence, their eyes met for a short moment, Sanji began to walk back to the tavern.
Sanji's silhouette moved quickly, the blood-red color of his coat made him look paler and more intimidating than he really was. Zoro rushed over stealthily, grabbing him by the arm.
"Oi oi marimo! Do you need something?" Sanji uttered. 
Zoro noticed his impulse and the strength with which he held the cook's forearm.
"You're right. I'll go back to the ship," he said as he looked down.
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In the middle of the night, footsteps prowled around the kitchen, the drawers of the shelves opened and closed.
"Shitty cook?" Zoro asked. Through the window he perceived Sanji contemplating the island lights and sky.
"too early to be back tho"
"I wanted to drink something here. I left some sake in the kitchen and pantry" Sanji's sleepy eyes looked huge, they normally stood out at night with the lights, but now they were much more piercing as he did the offer. Zoro was again starting to become nervous as he contemplated how his features harmonized with the silly disguise.
"Take off that stupid hat," he rasped suddenly.
“Do you want to wear it, asshole?” he replied as he walked back to the kitchen.
Zoro followed him with his gaze.
"I brought wine and sake, mosshead. Do you want some?”
Sanji was eager to see if Zoro would be open to drinking with him in that situation, all alone. 
He unbuttoned his coat before pouring the liquors, Zoro slowly approached to sit on the island in front of him. 
“The hat, eyebrows.”
"you're obsessed with the damn hat...aren’t you? Sanji exhaled. “don't make me bitter. Not because you’re not feeling your character and custom it means I’m going to take this shit off…”
“you don’t look like a vampire”
“you don’t look like a swordsman. Are you escaping from yourself?” he emphasized as he ran his finger over the glass of wine.
“What are you implying, curly brow?”
“I like accessories… with them you could try other things. They can highlight things about you, physical features, personality features…You must feel something different by being dressed like this… marimo… your look is…” he couldn’t continue with the train of thoughts. Zoro had his eyes fixed on him.
“Are you drunk?”
Sanji placed his hat on Zoro's head.
“Seriously, did you drink or eat something else, lovecook? Are you sober?”
“I’m more conscious than ever. Drink the fuckin’ sake, so you stop asking the same stupid questions”
“Cook… since when you like vampires?” Zoro inquired while Sanji lit a cigarette. 
“since I was little, but no one had ever asked”
“why do you find them appealing?” Zoro’s tone had already calmed down. It seemed he was fully interested in knowing Sanji’s perspective.
“They’re mysterious and romantic creatures. They struggle to survive, stories tell some of them starve to death to not damage their beloved ones, others say that they’re evil creatures cause they kill indiscriminately… They’re enigmatic, passionate. Blood is their source, their ecstasy, their food. They depend on it. It's a nice metaphor for life itself. Blood as wine can symbolize plenty of things… desire, lust, fervent love. What if vampires smell blood as we smell liquors…and that’s how desire leads them to their prey or immortal companion. 
Sanji’s words made Zoro tremble, he was with such a natural and carefree attitude that they had not noticed how close they were, he could feel the cook's legs collide with his under the small kitchen’s island. His voice was alluring, suddenly Zoro couldn’t take his eyes from his lips. It felt like everything was in slow motion. His storytelling sounded like soft whispers, the moment became intimate as if Sanji was trusting him with his deepest thoughts. 
“Tempted by senses…blood… makes them lose their inhibitions. Wine makes us lose our inhibitions too…” in an instant Zoro's warm lips pressed tightly against his, the cook couldn't even react… their breaths were heavy, a rush of heat reached both. Sanji’s body started to shiver, wishing the moment was eternal.
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pod-together · 1 year
Pod-Together Day 8 Reveals 2023
A Single Drachma (Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, The Trials of Apollo - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types) written by TsarinaTorment, performed by stereden Summary: Alone. Injured. Hunted. Michael doesn’t know where he is, but he knows he’s running out of time, and he’s only got one shot at calling for help. He’s got to make it count.
Lost in the time (Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi (TV)) written by HadrianPeverellBlack, performed by reena_jenkins Summary: Obi-Wan Kenobi couldn't accept that Anakin, his brother, became Darth Vader. He tried to change that. Sometimes things can't change. Other times they could.
taking care (Welcome to Night Vale) written by Koschei_B, performed by xianvar Summary: Cecil comes home covered in blood and miserable.
Soul Swapped Soulmates (แค่เพื่อนครับเพื่อน | Bad Buddy: the Series (TV)) written by FlutterFyre, performed by sunkitten_shash Summary: “Pran, is that you?” “Now why would I be calling myself? Oh, wait, could it be because I’m stuck in your body? What the hell, Pat?” Pran’s sarcasm was coming through loud and clear. Pat’s irritation rose. He stalked over to the window and threw the curtains open. Sure enough, Pran – in Pat's body – was standing in Pat’s bedroom, glaring through the windows at him.
Are Flames Buried, Too? (One Piece (Anime & Manga)) written by CricketBones, performed by mistbornhero Summary: When a letter involving Banchina comes to Usopp, Luffy realizes something he had not thought about before; Does Ace have a grave? How do we handle grief, and past hurt, and how can the Strawhat Pirates help?
A Day In The Life: Archive Support Clerk Extraordinaire (Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types) written by bluegeekEM, performed by litra Summary: Archive support clerk Edwina Ro embarks on her first day in possession of a newly elevated clearance level, ready to do battle with the forces of archival chaos and instill organization wherever she goes. At the very least she hopes to tackle more interesting projects. Discovering that the "Accidental Marriage or Marriage-Equivalent" form is now on her "commonly referenced" list of forms? Not what she'd expected, actually.
there ain't no easy way out (i won't back down) (Leverage) written by JuneOokami, performed by farkenshnoffingottom Summary: After the Rundown Job, Eliot has some realizations about his relationship with Hardison and Parker
人過留名 | Reputation (魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù) created by dragongirlG and DrPanda99 Summary: Jingyi is the only one awake when Jin Ling texts the group chat at midnight. Hey so remember my dead uncle on my mom’s side? He's back What, Jingyi responds. WHAT EXPLAIN YOURSELF - Jin Ling's uncle returns from the dead during Chinese New Year. Meanwhile, Lan Jingyi decides to investigate the return of mysterious stackoverflow user yilinglaozu.
you and i, we are matter (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018), The Owl House (Cartoon)) written by hopelessgemini, performed by lady_mab Summary: instincts kick in. catra freezes in place and tries to reconcile herself with the fact that she is very suddenly not where she was before. why does this keep happening to me?
or, catra accidentally lands herself on the boiling isles and in the care of one mara eternia. a toh she-ra au, written for pod_together 2023. there WILL be shenanigans.
The Lost Gods [text, audio] (Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types) written by hiddendruid, performed by roseszain and SerenaEW Summary: A cushy house-sitting job, a mysterious journal, a creepy guy at a pool, and... a rescue crew with arrows and wolves?
Suddenly, this summer job had gotten a whole lot more interesting
Of Trade Winds and the End of Our Peaceful Days (Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types) written by Elle_dubs, performed by Hangebokhan Summary: Jaskier helps in his inimitable way to raise a dragon, and the found family he has surrounded himself with is forced to contend with plans for the future.
Stones of the Sea: Relics of Sea & Sand (shell) (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, A Stitch in Time - Andrew Robinson - Fandom) created by BardicRaven and RisalSoran Summary: Even ruined, reduced to a shell of its former self, Tain’s house held its share of dangers. Elim Garak knew that, walked cautiously through its shattered walls and fallen rooms. But even he could still be caught.
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zorosleftmantit101 · 1 year
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Strawhats as shit I've sent to my group chat
C/W: swearing, the usual bullshit
A/N: I didn't add chopper or jimbe
Brook: Lets play the game where you all send my pictures of your toes dipped in whipped cream
Nami: If I was a dude I would be so hard rn
Zoro: Tummy hurts
Zoro: need the sweet relief of death
Robin: My love of Dilfs is coming back ten fold
Sanji: My cock and balls when I slam my tip in the door
Usopp: I hope you faint and fall into a conveniently placed cactus
Franky: the power of masturbation induced UTI
Luffy: If i take another bite of this im actually going to pop
Luffy: alr guys I finished it
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trashytoastboi · 2 years
Hello! May I please request a headcanon post about the Strawhats as travelling merchants?
Heyya! Sure thing 🍞 this was quite an interesting one to write! I won't deny that 90% of my merchant knowledge comes from Spice & Wolf 🤣🍀 hope you enjoy~
Headcanons: The Straw-Hat's being travelling merchants
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Straw-Hat Crew
Robin📚 The researcher. Market research, audience studies, target market, trends, demand and supply. Robin takes care of all of it. She is precise and proficient that she can usually guess a good investment and stock up on things before a massive price boom. She knows the location they are going to visit beforehand, she research the markets, what they have and what they need. Handles all official paperwork such as travel permits and declaration forms of their products and wares.
Nami🍊 Money and maps. The books, the profits, the expenditure. Not a single beri escapes her gaze. She often works on the books and focuses on how to maximize those profits so that the zeros only grow positively in the bank. She's in it to win it and will work alongside Robin whenever she sniffs out a good chance to make some coin. Nami also plans out the most efficient routes to their next destination.
Brook 🎻 Handles the advertising, he uses his skills with music to attract people almost like a pied piper. The music creates a soothing and pleasant atmosphere for the people who come around to shop and peruse the Straw Hats various wares. He leaves his hat out as a welcome for tips, Nami's idea of course.
Franky 🤖 Franky mostly handles repairs for the various wagons and carts the group need when travelling. He is usually there to handle appraisals as well, having a very good eye to see through bad materials. He creates mechanical knickknacks for sale and offers repair services for all sorts of things.
Usopp 🏹 The salesman could probably sell your own liver back to you. He has a silver tongue and a great well of flattery up his sleeve. Ussop is the best man for the job as he chats up every product perfectly, so much so that nearly everything he proclaims the greatness of will sell out. For every product he has a tall tale to go with it. Customers want value and sensationalism which Ussop knows very well.
Luffy 🍖 An unusual and strange charm that tends to draw customers and trouble. Luffy is the head of their little band of merchants and dictates where they go. A bit inconvenient as Luffy is very erratic and his paths are never linear, usually leading them to the most random location. Usually results getting into arguments with other merchants. A territorial dispute you could say. Though Luffy usually convinces those merchants to just work alongside them.
Sanji 🍽 Sanji is in charge of cooking meals for the Straw Hats as well as trading spices, making food to draw more customers by offering snacks and samples. He calls the shots on rare ingredients and whether it's better to trade them or cook them. A lot of returning customers are there for Sanji's food and his ever so convenient mixed spice packs.
Zoro ⚔ Zoro is not well versed in the matters of trade, nor bookkeeping and even making something to sell. So what he does handle is the security. Brawn is his literal strong suit and he works hard to protect the merchants, their wares and any apparatus. There usually aren't any problems, because Zoro takes care of them quickly. If its too overwhelming a few others would step in but thus far a situation where it's been too much has not arisen.
Jinbei 🥋 Jinbei is in charge of driving the wagon and heading the wagon train. He coordinates the setting up of their little market area. Works closely with Nami when planning routes as Jinbei takes all the obstacles into account when travelling. Also being one of the more amicable and well versed members, he handles negotiations for locations and permissions to set up a campsite doubled traveling shop.
Chopper 🍭 Medicine and Animals. Chopper makes various salves, medicines, and ointments for a wide variety of things. In fact Miracle Medicine is not too far off to describe the health tonics he creates. They are one of the best sellers that the Straw Hat merchant group has to offer. Chopper also takes it upon himself to look after the animals that help with pulling the wagons when they travel on land, as well as offering free medical check ups for anyone that seeks one.
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