#starry palette translations
abbeybutnottheroad · 2 years
Somewhere in Italy
(Part 1/2)
I heard Grapejuice and thought about drinking wine with Harry in Italy, because even though I adore winter, I had a sudden longing for summer.
In the story Harry IS famous BUT the reader doesn’t know he is.
Hope you like it.
Pairing: Y/N & Harry
AND be warned, there’s smut in the next part, which will be posted one of the next days
Word count: 5961
(Btw I DO NOT speak Italian, so I hope the few Italian translations are correct, otherwise I’m sorry)
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The sun was shining down upon the grey pavement, making it almost unbearable to tread on with bare feet. That didn’t stop Y/N from doing it though. She found it one of the most joyous things in the summertime. Walking around, enjoying the outside without being constricted to wearing shoes. This way she got to feel the earth in all its forms beneath her. And it felt wonderful. If she could do it all year around, she would. Unfortunately, though, hypothermia is very real.
But right now, it was mid-July, the days were long and warm, the nights short and starry, and she was waltzing around in her own little world, exploring the town in Italy where she usually would go on vacation. The town was very small and consisting of all she loved about the Italian culture. Everything looked like it was painted with beautiful and artistically curved brush strokes, looking simultaneously random and carefully considered. It had narrow cobbled streets, with compact crooked houses, barely making room for each other. A palette with all the warm and bright colours you could imagine covering every surface.
It wasn’t an abnormality for Y/N to walk around in her own little world. In fact, she did it more than what was probably considered healthy. But in a place like this, she just couldn’t help it.
The first time she went here she had bought a little bookstore, not able to refuse the idyllic idea of owning such a precious little one-of-a-kind thing. It was only open for two months every summer, the two months she would be here of course. But sometimes during the small vacations as well, like if she for some reason didn’t spend Christmas with her family, or during spring break. The local people of the town were always glad to see her and greeted her with great joy whenever she was back. Some even brought her flowers she could put out in the little store; others brought her wine which she much enjoyed drinking in her little garden behind her house, that she rented out when she wasn’t occupying it herself.
Walking down along the promenade, Y/N was greatly occupied by the heavenly view of the sunset over the ocean. Her habit of daydreaming had seemingly made her unaware that something was wrong. It wasn’t until she could hear the bottom of her tote bag rip, dropping all the twenty-or-so books inside to the cobbled ground beneath, that the real world got her attention again. Too late, unfortunately. Y/N wasn’t usually one to curse, however she couldn’t help but let a hissed fuck fall from her lips. Looking defeatedly at the mess, she could do nothing else but bend down, picking the books up one by one, carefully examining them to see if any damage had been done. When she got to book number seven, it became more of a struggle to find how she was ever going to carry all of them home, seemingly an impossible task to balance all twenty books in her arms. She stood up and started to unfold a plan in her head about how she could do this in the most practical way, until a deep voice pulled her out of her thoughts.
“Hai bisogno di aiuto?”
She couldn’t help but let a shriek leave her at the unexpected sound, nearly dropping some of the books again. But the man that had suddenly appeared in front of her was quick to reach out both of his hands, stabilizing the books in her arms again.
“Grazie.” Y/N said as a reflex, only then looking up to see who had come to her rescue.
Before her stood a man. And a heavenly one at that. He was out running it seemed, his tall figure covered in a grey t-shirt with the sleeves bend up, showing off more of his strong arms, the left one painted with ink all over, the right one only containing a few drawings. Shorts showed off his legs, another tattoo peeking out from the fabric which stopped mid-thigh, and she couldn’t help but think how she really wanted to see the rest of that tattoo. Just out of pure curiosity, nothing else. To her despair, black, squared sunglasses were covering his eyes, but she was nonetheless convinced that his face was one made by the gods. A smile so charming that even though the Italian sun was burning hot, that smile would be the reason she finally melted if she looked at it long enough.
“Vuoi che ti aiuti? Uhm, Po-posso poartare alcuni dei li-libri per te?” The man stuttered in a half Italian, half - what sounded like a - British accent. His eyebrows were furrowed in concentration, and he looked at her waiting to see if she had completely understood what he said, hoping internally that he hadn’t accidentally said anything inappropriate. It had happened to him a few too many times.
Y/N couldn’t help but smile at his politeness. Though she didn’t want to put him through the misery of not knowing, that he could easily communicate with her in his native tongue, as he seemed to find his lack of finesse for the Italian language a bit embarrassing.
“Thank you so much for wanting to help me. I do speak English if you would rather prefer that?” Y/N asked, tilting her head the slightest bit. She watched as a slow smile erupted on his face, followed by a defeated chuckle.
“Is my Italian really that bad?”
“No, no don’t worry, everything you said was right,” Y/N quickly reassured him, “but a British accent is kind of hard to hide”
“Yeah, I can’t really run from that.” He chuckled again, scratching the back of his neck “You shouldn’t, I love British accents.” Y/N uttered before she could even think about what she was saying. Her eyes went big, and she could feel her face heating up the moment she realized what it had sounded like. God no, that was inappropriate. She didn’t want this stranger, who she had just met, thinking that she was coming on to him. Not so soon anyways. But his reaction was another than she’d expected. His eyes, like hers, had a moment of surprise, before his whole expression changed to a more cocky one, and a smirk formed on his lips.
“You do? Mmh, that’s good to know.”  
“I- I didn’t mean it like that, I just… uhm. I’m Y/N” she said. Instead of stuttering her way through an apology, a change of subject would do the situation good she thought.
“I’m Harry.” He replied, reaching out his hand for her to take. “It’s lovely to meet you. Do you need me to carry them somewhere for you?” he then asked, after letting go of her hand again, and gesturing down towards the ground where the rest of the books were laying, which Y/N momentarily had forgotten all about.
“You really don’t need to; I don’t want to bother you.” “You’re not bothering me, I’m offering.” He said so genuinely that Y/N couldn’t’ help but take him up on his kind offer. Anything else would be rude. And besides, his company didn’t seem all that bad so far.
“I guess you’re right. Yes, thank you so much. I live just down the street from here.”
Harry nodded, before bending down to pick up the 13 or so books with ease, stabilizing them in his arms. “Lead the way.”
The two of them walked side by side, down the beautiful promenade in silence for a couple of minutes, before curiosity got the best of Harry.
“What are you doing with this many books?” he asked, looking at the old hardbacks laying in his arms.
“I own a bookstore.” Y/N casually shrugged, not really thinking of it as an impressive thing. Harry did, though.
“No way! You do?” he exclaimed with excitement. “That is so cool.” He shook his head, as if he couldn’t quite believe it. He was very fond of books himself and thought he had quite the collection at home. But it was nothing compared to owning a bookstore.
“You think so?” Y/N asked. That wasn’t the reaction she had expected, usually people that weren’t from this little town thought it sounded lonely or boring, as if most bookstore owners were somewhat weird or antisocial and introverted people.
“Of course! Is it here? In this town?” Harry asked eagerly, now wanting nothing more than to see the place. He could only imagine what treasures the charming girl beside him had collected.
“Yes. It’s just at the other end of the promenade, down a little street, hidden away between two buildings.” Y/N explained, making Harry furrow his eyebrows in confusion.
“But shouldn’t I help you carry these to the store instead?” “I’ve closed it for today. I’m just taking these home to fix them, some of them have pages falling out and are very worn.” Y/N explained to which Harry nodded, silently disappointed that he wouldn’t be visiting the store today.
As they approached a small two-story building, painted in a light-yellow colour Y/N slowed down and turned to look at Harry. “This is me.” His eyes scanned over the building while smiling to himself, as he could imagine her living there. Cozy and small, all windows adorned with bouquets of flowers in every colour, the white curtains pulled to the side to let the sunlight in.
“You can come in if you want?” Y/N muttered unsure if he was in fact just being polite, or if he did take an interest in maybe getting to know her better, as she had taken an interest in him. Harry turned his eyes away from the building, looking at Y/N instead, a smile adorning his face as he proclaimed, “I would love to.”
Inside Y/N’s small house, it looked just as he had imagined. Nearly every surface of every wall was covered in some kind of art. Posters, paintings, sculptures, flowers, plants. A whole wall in the living room was dedicated solely to a bookcase, filled to the rim with books. Earthly and relaxing colours were all around, making the space seem much less messy, than you could otherwise imagine it would. Y/N stepped over to a small dresser, standing in the hallway leading to some stairs at the end. She carefully put the books down, and turned to look at Harry, who seemed lost in a trance, studying every inch of her small house.
“This is my living room, through there is the kitchen and a door out into the little garden I have. You can go out there if you want, I just need to get these books upstairs into my office.” She said, reaching out her hands to take the books he so politely still was holding.
“Let me help you with that, don’t want you to drop them all again.” he chuckled, clutching the books in his arms a bit tighter, so she couldn’t take them from him.
Y/N looked at him for a moment before a small smile formed on her face as she shook her head slightly. Figuring there was no point in arguing with him, as she was certain he wouldn’t give in.
Her sweet voice just barely reached his ears, as she shyly uttered a Thank you, before once again picking up the books and making her way up the stairs.
Harry obediently followed behind her, trying to be somewhat of a gentleman. Though it was hard, as her small sundress flickered a bit with every stair she climbed, giving him a better view of the soft, tanned thighs hidden beneath. Dirty thoughts overtook his mind, thoughts about what it would feel like to trace his fingers up her legs, he bet himself they would be soft. He thought about how he would leave goosebumps on her skin, as she would shiver at the pleasure of his touch. How he himself would get goosebumps just by the privilege of getting to touch her.
Feeling guilty, he shook his head cursing himself, as he tried to shake the thoughts off him.
“You’ve just met her you creep, Jesus.” He whispered to himself.
“Did you say something?” Y/N turned to look at him, as they’d both finally reached the top.
“No, nothing.” Harry quickly stammered, feeling heat rush to his cheeks at the embarrassment of nearly being caught.
“Alright” Y/N just grinned, willingly believing him.
After a few steps in the narrow hall they were now occupying, Y/N turned to her left, and used her elbow, opening the door into another room. The floorboards creaked slightly as she stepped further inside, laying the books on a dark-brown, mahogany desk, standing in front of a window, that Harry assumed overlooked her small garden, she had referred to earlier.
“You can just put them over here.” she said, standing behind the desk, while quickly organising the books into different piles.
Harry obeyed, carefully putting the books down, feeling a small relief in his arms as he had carried them around for quite a while now.
“So, this is your office?” he asked, looking around him. It resembled her living room a lot, though smaller. A little bookcase was stood against the wall opposite the door, adorning books that all had labels on the side of them. He walked a bit closer until he could see what the labels read. “Repaired”, “Needs new back,”, “Pages falling out”, “Needs new front,”, “Repaired”,” Repaired”, “Keep?” and so on.
“You really fix all these books yourself?” He asked, not having thought that he could’ve been more astonished by the girl that he only had met a mere hour ago.
“Yeah, I do. It’s kind of a hobby of mine, I guess.” Y/N quietly said, not seeming like she cared for bragging about any of her talents, even though Harry thought that bragging would be thoroughly acceptable in a situation like this.
“That’s really impressive, Y/N.”  
Her heart quickened its pace the slightest bit at his praising words, and she quickly looked down, investigating some of the books on her desk, so he couldn’t see her now rosy cheeks.
Looking further around the room, seeming in no hurry to leave at all, Harry noticed an old record player standing in the corner, and at least a 100 vinyl records, stacked beside it. Of course, he thought to himself, this girl is like taken straight out of the 70’s.
“Do you, do you want something? I have water, soda, wine, coffee?” Y/N asked, walking around her desk to stand in front of it.
“I would love-” Harry was just about to accept her offer, a cup of coffee and more time to talk with her seeming like the best evening he could think of, but his phone rang before he could finish his sentence. He quickly pulled it out of his pocket, muttering an “excuse me” before stepping out of the room to answer.
Y/N, who was now left alone for the first time since she met him, could finally gather her thoughts around the whole thing. She felt completely mesmerized by the ridiculously handsome man that was currently in her house. Rarely had she met someone so sincere and real, who she felt like she could listen to talk until the end of the world. At the same time, of course, she wanted to pounce him, in the truest sense of the word. Or she wanted him to pounce her, as she was much too shy to insinuate anything like that. It was like a fire awoke inside her whenever he merely looked at her. Caught up in her thoughts, she didn’t even notice when Harry appeared again, having finished his phone call.
“Y/N? Are you alright?” He asked, eyebrows furrowed as a worried expression was covering his face.
“Oh yeah, of course, sorry. I was just uhm… thinking. Is everything alright with you?” She asked referring to the call, eagerly turning the attention away from herself.
“Yeah, well no. Uhm. I really wish I could stay, but that was my friend who I’m here with. He’s managed to lock himself out of our house. Prober bonehead he is. So, I’ve got to go.” Harry explained, looking rather annoyed by the whole situation.
Y/N felt her heart drop a bit, at the thought of him leaving and only nodded her head slightly in understanding.
They made their way back downstairs, Y/N following behind him this time, all the way to her front door. Before he opened it, Harry turned around to face her, taking a step closer, so their chests were nearly touching. He looked down at the girl in front of him, wishing more than ever that it would be appropriate to kiss her goodbye.
It wouldn’t.
“I’m really sorry,” Harry said again. She could tell that he meant it, he really didn’t want to leave, as much as she didn’t want him to.
“It’s not your fault Harry. Thank you so much for your help, I don’t know how I would’ve made it home without you. I am in great debt to you.”
“Can I see you again sometime?” he uttered the words so quickly that she almost didn’t catch them. But when they finally sunk into her brain, she couldn’t help the butterflies swirling around in her stomach and the smile that appeared on her face. Y/N thought he’d never ask.
“Uhm wait here two seconds.” She said, holding a hand up in front of him, a silent gesture for him to stay put, before she ran off to the back of the house somewhere, leaving Harry a bit worried that she just wanted to avoid answering his question, and feeling like a dickhead. Of course, she wasn’t interested in seeing him again. She didn’t even know him. She was just being polite, he thought to himself. He just couldn’t help how he acted around her, it was like she-
before he could finish his thoughts, Y/N came jogging back, stopping to stand in front of him again, this time with a little piece of paper in her hand, which she shyly held out.
“What’s this?” he asked curiously, long fingers gripping for the little note, with something scribbled on it.   “It’s uhm… it’s the address to my store. You can come visit it. If you want to of course. I mean you don’t have to feel obligated to do it, I- “
“I’ll stop by tomorrow.” Harry interrupted, already longing for tomorrow to arrive. Y/N’s face lit up, losing all sign of the worry it held just seconds before.
“Of course, I can’t wait to see it.”
Once again, the sincerity behind his words nearly had her jumping him right then and there.
“It was lovely meeting you Y/N,” Harry then said, reaching out his hand for her to take just as when they’d met an hour earlier. But this time, he didn’t shake it. He slowly lifted her hand to his lips, before leaving a lingering kiss, making everything in her tingle.
She could feel it all the way down in her toes it seemed.
He reached behind him, opening the door to the outside world which had long been forgotten by the both of them.  
“Until tomorrow.” He grinned, turning around and leaving Y/N with nothing else to do than think about him.
Y/N was daydreaming again, like so often before. This time it was about late-night conversations and adventures, road trips to the hidden away treasures of Italy and drinking wine. And one particular person kept appearing in these daydreams. Certain brown curls and green eyes, dimpled smile and tattooed arms, were nearly haunting her by now.
It was around 4pm and she had been waiting all day for Harry to visit. Each time the door to her store opened making the little bells above it chime, her heart dropped a little further into her stomach when she didn’t see the charming man she was longing for. Maybe he had changed his mind? Or maybe he had never intended to visit in the first place and had just been polite yesterday? Though a part of her didn’t want to believe that. She had seen his eyes as he had asked if he could see her again. Those hadn’t been the eyes of a deceiving man.
“Alright” Y/N whispered to herself, “If he isn’t here by 4.30, I’m closing up.” She then took a deep sigh and went into the back of the store to make herself a much-needed cup of coffee.
As she came back, she couldn’t help the small squeal that left her, when she saw that she wasn’t alone in the store, because leaning against the front desk was Harry.
Y/N’s daydreaming images had not done him justice at all. He looked even better than her brain led her to remember.
He wasn’t wearing running clothes anymore but was instead clad in blue jeans and a simple white t-shirt, a pair of squared sunglasses lifted on his head, pushing some of his curls back.
A smile immediately covered Harry’s lips, as the woman he had spent all his time thinking about came into view. Another small, flowy sundress was covering her frame, and he partly cursed her, partly himself, for what those dresses did to him.
“Hello Love.”
“I… I didn’t think you’d show up.” Y/N said, and the tone in her voice nearly made Harrys heart break in two. She looked genuinely stunned that he was standing there, in the middle of her little store.
“Now, why would I be stupid enough, to let such a lovely girl as yourself down, huh?” Harry charmed with a smile that made Y/N question why she ever doubted him. And she internally scolded herself for voicing that concern. What a great way to start a conversation.
“So, what do you think?” She asked, mirroring his smile and gesturing around her shop.
Once again Harry found himself looking in awe around a place she owned. He took a few careful steps towards the bookshelves lined parallel to each other throughout the whole bookstore. There were about twenty of them, nearly floor to ceiling of old, well-kept books. He attentively slid his fingers over the wrinkled spines, telling him, that though they were taken care of, they had also been fully enjoyed in the hands of many curious minds over the years. Every title of what you would consider classic literature was found in here, both English and Italian.  
“Wow, this is, I mean… Wow.” He was astounded, turning around in the small space, careful not to miss a single thing. The bookcase she had in her living room, was nothing compared to this.
“Wow?” Y/N asked, as if trying the word on her tongue. “So, you do like it?”
“This is one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen” Harry muttered, though it sounded as if it was more to himself, than to her.
“You really think so?” Y/N couldn’t help the blush that crept onto her cheeks, and she thought to herself that it might as well stay there, since it seemed a habit of his to make her all flushed.   “Are you kidding? I think this just became my new favourite place.”
Y/N watched as he pulled a book out of the shelve, carefully turning it in his hands. He looked over it in adoration, flicking through a couple of pages, before putting it back again.
“Do you want something? Water, soda, a glass of wine?” She asked, pulling Harry out of the trance he appeared to be in.
He looked at her for a moment, as if the words hadn’t fully gotten to him yet before a smile erupted on his face. This time a phone call didn’t interrupt his answer.
“You have wine here?”
Y/N shrugged and chuckled with a sly smile, “We’re in Italy, of course I have wine.”
“I would love a glass then.”
“Red or white? Or pink?”
Harry pondered for a second before deciding, “Red, please”
Y/N went to the back of the store again and appeared soon after with two glasses in one hand and an opened bottle of wine in the other.
“Follow me.” She said, brushing past Harry, who bit his tongue to stop himself from declaring, that he without hesitation would follow her anywhere she’d like.
Y/N led them in between some of the bookshelves where a door, to Harry’s surprise, was hidden in the dark green wallpaper. It opened into a little storage room filled with boxes.
“These are all the books that I haven’t’ gotten to repairing yet. They’re all just laying here waiting for a new home.”
“How do you get all these books?” Harry asked, as they continued their way out of the storage room, through another door located across from the other.
“Some I go out and buy myself, some get send to me by people who want to give the books a new life. Sometimes people exchange a book they don’t want anymore, for a book they find here, it varies a lot actually.”
“That’s  really cool”
Y/N didn’t answer but instead stopped in her tracks and turned around to stand face to face with Harry. He tilted his head to the side as if confused.
She smiled at him and said, “I thought we could sit here”
For the first time since they’d stopped walking, Harry took his eyes off the girl in front of him and looked around the new location. She had let him to a little back porch at the other side of the bookstore. A narrow garden was in view in front of them, lining up to two other gardens on each side, belonging to the houses the bookstore was squished in between. The porch itself was filled with blankets and pillows, and one garden lounger with a small table beside it.
Not before long, they we both seated comfortably on the pillows, leaning up against the sliding doors with a generously filled glass of wine in their hands. It was an idyllic scene.
“How long have you had the store?” Harry asked, before taking the first sip of wine.  
Y/N contemplated for a while, before answering. “Two years this summer.” She nodded thoughtfully. She hadn’t even realized it had been that long.
“What made you move to Italy to run a bookstore?”
“Well, I haven’t moved here permanently, I’m usually only here during vacations, primarily summer. But I don’t know. I guess I got tired of the boring 9-5 life. I mean I’ve never wanted to work like that, never wanted to be a part of a workaholic world where I was just one in a million who got up at 6 every day and home at 5, just to think about work when I got home also and never really relaxing. I’ve never wanted to be one of those people who were too busy to live their own life. But suddenly I had become that person. I work for a publishing company, which I love, but I was always either working or thinking about working and well, I guess this was my way to escape that, sort of. A least for the periods of time I’m here.”
Harry listened carefully to the words that suddenly seemed to flow from her mouth. This was the most he’d ever heard her talk and he silently begged for her to never stop. He could sit and listen to her thoughts forever it seemed.
Y/N on the other hand felt like she’d talked too much, never really having been a fan of talking about herself.
“Why are you here?” She asked instead, turning the attention away from her own life. “I’m here on a vacation with one of my mates. His family is from Italy, and I happen to have a house here, so we thought we would make a trip out of it.”
“You have a house here as well?” Y/N asked in surprise. She couldn’t help the blossoming feeling erupting in her stomach, as she thought that meant they were destined to meet at some point, whether it be yesterday or a year from now. It was a comforting feeling to her. It was comforting to know, that he had always been right there within reach, but just out of sight.
“Yeah, I do, I’ve been in love with the town for a couple of years now also. I couldn’t help myself.”
“What do you do for a living, if I may ask?”
Harry observed her for a minute, while she patiently waited for his answer. And when he didn’t immediately reply she felt like she had said something wrong. He scanned her face a couple times more, before clearing his throat and finally responding.
“I’m a musician, nothing special really.”
The way he had answered seemed strange to her. He had muttered the words out, not necessarily sounding angry or sad. More so, he sounded tired.
“That’s wonderful. I would love to hear some of your music. You could play it to me sometime if you want? I promise I’m a good audience.” “Hmm, I bet you are.” He chuckled, a smile finally adorning his face again.
And so, there they sat, in the back garden of Y/N’s bookstore, cozy and content for a couple of hours, slowly watching the pink and orange colours overtaking the sky as the sun went down.
Though, an inevitable question seemed to have awaited in the back of Harry’s mind all evening. Now, a few glasses in, he finally felt like he had the courage to ask, or more so, the courage to hear the answer.
“Do you have a boyfriend?” The words left him carefully, apprehensively. Y/N looked him once over before responding nonchalantly.
“I’m engaged actually.”  
Harry choked on his wine as the words left her lips, and he turned to look at Y/N with wide eyes, only to see her nearly crying with laughter at his reaction. She was joking.
“God you’re a little minx, you know that? Nearly gave me a bloody heart attack.”
“I’m sorry,” Y/N uttered between erratic sounds of laughter, “I just couldn’t help it.” Trying to calm herself down, she put her hand up to cover her mouth.
Harry wished she hadn’t and felt an urge to reach out and remove her hand again.  He could listen to the sound of her laughter for the rest of his life and die a happy man. It was better than music. As her laughter died down, she turned to look at Harry again, to find him sitting utterly still with a small grin, already looking at her, as if wating for her to continue.
“I had one, he’s my ex-boyfriend now. I’ve come to realize while I’m here, that I am fleeing from him as well.” She explained.
Harry tilted his head with a curious look. “Why?”
“He wasn’t treating me very nicely I suppose.”
Harry tensed beside her. He barely dared ask, but he needed to know nonetheless, so he could figure out to which degree he should hunt this certain ex-boyfriend down and hurt him for ever treating a girl like her badly. How anyone could ever treat someone like her badly, was beyond him. Unfathomable. Y/N felt how his posture changed slightly and saw his hand clench around the glass.  
“Don’t worry,” she said, “he didn’t hit me or anything like that. It was more psychological, I guess. Slowly he just took the joy of what I liked doing away from me. When I would be reading or writing or even just working sometimes, he would scold me for being boring or antisocial. He always blamed me for never wanting to spend time with him, even though in hindsight, he was the one always away, out with friends or gaming on his computer. But, you know, slowly I started to believe him and stopped doing all those things. At the end of the relationship everything happened on his terms, and we only did stuff he liked you know? I lost myself. Then I kicked him out of my apartment, travelled here to get away and fell in love with the place. I bought this store as a promise to myself I would come back. And it’s just starting to feel like I’ve found myself again.”  
Y/N took a deep breath and a sip of wine, trying to calm her thoughts down from the apparent ramble she had gotten caught in. She realized then that she had never actually spoken to someone about this, about these feelings and thoughts that led to her leaving in the first place. The explanation she came up with to her parents, were only a few sentences of it’s just because I need a change, I need to try something new, to explore the world a little. Which wasn’t entirely false, but it wasn’t entirely the truth either.
She looked down into her near empty glass for a couple of seconds, before she felt a warm hand embracing hers, that was laying on the ground at her side.
Harry couldn’t help it any longer. He needed to touch her, to comfort her, and his hand had acted like it had a mind of its own.
A tingling sensation went through both their bodies. It felt right, and neither of them would have minded sitting there for the rest of the night, simply holding hands and listening to each other’s spontaneous thoughts.
“I’m sorry,” Y/N uttered, turning her hand a bit so she could grip around Harrys tighter.
“For what?”
“Oversharing, I guess.” She answered unsurely.
“Hey, don’t do that,” Harry replied in such a tone, that she couldn’t help but turn to look at him, meeting his eyes for the first time in a while.
A serious look was on his face. “Don’t ever feel like you’re oversharing. Not with me. I want to know everything. I asked because I wanted to know. Your thoughts and feelings are valid Y/N, I would love to hear about all of them.”
She smiled at his reassuring words, and a little while went by again where neither of them said anything before Harry broke the silence.
“What are you thinking?”
Y/N hummed. She felt a little wine drunk, but in a good way, in a comfortable way.
“I’m thinking it’s late, and I’m hungry.”
“We could go out and get dinner if you want?” Harry suggested, praying in his head that she would say yes. He wasn’t ready to say goodbye to her yet. At this point some part of him felt like he would never be.
As she seemed to ponder his suggestion, he made a new one, desperate to find a solution that would keep her with him. “Or we could go back to my place and make some dinner?”  
“That sounds lovely, but what about your roommate?”
“Ah, don’t worry about him. He’s not going to be home tonight.” Trying to hide the suggestive tone that easily could’ve appeared in his voice. He didn’t want to scare her off. But Y/N didn’t seem to mind as her eyes lit up and she grinned. “Even better.”  
Part 2
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izumi-fanclub · 2 years
🌸Translation Masterlist🌸
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Event Story
Blessed Memories
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
SSR Family
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Moon Traveler
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Ah, My Dearly Beloved
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
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Backstage Story
Spring Troupe
Chikage SR Card “Promise of Blooming” [Let’s Play! Real Life Gacha: Chikage’s Turn]
Tsuzuru R Card “Oriental Note” [Who sent the chocolate?]
Chikage SSR Card “Tailor-Made” [Suit of Your Choice]
Citron N Card “Harugaoka Quartet” [Role-building: Saionji Ennis]
Chikage R Card “Emerald Palette” [Spice is the best]
Citron SSR Card [ Prince Jasmine Across The Sea ]
Chikage SSR Card “MANKAI Glitter” [To ARIES: Chikage]
Chikage SR Card “Necessary Sacrifice” [BBQ Essentials]
Masumi Usui SR Card “SUNNY SPRING” [Harugumi Fanservice Study Group ~Masumi Edition~]
Chikage SSR Card “His Welcoming Territory” [ A Boy’s Dream ]
Tsuzuru SSR Card “Everyone From the Minagi Family” [ Midnight cramming ]
Chikage R Card “Last Planet” [ Let’s do good deeds ]
Chikage SR Card “SUNNY SPRING” [Harugumi Fanservice Study Group ~Chikage Edition~]
Chikage SR Card “Invitation On Board” [Ship Model Full of Arrangements]
Chikage SR Card “Brilliance of Blooming” [ MANKAI Livestream! ~ LIVE: Chikage ~ ]
Chikage SR Card “A Capable Man’s Morning Routine” [ An Elite’s Morning ]
Chikage SSR Card “Graceful Paani” [ Sweet and Spicy ]
Chikage SR Card “You Can You Know” [ Secret Notepad ]
Chikage Utsuki SSR Card “Dear My Moon” [ Twinkle Sign ]
Chikage Utsuki SSR Card “Wizard of Death” [ The Western, Northern Wizards and the Ruler of Darkness ]
Summer Troupe
Autumn Troupe
Winter Troupe
Tasuku SSR Card “Fire Kingdom” [What I see now]
Other Characters
Haruto R Card “Twin Kingdoms” [Part-time job together! ~Haruto Version~]
Shift SR Card “Wanting To Be Relied Upon” [Special homemade udon noodles]
Haruto SSR Card “Ice Kingdom” [The Story of Haruto Asuka]
Rento R Card “Cheerful Mr. Sounds Man” [Melon Bread from God]
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Mini Talk
Spring Troupe
SSR Family Mini Talk Translation || Chikage Utsuki
Summer Troupe
Autumn Troupe
Winter Troupe
5th Anniversary Mini Talk “Under The Same Starry Sky” Tsumugi & Rento
Other Characters
Haruto Mini Talk [Twin Kingdoms]
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Song Lyric translation
Spring Troupe
Chikage’s Second Solo “SEEDS” [ FULL VER. ]
Tsuzuru’s Second Solo “The Storyteller” [ FULL VER. (REUPLOAD) ]
Family Activation [ FULL VER. ]
Summer Troupe
Autumn Troupe
Azami’s Second Solo “Teenager” [ FULL VER. ]
Juza’s Second Solo “MIRAILIGHT” [ FULL VER. ]
Winter Troupe
Other Characters
Haruto’s solo “Nitou Joutou” [FULL VER.]
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Web Comic /Manga Translation
Chapter 173 “Croquette feat. Curry”
Chapter 184: ”Be Yourself…”
Chapter 189: “Fearless Eyes”
Chapter 195: “Unrelenting”
Chapter 198: “Teach Us”
Chapter 232: “State Secrets”
A3! Comic Anthology Vol. 2 Translation: Love For The Director
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platinumgigi · 2 years
hiiii so I finished watching TDP season 4 and uhhh...it's...not what I was expecting?
I didn't hate it, there was a lot that I liked about it, some stuff that I loved about it. But there were also some things that I... really did not love about it.
I guess my main problem is just...Rayla. only because I do not know where the series is taking her.
Ever since the trailer where we finally got to see her again, I was all aboard the train of suspecting that she wasn't the real Rayla. Everything about her felt off, from her clothing comprised of dark pinks, purples and silvers (while I know that this is a color palette pretty similar to the ones a lot of other moonshadow elves have, I can't help but immediately think 'starry evening sky' when looking at her outfit) to the fact that she just randomly has a fucking star monkey with her?? Like...um??
And upon going into the new season with the theory that this might not be the real Rayla in mind, things made a lot of sense for a while; the way she acts, the way she treats other people (especially Callum), her priorities, etcetera. Especially with the scene when she first arrives back in Katolis and reunites with Callum—she just so happens to conveniently appear through the window (also, the window in the High Mage's study and not somewhere she'd know he would more likely be?) while Callum is repeating the translated runes of the mirror, with her totally not star-inspired color palette and totally unsuspicious star monkey and overall just pretends like coming back after more than two years since she left him that everything is fine? That they can just be normal again? She honestly doesn't seem really all that guilty and apologetic for it at all either???? None of it felt like Rayla at all—especially not from all the things we know she's been through and the lessons she's learned.
And I think the Fake!Rayla theory could probably still be possible, I guess my issue with the season lies in that...I think they're actually intending for this to be the real Rayla?
I don't know. It's 5AM as I'm writing this, I need to sleep, maybe I'll do some rewatching come tomorrow, but I think the best way I can sum up my thoughts is just that...like, it was a good season. I enjoyed it. But because I really don't know whether or not the Rayla we see in this season with her VERY SUSPICIOUS PET STAR MONKEY WITH PORTAL POWERS is the real Rayla, and honestly I'm trying to cling to all the hope that I can that this, at least in some way, isn't the true Rayla, because if it is, then god damn did the writers assassinate her character. (No pun intended.)
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imasloid · 7 months
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This is PART TWO of the illumination STARS fashion analysis thread (had to separate because of picture limit)! For part one, go here.
UNIT COSTUME #4: Planetes Series | Stella / Luna / Sol (プラテネスシリーズ | ステラ・ルーナ・ソール) - (cont.)
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To complete the “sky” theming, iS has angelic wings that are summoned & fade away after praying to their respective from of illumination, referencing that they’re still far away from becoming top idols. But together they can illuminate the idol world, no matter when or where.
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Bonus fact: The individual costume names also coincide with the COLORFUL FE@THERS albums (Stella/Luna/Sol), with the respective illumination STARS idol being featured in the album that shares its costume name.
UNIT COSTUME #5: Asteres Auroraize (アステレスオーロライズ)
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“Asteres Auroraize” is illumination STARS’ fifth unit costume. Asteres is a combination of a plural Greek word for “star” (astris) & “asterism,” any identified pattern or group of stars. Auroraize is a combination of the word “aurora” & the suffix “-ize” which means “to become.”
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“Asteres Auroraize” has a lot in common with their second unit costume “Siriusly Crown,” including having a strong “star” motif and the same color palette/theming throughout their individual costumes, but variation in their top and bottoms.
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This graphic expands on the strong space, star, sky motifs that “Asteres Auroraize” has, as well as how its name and the costume are related. Like “Siriusly Crown,” its name is heavily tied to the costumes’ symbology as it possesses asterisms and aurora-like imagery.
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One aspect of “Asteres Auroraize” that’s different from “Siriusly Crown” is how it doesn’t strongly signal Mano as the center or leader, the individual costumes being more equalized in design. This a trend that will continue through the rest of illumination STARS’ main costumes.
The animation features the girls being shrouded in their aurora-like cloth, then jumping into the air and posing surrounded by lights in their image colors. Like a cocoon transforming into a butterfly, they shine like fully-evolved idols underneath a starry aurora sky.
UNIT COSTUME #6 - Fantasy Sonare (ファンテジィソナーレ)
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Fantasy Sonare is illumination STARS’ sixth unit costume. Translating to “Fantasy Sound,” it follows the concept of “Planetes Series” as interpreting iS’s “sky/space” theme to depict the idols as guardians or goddesses of music and nature.
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Due to the goddess concept “Fantasy Sonare” has, the costumes have more nature, fairy-tale, and fantasy elements with the usual “space and sky” elements being more minimal or minor. This graphic expands on the key points of these stage costumes.
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As stated earlier, “Fantasy Sonare” has a lot of similarities to the “Planetes Series,” mainly due to having the same concept as “guardians” or “higher powers.” Their similarities are expanded on in this graphic.
The animation for “Fantasy Sonare” shows Mano, Hiori, & Meguru in seperate locations of a forest, playing their instruments to summon energy (in the shape of fairies?) and perform for the forest animals. Though separate, their melodies combine together like a unified symphony.
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One of my favorite details of the animation is these birds colored in the image colors of the illumination STARS members. Though the Mano, Hiori, Meguru are apart in different parts of the forest, these birds are always together, singing and flying to the music that they play.
UNIT COSTUME #7 - One-Two Marching Parade (ワンツーマーチングパレード)
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“One-Two Marching Parade” is illumination STARS’ seventh unit costume. Out of all of their stage outfits, this one is a departure from their usual “space/sky” theming. Instead, it focuses on classic idol costume imagery (marching band) and nature/music like “Fantasy Sonare.”
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This costume has a lot in common with their other costumes “Sparkling Illumination” and “Twinkly Cheerful,” such as their image colors being the main costume color, having traditional/classic idol elements, and not much variation besides the sleeves and bottoms.
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This graphic expands on the key points of “One-Two Marching Parade.” Main points include the marching band/carnival detailing and a return to classic idol elements. It also shares many features with their previous costume “Fantasy Sonare,” having a strong music/nature concept.
The animation shows the members marching down a path surrounding by floral arrangements in bubbles. It’s a huge shift from their usual “sky/space” concept, but fits their main "red/blue/yellow” idol unit image. Super simple, but a feel-good & classic idol aesthetic nonetheless.
UNIT COSTUME #8 - Divine Couronne (ディバインクロンヌ)
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“Divine Couronne” is illumination STARS’ eighth unit costume, translating from French to “Divine Crown.” Like with “Planetes Series” and “Fantasy Sonare,” it translates iS’s “sky/space” theme to depicting Mano, Hiori, and Meguru as deities of music and nature.
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As signaled by its name, “Divine Couronne” has a very strong “goddess” motif, seen by the ornate golden detailing, billowy and ancient-like robes, and floral and vine features showcasing their mastery over nature.
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This costumes takes a lot of elements from both “Planetes Series” and “Fantasy Sonare” aside from sharing the same general concept. This graphic expands on the similarities these costumes have and also elaborates on its common theming and symbolism.
The animation shows the girls in an overgrown ancient plaza. First praying, their crowns materialize & they start to sing, flowers & vines growing everywhere. The last scene shows each idol summoning the same flower in their image colors, representing their unity even when apart.
UNIT COSTUME #9 - Explore Serata (エクスプロアセラータ)
Note: At the time of writing this section, Meguru's card wasn't released. As such, the graphics will just feature Mano and Hiori.
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“Explore Serata” is illumination STARS’ ninth unit costume, translating from Italian to “Explore Evening.” Like their first couple costumes, it brings back their typical strong “star/space” theming, depicting the idols as explorers of the starry sky during a live concert.
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This costume has a very strong adventurer/explorer motif, as illumination STARS looks to traverse the night sky. Not only do their stage costumes resemble sailor or expedition gear, but they also have many tools like binoculars and compasses making the costume feel more involved. In Meguru's card, she has aviator goggles and a map as well.
“Explore Serata” is their first costume that doesn’t characterize iS as the “wings” or “stars” or the “skies;” instead they are the explorers in it. They take an active role in exploring being an idol, navigating the skies on their own terms and taking control of where they go.
The animation shows all three members together, then separating and exploring the night sky on their own. Though they are separated, imagery of the other members appear to show that they are never alone. Using their tools to examine the sky, their vision pivots to the fans’ penlights in their image colors. Like the stars or the moon, their fans are the light that illuminates and guides them to become the brightest idols they can ever dream of being.
This is it for illumination STARS! This section will be updated with new unit costumes when come out.
If you liked this thread, check out my Twitter and give me a tip on Ko-Fi so I can do more things like this with other idol series! Thanks for reading <3
Next section: Mano Sakuragi
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sh4tt3rg1rl · 10 months
3. What of the Domains? Good question, let’s start with Dusk’s because it’s easier to segue. It becomes a hostile version of itself, going from being passively dangerous in some places (but easily defeated once you know its tricks) to a full on death trap, at least…Death in a sense…
4. …Oh, gosh, what death?
See, Dusk is well-intentioned, and does not wish death upon anyone…But she does want to…change things. So I’d you are caught in her traps, thralls, dreams, worlds…
…You will be….different….
You will become a being of poetry, of dreams, of the strange logic of Dusk’s domain. Your pre-existing emotions and symbols will translate over into your newer meaning, but Dusk shall do as she pleases with you otherwise…
So…new designs! For everyone! They’ll probably be pretty similar, but more fantastical/symbolism-packed, with some twilight-sky-starry-galactic hints and a much softer color palette to boot.
5. What of Sun’s world?
Ah, yes, sun! Sun would probably be our best bet to either defeat or at least subdue Dusk in this state. As the most powerful person around, and as someone who knows dusk well enough to know her tactics…She’ll probably be the only one to come out at least mostly unscathed from this experience, both physically and mentally. Unfortunately, she’s fighting an uphill battle against a foe she can’t just burn to the ground…and someone she actually cares about. Character development!
We haven’t even gotten into how Dusk actually gets people to her side…
…And what has become of those from her domain…
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skillled · 17 days
Finding Design Inspiration in the Wonders of Nature
Nature has long been a source of inspiration for artists, architects, and designers. Its shapes, colors, and patterns offer endless possibilities for creativity. Here’s how you can find design inspiration in the wonders of nature.
1. Observe Organic Shapes
Nature is full of beautiful, organic shapes — whether it’s the curve of a leaf, the spiral of a seashell, or the flowing form of a river. These natural shapes are often more appealing than rigid, man-made structures. Incorporate organic lines into your designs to create a sense of movement and fluidity.
2. Draw Inspiration from Color Palettes
The natural world provides vibrant and harmonious color schemes. From the calming blues of the ocean to the fiery reds and oranges of a sunset, nature’s colors can evoke emotions and set the tone for your designs. Use earth tones or bold contrasts inspired by nature to create a balanced and impactful visual experience.
3. Explore Patterns and Textures
Patterns in nature, such as the veins on a leaf, the intricate structure of a snowflake, or the layering of a flower’s petals, are incredible sources of design inspiration. Textures like the roughness of bark or the smoothness of a stone can add depth and richness to your designs. These elements can be translated into textiles, digital designs, or even architecture.
4. Embrace Simplicity and Minimalism
Nature is inherently balanced and efficient. It often operates with simplicity, reducing everything to its essential form. By adopting a minimalist approach inspired by nature, you can create designs that are both elegant and functional. Clean lines, uncluttered spaces, and a focus on core elements lead to a more impactful design.
5. Use Nature as a Metaphor
Nature is full of metaphors — growth, resilience, adaptation — that can be applied to design thinking. Whether you’re designing a logo, a website, or a product, you can use these concepts to convey meaning and resonate with your audience on a deeper level.
6. Look to the Sky
The sky, whether it’s a clear day, a starry night, or a cloudy afternoon, offers endless inspiration. The gradient of colors during a sunset, the patterns of clouds, or the constellations in the night sky can be translated into dynamic and innovative design ideas.
Finding design inspiration in nature helps you tap into timeless and universally appealing aesthetics. Whether it’s through shapes, colors, patterns, or metaphors, nature offers a wealth of creative possibilities. By bringing these natural elements into your designs, you can create visually stunning and emotionally resonant work that connects with your audience on a deeper level.
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studiojkessler · 7 months
Creating a Desert Oasis: Phoenix Interior Designer's Inspirations
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The desert landscapes of the American Southwest are known for their stark beauty, with rugged mountains, vast stretches of sand, and vibrant sunsets painting the sky in vivid hues. While this arid environment may seem inhospitable at first glance, Phoenix interior designer Julie Kessler of Studio J.Kessler has made it her mission to bring the desert's natural splendor indoors, creating oasis-like sanctuaries that celebrate the region's unique aesthetic.
As a renowned interior designer Scottsdale Arizona, Kessler draws inspiration from the Sonoran Desert's diverse flora and fauna, translating the area's rich hues and textures into inviting spaces that seamlessly blend indoor and outdoor living. Her designs are a love letter to the desert, showcasing its raw beauty while providing a refined and luxurious retreat for her clients.
"The desert is a constant source of inspiration for me," Kessler says. "From the moment I wake up and see the sun peeking over the mountains to the evenings spent watching the stars twinkle in the vast night sky, I'm continuously in awe of the desert's ever-changing canvas."
One of Kessler's signature design elements is her masterful use of color. Drawing from the desert's warm, earthy tones, she expertly weaves together shades of terracotta, ochre, and burnished copper, creating a rich tapestry that evokes the sandy landscapes and red rock formations that define the region. These hues are often complemented by pops of vibrant turquoise and deep indigo, reminiscent of the striking blue skies and shadows cast by the desert's towering saguaro cacti.
Texture plays an equally important role in Kessler's designs. She frequently incorporates natural materials like rough-hewn wood, polished stone, and woven textiles, echoing the desert's rugged terrain and paying homage to the area's indigenous craftsmanship. These tactile elements not only add depth and interest to her spaces but also serve as a grounding force, connecting her clients to the desert's ancient rhythms.
"I believe that our surroundings have a profound impact on our well-being," Kessler explains. "By bringing the desert's natural beauty inside, we create a sense of tranquility and harmony that allows us to truly exhale and find peace."
Beyond color and texture, Kessler's designs are infused with a deep respect for the desert's delicate ecosystem. She incorporates sustainable materials and practices wherever possible, ensuring that her creations leave a minimal environmental footprint. This philosophy extends to her use of native plants, which not only add a touch of desert greenery to her spaces but also require minimal water and maintenance, a crucial consideration in the arid climate.
One of Kessler's most striking projects is a stunning Scottsdale residence that seamlessly blends indoor and outdoor living. The interior features a palette of warm, sun-baked hues punctuated by pops of vivid blue, paying homage to the desert skies. Rough-hewn wood beams and stone floors lend a rustic, organic feel, while carefully curated textiles and artwork add layers of richness and depth.
But it's the seamless integration of the outdoors that truly sets this home apart. floor-to-ceiling windows frame breathtaking views of the surrounding desert landscape, while a series of strategically placed patios and courtyards invite residents to bask in the region's abundant sunshine and starry nights. Native plants and cacti dot the landscape, creating a sense of harmony between the built and natural environments.
"This home is a true celebration of the desert's beauty," Kessler says. "Every element has been carefully considered to create a space that feels deeply rooted in its surroundings while still providing the ultimate in luxury and comfort."
Whether it's a sprawling estate or a cozy urban retreat, Kessler's designs are a testament to the enduring allure of the desert. By seamlessly interweaving the region's natural splendor with modern luxury, she has created a distinct aesthetic that is both timeless and deeply rooted in the Sonoran Desert's unique sense of place.
As Kessler looks to the future, she remains committed to pushing the boundaries of desert-inspired design, continuously seeking new ways to capture the spirit of this captivating landscape. With each project, she invites her clients to embrace the desert's raw beauty, creating sanctuaries that offer a reprieve from the hustle and bustle of modern life while paying homage to the region's rich natural heritage.
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"Canvas and Culture: Elevating Kids' Fashion through Artistic Inspirations"
Embark on a colorful journey where kids' fashion meets art and culture! Explore how the rich tapestry of artistic expression from around the world can infuse creativity, vibrancy, and a touch of global flair into your little one's wardrobe.
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Cultural Kaleidoscope:
Discover how different cultures inspire unique kids' fashion trends. From African prints to Japanese motifs, delve into the diverse world of ethnic patterns and textiles that can transform any outfit into a masterpiece.
Miniature Masterpieces:
Uncover the magic of famous artworks translated into wearable art for kids. From Van Gogh's Starry Night to Mondrian's geometric precision, witness these iconic pieces brought to life on stylish canvas.
Color Your World:
Dive into the world of color theory and explore how artists' palettes influence kids' clothing choices. Learn how to create harmonious outfits using complementary hues, just like artists do on their canvases.
Storytelling Stitches:
Discover how ancient myths, legends, and folklore inspire intricate embroidery, appliqués, and embellishments on kids' clothing. Let your little ones wear stories that have been passed down through generations.
Experience the fusion of culture and creativity as we transform kids' fashion into a canvas for artistic imagination. From traditional patterns to modern art movements, let's celebrate the visual wonders that enrich our lives and inspire our children to embrace the world's vast tapestry of creativity.
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vinmiral · 2 years
Save separate layers photo image editor pixelstyle
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The original image and the target image are input to the discriminator, and it must determine if the target is a plausible transformation of the original image. The Pix2Pix model is a type of conditional GAN where the creation of the output image depends on the input, in this case, the original image. Possible approachesĪs you may already guess, there are several approaches to do what we want:ġ.Pix2Pix model.
As such, the two models are trained simultaneously in an adversarial process where the generator seeks to better fool the discriminator and the discriminator seeks to better identify the counterfeit images. The discriminator model is updated directly, whereas the generator model is updated via the discriminator model. The GAN architecture consists of a generator model for outputting new plausible synthetic images, and a discriminator model that classifies images as real (from the dataset) or fake (generated). Since we have to generate a new picture in a certain way, we will use GAN (Generative Adversarial Network). If we use machine learning models or neural networks to solve Image-to-image translation tasks, then this approach is called “ Neural Style Transfer”.įor example, when you want to transform horses into zebras, or pears into light bulbs using machine learning - you become a magician with the “Style Transfer” wand! General concepts Image-to-image translation is a class of vision and graphics tasks where the goal is to learn the mapping between an input image and an output image. Such tasks are called Image-to-image translation. After that, you can generate a new image by combining the content from your photo with the style from the second image. In other words, you need to extract the content from your pet photo and extract the style from the second image. So, what you want to get is a new image of your pet but in Van Gogh style. Imagine that the first picture is a photo of your favorite pet and the second one is a painting by Van Gogh “Starry night”. Let’s give a simple example to better understand what exactly we have to do. Our task is to create a model that will take a usual picture, photo, meme, whatever you want, and convert it to pixel art style. Now that we have defined what a pixel art style is, we can move on to the practical side of this article.
Pixelate your favorite meme and and enjoy How to transform images The task definition Make individual pixels clearly visible, but not necessarily in low-resolution images.A certain color scheme:It is considered good practice to use the minimum number of colors ideally - the standard 16 colors available on the vast majority of video subsystems, even the earliest ones: in them, three bits encode signals R, G, B and the fourth bit encodes brightness.Thus, we can formulate the following features of the pixel style: A certain color gamut is used, and also in each case, its own pixel size is used to make the image look more harmonious. Some might think that the pixel style is just poor quality images with oversized pixels, but I want to explain how this is just untrue. Therefore, the idea of creating AI that will automatically apply the pixel style to any photo or picture seemed very appealing! General Pixel Art rules Usually, it takes a lot of time for the artist to create such pictures, since you need to keep in mind the limitations in resolution and color palettes. Some pictures in the pixel style can be surprising, with their elaboration and idea. Memories. Pixel art brings back great, nostalgic feelings for gamers who grew up playing Nintendo, Super Nintendo, or Genesis.
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kanasmusings · 6 years
[Kanji/Romaji/English Lyrics] Starry Palette - [君へ] Short ver.
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Okay~! Thank you to @elcall for dragging me into this game lol  The game is pretty cute and I love it a lot so far~ I only started playing yesterday but who cares www
The game has a cute little playlist of songs that you’ve played (like this):
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That little note under the picture that says 「歌詞」are the lyrics~! So, I’m gonna translate every single song in this game that I’ve unlocked lol.
Y’all, go download the game now XD
※ Please don’t re-post the kanji/romaji and English translations without permission. Instead of reposting, please just like/reblog instead ^^
Under the cut, enjoy~
「君へ」 “To You”
 君に会い 騒がしいしく過ぎてく毎日に慣れた今
独りぼっち見上げるそらにも 笑いあう声 聞こえてくるようで
言えないまま 通り過ぎる
日々の中で 大切なもの
少し照れても ちゃんと言うから受け止めて
不器用に光る夢 空に浮かぶ
ずっと 君と
 se no takai kigi ni motareta mama sora wo miageteita
samishikatta ano koro wa konna jikan mo imi naku omoete ta
 kimi ni ai sawagashiku sugiteku mainichi nareta ima
hitoribocchi miageru sora ni mo warai au koe kikoete kuru you de
 tatta hitotsu no kotoba sae mo
ienai mama toorisugiru
hibi no naka de taisetsu na mono
mebaeta kimochi wo todoketai
mada kantan ni wa ienai kedo
sukoshi teretemo chanto iu kara uketomete
bukiyou ni hikaru yume sora ni ukabu
ano oka koete
zutto kimi to
aruite yukou
  Leaning on the side of a tall tree while looking up at the sky.
Back during those lonely days, I thought that even times like these made no sense.
 I want to meet you, even in this lively, noisy life that I’ve gotten used to.
I feel like, even if I looked up at the sky alone, I could still hear laughing voices.
 Even just one word that I can’t say
passes through the more I let it be.
It’s like a treasure within my days.
I want these budding feelings to reach you.
 “Thank you.”
I still can’t say these words easily.
I’ll say them even if I feel shy so please receive them.
This awkward dream that the light shines on scatters in the sky.
It goes beyond those hills.
Forever with you,
I want to keep walking.
※ Please don’t re-post the kanji/romaji and English translations without permission. Instead of reposting, please just like/reblog instead ^^
If you like this, please consider buying me a ko-fi here to support my work. (o^▽^o)Thank you!!
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nieru07 · 6 years
Hoshino Kureha Side Story Chapter 13, 14, & 15 [English Translation]
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These 3 chapters is the last chapter of Kureha’s side story………...for now
[Previous chapter]
Chapter 13 : “Where is My Real self....”
Kureha: “My real self…...”
Mother: “Because Kaede said “i want to fulfill Kureha’s dream no matter what”, i didn’t stop you that time. And i’m also rooting for you now, but…”
Mother: “I don’t want you to forget”
Mother: “About what do you really want to do… and who you really are…”
Mother: “You are Kaede, not Kureha. You can’t be Kureha”
Mother: “That’s why, it’s okay even if you didn’t push yourself to fulfill Kureha’s dream”
Kaito: “Sigh… be it your true self or whatever it is, the you whom standing right here is the real you, right?”
Kureha: “I’m Hoshino Kaede, but also Hoshino Kureha…...”
Kureha: “Kaede is… My past self is…. not as bright as the me now, and is a complete opposite of Kureha…”
Kureha: “Then, the reason i became cheerful now… is because i’m Hoshino Kureha?”
Kureha: “...........”
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Kureha: “Who is the me whom standing here right now..?”
Kureha: “Aiming to become an idol… whose dream is that?”
Kureha: “Ah, a message… from Kazuyuki?”
Kureha: “‘Club has already started’, he said… AAAAAHH!! IM LATE!!”
Kureha: “S-sorry for being late..”
Toya: “Oi oi, did you oversleep?”
Kureha: “No… i’m awake but, i spaced out”
Kazuyuki: “Do you feel sick?”
Aoi: “Is that true?”
Kureha: “Ah, no! There’s nothing like that”
Kureha: “As you can see, i’m full of spirit!”
Yuhi: “Are you really okay?”
Kureha: “I am!”
Kazuyuki: “Don’t push yourself, okay?”
Kureha: ‘I have to focus on practice right now!’
Kaito: “Oi. You did the choreography wrong there”
Kureha: “Eh, s-sorry!”
Toma: “Somehow, don’t you think Kureha-san did a lot of miss than usual today?”
Aoi: “It looks like his mind is somewhere else”
Yuhi: “As i thought.. maybe he doesn’t feel well…”
Toma: “Hmm~ but from what i saw, it doesn’t looks like he is sick or something like that”
Yuhi: “Then… is something bothering his mind..?”
Aoi: “Kazuyuki, did you ask what happened to him?”
Kazuyuki: “I did. But no matter what i asked, he only said that he is okay..”
Kazuyuki: “But, it always looks like he was thinking about something”
Toya: “Kureha always so noisy when it comes to other person, but he is rather quiet when it’s about himself”
Aoi: “You have a point..”
Kureha: “Today, i can’t act like Kureha at all”
Kureha: “Kureha will not made that much misses and will not make everyone worried like that..”
Kureha: “As i thought, i’m not good because…. i’m not the real Kureha…”
Chapter 14 : “A Secret of the Hidden Wound”
Yoichi: “Let’s end today practice”
All: “Good work!”
Toma: “Uwaah… there’s a downpour outside..”
Toma: “I don’t want to get wet”
MC: “Since i brought a folding umbrella, should i go to the club room and take everyone’s share of umbrellas as well?”
Toya: “But.. even though we will get wet, it’s not like we will be soaking wet, right”
Toya: “Let’s go to the club room by running”
Kureha: “Eh”
Kazuyuki: “Kureha-kun, what’s wrong?”
MC: “I can take one person with me so, Kureha-kun, do you want to go back together with me?”
Kureha: “N-no… it’s okay! I’m going to go back by running with everyone”
Toma: “Uuugh.. I can’t believe we also have to run even after the practice is over..”
Toma: “I’m going with manager---”
Aoi: “What are you thinking of taking the good part by yourself! You also going to run with us”
Toma: “Eeehh”
Yoichi: “Well then, everyone. Let’s go”
Kureha: ‘I’m going to be okay, right…’
Toma: “Who said we wouldn’t be soaking wet?”
Toya: “I was completely mistaken haha”
Toya: “But well, you became such a good man until water is immersed in you, right”
Aoi: “I’m immersed! Toya-san is so charming! Beautiful!”
Toma: “What are you sayi---achoo!”
Yoichi: “It will be bad if anyone catch cold. Everyone, hurry up and get changed”
Aoi: “Huh? Kureha. I didn’t know you have a wound on that place”
Kureha: “Eh…?”
Subaru: “You’re right~ there’s a wound on your forehead~”
Kureha: “........!”
Yuhi: “Ku-Kureha-kun?”
Kureha: “I-I’m…..”
Kureha: ‘What should i do… they’ve seen it….’
Kureha: ‘Even though i must be “Hoshino Kureha” in front of everyone..’
Toma: “What’s wrong? Getting panicked like that..”
Kazuyuki: “Could it be.. you don’t want anyone to see it?”
Kureha: “Eumm… Err…”
Kureha: “I’m going to toilet for a sec!” *runs*
Yuhi: “Kureha-kun…”
Toya: “It’s my first time seeing Kureha panicked like that..”
Aoi: “Could it be.. that wound is the reason why he doesn’t to take a bath together until now..”
Kureha: “Sigh…”
Kureha: “Huh? It’s open..” *enters the club room*
MC: “Who is that!?”
Kureha: “Uwah!?”
MC: “Ah, i’m sorry! The door’s sound surprised me..”
Kureha: “I’m also sorry for making you surprised. So you are still here..”
MC: “Err.. I still have something to do, so…”
Kureha: “Manager is someone who can’t lie, huh”
MC: “Eh?”
Kureha: “It’s my fault, right”
MC: “What are you saying! It’s not your fault!”
MC: “I’m worried about Kureha-kun, so i waited here by my own will”
Kureha: “As i thought, i made you wait”
MC: “Ah… that’s….”
Kureha: “Sorry for troubling you”
Kureha: “I became distraught like that just because my wound was being seen...”
MC: “Could it be, that wound is…”
Kureha: “Yeah. It was from when i got caught up in the mudslide...”
Kureha: “I always tried to hide it so it can’t be seen though”
Kureha: “It seems like the foundation was swept away by the rain..”
MC: “Why are you hiding it?”
Kureha: “Because if don’t, i feel like “Hoshino Kaede” going to come out even for a bit”
Kureha: “How should i put it….”
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Kureha: “There’s two divided part inside me. The one with wound is “Kaede”, and the one without wound is “Kureha””
Kureha: “When i’m being Kureha, i would definitely hide my wound along with hiding “Kaede”s existence as well”
Kureha: “That’s why, when my wound was being seen, it felt like they found out that i’m “Kaede” and i ran away…”
Kureha: “Heheh, even though there’s no way they would found out. No one know about this wound after all..”
MC: “Kureha-kun….”
Kureha: “Say, manager… the one who is here right now, which one do you think it is?”
MC: “What did you mean by which one?”
Kureha: “The me who were talking with you right now.. Is it Kureha? Or Kaede?”
Kureha: “Recently, there’s a time when i’m trying to be Kureha but, when i realized it i became Kaede..”
Kureha: “”Kureha” and “Kaede” become mixed up and i became more and more unable to understand my real self…”
MC: “So that’s why your condition is strange recently”
Kureha: “...sorry for always whining. I should get ahold of myself, right”
Kureha: “I should be the decent “Hoshino Kureha””
MC: “Kaede-kun…”
Kureha: “Ahahah! Manager, you got it wrong!”
Kureha: “My name is “Hoshino Kureha”! “Kureha” that’s written as Momiji!”
MC: “..........”
Kureha: “Woops, i should get ready to go home soon if not, manager can’t lock the room, right!”
Kureha: “I’m going to get ready right now so, wait for a bit”
MC: ‘Is there something i can do for Kureha-kun….’
Chapter 15 : “Cycling on a Sunny Day”
Kaede: “Kureha, you are mad at me, right?”
Kureha: “Eh? What are you talking about?”
Kureha: “Ah!! Could it be, Kaede was the one who eat my pudding!?”
Kaede: “No, you are wrong...”
Kureha: “Eeh? Then, are you the one ate the ice cream that i kept?”
Kaede: “No, that’s not what i’m talking about”
Kaede: “Kureha, I’m sorry…. Because of me… That time… instead of you, i…..”
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Kureha: “....whoever the first one, it’ll be the same”
Kureha: “......again...”
Kureha: “....it’s still early. Recently, i keep on seeing a dream about Kureha..”
Kureha: “....sigh”
Kureha: “Kureha…”
Kureha: “...this is not good!”
Kureha: “I can’t be like this!”
Kureha: “Yosh, it’s sunny!”
Kureha: “There’s no club activity today. As expected, at time like this, it’s that, right!”
Kureha: “Huh? Yuhi-senpai?”
Yuhi: “Kureha-kun…. morning”
Kureha: “Good morning! Where are you going this early in the morning?”
Yuhi: “I’m going to check the rabbits…. that’s in the breeding hut”
Yuhi: “How about Kureha-kun?”
Kureha: “Since  there’s no club activity today, i’m thinking about going to cycling!”
Yuhi: “Then, wanna go together until the midway..?”
Kureha: “Okay!”
Yuhi: “Eumm.. yesterday, are you okay..?”
Kureha: “Ah… yeah. I’m really sorry for suddenly rushed out like that!”
Yuhi: “It’s okay..”
Yuhi: “You didn’t catch cold, right…? I’m worried…”
Yuhi: “that time Kureha-kun was still soaked after all..”
Kureha: “Don’t worry about it! As you can see, i’m healthy and lively!”
Yuhi: “I see…”
Kureha: “Ah… please don’t mind what happened yesterday!”
Yuhi: “If that’s what Kureha-kun wished for…”
Yuhi: “If you don’t want to tell us the reason you hide it then there’s no need for you to do so. Everyone also said the same thing...”
Yuhi: “Everyone has things that they want to hide after all…”
Kureha: “Yuhi-senpai…”
Yuhi: “If one day Kureha-kun want to talk about it, just tell me, i’ll always lend you an ear”
Yuhi: “Even though it’s not me….. I think everyone will lend you an ear”
Kureha: “Thank you very much”
Yuhi: “Then, i will be going to the breeding hut...”
Yuhi: “Be careful while you cycling”
Kureha: “Yeah! I’m off!”
Yuhi: “Take care”
Kureha: “It’s already this late when i’m being absorbed in riding my bike”
Kureha: “Ah! It’s Kaito!”
Kureha: “Kaitooo!!”
Kaito: “..........”
Kureha: “What is it what is it? It’s rare for you to stare at me like that!”
Kureha: “Could it be you are worried about me?”
Kaito: “I am”
Kureha: “I know righ---wait, Eeeh!?”
Kaito: “Oi, don’t get it wrong. I’m not worried about you”
Kaito: “I’m worried whether it will affect our next Pre-star or not if the center condition is like that”
Kaito: “You understand that the next Pre-star is the last one, right?”
Kureha: “I understand…”
Kureha: “But no worries! Since i’ll do it properly”
Kureha: “By the way, just now you indirectly said that you are worried about me, right?”
Kaito: “I didn’t”
Kureha: “I’m happy~! If i didn’t bring a bike right now, i’m gonna hug you right away. What a shame!”
Kureha: “By the way, tonight’s dinner seems to be fried chicken, you know?”
Kaito: “then what’s with that”
Kureha: “The one who arrive at the dorm first will receive one fried chicken from the one who lose!”
Kaito: “Huh? Even though it’s an equal challenge, it’s a foul play if you’re the one who ride a bike---Oi! Hoshino!”
Kureha: “Come on! Run if you want to eat many fried chicken!”
Kaito: “wtf… what’s with him..”
Story clear! (for now)
Aahh i finally translated the last chapter for now. Certainly thought it’s gonna take one month because i’m a lazzy-ass but i managed to finish it within 2 weeks. Congrats to myself for not being lazzy *clap clap*
Btw have you guys read the newest chapter of the main story? It’s finally Kureha’s turn to make us cry :’D his monologue at the beginning of the chapter made me cry for 2 minutes *sobs* my son;;; *sobs* i think starting now i need to prepare some tissues whenever they updated the main story _(:’D_
Oh right, i plan to translate Toya’s side story next! which is another trip of feels :’D
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wonderouslilith · 6 years
If you don't think that Toya-san is a sweet guy, we can't be friends.
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strayhitsuji · 6 years
stirRhythm Radio 2|| 最近涙したその理由は? ((With Kazuyuki, Subaru, and Yoichi))
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Yoichi: Greetings to you all. This is stirRhythm Radio.             I’m your host for this episode, Yoichi Asada, and I’m joined by-- Kazuyuki: K-Kazuyuki Igarashi! Subaru: A-nd Subaru Arizumi.             But anyway, what’s with that intro? You sound like you’re on the evening news or something. Yoichi: It’s important to have a proper lead-in.
Kazuyuki: U-um! I think it’s nice that he’s being himself! Subaru: Siiigh, fine, fine. If you two are okay with it, I’m okay with it.  Yochi: Since the temperature has been dropping lately, have you two been doing anything to protect yourselves from the cold? Subaru: Where’d that come from... Kazuyuki: I’ve been making sure to wear warm and fluffy socks while I sleep. Subaru: Who-a, didn’t see that coming. You don’t exactly seem the type to go out and buy something cute like that yourself, Kazu-kun. Kazuyuki: U-um, well, actually Toma-kun’s the one who gave them to me. Yoichi: Toma-san’s a good friend. Kazuyuki: You... think so? ...Ehehe, I’m glad. Yoichi: What about you, Subaru-san? Subaru: All I need is to camp out in the club room ‘til this weather passes. Yoichi: How unhealthy. Subaru: Every once in a while you need a day where you don’t do anything but conk out, right?             Hey, why don’t we take an afternoon nap together? Right under that blue sky. Yoichi: In this chill....? Do me a favor and keep your face as the only joke around here. Subaru: How can I, Yoichi-kun, when your face also looks like a joke~ Yoichi: Who do you.... Kazuyuki: H-hey! Shouldn’t we get to reading one of the messages that were sent in by our listeners? Yoichi: Yes, you’re right. This episode’s theme was “The Most Recent Reason Why I Cried”.             Kazu, if you would. Kazuyuki: Can I really pick the submission? Yay, I’m so happy!             Which one should I pick.... What about... this one!             This message comes from Ririsu-san.             “While I was at home, I tripped over my cat. I tried as hard as I could to protect them by falling into a nearby wall, but I ended up scratching up my nose in the process.”             Are... you okay, Ririsu-san? Subaru: Ririsu-san’s got a heart of gold where animals are concerned, huh? Kazuyuki: Definitely. It’s good that nothing seems to have happened to the cat, but it’s sad that Ririsu-san wasn’t able to avoid getting hurt themself... Yoichi: They must have fallen with a lot of force, don’t you think? Subaru: Ahaha, what kind of comment is that? Yoichi: Which reminds me, when he was younger Kazu also used to trip over nothing quite often. Kazuyuki: Oh yeah.... Every time I hurt myself, big brother would come over and say “ouchie, ouchie, fly away-” like he was casting a magic spell. Yoichi: That’s enough. Kazuyuki: Then he would gently blow on where I hurt myself, after that... Yoichi: They get it already...! Kazuyuki: S-sorry.... Subaru: Are you embarrassed, Yoichi-kun? Do you want me to chant, “embarrassment, fly away-” for yooooou? Yoichi: Kgh.... It seems we’ve reached the end. Unfortunately, we’ve run into some issues with our broadcast. Subaru: Should I blow gently on the issues? Make them all better? Yoichi: You’re the one that needs to be made “all better”. Subaru: Ahaha~ Kazuyuki: W-well, that’s all for now...!             To Ririsu-san and everyone else who submitted a message, thank you so much! Yoichi: The next episode will be “A Moment I Remember Liking Myself”. Subaru: You have until December 3 to get your answers in~ Yoichi: Until next time.
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rainypaperangel · 2 years
Another one, thank you!
I did another Live-Action-Movie-Costume dressing, this time of My Little Pony Equestria Girls, and......... y'all are nasty. I need to burn my eyes now, enjoy the results of my pain!
Twilight Sparkle
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Twilight is preppy and studious in her clothing, and I think I found a pretty good solution for that! I changed her purple hair for a straight, black ponytail, because I think that'd suit the whole ensemble really well!
The clothing is pretty simple, but with nice colours and starry imagery hidden on the hair tie and the bracelet! I was thinking it'd look really good to hand-stitch a star on the skirt, but I'm not about to Photoshop that unless someone'll buy the program for me...
Pinkie Pie
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Pinkie was surprisingly difficult to make, but I think I landed on something fun! The biggest change is the hair and the shoes: I get their hair resembles a mane, but I think short, pink curly hair would suit her better in live-action. It'd make her look quirky and bubbly, and it's more hygenic when baking!
She'd wear fun and cozy clothing, always ready to any kind of party! A balloon shirt? Uh, yes please! Cake-patterned flats? Say no more! A fluffy tutu? Why of course!
Rainbow Dash
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Rainbow Dash will be queer-coded no matter what you do, deal with it.
That said, short rainbow hair would translate soooo well into live action! I like the idea of a sporty look, because... she is. So, flat shoes, sensible training shorts, and of course a rainbow sweatband (is that what they're called for the wrist? Wristband? IDK, it's late...)
All in all, I think this turned out really well! Can't you just see her as the football captain?
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I like Rarity's design plenty enough, but I wanted to make her stand out a bit more and look more regal. Instead of a short skirt, like they all wear, I gave her a more "ladylike" young skirt, which'd make her look a bit older, which I think is what she'd be aiming for. Puffed sleeved for a regal look, and of course, a lot of jewelry!
Yeah, I don't have much to say! I like the idea of a simple, classical Rarity <3
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I will never recover from what I saw while looking for reference pictures of this one... ya'll need Jesus*!
Anyway, I gave fluttershy a green bunny hoodie to hide in - I think it'd look absolutely adorable, and it'd make sense with her being so shy. I paired it with a loose, white shirt and a poofy floral skirt. I think green slippers would suit her well, especially paired with some adorable, almost cottagecore-like socks!
And, of course, I gave her butterfly clips for her hair!
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Applejack was surprisingly difficult to find items for, but I think I got some good things! I went for a denim-pant instead of the skirt - I think it'd be more practical for a country girl! The iconic cowboy hat is back, paired with an apple belt and an apple pin!
I liked the idea of a shorter hairdo, which'd be more practical for farmwork - much in Applejack's spirit!
Sunset Shimmer
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This would either be too sexy for a children's movie, or it'd be someone's awakening... Anyway! With a red/black color palette with gold accents, I think Sunset Shimmer came together really well! Instead of stripy hair, I think a fade from orangy red to yellow would look fiery good!
I changed the purple skirt for red, because I don't think the eggplant-color would match well in live-action. I really like the matching red leather gloves too, she could wear just one or both of them! With a yellow crop-top combined with a black leather vest, we have something much like the cartoon design, and a sun-pendant necklace ties in her cutie mark!
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Fairy Ranmaru 3 - 5 | TWEWY 3 - 5 | HGPC 6 - 12, 22 - 24 | Back Arrow 7
Adding the tag for Fairy Ranmaru, because that's the only anime I have really set for this season.
Fairy Ranmaru 3
· Update: For some reason, I didn’t quite realise he was speaking English the first time and then repeating himself in Japanese. It’s only a very short scene, which is probably how it happened.
· LOL, that one well-timed beam that only vaguely obscured Uruu’s butt…
· If I heard small Uruu right, he calls her okaasama and not okaasan.
· LOL, Asahi (morning) = Yuuhi (evening) beer.
· I wonder what’s up with Houjou? Is he gonna be evil, like (SPOILERS!) the manager in Mahou Shoujo Ore? Why doesn’t Houjou have wings, anyway? Update: Notice the main quintet get rid of the wings in some shots and then conjure them when necessary. It might just be Houjou hasn’t needed his wings yet…
· Hmm…I’ve been thinking about how Japanese HypMic fans buy lots of CDs and merch (crazy amounts, have you seen the shrines???) to do something similar, but their purpose isn’t really to keep their characters’ careers going in as much as it is to further a plotline…so is it really on the same level as this [buying all the photobooks for the sake of helping the relevant celebrity succeed]? I dunno, you decide.
· LOL, conveniently-placed light beams are really terrible this episode.
· …wow. That got…uh…suggestive (?) (I was really shocked when I saw that the first time. How did they manage to get away with that on late-night TV???)
· We went from Madoka Magica -> moe world -> ukiyoe world…what’s next?
· …uh…suggestive? (x2)
· They really like the pot theme, huh…?
· I dunno if that was meant to be poignant that Ranmaru said Uruu was crying on the inside, but…I laughed at it.
· Wait, so why was Nodoka’s mum unemployed? Was she moving for work? Update: Seems she quit her job because Nodoka was hospitalised.
· (no notes, sorry!)
· SKY appears to be “Sukoyaka”. Update: Yep, later you see Chiyu with the track outfit and it says SKYK.
· (no notes, sorry!)
· (no notes, sorry!)
Back Arrow 7
· This general with the big beard kinda looks like Archie (from Pokemon).
· Hmm…I think I like Prax already, with the sole exception her Briheight looks rather similar to a palette-swapped Muga.
· This song must mean so much more to people who’ve played the game…(The OP, I mean.)
· Shoumetsu…it means “erasure”, technically. Will wait and see if it means more in context.
· Subaru using his normal voice as Beat. I think Ichiro is also his normal voice, or slightly gruffer and/or lower.
· Tower Records, as anime fans know, is an anime/music store. They’re well known for their “no anime, no life” stuff (exhibit A: the HypMic Rhyme Anima version).
· Ooh, Shibuya Marui. Reminds me of the one I saw in Akihabara.
· One of the signs in the back says “Shibuya First Bank”.
· “…1 Days” (sic).
· Why do I seem to recall Neku can only use one of his badge powers as a time…? Where did I learn that from?...I don’t know.
· The final boss defeated in episode 3. There is surely more around the corner…
· Ohhhhhhhh! That’s a big twist!
· Parco = this department store chain. Known mostly for P’PARCO shopping centres.
· *opens calculator on computer* The square root of 10814 is 104…Shibuya 104. Update: It’s 109 in real life, but 104 here.
· Are those…crabs? *Crab Rave plays in background*
· The Reapers at the top have cardinal directions in their surnames, but Uzuki doesn’t. That’s because her first name means the 4th month of the calendar. Update: Kariya has the character for “hunter” in his surname, too.
· LOL, Yoshidaya (in the back, a parody of Yoshinoya).
· I wonder, why is Joshua’s power so similar to Neku’s fire pin…?
· Rhyme has “dream” as one of the kanji in her name.
· Kangaroo Noise…(*thinks about HypMic ARB* Not more kangaroos…) (<- kidding)
· Oh no! I read spoilers before this so I knew Beat was going to become a Reaper, but…oh nooooooooo!
· Exploding dandelion seeds…now that’s novel!
· Ah, so here’s Batetemoda’s intro…(he’s such a chuuni…)
· Skipped a bunch of episodes because I saw them already.
· The decision to write “Asumin” without the U is a bit weird, I think, but still a valid one.
· (no notes, sorry!)
· (no notes, sorry!)
Fairy Ranmaru 4
· LOL, he (Juka) tossed poor Bakkun…
· LOL, censorship bottles.
· Brass ring. I’d never heard of the term before and I’m an English (kinda-)native speaker. (Technically Cantonese is my first language, but English is my best.)
· Did you see Uruu’s rubber duck?
· Bakkun’s a couch now! Cute!
· …so basically, Juka is a healer. Got it.
· Note how the F is green now…
· I always look away at the kiss scenes. They’re a bit of a waste of time, methinks.
· LOL, the randomly-placed effects and beams over Juka’s bits.
· Oh, Sunflowers. That would explain why Starry Night is Juka’s painting in the OP, like Uruu’s is the Great Wave.
· …and here’s Starry Night now, right on cue.
· JKRM???? (Shouldn’t that be L…?)
· The A in “CAT” looked slightly like it had cat ears.
· Wait, if this was with flip phones back in the day, did they still have apps then…? Or was it programs?
· Ooh, orange badge.
· ”Fresh Humburger”, LOL.
Fairy Ranmaru 5
· Note the opening segment has a plain chatreuse background for Ranmaru (aside from a scratched effect, like someone’s rubbed a pencil lead over it), fireworks for Homura, the Wave for Uruu, Starry Night for Juka and…I don’t know what Takara’s is, but it’s bright yellow and has spots on the edges.
· LOL, Bakkun’s use of sauces. If they only eat curry, why do they have tomato sauce and mustard, anyway…?
· I don’t think I ever properly understood what “out to lunch” meant…”temporarily not in command of one's mental faculties.” There you go!
· The sign’s F is gold this time…
· Yeah, around when she said “you bought all my vegetables”, I noticed the boxes said “carrots”, “potatoes” and so on. I didn’t even know “carrot” had kanji until yesterday, believe it or not (and I learnt that from a HypMic fan comic…*sweatdrops* Samatoki hates carrots).
· I dunno why, but men in anime sure seem to be proud of eating meat…
· LOL, weirdly-placed light beams over Takara’s butt. (I don’t know whether to call the staff “cowards” for refusing to showing the full butt or not.)
· Even the money has pots on it! I love how this anime keeps on going with that joke…(lel?)
· As it turns out, fuhen means “unchanging”. Yaochou likewise means “fixed game”, but it’s a pun on the word for “grocer” (八百屋, readyaoya and sharing the first two kanji, hence the English translation of “Fixed Grocer”).
· Oh! I had to think about it a little, but Ruise = Seiru (sale) backwards. (Update: Sort of, there's a line in the middle that has to be covered for with the I.) “Oshida”, I think, is meant to mean “authority”, so to put that with Fuhen would mean something like “eternal authority [over Ruise and her dad, due to their debt]”. Update: You know when the bull gets pushed out of the ring? That’s called oshidashi.
· Hmm? That star badge Takara wears in human form seems to be that yellow thing on his shoulder in fairy form.
· Hmm…come to think of it, “bull” was the name of a type of stock market speculator…What a pun!
· Why does Takara keep licking his lips???
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rokutouxei · 5 years
sunlight; triptych illuminated
ikemen vampire: temptation in the dark
gen | platonic vincent/mc/theo | 2621 https://archiveofourown.org/works/19740670
notes: slight spoilers; slightly based off of vincent’s route (first few chapters), but altered to a great degree + historical stuff included. 
anonymous requested: I'm just really interested in how the brothers would react to meeting someone who loves Vincent's work and yet gives theo the time of day.
author’s notes: hey requester, I love the van gogh bros, so, thank you so much for asking for this + I took major liberties with MC’s work + my dutch level is “google translate” so bear with me
The morning after you wandered into the mansion, you make your way through its carpeted halls to find yourself in front of the door of Vincent van Gogh’s room, his jacket folded neatly in your arms. You have three major objectives: to return his jacket, to thank him for saving you last night, and to apologize for being so scared and making it seem like you don’t trust him after all that. The last you want to do is make him feel bad for nothing.
You take a deep breath. You hold your hand over the door, hovering, hesitating on knocking. Your mind bends over backward trying to comprehend what is about to happen.
When that door opens, you will come face to face with Vincent van Gogh—one of the (your?) world’s most famous artists, and from the smell of paint that wafts out, you’ll surely see him in his element, working in his room-turned-studio. He will not be quite the Vincent van Gogh you know from your history books—vampire, blond hair, there’s been a lot you had to absorb recently—but if the words of the Comte were to be believed, this Vincent really is who he says he is. And even now, as a vampire, he continues to paint like he did in his past life, non-stop.
For a moment, worry sits in you—would you be bothering? Would he be mad at you? Is he upset with you? But when you think of the artworks that wait for you inside the room, all your fear disappears.
“Sir Vincent?”
One knock, two.
No answer.
“Sir Vincent? Are you in there?”
You press your ear against the door and you hear someone fumbling with items: paint tubes, you figure, a palette, maybe brushes.
You knock again. Twice. Thrice.
No answer.
You reach for the doorknob and realize that the door is unlocked; gently, you make your way into the room.
Scattered canvases everywhere. The floor is decorated with dried paint. There’s a yellow sofa at the end of the room—it’s the most furniture the room has. At the center of the room stands an easel, facing you. Still mostly blank, there’s a patch of yellow paint on it that the painter is slowly giving shape. You see Vincent, with his back to you, holding a palette in one hand and a brush in the other.
Your heart jumps in your chest.
 “Um… Sir Vincent?”                    
Finally, he turns around to face you, eyes wide. “Oh, hi,” he mumbles out, as if he had been lost in thought.
“Good morning,” you say, finally fully stepping inside. “I came to return your jacket…and to thank you for last night.”
He takes the jacket from your hands, puts it on the sofa nearby. Then facing you, he smiles in a way that makes all your walls melt. “It’s okay, no need for that. I’m sorry if I scared you out there.”
“No, not at all,” you say, even stepping forward toward him, to make a point. “I was just… really out of it. I shouldn’t have been scared of you—you were only looking out for me. And thank you for that, sir Vincent.”
“You know,” he sing-songs, “‘Vincent’ is fine. You can drop the ‘sir’. I want to be friends with you—you don’t need to be all formal.”
“S-sure,” you say, “Vincent.” You smile back, trying to come to terms with calling him so casually, like this wasn’t one of the painters you’ve always looked up to your whole life—in the flesh.
“Are you okay? You look like you’re about to say something,” Vincent says, moving toward you. “Ah, do I have paint on my face? I usually do…”
“Oh, no, I’m just,” scrambling for words, “you’re painting, aren’t you? I shouldn’t—interrupt. I should get going. Thank you again, for last night.”
“You’re not interrupting,” he says, making some sort of awkward welcoming motion with his hands. He turns back to his canvas and it’s as if he suddenly remembers he’s midway through something. “Painting alone can get rather lonely, and I’d love company, of course.”
“Really?” You try not to sound too excited, but you’re sure it’s too obvious anyway, because he chuckles. You’d just seen an angel laugh—you’re sure of it. “I mean, it’d be an honor. I won’t bother, I’ll just—” you gesture towards the stack of paintings at the other end of the room. “Can I look?”
“Of course,” he says. “But mind the wet paint. We don’t want your pretty dress ruined.”
Vincent keeps watch over you as you browse through the paintings, careful of the canvases. He doesn’t even get to pick up his brush and palette, watching your expressions shift and change with every flip of a painting. You’ve never gotten to touch a van Gogh work, you wouldn’t have dreamt of it, but here you are now, surrounded by what seems like a hundred, all at once. Dozens of paintings; landscapes, portraits, still-life. Flowers, fruits, wine. Bakers, children, farmers. It’s as if Vincent has taken everything 19th century France could offer him and placed it in a canvas. You get lost browsing through what seems like a lifetime’s worth of paintings stacked haphazardly over each other on the floor.
You don’t notice how long you’ve been looking at these… masterpieces, open-mouthed, until you hear Vincent chuckle—again! Cheeky angel!—from behind you.
“Wh-what is it?” you ask him, suddenly self-conscious.
He smiles. Sunshine floods the room. “Oh, no, don’t worry,” he says, “it’s just that, you make the same face Theo makes when he’s looking at paintings.”
Your face crumples at being compared to his demon of a brother, which only makes him laugh.
“Theo’s like that, but he’s really good at what he’s doing,” he tells you. “And he has so much love for it.”
Just about as much love as he has for you, you nearly say, thinking of hundreds of letters kept away and a brother held against his chest. Something painful cuts your heart but you try not to let it show—after all, this isn’t your history, but theirs. But before you can even drop off to a story that could be different from what they know, Vincent ruffles your hair gently to take the frown off your face.
“Should I take you on a tour?” he offers. “Of the paintings.”
“Oh!” you beam. “That’d be great!”
Off he goes. These, he says, were painted the previous winter—fields of white and icy blue, towns coated in snow, houses lit with the gentle orange glow of lamps, the light gray of smoke coming out from chimneys. He has paintings of the seaside, that one time he went with Theo (Theo, he calls his brother, urges you to call him the same; Theo, not Theodorus) to the southern side of the country, at once familiar and yet different from what he used to know. He tells the stories behind portraits and landscapes, and your heart beats faster at the idea that you’re having an art tour from The Vincent van Gogh.
“Oh, this one looks very familiar,” you say, unable to help it, hand grazing gently along the edges of a canvas. The swirls; the uses of deep blues and near-blacks in contrast with nearly blinding yellow; you didn’t need to be a van Gogh expert to see how similar this was to that other painting. “Just like Sterrennacht.”
Vincent’s eyes grow wide at the mention of the title. It takes you only a moment to realize you hadn’t seen it in this world—but in your world. You prepare yourself for the barrage of questions, but there is none that come. Vincent seems deep in thought, gaze moving from you, to the painting your hand is on. The look in his eyes make it seem like he’s teleported to a completely different time, in a completely different place.
You put your other hand on his shoulder and gently shake him. “Vincent?”
Three words tumble out of his mouth. “You’ve seen… Sterrennacht.”
Well, yes, but who hasn’t seen The Starry Night? you almost blurt out. But this time you’re a little bit more careful of what comes out of your mouth. “I… have,” you say gently, pressing your lips together. “You see I… In my own world, I used to tour a lot of museums, to tell people about them, and the art in them. I’ve seen your paintings in a lot of museums, Vincent. Even one named after you.”
“After me?”
You wonder what face he would make, if you brought him to your world, let him stand in front of the majestic building that is the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. What he would think if you told him that his paintings can be found all over the world, looked at and admired by millions of people, both by art enthusiasts and painting novices alike.
Vincent is still stunned into silence when his brother Theo knocks and enters the room, finding Vincent still as a rock, frozen in time next to you, and you sheepishly smile at Theo when you make eye contact with him.
“Hondje. What did you do to my brother?”
Look, you’re no master of Dutch, but you know what that word meant, at least. Your face scrunches up. “Excuse me? What did you just call me?”
“Theo, no,” Vincent says, breathless, “don’t call her that. You have to hear what she just told me.”
Theo is obedient; he enters the room, closes the door, and then makes quick strides to the both of you. Vincent grasps his brother’s arm, and when he looks up, you realize the look in his eyes is full wonder.
“What did you tell him, hondje?”
“You seriously have to drop that nickname if you want me to respect you.”
“Musea, Theo, museums,” Vincent says. “In her world, they have my paintings in museums. Many museums. A museum named after us. Theo. Ongelooflijk!”
Unbelievable? Not for you. Theo turns to you, his gaze sharp but softened by wonder. Or relief? “Is this true?”
You can only manage to nod.
“That’s… amazing,” is all Theo can say, and he scans his eyes over the paintings you were just browsing with Vincent. Maybe he’s dreaming of a near future like that—these paintings in elaborately carved frames, hung from starkly painted walls, easily accessible to everyone. Maybe he sees the possibility in every work of art Vincent makes.
Just like he used to, in his past life.
“I, I used to study art, in, in my world,” you say, stammering. You don’t know where to begin—but you have to tell them how much they mean to you! You scramble for words. “It was my life. Going around looking at art. I loved art. I still do! Studying histories of paintings, painters, art styles… and, I can’t… I can’t explain well enough how big of an impact the both of you have done to changing the art scene. Vincent’s pretty famous, after all.”
“Beroemd!” Vincent’s smiling from ear to ear.
“Seriously!” you say, and you lose yourself in your shared joy. “And Vincent—wouldn’t be here without you too, Theo. The world knows. The letters you kept—the things you’ve done,” you hold on to the hem of his sleeve, before looking at the both of them, “you’re both the reason I am where I am now.” You are breathless. “Well, not, literally, but, in all the other ways. It’s really an honor, to at least tell you this.”
Theo reaches out a hand to ruffle your hair. “Think you’re a bringer of hope now?”
“It’s just, so much happened,” you say, gushing. You know the story, and you don’t see how it’d hurt to tell them. You put one hand on your waist and begin to speak: “Well, you see, after your—your deaths, your w—”
But then you feel the gentle touch of Theo’s finger on your lips, stopping you mid-sentence.
“Hou op!” Theo says, but he has a smirk on his face. “You’re getting too excited.”
“Thank you for telling us about this,” Vincent says, his smile bright and without compare. “I feel like I can paint more, even more, even better, from now on. But won’t you keep the rest of the story a secret for us?”
“The rest of the story… meaning the events after your,” you pause, “deaths. The hows. The… everything else.”
You’re lost. Why wouldn’t they want to know? Wouldn’t it be some sort of comfort to know that later down the line, in the near visible future, all that they’d worked so hard for will come to light? Isn’t it a good thing for you to tell them how they’d ended up that way?
With one hand on your shoulder, Theo explains. “See, the ‘hows’ doesn’t matter now, because we’ll find a way to make it happen here too,” he says proudly. “We’re going to make it the reality. We’re going to make it even better.”
Theo smiles like he is invincible.
It is in that moment that you are overcome with emotion. Learning about these things in lecture halls and in between the pages of history books is so far away from being right here, right now, standing in front of two men who willingly submitted themselves to a new eternity of life to do what they’ve loved and long wanted to keep doing their whole lives. Right now, in front of you, are the near-legendary van Gogh brothers—their eyes filled with passion, and purpose.
You fling your arms around Theo’s neck and bring him down for a crushing hug.
“I know you can do it,” you say, press your face against his shoulder, wonderstruck. “If it’s you, and Vincent, then I’m sure you can do it. You did it before. You did an amazing job. You did your best. You gave it all you could give, no matter the cost to yourself. And it blossomed, you know? It did. Even if it wasn’t by your own hands back then—the seeds you planted, they blossomed, that’s for sure. And I know you can do it again.”
Tears begin to prick the corners of your eyes, but you hide it by turning to Vincent and pulling him into a hug as well. “You’re such a strong person. You’re the strongest person I know. You just wanted to keep painting. You just wanted to express your love for the world through the things you painted. I know. You were filled with love but you were hurting so deeply, and the world didn’t have the means to help you. You don’t deserve—the bad things that happened to you. And I know—I know you can make even better things now. Forever. And that’s what matters. The things you do now.”
You feel Theo’s arms wrap around you and his brother, and you rest in the warmth. Tears flow freely down your cheeks now; but it doesn’t matter. There is so much more you can say, but the words overlap in your brain into a quiet hush of reassured excitement. You think of the paintings you’d seen in Musée d’Orsay before you went to the Louvre. You think of the Van Gogh Museum. You think of all the people you’d seen, their eyes open and lovestruck at the things that these two legends have left in history.
“I hope you guys know you’re amazing!”
For a long, quiet moment, the three of you stay in the comfort of each other’s arms, thinking of the future, framed by the sunlight reflecting off of Vincent’s paintings.
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