#start of 2024
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daughterofhecata · 1 year ago
5 (not counting KJ), 6, 11 & 23? 😘
[fanfic asks for the new year]
5. Which WIP is first on your list to complete this year? Will you post a snippet?
Okay, wegen Frust mit den KJ fills, habe ich vorhin mal geguckt, was ich sonst noch so habe, und habe unerwartet das Justus/Skinny prom Ding wiedergefunden und möööööglicherweise wird das sogar zeitnah fertig? (Was ich sonst wirklich fertigstellen will sind die Reunion Fic, die Vegas Fic und die BDSM Fic xD)
Mit einem halb amüsierten, halb resignierten leisen Schnauben steckte Jonas das Feuerzeug zurück in sein Jackett, zog an der Zigarette, was dazu führte, dass in Skinnys Gehirn erneut große Leere herrschte und er nur starren konnte. "Wusste gar nicht, dass du rauchst", brachte er endlich heraus, wandte mit Mühe den Blick von Jonas' Mund ab.
6. Which yet-to-be-started fic is first on your list?
Eigentlich versuche ich ja, fics fertig zu bekommen und keine neuen anzufangen xD Und tatsächllich fällt mir spontan auch nichts ein, wo es mir total auf der Seele brennt, damit loszulegen. Ein Blick in mein Ideen-Dokument hat mir allerdings einen Stichpunkt gezeigt, an den ich keine Erinnerung habe, den ich vermutlich während der Soziologie-Vorlesung aufgeschrieben habe, was ich vielleicht tatsächlich gerne anfangen würde. Dabei dreht es sich hauptsächlich darum, dass Victor verhaftet wird und dummerweise zu dem Zeitpunkt Cotta bei ihm ist, sodass er in den Verdacht der Mittäterschaft kommt und in der Vernehmung hin und her gerissen ist zwischen Aussage und Schweigen - ein Satz, den ich mir notiert habe, ist: "Gefangenendilemma, Cotta", war alles, was Donatelli zu ihm sagte. Ich glaube, das könnte sehr interessant werden.
11. Would you like to try any new fanfic genres or tropes this year?
Hm, vielleicht, aber ich habe keine festen Pläne, ich nehms, wie es kommt 🤷‍♂️
23. Would you like to go on a writing retreat?
Idk, hab ich lange nicht mehr ausprobiert, bzw nie so richtig, kann ich also schlecht einschätzen, ob mir sowas passen würde.
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yournecessaryevil · 1 year ago
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This is a bit early, but I wanted to write this before your beloved author gets wayyyy too tipsy. 🤭 I'm gonna get serious for a moment. 🙏🏻 To all of you who have been here from the beginning, and to those of you who are maybe just now joining me towards the end of this fine year, thank you. Just... thank you, all of you. 🖤 Words cannot express how truly grateful I am for each and every single one of you. I see you, all of you, and I wish you nothing but the absolute best this next coming year, and the years forward. 😘 Happy New Year's, you absolute fucking angels. I love all of you. 🖤 Truly, madly, deeply.
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stimmingandstruggling · 10 months ago
more good news from tiktok: they’ve started blocking celebrities.
they’re calling it block party 2024. just blocking and ignoring countless celebrities who havent said shit about palestine. influencers, actors, anyone who went to the met gala, whatever, they’re getting blocked. and people keep talking about how cathartic it is, how good it feels, how they never realized they could DO that. there was some kind of subconscious law against blocking famous people, but it’s broken, and people are LOVING it. and it’s WORKING. a social media/digital advertising coordinator was talking about how ad companies are PANICKING, because they can’t accurately target anymore. so many big influencers, including fucking LIZZO started talking about palestine the MOMENT their follower counts started going down. and the best part? no one is forgiving them. lizzo posted a tiktok asking people to donate to palestinian families, and all the comments just said you’re a multimillionaire. put your money where your mouth is. blocked.
i feel like i’m witnessing the downfall of celebrity culture, right here right now. people are waking up.
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thashining · 1 month ago
Don't fall for it
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pairingbrainrot · 3 months ago
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the record at the beginning of episode 7 😭
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nori-kakyoin · 1 year ago
megan thee stallion wearing a bruno bucciarati inspired dress the the crunchyroll anime awards
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graegrape-art · 5 months ago
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we can fix this
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samipekoe · 3 months ago
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if Miku was knocking on my door I would simply let her in
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fadeintoyou1993 · 3 months ago
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andstuffsketches · 3 months ago
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girl who lives in a cave
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pokimoko · 4 months ago
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Ace Week is upon us again, which means it's time for me to share some more silly little critters with you all! (If you like, you can also say hello to their friends from 2021, 2022 and 2023.) ✨Go and be as amazing as always, aces✨
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akantorrr · 1 year ago
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marvelsmostwanted · 5 months ago
Today in 🍂✨October surprises✨🍂
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• Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg and Secretary of Labor Julie Su quietly assisted in winning labor rights for dockworkers, ending a strike that could have had catastrophic economic consequences. (10-4-24)
• In Springfield, Ohio, where Haitian migrants have been blamed for the disappearance of local animals with Trump claiming “‘migrants are walking off’ with geese in the town” and “they’re eating the dogs” - a lie also promoted by JD Vance, Ohio’s own sitting Senator, with no evidence - it turns out that the missing geese were actually the victims of a 64-year-old white man who was hunting illegally. (10-3-24)
• A Trump-appointed federal judge blocked Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan again after another judge reinstated it earlier this week. (10-3-24)
• Republicans and crazy Facebook uncles everywhere have spent this week spreading disinformation about the FEMA response to Hurricane Helene, including AI photos of Trump standing in floodwater and wild claims that Biden is sending money to undocumented immigrants. In reality, the Biden-Harris administration has provided substantial emergency assistance and both Biden and Harris have visited the region. Meanwhile, it turns out that Trump was the one who redirected money from disaster relief to send to ICE during his presidency. Shocker. (10-4-24)
• Seriously, though, Trump is not who you want to call in an emergency. Before allowing disaster relief to reach victims of wildfires in California, then-president Trump forced aides to show him an electoral map to see if he had voters there. He evidently intended to withhold the aid if he found out it was going to mostly Democratic voters. This would be a career-ending scandal in any other political era but alas, we are living in this one. (10-3-24)
• Finally, far-right extremist and Oklahoma superintendent of schools Ryan Walters intends to put Bibles in public schools, which is already disturbing, but in a stunning display of corruption, the only ones that meet his specifications are the so-called “Trump Bibles” that include the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. They go for $60 apiece and Trump gets fees from each one. (10-4-24)
No, wait, I’m going to say that one again:
In Oklahoma, taxpayers’ money will be used to put Trump Bibles in public schools. Their money will go directly to Trump. Not a joke!!! Not an exaggeration!!!
…Surely the voters who are still undecided are lying, right?? Right?!
30 days until Election Day.
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Go to vote.org for a sample ballot, early voting dates, and more. Seriously, we have to win.
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blueskittlesart · 5 months ago
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Linktober day 1: Mirror
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conjcosby · 1 year ago
Stardate: 202312.31 ▫ We've made to the last day of 2023. It's been eventful. Thank you for the memories. 😊🙏🎊🎉 #new #year #years #eve #2023 #2024 #happy #newyear #newyears #newyeareve #newyearseve #happynewyear #happynewyears #happynewyeareve #happynewyearseve #newyear2024 #newyears2024 #endoftheyear #endof2023 #startof2024 #beginningof2024 #theendoftheyear #theendof2023 #lastdayoftheyear #thelastdayoftheyear #lastdayof2023 #thelastdayof2023 #december31st #december31 #potd
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anotherlikeyou · 2 months ago
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Ah shit, here we go again
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