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thelesseroftwoweevils · 3 months ago
You know re-watching a clip of the Cerritos rescuing the Archimedes, (along with the Titan and Cali-class's rescues of Cerritos) reminds me why I think "First First Contact" barring the cliffhanger is the best Lower Decks finale. They're all pretty good but FFC seems the most... Star Trek of them? Also the most Lower Decks, It's non-violent, low stakes and it's the Cerritos proving that second line workhorses or not they are Starfleet to the bone and heroic.
And damn, I hope Jennifer got some kind of official recognition for saving Mariner because jumping out on an EVA to rescue her is bravery above and beyond.
Tangentially (because their romantic relationship should be based on gratitude for the above), I still really think their relationship and the coda for was done so badly. Apparently, the writers think "Jenn liked Mariner for the wrong reasons", and we were all supposed to get that from the one... C-Plot? B-Plot at best that had them together. Where the gist was more 'Jenn likes her for who she is'! Ugh.
The writer's were clearly not interested in shipping/romance, fine. So don't do it, that's fine. Don't do it and then half-arse it.
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thelesseroftwoweevils · 3 months ago
Lower Decks didn't decanonise shit.
First Lower Decks isn't in charge of canon.
Second, the Disco Klingons maybe from an other timeline but it doesn't mean they don't exist in the Cerritos' prime timeline either.
Unless you think the Freedom, Oberth, Miranda, Galaxy and Soveriegn classes don't exist either.
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thelesseroftwoweevils · 3 months ago
That title is goofy.
After the hype, they just need some shield mods to fly in and fix it like any other rift? Okay then.
They've got an new permanent interdimensional rift that was never mentioned in any later time frame. Great continuity!
You can tell they haven't given Tendi or Rutherford enough to because they speed ran entire arcs for them in this one episode.
I did like they tried to incorporate stuff from most of the other episodes in the season though.
And their final send off was heartfelt and less glurgy than Disco or Prodigy did so there's that.
Except then it had to end of the damn 'I need an engage phrase' joke. Ugh! I hate those. At least everyone else hated it too
P.S. Oh and fuck them for throwing in never to be resolved ship teases at the last second.
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thelesseroftwoweevils · 3 months ago
I spoiled myself on all the guest appearances and the plot and thought I was going to hate this one.
I wish they'd done Upper Decks at a different point in the season because two episodes in a row with nothing from the real main cast was not good
But... it was really good, maybe it was just the high stakes, quick moving plot? Because the main draws: Bashir/Garak, Curzon and T'Pol the Kims, I don't really like them. Or Captain William Boimler whining about the multiverse but somehow... it still worked? I don't get.
That end, yeah it sets up a big finale but logically: what you couldn't find an empty reality? or one that was all assimilated or something?
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thelesseroftwoweevils · 4 months ago
This concept was kind of inevitable right?
I get the joke I really do but the whole "we're the stars not the command crew" was really too on the nose. And originally wasn't the joke that the command crew always had the crazy adventures off screen and the Lower Deckers were out the loop/picking up the shit afterwards/only hearing about it seconds? There's episodes that depend on it like when Tendi turned into that Scorpion or the D'Arcy Mask situation in the spa ship episode?
Aside from that, I did enjoy the episode. Not only the senior crew but the non star Lower Decks. It was nice for the not usually seen Ensigns like Meredith and Barnes as so forth to get their chance to shine.
(I only just noticed Moxy (Delta-Tendi!) has some spotting on her temples as that always been there? Is she not )
Still five plot lines was a little too much. I want to know more about Shaxs but the ending of Freeman's plotline both with the Admiral appearing and knowing how much the personal touch with the crew matters were very nich and heart warming.
Not perfect but certainly one of the better ones this season.
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thelesseroftwoweevils · 4 months ago
I am over a week behind so I only just I saw "Fully Dilated", so the episode is caused by Boimler and Rutherford being idiots and once again they point out at the start of the episode that the whole plot is stupid and pointless.
Hanging a lampshade doesn't fix that.
Topped off with using the most over used special guest star in the franchise. I am all Brent Spinered out. Stop bringing him back.
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thelesseroftwoweevils · 4 months ago
I am bad at tumblring so I do not know about this site especially but elsewhere there seems to be a lot less discusion of Lower Decks now? I don't know if it's just waring out it's welcome, or if it's it bieng on paramount plus or what.
tht said I'm finding myself struggling to keep up. I had other things happening at the end of last week, i had plenty of time to watch really but it still didn't happen. will probably catch up both episodes when tomorrows drop. but then maybe not.
maybe i'm just old. i use to properly binge things.
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thelesseroftwoweevils · 4 months ago
Whatever happened to Mariner's Ensigns? We saw a group of them she was supposedly going to be responsible for in 5x01 and then... never again.
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thelesseroftwoweevils · 4 months ago
Well that one was... not good. I feel like I should like the concept: Mariner having to deal with her position as an LT by leading an ensign who represents the "old" her. But it just had no spark and dealt with it all so superficially. Mariner apologies for something she'd barely done and it ties itself up so.. neatly Meanwhile Boimler's plot is awful. Tendi is constantly point outing how awful it is but its one of those situations where lampshading you're bad rather than just not being bad doesn't help. Boimler just seems to be really... Season 1 if that makes any sense?
the cube and spheres are just so cliché and uninteresting that I have nothing to say there.
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thelesseroftwoweevils · 4 months ago
... Err? What? No.
Where in AOS is this thing about Kirk being okay with losing so long as there's a silver lining? Where does it say that? When does he express that? The films are not that deep.
AOS Kirk is an arrogant jackass who thinks he can never lose.
And if people are getting the wrong impression. It's probably because in The Wrath of Khan, Kirk was wrong about it and hadn't ever learnt the lesson of the scenario. That some times there is just no way out and nothing to do. As Picard later says:"Sometimes you commit no mistakes and still lose"
That's the whole point of what he says in the Genesis Cave and Spock's sacrifice.
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Often times when reading AOS fics I'll get hit in the face by the fact that so many in the fandom don't understand what Kirk means by no-win scenarios. Too many times I'll see someone write Kirk as a person who will not accept any failure whatsoever because they've equated no-win with all-win or no-lose. That's not what Kirk's on about. He doesn't believe in no-win as in there will always be a silver lining or some type of win to a scenario no matter how bad the odds or failure. Even if the only thing you can say at the end is that you're alive - that's a win. The fact that the Kobayashi Maru kills everyone no matter what they do is what pisses him off so much, a character trait he does in fact share with TOS Kirk who also screwed with the test. So no, Jim doesn't consider Vulcan a no-win. He doesn't consider Khan and Marcus a no-win. He doesn't consider even saving Spock's life by breaking the prime directive and getting demoted a no-win. Because they were wins - some vulcans and Earth were saved, Khan was defeated, Starfleet saved, a Klingon war adverted and Spock is alive. So whenever a fic takes the "I sure hope Jim learned his lesson about no-win scenarios" route I want to bang my head against the wall because he didn't learn anything because there was nothing to learn. At most Kirk's just an arrogant ass who plays too much. He's 22-27 in the first two movies. He has zero experience. He'll grow out of that but not believing in no-win scenarios was something Spock needed to learn from Kirk - that you win some and lose some but at least you won some, not the other way around. Kirk can accept failure so long as it comes with even a minor success. Spock just immediately jumped to the conclusion that they had no hope against Nero alone and failed by never trying.
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thelesseroftwoweevils · 4 months ago
Every time I watch 'Those Old Scientists', every time I just want a follow up episode where S4/S5 Boimler and Mariner encounter Pike's Enterprise once again and Pike and co except them to be zany fuck ups but they get to save the day through their later series competence.
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thelesseroftwoweevils · 4 months ago
Another one I just thought was fine, maybe a little bit better than fine?
I've mixed feelings about them reimagining Starbase 80 as more of a quirky place for second chances rather than the fuckup station that's doomed. That's not how S3 presented it.
Then again it's presumably the new commander that's turning it around. (Though if she's new why is wearing a pre-startfleet ENT era uniform?) It's cool seeing a bunch of really old tech on the station though.
Now they're LTs there's a little too much of the main characters doing everything, there's no need for them to rush to the bridge for the set up of each episode. It's red alert but there are loads of LTJGs, there should already be crew handling the positions they go to.
And there seems no obvious reason Freeman needs to send Mariner ontoSB 80when it's clearly triggering her.
We're having another mid-season T'Lyn absence but I noticed a lot of familiar faces in the crowd scenes which is cool.
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thelesseroftwoweevils · 5 months ago
Now, that's what I'm talking about! Strongest episode so far this season I think.
Maybe I just love Ma'ah and LD's take on the Klingons? I don't know all the Klingons being so down on the Federation is kind of silly but it works and it's not universal as K'orin being back but not over the top proves and it was a nice continuity nod.
Boimler and Mariner getting a great win on klingon terms via Boimler's love of klingon bureaucracy was just fun.
Migleemo's one of my less favourite characters and his b-plot was fine if a little predicatable.
Holy hannah, the klingon woman that was into Ma'ah though! Pity she didn't reappear at the end.
Anyway, very much enjoyed.
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thelesseroftwoweevils · 5 months ago
Well fine, I guess.
I wanted a Mariner/Jennifer coda for ages but kinda underwhelmed when it arrived. It felt like they were kinda crapping on the concept? oh this was clearly worked out why do you want it. And just them actually having to officially break up and become civil exes rather than Mariner having to face the command isues and so on that came with that situation.
Really appreciated t'lyn's part of the A plot simple but fun.
Boimler's better as a subordinate than trying to a cool commanding officer.
The ongoing plot is involving the fissures is pretty cool, interesting to see where that can go.
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thelesseroftwoweevils · 5 months ago
New Lower Decks season! Just finished the second episode.
Both episodes are fine. But only fine. I appreciated the first episode a little more after seeing the second because I thought the alternates was an underused premise. But seeing the next episode, they do set up Boimler and Mariner's apparent character arcs. Boimler's alternate is someone he wants to be and Mariner's is who she wants to avoid. She wants to gain command but still be true to herself.
Still their plot in the second episode wasn't great.
Tendi's is good but doesn't entirely gel with s4 finale. (The deal wasn't "serve until you've paid for the ship") Then again s4 finale didn't really gel with D'Erica's first episode and it's nice to see her supportive of Tendi so a bit of a wash there.
The Rutherford/T'Lyn C-plot was super nice and cute combination we've not seen a lot of and that I very much approve of despite the simplicity of it.
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thelesseroftwoweevils · 5 months ago
So I most use this star trek reactions but i also write extremely bad smut HP fic on Ao3.
On a whim, I google what's a good kudos to hits ratio and saw old discussion from about 2014 that 10% was usual.
Surely this is BS right? 10%? Mines more like 1%. Of course, again, extremely bad fic. lol.
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thelesseroftwoweevils · 6 months ago
(Not trying to contradict or argue with the above post, just using it for a springboard for my own thoughts)
I don't want to speculate on other people's reasons but for me La'an is more dodgy than Erica and Hemmer, conceptually. Because she's a Noonian Singh. It's a 'violates the spirit of canon rather than the letter' thing.
No-one ever explicitly said Khan didn't have descendants but as I recall Space Seed (and it's been a long time I could easily be wrong) Khan was a rather obscure that Kirk didn't know and Spock had to fill him in. Him having descendants that struggle with his rep because everyone remembers him as a later day hitler or whatever doesn't quite fit.
I feel this way about a lot of the SNW to be honest. When I first saw the cast of characters, I just wondered why they'd gone out of their way to make so many of them TOS references. M'Benga, Uhura as a Cadet, Chapel. But the Noonian Singh was an additional step to make this a TOS connection it didn't need to have. It was in s2 it really became relevant at all.
(M'Benga, Uhura and Chapel make the Mengarie where iirc only spock has a Pike connection weird. And M'Benga going from CMO to back up Doctor. Again by the letter of the canon it doesn't break anything but it does feel weird)
I like all of the cast (the actors and the characters) really (aside from the sheer focus and time Spock/Chapel takes up) but conceptually they're a little off.
Apologies for this random essay that's only tangentially connected to what it's reblogged from.
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I think instead of creating La'an Noonien Singh, whose character messes up the TOS canon, the SNW writers should have expanded more on the characters of Phillip Boyce, Janice Rand, and J.M. Colt.
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