#star trek aos scenarios
landrinha · 8 months
You know, sometimes everything in your life sucks, you fail in college, you fail at being a good daughter, you fail at being in shape, you fail at being a good friend bc you're too tired to hang out...
For me, it's always helps my emotional support hiperfixacion. It's like, yeah, I'm doing horrible but at least this gays in space love eachother. So I could love myself a little bit, I could get better.
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stemmefemme · 2 years
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The reason why Jim sacrificing himself in the warp core does not work as the resolution of his character arc is because he would have done the exact same thing before even joining Starfleet
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trek-tracks · 1 year
Things We Don't Talk Enough About in Star Trek AOS:
PIKE: You all right, son?
KIRK: You can whistle really loud, you know that?
PIKE: You know, I couldn't believe it when the bartender told me who you are.
KIRK: Who am I, Captain Pike?
PIKE: Your father's son.
KIRK: (to bartender) Can I get another one?
PIKE: For my dissertation, I was assigned the USS Kelvin. Something I admired about your dad, he didn't believe in no-win scenarios.
KIRK: Sure learned his lesson.
PIKE: Well, it depends on how you define winning. You're here, aren't ya?
KIRK: Thanks.
...That Pike's first conversation with Jim in AOS is literally this meme:
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assassinbugs · 1 month
these are "who would you wanna be swapped with" not "who can you act like the most convincingly" polls!! i said pretending to be the other person SHENANIGANS, not life or death scenario! you don't need to be able to actually act like them, smh
there are "pretending to be the other person" shenanigans happening ofc
other versions: Lower Decks, SNW, Discovery, DS9, Voyager, TNG
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tigereyes45 · 1 month
My asks are open for Star Trek prompts
I'm trying to hit 90 star trek fics on Ao3 before the year anniversary of when I began posting star trek fics, August 26th. The prompts can be one word, or really specific. They can be for any ship (I'm only listing a handful I like best), or no ship at all (character-focused stuff or scenarios are great) but please keep it to the shows I've seen.
Please feel free to send in any writing prompts for the following shows/movies:
Lower Decks
My favorite ships are:
Mcspirk (McCoy x Spock x Kirk in any combination, mckirk, spones, etc.)
Janeway x Tuvok
Mari'lyn (Mariner x T'lyn)
Janeway x Tuvok x T'pel (and even Mark too before the break up)
TOS Chulu
TOS Uhotty
Harry x Tom x B'Elanna
Quark x Odo x Kira
Mariner x T'lyn x Tendi
Lower Decks Polycule
DS9 Polycule (in any of its forms)
Quark x Odo
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Feel free to send as many prompts as you want! Multiple asks are welcomed!
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I was just going to go look at the Wikipedia page, but I decided this would be more fun. Someone please rate how I did here.
What I think happens in Star Trek (2009) based solely on AOS Kirk/Spock fanfic:
George Kirk dies heroically on the USS Kelvin, baby Jim is born in space the same day. Jim grows up with a shitty step-dad & mega daddy issues. He maybe goes to Tarsus? He definitely builds a motorbike, crashes a car over a cliff and gets into fistfights. Pike meets him in a bar and dares him to make something of himself & enroll in Starfleet. He does. He meets Bones and has an allergic reaction to something. He sleeps around, including with Gaila(?), an Orion(?). Uhura thinks he's a fuckboy and hates him. He does well in his classes, and when faced with the no-win scenario of the Kobayashi Maru simulation, he hacks it. Spock, formidable Vulcan instructor who also hates him, brings him up on some sort of academic dishonesty charges which culminates in a public trial like a fucking court martial. The proceedings get interrupted by Nero attacking Vulcan. Amanda definitely dies but maybe Sarek doesn't? The gang somehow all ends up on the Enterprise together (including the 'classic seven' of Uhura, Scott, Chekhov, Sulu & Bones). Pike is captain, or maybe somebody else? Action happens. At some pivotal point, Jim taunts Spock to the point that he chokes him out on the bridge, and maroons him on an ice planet. On the ice planet, he meets real Spock in a cave and they mindmeld & Jim finds out how to stop Nero? And definitely that he and nuSpock are meant to be besties. He's reunited with the ship and stops Nero from destroying Earth and/or the galaxy. Nyota kisses Spock on the bridge (#nohomo). Jim gets handed the captaincy based on pluck and can-do spirit. Everybody agrees to sign up for a five year mission with him. The end.
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celestialvoyeur · 6 months
Right boys and girls, strap in! This is a TRILOGY of amazing fics from the supremely talented @cate-adams. Consisting of the fics 'No-win Scenario', 'Angels and Demons' and 'The Vanguard' they're altogether about the length of two novels, and the story is just FANTASTIC!
A split-second decision changes Jim's life forever, as he enters into a bond with Spock in the face of certain torture. Enemies to the Federation emerge from unlikely places, and the command team must contend with unexpected threats, as well as challenges within their own intense relationship. In this three-part series, the Enterprise races across the galaxy to confront the unknown, and Jim and Spock discover the true significance of their unprecedented connection.
These AOS stories have some truly wonderful original characters as well as brilliant characterisations of all our usual favourites.
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Goodness the AOS Star Trek fandom is obnoxious. The way they're tripping over themselves to invent scenarios in which Uhura and Spock's relationship means absolutely nothing, like the kisses are platonic because in my mind Uhura was raised in a culture where they aren't sexual ah ah, noooo of course Nyota doesn't mind being shoved to the side for the sake of guy love she's very happy about it in fact, hey how funny would it be if she was Spock's ex and not his partner and Jim was just slow to catch on, here are my 284 cutesies headcanons for the moment when Spock realises why he THOUGHT Nyota was his soulmate but really it was Jim, here's how Nyota can be a supportive BFF to Jim and Spock, of course Nyota would be absolutely delighted to give a toast at their wedding.
Yeah. There are absolutely no issues to treating her like a mere accessory to the dudes whatsoever.
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trillgendermetaphor · 8 months
imo star trek aos could NEVER give kirk as tragic and compelling a backstory as tos did with tarsus iv. oh, you don’t believe in no-win scenarios because your dad died when you were an infant? sure, okay. but you don’t believe in no-win scenarios because a eugenicist turned one into a mass killing in which you almost died? now THAT is compelling.
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stemmefemme · 2 years
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kcscribbler · 6 months
M: What’s the weirdest AU scenario you’ve ever come up with?  Did it turn into a story?
Full Ask List
At one point, I had a whole lengthy AU outline and the first chapter of a Star Trek TOS/Mission Impossible (the TV show, not the movie franchise) AU written out. This was many years ago, well before I started backing fic up in a cloud, and I lost the chapter and outline in a catastrophic laptop crash, along with several other WIPs. The shows started around the same time, IIRC, and Leonard Nimoy actually was a regular in a couple of the later seasons. 60s TV at its finest.
I stay away from AUs for the most part, and it's probably no surprise that the ones I have finished are almost all Generations fix-its.
This one I still have a soft spot for, because it was so much fun to write both TOS and AOS characters in the same story, and try to keep their voices correct to their respective universes.
Shades of Darkness No one is more surprised than the newly-resurrected James T. Kirk, when he opens his eyes on an unfamiliar Starfleet Medical bay and a crew nearly forty years his junior. Meanwhile, as the fabric of space and time begins to slowly unravel around what Should Not Be, young Jim finds himself trapped in the ghostly spirit-world of the Nexus, trying to find his way home as his crew desperately search for a way to reach him.
Thank you for the ask!
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shizuoi · 6 months
Talk shop Tuesday: is there a character that you haven’t written that you’d want to? A character you never want to write (and why!) but love reading?
characters i want to write are never-ending LOL probably atm it would be skull from l&co and connor from d:bh. i'd like to write skull but my knowledge of skull is relegated to the l&co show and i know that he has much more of a personality in the books so that's kind of a research thing for me. as for connor, i love that boy with all my heart, but i just haven't quite found a scenario that would compel to write him. so many good fics have already been written about him, so it'd have to be a really good idea to have me adding to the the fic count
as for characters i love reading but wouldn't write, probably anyone from star trek. i adore star trek (os and aos) but i feel that i don't have anything new to add to all the amazing work that has already been written about them! maybe one day if the ideas strike me right in the forehead... we shall see!!
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thegeminisage · 7 months
nonexhaustive list of celebrities i simply refuse to look at
j*hnny d*pp: i mean, obviously
b*nedict c*mberbatch and m*rtin freem*n: bbc sherlock is an awful show with awful fans and they are both So Ugly i hope all tjlc people are having a bad day today
jason isaacs: though i'm sure he's a lovely person and also he's very talented, watching him in the oa gave me fight-or-flight whenever i see him now. he did TOO good of a job is what i'm saying
t*by st*phens: poseidon should NEVER have been played by a white ginger man just because someone in production has a hard-on for bl*ck FUCKING s*ils. i despise the very sight of him and every time one of you demons makes a horny post about him the world grows a little darker and my hatred, a little deeper
matthew mcconaughey: he didn't do anything wrong but it's because of interstellar.
emily blunt: it's a really long and involved story involving erectile dysfunction and some facebook rp i was lovingly peer pressured into as a teenager. i'm sure she's a fine person or whatever
s*bastian st*n: he also didn't do anything wrong, but i do not want to be taken back to 2014 every time i look at him, so i just don't look at him
chris pine and zachary quinto unless i am actively watching or viewing content from star trek: the absolute dearth of usable footage for gifs/vids/etc from the star trek aos movies made people go watch these actors in other things partially to better imagine how they might look in various scenarios in star trek. like, people would watch the princess diaries 2 to think about a younger jim kirk, which was really normal of them. thankfully, this didn't happen to me...but there's no need to take chances.
any of the supernatural cast unless i am actively watching or viewing content from supernatural: the jokes have been beaten to death please free me from this nightmare
i'm sure there's more that i'm just not thinking of right now. i'll update this post if any new names come to me.
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dearemma · 1 year
Ooooooh, the previous anon was spot on regarding the ship wars ruining a good fandom experience. This is why I'm sticking to exclusively Christine Chapel/Spapel fandom while Strange New Worlds airs. I don't want to see the serious real world issues and the words such as "homophobia" being weirdly weaponized just because Spock isn't dating Kirk... It's shocking how some people fail to realize the danger and actual harm of weaponizing the social justice discourse rhetoric in the petty shipping wars.
Also, the worst case scenario is if they start being misogynistic against Chapel. I HATE how often it happens to the female characters who "get in the way" of the mlm ships, consequentially followed by simply HORRIBLE, often over the line harrassment of the actors who play said female characters. Jess doesn't deserve to be harassed just because Spock doesn't kiss Kirk.
I want to say Star Trek fandom is more mature and better than Star Wars, Marvel fandoms, but unfortunately, I doubt that it is.
there are no good fandoms, only good people!
Like, there are people who claim to be uh*ra fans who are being super racist towards celia because she doesn't look like her ao*s version. when like, celia is stunning, heart-stopping beautiful. There are people who claim to support lgbt rights but will shit on lesbians and erase female bisexual characters in order to make their ships happen.
there are going to be people who are terrible in every fandom, and they always reserve their worse for female characters (and black female characters get the brunt of it, always).
i just want to focus on christine, on jess who is absolutely wonderful, on la'an and m'benga who are also my faves! people who are constantly looking for something to be mad at are just... okay, if that's how you have fun? but it's not really fun, is it? to constantly talk trash about something, to hate on something because of a ship!
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spirkme915 · 1 year
The Tropiest of Tropes
↳ ao3, rated T, complete
Jim whirls to face the flowchart. “It’s the first time in” - he jabs his finger at the screen, counting - “eight potentially romantic scenarios that Spock has responded in a way that shows even a modicum of interest. These are eight tried-and-true romantic tropes we’re talking about here. And clothes sharing? You can’t get more tropey than that. What does it mean that he hasn’t given it back, Nyota? What does it mean?”
Idk where this came from or, frankly, if it went anywhere, but it's here for you to read! (AOS-verse cause TOS-verse would've been way OOC)
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