#starfall posts
starfallforest · 4 months
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Xavier's Stunt Shooting 🎞️​​ Behind the Scenes Illustrations ✨​
I've meticulously removed the game interface from all of Xavier's event illustrations. Feel free to use these, repost, and share them around fan communities! ♡ Click the image for full size.
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
Victory Road: Go battle lots of trainers with your friend as you both work to improve yourselves and reach your full potential!
Starfall Street: Help out Penny as you teach some no-good bullies that school is totally cool!
Path of Legends: Arven's dog is dying
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candycoloredragons · 1 year
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doomin-gloom · 19 days
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THSE ARE DRAWN BY @solarpawbs
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THIS ONE IS FROM @phoenix-aku
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melverie · 4 months
⸺ LESSON 10 ⸺
Solomon & "Nightbringer"
MC's magic
strange feelings & soup
the 'MC is human' situation
records of a banshee
- lesson 9 || lesson 11 || all posts so far -
I'm going to reveal my crack theory on Nightbringer's identity soon since the brainrot is getting out of hand, but then again, it shouldn't be hard to guess based on the points I bring up for this lesson :) I'm still preparing a sideblog for that tho, so it might take a bit Also if someone wants to get tagged for these recaps, do let me know! General spoiler warning for all of Obey Me Nightbringer, as well as for the original Obey Me
Solomon suddenly shows up at HoL uninvited and claims he and Simeon have plans for drinking tea together. Simeon doesn't remember ever making such plans [10-4] -> while we're not told what they are talking about, I'm guessing it has to do with 10-A -> love how he just was at Nightbringer's tea party, and now his immediate response when asked why he's here is just "......Simeon and I are having a tea party" lol
by the time Solomon arrived at HoL, Satan was already outside, yet he didn't realize Solomon came over [10-18] -> while you can argue that Satan was just so caught up in watching the cat, he does notice MC coming over, the brothers leaving to the Demon Lord's Castle, AND this is the same demon that could later tell on that MC was standing in front of his bedroom door based on the intervall of their footsteps
Belphegor talks about Lucifer trying (+ failing) to hold in his laughter [10-1]. Demon!Lucifer would never :(
Lucifer seems overly reluctant to take MC with him and Belphegor at first [10-4]. When asked why, he deflects -> he was kind of quick to entertain the idea of taking Solomon with him as the 'uninvolved third party' though
Lucifer seems surprised that Belphegor was denied entry to a shop back when they first arrived in the Devildom [10-6; pic below] -> since this treatment from the denizens was part of the reason Mammon wanted to gain the title of 'Rulers of the Underworld', you'd think that Lucifer would be aware of this kind of treatment happening in the first place...
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it's raining, which reminds the brothers of the day before the Great Celestial War + according to Lucifer, it was unusally quiet [10-9]. The brothers talk about what everyone was doing that day:
Belphegor was napping in a tree and was all alone that day [10-11] Beelzebub was off in the human world to run an errand on Michael's behave [10-11] Asmodeus was taking a bath, and thinking of ways to get out of Raphael scolding him later on [lesson 10 hard mode] we don't get any comment on Satan, but he was obviously still part of Lucifer, so uh... Would have been interesting to know if he has any fragments of Lucifer's memories of that time tho Leviathan and Michael were taking a walk and talking [lesson 10 hard mode] Mammon was tasked with covering Beelzebub's gatekeeping duty, but he ended up skipping out of it [lesson 10 hard mode] and then there's Lucifer who was......somewhere. The game doesn't tell us what he was up to, but instead points out that no one knows where he was [lesson 10 hard mode; pic below]
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Lucifer hogging the family braincell as usual and immediately realizes that, yep, MC has the Ring of Light [10-16] -> btw kind of unrelated but I do find it funny that out of all the characters to (originally) head to the Demon Lord's Castle to free Beel, it was MC and Luci & Belphie. You know. The only two brothers that wanted to attack MC once they found out that they are a human. Imagine what would have happened if Mammon, Levi and Asmo hadn't shown up lol
[hi, this is probably the only time I'm bringing the Japanese version into this recap simply because I already translated this specific scene here]
illusion!Diavolo and illusion!Simeon pressure Solomon into choosing either demons or angels. Solomon chooses the secret third option :) [10-A] -> since this illusion was most likely created by Nightbringer, we can assume that he wants Solomon to either choose his side (whichever that may be), OR to simply abandon humanity altogether -> a little later on Solomon implies that Nightbringer should know by now that Solomon won't ever waver on his convictions -> Nightbringer knows Solomon well enough to know that threatening MC's safety might get him to change his mind. Solomon does stop smiling at this threat, so he does seem to take the threat seriously
during the illusion tea party, Solomon says that he just wants to be free, and that that's part of his agreement with "him" [10-A] -> while we don't know for certain, I'm guessing his agreement is with Nightbringer since it would make sense narrative-wise
Solomon also tells Nightbrignger that he sounds like a demon [10-A] -> sounds like something you'd either say to someone who isn't a demon, or someone who only recently became a demon
Nightbringer says that Solomon is acting more like a demon than he is because of his arrogance [10-A] -> Solomon then says that it is inevitable that he behaves like a demon since Nightbringer made him to the person he is today
Two fun facts about the Japanese version! 1. Nightbringer uses 「傲慢」 for 'arrogant', which also happens to be the word used in the game for the deadly sin 'pride' 2. instead of saying "you're the one who made me who I am today", Solomon says that Nightbringer is the one who reduced him to what he is now
when Solomon calls Nightbringer......'Nightbringer' (lol), he actually puts his name in quotation marks in the Japanese version [10-A; pic below]. Makes you wonder if he actually is the historic Nightbringer we learn a little of later on, or if it's just someone using that name...
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「」 are the Japanese quotation marks
MC one again absorbs the brother's magic in order to calm down Beelzebub [10-16]
beast mode Beelzebub is heading to the colosseum, and Lucifer points out that it was build on the exact spot the brothers first landed in the Devildom [10-13]. That was a year ago. Why is it built already??
Leviathan points out that the Great Celestial War feels like a really long time ago [lesson 10 hard mode]
[hey, we finally reached the reason I wanted to make this its own category, whuu!]
so here's the thing:
1. back in lesson 8, Diavolo said that while he is now fairly confident that MC is indeed a human, he still can't be 100% sure because there is "something else" within MC [8-1; first pic below] 2. back in OG season 3, fairy illusion!Lucifer asks MC what they are. If MC answers that they are an angel, illusion!Lucifer says this that he knows when he is in the presence of an angel, but also admits that there is something else within them and that he can't say so for certain [OG 52-5; second pic below]
THE REASON I'M BRINGING ALL THIS UP is because now in lesson 10, Lucifer once again mentions being able to tell when he's in the presence of an angel. This time, however, he indirectly claims that he can tell that MC isn't one [10-16; third pic below]
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Beelzebub managed to escape from his prison cell and we learn about the state he is in [10-9; pic below]. Once again, it seems like too big a reaction for just hearing the word 'banshee'
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we also learn that Beelzebub's rampage started right after the brothers left earlier [10-9; pic below]
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Barbatos actually blames the brothers for Beelzebub's escape [10-9] and I am inclinded to believe him because:
1. Solomon was (supposedly) with him earlier, meaning Barbatos would have known had Solomon tried to pull something. And yet he is blaming the brothers 2. while Solomon could have just been sneaky & teleported away right after putting some kind of spell/curse on Beelzebub, the other characters mentioned last lesson that Beelzebub was already acting beside himself during the dinner party, meaning it must have been someone who was also at the dinner party. From what we know, Solomon was with MC at the time 3. while it could have been both Solomon AND Barbatos, I seriously doubt that Barbatos was involved in this situation in any way. Diavolo is already in a lot of distress because of suddenly having to govern the Devildom, MC's situation, Lucifer's comment last lesson and so. much. more. The Beel situation right now just causes Diavolo even more stress, and doing something like that just feels COMPLETELY out of character for Barbatos 4. speaking of seeming out of character, it's not like Barbatos to just baselessly accuse others like that, meaning he probably had a solid reason to blame the brothers 5. I am reaching with this one, but I like the idea lol--Diavolo still has the ability to tell lie from truth, and while Belphegor vehemently denies having played any part in Beelzebub's escape, Lucifer never outright says so
they suddenly start arguing that Beelzebub is acting like this because he's hungry [10-13] -> thing is, we later learn that he's lacking his "demonic disposition" and that the hunger he feels is all No. 6's doing. So unless No. 6 suddenly decided to go all in that can't be true
⸺ MISC ⸺
Belphegor tells MC a little more about Lilith + we get Michael lore (he looks like a jellyfish :] ) [10-1]
Belphegor also tells us that the Celestial Realm forbids angels from intervering with a human's life [10-1]
Belphegor's line from the website [10-1; pic below]
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the sibling bickering <3 [10-6; pic below]
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Simeon reassures Satan that they will one day be known as "the seven brothers" [10-18]
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astarlitsoul · 6 months
Morning Star
Azriel x OC
@starfallweek prompt: Character A is a fallen star, Character B finds them.
A/n: This is my first time posting on tumblr (Ik I'm a decade late) and my first time trying to write fanfic. I wanted to give this prompt from Starfall Week a try. I hope to make at least a second part bc I'm a sucker for a happy ending. Feedback is appreciated, I hope you enjoy.
This is set a year after ACOSF when the red star (likely Aelin) was seen by Rhysand on Starfall.
Warnings: Angst, blood, wounds (not too graphic), I think that's it...
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Rhys had truly outdone himself this year. In anticipation of Nesta and Cassian’s wedding, the High Lord had created his largest guest list yet for the upcoming Starfall. The House of Wind had been undergoing preparations for the week prior to the holiday in preparation for all the guests. The residence was being readied to host the courtiers and their plus ones, the ruling families of allied courts, and Keir and Lord Devlon plus their ilk. Even the owners of businesses the Inner Circle frequented had been extended an invitation. 
Azriel had attended far more of the balls than he could remember. In his youth, Rhys, Cassian, and he would perch atop the roof of Rhys’ mother's house to watch the streaks of light until they dwindled away. In his adolescence, it was not uncommon for one of them, often Cassian, to bring their lover at the time and share kisses under the show. (Of course, the perpetrator would be teased to no end the following day.) More recently, as Rhys and Cass found their mates, Azriel found himself missing those days. He was happy for his brothers, and he loved his found sisters. But that didn’t change the feelings of unworthiness that were spurred when he was left without a date at event after event. 
In the recent weeks leading up to Starfall, these thoughts were the subject of Azriel’s dreams. The dreams were not nightmares, per se, which Azriel was well acquainted with. They all began with a depiction of a different Starfall from his youth. However, the good memories were soured when Rhys and Cassian would fall silent beside him atop the roof. Azriel would call out for them, but their eyes would remain glued to the sky as if seeing something he couldn’t. They pointed and murmured things he couldn’t hear before they grabbed him in an attempt to winnow away. 
Even now, as he flew home the morning before the holiday, he found himself thinking over the dreams. Lost in thought, he was surprised to find himself flying over the quaint cabin. He had subconsciously altered his flight path to pass the first home he’d known. Landing softly in front of Rhys’ mother’s house, he scanned his surroundings before entering. Assured that the sun was just beginning its ascent and that much of the world still slept, he entered the cabin. 
Strolling through the small foyer and into the kitchen, he observed just how worn it was. As boys, they did a number on the cabin, leaving lasting scuffs on the floor and permanent dents in their favorite chairs. He loved the damages now, seeing them for what they were. Signs of life, proof that joy and love had filled the space. Proof that even he had known joy and love. After walking through the small rooms, he exited and flew up to the roof. He told himself he wouldn’t get too comfortable, that he’d rest for only a few moments before heading to the House of Wind. Facing the spot where the sun threatened to rise from the ocean, he took in the orange and pink hues of the pre-dawn sky. While Velaris was mostly obscured by the trees, he could glimpse the city in the distance. 
His musings were interrupted by a rising feeling that moved from his stomach up behind his ribs. His shadows, which had settled into languid movements upon arrival at the cabin, began flaring out from him in a frenzy. He inhaled deeply at the foreign sensation, and it was then that he noticed the first star in the darkening sky. Azriel cocked his head at it. Prythian's brightest star — and the last to disappear each morning — should lay behind him in the sky. His confusion only grew as the star began flickering and growing.
No, not growing, approaching. The white-hot mass was careening towards him. He ducked, lying flush against the roof, his shadows making themselves scarce in the presence of the foreign glow. He closed his eyes against the brightness before he felt a wave of searing heat through his leathers as it passed overhead. Only when the light stopped attempting to shine through his shut lids, did Azriel open his eyes. Standing once more he looked himself over, then at his surroundings. Whatever it was had bowed the trees in its path, unobscuring the view to Velaris and leaving char marks and a glittering substance in its wake. 
Let us see. Let us investigate. A few of his shadows hovered in front of his face, and he permitted them to follow the path. Reaching for Truth-Teller, Azriel wracked his mind for any information he’d know of objects falling into their atmosphere. He’d gone with Rhys to see multiple experts about the upcoming celestial event. The High Lord was still shaken by the red star he’d seen during last year's Starfall. Yet none of the court’s prophets nor astronomers had forecast this. They’d all claimed the view on Starfall was set to be uninterrupted, that only good things would come from the spectacle. It was another reason that Azriel’s dreams confused him. And a reason why he didn’t mention it to his brothers.
There is blood, Master. So much blood. His shadows whizzed back to him, wrapping around his middle and tugging him in the direction of the foreign object. Taking to the sky, he spotted a clearing a few hundred feet behind the cabin that hadn’t been there before. Upon passing the last of the trees, Azriel drew up short and hovered over the sight. There were so few things that turned his stomach after centuries of horrors. But the sight of a body laying in the crater, a tangle of limbs and wings and branches and moss had the foreign feeling returning to his chest. Landing softly, he rolled the hilt of his dagger in his palm, a nervous tic of his. He stood at the edge of the crater and found his throat tightening as he took a closer look. 
The being was breathtaking, even as it lay limply in the ground. Pale blue feathers lay beneath the body, adorning wings that bent at a too-wrong angle. The being was dressed in nondescript robes of a darker blue hue, which now lay in tatters. Much of the flesh that wasn’t shredded, was obscured by long, curly locks of dark hair and a thick layer of glittering dust. His shadows were snaking their way towards the body, picking up some of the glistening flecks as they approached when they froze suddenly. 
Alive. But the breaths are too shallow. There is a great wound.
A faint groan escaped the being and he found himself stepping down into the crater. Precaution thrown to the wind, he saw no need to intimidate the dying creature. It appeared female, as he took in the soft facial features and shapely figure as she lay against the dark soil.
“Hello?” he asked gently. 
Another groan, then a cry as the being shifted. Tightening his grip on Truth-Teller, Azriel watched a shaky hand emerge from beneath a heap of feathers to reach for what he believed was a thigh. It was then he saw the wound. The Illyrian winds had been known to whisk away even the largest tents and banners, typically with sandbags and iron posts still attached. The stake of one of those posts was protruding through the leg, too close to the center for her femur to still be intact. 
“Hey hey hey,” he sputtered as he reached for the delicate hand hoping to prevent her from causing herself further harm. While he was no healer, he knew that the bones and arteries in the thigh posed a life threat when damaged. The moment his scarred hand closed around her wrist her eyes flew open. 
Time may as well have frozen. His eyes met her own, pools of a similar hazel but flecked with stardust. Within his chest, he felt a new ebb and flow. Not of his diaphragm as he remembered to breathe, but of his end of the mating bond that had awoken within him. He was shaken from the moment when another cry left her lips.
She began speaking frantically in a language he’d never heard as she attempted to move, her eyes jumping between his face, his shadows, his flared wings, and the weapon in his hand. Her feathered wings shifted again, as she attempted to free her other arm. Sheathing his dagger, he held up his hands, a sign that he meant no harm. Realizing the efforts to free herself were futile, the female stilled, throwing him a pleading look. 
He brought his hands towards the wound slowly, one hand steadying the bloodied stake before the other felt beneath her leg. Wherever the stake had come from, this piece had broken off when it caught in her leg. 
She must be moved. She will not last long. His shadows had been working their way around her form, through the hair, feathers, and tatters as they tried to gain a full picture for their master. A few of them brushed the hair off of her face, while others seemed to stroke her hand. Something in his chest squeezed at their report.
“Let me,” he gestured to himself, “help you.” He finished by making a scooping motion with his arms. Azriel had no idea if she understood his miming, or if the bond had come to life in her chest too, but she nodded once in agreement. He pushed an arm under her back gently, before leaning her torso up from the ground. Her face screwed in pain and he paused as she took a shaky breath. He ordered his shadows to steady the stake before pushing his arms under her legs as well.
Standing up, he took note of her limp wings. What he had believed were two large wings, were actually two sets of wings. Looking up at her face, he flared his shadows as he prepared to shadow-walk to Velaris. Once again, despite her ragged breathing and pained face, she nodded at him with resignment in her eyes. Azriel was unsure if she could feel it, but he tried to soothe her through the bond before he allowed his shadows to envelope them. He hoped that she was able to receive the calming waves he sent her, and none of the panic he felt as his mate’s blood soaked his leathers.
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thenightpost · 2 years
A list of excellent fiction podcasts that have no network (to my knowledge) and could use your support, all made by queer creators and featuring queer characters:
Care & Feeding of Werewolves (@careandfeedingofwerewolves) - the medical notes and adventures of a doctor for the paranormal community
Small Victories (@wgc-productions) - a slice of life dramedy about addition, recovery, and relationships
The Department of Variance of Somewhere, Ohio (@somewhereohio) - surreal/weird fiction following agents trapped in the building of their shady government bureau
Hello from the Hallowoods (@hellofromthehallowoods) - vignettes of a huge cast of characters interweave in a long-form narrative of queer survivors
Dragon Shanty (@dragonshantypod) - in the form of bedtime stories, two lighthouse keepers tell their history of magic and dragons
The Aberrant Report (@theaberrantreport) - a tape recorder-style murder investigation that delves into the supernatural
InCo (@itmeblog) - sci-fi micro-fiction following an information courier in the far future
Starfall (@starfallpod) - the fantasy adventures of a theater troupe that uses magic to create their performances
Neighbourly (@neighbourlypod) - weird/surreal fiction anthology about the secrets behind closed doors on a very strange street
The Night Post (that's us!) - a mystery/horror about queer survival and the realities of living with the natural and supernatural
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askstarfalldaycare · 2 months
The start of starfall (a tsams/tsbs au)
Endless devotion, that was something Eclipse consistently ached for but this was also what made him hate adults. Adults are too stingy, they needed reason to look up to Eclipse, they needed reason to let him lead even after he had gotten the star. They were just too stuck up, too opinionated, to listen to actual logic. Eclipse just could not handle it and he wasn't sure what to do since it had only been a few weeks since he had taken over. Not to mention Sun and Moon were becoming problems, they were starting some sort of stupid rebellion that could have borderline affected him and even cause him to lose. But he realized something when he saw the bond between parent and child. Children even when they say they hate their parents or act out against them always have some sort of level of devotion to them since they have the understanding that without their parents they'd starve and die off. This realization would be what ‘saved’ him since after so long he finally had a solid plan. When Sun and Moon attacked his castle? he set it into action starting by wiping out humanity, he had big plans for the two brothers but before he acted them out? He wanted to see the hope they had drained off of their faces as they realized they had lost. Once he did? He sent out a large burst of star power that would transform the animatronics into kids and toddlers, all while also wiping out their memory. It took a while but Eclipse managed to hunt down and collect all the littles ones. However because of how many kiddy animatronics there were now? He came up with the ‘Starfall Daycare’ which was a section of Eclipse's palace he now sectioned off for the kids, however he changed its layout to fit that of a comfy house like daycare.
-. No nsfw asks!
-. No showing hate towards any groups when interacting
-. No starting or putting us into drama
Blog owners+artists:
Ask these characters (more to be added soon!!):
-. Lord Eclipse (adult)
-. Solar (adult)
-. Ruin (adult)
-. Sun
-. Moon
-. Puppet
-. Monty
-. Foxy
-. Earth
-. Lunar
-. Jack-o-moon
-. Bloody (bloodmoon twin 1)
-. Harvest (bloodmoon twin 2)
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quartxio · 3 months
i haven't been able to focus on making DW Starfall art due to uni, so here's some worldbuilding about the AU and info about its main cast under the cut in the meantime
to recap: Doodle World: Starfall is a fantasy-futuristic AU where humanity discovers magic in the cosmos, after their technological advent into space. so far, all of humanity can only use basic magics, and each individual is limited to only one type. however, across the planets are 'Artifacts' (which replace the Keys) which are said to be able to break the mold and ascend someone into mastery of magics. the protagonist is replaced with an OC - Rose Aurelius, a sorcerer and archivist who came from another world to learn about this one, but gets herself wrapped up in the mystery of the Artifacts.
DoodleCo owns several planets which are in close proximity with each other - each planet houses a different district of cities, and transportation to each planet is done by public spaceships.
Earth remains as the main planet, where the main DoodleCo headquarters has been built. however, the story begins on the smallest planet of the 5 that are owned by DoodleCo - Eria.
the Adventurer Unit becomes the Explorers Unit, who are tasked with discovering new planets across the galaxy.
DoodleCo is still ran by the same canon characters
as for the main cast, most of them maintain their canon personalities, with some tweaks.
TJ is a tamer who joins the Explorers Unit in hopes of making a great discovery. he wants to find the Artifacts, since he's well practiced in magic, and wants to expand his skills in it. however, he isn't the best at Doodle battling, though he aims to improve. he's got a knack for finding his way through places, even if he hasn't been there before
Quincy, son of DoodleCo's CEO, Charles, is one of the few humans who lack the ability to conjure magic, and it haunts him. he makes up for it with his excellent Doodle battling strategies, and one thick wall of ego (tinged with shame) to seal his only insecurity away.
Portia is the daughter of the (still-living) Rebecca, second founder of DoodleCo. she's confident and ready to jump into any action anytime, but occasionally fears she will not live up to her mother's feats. she is obsessed with aliens
Suzie is a bit of a loner who drowns herself in biology studies to distract herself from the fact that she cannot taste (and by extent, smell) anything. she fears it has cost her a lot of what would've been cheerful childhood memories. hence, she works herself to the bone for a cure
fun fact: Portia and Suzie are together
Mr. Riffraff was the third founder of DoodleCo, and the one that was constantly pushing towards technological advancements through ethical means. when he found out that DoodleCo was using Somniere and Verdrok's power to fuel their magitech (magic + technology), he left in anger, and vowed to free the both of them.
Teneson is the right hand of Charles, and seeks order. he despises Riffraff for abandoning DoodleCo for the reason he did. Teneson believes that sacrifices must be made for the greater good, and aims to stop Riffraff from freeing the two.
Junjie, the subway guy, is hired by DoodleCo and becomes the head of all public spaceships. he's an open and outgoing guy that occasionally goes behind DoodleCo's back for the sake of the people. people over power is his belief and he is loyal to that
finally, the main protagonist... Rose Aurelius. a cosmic sorcerer, and the Avatar of the Constellation, Lynx, who archives the flora and fauna of different worlds. she takes on a humanoid guise during her time on DoodleCo's planets, and originally only aimed to be an observer to the events of the Artifact Hunt. however, she met Riffraff, who constantly got in her way of archiving, and was intrigued by his goal of freeing Somniere and Verdrok, and decided to help him a little... only to end up becoming more than involved in the whole ordeal.
she's an old cranky and sassy woman who minds her own business most of the time. she does display care, albeit in a tougher way. she becomes the guardian of the main cast after constant encounters with this group of rambunctious kids, and the amount of times she's protected them from fantastical dangers and lectured them has led her to feel responsible for them. Rose cares a lot for them, but her tough exterior makes it difficult for them to see that
Rose and Riffraff are also a couple because i LOVE enemies to lovers and i love old people romance but that's a post for another time
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starfallforest · 26 days
Special Xavier Interaction 🐰⭐️ “I am a bad bunny.”
If you own Xavier’s outfit Butler’s Rules, allow him the option to dress himself, and he absolutely thrashes you in Kitty Cards, there’s a chance that the next day Xavier will don his butler outfit and give you this special interaction…
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vestaclinicpod · 2 years
Love audio drama?
Also: secrets and spreading positivity?? 
Send your favourite indie audio drama a secret confession of love this valentines! 💌
See below for an example of what I’m hoping to send out to some of the best and most beloved podcasters on 14th Feb! 
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separatist-apologist · 5 months
Guilty As Sin is Feysand coded you can't change my mind
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starfallpod · 8 months
Hello hello everyone! We’re kicking off our crowdfunding efforts TOMORROW, and to help get everyone excited, I thought I’d give a little rundown of what you can expect from all our reward tiers!
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$5 Tier - Potato Skins
At this level, you’ll get a social media shoutout with a personalized ticket, as seen below.
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Nifty, huh?
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$15 Tier - Hearty Stew
You’ll get access to the first level of our digital bundle, which comes jam-packed with Valentines, our tarot cards, recipe cards from the cast, and TWO whole blooper reels!
Oh - and you get a cover art sticker!
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$30 Tier - Biscuits (Chocolate Ones)
You’ll get a digital copy of “Troupes On Carts,” which is a 30+ TTRPG hack of how to play your game in the world of Starfall! You also get physical copies of our tarot cards, an “I Sword of Like You” Valentine, and a backer-exclusive letter from your friend, Fennel! AND - a secret bonus sticker!
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What is ON this secret bonus sticker, you may ask? Well, you’ll just have to order and find out 😉
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$50 tier - Sal’s Famous Everything Sandwich
You’ll get detailed digital annotated scripts of two episodes - Act I, Scene ii, where Leona first met the troupe, and the as of yet unreleased Act I, Scene xiii. You’ll also get a physical, handwritten recipe card!
What kind of recipe? Well, there’s a few in rotation, including my family favorite pasta sauce and something from my grandmother’s own recipe cards simply called “Delightful Salad.”
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$100 Tier - Tea with Elsibel
Hey, did you know we recorded a nearly 3-hour talkback about Scenes viii & ix? Well, at this tier, you’ll get to hear ALL of that and become a card carrying member of the Hayver Apologists.
You’ll also get one of the original handwritten pages from a Starfall first draft notebook, AND a handwritten copy of the letter from your friend, Fennel!
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$250 tier - MEATS!
Join at this level and you’ll get to add a piece to Starfall (and Falsten’s) canon. You’ll get to name a saint or design a play that’ll show up in a future episode of Starfall! You’ll also get a copy of a Starfall episode of your choosing on cassette. Because physical media good.
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$1000 - Fried Potatoes
This is it - the best we can offer. At this tier, you can finally “Let Dalyn Say Fuck,” aka choose a character this season and let them say 1 (one) real-world swear. Oh, and I suppose you’ll be an executive producer all season as thanks for that.
BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE! You’ll also get physical copies of “Troupes On Carts,” our annotated scripts, AND, I will send you one of the full handwritten notebooks I used to write first drafts of Starfall episodes in - a truly one of a kind item.
So, uh…yeah. Hope that sounds fun!
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doomin-gloom · 15 days
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melverie · 7 months
And in a way, Satan would react much like a tiny kitten being carried by its mother whenever he is shown love—overwhelmed by the gesture, and shutting down completely as he is being treated with care
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starfall-spirit · 3 months
July is honestly going to be the most awesome month this year. Like, first Epic: The Thunder Saga drops on the 4th. Then it’s my birthday, and the day after that we’re blessed by the brilliant minds participating in Elucien Week this year. I just think it’s going to be so much fun.
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