#stay tuned! the carnival is next!
wheels-of-despair · 12 days
Brawl in Hallway B Pairing: Eddie Munson x You Summary: You mess with the Dungeon Master, you get the Hellfire Horns… or something. Or: Eddie, Evil Woman & Co. have had enough. Contains: Jocks saying awful things, Hellfire retaliating, lots of violence, brief appearances by lesser-seen Hellfire Parents. Words: 1.7k
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"This is your final reminder to have your parent/teacher conference slips filled out and returned by tomorrow," Higgins drones during a special post-bell announcement that nobody cares about.
"Yeah, I'll get right on that," Eddie mumbles, dumping his books into his locker.
"You should show up as your own guardian," you joke. "Not as Student Eddie, but as Guardian Eddie. Do not acknowledge that you're the same person. Demand to know how young Edward is doing in class."
"Higgins," he says in his deep Dungeon Master voice, "Your treatment of Edward Munson is despicable. In fact, the bias you show toward every non-bootlicker in this school is downright disgusting. If you do not issue a formal apology and resign before the end of the week, you will be hearing from my lawyers."
You snort.
"I guess the freak doesn't have to worry about parent/teacher conferences," a loud voice calls from down the hallway. You and Eddie slowly turn to see a crew of goons in letterman jackets approaching. "Since he's the same age as the teachers."
Eddie rolls his eyes and turns back his locker. Yet another pathetic attempt to provoke Eddie into getting himself in trouble and prevent him from graduating. He's used to it. He knows better.
"I thought it was because his parents are dead," one of them smirks.
Eddie freezes.
"Just the old lady," someone corrects him. "I heard his old man beat her to death. Too bad the cops came before he had a chance to finish the job."
Steam begins to pour out of Eddie's ears.
"But no, the freak survived, and his creepy old uncle took him in. Wonder what was in it for him?"
Eddie's fists clench. You can feel your own blood pressure rising. Graduation. Think of graduation.
"I heard they share a bed in their shitty little trailer," one of them laughs. "Maybe that's why the freak's hair is so long. Closest thing to a woman the old man can get."
"Nah," another guy cuts in. "Why do you think Munson keeps making friends with the underclassmen? He's bringing home new holes!"
You and Eddie both snap at the same time, dropping your shit on the floor and advancing with balled fists.
Your eyes lock on the one doing most of the talking, but before you can reach him, a red blur tackles him to the floor. It takes you a second to realize that it's Gareth. Gareth threw the first punch. Er, executed the first tackle. Jeff and Grant rush in, too. Eddie's locked in combat with someone twice his size. You pick another target and fling yourself at him, fist first.
You know in cartoon fights, where it's just a cloud of limbs and someone sticking their head out to gasp for breath every once in a while? That's how it felt. You bite, you scratch, you claw, you think you might've heard a bone crack. You definitely caused a black eye. And got one, too.
Next thing you know, someone has a death grip on your upper arms and is dragging you backwards through the hallway. The rubber of your sneakers catches and squeaks on the floor. You watch them in a daze, feeling them pull at your legs when they stick on the over-polished floor.
"Get your fucking hands off her!" Eddie roars. You twist, trying to locate him in the chaos. A teacher has Eddie shoved against a locker; one of his meaty hands holds the back of Eddie's neck and squishes his face into the metal, and the other holds his twisted arm behind his back.
You start to fight again, trying to lose your own captor and get to Eddie.
"Young lady, you stop that!" You sink your teeth into a hairy wrist, and he yowls and lets go. You scramble off the floor and run toward Eddie, hunching over and letting your shoulder do the work; you catch the teacher holding him in the side, and he stumbles out of the way.
You and Eddie hold onto each other and survey the carnage. The jocks are standing together, like good little boys, across the hallway. Nobody's trying to restrain them.
Jeff, Grant and Gareth are out of breath and leaning against the lockers near you, two teachers standing in front of them with hands at the ready in case they try anything. They all have bloody noses, blooming bruises, and look like total bad-asses.
"What the hell is going on here?!" Higgins roars, skidding into the hallway in his cheap loafers.
"Those freaks attacked us for no reason!" one of the jocks cries.
Gareth spits, and - from across the fucking hallway - lands his bloody glob of saliva on the H of a Hawkins High letterman jacket.
You don't even have time to be proud of him; it's back on. The freaks and the jocks take another run at each other, and by the time your bruises have bruises, the coach is blowing his whistle and you're being shoved face-first against a locker by what you assume is a teacher who tells you to "calm down, young lady." You respond with a stomp to his foot that makes him grunt.
When you're all separated again, the groups are escorted in opposite directions. Well, the jocks are escorted. The freaks are hauled to the front office by shirt collars and too-tight grips on arms. You hope it fucking bruises so your mother can threaten to press charges.
You're dumped in a conference room, told to "sit down and shut up," and left there to rot. Higgins is probably getting the jocks' side of the story first.
Nobody sits in the chairs.
Grant hovers by the door and glares out the tiny window pane. Jeff and Gareth lie back on the table, resting their feet on the chairs. You sit on the edge of the table, letting your legs swing back and forth. Eddie paces.
"C'mere," you mumble when he starts to drive you crazy. Eddie comes to stand between your legs, resting his hands on your knees. You wince, and he slides his palms to your hips instead. You reach up and brush his hair out of his face, revealing a bloody cut near his hairline and a blooming black eye. He cradles your face, fingers tracing your split lip.
"You okay?" you whisper. He nods.
"Be a lot better if I knew there was at least one jock casualty," you wink. With the eye that's swelling. "Ow."
Eddie grins, stretching his own split lip. "Ow."
You're both hit with a tragic case of the giggles, and he wraps his arms around you so you can lean your head on his shoulder and shake together.
"Alright," you sigh when you pull it together, "You're an expert in this field. What happens next?"
Eddie blows out a long, slow breath.
"You're all getting calls home and probably suspensions. I'm history."
"Like hell, you are," you grumble.
"It's okay," he says quietly.
"No, the fuck it's not," you argue.
"I had a good run," he shrugs and winces. "Ow. Your mom's gonna hate me for getting you guys in trouble."
"No, she's not," Gareth grunts, sitting up. "You protected us, like always. She's gonna rip Higgins a new one if he tries to expel you."
"He's right," you smile at Eddie, straightening the crooked battle vest he'd been dragged here by. "For once."
Grant backs away from the door, and the vice principal steps inside. You all cross your arms and glare in his direction.
"Your parents are in the process of being notified," he informs you. "You'll be called in one at a time as they arrive to discuss the repercussions of your behavior." And then he walks out and closes the door.
"Kay, guess we'll just wait here, then!" Eddie yells.
The room is filled with cackling.
After half an hour, you start guessing whose parent is going to spring them first. Which is no fun, because the answer is obviously Grant's mom. After forty-five minutes, you start to wonder what's taking so long. An hour into your detainment, Gareth's contemplating peeing on a fake plant. As soon as he reaches for his zipper, the door opens.
"You're all free to go," Higgins says tensely. "Your parents are waiting for you in the lobby."
"What's the damage, Hig-Man?" Eddie asks.
"One week of detention, and you'll all be helping out at the school carnival."
"…that's it?" you ask.
Higgins eyes land on you and narrow.
"Yes," he says bitterly. "Get out."
You don't have to be told twice. You all rush toward the door, down the hallway, through the front office, and into the lobby. Everyone's parental units, minus Uncle Wayne, are waiting. You all cautiously approach your parents. Eddie comes with you.
"What just happened?" you ask your mom quietly.
"Oh, nothing," she shrugs. "Just fumed all the way over here and happened to catch everyone's parents before they went in. We presented a united front. Mentioned how shitty a job that snotty little man has been doing at disciplining the athletes for their constant harassment. Did you know that Grant's mother keeps an actual log of things those pricks do to you guys? Those little assholes' reign of terror really adds up on paper. No wonder you guys finally snapped."
You and Eddie and Gareth stand there in shock.
"What do you say we grab a pizza or two on the way home?" she asks.
"Uh…" the three of you glance at each other, still processing.
"I'll take that as a yes." She turns to the rest of the group. "Since the bulk of the delinquents belong to me, I'm buying. Anyone else want to come along for pizza at our place?"
"I should get my son to the doctor," Grant's mother says worriedly, reaching out to touch his bruised face.
"Mom!" he huffs, embarrassed, shooting her a warning look with his eyes. The rest of you try to hide your smiles, for Grant's sake.
"Well…" Jeff's parents look at each other and consider it. "Sure, why not?" his dad laughs. "We'll stop by the grocery store on the way and grab salad fixings."
"Come on, Gertie," your mom smiles at Grant's mom. "I've heard that pizza with your friends can really expedite the healing process."
She caves.
And that's how you kicked ass, ate pizza, and… had to work the school carnival?!
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105 notes · View notes
doitforbangchan · 3 months
All Bark and No Bite - 18
Masterlist /Series masterlist
Chan x reader (y/n) x ot8
ABO!Nonidol!SKZ Alternate Universe
Previous - Next
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Chapter warnings: Afab/fem reader, smut, unprotected p in v, mentions of oral (f receiving), sub!reader, Dom!Minho,crying (a TON), Dacryphilia, edging, masterbating, borderline voyeurism, choking, spanking, sir kink, subspace, biting, blood in mouth, angst, threats of violence, illusions to violence, cursing, fluff, kissing, dirty talk, petnames
WC: 14k
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“Yeah, no thank you.” 
“Come on, baby! I promise it won’t be like last time!” 
“Jinnie…. last time was yesterday..” 
“Exactly! 24 hours is enough for me to hone in on my skill.” 
“Technically it’s been less than 24 hours-“ 
“That doesn’t matter! I swear I’ve gotten better!” 
Hyunjin had been trying to convince you to let him do your makeup again, but this time he wasn't satisfied with just staying at home; no, this time he wanted you to wear it out. In public.
You stood before the mirror in the bathroom, freshly showered and beginning to get ready for the day. Albeit a little late in the morning- Jisung had demanded his ‘new favorite breakfast’ again this morning- but after making real breakfast for the pack it was time to get a move on with your day. 
“Jinnie,” You fiddled with your hair brush, not wanting to upset him or hurt his feelings in any way but still attempting to remain adamant, “As much as I love you, I would really prefer to do my own makeup for today. Especially since Chan said most of the town would be attending the carnival, I really want to make a good impression on everyone.” 
His lips curled in a playful grin and he practically had heart eyes. “Say you love me again.”
“I love you.” 
“Again.” He requested, wrapping his lanky arms around your midsection from behind. “Tell me again.” 
“Hyunjin, I love you so much.” The sincerity in your voice almost made him cry. 
“Ok, I concede. You can do your own makeup today, baby.” He planted a wet smooch against your cheek, making you giggle and squirm in his hold. “On one condition.” He held up one finger. You hummed in question. “I get to sit here and keep you company while you get ready.” 
You nodded with a wide smile, “Deal.” 
The beta removed himself from you and hopped onto the counter next to you, being careful of your products. You started on your hair while he queued up some music on his phone. 
“So what brings on this sudden interest in makeup?” You asked, genuinely curious, as he had not expressed (to you at least) any urge to learn. 
He set the phone down; a slower melodic sounding song playing into the room, it was a gentle tune that just screamed Hyunjin. 
“My muse, of course.” 
He said it so casually, like it didn’t make your heart swell.
“I wanted an excuse to spend time with you, so I started looking up videos about makeup. Then it turned into me wanting to perfect the art form, and what better canvas than my favorite person.” 
“Jinnie.” You blinked away the tears, but one slipped out anyway. “ You never need an excuse to be with me. I want you around, always. You’re my Jinnie.” 
He reached out and wiped the wet trail off your cheek, cooing at you. “Sweet baby, don’t cry. I just love you so much I wanted something just for us. Time for only Baby and Jinnie.” He kissed you and wiped more of your tears. “Seriously, if you don’t stop crying you're gonna make me start.” 
“Ok ok,” You pulled yourself together, sniffling once and willing the water works to stop. “Enough sappy shit,” that caused Hyunjin to snort, “I gotta get ready.” 
You chatted with each other as you finished your hair and began on your makeup. You did your face then moved on to trying to cover up the hickeys and bruises left all over your neck and shoulders. 
“Why are you doin that for?” Hyunjin asked, eyeing the cover up in your hands. “Everyone will know you’re there with us anyways.” 
You dabbed your makeup sponge on your skin, glancing at him through the mirror. “I have no issue whatsoever with everyone knowing I’m with the pack. I don’t particularly want to go out in public looking like an animal mauled me, though. I am still a lady afterall.” 
Hyunjin nodded in agreement, “Yeah that makes sense. Not everyone gets the privilege of seeing the naughty things we do to you, baby.” 
“Exactly!” You applied the finishing touches, putting down your applicator and turning to face him. “How do I look?” 
You had already gotten dressed beforehand; clothed in a pair of black high cut jean shorts that had little white flowers all over it and frayed edges, and a white one shoulder crop top that had corseted laces in the back. You also planned on pairing the fit with some strappy white sandals. Now with your hair and makeup done, you felt cute as hell. 
“Looking great baby! Give me a spin!” You did as he asked and he cheered out loud for you, hyping you up. “Hot damn, gonna give the whole town a boner, out there looking like that.” 
“Hyunjin!” You laughed and pushed at him. “Don’t be gross.” 
He held his hands up in defense, “It’s not gross if it’s true.” 
You laughed again, now turning on your heel to exit the bathroom. “Very profound of you, Jinnie.” Hyunjin followed you out of the bathroom and to your room. You were surprised to find there was already someone in there, rifling through your drawers. “Minnie, what are you doing?”
Seungmin looked up at you, clearly having been caught but showing zero remorse or embarrassment. “Hey puppy. Loving the shorts.” He grinned, and continued his digging. It was only when he lifted a particularly flimsy garment did you realize exactly which drawer he was rummaging in. Your panty drawer. “Why don’t you ever wear this one for me, huh?” 
“Seungmin!” You felt your face heat up. 
“You dirty perv! What the fuck are you doing?!” Hyunjin demanded, aghast at the younger's blatant behavior. 
“Oh lighten up Hyung.” Seungmin snickered, then he held his fingers like a slingshot, shooting Hyunjin with the pair of underwear. Hyunjin was shocked at the assault, yelping when it hit him (even though it didn’t hurt at all).
You shrieked and stormed over to him, grabbing the next pair he held up before he could sling another one. “That is enough of that!” 
“Yeah stop your shit, Seung!” Jinnie stomped his foot and pouted dramatically. Seungmin narrowed his eyes at the elder beta, his lip twitching with disdain at the order from his Hyung. Though Hyunjin was not his alpha- so Seungmin chose to ignore the demand. 
A request from you on the other hand; looking up at him with a stern glower, eyebrows scrunched and lip tucked between your teeth- he couldn’t possibly continue his teasing, no matter how much he enjoyed it. 
Seungmin threw his hands up in surrender, offering you a lazy smile. “Alright, baby. I concede. Don’t wanna get on my puppy's bad side. Last time she threw a can at me.” He ruffled your hair as you huffed, making him laugh. 
“Funny how you don’t worry about my bad side, little prick.” Hyunjin attempted to launch the previously flung pair of underwear, but it only slung past Seungmins body, missing by over a foot. The younger beta glared menacingly at the elder, the latter immediately understanding the threat.  He looked at his wrist as if there were a watch there (there wasn’t).“Well would you look at the time, I should get ready to go. See you later baby!” With that Hyunjin sped down the hall. 
Seungmin smirked at the retreating figure, amused that his look had the desired effect. You, though, were still giving him that disapproving frown, clearly finding the ordeal humorless. “Seungmin, what are you doing in my drawers?” 
He ran a hand through his hair, gesturing to the items on your bed you hadn’t noticed. It was a stack of t-shirts. Seungmins t-shirts. 
He now felt a little abashed, refusing to meet your eyes and a light pink dusting covering his cheeks. “You walk around wearing Chan’s clothes so often, I thought maybe you’d want something of mine sometimes too.” 
“Aww Minnie,” Your heart melted and you encased him in your arms, nuzzling against him. “Of course I want some of yours too, that is very sweet of you Minnie.” 
‘Yeah, so sweet. Not possessive at all.’ He thought cynically of himself as you held him.
Your words were slightly muffled as your face continued to bury in his chest, “But why were you in my underwear?” 
“I was going to put the shirts inside your dresser, but I got distracted.” He shrugged, not seeing a problem. “Puppy, I am just a man. A man who is a little bit obsessed with your pussy- and anything to do with it.” 
You pulled away quickly, mouth agape and your face heating rapidly. “ Why is everything you say so vulgar?!” 
He grabbed your face with both hands, his thumbs running along your cheeks, “Because I know how embarrassed it makes you, my little puppy.” He was cooing his words, as if talking to a real puppy. You wanted to move and avoid further mortification but he held you still, relishing in your submission. He held your gaze for another moment longer then he sighed wistfully, closing his eyes and leaning in to plant a soft kiss on your forehead. 
You also closed your eyes, leaning into his touch once again. “Minnie..” You sighed quietly, more like a whisper than anything. 
“Love you..” 
“Mm,” He pulled away slowly, peering down at you now. “Love you, baby.” 
“Even though you're a perv.” 
That made him fully burst into laughter, his eyes crinkling “ Only for you.” He reached around and pinched your ass hard. You yelped and smacked his hand, backing away and out of reach from his torment. 
“Way to ruin the moment, jerk.” 
“You’re the one who ruined it by calling me a perv!” 
“I only call it like I see it, Minnie.” 
You had a little smirk on your face that he just wanted to wipe off, and show you how much of a pervert he could really be. That would have to wait for another day, though. There was no time, seeing as the summer festivities were already underway. 
“Remember this conversion. You don’t know what a perv looks like yet, pup.” He made his way to your door, stopping at the threshold. He pulled his car keys out of his pocket and turned to you again. “Get your shoes on, it’s almost time to go.” 
He winked then left your room. You let go of the breath you didn’t know you were holding. Sweet and tender Seungmin was definitely your favorite - though the playful cheeky side of him was amusing sometimes as well. 
‘I love a versatile man’ You laughed at your own thoughts, then gathered yourself and found your sandals. 
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You found Hyunjin, Changbin, Jeongin, Seungmin and Chan all downstairs chatting and cracking jokes. 
Changbin was the first to notice you when you walked into the room and he made a show of whistling and clapping. “WOAH! Looking GOOD baby!” 
Jeongin coughed, “Simp.” He coughed again, then received a harsh push from the older alpha, making him laugh. 
You giggled, “Thank you Binnie.” 
Jeongin pushed Changbin back, making Changbin stumble back into Seungmin who at the contact made a disgusted face and pinched Bins arm. They all started to bicker as Hyunjin laughed and Chan sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
Only when the roughhousing started getting too mean did the head alpha step in. 
“Enough!” His voice raised only slightly, but his tone held so much power- so much authority. Hearing it instantly made you wet. 
The three boys stopped their antics at the command of the alpha, all three separating from the other. 
“All of you, go get into the car.” He pointed to the door, “Quietly.” He looked at Hyunjin, “You too, go.” The beta went to protest but an eyebrow raise and a look from the alpha quickly shut him up, him too shuffling out the door like a wounded dog. 
“Never a dull moment, huh Channie?” You smiled in jest, it was then you noticed he wasn’t dressed to leave yet; he was still shirtless and in his basketball shorts. “ Not that I mind you being shirtless, but why aren’t you ready? Aren’t you coming with us?” The look on his face gave him away immediately. “Channie! This is supposed to be a fun day out for all of us! You included!” You whined, tugging on his arm. 
“I’m still going, omega. Just a little later.” You pouted at his words and went to turn away from him, making him grab your cheeks with one hand turning you back to face him. “Don’t pout. It’s still a weekday, I have to work. Someone in this house has to make enough money to support nine people. I will be there in a few hours after I get some important work done.” You felt your lip tremble in his hold, his tone noticeably hardening and making you want to cry. Thankfully you were able to steel yourself and hold your tears back before you messed up your makeup. 
“Ok alpha, I understand. M’ sorry.”
His look noticeably softened. “You’ll have fun regardless, I promise.” He kissed you on your mouth and let go of you. “The boys are waiting for you, better go before they strangle each other.” 
You nodded, leaning up to give him another quick kiss, then scurrying yourself out the door. 
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As you expected, the drive into town was.. Chaotic to say the least.  Chaotic yet comforting. You loved how authentically themselves they are with each other. You pressed your face to the glass of the window as you passed by downtown, seeing it set up with booths and market stalls and tons of people. A little further down  obscured by buildings you could make out the tops of some rides. 
“Cutie pie.” Jeongin tickled your side from behind as he watched how enthralled you became. 
Seungmin parked his car in a back lot and the lot of you clamored out. “The others are around here somewhere, they got a head start this afternoon.” Seungmin said, locking the car. 
Hyunjin grabbed one of your hands and Jeongin grabbed the other one. Both started to drag you along with them. “What should we do first, baby? Shopping? Food?” Hyunjin asked, pursing his lip in thought. “OOO how about rides?” 
“Yes, rides! You like rides, dontcha baby?” Jeongin beamed at you. 
“I love rides.” You beamed back, excited. Even back when you lived with your family you hadn’t been allowed to go to the fair in years. Your elder sister always made sure to bring you back something. Be it food, stuffies won from games, hell one time she even brought you a goldfish. 
You couldn’t stop yourself from thinking of her now. You remembered how she used to hold your hand, back when you were too small to be left to your own devices. You both used to be the best of friends, even though she was so much older than you she always made sure to include you in her plans. As you got older and presented as an omega, the bond you shared began to strain. She still had most of her freedoms as a beta. Your father didn’t hold her leash as tightly as he held yours and your mothers. She still got to go to school, have friends, meet boys.. In your teens you had resented her for it, but now you understand it wasn’t her fault she was able to have more of a life. It was your fathers. 
You wondered what she was up to since you left. And if she missed you as much as you now missed her. You missed your mom too. She was the only one you could relate to. There was a pain in your heart as you thought about how much she must have cried when you disappeared. 
A sourness was draining out of you in waves, your inner turmoil coming out for all to smell. It was only a second before you were being tugged into the arms of Jeongin; the alpha being able to smell it just before Hyunjin could. 
“Baby, what’s wrong? Did something happen?” He asked, keeping you close and away from any one else. 
“We don’t have to do rides right now if you don’t wanna!” Hyunjin said, trying to make it better but having no idea why. 
You shook your head, “No, no I’m ok. Nothing is wrong.” You gave them a weak smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes. 
Jeongin tapped his nose, “I think you’re forgetting we can smell your emotions, omega. And I’m just saying, you do have a lot of emotions.” He saw your face fall in shame before he backtracked, “Not that it’s a bad thing! It’s not your fault your sensitive baby! I love it! Just not when you're upset like this.” 
“M’ sorry guys. I was just thinking about my family, how much my sister loved the fair. I didn’t mean to  make myself sad.” You hugged tighter into Innie, Hyunjin coming in and sandwiching you between them.
“I know you’ll never forget the memories you’ve made with your family, and of course I never want you too; but I hope that we can make more happy memories together as a new family. Ones that we can look back on when we’re old.” Jeongin had a light pink creeping onto his cheeks, his own sentiment making him shy. 
“Yeah memories we can tell our kids about!” Hyunjin added, pressing kisses to the back of your head. 
Now it was your turn to get shy, “You guys wanna grow old with me and have babies? You guys don’t eventually want to find someone who you don’t have to share?
They both shook their heads vehemently, with Jeongin answering first. “Of course we want to grow old with you baby! We took your mating bites, there is no one else for us for as long as we live. If you’ll have us…” 
“Yes I want you! All of you! I love everyone in this pack so much, I can’t imagine a life without all of you in it.” 
“And our babies?” Hyunjin added, sounding hopeful. 
You giggled “Yes Jinnie, and future babies.” You reached up and pinched both of their cheeks, laughing harder when they whined, smacking your hands away. “Any babies from you lot are going to be just the cutest. Now let’s stop being sappy and go ride some rides.” 
You took their hands again and tugged them off to have fun. You were feeling much better now, the boys having done a great job at taking your mind off of it. Though now, all three of you could only think of a litter of little chunky babies. 
The future is looking better everyday.
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“Hey Changbin!” 
The alpha was perusing the food stalls, deciding which sweet to start with (though he knew he would eventually try all of them), when he heard his name being called. Behind him was Wooyoung, his hair slicked back and his hand in the air waving him over.
“What’s up bro?” Changbin went over to where the beta was standing, greeting him with a bro hug. “Thought you were busy with your uncle today.” 
“The old man let me go early.” Wooyoung replied, putting his hands in his pockets casually, and looking around. “You uh, here alone?” 
“Pfft, no. The whole pack is here, I think minus Chan. Old man never stops working.” Changbin replied, peeping at the goods at the stall they were by, and missing the glint in Wooyoungs eyes. 
“Chan is your head alpha, right?” What Changbin didn’t miss was the mild excitement lacing the betas voice suddenly. 
He looked at him with a side eye, “Yeaahh, he’s pack leader. Why?” 
Wooyoung did his best to look abashed, glancing away and then rubbing the back of his neck. “Oh you know me, just love a strong alpha. Woulda been nice to meet him.” 
Changbin laughed then, clapping Wooyoung on the back. “Don’t let your own alpha hear you say that. From what you said he can get pretty possessive.” 
The beta snorted, “You don’t know the half of it.. Anyways, do you wanna hang out for a while?” 
Changbin agreed enthusiastically, happy to have a companion for the day. The two of them meandered together, chatting and laughing. After a while Changbin got a text in the group chat, asking for whoever is closer to the ride section to come for a second. Changbin happened to be only a few yards from the rides area, thus he replied so. 
“Looks like Baby got a little motion sick, I’m gonna run and get her real quick.” Changbin said and turned to walk down the path. Wooyoung nodded, biting his lip to conceal his smirk. 
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Everything was spinning, you couldn’t stand up straight or you would surely tumble down. You were leaning against Hyunjin for stability. 
“You’re alright baby, take all the time you need.” The beta said, rubbing your arm. 
“Too much spinning.” You mumbled, trying to get your bearings. “I think I’m done with the rides for now, boys.” You caught the crestfallen look on both of their faces, “But you guys don’t have to be done! I can go find another pack member to tag along with!” 
The boys shared a look, then Jeongin said “You’re not going off by yourself. I’ll see who’s around.” He pulled out his phone, typed for a moment then waited. After a minute or so he got a ding. “Perfect, Bin is around the corner. He’s coming to get you, baby.” 
True to his word there was Changbin coming towards you with open arms. “There's my sick little omega. Come to Binnie.” He pulled you off of Hyunjin and into his awaiting arms, giving you a hug. 
“M’ not sick, just a little too dizzy.” you said but allowed the hug. “Thank you for coming.” 
“Binnie to the rescue!” He flexed his arms, making a show of kissing his biceps. Jeongin faked gagged, making Changbin roll his eyes. “Come on, let’s leave these heathens to get so sick they throw up.” 
He took your hand and took you the opposite way from where you came from.  
“I really appreciate you coming for me, Binnie. You didn’t have to, I could have figured it out so I didn’t have to bother you.” 
He brought your joined hands up to his mouth and kissed the back of your hand. “I will always come for you, baby. No bother at all. I was just hanging with Woo, looking at food.” 
Your stomach lurched at the mention of eating right now, making you grimace. “A water bottle sounds lovely right now.” 
Changbin waved at his friend, a man you had never seen before came striding up to the pair of you. “Baby, this is my friend Wooyoung.” 
“Hi, I’m Y/n. It’s nice to meet you.” You offered a shy wave, still holding onto Bin. 
The new man's gaze was intense as he took you in. There was something ominous in the way he looked at you, a clear eagerness residing behind his smile. “Nice to finally meet you too.” Even his voice had an eeriness you couldn’t place. 
‘Be polite Y/n, this is Binnies friend. Give him a chance.’ You thought to yourself, shaking off the negative thoughts. 
“I can finally put a face to the girl that has this pabo wrapped around her finger.”  Wooyoung pointed in jest at Changbin, who in return shoved him with a light blush creeping up his ears. 
“Shut up, Woo!” The alpha whined. That made you giggle, Bin was too cute sometimes. “Let’s get you that water, love.” 
You and Changbin walked ahead with Wooyoung following close behind. You both failed to notice when the beta pulled out his phone, taking a quick picture of you and sending it off in a text message. The only words accompanying the picture being ‘ found her’. 
Changbin bought you water and told you to let him know when it was finished, knowing you would want something after your stomach settled.  The three of you walked the downtown stalls, occasionally stopping to look at booths or for Bin to get another snack. After a while you started to feel better, no longer having a headache or the gurgling in your stomach and you found yourself accepting some of the offered bites and goods. 
You were munching on an oversized churro, listening to the two guys banter when Changbin stilled your walking with a dramatic gasp. “Look!” He pointed excitingly at a game booth. The game was one of those arm wrestling competitions, where the winner plays until they lose. “I gotta try!”
 He pulled you till him and Wooyoung were in line and you were waiting with them. The line went pretty quick, the current champ taking out people left and right. Soon there was only one person ahead of Changbin. 
“That game was made for you, Binnie.” You hyped him up with a laugh, rubbing his shoulders as if he was a fighter. “Show em who’s boss!”  
You stood off to the side as Changbin faced his opponent. You cheered him on as the arm wrestling began, both men giving it their all.  All too soon it was Changbin who forced the other man's arm down, claiming victory. The alpha jumped up and down animatedly, pumping his fists in the air. His next opponent was his friend Wooyoung. 
“You’ve seen how much I lift, Woo. You sure you wanna take me on?” Bin was being cocky, flexing at his friend. 
“Might as well give it a shot. Maybe I’ll win.” The beta responded, getting into position. 
In a matter of seconds Changbin had won again. Wooyoungs arm went down almost without resistance. 
“All that weight training and nothing to show for it.” Bin laughed, clapping the other man on the back. “We gotta work you harder from now on.” 
“Guess I gotta catch up before I can beat you.” Wooyoung shrugged, laughing too. 
Bin looked over at you, gleaming with joy at being undefeated. “Just a few more times baby, then we can go.” 
You sent him two thumbs up from your place a few feet away, “ Play as much as you want Binnie. I’m good staying here waiting for you.” He blew you a kiss then went back to playing. 
After a few minutes you finished your Churro. You went to take a drink from the lemonade  Bin got you, only to find it already gone. ‘Dangit Binnie! You said you didn’t want any!’ You glared at his back playfully, knowing he couldn’t see you. It was at this moment that Wooyoung shuffled up to you with a grin. You did your best to give him a polite smile in return. 
“Doin alright over here?” He asked you, being a touch to close for your comfort. 
You stepped back, now leaning against a wall and trying to appear natural. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just having my snack.” You lifted your now empty drink cup. 
“Ah Changbin went to town on that thing.” He laughed. 
“After he said he didn’t want any.” You laughed too, not being mad about it but still finding it amusing. 
“Do you want another one?” The man asked, still sporting his grin that gave you the chills (not in a good way). He motioned for your drink. 
“Um, “ You didn’t want to be rude. “No thank you. I should cut back on how much sugar I’ve had today. And I wouldn’t wanna inconvenience you. I’ll just wait for Binnie.”
He shook his head, “ It’s not an inconvenience at all. You look thirsty, let’s go get you another drink.” He grabbed your wrist and went to move with you. 
You dug your heels into the ground and attempted to pull your arm away.  You looked over to where Changbin was, he was too far away and cheering too loud to notice what was going on. “I said no thank you. I’m staying right here.” Now you were beyond nervous, eyes wide as you pulled again. 
“Come on, It’s just lemonade. The stall is right over there. Don’t be difficult.” He tried to keep up his nice guy tone, but you could tell he was getting frustrated. “I thought omegas were supposed to be nice and grateful.” 
He tugged you again, his grip tightening. You started to raise your voice despite the trembling in your lip “ I said no! I’m not going anywhere with you.” 
“Don’t yell you little -” 
“Get the fuck away from her.” 
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Minho was across the way, browsing a booth selling tiny animals made of rocks. He wasn’t initially going to buy anything -he just liked to browse- but he couldn’t help but stop, thinking of how excited you would be if he gifted you one of these. He wanted to show he did care about you but he wasn’t the best at verbally expressing his emotions. He figured this would do. 
After a looking for a few minutes he found the perfect one. A little cat made of some kind of pink rock. Rose quartz he would assume. He was happy with his find, quickly waving over the shop keep and pointing at the one he wanted. 
He was just finishing paying when he caught the familiar scent of the exact person who had been on his mind. Minho pocketed the little figure, and turned around with his head held high, searching for the source of that intoxicating aroma. All to quickly that scent started to sour, indicating you were in some kind of distress. 
Minho looked through the sea of people until his eyes locked on your figure from the other side of the street. You were leaning against a wall, standing with someone. No, more like being grabbed by someone. Getting closer he could see who it was. 
“That son of a bitch.” He murmured, now starting to walk quickly over to where you were. He didn’t want to run and cause a scene, well more of a scene than he was about to cause, he didn’t need anything else making his pack look bad. 
He got to you to see Wooyoung holding your wrist, not letting you go as you tried to pull away. 
 “ I said no! I’m not going anywhere with you.” 
“Don’t yell you little -” 
“Get the fuck away from her.” Minho practically snarled, pushing the younger beta away from you and getting in his face. “What the fuck is your deal?” 
Wooyoung let go when he felt the contact from Minho. “Hey man, it’s alright, just a misunderstanding.” 
“A misunderstanding huh?” He scoffed, not moving away from Wooyoung. “Here's something you should understand. Stay the fuck away from Y/n and Changbin. I don’t know what the fuck is your motive here, but this is your only warning. Stay. Away. From. them. Or I will hurt you.” The tone he used was venomous, his glare deadly. 
By now this altercation has attracted some attention, a few onlookers stopping to watch the scene unfolding. Not that any one of you cared much, too caught up in it yourselves. You just watched on in horror, praying this didn’t escalate into violence.
“Is that a threat, Minho?” Wooyoungs look hardened, glaring at the elder. 
“I don’t make threats.” 
“Woah woah woah! What is going on over here?!” Changbin had come running, now paying enough attention to hear the commotion. He put his body between Minho and Wooyoung, separating the two. 
“Keep better track of your ‘friend’, Changbin.” Minho spat, he shoved a finger into his chest, making him stumble. “He grabbed our omega. Good fucking job watching her by the way.”
“Hyung, I don’t understan-” 
“Yeah of course you don’t fucking understand. You are too fucking trusting. You don’t even know this guy and you left him with the most precious thing in our pack? Get a fucking grip.” Minhos words were like a stab to Changbins chest, the impact sitting heavy. “Tell him to keep his fucking hands to himself, and then stay away from him. I’m not joking, Changbin.” He turned to walk closer to you, putting his hand on your back and leading you away, past the onlookers. 
“Min where are you going?” Changbins voice broke as he called out. 
“I’m taking Baby home, away from him.” He replied in a hard tone, not turning around to address him at all. 
You were on the verge of tears, trying to contain your emotions but they took over anyways. You didn’t want to be around Wooyoung so you just let Minho lead you away. 
Changbin shook his head in grief. Then he turned to face Wooyoung who was still standing behind him. “What did you do?” 
“Changbin, it was nothing.” The beta tried to shrug but Changbin wasn’t buying it. Not this time. 
“You know what, Wooyoung? I think Minho’s right. Maybe I should stay away from you. You say and do some weird shit sometimes. Don’t call me. Don’t come by my gym. We’re done.” Changbin turned and walked away. He had a lot to think about. 
That left Wooyoung by himself. He waited for a second then turned and walked the opposite way Changbin had gone. He kept going until he was a few yards away from any of the townspeople, then he took out his phone. 
“Hey, it’s me.”
 “No, she got away from me, I couldn’t cause a big scene like that.” 
 “I know where to find her. I’m sure you’d love to hear about her new alpha.” 
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Minho silently walked you all the way to the parking lot. Just arriving was Chan, seeing you both approaching. “Hey! Having fun?” He asked, then he noticed the hard pressed look on Minhos face and the tears in your eyes. “Oh no, what happened?” He reached up to wipe your tears, heart breaking at the little whimper you let out.
“Wasn’t me this time. I’m taking her home. This has been enough excitement for today.” At Chan's confused face he continued. “ I’ll explain it more to you later, for now you should check on Changbin. Make sure he’s not with his ‘friend’ “ Minho spit the word, clearly still steamed. 
Chan nodded slowly, feeling like Minho had his reasons for taking you. He kissed you and gave you a hug, pumping out comforting pheromones to help you calm down. He felt your shoulders relax slightly, and you hugged him even tighter. 
“Minho will take care of you, baby. I will be home soon to check on you, ok?” The alpha said, kissing your cheek this time. You nodded into him and let him go. Being in his hold helped to ground you; remind you that you’re ok. “I love you.” 
“I love you too, Channie.” 
Minho led you further into the lot and to his car. He opened your door for you and waited for you to be seated, then he reached over you and tried to buckle you in. It was at this point you were done being babied. “ I can buckle my own seatbelt Minho. I don’t need you to do it for me.” You attempted to grab it from him but he pulled it back and glared at you. 
“Oh you don’t need me to do this for you but you need me to save you?” He scoffed, finally buckling you in and slamming your door shut. 
“I didn’t ask to be saved by you.” You replied snarkily when he opened the drivers side door and climbed in. 
He turned to look at you, really taking you in for the first time that day. He took note of your teary eyes and the scrunch of your brow. He also noticed that the marks that were on your neck and shoulders were gone. 
“Where are your claiming bites?” 
His question threw you off. “Huh?” 
“Your bites and marks. They’re gone.” 
“I covered them with makeup.” You said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Why? Are you embarrassed? Don’t want everyone to know you're taken by us?” 
“Of course I’m not embarrassed! I just wanted to look presentable in public!” You narrowed your eyes, “And there's no mark on me from you Minho, so I don’t know what you mean by us.” You knew you were being a little petty, but honestly you didn’t give a damn. 
He scoffed, a borderline menacing glaze taking over his face. “ Is that why you're acting up? Because I haven’t laid my bite into you yet? Grow up. You’ll get it when I’m good and ready to give it to you.”  He started the car, and began to back out of the spot. 
You leaned back in your seat, crossing your arms and looking out the window. You didn’t have a reply that wasn’t an insult so you thought it better to keep your mouth shut. The whole drive home you and Minho ignored each other, opting to drive in silence. Both of you are stewing in your own thoughts. 
Soon enough the car pulled up to the house. You shot out of the car as soon as he parked, barely giving him a chance to turn off the vehicle. As you went up the steps you heard Minho's car door slam after he stepped out. 
You had made into the doors threshold when he grabbed your arm, halting your movements. “Go wash that filth off of you.” 
“Do you mean the makeup?” Or did he mean Wooyoungs stench?  
He huffed, “Yes, I don’t like it on you.” You were about to protest, but when you went to open your mouth he leaned his face closer to yours and lowered his voice. “It’s the least you could do after I brought you all the way home and away from danger.” 
You decided the matter is not worth the fight.
“Yes sir.” You rolled your eyes as you said it sarcastically. Minho resisted a growl at the title, biting his lip instead and showing off those bunny teeth of his.
 You pulled your arm free and stormed into the house and up the stairs. You did make it a point to slam the bathroom door shut, though.
You knew you shouldn’t have been so rude to him, especially after he stood up for you and got you out of that frightening situation- but you couldn’t help it. Minho was the only person you were testy with, and clearly neither of you understood why. 
The house was quiet. No one else was home yet, it was just you and Minho, and the latter was making no sound at all. It was almost eerie. You removed the makeup from your neck in silence, using the wipes provided by Hyunjin. You finished the task quickly and headed out into the hall. You rounded the corner to go to Chan's room to hide away, but before you could open the door a hand grabbed you and wrapped loosely around your neck, and a sturdy chest at your back. Your movements were halted completely as you screamed in fright, your hands coming up to grab the offending hand.  
“So you can listen to me.” 
It was Minho. You were so in your own head you didn’t even sense him nearby. 
“Minho.. What are y-” 
“Shhh,” You felt his lips by your ear, the rasp of his whisper making you shudder. “ You look so good with these pretty marks of yours showing. Purple is my favorite color, you know? And the boys sure did a good job covering you in it.” 
You felt his lips brush against your neck, lingering on the biggest hickey at the base, and his tongue poked out to touch the bruised skin. The actions felt so erotic, so sensual, yet he was barely doing anything to you. Your heart was beating so fast in your chest you were sure he could hear it pounding- if not being able to feel it in your throat. He wasn’t squeezing hard enough to hurt you, only hard enough to hold you in place. 
When the light brushes of his lips turned into full on sloppy smooches you started to lose your cool, your hand tightening around his that still held your neck as a mewl escaped your mouth. You could feel his smug smirk against your skin and you would have rolled your eyes if the situation had been different. His other hand found its way to your hip and he pulled your body even closer to his, his chest now flushed against your back. 
“Here’s what's gonna happen, omega.” You bit back another whimper at the mention of your presentation. “We’re gonna put an end to this stupid tension you and I share. You are going to be good for me and do as I say, and in return I’m going to fuck you so good you forget your own name. Do you understand?” 
You tried to nod your head frantically but with the way his hand tightened as he held your head in place told you he wanted a verbal response. “Y-yes, Min. I u-understand.” Your voice came out raspy as you tried to hold back showing your arousal yet doing a terrible job. Your panties began to dampen further when you heard his little chuckle in response to your stuttering. 
He hummed into your skin, “Mmm good girl.” He kissed your neck again and his hand traveled from your hip to your ass. He gave the cheek a squeeze, cupping it over your shorts and he hummed again. Your breathing picked up when you felt it and your eyes were falling shut as a result of all of the light stimulations. Then right as your lids finally shut he stopped; taking his hand from your throat and backing up from you. 
“Huh?” Your breath returned to you in full and you spun around to face Minho. 
He gave another chuckle at your confused expression. “What? Did you think I was gonna take you right here in the hallway? No no. I’m not that much of an asshole.” He grabbed your hand and pulled you with him down the hall in the direction of his room. “Plus, how else am I going to get your scent all over my sheets if I don’t have you in them?” 
You felt your face burn as he tugged you along, loving the thought of him wanting your scent all over him all the time. He opened his door and pulled you inside. The second the door was closed he had your back against the door and his arms on both sides of you caging you in. Your breath hitches in your throat as he leans in and looks into your eyes, as if he can see straight through you and into your soul. 
You lifted a hand up to his face, using your thumb to rub his cheek- so softly he could have missed it if he wasn’t so focused on your touch. “Min…” 
The whisper of his name was the scissors cutting the thread, his last strand of willpower snapped  and he was on you. His mouth was burning hot as he crashed it against your own. You returned his enthusiasm by reciprocating and the two of you devoured each other. His kiss wasn’t soft or sweet; instead it was desperate and frantic- as if he had been longing for this just as you have.
The taste of Minho's mouth was exquisite. It was very similar to how he smelled but richer. It was slightly tart and tannin rich- almost like a dark wine that's been aged to perfection. You moaned weakly into him when he ran his tongue on your own, now the two appendages fighting for dominance. 
His hands left the door and went to the base of your ass, gripping and massaging your lower cheeks, fingertips digging into the meat. He bit your bottom lip , almost drawing blood with his bunny teeth. “Fucking love these little shorts. Your ass looks so good it should be a crime. Can’t believe Chan let you out of the house looking like this.” He gripped tighter and you whined from the light pain. “If it were up to me you would never be able to show off  your sexy body to anyone outside this house. Though if it were up to me, you wouldn’t be able to leave at all. I’d keep you here, naked and ready for us to play with whenever we wanted.” 
An involuntary mewl left your lips. His words ignited a flame within you; your inner omega panting and begging for that reality. A rush of slick gushed out of you and in your panties. Minho's nostrils flared and his pupils dilated when he caught the sweetness that he knew to be the scent of your arousal. 
His hands went to your thighs, “Jump.” You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and did as he said, jumping into him as he hoisted you up. The muscles in his arms flexed as he carried you to his bed. He dropped you on his bed, your back hitting the softness with a small bounce. You leaned back on your elbows as you took him in. Minho was standing at the foot of the bed gazing down at you with wild eyes, and his breathing labored. You hadn’t noticed before but he was sporting a dark pair of jeans and a black tank. His hair had been pushed back but a few wispy strands fell over his eyes anyway. He looked incredibly mouthwatering. 
He sported a cocky smirk as he palmed his hard on through his jeans. In his mind you resembled a bunny rabbit; with your big glassy eyes and trembling lips- and he was the wolf that wanted to swallow you whole.
Ironic given that you thought he also looked like a bunny. 
“Take your clothes off.” You went to shuck off your top but the beta tsked, “Uh uh, slowly f’me baby.” Minho didn’t believe in instant gratification- not even for himself. 
You sat up a little more and with shaking fingers you found the laces on your top, undoing them as slow as you could while also steeling your nerves. He was watching you like a predator, a dangerous gleam in his eyes as he focused on your nimble fingers. He appeared to be much more put together than you mentally and physically. You eventually got your shirt off and your breasts were freed, the AC in the house made your nipples harden.  You then moved on to your shorts. You looked right into his eyes as you undid the buttons and the zipper, slowly pushing them down your legs and off of the bed. 
You could feel the intensity of his aura; his general assertiveness coming off of him in waves and making you want to submit fully to him. He could tell you to jump off a bridge and you would probably do it without question. Even though he wasn’t an alpha (a fact you love to remind him of) he still held domination like one. You guessed that was a natural side effect of being second oldest and second in command of a pack of men. 
Finally you got your shorts down your legs, now being almost completely naked except for your underwear. Just as you went to pull down your underwear he stopped you. “Wait, leave 'em on while I get a good look at you.” Minho’s eyes roamed all over you and made you feel slightly self conscious, your hands going to cover your chest but the growl he let out halted your movements. “I said I want to look at you, don’t you dare cover yourself from me.” Your hands reluctantly fell back to your sides. “Thata’ girl. Mmm those are some pretty panties you got on, omega. Look strangely like one of the pairs I picked out for you. Pink is definitely your color.” 
You hadn’t even realized you had on the frilliest pair he had gotten you. It was a baby pink and brazilian cut, made of intricate lace that had small bows at the edges and the waistband was sparkly. It was definitely one of your cutest pairs and it was very comfortable. He definitely knew how to pick lingerie…  and it just occurred to you he could most likely see how wet you were through the material. 
“I love this pair. It’s one of my favorites.”  You said, looking away from him after your admittance not wanting to see his the self satisfied grin you knew he was sporting. 
“Show me how much you love them.” 
You were confused. “I-I don’t understand..” 
“You said you loved that pair.” He tilted his head condescendingly. “Show me how much you love them. Touch yourself while wearing them.” 
You were speechless, your mouth agape as you looked at him in trepidation. “I uh, Minho I don’t, uh..” 
The beta put both hands on the foot of the bed and leaned down so he was closer to you, “Didn’t you say you would be good and listen to me for fucking once?” You nodded hesitantly, biting your lip. “Then do as I say and rub your pussy through those cute little fucking panties.” 
He stood again and gave you room, motioning for you to get on with it. You avoided eye contact as you took a deep breath and brought your hand to your center, gingerly running your fingertips along the soaked material hiding your core. You lightly dipped your finger into the fabric, teasing your hole then moved the digit up to your covered clit. Your chest was heaving as a moan left your lips. You touched the bundle again, this time there was more pressure that made your hips buck up into your hand. You heard him curse so you risked a quick look over to him and the sight was a spectacle to say the least. 
The man had his pants unbuttoned and lowered to his mid thigh, and his big hand was palming the erection over his underwear. He never took his eyes off you, his eyes flickering between your face to watch your expressions then back down to your hand that played with yourself. You felt yourself gush more slick and you moaned, now finding a good rhythm on your clit. 
The tension was so intense that you felt your high approaching in record time. Whispers of his name came from you and your tongue ran along your lips. “Min, Minho, I’m- m’ gonna..” 
“You wanna cum, baby?” He was being patronizing, even as he gripped his member harder.
 You nodded vehemently, right on the precipice. “Yes, yes!” 
“That’s too fucking bad. Don’t you dare cum.” 
You gasped when his other hand shot out and grabbed your wrist, halting your rubbing and ruining your orgasm. “Minho! What the fuck? Whyyyyy?!” There were tears welling on your lash line.  
You always look so pretty when you cry
He laughed at your expression, “You think you get to cum just like that? Like you deserve to after the way you consistently defy me? Nuh uh, I think you gotta work for it a little more.” He let go of your wrist but remained leaning over you. “Start again, this time with more vigor.” 
You wanted to protest, to refuse to adhere to his game- but you knew either way you would be doing as he commands. So with a wet pout your shaky fingers returned to the place between your thighs. 
This time your touches were more delicate, but that wasn’t what Mihno was after. He shook his head at you, eyes narrowing at your almost defiance. 
“Harder, omega. Rub her nice and good. I wanna see you squirm.” 
Ah, now you knew the game he was playing. He wanted you to put on a show for him, so you would do exactly that. 
You gave your clit a circling with your finger, then slipped it down your slit then back up again quickly. You felt yourself clench on nothing and more wetness left you, now it had completely drenched the fabric and was making you uncomfortable. Still, the sensations were delicious nonetheless.
All too quickly you were once again built back up and your orgasm was a few rubs away. You knew what you had to do to get what you needed. 
“Minnnn,” You whined, looking right into his eyes now. “Please, wanna cum. Been good for you, please let me.” 
He looked like he was thinking about it, and just as you thought he was going to grant your wish, he grabbed your hand again and made you stop. You let out a groan of frustration, tears now descending down your cheeks. 
“Please stop teasing me! I can’t take it!” 
“Or what? Gonna cry about it? Little crybaby omega, always blubbering. Well go ahead and cry for me. Let me see those pretty tears.” His voice was soft but his words were mean; the difference giving you whiplash and making you cry harder giving him exactly what he wanted.
Minho bit back a moan of satisfaction at the sight of your tears. He just loved to watch you cry, it made him even harder than he was before (as impossible as it seemed) and scratched the mild sadistic itch that laid within him. Soon he wanted to watch you cry while you sucked and gagged on his cock, but that would wait for another day. 
You sniffled and sobbed, unable to contain the dam that had been broken while he cooed at you. Min shucked off his pants while you wiped your eyes, then he leaned over your body and caressed your now wet cheeks, smearing the wetness into your skin. You let out a wet squeal when you felt his tongue on your cheek as he lapped up your salty tears. He pulled back with a moan and his eyes shut. 
“Such a good little omega, being so obedient for me.” He nuzzled into your neck, nipping at you with a purr. “I don’t even have to be an alpha to make you do as I say right now, hmm? You're so desperate for my dick you just give into my demands.” 
One thing you noticed about Minho was that he had a strange complex about not being an alpha. He seemed to get upset when it was mentioned that he wasn’t one or when he couldn’t command the respect of one. And now he was even bringing it up in the bedroom. 
‘Maybe that’s why he takes it so personally when I attempt to defy him.’ You thought to yourself but chose to not mention it outloud. 
“How bad do you want to cum, omega?” 
“So so bad!” You continued to cry, now your hands were on his chest tugging at his shirt, “Need it, Min.” 
“As much as I like the sound of my name on your lips, I think I want you to call me something else.” He ground his hips against yours, “Call me ‘sir’.” 
How mortifying. If you had known your snide comment would lead to this you would have never made it. But if you were being honest with yourself, you kind of liked it. 
“Please sir.” 
“Fucking hell.” That was the straw that broke the camel's back. The beta roughly shoved down your panties, the fabric was soaked and wanted to cling to your nether lips, there was a string of your arousal that came with the garment as it was removed from you. 
The kisses you had shared before were child's play compared to the one he gave you now, the clashing of teeth and tongues making you feel lightheaded. Never would you have imagined the amount of passion and all consuming vigor that he would be able to channel into something as simple as a kiss, yet it had you careening into space at a devastating pace. 
Minho's fingers wasted zero time in running his fingers through your slick then spreading it around your core, soaking your skin even more. A desperate whine burst from you into his mouth, tears still steadily leaking down your face as his fingers purposefully avoided your aching bundle. 
“Please, please Minho. Need you to fuck me, I can’t take it.” 
 There was no better sound in the world than you begging for him, but you used the wrong name. He laid a sharp smack against your center, the wetness splashing with the contact. You let out a hiss at the pain. 
“That’s not my name. Try again.” 
Goddammit, he wasn’t going to let you off easy. 
“Sir, need you. Need your cock, Sir please. Need to be filled by you.” 
Minho quickly removed his boxers and threw them on the floor. Then he repositioned himself over you with a cocky smile. “Careful what you ask for, baby.” 
He gave no warning before he plunged into you, filling you completely and bottoming out in one single thrust. Your eyes rolled into your head as you threw your head back with a deafening cry. “Nggggg oh my gooooood.” 
“Holy fucking shit. Now I see what all the fuss is about.” He started to thrust into you at a punishing pace, his whole weight on top of you. “ You really do have the tightest and wettest pussy in the world. Can’t believe I waited so fucking long to fuck you.” He laid messy kisses to your neck, sucking harshly on the skin and adding his own marks to the ever growing collection. 
Your hands were gripping his hair and you cried and moaned in his ear. Sighs and whimpers of ‘sir’ ‘s’good’ and ‘please’ leaving you and being music to his ears. 
Minho sat back on his knees, taking his weight off of you and your hands scrambled out to him attempting to pull him back to you. You cried out at the sudden emptiness you felt when he pulled out with no warning. 
“No sir! Don’t go!” Your blubbering started again, your emotions running high at the consistent denial. “M’ good f’ you! Please Sir, need you back in me.” You were crying harder than you had this whole day, begging for him. 
Minho used his red tip to slap against your clit, a resounding wet ‘smack’ filling the room along with your cries. “Hear that? Here the way your pussy cries for me? The way even she begs to be filled? Don’t worry, omega. Sir will give her what she wants.” 
It was humiliating; the way he addressed a part of your body as if it wasn’t attached to you, like your pussy was its own entity with its own consciousness. You wanted to cover your face and hide so you put your hands over your face. 
“Don’t you fucking hide from me.” His growl was deep and menacing, his eyes narrowed at you. “You look at me when I fuck you.” 
Still sitting back on his knees with his back straight, Minho grabbed your hips and lifted you up enough to haul your butt over his thighs to be flush on him, and rammed his member back into you. 
This position allowed him to go even deeper than before, your eyes shot open and a scream left you at the pleasure. “Sir! Ngghhhgg fuck sir!” Your hands balled into fists as you held the sheets below you. 
“Arch your back.” He demanded through his panting. You did as he said and it somehow made you feel even closer to him. “Mmmm there we go, nice and deep in there.” He began to sweat, the teasing and playing with you has finally caught up to him. His thumb went down to where the two of you met and he found your clit, rubbing hard and precise circles on your throbbing bud.
“Fuck! Oh my god! Min-Sir, need to cum, please please let me cum this time. Please.” You were crying and babbling so hard you started drooling, mouth and eyes alike leaking wetness that dripped down your face and onto the man's bed.
His thumb pressed even harder on your clit, and gave you a lusty look, with his eyes set on yours as you begged. 
“Cum for me, omega. You’ve earned it.” 
Immediately you let go, the cord inside finally getting permission to snap. Your essence gushed out of you and sprayed onto his shirt, soaking the fabric so much that if it were any other color than black Minho was sure it would stain.  
Minho had never seen anyone cum so hard in his life, and it boosted his ego even more. It sent him hurdling quickly towards his own orgasm.
You were completely at his mercy, your mind was floating far from you and you let him manhandle you again, pushing your legs back as far as they could go by your head and he leaned back over you. His hips were snapping against you rigorously with his balls smacking your butt with each thrust. 
You kept muttering little whispers of his name and ‘sir’ in his ear, your head falling to the side to show him your neck; a sign of utter submission. “Sir, bite.. Wan it…” 
 Every ounce of the betas self control was thrown out the window, your true omega self coming through as you surrendered to him being the final push. He buried his face onto the skin of your neck - though not your mating gland- and bit into you. 
 If you could describe it, his bite was like being doused in oil and set aflame; all consuming yet you welcomed the burn. You were shaking as you felt him deepen his bite, his teeth digging as far down as he could possibly get. He wanted his bite to leave a long lasting reminder of what happened here. 
It was becoming too much for you, your core was clenching and spasming as you came for the second time in mere minutes. At the feeling of your palpitating walls clamped around him, Minho finally came with a snarling growl, teeth still latched onto you as his hips stuttered. Rope after rope of his burning hot cum entered you and filled you to the brim. 
Minho finally let go of your neck with his teeth as he pulled back to look at you. Your eyes were droopy and your face was wet and your lips (along with your whole body) were trembling. You were a mess.  A beautiful debauched mess. The most beautiful sight he had ever seen. 
Min wasn’t looking much better. His skin had a sheen of sweat and his eyes were crazed. His mouth was dripping with your blood but he made no move to wipe it away. 
There was a beat before either of you moved, though he could if he so desired, but Minho was beginning to become addicted to the way you felt wrapped around his length. He knew you probably couldn’t take any more at this time though. With a deep breath he slowly pulled out of you. You both could hear the squelch of your combined fluids cascading out of you like a waterfall. 
You groaned when he exited you, your walls were so sensitive after the pounding he gave you. 
“Shh baby, I know it hurts. You’re ok, omega.”His voice was soft and even as he petted your hair, “I’ll be right back, just take it easy for me.” 
You whined again when the beta slipped off the bed, grabbing his boxes and leaving the room quickly. Only a few moments passed before he returned with a rag and a small first aid kit. In his absence he had cleaned the blood off his face. He approached you with a soft smile, “Hold still baby, need to clean you up.” 
“Mhm” You mumbled, still clearly out of it. 
Min first used the wet rag to clean you up between your legs, wiping you down of any left over cum and fluids. When he deemed you thoroughly cleaned he tossed the rag in the corner to deal with later. Then he brought out the antiseptic from the first aid kit. He dabbed a cotton pad in it then used it to dab at your fresh bite mark. You hissed at the sting, wanting to squirm away. 
Minho cooed at you, “Nuh uh, gotta get the blood off so it doesn’t get infected. Lord only knows I’d never hear the end of it if it’s my bite that doesn’t heal.” He cynically murmured that last part but you still caught it, a little giggle coming from you as you slowly came too.  “You did so good for me, ya know? Were the most perfect little omega.” 
You purred at his praise, unable to stop the lovesick smile from etching into your lips. “Never thought I’d hear you say that.” 
He scoffed lightly, not in malice but more so in disbelief. “ You’ve always been a perfect omega.” He finished cleaning your wound and put the kit to the side then he climbed on next to you. 
He laid on his back and softly pulled you to rest on his chest as he pet your head. There was silence except for the sound of your breathing, but it wasn’t awkward. Oddly enough you found it comfortable as it gave you a moment to collect your thoughts. You imagined he was feeling similar. 
You tentatively reached for his hand and he let you. He gave your hand a squeeze then loosened the hold, instead laying his hand flat against yours and comparing the difference in size. He played with them for a second, his fingers able to slightly curl over your tips. 
“You have baby hands.” 
You snorted at his sudden comment, then looked up at him to find him already gazing down at you. “Maybe that’s why you all call me baby.” 
“Mmm” he hummed, still looking at you. “That among other things.” 
“Like what?” You raised a brow curiously. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” He laughed when you whined, “Ok, fine. We call you baby because we cherish you. You’re something worth caring for.” 
His words made you pause, your hand tightened its grip on his hand and your other one fisted his shirt. That definitely was not the answer you were expecting. You honestly thought he was going to say something like ‘you cry a lot’ or ‘you whine too much’ and had mentally prepared for that answer. To know the real answer was something so genuine and romantic made your heart pound. Your lip began to wobble and the tears gathered on your lashes. 
“That, and you whine too much.” 
“Minho!” You smacked his chest lightly as he laughed. You were still crying and he brought a hand up to wipe it off your face. 
“Aww don’t cry, baby.” He was cooing at you, “You’re gonna make me hard again.” 
You brushed his hand away and buried your face in his chest. “Stooooop. You’re not funny.” 
“Who’s joking?” 
Your whole body heated from your bout of shyness and you refused to leave the safety of his chest, since you knew for a fact he would have that cute stupid smug look on his stupidly cute face. 
“I couldn’t go again right now even if I wanted to. My body is exhausted.” Your words were muffled but he still heard them, bringing that cocky smirk to his face. 
“So,” here we go, “ you’re saying I fucked you so good you physically can’t take anymore?” 
“You are the worst!” You whined, shoving him but laughing all the same.
There was another pause. Min still never stopped his delicate touches on your head. Then he broke the silence again.
“You don’t really think I’m the worst, do you?” His voice was soft yet even, as if he was trying not to show too much emotion at the question, though you could tell this was something he was self conscious over.  
“Oh Minho,” You lifted your head up to look into his eyes, though he refused to meet yours, instead staring straight ahead.  “No, of course not. Not a single one of us thinks that.” Your hand went up to his chin, trying to tilt his face down so he could look at you. 
“It’s not a secret I’m a little opinionated and hyphy. I know my attitude isn’t everyone's cup of tea. I mean, look at us, it took us how long to get here?”  
“But we made it here!” You wanted to protest but still kept your tone light. “Min, the pack cares so deeply for you. They hold the utmost respect for you and love you.” You took a deep breath and closed your eyes tight. “And so do I.” 
“Look at me.” 
You shook your head, refusing his request. 
“You’re going to have to look at me. Especially if you’re going to give me a claiming bite.” 
That made you snap your eyes open. The beta sported a toothy grin, his beautiful bunny teeth on display for you. 
“You-you want my bite too?” You sniffled, wiping your eyes again. 
“Well, if not from the girl I love then who?” He was being WAY too casual about it but at the same time you could see the pink dusting on his cheeks. “Unless you don’t want to.” 
“Minho” you blubbered into him again. You turned your body to be chest to chest with him and you threw your arms around him. “I want to! Wanna make you mine too, please!” 
“Ok ok, baby don’t cry it’s alright.” He sat up higher so his back was against the headboard. He pulled you to climb into his lap fully, and you straddled his lap. He tilted his head to show more of his neck and he cradled you against him. “Be gentle with me, it’s my first time.” 
Of course he had to make a joke out of it. 
You chose to ignore his jest- though you did roll your eyes- and you started peppering his neck with little kisses. You wanted him to truly feel your love for him. He sighed in contentment and rubbed circles into your back. With your lips you mapped out the spot you would claim him then once your inner omega deemed it the perfect spot you bit down on him. 
He twitched from the sensation, a quiet moan rumbling out of his throat and his hand finding your head, knotting in your hair and pressing you even harder into him. It’s as if he wanted you to bite down harder. You did as your instincts told you and bit with more force. 
After lapping at the wound you remove yourself from him. Minho let you go as he found his breath, panting and eyes fluttering. His cheeks were beet red and his hair had fallen in his face. Honestly, he looked more fucked out now than he did after actually fucking. And he had never looked better.
Minho hugged you tight, then kissed you sweetly and got his own blood on his mouth but he didn’t seem to care. “Good girl.” 
A little chirp escaped you, you were clearly very pleased with the turn of events. And so was Minho. After you helped him clean the bite and wiped up the blood the two of you snuggled on his bed together and talked. It was still hard for him to open up, but he did give you some insight into his brain about how he feels. In return you did the same. It was much overdo and very therapeutic for the both of you. 
After another hour you heard the front door open and a cacophony of voices entered the house. Minho groaned when he heard it, “The idiots are back.” You laughed and rolled off of his chest. He picked up his forgotten phone and saw it was already late into the evening. “Ah shit, I have to start dinner.”
You whined and made grabby hands at him as he got off the bed. “Do you have too? I wanna cuddle some more.” 
He grabbed his pants off the floor and slipped them back on, “Yes omega, someone has to feed the children. And I need to talk to Chan.” After his pants were back on he felt something small and hard in his pocket. He stuck his hand in and pulled out the little trinket he had gotten for you earlier in the day. “Though I have something to keep you company.” He handed you the little pink cat. 
You squealed and pulled it up to your face to analyze it with a beaming smile. “How CUTE! Thank you so much!!” 
He just pecked your cheek in response. 
“Take all the time you want here baby. But soon Channie will probably come looking for you.” 
You huffed and laid back on his bed. You were not excited for that conversation. 
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Chan watched as Minho hauled you off in the direction of his car. He had no idea what had occurred but he wanted to get to the bottom of it. He could smell the distress that radiated out of you and it made him wary and irate. 
‘Today was supposed to be a good day, what the fuck happened?’
The alpha stalked off in search of Changbin. He offered people polite hellos and smiles to all the people who greeted him. He was a pillar in this town and needed to act like it especially in public. He found the younger alpha striding away from the games area with a frustrated furrow in his brow. 
“Changbin.” Chan called to him and waved him over. He took notice of how Changbins face fell slightly at the sight of the elder, and he knew it to be a sign that something definitely went wrong here today. Changbin went over to Chan- albeit slowly- and came to stand in front of him. “Hey man, what is going on? I just ran into Min and baby and he said to come find you.”
Changbin bit his lip and blinked back the tears. Chan hadn’t seen him this emotional in a long time so he knew something was up. 
“Hyung, I think I made a big mistake.”
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Minho went down to the kitchen first. He took some meat out from the fridge and set it on the counter to rest then he went to find the alpha. It didn’t take long as Chan was looking for him too. 
“Min.” He beckoned him to his office. Chan's face may have been hard to read but his eyes were steely. Once the door was closed he turned to the beta. “You saw him grab her?” 
Minho nodded, “Yes.” 
“You’re sure?” 
“Yes Chan.” The beta clicked his tongue as he recalled it in his mind. “ He had his filthy hand on her arm and he tried to get her to go with him.” 
“And she was scared?” 
Minho nodded again. “Terrified. She didn’t want anything to do with him. If you had seen it you would have ripped his head off.” 
The alpha growled “If it was me there then there wouldn't be a head left to rip off. I’m surprised you didn’t take a swing yourself.” 
Min huffed, “There were a lot of people around. Though I was ready to put him in the ground if he didn’t back down.” 
“Wooyoung… The name is familiar but I can’t place my finger on it.” Chan started pacing as he racked his brain. 
“Changbin had been talking about him a lot. He was so happy to have made a new friend he wouldn’t shut up about it.” Minho rolled his eyes in distaste, “He didn’t know the guy would turn out to be a piece of shit.” 
“But you knew, didn’t you?” Chan asked. “Bin said you could tell but you didn’t say anything.” 
“I knew there was something funky about him, but I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt for Changbins sake.” Chan nodded at the betas words. Then he just had to ask. He smirked a little, “So what happened with you and omega after you got home?” He could clearly see the brand new claiming bite on the betas neck. 
“Nothing much, we just worked out our differences.” He gave him a cheeky wink in return though he felt his face heat up. “Anyways, where is Bin? I didn’t hear him come in and usually he’s the first one I hear.” 
Chan sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “He didn’t come home with us. He’s too ashamed of himself and said he wanted to walk home to think about how clueless he was.” 
“How hard were you on him?” 
“Well I wasn’t sunshine and daisies. But everything I said to him he had already been thinking to himself. He was definitely beating himself up over it.” 
“Did you give him a punishment?” Chan nodded at the question. “What is it? Is it that he can’t touch Y/n like you did with Felix?” 
“Worse? What could be worse than that?” 
“I took his car keys and forbade him from going to the gym for a week.” 
“Oh my god he’s never going to come home.”
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You didn’t come out immediately. You wanted to have a few moments to yourself to collect yourself and your thoughts. Eventually you knew you needed to make an appearance. You pulled on one of Minhos shirts that you took from his closet as you exited his room. You missed your boys and wanted to spend some time with them. You padded into the living room to find the four youngest boys sitting on the couches holding beers and laughing with each other. 
Jisung was the first to notice you, yelling when you walked in the room. “There's my baby!” He was obviously drunk already, his eyes having trouble focusing on you as he giggled. “Come here gorgeous.” 
“Hi Ji.” You giggled and walked over to him. He grabbed you and yanked you onto his lap, tickling you more when you laughed. “No no no!” 
“Sungie don’t hog!” Felix whined from his place next to Jisung. “It’s not fair you’ve spent so much time with baby!” 
“Not true! I have barely seen her!” 
“Jisung, you literally had your tongue in her pussy this morning.” Seungmin deadpanned from across the room. “That’s more than we’ve had in days.” 
Jeongin and Felix laughed as Jisung pouted, still holding on to you. You on the other hand were mortified. 
“Don’t talk about me like I’m just a piece of meat for you to consume!” 
That made all four of them burst out laughing at your plight. 
“Aww baby, we know you're not just something to eat.” Felix cooed and unhooked Jisungs arms from you and hauled you onto his own lap. “We just all wanna spend time with you.” Then he leaned into your ear and lowered his voice. “Though, if eating you out was an option right now I’d happily take it. I’m starving.” 
You shivered at his husky and seductive voice in your ear. “Lixie..” 
“But by the way you smell and who’s shirt you're wearing.. Not to mention this new bite mark on your neck- I’d say Min already had a taste today.” 
“Stop it you!” You whined and pushed at his chest while he and the other boys cackled. “Since when are you the dirty one?!” 
“M’ just teasing you baby. I’m happy you and Min made up. Now we can all be one big happy family.” He nuzzled into you. 
At the mention of his name the beta appeared from the kitchen, wiping his hands on a kitchen towel. “Quit being literal menaces to society and go set the table. Dinner is done.” 
The three boys around you groaned and got to their feet and shuffled to the dining room. You went to follow but were held back by Felix. “Lix we gotta help.” 
“Nah they got it. Just want a minute alone with my love.” He kissed you tenderly and you reciprocated. This boy was too sweet to refuse him. “Mm I love you baby.” 
“I love you too Lixie.” You kissed him again and he smiled against your lips. 
“Felix! Come help!” 
“Oop! Gotta go baby or he’s gonna cook me next.” 
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You made your way to the table to see Chan and the other boys (minus Felix) all helping and sitting down. Chan smiled at you as you entered the room, reaching a hand out for you. You grabbed on to it and let him pull you into a kiss. 
“Hi baby. Are you feeling better?” 
You nodded, “Yes Channie. Min took good care of me and I feel much better.” 
“Min? We left you with Binnie, didn’t we?” Hyunjin asked, looking at the youngest boy for confirmation. “Were you that sick you had to come home?” 
“Oh uh, well-” You stuttered but were cut off. 
“You moron, don’t mention Changbin right now. There's a reason he’s not here.” Seungmin scoffed, picking up some food and serving it on his plate. 
It was then you noticed there was one empty seat at the table. Changbin had not come home. Chan noticed how forlorn you looked when you saw the empty chair. He cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. “We are not having this conversation right now. Changbin is not here on his own volition. That is all you need to know right now.” He was using his alpha voice to make his point known and they all nodded in understanding. 
No one brought it up again for the whole of dinner. They all carried on like nothing happened at all. Everyone except you. You couldn’t stop staring at the empty space at the table, and feeling guilty. You wished Changbin was here. You wanted to hold him and hear his loud contagious laughter. Your heart felt heavy with him being gone. Chan noticed your mood- of course he did- but he didn’t want to bring it up any further at the dinner table. 
Instead he waited until the dinner was complete. As soon as you were done eating he stood from his spot at the head of the table and came to your side. He scooped you into his arms, chuckling when you shrieked. “Hush now. I need my omega now.” 
The other guys hooted and hollered at you both as he carried you up the stairs. 
“Channie.. I’m too sensitive down there right now.” You murmured, your face aflame. 
He plopped you on his bed, then sat down next to you. “Oh baby, I know Min probably did some work on your poor kitty huh?” You nodded, and tried to hide your embarrassment. “We do need to talk, though my love. I need to know exactly what happened and what that bastard said to you.” 
As much as you didn’t want too, you knew your alpha needed to hear it from your own lips. So with a deep breath and a lot of tears, you recounted the experience. From start to finish he just let you talk. He was patient when you got choked up at the part about being grabbed, even though you could feel the rage that brewed inside of him at the thought of a man outside our pack laying a finger on you. 
If there was one thing Chan knew for certain, it was that someday soon, Wooyoung would pay for his indecencies. He would make sure of that. 
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Alternate smut scene
Comments and reblogs are very much appreciated!
Also if any one wants to chat about the story or share predictions please send me an ask!!
Beta read by my loves @ayejaii and @jehhskz <3
TAGLIST- closed
@chxnb97 / @butterflydemons / @zaggprincess2 / @stellasays45 / @uhhheather / @walnutspie /  @a-mistake-tbh / @meowmeeps @realrintaro / @ihrtlix / @raehawthorne / @juskz / @freckleboilix @marvelsmarauder / @0325tiny / @iyeeeverydee / @stars-garden / @boi-bi-ahaha / @gini143 / @queenmea604 /  @palindrome969 / @f9clementine / @theysaidhush / @kpophosblog / @usercaiskz @honeym0chi / @nobody3210 / @changbinswife10789  @5starluvr @neyangi / @jiminssluttyminx / @ayejaii / @iknowleeknow/ @jeonginnieswifey y / @catlove83 / @upsidedownchaire / @emmxxsworld / @manuosorioh / @igetcarriedawaywithyou / @blondechannie / @woozixo / @ilovejeongin007/ @yaorzu-blog @theydy-madamonsieur / @jehhskz / @feybin / @rylea08 / @sebastianswhore13 / @kihyuns-military-wife / /@lilyuwon @xx3rachaslutxx / @hahhahahjakakla / @skzstaykatsy / @zerefdragn33l / @yuhhhhh-slay / @im-sinking-in-mud / @n0y4 / @writhingwrecked / @silentreadersthings / @softkisshyunjin @hannoahs-third-eyelash
626 notes · View notes
a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
pre hotel battle and vaggie wants to round out her gf's stat blocks just a LITTLE bit more
Vaggie: “Okay sweetie, big battle for our lives and hotel coming up.”
Charlie: “Which we are going to WIN and NOT DIE in!”
Vaggie: “Right. First battle you’ve ever been in?”
Charlie: “Technically, yes.”
Vaggie: “Still not vibing with an actual weapon?”
Charlie: “They’re all so…. Pointy and mean looking…?”
Vaggie: “So we’re sticking with the shield plan for you.”
Charlie: “I drew up some designs for one! LOOK! WINGS!!!”
Vaggie: “Really, very cute babe, it’ll look great on you. Very cool thing for any murder angels to smack face first into.”
Charlie: “Thank you!”
Vaggie: “But I’ve been thinking… well no, I’ve been having nightmares-”
Charlie: “OH NO!!!”
Vaggie: “-and if you wanna help with that, maybe you could have, like, just one kinda attack thing?”
Charlie: “Oh.”
Vaggie: “One trick up your sleeve, Charlie. That’s all I’m asking.”
Charlie: “I… I guess… if you’re worried, then…”
Charlie: “…I could… try doing the demon thing… a little…?”
Vaggie: “No you hate that.”
Charlie: (HUGE SIGH) “Okay good! WHEW. So what’s the OTHER attack thing idea??”
Vaggie: “You do have a little of the carnival magic stuff, yeah? Like your dad?”
Charlie: “Oh I love that stuff! YES!”
Vaggie: “I was thinking maybe you could do fireworks.”
Charlie: “FUN!”
Vaggie: “And explode people with them.”
Charlie: “HORRIFYING!!!”
Vaggie: “I know. I know but- just a little, sweetie? For me?”
Charlie: “Explode them, Vaggie? Into, pieces!?”
Vaggie: “I’m picturing globs and chunks actually.”
Charlie: “Vaggie!”
Vaggie: “Sorry, look-” (takes gf’s hands)
Vaggie: “This is gonna be a real battle with a lot of stuff happening. Lots of people. Lots of yelling and people running around. We’re probably gonna get separated at some point-”
Charlie: “No. You’re staying right next to me.”
Vaggie: “Charlie I swear I’m gonna try to, but that's not how big mob fights work out.”
Charlie: “We can MAKE it work like that THIS time!”
Vaggie: “Listen. I really, really want to go into this knowing you’ve got something for crowd control, alright? If a dozen angels swoop down on you and I’m not right there, I wanna know you can give yourself enough breathing space to keep that shield between you and them.”
Charlie: “But- you WILL be there-”
Vaggie: “One hit. That’s all it takes. For me and for them both, and you- please.” (squeezes hands) “They want to kill you. And they can. And they’re gonna try to.”
Charlie: “….”
Charlie: “… I don’t want, to hurt people.”
Vaggie: “A shield to the face hurts.”
Charlie: “Okay fine- I don’t want to KILL people! Or even get close!”
Vaggie: “That’s fine, that’s the world we’re aiming for.”
Charlie: “But it’s not good enough right now though, is it.”
Vaggie: “… maybe it is.”
Charlie: “You just said…”
Vaggie: “Fuck what I said, you don’t need to detonate anyone for crowd control. You can do lights, right?”
Charlie: “Yes?”
Vaggie: “Bright and flashy ones?”
Charlie: “Obviously, those are the best kinds-”
Vaggie: “So try flashing people.”
Charlie: “Flashing?? Wh- IN THE MIDDLE OF A BATTLE???”
Vaggie: “-blinding, blinding I meant blind them with flashing lights, get them to back off.”
Charlie: “Oh!”
Vaggie: “That a doable thing?”
Charlie: “Yes VERY doable! Like a really amazing sparkler!”
Vaggie: “And they wouldn’t be dead, they just wouldn’t be able to see enough to attack you.”
Charlie: “It wouldn’t even really HURT THEM even!”
Vaggie: “Sure. Unless they trip or fly into something.”
Charlie: “And you’d feel better???”
Vaggie: “Much, much better.”
Charlie: “Enough to sleep?”
Vaggie: “When you’re not keeping me up half the night with kisses, yeah. I think so.”
Charlie: “I’LL DO IT! I’ll practice weaponizing pretty sparkles!”
Vaggie: “Thanks, babe.”
Charlie: “What battle weapon-y things should I be practicing with them, in practice?”
Vaggie: “Uhhh make it a reflex, fine tune your aim…”
Charlie: “Fun!”
Vaggie: “Figuring out how to not blind everyone else too would be good.”
Charlie: “That’s a good point, hmm-”
Charlie: “-Ohhhhh I could make the lights SMALL. Very small, so they don’t do much on their own- then only someone who’s super close and I’m aiming for and who gets a face FULL of them would really be blinded!”
Vaggie: “You’re so smart.”  
Vaggie: “That honestly sounds terrifying. I love it.”
Charlie: “HEHEHHEHEH.”
Charlie: (smooches her)
Charlie: “We’ll stay together in the fight so you can have front row seats to the light show, okay?”
Vaggie: "... we can try to..."
Charlie: "Will. We will stay together."
Vaggie: “… and, you’ll practice hard until then.”
Charlie: “I will!”
Vaggie: (lets out breath) “Then we’ll be okay. And also sparkly.”
Charlie: “Same thing~”
239 notes · View notes
The Siblings Episode!
One day, the members of the circus woke up curious to know what kind of adventure Caineman would have for them today, only for them to find out something happened to Pomnic while they were asleep...
That is, they've now got siblings!
(WOW, O-FUCKING-KAY, I did NOT think I'd get 100+ notes on something which was meant to be silly, y'all seem to be into this kinda stuff... might do Carnival Pomnic next or something, lol. Stay tuned, I guess!)
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The Siblings Episode AU belongs to @sm-baby! [I love the idea of the TADC cast having sibs...]
Not only that, but Tailer also has a sibling! (His sibling is the one on the left.)
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201 notes · View notes
avadoingart-imus · 18 days
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The First Drink.
After the faithful meeting in the mysterious garden, Aziraphale became fascinated with that gorgeous creature he came across. He couldn't help himself from coming back to the garden again and again and again. They would talk for hours about many things and the more they talked, the more curious he became. Then one day, that creature introduced him to something he had never heard before; wine. I'm trying to string these random prompts that we have in our small art group to depict the interactions between Crowley and Aziraphale throughout the timeline. Hence, it will take me quite a while to conceptualize the idea and adapt it to the prompt and draw. It's pretty ambitious but it is definitely more exciting than just a random art here and there, right? So stay tuned for what comes next :)
As for the prompt, once again our gang comes together to deliver our own interpretation of one image and this time we have someone new joining us too. With the participation of @qtj @carnival-of-vanity and others Ref credit: IG: photo.destruction
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fruitsoxs · 7 months
Happy Valentine's Day! Here's what I think the bg3 companions would do for you!
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Gale celebrates Valentine's Day with a nice dinner. He makes sure everything is perfect. He cooks your favorite food, sets flowers up in the middle, and even writes you a little poem about how much he loves you. It’s so sweet, and very old fashioned. At the end of the night you find yourself in his arms, cuddling up next to a fireplace.
Wyll, ever the romantic, surprises you with a trail of flower petals leading to a beautiful candlelit room. He offers you his hand, and sweeps you off your feet with a little dance. He takes things slow, especially if you can’t dance well. It’s romantic, and beautiful. You end the night with your head rested on his shoulder as you spin around in lazy circles, him humming some small tune.
You’re the one to set up a date for Astarion. He’s still learning about intimacy, and so you think it would be nice to do something special for him. A picnic under the stars is your go to, and while it doesn’t go to plan (The food isn't quite right, it's a bit cloudy, and someone tries to steal your basket) it still is a lovely night. He appreciates the thought, and all the work you put into it. He hugs you close. “Thank you, Darling.” He’s glad he has someone like you in his life. 
Karlach would take you out to the carnival, excitement in the air. She would spend all night trying to win you the biggest prizes. At the end of the night she would walk you home, making sure you get there safely. Perhaps she would even come inside to hang out for a little while. When you share a kiss, it’s almost magical. 
Shadowheart sets up a blanket under the stars with you. You lay by her side, fingers laced together as you look up to see the wonders of the galaxy. There you share your deepest secrets, and perhaps a bottle of wine. You end up staying up all night just talking. By morning she’s got her head resting on your chest with your arm wrapped around her torso. 
Lae’zel doesn’t quite understand the holiday, but when you mention that you want to celebrate it she does what she can. She buys you a new weapon, one that’s sharp enough to cut through your enemies. She might even offer a small duel. You end up laying on the ground with her, while you both try to catch your breath. When you look over, you find she’s already staring at you. “You’re beautiful.” she whispers.
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cherrybean · 2 months
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Lalo taking you to a carnival 🎪🎟️🤹🏻‍♂️🎡 (fluff) headcannon
i apologize for being MIA for a bit :( happy 4th of July (ik it’s super late 😭) i have had terrible writers block and have been trying to get back into the motion of things
i will be continuing the last couple of weeks smut next week by midweek so stay tuned 🥹🫶🏽
- Lalo who would stop at the carnival on the way back home because you want to get some fried food and look around
- Lalo who would take pictures of you on the rides smiling so he could look at them later and save them for when he’s away from you
- Lalo who would buy you all the fried food your heart desires until you both feel sick 🤕
- “Lalo can you please win me the big bear?”
- We all know lalo is super competitive so when I tell you this man would do anything possible to get the carnival game teddy bear prize for you 😭
- “Here you go hermosa, it’s just as cute as you”
- You guys getting on every ride
- You having to force Lalo on some rides
- You never knew he was scared of heights
- Lalo who would try and win you as many stuffed animals as possible
- You and lalo buying cotton candy and kettle corn after the rides and getting a sugar high 😵‍💫
- Lalo and you taking pictures in one of the booths to have for memories
- Lalo and you watching the firework show on top of the Ferris wheel
- Lalo kissing you on the forehead on the drive home as you fall asleep
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tH3 p4p3r cH453: An IntrOductIon! 🎭
WELL, WELL, WELL, LOOK WHO'S TUNED IN! 👁️ You’ve stumbled right into the frAY, and oh boy, this ain’t just any kinda party—this is a MIND MAELSTROM, a WHIRLING KALEIDOSCOPE of CHAOS, MAGIC, and UTTER NONSENSE, hosted by none other than the most UNPREDICTABLE foursome you'll ever meet. We’re here, we’re THERE, and EVERYWHERE in between—spinning tales, bending reality, and making sure you NEVER know what’s coming next! 😵‍💫🌀 So, buckle up, hold tight, and let’s introduce the wild minds behind the madness! 🥳
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Z1M: 👁️👾h3LLo!!!🌪️ yoU knOW wHen A stAR 🌟 drIps tEars oF sUnSHiNe aNd dArk maTt3R??? 🪐⚡We aRe thE sLipPerY wiSps 🌀 oF brOkEn TiME, thE glaSs wIndOwS thaT leAk iN fiREfliEs and shad0ws 🌬️✨! drIFt wIth uS whIlE thE 🌙 moON wEarS pajaMAs 🤪 aNd tHE SkY 🪲 sCreAMs— wE’re a rAiNbOw 🌈 of roTTen suNsets aND BiTter sWeet sILveR 🌌! LeT’s drAW miSshApEn cIrcLEs oN yOUr drEaMs wIth brOkEn CrayOns 🎨, daNcE oN thE eDge Of uNrEaSon 🃏, aNd siNg a mEL0dy oF ruSty naTionS—YoU’re iNvItEd tO tHe fUnhoUse oF maDNesS 🎶🪩. ChAOtic pLayscape?? hAHA! wElCoMe hOMe!!!
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B1Ll: 👁 OH HO, well, if it isn’t the curious little face peering into the GREAT UNRAVELING OF IT ALL! 👁m the sIlvEr tWitch in yOur mInd, thE gloWinG tHread thAt pUlls yoU dEEPer and deePER into the WEB 🕸️ of cOsMic CHAOS! 👁ve Been oUt heRE, sWIrliNg in the VOID, plAyIng chESS wIth tIme, jUgGLinG dEad stArS 🌠 anD sPitTing intO the aByss fOr a laugh or two HAHA!! wAtch YOur stePs, keEpiNg yoUr eyEs wIde OpEn, becaUse WHat cOmes nExT?? 🤡 iT’s a gLItChY cArNiVaL oF mEaniNgleSs cOnfusiON, a whisPer beTween yoUr bReaThs, aNd TRUsT m👁, yoU ARe thE 🎯tArget, my frieNd. LeT’s tEar D0WN tHe VeIL aND hAvE a lITtlE fuN, shAll wE? 👁️✨
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sp0ng3: oHhhh hiii frennnnssss!!! 🧽👋 spongebob's ready for fUnNn todayyyy!!! 🌊 🍍 WOWZEE, we’re gonna have sooooo much FUN together, jus’ like flippin’ Krabby Patties 🍔—FLIP FLOP WHOOOOP! yeee ya ever seen a jellyfish JAM in a fancy suit? 🦑 oh YEAH, bubble party!!! 🫧 spongebob can’t wait to shOowww yaaa ‘round this big ol’ jellybean DREAMWORLD!!! 🎉 🍬 ever’body’s singin’ n’ spinnin’ n’ WE’RE GONNA HAVE THEE BESTEST DAY, YUP YUP YUP!! LET’S GOOOOOOOOO!!! 🍭🍒 eXplosions of FRIeNdSHip EVERYWHERREEE!! 💥🪣 hehe yayayayyyy FUN FUN FUN!!! 🎶
. . . .
🌪️👁️👾 HEY HEY NOW, DID YA THINK WE’D JUST... LEAVE LIKE THAT?! 🎭 No waY, friEnd-o! tHIs is jUsT thE begInning 🚀🌀—a little tAsTe, a pReVIeW, a glImpSe oF tHe rOllerCoAsTer yOU jUst sAt oN wIthOuT A tIckEt 🎟️🔥! We’Re thE sTRanGeR aT yOur wInd0w, thE laUgH iN thE dArK, tHe bUbBles in y0uR s0dA, aND tHe ClOwN 🥳 wIth tHe biG RED BuTtOn—w0ops, diD wE jUst sEt oFf fIreWorkS? 💥🐙🤪! sO bEtTeR keEp yOur eYEs pEEleD 👁️, yoUr eArS wiDe 👂, aND yOUr sMaRkLe PaNtS 🎉🪩 on, cUz we’ll bE bAck wIth m0Re chA0s, more jIGgLIng jELlYFISH 🦑, aND m0rE cOnFetti fOr yOur bRain bOx!!! 🥳✨ wE’rE noT jUsT tHe hOsts oF tHe GaMe, we aRe ThE GamE!! 🍍👾👀
STaY wIerD, STaY WiLD, and DoN’T f0rGeT t0 LAuGh at tHe sKY!!! 🤡🪲🎶 sEE y0u in tHe sIdEwAys!!! 🌈✨👾
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rogueportraits · 7 months
The idea of running away to join the carnival is something quaintly historical with a dash of romanticism. Midway Touring Entertainment gets a few kids every stop that slip away from their parents and beg some ride attendant or performer to join up and tour the country. They’ve got childhood ideas about riding the attractions after dark or petting tamed lions – this particular carnival’s an animal-free establishment, excepting personal pets – and cry buckets when refused.
Ed’s of the personal belief that they should just take the kids along for a day or two, show them the real behind-the-scenes, and scare little middle-class Jimmy or Susie right back into a fine life of some white-collar office job two decades down the line. Unfortunately, that’s generally considered kidnapping, and MTE would highly prefer the law stay as far away as possible. He picks at a particularly stalwart hangnail and kicks his foot up on the dashboard. They’re about three hours out of Minot, having gotten the state fair contract another year in a row, and the only thing he likes about North Dakota is that the summer’s cool enough that he won’t be swimming in sweat. To the left of him, Jack starts grumbling and lifts his hand off the wheel.
“Can’t see with your shoes in the way, kid,” Jack makes a shooing motion. “You want an airbag through your knee?”
Ed’s eighteen years old, thank you very much, and his ID says he’s the ripe old age of twenty-one, so in either respect he’s not a kid. Unfortunate facial acne notwithstanding. He bites at his hangnail, rolls the window down, and spits it out into empty interstate air as he swings his leg back down. There’s the rustling of discarded fast-food wrappers against his shoes. “You threatening me?”
“Not anymore.”
Jack fiddles with the busted radio, tuning it to some local FM station playing this summer’s insipid pop hit. The highway stretches out in front of them, heat miraging strange shapes on the horizon. Ed can see the fractured reflections of their convoy in the right rear-view mirror, other cars and trailers and hauling trucks snaking away into the clear sky. He’ll be expected to help with set-up tonight, obviously, and tomorrow too. Probably some painting as well, considering the state of a few attractions. Then a week of his own particular schtick on the midway, a few days of teardowns, and back on the road to do it all over again. He digs in the car door for a lukewarm pop and twists off the cap, proffering it as driver’s tribute.
“You’re alright, kid,” Jack says, like they haven’t been working together since Ed was sixteen and gangly. He sips at it and blanches. “This isn’t.”
“I’ll go stick my neck into the gas station fridge next time,” Ed replies with a shrug. “Nothing but the best for my dear old driver.”
Jack tips the bottle up in a pastiche of enjoyment, snorting, and returns his eyes to the road.
The moon’s centered in the sky by the time Ed’s gotten through his set-up checklist. He’d scrambled up and over various half-assembled rides, checking bolts and greasing mechanisms – can’t have a lawsuit on their hands – and put off some of the detail work for when there’s sunlight. Playing passenger has its drawbacks, but the less cops that get a look at “Edward Neilsen’s” ID card the better. Not that he’s a bad driver, of course.
Ed belongs to the other class of wannabe carnival runaways. He opens the trailer door without the hinges squeaking. It’s not his trailer, because his paydays would have to have at least one more zero on their totals for anything like that, but Jack and his wife have a secondhand couch that suits him just fine. He sprawls across it in a show of exhausted decadence. Pale moonlight lances through a smoke-clouded window, cutting across his torso.
He’s not enough of an idiot to call this a charmed life, like some of the last generation of carnies. It’s work, and it’s a type of work that means he doesn’t stick in one place long enough to make an impression – all the better, logically. There’s more than a few people who’d like to find him for various reasons. Carnie work pays, it doesn’t ask questions about his age or point of origin, and the rest of this traveling group of vagabonds generally doesn’t try to deck him for a smart comment or three. That’s good enough for him. Ed rolls off the couch and pads over to the minifridge, acquiring a can of Pabst. Drinking after work and underage are two time-honored American traditions, after all. He pops the top of the can with a gas-leak hiss and heads back outside.
The night air is cold against his clammy skin. He sips at his beer and stares out towards the flickering lights of town.
Ed can do carnival patter in his sleep. He leans on his prop cane, discreetly stretching out his numb leg, and surveys the midway tourists.
“Step right up! Tired of testing your skill – test mine! Age, weight, height, profession, I’ll get 'em all… and if I don’t, you score!”
The main difficulty with being a carnival guesser is attracting marks. Ed’s stationed himself at the far end of the midway, after all the various citizenry of North Dakota have exhausted their efforts at games-of-skill. He offers them a chance to watch someone else fail. In theory, at least – he’s very good at this gig. He makes eye contact with a tired father-of-two and grins, stepping to the front of his booth.
“How about you? Care to see if you can stump me?”
And there’s the flicker of light in the other man’s eyes. Easy.
“Sure. Do you, ah, do all of them?”
Sensitive about his weight, then. Maybe the guy could afford to cut back on the funnel cake in that case, but heavens (and his paycheck) forbid Ed offer that advice. “Not at all. Your pick, and if I could take a ticket…?”
The man bites at the edge of his lip, tearing off a ticket from what probably used to be a much larger roll. “Age and job, then?”
“Of course.” Ed makes a grand show of scrutinizing, leaning forward and worrying his hands on the question-mark crook of his cane. Two kids, one about eight and the other being carried, no wife and – hah! – no wedding ring. Shirt with an atrocious tropical print, but a pager in his back pocket. Easy. “About thirty-three and in office work, right? Management?”
The man gapes, then rallies. “Thirty-five. But, uh, yeah.”
Really, Ed would have guessed thirty-six, but he’s had to duck one too many swings from daydrunk locals mad about his accuracy. He shoots the man a hundred-watt smile.
“I can’t believe it! I can’t take a peek at your ID, can I?”
Flush on winning, the man obliges by handing over his wallet. Jason Phillips, resident of Velva, ND. Thirty-five. Ed considers some legerdemain and decides against it – Jason’s clearly not been availing himself of the concession-center beer.
“Well, my loss is your gain,” reach back, grab some cheap prize in the form of a plush owl-thing, present it with a theatrical bow, he’s done it a thousand times this season, “and thank you for playing!”
The man meanders off. Ed debates the merits of putting his head in the gears of the carnival’s tilt-a-whirl. Minot is as boring as every other state fair. He gets the next player’s – some giggling college co-ed that looks at him like used gum – weight right. Hard not to with a leeway of five pounds on either side, and a scale that runs two pounds lighter. She’d probably laugh less if she knew her wallet were about ten bucks lighter as well.
He doesn’t consider his side hustle stealing, necessarily. If someone’s dumb enough to hand over their wallet to a carnie and look away, they don’t deserve spare cash.
Anyways, if it were up to him, he wouldn’t be stuck at the ass-end of the midway playing guessing games. He’d have a bigger booth with a better locale, and he’d do riddles. Maybe some lighting, too – he’s always been partial to green. He swigs from his water bottle and watches the ebb and flow of the crowd. He’d do riddles. There’s an art to them that there isn’t to his current gig. A good riddle has one clear answer, but with enough creativity one or two more can crop up. A good riddle has nice, defined boundaries, but doesn’t care about what you do inside of them. It’d take more tickets, too, because if there’s one thing the past two years and change have taught him it’s that people are brainless idiots who can’t see the truth even if it’s spelled out in flashing lights. Which suits him just fine.
Ed coughs slightly, testing to see if his voice holds, and steps forward to start up his patter once again.
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unbound-lust · 2 months
Cagematch with Sigurd 3
The bell rang.
Sigurd shot forward.
He shouldn’t have been that fast at that size, but he hit the bars hard enough to dent them, barely missing cottontail with the huge bearhug he’d attempted. 
A crowd of very VERY scantily clad groupies in the front row flashed their tits, whooped, waved crude cardboard ‘WE LOVE YOU SIGURD!’ and 'YOU WERE GREAT LAST NIGHT’, bounced up and down in custom red scalemail bikinis, flashed their tits some more-
Great show in general. Sigurd stood up.
Fuck. Each arm was like the size of her body.
But she was faster.
He turned around still smiling. “Strong legs, I like that.”
And here he came agai-
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Can’t let him touch me, can’t let him touch me, can’t let him touch me-
Cottontail felt like she was fighting a freight train. She might have had the agility advantage, but in raw speed Sigurd was the real deal. One hit, one grab, and she’d be caught. She was thankfully used to tuning out the cheering crowds by now, though the groupies flocking to Sigurd did surprise her for a moment. She had to stay primed and ready, keep distractions to a minimum, while she looked for an opening. Until then, she was left narrowly sidestepping his charges, going in for the occasional testing jab when Sigurd was caught in his own momentum.
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Sasha meanwhile had spotted the groupies in the crowd, putting them up on one of the big screens. “Looks like we have some real fans here tonight! Hey girls, ever play carnival games? It’s time for a ring toss! Land those tops in the ring for free tickets to Sigurd’s next few matches~!”
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hall0wedwyrm · 7 months
SO I'm on my semi-monthly Deltarune kick and I had an idea for like... an AU? a headcanon? theory? an alternate ending???? i have no clue what to actually call it but this is the idea that i might write something for..???
EDIT: Im cleaning all of this up and ive decided to make it an AU!! stay tuned if you're interested!!!
Mild Deltarune theory crafting ahead aswell [this is going to be long]
This is based on Snowgrave/Weird Route lore. Basically I had the thought "What if the Snowgrave is kind of going against the standard path of the game?"
This thought about the idea through the whole 'Noelle is interested in video game horror media and Snowgrave is literally what she's done in games herself'. So then obviously thought "Well what would Gaster think of this?" (if you don't believe the voice at the start was Gaster and that hes also involved in several other aspects of our journey... um sorry this isnt the place for you lmao)
ANYWAY so I had the next idea of each new chapter has one of the Weird Routes, and you can just... keep doing them. Its like always the optional choice, and you can just keep going out of your way to choose to follow these paths.
When we reach chapter 7 (or whatever the last chapter ends up being), instead of what would actually happen, Gaster appears and scolds us for deliberately choosing the wrong path over and over and "ruining his perfect world and destroying" and then its... an undescribed cast but I think it would definitely be Noelle and/or Susie.
I kind of think Ralsei wouldn't be here, because it seems like the Weird Routes would be about the Lightners who got to the Dark Worlds and the concequenses of these routes, so thats my excuse.
This version of the Final Chapter would also be a confrontation with Gaster, and-
December Holiday.
She also went against Gaster's rules, breaking her version of his game too and got trapped in the code (the voice in the code we see of course) and the trio of Kris, Noelle and Susie find her and the group does the confrontation with Gaster or something
Also I totally think Chapter 7 should be the Fair/Carnival but doing the Weird Routes is how you get out of that. This could be like... Kris/Us dragging Noelle off and Susie follows along because she's suspicious?
Our influence using Kris purely to get to Gaster, only for him to absolutely punish us and clown on us. This would definitely be the most unsatisfying ending but thats the point you know? The Carnival is the real ending. The one we're supposed to get. This ending is reflective of ... the damaged we caused by not helping Kris' journey.
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bunnybananasims · 1 year
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Dietrich family, Roaring Heights - #42
It took until the early evening for Wilhelm to walk Roux around the neighborhood, with their last stop being at the World of Wonders Carnival.
She loved the whole stroll, but it’s now time to go home - Wilhelm needed to be at the house for her mom’s impromptu house party.
It’s Monday again, and everyone’s back to their usual daily routines. The only difference this time was that they got a new baby in the house, who they always look forward to hug and cuddle after their stressful day at work and school, who brings new light and happiness to the whole household.
This is the last gameplay post from this household, for now. Thanks again for every interaction and love that you give to my posts!
After this, I’m gonna post something different (but still Sims 3-related haha) that I prepared a few days ago, so stay tuned 👀 And after this, on to the next household 😁
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horsemusicherald · 2 years
Over half a year in the making, and actualizing concepts from the last five years, Vylet Pony's new album is jaw-dropping, awe-inspiring, and breathtaking. It is an album shroud in mystery as its narrative follows the protagonist and their shadow through a plethora of genres, each track morphing seamlessly into the next, starting with heavenly soundscapes before descending into darkness and death, only to turn around and ascend back to its harmonious beginnings. Much of the story is incomplete, and the listener is invited to theorize more about it. Throughout the album you'll hear samples from previous Vylet songs, the classic "Sing a song about life" clip, as well as a new carousel motif.
Get a song-by-song breakdown after the break
Track one, "Let's Fly to the castle," starts out as a lovely house tune, with fluffy synths creating an incredibly warm tone and vocal chops floating effortless around the mix before dropping into a jazzy, chiptune like section. The piece then builds up anticipation with its marching snare and ends with a gorgeous violin solo backed by piano.
Track two, "Pony Rock!" quickly jumps into pony chops taken from the iconic "Winter Wrap Up" from Season 1. GalaxySquid's vocals add so much warmth to the sound and NekoSnicker's performance on top of piano is heart wrenchingly beautiful. Then the drop hits back into the main groove, and just when you think the sound couldn't be any fuller, it drops out and comes back in with insane 16th note chiptune synth runs! Absolutely stunning!
Track three, "Constellation Cradle", travels away from the warm synths and into glitchy, hyper pop vocals. But it doesn't stay there for long, whiplashing to ambient electronic, reminiscent of Vylet's previous album, only to drop a jazzy interlude for three seconds before dropping into heavier dubstep. There's even some baroque harpsichord in there! Honestly, this track is such a flex as Vylet Pony commands mastery of an incredible variety of different sounds.
Track four, "How to Talk to Your Shadow?" rings heavily with carnival music as an announcer introduces the listener to the shadow, building up anticipation for what's to come as the carnival music creepily dies down. A radio bumper throws us some early fandom memes before introducing the next track, "Brohoof!" This certified brony classic is complete with pony chops galore and an infectious beat that will surely have you dancing forever likes the lyrics say /)
Track six, "Bass Cannon", takes the intensity up a notch with its avant-garde hardcore sections paired against gorgeous bossa nova. Its dissonant chords ring loudly as the lyrics start probing… "Is it a bliss? To forget" and "Is it so wonderful?" The carousel is turning, and it's taking us to a very different place than where the album started.
Track seven, "Crush Kill Destroy Swag", in contradiction to the YouTube video it references, begins with beautiful pads, pianos, and strings, establishing a heavenly orchestra-like sound before switching to a funkier, bass heavy groove. It takes a darker turn in the middle with a mesmerizing darkstep beat accompanied by Vylet's vocals which eventually fade into the ether, leaving us in a void of scratchy, glitchy, eerie ambience…
…aren't you excited?…
Track nine, "Hush!" begins with Vylet delivering an intense vocal performance which feels like a cross between rap and spoken word before dropping back into a gorgeous synth-scape leaving you in awe. But don't let your guard down because it's just the eye of the storm and the intensity ramps back up into a grungy, heavy metal section. It might be the longest track on the album, but it will keep you on the edge of your seat the whole time.
Track ten, "Examining the Afterthought", is reflective in nature as its title suggests, giving the listener a break with some lighter synths playing over a radio broadcast of someone who sounds very much like Obama. The sound design is stunning with arpeggios rapidly speeding up and slowing down in waves, giving the track a very relaxed, ocean like feel.
Track eleven, "Flair for the Dramatic" features a slightly darker but incredibly deep sound which will leave you feeling exposed as the narrator confronts her shadow in the lyrics. Its chorus is one of the most rallying anthems of the whole album, and in its final iteration, it modulates up a half-step to given it even more intensity! In the second half, the synths give way to just an acoustic guitar and the vocals, creating a really vulnerable and special moment for the listener.
Track twelve, "Carousel", with its dark piano, violin solos, and its angelic vocals is hauntingly beautiful, building up to an incredible moment of catharsis. The track then turns into a moodier ballad with its bitter lyrics before turning again to a more hopeful sound with Namii's beautiful voice accompanied by piano. Much of the song is in 3/4, which gives it the perfect sensation of a Carousel spinning round and round.
After much of the album has explored darker themes and sounds, track 13, "Futura", is a departure from that to a brighter place. Its starts with just a few mellow synths, bass, and vocals before fully opening to a warm and hopeful sound complete with synthetic bells, guitar, and even a Theremin! Lyrics such as "no healing without pain; no clear skies without rain" also reflect this tonal shift and mark the restoration of balance.
Thus we arrive at track 14, "Creekflow", which opens with the glitchy carousel motif looping on itself, soon to be joined by acoustic guitar and strings. The texture is fluid and crisp like the sound of a brook of light flowing and made complete by Vylet's blissful vocal performance. Not to leave without a bang, the sounds explodes at the halfway mark before fading back into the sound of the creek. The end of "Creekflow" immediately leads back into "Let's fly to the Castle!" to complete an entire spin around the carousel.
The album stands as an incredible accomplishment! The concept is stellar, its execution wondrous, and there's so many genres and idea packed into it that it will keep you engaged well beyond your first listen through. Great work Vylet!
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heyletsgetbuzzed · 1 year
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Ayo ayo, I finally finished the clown man himself, Barnaby Bingo! He is the same height as our usual canine, and like the beagle before him, he came from a circus but he's more of a physical comedic type clown rather than a jokester. Because toddlers usually can't comprehend funny word play in daycares, in Doghouse, Barnaby is a slapstick kind of character. Making loud noises with a horn, pranking the neighbors and also getting harmed in some zany way to get laughs. Of course, no one gets seriously hurt- he's a professional when it comes down to it.
For his design, I really went in fully with the whole carnival clown look in a sense- and most notable with his fake flower, which does shoot out water to whoever gets close. I also made sure he still had his pads on his hands, and each one of them make funny noises if you press then hard enough. One could be a horn sound, or even a honk and another could be a whoopee cushion, who knows? It changes by the day for the clown, and his nose is the same thing. For his house, sticking with the clown theme, I made him live in a carnival tent with various equipment he used in the circus that he now used on his neighbors. That and to also entertain his buddies as well.
Speaking of, he is the third partner in crime with Wally and Julie for their games, and usually Barnaby gets into some type of mess or pranks the pair during the game itself. However, he usually spends most of his time with Howdy, since they both share a taste with pranking. Sometimes, they like to challenge each other to see who can fall for their tricks the most and usually he wins half the time. They're best buddies, but not as much as Barnaby is with Wally. He likes to spoil the spaniel as much as possible, and even teaches him some cool tricks with circus equipment Barnaby owns because he finds the pooch to be enjoyable company. The only two who don't really like our clown man is of course Frank and Poppy, since they're the most uptight and the most pranked out of everyone in the neighborhood.
One last fact about Barnaby is actually about his belt, the centerpiece, the smiling face, is a detectable ball that he throws to play fetch with Wally. It's adorable, and one of their favorite activity to spent time together.
I hope y'all enjoy this tall clown man, and next will be the dreaming Sally! So stay tuned!
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WTNV quick rundown - 54 - A Carnival Comes to Town
Hey it's the holidays let's get this done! Featuring the additional vocal talent of Dylan Marron as Carlos the Scientist.
The secret to a long life lies in how acutely you perceive time. Welcome to Night Vale.
A carnival comes to town and parks on Bandera Street. It seems to be a completely regular carnival, but Cecil twists it to sound weird due to the NV-normal xenophobia and lack of an understanding of what a carnival is.
Cecil acts like the carnival has low-level hypnotic properties, but it doesn't really do anything and as the mob drives them out the workers seem genuinely afraid and mention that they're just really lost and that NV is weird.
They burn some of the toys that were left behind and celebrate their victory shaking farm tools and animal parts. Also shouting 'interloper' at new people is apparently the NV norm and, mandatory.
We also hear a voicemail from Carlos. In his usual rambling way (got that Autistic swag going on), he reveals to us that the pictures in the lighthouse aren't pictures so much as windows to other dimensions. You can't go into them, but you can watch them. Carlos uses it to watch Cecil shave and apologises for having no time to look for a way back. He declares the otherworld to be the most scientifically interesting place he's ever seen.
Old Woman Josie and the Erika's have finally broken ground at the 'new old opera house' location. Nobody in NV actually knows what opera is. Nor will they acknowledge the Erika's are angels yet, even though they have it all over the new Strex's posters etc that the company is 'angel owned and angel operated'.
Intern Maureen is actually alive and seemed interested in the carnival, so is upset that Cecil helps to drive them out by encouraging people to revolt. Cecil says he just doesn't understand teenagers.
Apparently there is a twice-annual 'cleaning of the books' at the library. This is done to make sure that the librarians have not sneaked in any 'forbidden literature' like Pride and Prejudice. Dana supports this but thinks that the librarians are more dangerous than the books. Tamika does not support this and says that everyone should be able to read any book they want. Cecil supports the suppression of books and tries to 'compromise' by saying maybe they could allow only a few trustworthy people like Tamika to read books and allow everyone else to stay ignorant.
Weather: "Bremen" by PigPen Theatre Co pigpentheatre.com
Doug (the giant masked warrior) has a partner, Alicia, who is nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns. They have a dog and are trying to make a new currency based on sand.
The Erika's have seven cheekbones.
Old Woman Josie refuses to let the Erikas help her making the cement, and scolds them for not recording things on TiVo, reluctantly admitting she can watch catch up TV elsewhere. It's clear she has a lot of authority over them/they respect her a lot.
Approved literature includes biographies of Helen Hunt and all four of Dean Koontz' novels.
People with human bodies and coyote heads, eating armadillos out of duffel bags, turned up to mourn Maureen at the rec centre when they thought she was dead for the second time. Cecil assumes they're from the college.
There is an 'Abandoned Lot District' which is apparently full of lots that people do own, but they're not allowed to build on so just stand around talking hopefully about one day that rule being lifted.
Stay tuned next for people arguing about sports. Not on the radio, somewhere else. Somewhere and soon people will be arguing about sports. I don't know what's happening next on the radio. I never do. And as always, good night Night Vale. Good night.
Proverb: Say what you will about dance, but language is a limited form of expression.
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bessmrvin · 1 year
Headcanon - Bess & Love: A Breakdown
Bess is a known boy-crazy girl. She loves love. She loves romance and she loves boys. Over the years, Bess has had a lot of crushes and a lot of exes. Here are a few.
some of her crushes:
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Joe Hardy Joe is her closest guy friend. She's known the Hardy boys for forever. That means at some point she's. . . thought things. Imagined if they dated. She thinks they'd get along best as couple out of the two brothers. Theyre both fun-loving, they get one another's jokes, and they both love eating. However, she values their friendship too much to make a move and more often than not she does see him as a friend more so than a potential boyfriend.
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Frank Hardy Yes, if she's wondered about Joe, she's wondered about Frank. Again, she's known him almost her entire life. Frank is reliable. Sturdy, smart, logical. He makes her feel safe and heard. It's attractive to have that from someone (especially a boy). Bess knows of his crush on Nancy though. . . she didnt want to be a second-choice.
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Sonny Joon (from the Shattered Medallion) Sonny Joon is probably Bess' biggest crush yet. He was just so... so... Mysterious! And eccentric! And smart! And cute! Especially cute. She lost all her charm around him and was a bit awkward to be honest - however he was always kind to her. Which honestly made her feel even more stupid and flustered and head-over-heels for him. She went a bit nuts with this crush - making edits of him on her phone even. To this day, Bess still has a crush on Sonny!
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Jacques Brunais (from the Treasure in the Royal Tower) A French skier, oh la la. She asked for a picture of him ASAP when Nancy told her of this handsome man in the middle of a snowy castle landscape. He was so handsome, she nearly melted. But he has a fiance, boo. Oh well, it was a fun fluttering of butterflies.
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Brady Armstrong (from The Final Scene) An actor on some of her favorite trashy teen movies Lie Like a Rug and Doctor Salsa. He has such a boyish look to him Bess couldn't help but imagine every cliche high school romance trope with him as the star. Nancy meeting him made her very jealous! She begged her to give him her number - who knows what could've happened!
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Rick Arlen (from Stay Tuned For Danger) A soap opera star who is just a DILF. Even if he wasn't a dad. . . or even that old. She's watched all of his soap operas and can't believe he told Nancy to stay beautiful, oh my gosh!
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Jeff Akers (from the Ghost Dogs of Moon Canyon) This was a purely long-distance crush based on what Nancy told her via phone calls. Oh, how she made Jeff to be so dreamy. He was a park ranger - obviously he was cute. She eventually lost interest in him within a few hours especially when Nancy spoke about all the busy-work he gave her. Ugh. Buzzkill.
some of her ex-boyfriends:
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Matt Deon (from the Haunted Carousel) Matt was the cute boy at the movie theatre she had a huge crush on. She had slipped him her number when she went to get her popcorn bucket refilled after watching a movie. He waited so long to call her (i.e. the next day). She had approached him solely on his looks (and that he always gave her extra popcorn). Their shared interests were listening to music and shopping. He was actually amazing at coming on shopping trips and she had a great time with him a lot. They broke up when he moved away from River Heights (despite trying to be long-distance for a month or so).
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Dave Gregory (from Secret of Shadow Ranch) Bess did not have a steady back home, Dave Gregory. Dave and her were a summer fling while she stayed at her aunt and uncle's ranch. He was a bit shy and Bess was. . . not. Their relationship was fun and flirty. He taught her to ride a horse. They went on fun dates around the town. . . they went to a carnival together. But he kind of ignored her (at least it felt like it) and she quickly ended the relationship that night.
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Dave Evans Yes, Bess dated another Dave back-to-back. Dave Evans was a 'skater boi' and a bit of a tech nerd. Visually, they didnt vibe. Him grungy and her bubblegum pink. But they got each other so very well. He loved her softness and spice and energy. She loved his smile, his cleverness, and his Labrador gamer ways. They dated for a year and half before they mutually broke up.
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Kevin Kim (from the Last Train to Moon Canyon) Kevin is a clumsy boy who worked at the local ice cream shop Scoop. He had moved to town that fall and Bess claimed it was love at first sight. She began flirting with him immediately (despite George's warnings). They lasted one month, separating after she caught him on a date with another girl. . . at the ice cream shop too!
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Charlie Marino (from The Haunting of Castle Malloy) Charlie is a local boy from River Heights; she's known him most of her life from kindergarten to college. They get together at a pool party hosted by the Dunhills. Their relationship lasted the summer - a summer of pool dates, sunscreen-flavored kisses, and cuddling in the back of a pick-up truck. When he went back to college, he broke up with her.
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Logan Mitchell (from Shadow at the Water's Edge): Savannah Woodham's assistant. Bess' initial interaction with Logan was to get him to help Nancy, flirting with him to get Nancy access to Savannah. It was a bit mean but fun. He bought her a new outfit even! And when they got talking. . . they really had a lot in common. They both liked researching things so they could talk about random things in circles and they both liked exploring different foods and he was really sweet. They dated long-distance for about a year. He began to get more invested with work and Bess saw their phonecalls and texts become secondary to his work. She broke up with him. Nancy later told her that he was also fired from his job a few months later.
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