#Chesarka watches F-Ran
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Fruits Basket 44 - 48 (s2 ep 19 - 23) | TWEWY 11 - 12 (FINAL) | Fairy Ranmaru 12 (FINAL) | Deca-Dence 7
Fruits Basket 44 (s2 ep 19)
Rin really has a problem with jumping out high windows…
Well, Haru means a lot to Rin, so I can see why Haru would continue to be so kind even after Rin gets violent.
I thought Shugure would go all “high school girls” when talking about the culture festival, but I guess not. Maybe my memory of the manga is worse than I thought.
What’s the 06 on Kyo’s shirt for…?
Why are you apologising, Shigure?...Oh, never mind. I take it back.
This reminds me Takaya said Rin is the “character in charge of sexiness”. (I dunno why that, of all sentences, stuck with me after all these years.)
Fruits Basket 45 (s2 ep 20)
Mito Komon.
Machi and Kakeru are basically parallels to the Sohma curse, as you probably figured out.
Oh! The storage room! (laughs) Also, since I paused at a weird time, you can see Yuki’s eyes in the darkness…LOL.
Fruits Basket 46 (s2 ep 21)
(no notes, sorry!)
Fruits Basket 47 (s2 ep 22)
Uhhh…can we call this Freudian? Yeah, let’s go with that.
Does Flying Pot (Manabe) know Kyo transforms…?
Fruits Basket 48 (s2 ep 23)
“She looks so cute!”
That one hint of skin we can see from Kyo from within his jacket? (chef’s kiss emoji) Good stuff.
*sees sign outside toilet* Macarons at 2 pm! Ooh!
…I forgot what outdated technology was replaced here, but it was probably a cassette tape or something? (<- maybe shooting too far into the past with that)
“Please Excuse My…” -what? …*thinks* Oh. PEMDAS. I see.
…oh, of course the final boss is a dragon!!! That’s always a cool way to go out!
This ending reminds me of Fate/Zero…and I like Fate/Zero, so that’s a good comparison.
Aw, we don’t get to see Shiki’s (real) eyes, dammit…
Oh! Nao and Sota, too!
Eri, too!
Aw, that anime was good. I’ll miss it for a bit, but I don’t think it will make a hugely lasting impression in the end.
Fairy Ranmaru 12 (FINAL)
…welp, now I’m stuck with these guys for another year and three quarters. They better go out with a bang.
*chef’s kiss emoji* Quality butt shot from Uruu.
Oh! Ranmaru summoned Houjou’s key!
“…to meet it with a smile.”
Homura only sees his father…what about his mother??? (Everyone else sees both.) LOL, though – limiting corruption? Takara is the most corrupt of all fairies, I think.
Shiroyuri…? Is that her name? The woman Chilka liked?
Deca-Dence 7
“…it’ll be dangerous.”
I’ve…never seen Natsume cry. To be honest, it makes me want to cry too.
#simulcast commentary#The World Ends With You#Subarashiki Kono Sekai#Deca-Dence#Fairy Ranmaru#Fruits Basket#Chesarka watches Furuba#Chesarka watches Deca-Dence#Chesarka watches F-Ran#Chesarka watches TWEWY
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Episode 9's blog post (Spoilers under the cut!)
This post by Balletta is dated 8th June 2021. It apparently took him 8 hours to write...which is why I took so long putting this post out. (I had to skip a lot of the descriptive stuff and it still took me over 4 hours to do this post...)
There are also some tweets from Hishida below, including one regarding ep. 10. If you don't want any info about ep. 10 until you get to it, skip reading tweet 2.
Due to the nature of the ep., there is a mention of suicide below.
Hishida's tweet 1:
Now that you mention it, F-Ran episode 9's male sleazebag Kyuji was voiced by Kosuke Toriumi. For me, he had the role of Daizan in my first directorial work, Onmyou Taisenki, so I have a big obligation towards him. Thanks a lot. Also, episode 10, which is airing tomorrow, has a person who's taken extreme care of me. Is this an inescapable fate?!
(Who is this he's talking about? Read on.)
Hishida's tweet 2:
まさか福山潤くんに会えるとはね。りっくん、生まれ変わってギャンブラーになってました…w #フィクションです
Unexpectedly, I was able to meet Jun Fukuyama, huh? Rikkun was reborn as a gambler...LOL #ThisIsFiction
"Rikkun" = Riku Tachibana, protagonist of Onmyou Taisenki.
Hishida's tweet 3:
Birika-chan is Pri-chan's Luluna...My casting has not changed.
Pri-chan = Kiratto Pri-chan. Luluna and Birika share the VA Hibiku Yamamura.
On to the post (note Balletta goes backwards and forwards in time a lot in this post, so with that on top of my omissions, it's a bit hard to keep track of):
Post's name: "The Perverted and Slightly Sad Episode 9". (You know why it's perverted, but the "slightly sad" will be revealed later on. Balletta specifically uses a word for "slightly sad" used by teenage girls, ぱおん.)
Balletta starts by giving various greetings (this matches last time's), asks if everyone enjoyed Fairy Ranmaru ep. 9. It's Uruu's second turn, so he's going to give real-time thoughts and comments on the ep.
The ep starts with Uruu painting "blue roses" (according to Balletta). "収録の時に、第3話の時みたいにうるうくんの英語から始まったら���うしよう…と台本貰うまでドキドキしてたのはここだけの秘密です…" - "It's a secret between us that when we were recording, I was nervous until I got the script, wondering what would happen if we started with Uruu-kun's English like in episode 3..."
Balletta goes on to discuss how people call Uruu "Blue Rose" (from Tiger and Bunny). People have been making this connection ever since the key visual (the one with the fairy forms) dropped. Even now, when watching the anime on Nico Nico Douga, he'll think: "Hi, Blue Rose's older brother!").
He skips to Uruu's mother's suicide scene. Her wings are broken like glass and Balletta thinks this is when Uruu's heart was broken too. This is also where he thinks Uruu's ideal of "always be proper" was born.
The blushing Homura, being healed by Bakkun and reading an article on Shiina's manga, is "transcendently cute".
It's at this point where Balletta starts introducing quotes from the discussion with "ワン!トゥー!!スリー!!!" ("One! Two!! Three!!!") (<- For the curious, there are 6 of these in the post, but they're not entirely the same.)
Balletta wonders in small text if there was tongue or not during the CPR scene...
"この時のうるうくんの表情が完全に悪役の悪い顔になってて、正直自分もアニメ見てて「うるうくん!顔わるいなぁー!!」ってなりましたね!" - "That time Uruu's face looked like a villain's, and straight up I also saw in the anime, 'Uruu-kun! You're making a bad face-!!'"
Balletta is relieved Homura has been revived.
The sloth's lump is moving...
Balletta introduces Birika and the plot of the week. "不倫!ダメ!!ゼッタイ!!!" - "Adultery! Don't do it!! Absolutely don't!!!" (he repeats this through the post and counts the times he says it - the editing Chesarka from the future says he ends up with 3 instances of this)
Balletta recaps that Uruu is good at painting, as we know from ep. 1. It seems to be the same painting, but then he puts red paint on top. This made Balle-san think of Homura so much, he couldn't concentrate on the painting. In short, FIRE (insert flame emoji, obviously referencing Homura's shirt).
5 to Heaven synced up on how they thought during recording. When Uruu is talking to Birika and she says "心が清廉だからだよ" ("Because you have an honest heart."), they all thought, "心が清廉、どうも清怜うるうです。" ("You have an honest heart - thank you, Uruu Seiren.") Balletta thinks they increased their bonds as a result. (Note "honest" in this case is "seiren".)
Some descriptive bits later, we get to this sentence: "第1話から今回��第9話までに、うるうくんの心情や見えている世界が大きく変わったことを意味しているのではないかと自分は思いました!" I thought from ep. 1 until ep. 9, the world he is seeing has changed greatly!" A bit further down: "先程も話した、第1話から第9話にかけて、うるくんの心情や見えている世界が大きく変わってきていると言ったもう一つの理由がこの言葉なんです!第1話では世界に対しても常に正しくあるべきと考えていたうるうくんが、第9話に至るまでに色んなことがありました。
過去のトラウマ、火焔族への憎しみ、焔くんに対しての嫉妬。" - "That's another reason why I said earlier the world Uruu-kun sees has changed greatly from ep. 1 to ep. 9! Ep. 1, where Uruu-kun thinks everything should be correct about the world, to the Uruu-kun in ep. 9 who has had various things happen. Past trauma, the hatred of the Ignis clan, the jealousy which he feels towards Homura."
Balletta can't believe how Birika's mother came back and had a kiss mark on her neck. He gets so angered he starts making puns on his own name (bareru means to leak a secret, while barebare means a transparent lie) and ends with "あ、どうもバレッタです。" - more along the lines of "Ah, sorry, I'm Balletta" than the previous "thank you"s - before returning to the previous discussion.
Some more description later, Balletta mentions the appearance of Sirius. "素晴らC!いや!すばらシリウス!!!" - "SubaraC (shii)! No! SubaraSirius!!!" (subarashii = wonderful) He then discusses Sirius's musings.
End A part. Balletta stops for a bit to note "You only noticed all this incredible impressions and comments are [for] the A part? Didn't you see the previous post?" He also comments Hori's post was short and that was fine. "ま、イケメンだからいっか!!!(うるうくん達が)" - "Well, they're handsome, so what?!!! (Uruu-kun and co. are)"
Now to the B part. Balletta notes there's a piece of art that is a pot in the art gallery. Pot quota: check.
Some description (and more yelling about how adultery is bad and unforgivable) later: we get to the kiss scene. This transformation is voiced differently to the one in ep. 3 in terms of the pan upwards part and the sound effect of boots scratching you can hear during the "Taboo rescinded! Love! In abundance!" callout. "自分もリアルタイムで第9話見てて、「あれ!?ボイス変わってるし、音が追加されてる!凄���!!」ってテレビの前でなってました!ありがたい限りです!" - "Even when watching ep. 9 in real-time, I was in front of the TV, going, 'Huh?! The voice changed and a sound was added! Amazing!!' I'm nothing but grateful!"
Hotel Tsubo returns. "なんかもう毎回このアニメをリアルタイムで見るたびに「今回はどこに壺が隠れてるかなぁ〜♪」ってなってる自分がいてビックリしますよ笑" - "Basically every time I watch this anime in real-time, I'll be like, 'Where will they hide the pot this time~?♪', so I'm surprised. LOL"
ふざけんにょ!!!" - "Also, at that Hotel Tsubo, Birika-chan's mother and Kyuji have a scene where they're having s_x. I'm sorry for saying this, but please let me say this once...stop screwing around!!!" (The "screw" pun is intentional on my part.)
Enka scene. Balletta calls Uruu "sexy & beautiful" because of his black lace wings and strong gaze.
Head back to Bar F. "バックンはこのアニメの癒し…
いつもありがとうバックン!" - "Bakkun [being] in this anime is healing...thanks as always, Bakkun!"
Some description later, around the part where Uruu's mother says Uruu is just like his dad...you can see germ-like objects that look like water fleas and Uruu gains some damage from them sticking themselves down his throat. There are various versions of this scene and after all the yelling from recording them, he felt considerably more passionate.
Some more description later, Balletta doubles back to the scene slightly beforehand. where Ranmaru and Chilka are in the same place.
Balletta then continues for a bit about the plot and is at the scene where Kyuji is relieved he's free of the old hag when he goes, "ワン!トゥー!!スリー!!! 「エヘッ、ぱおーん!」 こんの野郎ーーーー!!!ぱおーんじゃねぇんだよぉー!!!!!ガオーってライオンだらけの檻の中にぶち込むぞぉーーーー!!!となったのはこのブログだけにそっと記しておきますね。" ("One! Two!! Three!!! 'Ehe, that's kinda sad!' These bastards---!!! This isn't 'kinda sad'!!!!! I'll throw you into a cage full of roaring lions----!!!...This blog became a place where I can quietly write this precisely [because I can], huh?")
Balletta discusses the final scene and then draws attention to Takara's scene by going, "「あっちゃー、もう一山残っちまったかぁー」 えっ!?何が残ったの!?" - "'The worst is yet to come.' What's coming?!" (<- Translation using the CR line)
He then tells everyone to look forward to next time's Fairy Ranmaru ep., says he's finished, that was ep. 9's comments and impressions, apologises for his long post again and puts some promotional stuff I've already covered on magicalgirlsandcerulean (in order: character song CD, the live show in Sept., Sweets Paradise, Vivid Army, Otasuke Heaven, BD/DVD 1, the curry plate, Bakkun plush, key necklaces, Fairy Ranmaru's official Twitter + YouTube). He then ends by saying he's done (again) and he's Yutaka Balletta, who voices Uruu.
Takara's comment: "原稿用紙40枚やで~気合い入れて読んでや~" - "You took 40 sheets of genkou youshi~. We read it with effort." (referencing the line where he apologises for his long post: "今回また2回目の当番回だったというのもあって気合い入れまくった結果やっぱり長文になってしまいました!ご容赦くださいまし!!" - "This time was the 2nd time I was in charge [of the post], so the result was, of course, me putting in effort! Please forgive me [for my long post]!")
Update: Minor fixes for accuracy and clarity.
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Fumestu 6 | Fairy Ranmaru 10 - 11 | TWEWY 10
Fumetsu 6
I learnt, just through observation, that the Fumetsu language is based on Japanese. I wanted to make a proper Spellbook post on it, but there’s…not much to say beyond that.
[Fushi, as Oniguma, gets hacked into by the Nokker] – Now that must be some unbearable pain! (audience groans)
Ah! Gugu!
Fairy Ranmaru 10
Hedonism, eh? I think the word translates to “pleasure”, but “hedonism” works better in context.
G…*stifles laughter* Gahaha! Takara types exactly the way he speaks, accent and all…those blog posts suddenly have a whole new dimension of meaning to them, hehe.
I replayed the bit where Takara’s calling a girl several times…so this girl he contacts, her name is (A…?)yako.
So…that’s what’s up with the lawyer.
Aw, young Takara is such a sweetpea…I wanna cuddle him.
…that’s Aru (from Juka’s ep) who took care of Tina’s (<- I know her name from the synopsis on the F Ran website) child, isn’t it?! It is, isn’t it…?
…oh dear. Pole dancing? Whatever will we see in this anime next? Flashbacks? (<- sarcastic)
I already learnt from translating one of Hishida’s tweets that this gambler is Jun Fukuyama…sorry if I spoilt you on that.
*Tina cries* - D’aww, Tina needs a hug too…
Takara’s…mother? That got real Freudian…
Fairy Ranmaru 11
1 ep. until the end.
The sloth without the glasses…is so ugly…(LOL?)
Green F sign.
Ooh, Sirius eyecatch.
I think it was blankie-greenie-anon who said it first, but Sirius says “…chiruka!” with the “Bloom or fall!” bit.
Argh! My eyes! Houjou’s transformation is ugly as heck!!! (<- vastly prefers bishonen over ojisans like Houjou)
I like how confused the cat is on the AMX graffiti, LOL.
I wonder, what was the rationale behind the “die 4 my cause” line…? (in the Funi subtitles) Is it just to fit more in line with Minamimoto’s number theme…?
#simulcast commentary#Fairy Ranmaru#The World Ends With You#Subarashiki Kono Sekai#Fumetsu no Anata e#To Your Eternity#Chesarka watches F-Ran#Chesarka watches TWEWY
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Fairy Ranmaru 3 - 5 | TWEWY 3 - 5 | HGPC 6 - 12, 22 - 24 | Back Arrow 7
Adding the tag for Fairy Ranmaru, because that's the only anime I have really set for this season.
Fairy Ranmaru 3
· Update: For some reason, I didn’t quite realise he was speaking English the first time and then repeating himself in Japanese. It’s only a very short scene, which is probably how it happened.
· LOL, that one well-timed beam that only vaguely obscured Uruu’s butt…
· If I heard small Uruu right, he calls her okaasama and not okaasan.
· LOL, Asahi (morning) = Yuuhi (evening) beer.
· I wonder what’s up with Houjou? Is he gonna be evil, like (SPOILERS!) the manager in Mahou Shoujo Ore? Why doesn’t Houjou have wings, anyway? Update: Notice the main quintet get rid of the wings in some shots and then conjure them when necessary. It might just be Houjou hasn’t needed his wings yet…
· Hmm…I’ve been thinking about how Japanese HypMic fans buy lots of CDs and merch (crazy amounts, have you seen the shrines???) to do something similar, but their purpose isn’t really to keep their characters’ careers going in as much as it is to further a plotline…so is it really on the same level as this [buying all the photobooks for the sake of helping the relevant celebrity succeed]? I dunno, you decide.
· LOL, conveniently-placed light beams are really terrible this episode.
· …wow. That got…uh…suggestive (?) (I was really shocked when I saw that the first time. How did they manage to get away with that on late-night TV???)
· We went from Madoka Magica -> moe world -> ukiyoe world…what’s next?
· …uh…suggestive? (x2)
· They really like the pot theme, huh…?
· I dunno if that was meant to be poignant that Ranmaru said Uruu was crying on the inside, but…I laughed at it.
· Wait, so why was Nodoka’s mum unemployed? Was she moving for work? Update: Seems she quit her job because Nodoka was hospitalised.
· (no notes, sorry!)
· SKY appears to be “Sukoyaka”. Update: Yep, later you see Chiyu with the track outfit and it says SKYK.
· (no notes, sorry!)
· (no notes, sorry!)
Back Arrow 7
· This general with the big beard kinda looks like Archie (from Pokemon).
· Hmm…I think I like Prax already, with the sole exception her Briheight looks rather similar to a palette-swapped Muga.
· This song must mean so much more to people who’ve played the game…(The OP, I mean.)
· Shoumetsu…it means “erasure”, technically. Will wait and see if it means more in context.
· Subaru using his normal voice as Beat. I think Ichiro is also his normal voice, or slightly gruffer and/or lower.
· Tower Records, as anime fans know, is an anime/music store. They’re well known for their “no anime, no life” stuff (exhibit A: the HypMic Rhyme Anima version).
· Ooh, Shibuya Marui. Reminds me of the one I saw in Akihabara.
· One of the signs in the back says “Shibuya First Bank”.
· “…1 Days” (sic).
· Why do I seem to recall Neku can only use one of his badge powers as a time…? Where did I learn that from?...I don’t know.
· The final boss defeated in episode 3. There is surely more around the corner…
· Ohhhhhhhh! That’s a big twist!
· Parco = this department store chain. Known mostly for P’PARCO shopping centres.
· *opens calculator on computer* The square root of 10814 is 104…Shibuya 104. Update: It’s 109 in real life, but 104 here.
· Are those…crabs? *Crab Rave plays in background*
· The Reapers at the top have cardinal directions in their surnames, but Uzuki doesn’t. That’s because her first name means the 4th month of the calendar. Update: Kariya has the character for “hunter” in his surname, too.
· LOL, Yoshidaya (in the back, a parody of Yoshinoya).
· I wonder, why is Joshua’s power so similar to Neku’s fire pin…?
· Rhyme has “dream” as one of the kanji in her name.
· Kangaroo Noise…(*thinks about HypMic ARB* Not more kangaroos…) (<- kidding)
· Oh no! I read spoilers before this so I knew Beat was going to become a Reaper, but…oh nooooooooo!
· Exploding dandelion seeds…now that’s novel!
· Ah, so here’s Batetemoda’s intro…(he’s such a chuuni…)
· Skipped a bunch of episodes because I saw them already.
· The decision to write “Asumin” without the U is a bit weird, I think, but still a valid one.
· (no notes, sorry!)
· (no notes, sorry!)
Fairy Ranmaru 4
· LOL, he (Juka) tossed poor Bakkun…
· LOL, censorship bottles.
· Brass ring. I’d never heard of the term before and I’m an English (kinda-)native speaker. (Technically Cantonese is my first language, but English is my best.)
· Did you see Uruu’s rubber duck?
· Bakkun’s a couch now! Cute!
· …so basically, Juka is a healer. Got it.
· Note how the F is green now…
· I always look away at the kiss scenes. They’re a bit of a waste of time, methinks.
· LOL, the randomly-placed effects and beams over Juka’s bits.
· Oh, Sunflowers. That would explain why Starry Night is Juka’s painting in the OP, like Uruu’s is the Great Wave.
· …and here’s Starry Night now, right on cue.
· JKRM???? (Shouldn’t that be L…?)
· The A in “CAT” looked slightly like it had cat ears.
· Wait, if this was with flip phones back in the day, did they still have apps then…? Or was it programs?
· Ooh, orange badge.
· ”Fresh Humburger”, LOL.
Fairy Ranmaru 5
· Note the opening segment has a plain chatreuse background for Ranmaru (aside from a scratched effect, like someone’s rubbed a pencil lead over it), fireworks for Homura, the Wave for Uruu, Starry Night for Juka and…I don’t know what Takara’s is, but it’s bright yellow and has spots on the edges.
· LOL, Bakkun’s use of sauces. If they only eat curry, why do they have tomato sauce and mustard, anyway…?
· I don’t think I ever properly understood what “out to lunch” meant…”temporarily not in command of one's mental faculties.” There you go!
· The sign’s F is gold this time…
· Yeah, around when she said “you bought all my vegetables”, I noticed the boxes said “carrots”, “potatoes” and so on. I didn’t even know “carrot” had kanji until yesterday, believe it or not (and I learnt that from a HypMic fan comic…*sweatdrops* Samatoki hates carrots).
· I dunno why, but men in anime sure seem to be proud of eating meat…
· LOL, weirdly-placed light beams over Takara’s butt. (I don’t know whether to call the staff “cowards” for refusing to showing the full butt or not.)
· Even the money has pots on it! I love how this anime keeps on going with that joke…(lel?)
· As it turns out, fuhen means “unchanging”. Yaochou likewise means “fixed game”, but it’s a pun on the word for “grocer” (八百屋, readyaoya and sharing the first two kanji, hence the English translation of “Fixed Grocer”).
· Oh! I had to think about it a little, but Ruise = Seiru (sale) backwards. (Update: Sort of, there's a line in the middle that has to be covered for with the I.) “Oshida”, I think, is meant to mean “authority”, so to put that with Fuhen would mean something like “eternal authority [over Ruise and her dad, due to their debt]”. Update: You know when the bull gets pushed out of the ring? That’s called oshidashi.
· Hmm? That star badge Takara wears in human form seems to be that yellow thing on his shoulder in fairy form.
· Hmm…come to think of it, “bull” was the name of a type of stock market speculator…What a pun!
· Why does Takara keep licking his lips???
#simulcast commentary#Fairy Ranmaru#Back Arrow#The World Ends With You#Subarashiki Kono Sekai#Healin' Good PreCure#Chesarka watches F-Ran#Chesarka watches TWEWY#Chesarka watches Back Arrow#Chesarka watches HGPC
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Fairy Ranmaru 6 - 7 | Fumetsu 2 - 5 | HGPC 26 | Mashiro no Oto 4
Fairy Ranmaru 6
Hey, Bar F is popular for once!
That price (10000 yen)??? For a curry??? Yikes.
“…attachment to the fairy world?”
LOL, Kimochi E (read the same way as “kimochi ii”, meaning “feels good”).
Moray eel = utsubo. Pot = tsubo. You get the drift?
The F sign is green now.
The “black ace” has Metallum wings (or are those Lux wings?)…hmm…
Uruu’s reading a “World Mineral [something something] Encyclopedia”…no wonder he seems bored.
What’s this musing about names…?
Oh, Ranmaru’s asking permission this time!
It’s the song from episode 1 again, Airanranran.
Ranmaru has his wings for this one. Interesting.
Come to think of it, this talk about the fairies’ work being a “band-aid” reminds me of that stuff I did regarding development aid…one of the lessons you take away from that stuff is that you have to avoid quick, temporary fixes (“band-aid solutions”). (Another is that not every solution needs money – some solutions, such as women’s empowerment, have to come from the people themselves.)
…eh, just a recap ep. Skip.
Fumetsu 2
I thought the bear was brown…hmm.
This song doesn’t sound like an OP at all…
It’s interesting how Parona takes on the role of the dad.
Literally, “A Girl who will not be Mature”.
Seems they animated the little tufts on the side of March’s head…
(Spoilers!) March never will grow up, due to a cursed run-in with Fushi…*tries not to cry*
Notice March wears the flower Lalah gives her like Lee does.
Just eat one fruit for yourself, March! (LOL)
This ED sounds like a Tycho song, LOL. Also, that CGI on the hand is kinda funky.
Fumetsu 3
Oh! The cube was a sedative of some sort.
Fumetsu 4
Can you call it “imprinting” if it’s an orb that changes forms…?
Fumetsu 5
…you viewers do know where this is going based on episode 1, right? Right??? I feel bad for you all…
Now you know for sure "Oniguma" has died…because Fushi can turn into it.
That bloody body…is that Hayase? Update: Yes.
Fairy Ranmaru 7
LOL, Nezuko colour-swap with chikuwabu muzzle.
Yousei no Homura, or “The Fairy of Fire”.
It’s kind of scary how Uruu almost seems to echo Sirius around about here.
I think I understand the song better now, but then…there’s apparently something at the end of this episode that will undermine a certain line in this song…hmm…
I see! It’s the red ogre and the blue ogre!
Uruu’s not watching…hmm…
…and there it is!!! The kiss!!! Update: The official Twitter calls it “artificial respiration”, which is another term for CPR.
Mashiro no Oto 4
There’s a tanuki on the girl’s apron…geddit? Tanukichi Diner? Update: I forgot her name when I wrote up this dot point, but the girl's name is Sakura.
LOL, Setsu is going to rack up quite the phone bill…
#simulcast commentary#Fairy Ranmaru#Mashiro no Oto#Those Snow White Notes#Healin' Good PreCure#Fumetsu no Anata e#To Your Eternity#Chesarka watches F-Ran
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Fruits Basket 42 - 43 (s2 ep 17 - 18) | HGPC 27 - 29 | Back Arrow 8 | Fairy Ranmaru 9
Fruits Basket 42 (s2 ep 17)
Now that I’ve been to Kyoto between the time I read the manga and watching this episode in 2021…it’s nostalgic in a sad way that I may never be able to go back, due to COVID.
The series seems to forget sometimes it’s starring a bunch of dudes (plus a few gals) who transform into animals…
It’s probably because she made some (zodiac figurines) at the start of the anime, come to think of it.
Ooh! Arashiyama yatsuhashi! (thinks about Kachou Fuugetsu) Nice choice, Furuba!
Oh, Tohru gave her mum some yatsuhashi.
Fruits Basket 43 (s2 ep 18)
(no notes, sorry!)
It’s nice they show women aeronauts as well. (Had to check it up, but “aeronaut” is apparently what you call a balloon pilot, aside from using “balloon pilot” itself.)
TONDA = I would assume a pun on the car company Honda, but also it’s the past tense for the word “to fly” (tobu).
Darui = sluggish. That’s why Daruizen doesn’t seem to care about much.
Nebuzoku = lack of sleep.
Kedarui = languid, listless.
D’aww. This was a good anime during its own time in the height of the COVID pandemic. It’s even better, now more strains are worming their way across the world.
(no notes, sorry!)
Back Arrow 8
Those black soldiers…they looks like colour-inverted Storm Troopers (LOL).
[stuff about diplomacy and washing each other’s backs] - That’s…an odd way of putting it, but the Princess is right.
They’re different walls that have to be broken in the context of their anime, but I believe the Edger guys and the Yamada bros (HypMic) would get along.
Ohmigosh, this Shaft guy has a choir! (ROFL)
…is that a Char mask…?
Fairy Ranmaru 9
LOL, the lump on the sloth’s head.
LOL, the pot on Birika’s bag.
Sharing an umbrella now, Uruu…? *thinks about romantic connotations of sharing an umbrella*
I-Is that a giant water flea in the green image…? (Why would there be a giant water flea?)
This...This is Freudian. *points at Uruu*
They really are water fleas!!!
Uruu seems kind of forlorn there…
I just realised the cyclical nature of violence in these episodes is like a fable…sometimes there’s a happily ever after and sometimes there isn’t.
Is Bakkun some kind of storage for healing magic?
Aw, Uruu, poor soul…(I think I understand why people ship Ranmaru and Juka now, too.)
#simulcast commentary#Fairy Ranmaru#Back Arrow#Healin' Good PreCure#Fruits Basket#Chesarka watches F-Ran#Chesarka watches Furuba#Chesarka watches Back Arrow#Chesarka watches HGPC
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TWEWY 6 - 9 | Fairy Ranmaru 8
Might as well add the TWEWY tag now, the season's almost over.
This “grab by the shirt” scene seems to parallel his situation with Shiki earlier on.
“Territory”? I don’t see why they had to shift the word to “turf”, even though there’s no meaning lost.
Shinjuku too? I don’t suppose other places in Japan have Reaper Games and whatnot too…?
So Chidori Ashi Kaikan (Tipsy Tose Hall) is a parody of the real Chitose Hall. Chitose can be converted to kanji that mean “thousand years”, as opposed to Chidori’s “thousand birds”. Chidori ashi = drunken staggering, hence the pun.
There was an “FSN” on one of the signs in the back…Fate/Stay Night, perhaps…?
I saw “Jupiter” on one of the signs in this episode…turns out that’s the name of the game development company, LOL.
Notice the cross on a sign near Joshua at the start of day 7.
Laser spiders! Cool!
Heart-shaped lollipop this time, LOL.
Inverse matrix.
*Minamimoto becomes Noise* Oh…s***. (That will be all I’ll say on the matter.)
H & W (H & M), LOL.
Car-kun got Beat and Rhyme (LOL…?).
Raimu (Rhyme) can be rendered in kanji characters that mean “next dream” or “future dream”, so it makes sense.
What is Neku’s entry fee, 3rd time around???
I’m laughing slightly at how Neku doesn’t want Joshua back…
It’s not every day Beat uses the real name of “Lollipop” (Kariya) either…
I read up on the fashion brands of the game and…now I see what’s up with those signs.
Fairy Ranmaru 8
LOL, this feels exactly like the business I was going on about not too long ago…(referring to this WordPress post on translator visibility)
LOL, isn’t that pose the tree pose in yoga…? (the first one Juka did)
That’s some very…er, tasteful censorship, Bakkun (LOL).
Green F sign!
This ep. is really important, especially in this time of COVID. Don’t let the underappreciated, like the volunteers and the childcare workers, go unappreciated.
For some reason, I found it funny when Homura woke up and started staring at Uruu…heheh.
#simulcast commentary#The World Ends With You#Subarashiki Kono Sekai#Fairy Ranmaru#Chesarka watches F-Ran#Chesarka watches TWEWY
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