cherrybean · 14 days
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This is more of a blurb/mind dump of Lalos POV 😵‍💫
This is more of a blurb 😭 i was genuinely thinking of Lalo and how he’d think of you in his own POV and this is what my mind came up with. i will be continuing this piece later as a longer fanfic 🙂‍↕️🫶🏽
- Lalo who wouldn’t care if you this was your first time or not
- Lalo who would have the whole hotel room set up with roses and champagne, he’s a bit of a romantic 😔
- Lalo who would wine and dine you before and have his hand on your thigh creeping it up once in a while just to tease you through your panties
- His fingers slightly rubbing on your clothed clit, making you squirm, but not adding enough pressure to get you off
- Lalo who would take you up to the room telling you all the things he’s going to do to you
- Lalo who would undress you and kiss every inch of your body, making you feel loved
- Lalo who would kiss up each one of your thighs, prolonging the foreplay and making you even more sensitive to his touch
- Lalo who would cynically suck on your thighs having you as a moaning mess begging him to touch you
- “Lalo please” you’d pathetically moan, trying you lift your hips up to get as much friction as you could but his strong hands holding your hips down, “be patient muñequita” Lalo would say as he’d kiss over your panties feeling the stubbles friction on your clit
- Lalo who would finally pull your soaked panties down and gently rub your clit with his thumb, enjoying as your toes would curl from finally being touched as your chest heaved with every moan coming from your pretty mouth
Lalo loved to watch the way you’d beg for his touch. He loved how you’d try to swivel your hips and lift them in order to feel his touch as he’d just prolong it even more. The thing he loved the most though was watching the way your eyes would flutter closed and how when he’d be teasing and edging you too much your eyes would water and he’d catch a tear slip down your cheek. There was nothing more that caused the strain between his legs to feel suffocated in his denim Levi’s; than you moaning his name when you were close and begging him to let you finally reach your climax. Whether it was his fingers stuffing you, his mouth tasting you or him filling you up to the brim he loved every bit of it and every whine and whimper that came out of you. He loved to take you out on fancy dates to see you dress up and look pretty. He loved to compliment you, “you look gorgeous muñequita”, “I can’t wait to take that dress off of you later princesa”. Lalo just loved everything about you, from the way you looked, the way you spoke and the way you smelled. It was almost like an intoxicating scent for him and he felt like he couldn’t think straight. He’d slip your dress off bending you over as he stuffed his fingers into you, enjoying the way you gasped before turning into a moaning mess. The way he could make your moans louder by curving his fingers into certain spots inside of you until you were withering.
To be continued…
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cherrybean · 20 days
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Nacho as your ‘Situationship’
saw this picture come up on my Pinterest and i knew i had to write a smut about it 😫 this is definitely non-cannon for Nachos character but i hope you enjoy 🫶🏽
- Nacho having other women in his life wasn’t a surprise to you
- He was very blunt of having multiple “girlfriends”
- You were a bit uncomfortable in the beginning with it as you’ve never been with someone with other “partners”
- Nacho who would call you up in the middle of the night after a long day to do a night drive of the city
- Nacho who would always end the night with you in the back of his seat moaning his name as you dug your nails into his back leaving marks
- Nacho who would still try and woo you once in a while and bring you flowers
- Nacho who would call you “babygirl, princess, baby, etc” as forms of endearment
- Nacho who would be secretive about his other work, since you knew he worked with his dad at the auto shop
- Nacho who’d get his frustrations of the day out on you
- “Fuck babygirl I missed you so much” he’d moan as he’d pull your hair during back shots, “I know that little pussy missed me too, god” he’d groan having to hold back to not cum so fast
- Nacho who would also choke you here and there with your consent when you were close because he knew it made your climax 10x better
- “N-nacho, tighter please” you’d moan feeling your orgasm nearing as Nacho would tighten his muscular hand around your throat , enough for you to still moan while rasping for air
- Nacho who wouldn’t pull out, having to buy you a Plan B after each outing to make sure you didn’t end up pregnant
- Nacho who would send you money making sure you were always taken care of in case anything were to happen to him
- Nacho who would give you some aftercare after sex if he was at your house
- He’d cuddle you until you’d fall asleep or make sure you got up to pee after so you wouldn’t get a UTI
- But overall the most aftercare he’d give you being a kiss on the forehead or lips before driving off after dropping you off
- Nacho who would be into some freaky shit and wanting to introduce you to his other girlfriends for a fun time 😈
- “C’mon princess, we’ll take good care of you”
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cherrybean · 20 days
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i have so many more but there’s not enough room 😭
@nianism @garlicgirl @666angel @lalo-tellmeagain @eros-thanatos89 @pinalamanca
Hello ppl! Just to keep it afloat i once again started to have a tag game!
So, your favorite anime, manhwa, games ect. Characters Anyone tbh!!
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I have way too much-
Tagging: @mizz-sea-nymph @nicasdreamer @tinyy-tea-cup @rorlokiswifey @bimmismalice @vilereign @monstertreden @rukia-writes @praisethesuuun @kinaoryi @amoexii
@das-jaim3 @sethmp3 @jonquilclegane @twinklemylittlestar @justvir @alonelyidiotwholovescats @zendersenders @etoilesbonbon @queen-shiba @anticapitalistclown @radioactivesweet @togetherhearted
@izanami462 @gnomeykins-xx @chrispywhispy @aresarmyblog @miha-chi @snowmantita @riseofamoonycake @kinchan-palace @asheervasilissa @cosmicmeliii @jamesleecult @julihehe @swallowtail-lotus @daughteroftyche08
+everyone else! Sorry if i forgot someone!
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cherrybean · 26 days
I love him 🥹😫 he looks so good all the time 🫶🏽🙂‍↕️
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Another version of this that I’ve never posted… 🫠💝
Tony a few years ago w/ his Make It team 😍
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cherrybean · 28 days
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Lacho x Reader❤️‍🔥
aaah thank you so much for your patience and the support on my poll post 🙂‍↕️🫶🏽 i missed writing and i will be more active now that i have more free time 💕
You didn’t expect to be in this situation. One moment you were asking for the aux in the car, the next Lalo was snaking his had up your mini skirt as the rough pad of his fingers found your clothed clit. “Lalo no” you’d whisper not trying to let Nacho, who was driving, know what was going on in the back. You tried to close your thighs around his hand, but knowing Lalo he’d just use his other hand to pry your legs open. You’d try and stifle your moan as Lalo would move your panties to the side to get better access. You couldn’t help but notice that Lalo was holding a conversation with Nacho as if he didn’t have his hand up your skirt. You bit your lip as Lalo continued to talk to Nacho as his thumb rubbed small and slow circles on your clit. His other hand was on the inside of your knee forcing your legs to be slightly ajar for him to be able to work his hands and softly placing with your skin. Your nails dug into the leather seats feeling goosebumps form on your skin as Lalo inserted his middle finger into you. You couldn’t help the noise that came out of your throat causing Nacho to notice. “Y/n are you okay?” He asked looking at you from the rear view mirror. “She’s fine Ignacio keep your eyes on the road” Lalo said nonchalantly as he was knuckle deep. Nachos eyes were now on the road as he drove from the deserted dirt roads back to Lalos apartment.
Tears brimmed in your eyes, gagging on Nachos dick as Lalo lined himself up behind you. “Tell me if it’s too much princesa” Lalo would say before slowing entering you. You couldn’t help but moan causing Nacho to throw his head back as it sent vibrations down his dick causing you to gag more. “Fuck you’re so tight” Lalo grunted from behind you as he filled you up. No matter how many times you and Lalo had sex it always felt like he was splitting you in two. You supported yourself by having on of your hands on Nachos muscular thighs and your other hand helping you stroke him. The spit collecting down his balls as you’d come up for air once in a while to help with the gagging. You couldn’t see Nacho as you were literally face down ass up and all you could confirm from his enjoyment was the muscles on his legs tightening and his moans getting louder.
“Shes good isn’t she Nachito?” You’d hear Lalo praise you as he kept a steady pace making sure he wasn’t pushing you too far down on Nachos dick to gag. Nacho sucked a breath in as you ran your tongue along the bottom of his dick where the long vein ran to the tip. “Y-yes she is” Nacho groaned as you continued to suck him off. You could feel Lalo start to thrust into you harder forcing you to moan as you tried your best to concentrate on making Nacho cum. “Fuck I’m close” you could hear Nacho straining as you vigorously stroked him and hollowed your cheeks moaning as Lalo bucked his hips into your ass. You could feel Lalos grip on your hips tighten as Nacho got closer. You pulled away when you started to taste the saltiness of Nachos cum as he was getting closer, using your free hand to stroke him, “fuck so good” you heard Nacho moan as the warmth of his cum hit your hand and covered his lower waist. “I’m close muñequita” you heard Lalo moan from behind you as you moaned feeling him rut into you. Your hands gripped onto Nachos thighs as they were the closest things you could grip as you moaned, the room filling with Lalos grunts and the sound of your ass clapping as he picked up the pace. You could feel your orgasm getting closer as your walls tightened around Lalos dick and your nails dug into Nachos thigh, earning a wince from Nacho. If you weren’t so lost in the pleasure you would’ve apologized but all you could focus on was how good Lalo was hitting your cervix, basically bruising it at how deep his thrusts were going. “Dont stop please” you moaned as Lalo reached down caressing the back of your scalp, running his fingers into your hair pulling your head back earning a strained moan from you as you felt your orgasm hit you. “Fuck you’re so perfect princesa” Lalo praised as you could feel him getting closer to his orgasm, “show Nachito how pretty you look while you cum” Lalo groaned. You moaned as your orgasm washed over you, your hands still on Nachos thighs as you saw his big brown eyes looking down at you. Lalo pulled out last second feeling the warmth of his cum hit your back. You couldn’t help but notice that Nacho was hard again as you finally let go of his thighs as Lalo helped clean your back. “Why don’t you show Nachito some of your tricks muñeca?” Lalo said chuckling to himself darkly.
To be continued ….
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cherrybean · 1 month
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My little collection of 🫵 Tonys, not to be confused with AIMING Tonys which, of course, a whole separate post 😂🤓
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cherrybean · 1 month
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i am very sorry i have been really inactive 😭 but i have been working on the lacho x reader smut fic and wanted to make it a bit longer. i wanted to hop on here and ask if you guys preferred a longer, smuttier and more descriptive fic or just a semi long and smutty fic 🙂‍↕️🫶🏽 i am open to suggestions and after the voting i will upload it🥰
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cherrybean · 2 months
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I drew the deleted scene (
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cherrybean · 2 months
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Nacho as your boyfriend 🥺
🤍all fluff🤍
‼️asks are now open if you have any characters/fic ideas you want me to write 💕‼️
——> on another note, the Lacho x reader fic will be published by the end of this week 🫶🏽
- Nacho would definitely love for you to meet his dad
- He would want you to be a part of his family as much as possible, especially because he yearns for a familial relationship ☹️
- On that note, I feel like Nacho would be extremely affectionate 🥹
- His love language would 100% be quality time and physical touch
- Although he’s usually busy, he’d always find time to make sure he can see you
- Think “505” by the Arctic Monkeys, this man would definitely be head over heels for you 😫
- “I miss you so much baby”
- I feel like Nacho would call you by your name or “baby”, “hermosa”, baby girl”, etc.
- Since his job/life consists of him always having to make decisions, he’d let you baby him when he’s home
- Although I feel like Nacho doesn’t show his emotions, I feel like he’d definitely get teary eyed when you’d tell him sweet nothings
- You’d be his rock and the person he can go to when he’s stressed
- Nacho would be clingy
- Not bad clingy (😭) Nacho would just want to spend as much time with you as he can
- Nacho would be the first one to say “I love you” 🤍
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cherrybean · 2 months
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“Patiently” waiting for the next new Tony sighting
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cherrybean · 2 months
Tony Dalton in the new horror film Turno Nocturno
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cherrybean · 2 months
Immediately, no questions asked!! 😫🦅🦅😵‍💫
if lalo salamanca offered you a bump of coke would you do it
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cherrybean · 2 months
BB/BCS Characters and how they cuddle/sleep
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Tuco Salamanca
- He gives me dad snoring vibes 😭
- Have to practically wear ear plugs if you’re in the same house because you can hear it from across the hallway 💀
- Somehow I feel like Tuco would like to be the small spoon
- Although he’s very violent I think he would have a soft side for his partner and would want to feel babied once in a while
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Jesse Pinkman
- Quiet snorer
- Honk choo vibes 😴
- I don’t think he’d be much of a cuddler because I see him as the people who sleep in the fetal position
- If you do cuddle he’d be either the small or big spoon depending on his mood
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Gus Fring
- I don’t believe this man would snore at all 💀
- Two twin beds on each end of the room
- No way he’d want to sleep next to you or cuddle
- He’s definitely the type of person who sleeps on their back how you’re supposed to 🥲
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Walter White
- Normal snorer
- Don’t think he’d be a cuddler
- Both of you would probably have your backs to each other tbh
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Saul Goodman
- Mee mee mee type of snorer 😴
- He’s definitely the small spoon 🤭
- If he is the big spoon I think he’d hold you in a hugging manner instead of your back to his chest (idk if that made sense)
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Lalo Salamanca
- Type of snorer that chokes themselves awake 💀🥲
- Big spoon for sure
- Feel like he’d produce too much body heat though so you’d only cuddle for a bit before going to your side of the bed 😫
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Nacho Varga
- Quiet sleeper
- Big or small spoon but mainly the big spoon
- I feel like he’d be a very affectionate cuddler
- Definitely play with your hair or your back while you sleep
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Kim Wexler
- Only snores when she’s really tired or sick
- Girl boss so you know she’ll hold you while you sleep 😫
- Big spoon for sure
- She’d be the small spoon only when she’s feeling down or sick
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cherrybean · 2 months
What songs that Lalo/Nacho would f*ck you to
‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️COMPLETED VERSION‼️‼️‼️
‼️only missing Lachos part, but will write a longer fic for that one next week‼️
‼️‼️PURE SMUT‼️‼️
💀 the Lalo and Nacho brain rot is real 😵‍💫
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Lalo Salamanca
- “All Mine” Bryson Tiller
- This man is the definition of a toxic relationship
- If you listen to the lyrics it’s about a toxic situationship in which they have a good connection, mainly sexually (lmao) but you can tell there’s still some deep emotions there
- Lalo would definitely sing the lyrics to you while he’s pounding into you
The music filled the room, as your moans bounced off the walls. Lalo gripped the sides of your mouth as he bucked his hips into yours, filling you up to the brim. “Say it princesa” he’d coo watching as your eyes rolled back into your head. “L-lalo” you pathetically moaned as you tried to concentrate on what he was asking of you, as if you could concentrate on anything else but your your legs hoisted up on his shoulders in a mating press. “Dimelo muñequita” (tell me little doll) Lalo said assertively. “I’m yours” you managed to get out as he continued to pound into you as the headboard started to smack against the wall. His thrusts were relentless as Lalos callused fingers gripped your breasts and he twirled your nipple, causing a small yelp to leave your lips. “Lalo please” you whined as he started to slow down his movements now to follow the rhythm of the song. “But you look so good like this muñequita” Lalo said grinning, “look at my little slut begging to climax”. Your nails gripped his shoulders as he continued to edge you. You could feel him pounding into your cervix and sweet spot, but just as soon as you’d feel yourself about to reach your climax Lalo would change positions to prolong the torture. “Lalo please, I want to cum” you practically begged. Lalo loved watching you like this, pathetically begging for him to let you cum and watching the way your body reacted to him. Your face flushed and eyes with a small glint of tears from the edging and how fucked out you were. Lalo set your legs down now into missionary, “fuck muñequita, you feel so good” Lalo grunted as his thrusts were more sped up to a better rhythm. You moaned as you felt your delayed orgasm finally getting closer. As you felt your orgasm and Lalos you instinctively wrapped your legs around his hips, feeling Lalo twitch inside you as you felt his cum fill you up. Lalo grunted as he continued to thrust making sure he filled you up with every last drop. The only noise now was the music in the background and both of your heavy breathing. Lalo kissed up your jaw, “can’t wait to give you a baby princesa, you’d look so good bloated with our baby”. You couldn’t help but moan as you felt Lalo getting hard again at the thought of filling you up with a kid. “Guess I gotta give my muñequita what she wants” Lalo said grinning as he gripped your breasts beginning to thrust into you.
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Nacho Varga
- “Wicked Games” The Weeknd
- Feel like he listens to The Weeknd lmaoo
- This song mainly because The Weeknd talks about leaving his girl and messing with someone else…so he’d be messing with you while having his other women at home
Nacho had picked you up after a stressful day of dealing with his boss. You didn’t care as you were parked out in the middle of nowhere as your face was on the cold leather seats as he hit it from the back. The stereo playing music to mask your moans as Nacho dug his hands into your hips. “Nacho right there” you moaned as he had one knee on the leather seat to be able to angle into your perfect spots. Your makeup had been ruined, but it usually was any night he would call you up to meet in his car. With one eyelash on and the other other already on the car seat, all you could do was grip the leather seat with your nails. “Fuck, you feel so good” Nacho would groan as he’d bend over to grip your face forcing you to look back at him. “Look at me hermosa” Nacho said as you felt the tears in your eyes form from the pleasure. He held your jaw with a grip as he forced you to look into his eyes as you felt your orgasm wash over you. Your jaw going slack as the only sounds coming out were strained moans from his hand cutting some of the circulation, leaving you breathless and pathetically enjoying every second of it. “Fuck” Nacho moaned as he pulled out last minute feeling his dick twitch on your ass as the hot streams of his cum painted your sweaty back. Nacho let your jaw go as you regained your breath and finally let your knees relax into the cold leather seats. “We gotta do this more often” you’d hear Nacho say chuckling as he’d clean the cum off your back. You shimmied your way out of the back seat of the car and pulled your mini skirt down and adjusted your panties into place. “Come here hermosa” Nacho would say as he’d give you a big kiss on your lips, “you know you’re my favorite right?”. You just smiled knowing that all you were was just a late night booty call, but it didn’t matter as long as he’d be the one who’d have your face smashed into the nice leather seats late at night.
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cherrybean · 2 months
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Lalos favorite places to have sex (Headcannons)😵‍💫
i apologize for being MIA for so long and not updating the fics 😭 i have been having really bad writers block (and depressed💀) and also looking for work before the new semester 🥲
🤍here is a little treat for the mean time🤍
i am hoping to update the last smuts by next week 🫶🏽
- One of his favorite places would be his car 😫
- Idk what it is but anytime you were in the car with him you guys would always end up in the back seat with your face into the leather seats or giving him road head ;)
- If not the car his second favorite place would definitely be in the bedroom
- Sounds very vanilla but I think the bedroom because Lalo can comfortably put you in different positions and doesn’t run the risk of someone catching you…although that’s another story😏
- Feel like lalo is a little freak and would be into some exhibitionist type to sex where you could possibly be get caught
- The back of the restaurant while he has to place a hand over your mouth so you don’t make too much noise
- “Shhh princesa, we don’t want Ignacio to hear us now do we?”
- Lalo would love to tease you so while he’d be overlooking Nacho counting the money to make sure no one is short he’d slip a hand up your skirt
- This is so random, but the holding/questioning room when he gets arrested 😭
- Hear me out 😫🙏🏽 the way both of you wouldn’t be able to hold off being away from each other for more than two days…lalo would pay off the guard just to let you guys do unthinkable things in that room
- His house in Chihuaha
- I think this would be his top place other than his car just because he can dominate you and you can be as loud as you want without having neighbors hearing you
- “Let me hear you muñequita, I know that’s not how loud you can get for me”
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cherrybean · 3 months
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Lalo taking you to a carnival 🎪🎟️🤹🏻‍♂️🎡 (fluff) headcannon
i apologize for being MIA for a bit :( happy 4th of July (ik it’s super late 😭) i have had terrible writers block and have been trying to get back into the motion of things
i will be continuing the last couple of weeks smut next week by midweek so stay tuned 🥹🫶🏽
- Lalo who would stop at the carnival on the way back home because you want to get some fried food and look around
- Lalo who would take pictures of you on the rides smiling so he could look at them later and save them for when he’s away from you
- Lalo who would buy you all the fried food your heart desires until you both feel sick 🤕
- “Lalo can you please win me the big bear?”
- We all know lalo is super competitive so when I tell you this man would do anything possible to get the carnival game teddy bear prize for you 😭
- “Here you go hermosa, it’s just as cute as you”
- You guys getting on every ride
- You having to force Lalo on some rides
- You never knew he was scared of heights
- Lalo who would try and win you as many stuffed animals as possible
- You and lalo buying cotton candy and kettle corn after the rides and getting a sugar high 😵‍💫
- Lalo and you taking pictures in one of the booths to have for memories
- Lalo and you watching the firework show on top of the Ferris wheel
- Lalo kissing you on the forehead on the drive home as you fall asleep
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cherrybean · 3 months
I love seeing people who wronged me in the past getting their karma, Im in such an amazing place and everyone who wronged me are stuck in an awful place.
Yes, Im petty. But im also just a girl.
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