#stormlight Honor
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syl-stormblessed Ā· 3 months ago
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sparkyava Ā· 6 months ago
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a flicker of hope āœØ
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capricandoitall Ā· 2 months ago
I'm very curious if The Wind and Stone will be busy during the next 10 years. Because The Wind is the third witness to what happened in Shinovar - and she knows what happened to Kal.
Like, are the Wind and Stone Spren-Spren? Because they both predate Honor and Cultivation and are more like little bits of Adolnasium. They couldn't be eaten up/claimed by Retribution as some regathering of Honor's splinters like was going to happen to the rest of the spren.
But also, how the eff did THIS oathpact work in re the spren/Retribution? Is it just that Honor won't let Retribution break such a powerful oath?
The other Wind and Truth thing that won't stop rotating in my mind is that
No one knows Kaladin is fine, actually.
There's only 1 source for what happened in Shinovar - Szeth. Who doesn't know about the reforging of the Oathpact to protect the spren. He thinks Kaladin is dead. I mean, he BURIED the guy!
I can guess at some point communication gets restored, because the in-universe Knights of Wind and Truth book was written 6 years later AND references its part of a multi-author work and that Jasnah provided information about Kaladin.
When word gets out about what happened, literally everyone who ever cared about him or looked up to him is going to be distraught. On top of everything that's happened - you've lost one of the biggest inspirations for those that resisted Odium. One of the first Radiants. The mythical Stormblessed. Dead.
Meanwhile he's actually just leading a beach therapy retreat and might turn up again one day.....
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virtualtear00 Ā· 3 months ago
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Second piece of Rlainarin series
First piece
Third piece
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lamaery Ā· 29 days ago
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SPOILER for The end of WIND AND TRUTH Told you, thereā€™s more :D šŸ’™ šŸŖ© āœØ šŸ•¶ļø šŸŒ©ļø Honor is Dad, but he brought the new kid to the rink so they might learn some important bits.Ā 
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Vessel is vessel, no matter how long they hold the power. So the jorts are back, not that there was much to be added from the Beach AU look ā€¦
More Shard Roller Disco AU: Roshar Cultivations, Honor and Odium Nalthis Endowment Sel and Scadrial Devotion, Dominion, Preservation and Ruin Scadrial 2 Preservation and Harmony First of the Sun and Taldain Autonomy Threnody Ambition Roshar 2 (row spoilers) Odium Roshar 3 Bonus Dawnshard (spoilers) Roshar 4 (wat spoilers) Retribution Roshar 5 (WaT spoilers) Honor Dawnshard Bonus 2 (WaT and Sunlit spoilers)
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ramsei501st Ā· 7 months ago
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he tired of him (he defend him till his dying breath)
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spookiest-semic Ā· 10 months ago
ā€œhonor is not dead so long as he lives in the hearts of menā€
ā€œlife before death, strength before weakness, journey before destinationā€
ā€œYou are not worse for your association with the world, but it is better for its association with youā€
Three stormlight quotes that genuinely help me move in my day to day life
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spectrum-color Ā· 2 months ago
Support for my ā€œCultivation knew Honor wouldnā€™t survive Todium and itā€™s part of her long term planā€ theory: Lift told the Nightwatcher that her ask was to stay the same when everyone else changed. She meant that she doesnā€™t want to grow up, which obviously wasnā€™t granted, but now the Stormlight is gone and she is the only true remaining Radiantā€¦
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capricandoitall Ā· 2 months ago
Stormlight Archive brain mush. SPOILER THOUGHTS.
Sylphrena has storms in her eyes.
She's the Ancient Daughter. The only spren created by the Stormfather. So precious and unique, the Honorspren felt justified imprisoning her rather than allowing her to endanger herself. And when her father dies, she feels it, AND THERE ARE STORMS IN HER EYES.
Then she and Kaladin together were able to create a new TRUE honorblade??? Made of Honor??? After Taravangian took on the Honor Shard and became Retribution and threatened all of the spren???
Syl had her own arc coming to see herself as more separate from Kaladin, as independent with a destiny of her own. She's cosigned this new evolution with Kal, but it feels like she's got another independent evolution happening.
I believe entirely that something was passed to her in that moment when the Stormfather died. Maybe that independent part of Honor that infused his Avatar? Maybe something bigger that Taravangian can never reclaim with the Oathpact reforged?
Cannot wait to see her 10 years down the road.
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mrmeeps3654 Ā· 2 months ago
Letā€™s give it up for Tanavast everyone, he fucked a dragon.
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bionikgeek Ā· 11 months ago
My friend is reading WoR and I reread the duel chapter and had this thought: One of the guys trying to cripple Adolin in a full disadvantage duel: "This isn't about Honor. This is about Punishment." Adolin seeing Kaladin approach: "My brother in Honor, you are completely correct. Punishment has just entered the ring. But NOT FOR ME!"
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thewingedbaron Ā· 3 months ago
Kaladin you fucking idiot.
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shouldprobablybereading Ā· 7 months ago
AITA for taking an overseas position without consulting my wife?
Throwaway in case my wife sees it.
I (51m) was recently offered the job of my dreams, it came out of nowhere but fits with everything that I have worked towards for the last 30 years. Really the opportunity of a lifetime and will allow me to actually make a difference. However I would be required to move out of the country very far away, with limited ability to travel back and forth. At first I was ecstatic and said yes pretty much immediately, but when I was speaking with my colleague on zoom he kept telling me that I was getting in over my head. And then my recruiter seemed to think it was weird how quickly I agreed.
My wife (47f) and I have been fighting a lot more lately. She keeps complaining that I am not involving her enough in my life and gets annoyed when I spend time with my friends. Iā€™m starting to get the feeling she resents me for never becoming as successful of an engineer as she wanted to. Which is ridiculous since the truth is that she simply never had what it took, and I donā€™t think itā€™s fair for her to be angry at me. She also gets angry with me when I tell her this, for some reason. If I tell her about the job offer I am sure she will go crazy.
Thing is, if I donā€™t take this position I know they are going to ask my brother (47m) instead which I am certain would be a disaster. He is really successful in our field, but he is reckless and throws himself into things head first. With a skull thick enough that I would not be surprised if he could survive a rockslide. It feels like I have been babysitting him since we were children and I am scared of what he would do without my direct supervision. If they put him in charge I am sure it would burn to the ground. His wife died a while ago and he did not take it well, so he and his boys (13m & 17m) have been staying with us for a while to sort things out. Which is actually a reason why I am not as comfortable leaving, you see I am not comfortable with how much time my wife and he are spending together. They were friends before me and my wife met, it was how we were introduced, and while they never dated I am also not an idiot. You do not keep friends of the opposite gender and bring them to parties without there being some interest. I am afraid that if I leave they might start something.
My children (28f) and (21m) are both adults, so they are no real reason for holding me here. I have paid for both of their college educations as well as my sonā€™s wedding last year. So clearly I have done everything that is expected of me. I would have done the same for my daughter, but she seems hellbent on getting her PhD and seems to get upset whenever I suggest that she should try to settle down. Which is actually really annoying because if I am actually leaving then I need her to have a husband who I can leave the family company to, as my son is the only person I know who is potentially more of a loser than my brother.
I donā€™t think I have done anything wrong, but my coworkers do not seem to agree. So am I the asshole? I just want to make a difference and be away from all of this mediocrity.
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moghedien Ā· 6 months ago
Shallan will find out that Jasnah Kholin has been waiting outside of her hospital room for days, forsaking all of her research just so that she could visit Shallan the second she was allowed to do so, and sheā€™ll still be like ā€œJasnah probably actually hates me šŸ˜”ā€
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renarin-spren Ā· 3 months ago
you know while I'm at it!! I'm sick of people not letting Rlain stand on his own as a character. of course his whole thing in WaT (and to a certain extend RoW) is that he's finally found acceptance and a place he fits in with Renarin, and I love that! I love rlainarin as much as the next person!! but it's driving me up the walls bonkers how the majority of the fan made media I see about him is solely in the context of their relationship. like can we please get more love and appreciation for him as a character? or does everyone else just love him because He's Gay ??
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mushimallo Ā· 19 days ago
This was just a really goofy idea i had -_-
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Instead of baking homemade Shin bread, Nohadon takes Dalinar out for "Unlimited Breadsticks" at the local Italian franchise
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