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misosources · 2 years ago
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birtikendrajituniversity · 1 year ago
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"Today is World AIDs Day, where we stand in solidarity with all people living with and affected by HIV. ♥️♥️♥️
Everyone deserves to be able to access healthcare, to enable a long full life by having daily medication which means it’s not possible to pass on the virus and people with HIV can have long healthy lives.
Let’s celebrate those who continue to work tirelessly to help the HIV activist movement and raise awareness.
Let’s unite in solidarity and continue to celebrate our diversity as a community to ensure that more voices are elevated, so we can listen and really help those who are most vulnerable in our community.
With Love ❤️"
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amarcia · 2 years ago
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They are having a knighting after-party!
✨🌙 ART LOG -> @404ama
(pose ref)
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jedijoanna · 4 months ago
I feel like the dynamic between Jedi Council members was criminally underutilized. While this isn’t canon, here are my headcanons on how things really went down.
Mace Windu:
I’ve done the math (badly), and I’m pretty sure Mace was around the same age as Xanatos. Which means Mace is like Obi-Wan’s unofficial older padawan brother. Obi-Wan didn’t ask for this, but let’s be real—he probably needed it. Not that Obi-Wan would recognize this dynamic. He’s part of the disaster lineage, so he wouldn’t know what a typical older brother acts like.
Mace seamlessly switches between “Head of the Council” mode and “exasperated big brother” mode. Except, of course, when he’s making Obi-Wan do all the paperwork.
Mace: "You're good at taxes, Kenobi. I’m just letting you shine."
Obi-Wan: "I'm too honored to be insulted."
Yarael Poof:
This guy? Bigger gremlin energy than Yoda. And petty. Poof has perpetual beef with Ki-Adi-Mundi and finds great joy in trolling him. He’s the kind of guy who would take micro-naps during meetings just because “It’s only Mundi talking, everyone relax.”
Poof: "What was that, Mundi? Couldn't hear you over my sheer disinterest."
Mundi: "I will demote you to Youngling wrangler, Poof."
The most logical thinker on the Council. He’s here to do his job, clock in, clock out, and keep the galaxy running. Unfortunately, the galaxy includes Qui-Gon and Poof, so it’s not happening. He despises surprises and strongly prefers order.
Poof: snoring in the corner
Mundi: "I swear to the Force, Poof..."
Even Piell:
Blunt. Gruff. Won’t lead a discussion but will absolutely cut into one. He’s the Jedi equivalent of “the friend who knows where to hide the body.”
Piell: "You’re the diplomat, Kenobi. I’m here to look mean so bad guys think twice."
Obi-Wan: "What if we both look peaceful?"
Piell: "We’ll die."
Gretz Doom:
The guy who grew up with Qui-Gon and spent his childhood teasing his clanmates, Gretz is now the Council’s strictest rule-follower. Why? Because he knows that if you mess with the Senate, the Senate will mess with the Jedi’s budget and oversight.
Doom: "Qui-Gon, did you directly disobey the Council again?"
Qui-Gon: "In fairness, the Council is often wrong."
Doom: "You’re lucky they don’t garnish your missions like they do our budget."
Tera Sinube (Retired):
The ultimate grandpa Jedi. Gives unsolicited advice, tells the same stories repeatedly, and refuses to admit that lightsaber duels aren’t "like they used to be."
Sinube: "Back in my day, we didn’t have fancy starships."
Youngling: "How did you travel?"
Sinube: "We walked. Uphill. Both ways. Through asteroid fields."
Youngling: "In space?"
Obi-Wan Kenobi:
Obi-Wan wanted to join the Council, found out it was a trap, and tried to quit—repeatedly. Every time he tries to mess up to get kicked out, he accidentally makes the galaxy better. Mace keeps him around because Obi-Wan’s life is the Jedi’s best unintentional reality show.
Mace: "Kenobi, you caused an intergalactic scandal again?"
Obi-Wan: "Yes, but the scandal resulted in peace treaties for three systems, so..."
Mace: "We are still not accepting you resignation letter"
Obi-Wan: “drats!”
The only one brave enough to call Yoda out. Wise, patient, and kind, but she will not suffer riddles.
Yoda: "Difficult, the path is."
Yaddle: "The budget’s tight. Just say that, Yoda."
Oppo Rancisis:
A reserved and analytical mind, Oppo specializes in strategy and seeing the bigger picture. His predictions about a rising Sith threat made him a quiet voice of reason long before others believed it.
Rancisis: "The Sith never vanished. They’re biding their time."
Mundi: "How do you know?"
Rancisis: "I just do.”
Eeth Koth:
An Anakin mirror. Eeth grew up as an angry orphan rescued by the Jedi, but he’s worked hard to control himself. Still, he’s known to clash with Mace and Grezzt Doom—occasionally on purpose. A former hothead turned disciplined Council member, Koth has a soft spot for Jedi who struggle with emotions, having once been in their shoes.
Koth: "Control your emotions, or they’ll control you."
Padawan: "Easier said than done."
Koth: "Trust me, I know. Now pick up your saber, we’re starting over."
Stass Allie:
A brilliant healer and fierce opponent of Senate corruption, Stass doesn’t tolerate nonsense. Most of her "menace energy" is reserved for politicians.
Senator: "The Republic is doing everything it can—"
Stass: "Then do better."
Senator: "I beg your pardon?"
Stass: "You heard me. Now get out of my medbay."
Adi Gallia:
The chillest Jedi off the clock, but the most cynical one during missions. She prefers intelligence to lightsabers (looking at you, Eeth Koth). Has a soft spot for Obi-Wan due to her long friendship with Qui-Gon. A calm and collected intelligence expert, Adi is the Council’s quiet strategist. She despises the war and blames the Senate for exploiting young Jedi.
Gallia: "The Senate sent Padawans to war."
Mace: "We needed soldiers."
Gallia: "We needed peace. What we got was child soldiers."
Wild card. Once a week, he’s doing something so bizarre that the other Council members have to pretend it’s normal.
Mace: "Why is Yoda levitating in the fountain?"
Poof: "Meditation, probably."
Feel free to add your takes!
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halethleia · 7 months ago
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art for the incredible fic "No, I'm Not Afraid To Disappear" by @s-c-g-s-c-g!!!! PLEASE check it out if you haven't already, it is AMAZING
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veny-many · 1 year ago
My diseased mind wanted to bully grumpy Commander Neyo with his General and this came out.(gone wrong)
*May contain NeyoStass*
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Song listened while working on: In hell we live, Lament (Let's Lament)
+) In 'I'm done with my role and finally free from canon don't touch me zone'
Stass: And Neyo is getting more depressed everyday.
Adi: That's not a good sign.
Stass: But at least he's still alive and healthy. And why Master Plo is silently suffering in front of television?
Adi: After the Bad Batch began new season, he became very nervous about his Commander's screentime.
Stass: Dear Force.
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knightofthenewrepublic · 2 months ago
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darth-jess · 5 months ago
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HAH I MADE IT TO 66 FOLLOWERS!! Thank you @marvelstars for being my 66th follower!
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This definitely requires a celebration, so here's a quiz for you all to see how well you know Star Wars! For the fun of it, please refrain from looking stuff up! If you don't know the answer, just take a guess! It's more fun that way, and if anyone gets judgey about someone not knowing the correct answer I will unleash the full power of the Dark Side upon them, because that's not very nice.
Share your answers in the comments!
Question 1: Which of the following Jedi survived Order 66?
Mace Windu
Quinlin Vos
Depa Billaba
Aayla Secure
Plo Koon
Stass Allie
Question 2: Which group of clones stormed the Jedi Temple?
The 212th Battalion
The 104th Battalion
The 322nd Company
The 327th Star Corp
The 501st Legion
The 187th Legion
Question 3: What clone discovered the inhibitor chips and tried to warn everyone about them?
Question 4: What year did Order 66 happen in?
12 BBY
20 BBY
19 BBY
26 BBY
15 BBY
19 ABY
Question 5: Who was the first Jedi to ever die from Order 66?
Shaak Ti
Plo Koon
Jocasta Nu
Agen Kolar
Depa Billaba
Question 6: Is it wrong to find Anakin attractive while he's storming the Jedi Temple?
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Definitely not
Are you insane?
He's beautiful at all times
I wasn't paying attention to the plot, did he do something wrong?
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fanfic-obsessed · 2 years ago
Kaminoans Save
I was thinking this morning about the Kamioans. Specifically the Kaminoans as businessbeings and that their business is cloning. Also on their isolation and the implications that they do not have the knowledge base to understand sentients that are not Kaminoan. Two parts of that, of course, the likelihood that their business is built on cloning non sentients (so they are used to providing for the physical requirements of different species but are not used to the increased psychological needs of so called sentient species) and the sheer timeframe of the GAR cloning project (most projects have their clones sent to their clients in their infancy, thus the psychological needs fall on the clients). From these musings an AU was born. 
We do have to start with the understanding that the Kaminoans in this do not know about Operation Knightfall or Order 66. This project was sold to them as a straight contract (even the chips were provided as an addendum in the contract. The Kaminoans believe that it serves as a way to tell who is a Force User-which technically it does) by the Jedi.  They believe that special dispensation has been granted by the Republic to clone sentients with the aim of potentially changing the law (provided that the Kaminoans can prove that there is an ethical way to clone sentients), which would serve to triple or quadruple their business. 
From that perspective not only do the Kaminoans want the clones to be seen as sentient, they want them to be as individual as possible within the contract (They have still been contracted to grow an army, which does come with restrictions on both individuality and agency). They want the clones to be different from Jango Fett, to prove that what they do is more than a copy.   They are still assigned numbers at birth, but the clones are taught from a young age by the Kaminoans that it is so the clones themselves can find their own names. There is still the double aging through childhood but it is in he best interest of the Kaminoans for it to slow down to regular, or even slower, once the Clones reach peak physical and mental maturity (roughly mid to late 20’s)
Now it is not all sunshine and roses in this universe for the Clones. As the Kaminoans know little about human psychology and the needs of growing humans, Jango Fett (as the genetic progenitor) is contracted to find trainers for the clone army.  Jango Fett is very much on board with Operation knightfall and Order 66. He and most of his trainers see the clones as the meat droids they plan for them to be. There is still decommissioning even if not as frequent(there is no reconditioning, though as that required tech from the Kaminoans, who want to encourage uniqueness for business reasons). The Kaminoans do not realize that the training program and the way that the Clones are treated by the trainers are unusual or abusive for humans for years.  
They are primarily scientists, however, and many begin to notice that Boba Fett was treated significantly differently than the other clones, even taking into account that he does not age as fast (When he is five, he is not being treated like the physically five year olds for instance). At first there are attempts to get answers from the trainers and Jango Fett, who shut all inquiries down.  Like all scientists who are presented with a puzzle (the difference in treatment between Boba and the other clones, and -once they noticed it- how some trainers seem to be treating the clones differently), as a people they start to research human psychology and child rearing. The more business minded of the species like the idea that the next time they get a project like this they will not have to outsource these parts, as it would be cheaper.
The results horrify them, from the research it is clear that the trainers are going to ruin the clones. This was the Kaminoans' livelihood, their reputation.  The clones were their finest creations; each one unique, adaptable, and self aware enough to find solutions for their own shortcomings. The Kaminoans were damned proud of the clones, and did not want to be held responsible for the, clearly, substandard training they were receiving. 
They did not even try to correct Jango Fett or the Trainers. Instead Lama Su reached out to the Jedi, not the Jedi that contracted them of the ‘Jedi’ that they had been dealing with, but the High Council in 977 ARR (23BBY, or a year the clone wars would have started. I need it to be specifically then for Codywan reasons. If Cody is aging double than in 977 ARR, he would be physically and mentally 18, though to me the CodyWan would still not happen for a few years, I personally would be a bit uncomfortable with them meeting much earlier than that; but that is a personal preference). He sends an official complaint that the methods of the trainers ‘hired by the Jedi’ were going to ruin their order. The High Council, confused but feeling like they should not admit it, arranges for a small group to travel to Kamino to ‘discuss the matter and take appropriate action’.  They ask that the Kaminoan not speak of their arrival to the trainers, just in case. 
This group includes Mace Windu, Ki Adi Mundi, Obi Wan Kenobi (as it is generally accepted that his missions go weird and he is one of the best equipped to deal with weird), Anakin Skywalker (as Obi Wan’s Padawan), and Healer Stass Allie. 
The Jedi meet with Lama Su. They ask for him to tell them what is happening ‘as if they did not know about the contract’ to make sure they are not missing any information.  Lama Su does, going over the entire contract, producing the signed waivers (including several that appeared to be signed by the chancellor himself), the contract, who they had made the contract with (Master Sifo-Dyas, in the last days of his tenure on the High Council-where he did have the authority to put in the order for he Clones without telling anyone), who they had been dealing with for the last few year (‘Master’ Tyranus- the Fallen Yan Dooku),  and what the payment was to be (as they were to be paid on delivery). Then what the trainers are doing to the clones and how they(the Kaminoans) had just discovered the damage to their work (As they not only prided themselves on their work but also hoped that this would open up a new industry for them, they take that seriously).
At the end, Mace Windu is quiet for a really long moment before going “It’s clear the contract you signed was made in good faith on your end. However, Master Sifo-Dyas did not make this contract in good faith, and we have no record of Master Tyranus. We will honor the deal you made, you will get paid for the entire amount you were promised. There are going to be some changes, though, because we did not know about this project. I have no doubt about your process, but it is clear that someone wants to sabotage your efforts”
Anakin pipes up before they can go any further, his eyes distant. “They should be paid now, so that no one else can claim the clones belong to them.”
Lama Su is assuaged that they will get paid at least (the cost will drain the Jedi’s discretionary fund and mean that Mace will be sending a dozen Jedi to gamble to refill it again) and willing to make the changes the client suggests. 
Windu asks about the not yet decanted, can the process be paused while the Jedi evaluate.  Once the growth process has started, it cannot be stopped without harming the children in the tubes. Windu nods, and says to finish the growth process for any Tubes that have already been started but to not start any more and that the healer Allie Stass will be remaining to learn their process for decanting (When the chips are mentioned, along with their purported purpose Windu makes it clear that the chips should not be implanted in any more clones, and they would like a sample of the chip to study to see if they needed to remove it from already decanted clones). Military training was to cease immediately, as the Jedi are not legally allowed to have an army.  Instead the Council would be giving some aptitude and interest tests so they can start figuring out how to best assist the clone in finding what they want to do. The Jedi Order would be taking custody of all of the clones, decanted and not, and bringing them to the temple on Coruscant but it would take time to arrange. In the meantime Windu and Obi Wan would be going to bond with the current set of trainers. Obi Wan and Anakin would be staying as part of an oversight process and starting to prepare the clones to move off of Kamino. 
Just before leaving Mundi asks permission to get the Kaminoan in touch with his people. They have no way of knowing if the sentient cloning could continue (Frankly they have no idea how many of those waivers were legitimate, though they did believe Kaminoans believed them to be legitimate). But by nature the Kaminoans were superb geneticists and there had been too few males born to his people for generations. 
So the Kaminoans did end up getting more business after all.
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the-delta-42 · 9 months ago
Master and Padawan 1
Master and Padawan
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Star Wars: Rebels A.U. The Jedi and the Republic never fell, Anakin didn't fall and Palpatine is dead. After Obi-Wan and Luke bring back a prisoner from Malachor, the Council must decide what they must do with Maul’s captured Apprentice.
Chapter 1: Apprentice
Sabine quietly watched Master Kenobi return from a mission. She’d taken to hiding in the hanger to get away from the others, some thought the Council had made a mistake, as her skills with the force were practically non-existent.
It didn’t help that most of her peers were practical prodigies, especially the Skywalker twins. Personally, Sabine thought Master Allie chose her out of pity. She’d hoped that Caleb would choose her when he was knighted, but he’d just gone out on mission after mission.
“Did you hear?” Asked Dhara, making Sabine jump, “Sorry.”
“Hear what?”
“Master Kenobi and Luke fought Darth Maul, they managed to capture his apprentice.” Dhara pointed to a boy around their age being escorted off the ship in force-suppression cuffs, “I heard he took Luke’s hand off.”
“So, Luke retaliated with going for his eye?”
“Looks like it.”
A group of Temple Guards took the boy from the Clones.
“Wanna try and listen in on the Council meeting?” Asked Dhara, getting a smirk from Sabine.
“Does Tatooine have two suns?”
Mace frowned at the boy in the centre of the Council chamber. He took note of the wounds that had obviously been deliberately disrupted, almost as he had been trying to inflict as much pain to himself as possible.
“Where are you from?” Asked Master Ti, trying to coax answers from the boy, “Maul would’ve picked you up from somewhere.”
The boy sneered and said something is Togruta that Mace felt didn’t need repeating, Shaak Ti slumped back in her seat, a look of astonishment covering her face.
“That,” Said Plo Koon, after a moment, “was unnecessary.”
The boy just scowled at Plo. Anakin was outright glared at the boy.
“Your name,” Said Master Yoda, after a moment, “Tell us, will you?”
The boy scowled at the diminutive Jedi, “Discipulus.”
“I doubt that’s your birth name.” Objected Master Rancisis, frowning.
The boy glared at him, getting a sigh from Master Billaba.
“You’re features match the description of a young boy who was kidnapped from Lothal, Ezra Bridger.” The boy glared at Depa.
“That’s not my name!” Snarled the boy, Anakin frowned at the small quiver of fear from the boy.
“Maul kidnapped you after murdering your parents.” Said Obi-Wan, “No doubt after he sensed how strong you are with the force.”
“He’s not coming, kid.” Stated Anakin, “He could’ve intercepted the ship you were being transported in. He’s written you off.”
“You’re lying.”
“Search your feelings.”
The boy was silent, before summoning Anakin’s lightsaber, he ignited the blade and went to strike Anakin, before he froze. Anakin looked around, noting that none of the masters were holding him still with the force. Anakin stood up and slowly walked up to the boy, quietly holding out his hand. A moment later, Anakin’s lightsaber was deactivated and in Anakin’s palm.
“Master Koon, if you could guide Ezra to the Halls of Healing.” Said Master Windu, getting a nod from Plo.
“Come, young one.”
The remaining Council members silently watched Plo and Ezra leave.
“You think he can be trained.” Said Master Windu, looking at Yoda.
“Strike down, an unarmed enemy, he could not.” Said Yoda, looking around, “Not yet fallen, he is.”
“What about Padawan Skywalker’s hand?” Asked Coleman Kcaj, leaning forward.
“Maul was responsible for that, not the boy…Ezra.” Said Obi-Wan, leaning forwards, “He’s a bit rough around the edges, but he’s rather skilled in both the force and lightsaber combat.”
“But, he’s more likely to use the dark side.” Interjected Master Mundi, getting a nod from Mace.
“If he’s left untrained, we’d practically be inviting trouble.” Said Depa, “It’d be like leaving meat out to dry.”
“Perhaps we can arrange for a test of his skills and decide from there.” Suggested Anakin, “Have him spar with some learners around his age?”
“He managed to disarm Luke when they duelled on Malachor.” Objected Obi-Wan, leaning forwards, “Maul’s taught him several forms of combat, but he’s solely focuses on aggression, like Maul.”
“Learned nothing, Maul has, hmm?” Chuckled Yoda, before levelling a look on Obi-Wan, “Capture him, how did you?”
Obi-Wan sighed, “I managed to wear him down, and disarm him.”
“Where did he get a lightsaber?” Asked Windu, “We’ve kept track on every lightsaber from every Jedi that fell in the past seventeen years.”
“He was using one of Palpatine’s,” Answered Obi-Wan, “He also had Master Koth’s lightsaber. Evidently, he kept his after he left the order.”
Yoda frowned, “A training saber, he will have.”
“If we were to perform this test, it would be wise to prevent any further injuries.” Mused Master Mundi, glancing around the room.
Leia and her friends had all but jumped at the chance to duel Maul’s Apprentice, Luke had told them that the Apprentice hadn’t removed his hand. Dhara smirked and twirled her lightsaber in her hand, nudging Sabine.
“Maybe he’ll be easy.” Smirked Dhara, making Master Skoll’s padawan, Shin Hati, roll her eyes and scoff.
“Please, he disarmed Skywalker, and he’s one of the best in our class.” Stated Shin, as Master Koon guided the Apprentice into the sparring hall.
“Padawan Skywalker,” Said Plo, looking at Leia, “if you could take Ezra to pick out a saber.”
Leia nodded, before gesturing the Apprentice, Ezra, to follow her.
The two were examining the sabers, when Galen arrived.
“Is the Sith still here?” He asked, getting a nod from Shin.
“He’s over there.” Galen saw Ezra with Leia.
The murmuring was interrupted by a lightsaber igniting, Ezra stared at the yellow blade, entranced by it.
“You act like you’ve never seen a yellow lightsaber before.” Remarked Leia, getting a nod from Ezra.
“I thought there were only two colours.” Murmured Ezra, swaying the blade.
Leia felt a swell of pity well at the tone of Ezra’s voice. Ezra deactivated the lightsaber and moved to the centre of the room.
“Marek, you’re up.” Said Cin Drallig, gesturing for the boy to draw his lightsaber, “And remember to activate the training setting.”
Galen flushed, but drew his lightsaber. Ezra recognised the stance, his master had used it when training him, he’d found it was easier to avoid the blade rather than block it.
Ezra side stepped the swing, before activating his lightsaber and swung it as Galen’s back. Galen blocked and rolled behind Ezra, swinging his saber at Ezra’s legs. Jumping away, Ezra used the force to push Galen away from him.
Galen gasped when he hit the floor, then jumped to his feet and swung at Ezra with a yell. Ezra side stepped again and struck Galen’s back with his saber, making Galen fall to the floor with his back with a feeling of pins and needles dancing across his back.
Drallig frowned, He recognised some lightsaber forms, a mix of forms four through seven, Ezra looked like he was acting from muscle memory.
“Leonis, Wren.”
Sabine and Dhara slowly approached Ezra, the former staying behind the latter. Dhara swung her blue blade at Ezra, who blocked and then parried it. Ezra scowled, grabbing Dhara’s wrist and threw her to the side. Ezra then swung his weapon at Sabine, the force of his blow sent her weapon flying out of her hands. Ezra threw Sabine into the wall, blocking Dhara’s blade, he grabbed her wrist and threw her at Sabine.
Leia and Shin lunged at him in unison, he weaved between them, kicking Shin in the back and focused on Leia. The two stalked around each other, before swinging at each other. Leia blocked Ezra’s strikes, stonewalling him. Shin went to swing at him, Ezra ducked and countered. Quickly twisting Shin’s lightsaber out of her grip, he used the force to lift her into the air, before throwing her at Leia. She dodged the unconventional projectile and dashed towards Ezra, ducking under his blade and slipping behind him. She pressed her back against his and stayed behind him whenever he tried turn to face her.
“Stop that!” Growled Ezra, as Leia danced away from him and rapt his arm with her lightsaber.
Ezra grunted, taking the saber in his non-dominant hand and swung at Leia. Ezra’s started to wildly wave his saber, only for Leia and grab his arm and pull the lightsaber out of his hand. Leia held her blade at Ezra’s throat.
“Yield?” Asked Leia, coyly cocking her head.
Ezra breathed heavily, glancing around, Shin and Dhara were stumbling to her feet, the latter grabbing Sabine and pulling her up, Galen winced as he stretched his back.
“I yield.” Grumbled Ezra, glaring at the floor.
Drallig and Koon shared a look, Maul had obviously focused on lightsaber combat, with only basic force techniques to supplement them. They also sensed that Ezra was trying to force himself use the dark side.
“Ezra.” Said Plo, getting Ezra’s attention, “It’s time to return to the council.”
Ezra huffed, before following Master Plo.
“That was fun.” Smirked Leia, getting an eye roll from Shin.
“Only because you were flirting with him.” Snarked the Padawan, getting a swipe from Leia.
Caleb frowned as his master led him to the Council chambers, she’d asked him to meet with her, when he tried to get more information from her, but she’d been aggravatingly vague. They met up with Master Koon and a boy around the age of sixteen or seventeen, who looked unhealthily thin and had little sleep.
Depa nodded to Plo, before they entered the Council Chambers.
Caleb walked to the centre of the room, with the boy standing near the door.
“Knight Dume,” Greeted Master Windu, “I am sure that you, like everyone else, have heard of Master Kenobi and his Padawan encountering Darth Maul and an apprentice on Malachor.”
“I have, Master.”
“It’s been decided by the Council that he will finish his training in the Jedi Arts.” Continued Windu, “He showed restraint when facing Master Kenobi, Padawan Skywalker and the Clones that had gone with them to Malachor.”
Caleb felt a heavy weight in his stomach, “Okay, Masters, but why are you telling me?”
Depa sighed, “Caleb, it’s been agreed that you would be the best match for him.”
“No offence, Master, I haven’t even trained a Padawan before, surely there’s someone more qualified.”
“Dume,” Said Master Mundi, leaning forwards, “you were chosen because training the boy will also aid you in your trials as a Jedi Knight.”
Caleb clenched his jaw, “Alright, where can I find this boy?”
Master Plo gently ushered Ezra forwards, “This is Ezra, the boy we’ve been telling you about.”
Caleb looked down at the boy, judging from the looks of him, he couldn’t be older than fifteen or sixteen, he had two parallel scars on his left cheek and diagonal scar that went from his right cheekbone to just above his left eyebrow, it looked like someone tried to take his eyes out.
Caleb sighed through his nose and folded his arms, “Okay, I’m assuming he’ll be coming with me to Ryloth.”
“Master Skoll and his Padawan will be accompanying you,” Said Windu, “as to give Ezra an example of the relationship between a master and their Padawan.”
Caleb frowned, then nodded. Glancing at Ezra, “Does he have a lightsaber?”
“We’ve yet to take him to Ilum.” Responded Windu, glancing around, “Tano and Skywalker will be going to Lothal, in the hopes they can find Knight Shan’s lightsaber.”
Caleb nodded again, turning to Ezra, “You know why we’re going?”
Ezra shook his head.
“Senator Cham Syndulla’s been experiencing some violent protests.” Said Caleb, “We’re to go and bring him and his aides to Coruscant.”
Ezra hesitantly nodded, before Caleb turned on his heel and walked out. Ezra glanced at Plo Koon, who ushered him after Caleb. The boy hesitantly followed the Jedi Knight, leaving the Council chamber.
Plo looked around the rest of the Council, “Maul trained him in various lightsaber forms, but his use of the force is limited to pushes and basic levitation.”
Anakin glanced at Obi-Wan, “You said there were others.”
“A number of former Jedi,” Confirmed Obi-Wan, frowning, “I found one of the Temple Guards, Rakesh Thanos, as well as Thora Ratal and Falen Korr.”
“They vanished after the end of the Clone War.” Mused Plo, glancing around, “I assumed they were killed during the siege of the Temple.”
“Their bodies were never recovered,” Anakin pointed out, frowning, “Then again, neither was Ventress’.”
“We may need to check our list of the dead.” Suggested Mace, looking at Shaak Ti, “I am right in assuming Madam Jocasta still keeps those lists.”
“I’ll speak with Master Che,” Answered Shaak, “Master Jocasta’s stepping down from her position as head archivist, we’ve yet to select her replacement.”
Mace frowned, before glancing around the council, “I suppose we have a lot of work to do then.”
“I’ll make my way to the Archives,” Said Obi-Wan, getting to his feet, “I’ll make my way around Jocasta’s staff and bring back a short list.”
“I suppose I should use this time to visit the Halls of Healing.” Mused Shaak Ti, joining Obi-Wan on his feet, “I wouldn’t want to imply that Obi-Wan is the only one of us working.”
Mace nodded, “Skywalker, take Plo and Kit to the restricted section, maybe Palpatine’s effects can produce a list or something that can expand our knowledge on our…missing members.”
Anakin nodded, leaving the Council Chamber with Kit and Plo. Mace glanced around the Chamber, before getting to his feet, “I suppose we should return to our other duties.”
Maul threw the Grand Inquisitor against the wall, three other Inquisitors were scatter around tending to their injuries, while another six were lay dead.
“All you had to do,” Seethed Maul, “was keep Kenobi away from my Apprentice.”
“The boy-” Coughed The Grand Inquisitor, “was weak.”
Maul sneered, before grabbing the Inquisitor’s lightsaber, “And yet, he was still able to defeat you.”
“You, you have another.” Wheeze the Inquisitor, getting another sneer from Maul.
“Perhaps.” Said Maul, “But, remember, Inquisitor, Offee failed me, and you know what happened to her.”
Maul threw the Inquisitor to the floor and stalked away from him, leaving the four surviving Inquisitors to wallow in their failures.
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Los Jedi: Quédense detrás de mí, los voy a proteger
Los Jedi: La fuerza 😃
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revanisadumbass · 10 months ago
Stass Allie, Agen Kolar, and Sar Labooda famously all exist through retcon, intended during filming to be Adi Gallia, Eeth Koth, and Depa Billaba.
Stass Allie replaces Adi Gallia, her cousin, on the Jedi Council after Adi Gallia is killed during the Clone Wars (by Grievous or Savage Opress depending on the tale).
Agen Kolar replaces fellow Zabrak Eeth Koth on the Jedi Council after Koth is removed from his position, eventually leaving the Order (a Republic gunship went down on Geonosis carrying Eeth Koth, Sora Bulq, and Tarados Gon; no known survivors).
Sar Labooda does not replace Depa Billaba, her sister, in any version of the narrative. Geonosis is her genesis and her grave. Whether Depa wakes from her coma or not, Sar never replaces her--never has the chance to replace her but simply holds her place.
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short-wooloo · 10 months ago
Working on a fic about Finn (and Rey) where they get time travel shenaniganed into being Padawans during the Clone Wars
I really wanted Finn to be Shaak Ti's padawan, but I didn't want to remove her from kamino and her role there, but I also didn't want to keep Finn cooped up on kamino
The solution? Finn's Master is a different female Jedi (probably Stass Allie) who is in love with Shaak Ti and Finn gets two moms!
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jewishcissiekj · 2 years ago
Finished the 83 issues of Star Wars/Republic👍 Not a lot to say but they do manage to make Order 66 so fucking devastating every single time
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It's just- really fucking sad and god I hate it but it's so well written and the betrayal of it all gets me every single time
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Anyway, obsessed with how Quinlan looks in this panel specifically. The art on the final issues is soooo nice and clean and aesthetically pleasing they just look really good
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I love the little "?" then she gets fucking shot. something so emotionless about the way the scouts look here as they shoot her. What the fuck. I'm gonna cry
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So that's how they explained him blowing tf up. Oh. Ok. Absolutely nothing to cry about here. Not even him thinking about Aayla first. And Tholme and T'ra Saa (and Khaleen) and Obi-Wan and oh god he needs a fucking hug
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The flashbacks parts were specifically targeted at me they,,,, "As I will keep you in mine" BECAUSE SHE'S DEAD. I'm gonna get violent about them
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And like Tholme is not my fav but I always like seeing young Quinlan and their father-son relationship is so,,, too And him apologising to Tholme here? ruined lives
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Skipping a bunch bc it's interesting but I have nothing to say about it right to the end and I think I'm gonna have to kill this baby. Korto Vos sleep with one eye open. No particular reason but he pisses me off. Why did he as a baby not stop Order 66 from happening. What is wrong with him. Not to wish death on a baby but he needs to be afraid.
Star Wars: Republic #79, #81-83
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halethleia · 7 months ago
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art for @s-c-g-s-c-g's fic "No, I'm Not Afraid To Disappear", (specifically a scene from chapter 6)
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veny-many · 1 year ago
My diseased mind wanted Stass to Force heal hurt Commander Neyo and it's all.
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May be the only times that Neyo won't be aggressive to anyone else.(because he is so knocked down)
+) totaly non-canon unrequited love reveal sketch
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You know I always imagine Neyo and Wolffe and Bacara getting along each other. Those grumpy boys.
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