#strategic workforce planning
employeetrackpro · 1 month
Building A Foundation Workforce Planning Metrics For Growth
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In an era of rapid technological advancements and evolving business landscapes, organizations are increasingly recognizing the importance of a robust workforce planning strategy. The foundation of this strategy lies in understanding and effectively utilizing Employment planning metrics, which serve as essential tools in driving organizational growth. These metrics not only offer insights into the current workforce but also provide a roadmap for future talent needs, enabling businesses to align their human resources with long-term objectives.
Understanding Workforce Planning Metrics
At its core, workforce planning is about ensuring that an organization has the right people with the right skills in the right places at the right time. To achieve this, organizations rely on workforce planning metrics to measure and analyze various aspects of their workforce. These metrics encompass a broad range of data points, from headcount and turnover rates to more complex indicators such as skills gaps, employee engagement, and workforce productivity.
Traditionally, workforce planning was largely a reactive process, focused on filling vacancies and managing immediate talent needs. However, as businesses have become more complex and competitive, the need for a proactive approach has become apparent. Today, Employment planning metrics are not just about tracking numbers but about understanding trends, predicting future needs, and making strategic decisions that support growth.
Key Metrics for Organizational Growth
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To effectively drive growth, organizations must focus on several key Employment planning metrics that provide a comprehensive view of their talent landscape. These metrics include:
Headcount Analysis: This basic metric remains crucial for understanding the size and composition of the workforce. However, modern headcount analysis goes beyond simple numbers to examine how employee roles and responsibilities align with organizational goals. By analyzing headcount in conjunction with other metrics, such as productivity and engagement, organizations can identify areas where resources may be underutilized or where additional support is needed.
Turnover and Retention Rates: High turnover can be a significant barrier to growth, leading to increased recruitment costs and loss of institutional knowledge. By tracking turnover and employee retention rates, organizations can identify patterns and root causes of employee attrition. This information is vital for developing targeted retention strategies that keep top talent within the organization.
Skills Gap Analysis: As industries evolve, so too do the skills required to stay competitive. Skills gap analysis helps organizations identify areas where their workforce may lack the necessary competencies to meet future demands. By understanding these gaps, businesses can invest in training and development programs that upskill employees and ensure that they are equipped to support organizational growth.
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Employee Engagement and Satisfaction: Engaged employees are more productive, innovative, and committed to their organization’s success. Measuring employee engagement and satisfaction provides insights into how motivated and invested the workforce is in achieving the company’s goals. High levels of engagement are often correlated with lower turnover rates and higher performance, making this metric critical for sustainable growth.
Workforce Productivity: Productivity hacks assess how efficiently the workforce is achieving business objectives. This can include measures such as revenue per employee, output per hour, and project completion rates. By analyzing productivity data, organizations can identify bottlenecks, streamline processes, and allocate resources more effectively, all of which contribute to overall growth.
Aligning Metrics with Business Strategy
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The true value of Employment planning metrics lies in their ability to align the workforce with the organization’s broader business strategy. To achieve this alignment, it is essential that these metrics are not viewed in isolation but are integrated into the strategic planning process. This requires close collaboration between HR leaders and other key stakeholders, such as finance and operations, to ensure that workforce planning supports the company’s long-term goals.
For example, if a company’s growth strategy involves expanding into new markets, Employment planning metrics can help identify the skills and capabilities needed to support this expansion. By forecasting future talent needs and aligning them with business objectives, organizations can avoid costly missteps such as over-hiring or under-hiring. Additionally, by regularly reviewing and adjusting these metrics, businesses can remain agile and responsive to changing market conditions.
The Role of Technology in Workforce Planning
Advancements in technology have significantly enhanced the effectiveness of Employment planning metrics. Tools such as data analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning enable organizations to collect and analyze vast amounts of workforce data with greater accuracy and speed. These technologies allow for more sophisticated predictive modeling, helping organizations anticipate future workforce needs and make data-driven decisions that support growth.
You can also watch: EmpMonitor: Manage Remote Work Easily
Workforce planning metrics serve as the foundation for sustainable growth in today’s dynamic business environment. By leveraging these metrics effectively, organizations can align their talent strategies with their long-term objectives, ensuring that they have the right people in place to drive success. As technology continues to advance, the ability to collect and analyze workforce data will only improve, offering even greater opportunities for organizations to build a strong foundation for growth.
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tsic-tata · 2 months
Productivity Services Consulting | Tata Steel Industrial Consulting
Boost your operational efficiency with Tata Steel Industrial Consulting's Productivity Services. Our expert consulting solutions focus on process optimization, waste reduction, and performance enhancement to drive productivity and profitability. Transform your operations for sustainable success today.
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shearwaterasia · 2 years
Make Your Planning Easier & Smooth With Shearwater
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Running an organization successfully is not easy. You need the right planning with an absolute pace to keep up with business priorities and discover new opportunities. But relying on spreadsheets and old planning platforms may not let you adapt to the dynamic nature of your business.
Besides, you’ll have a plan that’s way out of sync with corporate and finance plans. That’s the reason most people are using workday adaptive planning solutions. It allows finance, HR, and business leaders to plan collaboratively— and rapidly put those plans into motion.
With Workday Workforce Management, one can model the optimal workforce, standardize plans over business units, plan for any situation, and team to make workforce plans that blend with your corporate plans.
Use Shearwater to keep your project, financial, and people data all in one place, which makes you easily adapt in real-time and make the most of every project. It can help you raise your business workforce planning and forecasting journey to the best level. An appropriate data core makes it easy to determine project dependencies and constraints, so you can find out about the business impact of every decision.
Make Planning Easy With Shearwater- 
1. Headcount, cost, and resource planning - Work on hiring, transfer, salary, bonus, salary growth, and staff resources to satisfy operational needs. Optimize the organizational structure.
2. Strategic workforce planning - Strategic workforce planning offers the ability to identify demand gaps and measures to fill the gaps.
3. Talent Planning - Get insights to optimize talent sources.
4. Take the manpower plan to a new level - It allows one to view or manipulate manpower data to plan without limitations.
5. Integrate real-time data from ERP & HCM systems - Strategize, optimize and revise your present manpower plans.
3 Main Advantages of Using Workday -
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Many organizations from diverse sectors, like technology, healthcare, etc., utilize Workday and ensure the success of their projects. It is an outstanding option when you require top workforce management tools and when you have a company with employees ranging from 250 to 1,000.
Shearwater is a reliable platform that contributes to the development of consumers by providing consulting and tech solutions. Its adaptive functions ensure there are no complications in working. You are no anymore occupied with juggling with excel spreadsheets, and you can consume your time investigating your growth and performance. 
Visit the website at https://www.shearwaterasia.com/workday-adaptive for the entire details. If you still have queries, call +65 84295606 and learn how to make your day-to-day tasks easy and fruitful using Shearwater.
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rahul-shl · 2 years
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hradminist · 8 months
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bispsolutions · 1 year
Custom Workforce Planning
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managerapproach · 2 years
Organization's True Potential with Organizational Development!
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follow-up-news · 2 months
Layoffs will once again hit CNN as the cable news channel reorganizes in a push to expand its digital businesses. CNN CEO Mark Thompson outlined his digital vision in a lengthy memo to staff Wednesday morning, announcing plans to build a flurry of digital products, including a subscription offering before the end of the year, plans to launch other paid offerings built around lifestyle journalism and a “strategic push into AI.” In his note, Thompson said that about 100 roles will be cut, representing just shy of 3 percent of CNN’s workforce.
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deletedaccd · 4 months
disclamer: i am not american. this does not affect me, at least for now. this perhaps may decrease my following but my friends are in danger, and im drinking a beer, i dont give a shit at the moment
"Project 2025 is a strategic initiative aimed at transforming the US Army into a more lethal, agile, and adaptable fighting force by the year 2025. This ambitious plan encompasses a wide range of modernization efforts across all aspects of the Army, from its personnel and training to its equipment and technology. A key element of Project 2025 is the development and integration of advanced technology, such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and autonomous systems. These technologies are intended to enhance the Army's ability to collect and analyze information, conduct operations in complex environments, and engage adversaries effectively. The project also emphasizes the importance of network modernization and cyber security, recognizing the growing role of cyber warfare and the need for resilient and secure communication systems. In addition to technological advancements, Project 2025 prioritizes the development of human capital by focusing on training, education, and recruitment. The goal is to cultivate a workforce that is skilled, adaptable, and capable of operating effectively in a rapidly changing world. By combining these technological and human elements, Project 2025 aspires to create an Army that is prepared to meet the challenges of future conflicts and maintain its position as the premier military force in the world. " - Unknown name
I am not american. I will not say my views, whether republican, liberal, democrat or whatever views and titles there are
But i will simply say what i have heard and what i have read
Project 2025, a nefarious agenda cloaked in a veil of progress, looms over society, threatening to erode fundamental freedoms and plunge us into a dystopian nightmare. At its core is a sinister plot to restrict access to reproductive healthcare, stripping women of their control over their own bodies. Abortion, a fundamental human right, is deemed a heinous crime, with draconian punishments meted out to those who dare to seek or provide it. I do not doubt they will be going after birth control as well, which is also a human right.
Furthermore, Project 2025 viciously targets the LGBTQ+ community, attempting to erase their very existence. Marriage equality is revoked, and same-sex couples are denied the right to love, raise families, or live their lives openly. Hateful rhetoric spews from the highest offices, fostering an atmosphere of fear and persecution.
Education is also under attack, with curricula twisted to promote a narrow, intolerant worldview. Critical thinking and open discussion are stifled, replaced with indoctrination and propaganda. Young minds are poisoned with messages of hate and exclusion, shaping a generation destined for ignorance and intolerance.
The arts, once a bastion of free expression, are now subject to censorship. Artists who dare to challenge the status quo are silenced, their works banned or destroyed. Culture is homogenized and controlled, leaving no room for diversity or dissent.
Trump's tax cuts, primarily benefiting wealthy individuals and corporations, have been criticized for increasing the national debt and widening income inequality. Trump's administration has rolled back environmental regulations, including those addressing climate change and pollution control, drawing criticism from scientists and environmentalists.
Trump's immigration policies, such as the border wall and family separations, have been condemned as inhumane and ineffective, exacerbating tensions at the U.S.-Mexico border.
Trump's attempts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare, were unsuccessful. However, his administration's actions, such as weakening the mandate and Medicaid expansion, have led to concerns about reduced healthcare access.
Trump's rhetoric and policies have been criticized for fueling racial tensions and promoting gender discrimination. The travel ban targeting majority-Muslim countries and the separation of families at the border have drawn accusations of racism and xenophobia.
Trump's presidency and the Republican Party's support of his policies have contributed to deep political polarization in the United States. His divisive rhetoric and inflammatory tweets have exacerbated existing divisions and made it harder to find common ground. Trump's attacks on the media, the judiciary, and law enforcement have raised concerns about the erosion of democratic institutions. His refusal to concede defeat in the 2020 election and his supporters' storming of the Capitol on January 6, 2021, have further undermined public trust in the electoral process.
This is what i have heard
I have women friends, gay friends, trans friends that live in america
I suggest not voting for trump, but lets be honest, thats been said a dozen timew, doesnt make it any less hwlpful of advice
your all off your heads (or perhaps faces) if ye think project 2025 is good
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mariacallous · 4 months
After decades of strategic drift and costly acquisition failures, the U.S. Navy is sailing straight into a storm it can’t avoid. Despite the Defense Department’s lip service about China being the “pacing challenge,” decades of deindustrialization and policymakers’ failure to prioritize among services and threats have left the Navy ill-equipped to endure a sustained high-intensity conflict in the Pacific. The United States is unable to keep pace with Chinese shipbuilding and will fall even further behind in the coming years. Where does that leave the U.S. Navy and the most critical U.S. foreign-policy imperative: deterring a war in the Pacific?
As evidenced by the Biden administration’s latest budget request, fiscal constraints are forcing the Navy to cut procurement requests, delay modernization programs, and retire ships early. The Navy’s budget for the 2025 fiscal year calls for decommissioning 19 ships—including three nuclear-powered attack submarines and four guided-missile cruisers—while procuring only six new vessels. The full scope of what military analysts have long warned would be the “Terrible ’20s” is now evident: The expensive upgrading of the U.S. nuclear triad, simultaneous modernization efforts across the services, and the constraint of rising government debt are compelling the Pentagon to make tough choices about what it can and cannot pay for.
Workforce shortages and supply chain issues are also limiting shipbuilding capacity. The defense industrial base is still struggling to recover from post-Cold War budget cuts that dramatically shrank U.S. defense manufacturing. The Navy needs more shipyard capacity, but finding enough qualified workers for the yards remains the biggest barrier to expanding production. The shipbuilding industry is struggling to attract talent, losing out to fast food restaurants that offer better pay and benefits for entry-level employees. At bottom, it is a lack of welders, not widgets, that must be overcome if the U.S. Navy is to grow its fleet.
Instead, the shipbuilding outlook is progressively worsening. An internal review ordered by Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro in January found that major programs, including submarines and aircraft carriers, face lengthy delays. Even the Constellation-class frigates, touted as a quick adaptation of a proven European design, are delayed by three years.
As defense analyst David Alman outlined in a prize-winning essay for the U.S. Naval Institute’s Proceedings, the United States simply can’t win a warship race with China. The United States effectively gave up on commercial shipbuilding during the Reagan administration in the name of free trade. In the decades that followed, generous state subsidies helped China dominate commercial shipbuilding, and Beijing’s requirement that the sector be dual-use resulted in an industry that can shift to production and ship repair for the military during a conflict, much as U.S. shipyards did during World War II. The U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence estimates that China now has 232 times the shipbuilding capacity of the United States. China built almost half the world’s new ships in 2022, whereas U.S. shipyards produced just 0.13 percent.
Rebuilding the arsenal of democracy that anchored the U.S. victory at sea 80 years ago won’t happen overnight or cheaply—it is a generational project. The 20-year Shipyard Infrastructure Optimization Program aimed at upgrading dry docks, facilities, and equipment will end up costing well over the projected $21 billion. But the plan is only intended to maximize existing U.S. industrial capacity and won’t do much to close the enormous shipbuilding gap with China. That would require a reconstitution program on par with the series of maritime laws passed after World War I, which supported the expansion of an industrial base eventually capable of turning out thousands of carriers, destroyers, submarines, frigates, and cargo ships for the Atlantic and Pacific fleets.
Realizing that U.S. shipyards are stretched thin, policymakers have begun looking abroad. Del Toro encouraged South Korean companies to invest in U.S. naval shipping during a visit this year. Japan will likely begin performing repair and maintenance work on U.S. warships soon; India agreed to do so last year. These initiatives will alleviate the increasing maintenance backlog at U.S. facilities, but it would take a large share of the combined Japanese and South Korean shipyard capacity to fundamentally alter the growing disparity between the U.S. and Chinese fleet size in the Western Pacific.
Ships are not all comparable, of course. U.S. warships are heavier and more capable than China’s, although a dearth of logistics vessels and sealift capability are major concerns. Still, the current era of missile warfare has magnified the importance of fleet size.
Without enough ships to match the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Navy, what can the United States do to maintain conventional deterrence in the Pacific and prevent war? At least two big things: buy missiles and cut back on missions.
First, to manage risk in the short term, the Navy and the other services need to rapidly procure more munitions—focusing on weapons and capabilities, not the platforms that carry them.
The Russia-Ukraine war has military planners thinking less about short, quick conflicts and more about long wars and their vast need for materiel. What holds for depleted stocks of land-based artillery also holds for many of the weapons needed for a war at sea. A much-publicized 2023 wargame conducted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies found that the United States would run out of its entire inventory of the key Long Range Anti-Ship Missile within the first few days of a war over Taiwan. Ramping up the procurement and production of these munitions, as well as Joint Strike Missiles, Standoff Land Attack Missiles, and Harpoon missiles will enable U.S. airpower to help even the odds in the Pacific.
Anti-ship systems operated by the Army and Marines could also complement the other services’ firepower. However, the deployment of ground-based missiles will require allies’ consent. To date, no Asian allies of the United States have volunteered to permanently host U.S. missile batteries, due to political sensitivities and the fact that these countries already have such weapons of their own.
Innovation and creativity could further augment U.S. naval power. Retired U.S. Marine Col. T.X. Hammes, a fellow at the National Defense University, has urged the Navy to convert commercial container ships into warships capable of launching missiles, which would add a tremendous volume of firepower at a bargain price. These “missile merchants” would also require significantly less manpower than traditional warships do, a major consideration given the Navy’s struggle to fill existing billets.
Policymakers also need to make hard choices and limit naval deployments. Though the Navy is shrinking, its missions aren’t. A high operational tempo, manpower shortfalls, and an aging fleet are fueling a readiness crisis that is burning out sailors and ships.
Addressing the readiness crisis requires taking a hard look at which missions are essential for U.S. security and which aren’t. As former Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work has written, since the fall of the Soviet Union, the Navy has spent 30 years prioritizing global presence over warfighting readiness. The deadly Pacific ship accidents in 2017 involving the USS Fitzgerald and USS John McCain were directly attributable to this unsustainable mania for global presence, according to a Navy review.
The preeminence of presence missions also has more subtle consequences. After 20 years of largely uncontested deployments to the Middle East, the U.S. Navy now has an opponent who shoots back: Yemen’s Houthis. But increased experience in missile and drone defense is outweighed by a deleterious drain on precision munitions. In the conflict with the Houthis, the Navy burned through more Tomahawk land attack missiles in one day than it purchased in all of 2023. Meanwhile, the Houthis can replace all equipment destroyed by U.S. attacks with just two shiploads from Iran, according to Gen. Michael Kurilla, the head of U.S. Central Command.
The costs of maintaining global presence are magnified by the state of Navy recruiting and retention. The service’s recruiting woes are undeniable. The Navy missed all of its recruiting goals in 2023, some by as much as 35 percent. The service projects a shortfall of 6,700 recruits this year, according to its chief personnel officer.
Like the rest of the all-volunteer force, unprecedented recruiting headwinds mean manpower shortages will remain a persistent challenge for the Navy. Absent any change in operational tempo, sailors will work harder, deploy more frequently, and leave the service in greater numbers—ensuring a downward spiral for both manning and readiness.
The United States can’t match the size of China’s fleet in the near or medium term. Deindustrialization, poor procurement choices, and a myopic fixation on the U.S. presence in the Middle East have seen to that. All that said, the U.S. Navy still retains several significant advantages in a potential conflict with China: submarine dominance, overall tonnage, blue-water experience, and support from capable allies. A major increase in joint munitions purchases and an end to the readiness drain of presence deployments to secondary theaters will enhance the Navy’s edge during the potential peak window for a Chinese move on Taiwan over the next decade. The alternative is grim. If conventional deterrence fails, it risks military defeat for the United States or something even more dangerous: nuclear confrontation between the world’s two superpowers.
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bitchesgetriches · 1 year
Am I a failure for taking a pay cut? I started going back to get my masters in library science this year, and I’ve been trying to find a job in the field. I make $19/hour now in the CSR position I hate. I’ve applied for 5 library jobs that pay ~$18/hour but I haven’t gotten any calls back. I think they want more experience. Now I’m starting to think I should get a roommate so I can take a lower paying ($13.50/hour) more entry level library job. That’s a big pay cut and I feel like I’m throwing away everything I’ve worked for in the 7 years since I joined the workforce and literally starting back at the pay I started at out of college. My hope is I could move to one of the $18/hour positions in a year or two once I have library experience. Is this plan dumb? I need guidance.
You are NOT a failure. How dare you talk about our baby like that! You are a wise and talented young human and we admire you.
If you hate your job, then you absolutely need a solution. Sounds like you can either wait for something with a similar compensation level to open up... or you can take a pay cut soonest. Weigh how much it's worth it to you to get out of this job you hate. If you decide that time is more important right now than money, then take the lower-paying gig. It'll give you another data point on your resume and get you out of a toxic work environment while you look for something that pays more.
Good luck, sweetheart. You're going to be ok.
Job Hopping vs. Career Loyalty by the Numbers 
Ask the Bitches: What the Hell Else Can I Do To Get a Job? 
Our Best Secrets for a Successful, Strategic, and SHORT Job Search 
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houseboatisland · 6 months
Operation Nestled Dragon
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Even before the passage of its iconic Transport Act 1947, the first Attlee ministry had been laying the groundwork for what we would today call a strategic steam reserve. Operation Nestled Dragon, which went into effect as early as December 1945, called for “at least 4,000” steam locomotives to be stored and kept in constant readiness in the event of “any cataclysm which could strain supply.” This was a somewhat arbitrary number; the LMS alone had 8,000 locomotives on the eve of Nationalization. It was believed that a majority of the country’s engines would survive attack during a wartime scenario, the most likely reason to activate the reserve at the time. 4,000 engines kept as a backup to unscathed stock was deemed sufficient. (It has to be said there were no strategic reserves of coaches or trucks, whether planned or even merely discussed!)
These engines and the necessary facilities would be dispersed as needed throughout the country. Bigger towns would have more engines and more MPDs (motive power depots) allocated to them, London having the most. The number of engines kept in a single “strategic MPD” was always limited to 20. In this way, an attack such as an aerial bombardment would be less likely to take out a population center’s entire locomotive stud at once.
To “activate” the reserve, the Minister of Transport was required to approach the Prime Minister and his Cabinet, and a vote be held on the matter.
Strategic MPDs could be crude or elaborate. By design they were severed from the nearest railway, so that no tracks were visible for any overcurious trespasser, potential spies or reconnaissance aircraft to follow. Every MPD had to be able to have these missing rails laid back in “within or under three hours” if called upon. Often, abandoned mines and tunnels were used and their insides fitted out. These ‘naturally-occurring’ locations were codenamed “dragon’s lairs.” Other times a location had to be built from scratch; these artificial MPDs were codenamed “rabbitholes.” Always was there emphasis on keeping the MPDs dry, ventilated and fireproof. Each MPD needed a turntable, a reliable water supply, coal bunkers, storage space for rails, sleepers, a small number of spare parts, adequate headroom and an overhead crane for heavy repairs like boiler swaps, and of course bunks for crews should the reserve be activated and they be based there. Otherwise bunkrooms were vacant, although men on duty for maintenance of stock and depots did find use for them during their shifts.
There was little methodology in place for which engine classes were preferred for the reserve. Great Western engines were less favored as they were built to run on high-quality South Welsh coal, and it was assumed the quality of coal sourced during a crisis would be poor. In any event however, some still “found their way in.” In general however, Eastern, Midland and ex-WD locos formed the majority of the workforce. Every engine belonging to the various military railways such as that at Longmoor were considered part of the reserve too, so it could be said that several pieces of the reserve’s stock were out in the open all along. Also joining their ranks as they came about were BR Standard classes, some built specifically for the reserve. These had neither BR nor serial numbers, being built “off the books.”
At first, engines reserved were simply stored and maintained in the livery they wore at the time of their “reassignment.” As time went on, (and their maintainers became bored,) a semi-official livery of black with white and navy blue stripes was settled upon and applied, one engine at a time. Quickly a crest for the Strategic Reserve was designed by one anonymous artistic crewman, and the reserve’s motto agreed: “Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit,” a superstitious British phrase.
Attlee and Churchill were both said to have toured a strategic MPD at least once. “Here we are in the belly of the beast. You lot have done some splendid work; Britain thanks you,” Attlee had said on his visit. “Men will do anything to play trains away from the wife without interrogation,” Churchill remarked on his, perhaps half in jest.
Thus was the system. As steam on the public or “civilian” British Railways was phased out, further freshly withdrawn engines were added to the reserve stocklist. Much speculation was made as to why coal bunkers and hoppers and water towers continued to be maintained even as the steam engines finally vanished from the national network in August 1968. This was explained away as infrastructure left in place for railtours by preserved engines, and in hindsight must have sounded ridiculous.
As generations of enginemen retired, they had to pass on their skills to the fresh blood. The years then went by without significant cause for alarm. The closest the reserve came to being activated was at the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis in late October 1962; declassified materials confirm that as many as half of the reserve was in full steam awaiting the call, and track gangs were ready and waiting to lay in rails. The crisis ebbed of course, and by the second week of November, the number of engines idle was back to “Normal.”
Margaret Thatcher’s Government planned to shut the program down, but this was averted… just. John Major however couldn’t be dissuaded. Privatization was in full swing, and the Soviet Union had dissolved itself. The reserve suddenly seemed very redundant, (but per its own 1945 definition, not completely,) and the winding down of it all began. On the 1st of December 1998, some 53 years after the beginning of Operation Nestled Dragon, all 4,855 locomotives and their associated depots and crews were demobilized by the Blair ministry and most of the reserve’s documentation declassified. Everything became public knowledge, including the engines themselves, quite literally overnight.
At once, the locos and their facilities were up for auction. Dozens of Strategic MPDs were made into living museums demonstrating how the reserve worked. Many of the engines belonged to classes otherwise thought extinct, such as the LNER Thompson L1s and the LMS Garratts, and here were surviving specimens being pulled out of the metaphorical wardrobe like nothing. The British preservation scene was in a matter of hours awash in perfectly functional engines no one expected to still exist, which coupled together in a line were longer than most if not all of the railways themselves! Several also were sold abroad to the United States and Canada.
The public couldn’t be blamed for this all being such a shock. They hadn’t been prepared.
Their predecessors however certainly were.
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sunshinesmebdy · 8 months
February 6 Astro Vibe
Prepare for a focused and ambitious phase as the Moon enters grounded Capricorn. Embrace practicality, discipline, and long-term planning. The Moon's trine to abundant Jupiter in Taurus fuels optimism and encourages responsible financial decisions. Seize opportunities for sustainable growth. Finally, the Moon's sextile to wise Saturn in Pisces adds a touch of realism and strategic thinking. Use this cosmic support to turn your ambitious dreams into achievable goals with a healthy dose of self-discipline and compassion. ✨
Moon enters Capricorn: This lunar transit signifies a shift towards a more disciplined, practical, and goal-oriented emotional energy. This is a favorable time for focused, organized efforts that contribute to long-term success. Encourage accountability, punctuality, and a commitment to high standards in all business dealings. Review your budget, assess financial goals, and make strategic decisions to ensure the fiscal health of your business. Encourage your team to prioritize self-care and maintain a healthy work-life balance to prevent burnout. Focus on achieving measurable outcomes and celebrate successes, reinforcing the connection between hard work and positive results.
Tips for this Transit:
Embrace a disciplined work ethic
Set realistic and achievable goals
Focus on professionalism
Access long-term strategies
Dedicate time to financial planning and stability
Moon in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus: This transit suggests a positive alignment of emotions, growth, and practicality, offering opportunities for success and prosperity in the business realm. Assess expansion opportunities, consider long-term investments, and develop plans that align with the stability and prosperity associated with Jupiter in Taurus. Investing in the skills and knowledge of your workforce can lead to increased competence and effectiveness. Consider new approaches to financial management, investments, and revenue generation that align with the enduring and prosperous energy of Jupiter in Taurus.
Tips for this Transit:
Engage in strategic planning for growth
Cultivate a culture for gratitude
Expand your professional network
Invest in education and training
Celebrate milestones and achievements
Moon in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces: This transit suggests a favorable alignment of emotions, responsibility, and a compassionate approach, offering opportunities for effective and meaningful business strategies. Establish clear goals and routines to enhance productivity and efficiency. Consider the long-term impact of choices and strive for win-win solutions that balance practicality and empathy. Encourage teamwork and mutual support within your business, creating a positive and cohesive work environment. Invest in employee training programs that not only enhance professional skills but also address the holistic growth and well-being of your team members.
Tips for this Transit:
Practice practical and compassionate decision-making
Strengthen your professional relationships
Encourage mentorship and guidance
Implement sustainable practices
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accountsend · 1 year
Scaling Up: Strategies for Navigating Business Development in a Time of Rapid Growth
Article by Jonathan Bomser | CEO | AccountSend.com
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Imagine your business as a ship embarking on an exciting voyage across uncharted waters. The journey from a small enterprise to a thriving powerhouse is exhilarating, but it comes with its own set of unique challenges. As you sail through the tumultuous tides of rapid growth, how do you navigate this transformation with finesse? In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into seven practical strategies that will serve as your guiding stars, leading your B2B business development efforts through the intricate dance of rapid expansion.
Download the infographic here!
Embrace Technological Advancements: Empowerment through Efficiency and Insight
In today's digital landscape, embracing technological advancements isn't just an option; it's a strategic imperative for businesses on the path to growth. Imagine freeing your team from the shackles of repetitive tasks by harnessing cutting-edge tools. Visualize a scenario where automation breathes life into efficiency, allowing your workforce to focus on strategic initiatives that drive innovation and propel your business forward.
But the technological realm offers even more. Dive into the realm of big data, where hidden treasures of actionable insights await. By deciphering patterns and trends, you're equipped to make informed decisions that steer your ship towards prosperous horizons. The integration of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems isn't just a technical feat; it's a game-changer that transforms how you manage your sales pipeline. Seamlessly synchronized data empowers you to anticipate needs, tailor strategies, and fuel growth.
Strengthen Your Team: The Foundation of Sustainable Expansion
As your business evolves, so must your team. Picture your team as architects, constructing the future of your enterprise. Beyond skills, focus on nurturing a team that thrives in the face of change, a team capable of embracing challenges and growing with your business.
Investing in your team is an investment in your business's future. Imagine providing them with the tools and knowledge to tackle evolving demands. As they acquire new skills and insights, their collective potential becomes a force to be reckoned with, ready to champion your business's ascent to new heights.
Deepen Customer Relationships: Nurturing Bonds Beyond Transactions
The heartbeat of your business is your customers. While the allure of acquiring new clients is undeniable, the value of nurturing existing relationships cannot be overstated. Imagine building relationships that transcend transactions, turning customers into brand advocates.
Engage in a symphony of regular interactions, value addition, and meaningful feedback loops. The art of customer retention goes beyond satisfaction; it's about building emotional connections that result in loyal partnerships. A satisfied customer not only stays but becomes a beacon of positive referrals and influential reviews, guiding others to your doorstep.
Expand Into New Markets: A Voyage into Uncharted Territories
Expanding into new markets is akin to a thrilling expedition, a journey that promises new vistas and untapped potential. However, such an endeavor requires strategic planning and market intelligence. Visualize comprehensive market research as your compass, leading you to identify opportunities that align with your offerings.
Adaptation is key in uncharted waters. Tailor your products and services to resonate with the unique demands of these new markets. As you set sail, you're not just expanding geographically; you're weaving your brand into new narratives, positioning yourself as a valuable player in diverse landscapes.
Develop Strategic Partnerships: The Catalyst for Amplified Growth
Partnerships aren't just alliances; they are the accelerants that propel growth. Imagine uniting with entities whose strengths complement your own. Picture collaborations that broaden your reach, amplify your impact, and open doors to unexplored avenues.
Cultivate these partnerships as you would a thriving garden. Nurture them, and watch as they evolve into fertile ground for mutual growth. Through collaboration, you tap into networks that wouldn't have been accessible individually, unlocking a realm of new possibilities.
Invest in Your Brand: Crafting an Identity that Evolves
As your business expands, your brand should evolve too. Think of your brand as a living entity, adapting to the ever-changing marketplace. It's more than just aesthetics; it's about creating an experience that resonates with your audience.
Investment in your brand is an investment in your business's perception. Imagine refining your branding materials to mirror your growth journey. Enhance your digital footprint, creating an online presence that captures your brand's essence. Launch targeted campaigns that evoke emotions and build connections. Your brand isn't just a logo; it's the embodiment of your commitment to excellence and innovation.
Regularly Review and Adapt Your Strategy: The Symphony of Agility
In the dynamic realm of business growth, stagnation is the adversary. What propelled you to success yesterday might hinder you today. Regularly reviewing your strategy isn't a choice; it's an imperative.
Imagine your strategy as a living organism, evolving in response to the shifting environment. Regular recalibration ensures you stay nimble and responsive, enabling you to pivot seamlessly in response to changing market dynamics, customer preferences, and emerging trends.
Conclusion: Crafting Your Growth Odyssey
Scaling your business isn't just about getting bigger; it's about getting better. Each strategy we've explored is a thread in the tapestry of your growth journey. These strategies, fortified by the potency of verified B2B emails and sales leads, become your compass in this uncharted territory.
As you embark on this transformative voyage, remember that growth is an art—a symphony of strategy, innovation, and adaptation. These strategies are your notes, harmonizing to guide you to success. Equipped with verified B2B emails and sales leads, you're ready to navigate the complexities of scaling with confidence. Seize the helm of your growth story, and watch as your business unfurls its sails, navigating towards a horizon brimming with achievements, inspiring others to set sail on their growth odyssey.
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romdocitizen · 1 year
The rise of logistics is rapid. Indeed, to read today in the field of logistics is to read a booming field, a conquering field. In military science and in engineering of course, but also in business studies, in management research, logistics is everywhere. And beyond these classic capitalist sciences, its ascent is echoed ahistorically in the emerging fields of object-oriented philosophy and cognitive neuroscience, where the logistical conditions of knowledge production go unnoticed, but not the effects. In military science the world has been turned upside down. Traditionally strategy led and logistics followed. Battle plans dictated supply lines. No more. Strategy, traditional ally and partner of logisitics, is today increasingly reduced to collateral damage in the drive of logistics for dominance. In war without end, war without battles, only the ability to keep fighting, only logistics, matters.
And so too business innovation has become logistical and no longer strategic. Business innovation of course does not come from business. It is more often derived from military strategies of resistance to its own armies, transferred free to business. Once this consisted in transferring innovations like the line and the formation and the chain of command from military science to the factory and the office, or transferring psychological and propaganda warfare to human relations and marketing. These were free transfers of strategic innovation, requiring managers to instantiate and maintain them. No more. As everything from the internet to the shipping container testify, in keeping with cold wars and wars on terror that lead always to the failure of strategy, it is logistical free transfers that matter. Containerisation was failing as a business innovation until the American government used containers to try to supply its troops in South East Asia with enough weapons, booze, and drugs to keep them from killing their own officers, to keep a war going that could not be won strategically. Those who dreamt of the internet, if not those who built it, were precisely worried about the corruption of intelligence that the outbreak of democracy, as the Trilateral Commission thought of it, made possible in the 1970s. ARPANET as an intelligence gathering network could not have its head turned by sex or ideology, much less the powerful combination of the two. It would not be confused by the outbreak of democracy. And it assumed a never-ending accumulation of intelligence for a never-ending war that many would not want to fight. To Toni Negri’s challenge, show me a business innovation and I will show you a worker’s rebellion, we could add a pre-history the state fearing its own workforce.
-Fred Moten and Stefano Harney, "Fantasy In The Hold," The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning & Black Study
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darkeagleruins · 10 days
BIDENBUCKS: The Biden-Harris regime used the 2022 election as a trial run to use federal tax dollars to replicate and expand Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan's so-called 'Zuckbucks' effort using HUD in 2020. This year they have expanded the effort to EVERY federal agency and they're refusing to allow ANY oversight from Congress.
Without any fanfare or mainstream media reporting HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge rolled out a Chan Zuckerberg Initiative-Style election effort in the 3,000+ Public Housing Agencies she managed. Secretary Fudge was given more than a billion dollars and orders to build a nationwide election infrastructure on top of the nation’s 3,000+ Public Housing Agencies. As a result, she was able to multiply the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative’s 2020 election successes by more than ten times - expanding it from five states to all fifty.
When Democrats learned that Mark Zuckerberg had decided to discontinue his effort to build election infrastructure they looked to the government to fill the void. The billionaire invested more than $400 million in the 2020 presidential election to help election officials in five swing states set up parallel election infrastructure consisting of thousands of ballot drop boxes, voter registration efforts targeted at Democrat communities, and the personnel to manage and maintain them. To fill that gap the Biden-Harris regime signed the Executive Order 14019 on Promoting Access to Voting on March 7, 2021. Six months later Biden allocated more than $5 billion for the effort including more than a billion dollars for the Department of Housing and Urban Development and outlined specific actions to be taken by the agency.
Secretary Fudge stepped down in March but her initiative was expanded to include ALL 15 cabinet secretaries - each of whom were directed to implement Executive Order 14019. Flush with more than $4 billion in taxpayer funds these political appointees have been able to use the infrastructure, personnel, and power of their federal agencies to duplicate HUD's efforts to mobilize voters in Democrat communities - under the guise of mobilizing 'historically disenfranchised groups'.
The Chairman of the House Administration Committee @RepBryanSteil correctly pointed out that this effort violates the Constitution's 'times, places, and manner of elections' clause. As a result Steil issued subpoenas to 15 cabinet secretaries on June 13, 2024, demanding they provide documents related to their strategic plans for implementing the executive order. These plans were originally supposed to be submitted to the White House under the guidance of then-Domestic Policy Advisor Susan Rice. Despite Steil's repeated requests, the agencies have only provided publicly available information effectively stonewalling the committee. The plan seems to be to run out the clock before the November election.
Democrats have repeatedly attempted to pass legislation that would nationalize federal elections. Their most recent effort was called “Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act” (H.R.5746) and would have turned over elections to unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats from the Civil Rights Division of the DOJ which is headed by Kristen Clarke who has written extensively on race claiming that Blacks have “greater mental, physical, and spiritual abilities” than other races. Republicans blocked the legislation but Biden’s EO has opened the backdoor allowing for the creation of a de facto National Election Infrastructure.
HUD, flush with almost a billion dollars in startup capital on top of the $48 billion the agency already receives, features a majority-minority workforce almost completely made up of registered Democrats. These dedicated Democrats provide services to a majority-minority population who live in 958,000 public housing units and typically identify as Democrats but are traditionally unreliable voters. By using HUD’s massive footprint and infrastructure Democrats are guaranteed to bring these unreliable voters into the fold and provide a federal election beachhead into every state in the union. Observers have pointed out that having a federal employee actively running a de facto partisan election agency would violate the Hatch Act. In fact, the Office of Special Counsel investigated Fudge before she left office and determined she had, indeed, violated the Hatch Act issuing her a stern warning.
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