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a:piece cover inspired me to make this meme
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nieru07 · 5 years
Hoshino Kureha Side Story Chapter 13, 14, & 15 [English Translation]
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These 3 chapters is the last chapter of Kureha’s side story………...for now
[Previous chapter]
Chapter 13 : “Where is My Real self....”
Kureha: “My real self…...”
Mother: “Because Kaede said “i want to fulfill Kureha’s dream no matter what”, i didn’t stop you that time. And i’m also rooting for you now, but…”
Mother: “I don’t want you to forget”
Mother: “About what do you really want to do… and who you really are…”
Mother: “You are Kaede, not Kureha. You can’t be Kureha”
Mother: “That’s why, it’s okay even if you didn’t push yourself to fulfill Kureha’s dream”
Kaito: “Sigh… be it your true self or whatever it is, the you whom standing right here is the real you, right?”
Kureha: “I’m Hoshino Kaede, but also Hoshino Kureha…...”
Kureha: “Kaede is… My past self is…. not as bright as the me now, and is a complete opposite of Kureha…”
Kureha: “Then, the reason i became cheerful now… is because i’m Hoshino Kureha?”
Kureha: “...........”
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Kureha: “Who is the me whom standing here right now..?”
Kureha: “Aiming to become an idol… whose dream is that?”
Kureha: “Ah, a message… from Kazuyuki?”
Kureha: “‘Club has already started’, he said… AAAAAHH!! IM LATE!!”
Kureha: “S-sorry for being late..”
Toya: “Oi oi, did you oversleep?”
Kureha: “No… i’m awake but, i spaced out”
Kazuyuki: “Do you feel sick?”
Aoi: “Is that true?”
Kureha: “Ah, no! There’s nothing like that”
Kureha: “As you can see, i’m full of spirit!”
Yuhi: “Are you really okay?”
Kureha: “I am!”
Kazuyuki: “Don’t push yourself, okay?”
Kureha: ‘I have to focus on practice right now!’
Kaito: “Oi. You did the choreography wrong there”
Kureha: “Eh, s-sorry!”
Toma: “Somehow, don’t you think Kureha-san did a lot of miss than usual today?”
Aoi: “It looks like his mind is somewhere else”
Yuhi: “As i thought.. maybe he doesn’t feel well…”
Toma: “Hmm~ but from what i saw, it doesn’t looks like he is sick or something like that”
Yuhi: “Then… is something bothering his mind..?”
Aoi: “Kazuyuki, did you ask what happened to him?”
Kazuyuki: “I did. But no matter what i asked, he only said that he is okay..”
Kazuyuki: “But, it always looks like he was thinking about something”
Toya: “Kureha always so noisy when it comes to other person, but he is rather quiet when it’s about himself”
Aoi: “You have a point..”
Kureha: “Today, i can’t act like Kureha at all”
Kureha: “Kureha will not made that much misses and will not make everyone worried like that..”
Kureha: “As i thought, i’m not good because…. i’m not the real Kureha…”
Chapter 14 : “A Secret of the Hidden Wound”
Yoichi: “Let’s end today practice”
All: “Good work!”
Toma: “Uwaah… there’s a downpour outside..”
Toma: “I don’t want to get wet”
MC: “Since i brought a folding umbrella, should i go to the club room and take everyone’s share of umbrellas as well?”
Toya: “But.. even though we will get wet, it’s not like we will be soaking wet, right”
Toya: “Let’s go to the club room by running”
Kureha: “Eh”
Kazuyuki: “Kureha-kun, what’s wrong?”
MC: “I can take one person with me so, Kureha-kun, do you want to go back together with me?”
Kureha: “N-no… it’s okay! I’m going to go back by running with everyone”
Toma: “Uuugh.. I can’t believe we also have to run even after the practice is over..”
Toma: “I’m going with manager---”
Aoi: “What are you thinking of taking the good part by yourself! You also going to run with us”
Toma: “Eeehh”
Yoichi: “Well then, everyone. Let’s go”
Kureha: ‘I’m going to be okay, right…’
Toma: “Who said we wouldn’t be soaking wet?”
Toya: “I was completely mistaken haha”
Toya: “But well, you became such a good man until water is immersed in you, right”
Aoi: “I’m immersed! Toya-san is so charming! Beautiful!”
Toma: “What are you sayi---achoo!”
Yoichi: “It will be bad if anyone catch cold. Everyone, hurry up and get changed”
Aoi: “Huh? Kureha. I didn’t know you have a wound on that place”
Kureha: “Eh…?”
Subaru: “You’re right~ there’s a wound on your forehead~”
Kureha: “........!”
Yuhi: “Ku-Kureha-kun?”
Kureha: “I-I’m…..”
Kureha: ‘What should i do… they’ve seen it….’
Kureha: ‘Even though i must be “Hoshino Kureha” in front of everyone..’
Toma: “What’s wrong? Getting panicked like that..”
Kazuyuki: “Could it be.. you don’t want anyone to see it?”
Kureha: “Eumm… Err…”
Kureha: “I’m going to toilet for a sec!” *runs*
Yuhi: “Kureha-kun…”
Toya: “It’s my first time seeing Kureha panicked like that..”
Aoi: “Could it be.. that wound is the reason why he doesn’t to take a bath together until now..”
Kureha: “Sigh…”
Kureha: “Huh? It’s open..” *enters the club room*
MC: “Who is that!?”
Kureha: “Uwah!?”
MC: “Ah, i’m sorry! The door’s sound surprised me..”
Kureha: “I’m also sorry for making you surprised. So you are still here..”
MC: “Err.. I still have something to do, so…”
Kureha: “Manager is someone who can’t lie, huh”
MC: “Eh?”
Kureha: “It’s my fault, right”
MC: “What are you saying! It’s not your fault!”
MC: “I’m worried about Kureha-kun, so i waited here by my own will”
Kureha: “As i thought, i made you wait”
MC: “Ah… that’s….”
Kureha: “Sorry for troubling you”
Kureha: “I became distraught like that just because my wound was being seen...”
MC: “Could it be, that wound is…”
Kureha: “Yeah. It was from when i got caught up in the mudslide...”
Kureha: “I always tried to hide it so it can’t be seen though”
Kureha: “It seems like the foundation was swept away by the rain..”
MC: “Why are you hiding it?”
Kureha: “Because if don’t, i feel like “Hoshino Kaede” going to come out even for a bit”
Kureha: “How should i put it….”
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Kureha: “There’s two divided part inside me. The one with wound is “Kaede”, and the one without wound is “Kureha””
Kureha: “When i’m being Kureha, i would definitely hide my wound along with hiding “Kaede”s existence as well”
Kureha: “That’s why, when my wound was being seen, it felt like they found out that i’m “Kaede” and i ran away…”
Kureha: “Heheh, even though there’s no way they would found out. No one know about this wound after all..”
MC: “Kureha-kun….”
Kureha: “Say, manager… the one who is here right now, which one do you think it is?”
MC: “What did you mean by which one?”
Kureha: “The me who were talking with you right now.. Is it Kureha? Or Kaede?”
Kureha: “Recently, there’s a time when i’m trying to be Kureha but, when i realized it i became Kaede..”
Kureha: “”Kureha” and “Kaede” become mixed up and i became more and more unable to understand my real self…”
MC: “So that’s why your condition is strange recently”
Kureha: “...sorry for always whining. I should get ahold of myself, right”
Kureha: “I should be the decent “Hoshino Kureha””
MC: “Kaede-kun…”
Kureha: “Ahahah! Manager, you got it wrong!”
Kureha: “My name is “Hoshino Kureha”! “Kureha” that’s written as Momiji!”
MC: “..........”
Kureha: “Woops, i should get ready to go home soon if not, manager can’t lock the room, right!”
Kureha: “I’m going to get ready right now so, wait for a bit”
MC: ‘Is there something i can do for Kureha-kun….’
Chapter 15 : “Cycling on a Sunny Day”
Kaede: “Kureha, you are mad at me, right?”
Kureha: “Eh? What are you talking about?”
Kureha: “Ah!! Could it be, Kaede was the one who eat my pudding!?”
Kaede: “No, you are wrong...”
Kureha: “Eeh? Then, are you the one ate the ice cream that i kept?”
Kaede: “No, that’s not what i’m talking about”
Kaede: “Kureha, I’m sorry…. Because of me… That time… instead of you, i…..”
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Kureha: “....whoever the first one, it’ll be the same”
Kureha: “......again...”
Kureha: “....it’s still early. Recently, i keep on seeing a dream about Kureha..”
Kureha: “....sigh”
Kureha: “Kureha…”
Kureha: “...this is not good!”
Kureha: “I can’t be like this!”
Kureha: “Yosh, it’s sunny!”
Kureha: “There’s no club activity today. As expected, at time like this, it’s that, right!”
Kureha: “Huh? Yuhi-senpai?”
Yuhi: “Kureha-kun…. morning”
Kureha: “Good morning! Where are you going this early in the morning?”
Yuhi: “I’m going to check the rabbits…. that’s in the breeding hut”
Yuhi: “How about Kureha-kun?”
Kureha: “Since  there’s no club activity today, i’m thinking about going to cycling!”
Yuhi: “Then, wanna go together until the midway..?”
Kureha: “Okay!”
Yuhi: “Eumm.. yesterday, are you okay..?”
Kureha: “Ah… yeah. I’m really sorry for suddenly rushed out like that!”
Yuhi: “It’s okay..”
Yuhi: “You didn’t catch cold, right…? I’m worried…”
Yuhi: “that time Kureha-kun was still soaked after all..”
Kureha: “Don’t worry about it! As you can see, i’m healthy and lively!”
Yuhi: “I see…”
Kureha: “Ah… please don’t mind what happened yesterday!”
Yuhi: “If that’s what Kureha-kun wished for…”
Yuhi: “If you don’t want to tell us the reason you hide it then there’s no need for you to do so. Everyone also said the same thing...”
Yuhi: “Everyone has things that they want to hide after all…”
Kureha: “Yuhi-senpai…”
Yuhi: “If one day Kureha-kun want to talk about it, just tell me, i’ll always lend you an ear”
Yuhi: “Even though it’s not me….. I think everyone will lend you an ear”
Kureha: “Thank you very much”
Yuhi: “Then, i will be going to the breeding hut...”
Yuhi: “Be careful while you cycling”
Kureha: “Yeah! I’m off!”
Yuhi: “Take care”
Kureha: “It’s already this late when i’m being absorbed in riding my bike”
Kureha: “Ah! It’s Kaito!”
Kureha: “Kaitooo!!”
Kaito: “..........”
Kureha: “What is it what is it? It’s rare for you to stare at me like that!”
Kureha: “Could it be you are worried about me?”
Kaito: “I am”
Kureha: “I know righ---wait, Eeeh!?”
Kaito: “Oi, don’t get it wrong. I’m not worried about you”
Kaito: “I’m worried whether it will affect our next Pre-star or not if the center condition is like that”
Kaito: “You understand that the next Pre-star is the last one, right?”
Kureha: “I understand…”
Kureha: “But no worries! Since i’ll do it properly”
Kureha: “By the way, just now you indirectly said that you are worried about me, right?”
Kaito: “I didn’t”
Kureha: “I’m happy~! If i didn’t bring a bike right now, i’m gonna hug you right away. What a shame!”
Kureha: “By the way, tonight’s dinner seems to be fried chicken, you know?”
Kaito: “then what’s with that”
Kureha: “The one who arrive at the dorm first will receive one fried chicken from the one who lose!”
Kaito: “Huh? Even though it’s an equal challenge, it’s a foul play if you’re the one who ride a bike---Oi! Hoshino!”
Kureha: “Come on! Run if you want to eat many fried chicken!”
Kaito: “wtf… what’s with him..”
Story clear! (for now)
Aahh i finally translated the last chapter for now. Certainly thought it’s gonna take one month because i’m a lazzy-ass but i managed to finish it within 2 weeks. Congrats to myself for not being lazzy *clap clap*
Btw have you guys read the newest chapter of the main story? It’s finally Kureha’s turn to make us cry :’D his monologue at the beginning of the chapter made me cry for 2 minutes *sobs* my son;;; *sobs* i think starting now i need to prepare some tissues whenever they updated the main story _(:’D_
Oh right, i plan to translate Toya’s side story next! which is another trip of feels :’D
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29 notes · View notes
nieru07 · 5 years
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Igarashi Kazuyuki Short Comic
Artist: 豆屋
Bad luck Kazuyuki //SHOTS
Kureha | Kaito | Kazuyuki | Aoi | Toya | Yuuhi | Touma | Subaru | Yoichi
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nieru07 · 5 years
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Starry Palette 4 coma part 8 & 9
tbh these parts is my favorite parts because it’s funny haha
cleaning these was a pain in the ass tho _(:D_
part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12
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nieru07 · 5 years
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Muko Aoi Short Comic
Artist: 豆屋
Toya & Aoi’s relationship in one pic
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Kureha | Kaito | Kazuyuki | Aoi | Toya | Yuuhi | Touma | Subaru | Yoichi
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nieru07 · 5 years
Hoshino Kureha Side Story Chapter 1 & 2 [English Translation]
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Heeyyy guys!! Since i finished translating sutapare’s short comics & 4 comas, i’m going to translate Kureha’s side story now!
His story gonna be ‘a trip of feels’ so prepare your tissues and cry together with me :’D
Are you ready for a trip of feels? :^)
Chapter 1 : “Let’s record a Self-introduction!”
???: “Rescue him first instead of me!”
Kureha: “when it’s raining, i always remember it…”
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Kureha: “I’ve always regret it since that rainy day…”
Kureha: “Even though i’m not the one who should be rescued first..”
Kureha: “He always said that “I’ll definitely become an idol!””
Kureha: “That’s why…. I’ve made a resolution to carry on that dream”
Aoi: “AH--!”
Yoichi: “Aoi-san, you are noisy”
Aoi: “Yoichi-senpai, i want you to look at this! I found this when i were surfing on the internet just now..”
Yoichi: “...it’s a self-introduction video from other school”
MC: “This is something that used to increase popularity in Play Star, right?”
Yoichi: “I think it’s probably a strategy to increase some popularity by having the club members introducing themself one by one like this”
Subaru: “It’s indeed will left an impression~”
Toya: “Damn! How dare them became standout ahead of the great me!”
Aoi: “That’s right! Even though Toya-san is the coolest person in nationwide… no, in worldwide! I can’t forgive them for getting ahead of Toya-san!”
Kureha: “Hmm… then, let’s try taking a self-introduction video too!”
Kureha: “I think it’s better if we can do a self-introduction since we are an idol, along with practicing it too, how about it?”
Subaru: “Pass. It’s bothersome~”
Kureha: “Eehh!”
Kaito: “Rather than that, isn’t it better if we polish our technique more”
Kureha: “I see. It’s impossible for Kaito to do a perfect self-introduction because Kaito is unsociable, huh~”
Kaito: “Don’t joke with me. I can do it better than you.”
Kureha: “Eeh~! I wonder if it’s true~? Then let’s do it to proof what you said!”
Yuhi: “I’m…. not good… in front of camera..”
Kureha: “But if we became an idol, we would be in camera, you know? That’s why, we are going to do a special training now!”
Toya: “I’m in! I’m going to fully show my beautifulness, pureness, and toughness!”
Aoi: “Then i’m going to promote Toya-san with all my might!”
Toma: “I also want to take it ♪ Make it perfectly cute, okay?”
Subaru: “Eeh~ Everyone gonna do it? Hey, Yoichi-kun stop them please~”
Yoichi: “Then there’s no helping it if everyone want to do it. And just as what Kureha-san said, i thought it’s not going to hurt if we practice doing a self-introduction.”
Subaru: “You betrayer~”
Yoichi: “Who did you call a betrayer. Manager, can i ask you to record using smartphone?”
MC: “Of course!”
Yoichi: “Then, the first one is Kureha-san”
Kureha: “Ehh!? I’m first?”
Yoichi: “You are the initiator after all, I want you to take a responsibility and become the top batter”
Kureha: “Alright! I’m going to cheerfully introduce myself so, take a cool video for me, okay? Manager”
MC: “Leave it to me! Then, please start after i said 1, 2, 3, okay?”
Kureha: “Roger!”
Toya: “Kureha, do it perfectly and show your manliness, okay!”
Kureha: “Got it!”
Kureha: “Yosh, Manager, i’m ready”
MC: “Then, i’m going to record it, okay. 1, 2, 3…”
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Kureha: “Everyone’s smile is my source of power☆ Seika Gakuen First Year Idol Club, Hoshino Kureha! Please take care of me!”
Chapter 2 : “My Speciality is Magic Trick!”
Kureha: “Everyone’s smile is my source of power☆ Seika Gakuen First Year Idol Club, Hoshino Kureha! Please take care of me!”
Kureha: “Entering Seika Gakuen Idol club where i am now, and winning Star Live is my dream since a long time ago!”
Kureha: “My speciality is magic trick! I’m quite popular for it in my family. Even myself think that maybe i’m really good at magic trick”
Kureha: “On my day off, i’m doing a self-training for singing or dancing… When the weather is good, i often went for cycling”
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Kureha: “Starting now, i’m going to do my best on aiming to be an idol that can make everyone smile, so please rooting for me!”
MC: “Alright, that’s OK!”
Toya: “Ohh! As a top batter, you are doing pretty well!”
Yuhi: “Really.... Amazing…”
Subaru: “But it looks like he still continue, you know?”
Kureha: “My favorite subject is National Language, my weak subject is English. And then…”
Subaru: “Even though the recording is already over, he hasn’t stopped yet”
Kaito: “He is really an idiot”
Kureha: “My favorite food is mushroom, the food that i dislike is….”
Yoichi: “Kureha-san”
Kureha: “Y-yes!”
Yoichi: “Since the recording is already over, i think it’s okay even if you didn’t introduce yourself more than this”
Kureha: “Eh…. but, i got the feeling that no one said OK yet….”
Aoi: “Manager has said OK, you know”
MC: “I’m sorry. I should said it more louder”
Kureha: “Ah, it’s okay! I also sorry! I became too absorbed when talking and didn’t hear you properly”
MC: “Putting that aside, i’m glad we can know about Kureha-kun’s hobby and speciality in this video”
Yoichi: “Indeed, not only for advertisement for the people outside our club, this is also effective to deepen our friendship”
Subaru: “I never thought that Momiji-kun can do a magic trick~”
Toya: “Hey hey, even the easy one is okay! Please show it to us!”
Toma: “I also want to see it”
Kureha: “............”
Kureha: “HMM?”
Toya: “It’s not “Hmm?”. You are trying to dodge it by smiling, right?”
Kureha: “............”
Kureha: “HMM?”
Toya: “That somehow pissed me off”
MC: “C-come to think of it, Kureha-kun also cycling, right”
Kureha: “Ah, that’s right! As expected from manager, you paid attention to the good part one!”
Kureha: “The wind feels good when you ride a road bike, you know”
MC: “To think that you have a road bike… that’s really authentic”
Kureha: “At first it was a normal bike but, i wanted to ride a road bike as well so i saved my new year’s allowance and bought it!”
Toya: “...He ran away, huh”
Toma: “Indeed”
Aoi: “Indeed”
Subaru: “Indeed~”
Kureha: “I-i’m not running away! Doing a magic trick require various preparation so…”
Kaito: “You ran away”
Kureha: “Uugh, even Kaito too… Aren’t you my ally?”
Kaito: “Instead, what made you think that i would become your ally?”
Kureha: “sobs…. You are cold as usual…”
Kaito: “I’m going to change my clothes and going on a running soon”
Kureha: “Ah! Wait! I also want to go~!”
To the next stage...
calm guys. the feels attack hasn’t begin yet ww
[Next chapter]
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Aoi: Toya-san, are you okay!!?
Toya, crying: Yeah, I'm okay. it was just these onions
Aoi, to the onions: What the fuck did you say to Toya-san?!
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Aoi: Toya-san, do u know what they say.. The world is at your fingertips
Toya: Yeah but, Why is your hand on my chest?
Aoi: You're my world, Toya-san
Toya: oh my god
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yo guys
im back with the recent “i want a baby” memes uwu
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nieru07 · 5 years
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Sakurai  Touma Short Comic
Artist: おかの
Kureha | Kaito | Kazuyuki | Aoi | Toya | Yuuhi | Touma | Subaru | Yoichi
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nieru07 · 5 years
Just continue reading chapter 16 of the main story and this scene made me laugh ahahah
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Kureha: "I always thought that it's strange but, why Aoi-senpai doesn't team up with Toya-senpai?"
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Aoi: "Oi... Are you kidding me? You don't understand?"
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Kureha: "Ah, i guesse----"
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Aoi: "By having Toya-san holding my feet when i sit-up, it means that Toya-san's noble face will get close to my face, you know?"
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Aoi: "No way no way. I'm gonna get a nosebleed. And become unable to continue."
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Toma: "That made me cringe...."
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Toya: *smiles*
Aoi, handing out sunglasses to everybody: I didn’t know Earth had two suns.
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nieru07 · 5 years
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Tsujiishi Kaito Short Comic
Artist: 豆屋
Kureha | Kaito | Kazuyuki | Aoi | Toya | Yuuhi | Touma | Subaru | Yoichi
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