#journey before destination
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uwudonoodle · 10 days ago
"The time you spend writing is improving you as a writer, which is the most important thing. You are the art."
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mythrilsdoodles · 11 days ago
Linguistics teacher: talking how the direction of a diphthong is more important since it’s hard to determine the exact vowel quality of the glide
Me, a Stormlight Archive nerd: Journey Before Destination
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syllarinfirinne · 2 months ago
I have never felt more deserving of a personal pan pizza in my life. We seriously need a bookit program for adults.
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thatboreddrake · 3 months ago
Well, since I’ve got Stormlight on my mind again (just started reading Oathbringer), I wanted to post something here just for fun.
I took this a while back, and thought it did a super good job of keeping the questions free-form and unconstrained. My results were:
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So yeah, not exactly sure how to start one of these, but feel free to tag anyone you think might enjoy this!
To start, I’ll tag @ivebeensetonfire, @catcas22, @cyberroses, and @bimbomcgee (y’all don’t have to if you don’t want to tho).
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spookiest-semic · 10 months ago
“honor is not dead so long as he lives in the hearts of men”
“life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination”
“You are not worse for your association with the world, but it is better for its association with you”
Three stormlight quotes that genuinely help me move in my day to day life
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arrebato-de-caliope · 2 years ago
Mi "viaje antes que destino"
Fue de noche creo recordar. Estábamos caminando en ese viejo corredor que estaba más iluminado el sendero, pero la oscuridad pasaba a ser total tanto a derecha e izquierda, como obligándonos a mirar hacia los costados. Estaba charlando de la vida con una amiga sobre las dificultades de la vida, de los problemas y como llevarlos adelante. Capaz sea muy pesado con el tema, seguramente lo sea, pero me salió decir ese viejo código que reza: "Viaje antes que destino". Ella me miró con enojo por repetir esa frase por duodécima vez en el mes. Me dijo que es un lugar común, una frase hecha, puede que tenga razón. La cuestión radica en comprenderla en cada una de sus partes. El viaje es el de nuestra vida, y como tal, refiere a dolores y fracasos. Están tantos nuestros momentos felices que nos permiten continuar caminando como esos momentos de tropiezos y dudas. Esos momentos de tener la rodilla en el suelo y mirar de frente el piso, de sentir una lagrima mezclarse con el sudor en la mejilla. El cansancio de saber si todo vale la pena o si no. Como los momentos alegres nos permiten dar pasos adelante, los que realmente nos definen son esos traspiés. El conocimiento real de que fracasaremos. De que capaz lastimemos a quienes nos devuelven la sonrisa más sincera. Sin embargo, si nos detenemos y aceptamos la persona que somos al caer, el viaje concluye. El fracaso transmuta y pasa a ser nuestro destino. La cuestión pasa en poner nuestras dos manos en la rodilla para impulsarnos, volver a levantarnos, mirar hacia adelante y, continuar con el siguiente paso. Siempre el paso más importante es el siguiente.
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via-ru88-blog · 3 years ago
Today, speaking with a wise older friend I explained (without mentioning the book, author, or genre) how rereading the arch of the main character of a book I love helped me realize that it's ok to feel like an imposter. Even HE couldn't live up to his living legend reputaion, but still achieve freedom for his people. I think I am doing just fine. I just have to keep going. The wise older friend's comment was, " Wow, it sounds like that leader had really accepted that it's not about a destination but embracing the journey."
"Journey before destination" folks.
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kaladinstormsblessed · 4 years ago
pov: ur me, reading the back of the way of kings, tearing up in the process
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zuixzan · 5 years ago
Death comes, they whispered. Death comes to all. But life comes first. Cherish it. Death is the destination. But the journey, that is life. That is was matters.
The Way of Kings, Brandon Sanderson
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authorofcelesti · 5 months ago
Pros of writing a Sky:CotL x Stormlight archive crossover: funny skykids interacting with the spren, Adolin bonding with them over fashion, Stormlight translates really well into sustenance for the skykids.
Cons: eight new Skykid OC's, trying to balance out just how much they can interfere without completely derailing the plot, language barrier maybe defeated by the Spren, maybe not.
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kyerinell · 6 years ago
1st Oath
Another favourite stormlight thing. I just love how each character focuses on something else in that first oath.  All of them get the general gist, but each of them kind of deep dives on it in a different way.
Dalinar continually looks at the journey, on the path to his redemption.  He looks at everything through that lens: if I must fall, I will rise each time a better man.
Kaladin does it a little differently.  He talks about his journey, the different men he’s been.  But his oaths and everything else are about another line: strength before weakness.  He places his strength as a sacrifice before the bridgemen at the chasm.  Even the choice to lead Bridge 4: he would try being strong once more before giving way to the wretch.
And then Shallan.  Hers isn’t quite as clear as the others.  But I think it’s there at least as strongly as the others.  Life before death: choose life before death.  Death comes, but Life comes first.  She runs from the symbols of death as she sees them: in Oathbringer she flees from Urithiru when Jasnah returns, Shallan fears that her freedom and independence are at risk.  She sees that as a form of death, like the way her father locked her away.
I realize that you can draw similar parallels in everyone.  Dalinar in Oathbringer is trying to figure out how to live without the thrill.  Shallan seeking the journey and experiences that were denied her.  Kaladin choosing life at the honor chasm.  But it’s one of my favourite parts all the same.  The oaths have similarities, but it’s not just the words: it’s what they mean to the person who speaks them.
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granny-griffin · 6 years ago
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Is Urithiru visible in the background? barely
Do I know anything about the geography of Roshar? not really
I had fun drawing it anyway
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therealsalondezen · 6 years ago
The Journey, Not the Destination
The Journey, Not the Destination
At the close of a year, I think it is right and natural to reflect on what it has brought to us and what we have brought to it. Where are we with the hopes, intentions and goals that we entered the year with? How do we feel about the path of the last year? Satisfaction? Accomplishment? Frustration? Disappointment? Continued hopefulness? Exhaustion?
What you feel and examining those feelings through the lens of the intentions and goals you set at the beginning of the year can tell you alot about the ground you've gained, victories, where you need to correct and tweak and where things are balanced. It can be used as catharsis and a means to renew enthusiasm and vigor. It can be a means to see what you need to free and what has earned its place in your life.
Find a quiet space and moment at this end of the year to reflect, mourn, rejoice. Appreciate and celebrate everything that this year has brought you. But most of all, celebrate you: your integrity, intricacies, your uniqueness and inherent value. Celebrate your victories, your losses, your loves, your frustrations, family, friends, music, art. Celebrate you. Celebrate life.
This post is tagged in:
Life Lessons
Celebrate Life
Love Life
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steffylococci · 6 years ago
going to the uk and some other european countries for the holidays... got my copy of oathbringer to keep me company :)
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aahsoka · 6 years ago
I’ve been reading hero of ages for over four months and I’m still not done
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fangirl-proud · 6 years ago
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A friend made me a thing for my birthday ❤️
Look her up on Instagram @theletteringspot
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