#stones and glass houses
daydreamerwonderkid · 10 months
I might be completely off base here, but the impression I've gotten from some Riddler stans is that they were also-at one point in time-really into the Onceler.
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portalsofatheria · 2 years
~Stones and Glass Houses~ Marvel x DC fanfic (Damian Wayne x Stark!Reader)
~Book 1~
Brooklyn Stark, was born in the Red Room and trained to be the perfect Black Widow until she escaped at the age of 7. Now at the age of 16, she is the only biological daughter of Tony Stark, a Shield agent, and an Avenger in training. She has opened up her heart to a new family made up of superheroes and new friends that she never expected to have. The one thing Brook’s life lacks is love, which in Brook’s case is a blessing. Romantic love is for fools, and she has enough on her plate trying to traverse this new life without it. Damian Wayne, now 16, is the only biological son of Bruce Wayne, the feared Batman. He is an ex-assassin and the heir to not only the Wayne fortune, but also the League of Assassins.
Damian has turned his back on the League and all it stands for, fully embracing what it means to be a superhero and wearing the Robin insignia. He has a loving family that tends to smother him, few friends, and animals that he cherishes. Despite his outward uncaring aloofness, Damian is content with his life and his future. He doesn’t need romantic attachments like the majority of his siblings, and unfortunately, his father have succumbed to.
Hero and vigilante masks aside, the Waynes and Starks are known for their epic rivalry and hatred of each other that has only gotten worse from generation to generation, so it is no surprise that it is hate at first sight between Brook and Damian when they finally meet.
However, the two teens keep finding themselves thrown together as they, along with every other superhero in the world, try to keep the streets safe from new dangerous alien weapons and crazed supervillains. The two heroes discover that they have a lot more in common than they first thought, but is this newfound bond worth their parents' wrath? Can hate really turn to love?
AO3 link here.
Released Chapter Count: 98 (09/07/2023)
Word count:  774,792
Status: COMPLETE (undergoing revisions)
~BOOK 2~
AO3 link is here
Released Chapter count: 51 (09/07/2023)
Word Count: 444,052
Status: Ongoing
(Please don’t plagiarize my work)
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captaindibbzy · 2 years
Inspired by that poll coming for British food, have an alternative.
Shout-out to @sigh-the-kraken for suggesting American delicacies I wouldn't want to touch 👍
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valtsv · 6 months
i've said this before but it's an endless source of amusement to me how hypocritical and petty the interpersonal drama between the tma avatars is... our noble patrons of the dread powers vs. their sicko cultists. that being said there is definitely something uniquely fucked in the head about the ones that kept larping as regular guys at their day jobs instead of quitting all that to psychologically torture people with magic tricks.
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janglingargot · 5 months
My boy Shuro: you suck at social interaction and you make people uncomfortable, learn to read the room
Also my boy Shuro: the best way to win a woman's heart is to pine after her for ages, say absolutely nothing about it, then pop the question out of nowhere and be hurt when she doesn't say yes on the spot 🫠
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lady-disdain221b · 4 months
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katabay · 25 days
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so. around the start of august, I decided to make a story to work on when I wanted to just kind of turn my brain off for a minute. you know, everything is so much all the time, let's lower the stakes and draw some ancient greeks wrestling.
unfortunately for ME, I thought: well what if we explored the peloponnesian war through the sword and sandals genre and throw in a splash of horror for seasoning! then I thought: well it wouldn't be fun for me if I didn't do some reading on the history of it all. what I do I know about ancient greece. I have a fistful of pocket lint and loose change in that department.
folks. there is so much reading. my reading list is only a handful of books, but each of those books is a fucking brick.
anyway, it's still primarily a For Fun story I do in my spare time, so some wrestling sketches, and some other kind of scene :)
⭐the one with the beard is klaudios, the one with the longer hair is damonikos!
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arc-hus · 3 months
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Chenier House, Rye, Australia - Eastop Architects
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nocherrybombs · 30 days
Lumine: Paimon and I are leaving for Natlan, but before we go, what can you three chuckleheads tell me about the Fatui Harbinger stationed there?
Wanderer: ...haven't we had this conversation before?
Lumine: I have no idea what you're talking about.
Childe: Oh, Capitano? He's the best! He'll make you reconsider everything you thought you knew about how big pectoral muscles are supposed to be. His work on the battlefield is pure artistic genius, let me tell you.
Lumine: Creepy, but okay.
Arlecchino: The Captain has something of a... let's call it, "dedicated" following within the ranks of the Fatui, though one that is not undeserved. I find him to be among the more respectable of my colleagues.
Lumine: I mean, your colleagues include Pantalone, Sandrone and Il Dottore, so the bar isn't set very high.
Wanderer: Hmph. I don't get why people think he's so great. The man's a menace. That much self-righteousness, combined with his nigh infinite power? If he's ever wrong, no one could possibly stop him.
Childe: Oh come on, when was the last time Capitano was wrong?
Wanderer: When he said he thought you had potential.
Childe: Hey!
Arlecchino: Behave yourselves, children.
Wanderer: Even if it wasn't incredibly rude to call a grown man a "child", I'm still at least 470 years older than you are.
Lumine: I don't know why I keep asking any of you people anything. You are all humanoid disasters.
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arch-official · 2 months
The minimum age to join tumblr (according to the tos) is 13, given that it is 2024, 13 years ago was 2011. therefore someone who was born in 2011 can join tumblr.
meaning that someone who was 3 years old when dashcon happened can now join tumblr.
have fun with that knowledge
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shysideho · 9 months
Lil Nas X is doing to christianity what christians have done to other religions for literal centuries: using their religion as an art form and inspiration while not giving a shit about what they think.
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sysmedsaresexist · 3 months
Hot Take
Maybe instead of asking why or how some trauma-based systems turn to pro/endo spaces and mistakenly believe themselves to be endogenic, we should be asking why they felt invalidated about their trauma and experiences in CDD spaces
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obstinaterixatrix · 2 months
when we left my friend found a banana on the ground at the parking lot in front of the roller rink, like an unpeeled banana lying on the road, and was like ‘woah! this banana looks pristine!’ and ate it
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athina-blaine · 4 months
kb/ms is truly transcendental yaoi, spectacular, amazing, 10/10, no notes ... from the perspective of a mithrun enjoyer
as a kabru enjoyer, however...
I'll start off by saying that of course Kabru doesn't want or need a romantic relationship to be fulfilled, especially not with a white man, none of them do, it's all non-canon, Dungeon Meshi isn't about romance or shipping, yes yes yes, but none of us are here for that right now!! We're here to fruitlessly argue why my blorbos kissing makes more sense than your blorbos kissing!! You know it, I know it, none of us are free of cringe!! Clown on clown violence!!
That being said ... 🤡
I just don't see what Kabru gets out of kb/ms. With Mithrun, it makes sense; Kabru has a huge impact on him and ultimately helps him reaffirm his will to live. That's very exquisite drama and excellent character writing. But with Kabru, I just don't feel that Mithrun's character interacts with his personal flaws and would instigate his growth anywhere close to the same degree. I have to imagine most fics involving them focus more on Mithrun's baggage and how Kabru helps him heal from that ... because that's mostly all that happens between them in the main story, lol!
And like, that makes sense, because ultimately chapters 61-62 aren't about Kabru and Mithrun; they're about Kabru working through his conflicted feelings in helping Laios conquer the dungeon. I think it's ironic seeing people complain about kb/ms having Kabru be Mithrun's accessory when, if anything, Mithrun's main narrative purpose, outside of illustrating the danger of the Winged Lion, is to serve as Kabru's obstacle. I'd even argue Mithrun represents Kabru's personal bad ending; Mithrun wants him to kill Laios and surrender the dungeon to the canaries, preventing the short-lived races from ever understanding how dungeons function and returning to the status quo that had gotten Utaya destroyed. It's only when Laios practically forces Kabru, straight up puts his thumbs to the screws, to work past his reticence and be emotionally vulnerable that Kabru finally puts himself on the right path to achieve his goals (it's, uh, still a bit of a bumpy ride, but they get there in the end, lol!). If he'd been this way with Laios from the beginning, he might have understood Laios' intentions from the start and saved himself a lot of pain, but it's only because of Laios' influence that Kabru is able to grow as a character and get his happy ending.
(And even if one were a Mithrun enjoyer, ultimately the main source of Mithrun's life affirmation comes from the canaries. In that final scene, Kabru gets the ball rolling because he's outside of the canary hierarchy, but the scene ends with Mithrun being embraced by the canaries and as far as I'm aware the two don't interact with or reference each other post canon at all. Hell, it's Senshi who really drives the point home. Not that it matters when we're all wearing shipping goggles here, but it felt remiss not to mention it.)
At most, I can see how taking care of Mithrun would force Kabru to reexamine how poorly he takes care of his own body and that could make for some good drama. But even then, that change is ultimately instigated by Laios' influence on him, an extension of how Kabru wants to understand how Laios can see the value in monsters in an attempt to better understand his own trauma. If a person were to get into Dungeon Meshi specifically for Kabru and wanted to ship him with someone in a way that's most interesting for him, I'd be hard-pressed to argue there's a better choice than Laios (although who'd be cringe enough to do something like that haha right guys ... [sweating])
(Side note, though, I really don't vibe with the argument that kb/ms "reduces Kabru to a caretaker role" and that's why it's bad. There's plenty of instances where Kabru shoulders his friends' burdens (helps Kuro learn common tongue, listens to Daya's fiance about his relationship troubles, etc) and, more importantly, is seemingly happy to do so. I think Kabru genuinely enjoys looking after his friends and in the story seems to find plenty of personal satisfaction getting Mithrun to eat. I understand it has the potential to be more troubling considering Kabru is a brown man and Mithrun is a white man, but idk, it just feels on the same level as people trying to discount labru by saying Laios wouldn't take enough of an interest in people to want to start a romantic relationship, when his whole thing is that he does want to connect with people and just feels like he can't. It's not a bone I feel like picking, haha)
I honesty don't mind characters being "mischaracterized" in fandom or fic even to a large degree, I know it bugs a lot of people but I respect that ultimately fandom is little more than picking up the vague outline of a doll and playing with it and mashing their faces together. Besides, if I'm really worked up about it I can just write a fic and set the record straight myself, haha. This post is merely inspired by the supremely annoying subsection of twitter that acts like labru is the ship where it's just two dudes sitting in a room together. I'm just saying, Kabru ends the series whispering into the ear of another man as his day job and it's not Mithrun lmao
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alphaketoglutaricacid · 5 months
when toshiro got on laios ass for being inconsiderate and never thinking about how his actions affect others like he was mean abt it but hes not wrong. Thats a pretty major character flaw and a pattern of behavior for laios — w not choosing jobs that made money for namari who is in a pretty dire financial situation where she cant even get off the island and has to go adventuring in the dungeon to get out of debt, who even explicitly brought this up, eating marcilles familiar immediately even tho she was attached to it, kidnapping shuro into his party and putting him in life threatening situations without like really checking he wanted to be there…?, wanting to see if izutsumi has more than one set of nipples when dehumanization is a HUGE huge issue for her the list goes on and on and on. Like when a friend does this to you its just kinda annoying but when ur the leader u really should be checking if everyones needs r met without them telling u. Like the autism plays a factor for sure, his cultural upbringing plays a factor for sure, but as ppl regardless I think u gotta step up to meet the needs of ppl in the moment or realize u shouldnt be calling the shots. just bc its influenced by factors out of ur control does not make it not a serious character flaw. And its written as such in the story.
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menlove · 8 months
people are going to have hobbies u don't like. they're going to read fanfiction or play dnd or watch movies you think are embarrassing or read paperback romance novels w words like "throbbing member" and they're going to cosplay or watch minecraft youtubers or make music you think is weird or spend all their time crocheting miniature versions of characters from a show you hate or spend all their time researching niche facts about forgotten 70s scifi
and that is okay. it's literally fine. none of these things make someone a worse person than you & it's perfectly fine for people to like doing things you wouldn't enjoy doing
like some of yall genuinely did not grow up from middle school bullying of the "weird kids" and it's quite frankly embarrassing at your big age
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