#stan whatever character you want but keep to the proper tags
queerbrainrot · 2 months
someone said armand is an unreliable narrator (he is) in regards to his relationship with marius and like
he was groomed and assaulted... in both books and show, as a child, by Marius. like that doesn't change, IT DOESN'T MAKE MARIUS LOOK BETTER
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raayllum · 6 days
25. a piece of advice for taking care of yourself in fandom spaces
I have two pieces of advice basically that loop back into each other honestly.
Don't ultimately care about what anyone else says or thinks
Not caring about or trying to manage what other people think of you or your thoughts ≠ being rude or disrespectful, that doesn't mean it never happen - tone and frustration are absolutely real and I express the latter occasionally,
Other people are gonna ship things you don't or ship the same thing but in a way you don't like or just have opinions that are coming from a fundamentally different perspective or reading of the text and... none of it really matters. You don't have to conform to popular fandom if it doesn't fit what you think (that's basically been me in every fandom But TDP, so it's quite refreshing, and even then I very much felt like a lil island in the immediate s4 aftermath), you can ship whatever you want and so can anyone else. I think the most important thing with this is being self aware, though... like yeah I could hypothetically get annoyed over characters in TDP being childish, but coming-of-age stories are about kids and maturation, so like. I can vent in the proper tags but it may just mean the show isn't ultimately for me, y'know? Or at least that it's something I gotta learn to live with if I wanna engage with the show in a way that balances the salt and the sweetness
Additionally, one of the side effects I've found of being '''popular''' within TDP fandom is that my opinion will be taken as gospel or made out to be more than what it is, which is just my subjective opinion / interpretations, the same as anyone else's. Obviously I think my opinions are Right / grounded in the text (as do many people about their own opinions, whether they align with mine or not), but that doesn't mean everyone else is wrong, like... it's a children's cartoon show, if you're getting regularly butt hurt about what other people think or if they do or don't agree with you or whether ur ideas are popular or not you're not gonna have a good time, and fandom is a hobby. It's supposed to be a good time
Avoid taking things personally at all costs
In a similar vein to "don't care what anyone else thinks/says" that goes double for what they think or say about you / what you think. For me this means that unless I get 1) name dropped or 2) something that is so specific me it couldn't apply to someone else, I assume it's not about me. "Rayllum shippers / stans are so annoying"? Not about me and even if I am annoying - isn't everyone sometimes? Being annoying isn't a death sentence lol. "I hope the fandom takes this well"? Not about me. "People who defend S4 just can't admit TDP has flaws"? Not about me. "Snake boi Callum content is so dumb" is about a tag categorization I started for Callum's characterization, but has since more than taken on a life on its own... and isn't about me.
And even when it is personal, it says a lot more about what frustrates the OP or what they're trying to potentially wrangle than it does about me. Like someone disagrees with me or thinks I'm dumb, specifically? Okay, I know I've thought that about people on occasion, I try not to post it or make it obvious, but I can't control what you do. There were a couple of ZK bnf I thought were horrendously bad at meta that I knew by name bc they were everywhere, and it just meant forming my own atla communities/tags and/or stepping away from the fandom.
On a similar note, I'm still gonna keep doing my thing and I encourage people to block me and/or blacklist tags I use if they don't wanna see my stuff. I know how annoying it can be in fandom to feel like you still see stuff you don't want to if it's everywhere, which is also why I don't put all my stuff in the main tags either, but I'm not going to Stop Posting unless I... want to, which won't be happening.
I guess this all basically amounts to:
Focus on finding your people in fandom, cause they are out there
If you find yourself being annoyed by the fandom every day, or find yourself feeling like you have to rebut every little thing that annoys you (for ex, people saying they don't like Rayllum doesn't bother me, that's a neutral opinion. Ppl saying they shouldn't be in the show feels like more of a theme misread, however) work on stepping away and letting things go
Cultivate being fucking weird and unabashedly enthusiastic with self awareness. If you love a ship or headcanon or plot point that's fucking out there or clearly not happening, fucking go for it! Make or enjoy all the stuff for it you want. That said, maintaining awareness that the story doesn't need to go there in order to be good, or that there's not a lot of plausible grounding in canon, can be important especially if you want to connect with other fans.
Like CHET is my pet theory that has also been wildly fortunate enough to get a life of its own in the TDP / Rayllum fandom(s). I've been prepared to drop it three times. I think more than ever that's where the story is going in S7, and that there's a lot of continued setup for it / Something Like It, but I could be dead wrong, and I'm sure I will love if not prefer whatever route S7 would take instead. I love it, and I have a certain amount of attachment, but the story doesn't owe it to me, similarly to how I'm not owed in fandom to have people Like what I make or make what I like
Like respect should be given for sure unless I make a routine ass of myself, but again, I've been very fortunate that some stuff has caught on as much as it has because it clicked with other people who were already thinking the same thing, or found xyz idea made a lot of sense. And that's really nice! I think it's those things that help build a community. But in fandom you kind of have to be willing to be an Island first, and then if you get stuck being an island permanently, it may be worth reflecting on why sometimes — whether it's because of aggression, shyness, preference, or no real reason except your people haven't shown up yet
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halcyonleaf · 11 months
South Park x Wings of Fire
This au takes place around ten years after the events of the third arc. (5,022 AS) It's the same dragon characters as in the book but I stuffed South park characters in it lol.
Why did I make this? Easy. Two fandoms I'm really into. :) Same thing happened when I made Sp x Dsmp.
I have no big story planned out for this au.. Right now it's really one of those school slice of life things… 
Also ignore the fact they don't have proper dragon names. I can’t think of any good ones..
Turquoise Winglet      Peridot Winglet        Gold Winglet
MudWing: Cartman          IceWing: Craig                  NightWing: Wendy
SandWing: Kenny             MudWing: Clyde                RainWing: Bebe
RainWing: Butters           NightWing: Tolkien         SandWing: Karen   
SilkWing: Kyle                   SandWing: Tweek            SkyWing: Red
NightWing: Stan              SkyWing: Jimmy               SeaWing: Nicole 
HiveWing: Ike                   SeaWing: Scott                  IceWing: Trisha
The Turquoise Winglet
Eric Cartman, Mudwing-SkyWing hybrid, Hatched: 5,015 AS (7 years old)
Although he looks like a normal MudWing there are little characteristics to his design that make him part SkyWing. He has one blue eye, he can breathe fire at any temperature and his wings end at his tail instead of his thighs like all MudWings. 
He would personally RIP OFF all your scales if you call him a Hybrid.
Eric only has one sib and that is his SkyWing half brother Scott.
Why doesn’t he have any other MudWing sibs? My only excuse for that is.. Liane had trouble when it came to having eggs and she got lucky with a random SkyWing she met near the Diamond spray delta.
Eric has scars all over his body from several fights with his FlameSilk classmate Kyle. The first one he got was when he was a little dragonet he hatched in a reddish egg (because of being half SkyWing) and Liane wanted to test if he could have fire-resistant scales. The answer to that was no and she gave him a pretty bad scorch mark on his right shoulder. (she deeply regrets doing that.)
Kenny McCormick, SandWing, Hatched: 5,014 AS (8 years old)
(In this au Jerboa III unsuccessfully got animus magic to disappear.)
Kenny’s egg was part of an experiment (most likely from Vulture’s dragons) to see if there is a way for animus-touched dragons to come back from death. Many eggs/dragonets were used for this test and all of them died except for kenny. Although.. He is still one of their failures. He can't die and come back but he still can get very bad injuries and not die from them. 
Before Kenny and his little sister went to jade mountain they lived in the scorpion den. (poor of course) Jade mountain was the only school that did not ask for any sort of money. And their parents did not want to homeschool any more dragonets.
Kenny often tries to keep Brightsting cactus on him or wrap up his tail so he can keep himself from getting poisoned because part of his curse made him a bit prone to accidents.
Butters Stoch, RainWing, Hatched: 5,015 AS (7 years old)
Butters is a typical happy RainWing; it's as if nothing can make him angry. Although.. he could've been even more happy if he grew up in the rainforest.
Before school butters grew up in santerary his parents thought it would have been better if their dragonet didn't live in the rainforest. Because they didn't trust Queen Glory for whatever reason.
One day something clicked in his mind and he took his anger out on a SeaWing student that is when his parents revealed to Tsunami and Sunny that he didn't grow up in the rainforest and now is the time he probably should experience the rainforest himself. 
Kenny tagged along with butters on his trip and the RainWings greeted him with open talons. He didn't stay however even though it is everything he could have wished for he didn't want his friends (especially kenny) to be sad for leaving school.
Kyle Broflovski, SilkWing, Hatched: 5,015 AS (7 years old)
Kyle and his family are one of a few families of Pantala dragons that decided to stay in Pyrrhia. His parents told him that he could go to jade mountain accatony after he got his wings but he convinced them to let him go before he got them.
Upon arriving at jade mountain he almost immediately made friends and… enemies with his winglet. A silly MudWing hybrid would always make fun of him for being wingless and for just being a SilkWing. Eric is always telling him that SilkWings should still be Second Class dragons for the HiveWings. He sure did pay for his comments when Kyle got his wings.
When jade mountain got its first SilkWings Sunny made a safe cave just for them so they can undergo metamorphosis. The day Kyle was meant to go into metamorphosis he noticed that his wrists were burning a little. This made him pretty excited because that meant he inherited his mom’s Flamesilk. It.. also meant he can give Cartman what he deserves. And to give his NightWing Friend Stan glowing Friendship bracelets. 
Stan Marsh, NightWing, Hatched: 5,015 AS (7 years old)
Stan and Shelly were hatched and raised in the old NightWing kingdom.
They were both hatched under similar moons giving them both powers. Shelly got strong mind-reading while Stan got pretty weak foresight, which means visions would pop up in his mind at random times and they would sometimes go from what he was going to eat for dinner to a big threat that could kill him and his friends.
Stan was introduced to jade mountain academy when semi-queen Fierceteeth gave his class fliers because “her brother made her.” and this school sounded a whole lot more fun than the old NightWing school to him. Shelly didn't go because she thought only dumb dragons go there and the NightWing school teaches more smarter subjects.
It took him awhile to warm up to his winglet when he got to school but his SilkWing and SandWing definitely helped him. He may have feelings for the SilkWing. MAYBE.
Ike Broflovski, HiveWing, Hatched: 5,019 AS (3 years old)
Around 5,015 AS a few HiveWing families thought about living in Pyrrhia. their families grew there but, out of all the new families of HiveWings some of them couldn't keep their eggs so they put them up for adoption that's when Kyle’s parents adopted Ike.
Ike and Kyle went to school at the same time and they got put into a winglet together because their parents thought it would be easier for Ike to be with his big brother. Ike doesn't really get into all the adventures and conflicts as the rest of his winglet does; he likes to go at his own pace wrapped up in his own hobbies.
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reileinaxiu · 2 years
Yiling Siblings vs Yunmeng Siblings
The winner? Obviously...
Warnings: Some curse words. I have tagged this anti Jc, and Anti Jyl, and anti jiang in general If you like this then feel free to read and if not I will question your priorities and why are you looking for these types of metas when you stan the jiangs. Also I was lazy to look for factual references in the translations and I was busy with studying so not a lot of complete arguments or thought. So yeah comment if I've got some facts wrong or if you can link to me proper evidence. I wrote this for pleasure so please keep unconstructive or mean comments to yourself. I've been wanting to get this of my chest and out there.
Let's talk about WWX two sets of siblings again!
About how Yiling Siblings are superior in every way and how Yunmeng Siblings are overrated and not as fluffy as all those screenshotted moments people like to claim as "proof" of their "pure" sibling bonds.
One, WQ compared to JYL
This is not a competition, but if it was WQ would take first place in the big sister of the year award and JYL would take 5th.
It's a little difficult to write this without sounding downright mean and dismissive to JYL, but compared to WQ her acts as a big sister pale in comparison. Don't get me wrong both of them grew up in toxic environments WQ lived under fear and filial duty to a power hungry tyrant and his baby bro more or less a hostage along with the rest of her branch(depends on the adaptation). While JYL lived under a (verbally abusive) mother, who physically abuses the one you consider a brother, and a passive father. And they endured to raise their brothers mostly with absent parental figures.
In terms of parenting their blood brother, WN and JWY couldn't be more opposite than China and Argentina.
“You’re born with a smiling face. Always smiling, never mind too much about sorrowful things, no matter how worse the situation you’re in, you can always be happy.“ CQL Yanli.
This can describe WWX's surface traits but there is more to him than being able to carry burden with a smile. It's admirable to face the world with optimism but that doesn't mean you should suppress the things hurt you or that you should endure it or that it is okay to experience such things
(btw this is one of the top lines in cql that I hate with a passion and not just because it was said by a Jiang)(also where else did this line come from again? If this was only found in the cql if so nevermind but I can def see JYL saying this type of things too)
WQ can see as clear as day when WY is hurting and scolds and pesters him to take better care of himself and lets him know that she will be there to help.
Towards WWX, their isn't much to say about JYL, we can't fault her for her limitations in the mess of dynamics that is her family. She tries to be kind and treats WY like she would her brother. The only reasons she's pretty high up in WWX's heart is because he was young and impressionable when he joined Yunmeng Jiang. A small act of kindness in a toxic environment will seem so much more in terms of significance to him. Interactions with JYL are more playful than anything substantial. They are playing the act of the clingy little brother and the doting older sister.
WQ brings realistic thorough thoughts for WY's well-being. She scolds him to take care of his health and doesn't praise him but at the end of the day even if WY hides his hurts with poor bandages WQ will rip off those bandages and rewrap them more expertly and make him drink potent remedies.
What is soup compared to effective medicines when you are hurting(physically and emotionally that is)?
PS. Don't hate on me for my horrible metaphors.
Two, WN compared to JWY
To start off let's begin with the POV of side characters or extra or whatever gossip mongering people there are in the MDZS universe.
WN was the Ghost General, the right-hand man to Yiling Laozu WWX.
While to JWY, WWX was supposed to be his right-hand man and subordinate.
Already there's a glaring difference.
WN would accept LWJ as a good partner for WY. And as long as WY is happy and cares for that is all he asks.
JWY didn't last one minute before sneering in disgust at LWJ and WWX's relationship after stalking them through Lotus Pier. Why do people need to ask why he is a homophobe?
Also I find myself insulted to even compare WN to JWY.
Between a backstabber and the most loyal friend even beyond death how could that compare.
Too many times has JWY turned his back and averted his eyes and directly harmed WWX .
While WN has stayed through thick and thin with WWX.
Three, WN compared to JYL
Okay! The quiet supportive sibling comparison.
Yeah there is no comparing. Hands down WN is the winner. The man committed treason for WY. While JYL couldn't even drag an apology out of JZXun's fat mouth.
Four, WQ compared to JWY
Are people comparing WQ strictness to JWY's so-called tsundere personality? Newsflash tsunderes don't actively gut their loved ones and declare them the enemy of the world.
Five, the DafanWen Family.
Let's be real the Wen Remnants were the probably the nicest most normal family there is in MDZS who just got roped in to suffering under the Cultivation World's politicking, and wars and aftermath of wars, just the entire Cultivation World bullsh** shebang. In fact, they were probably the most resilient and family oriented which was actually the foundation of their ancestor Wen Mao's teachings. Compared to the tally of all the broken complicated family relationships we have by the end of the book.
Six, the Jiang Family and all their general sh**
Its mostly in my How I became Anti JC and Anti Jiang in General.
Check it out for more reasons to say that this family is the byproduct of a trainwreck and a plane crash on a stormy day.
Seven, WWX's true family in the end.
I count 3 main family members of WWX's and a lot of adopted ducklings. Those would be: his husband, LWJ(obviously), his little radish son, and his best friend/brother in all but blood who stood by him through some of his most harrowing moments, and that is
Just kidding 😂 it's Wen Ning who else deserves that honored spot?
Let's not forget our favorite Baby Lan, Jingyi, and our romantic Ouyang Zizhen, and our real tsundere Jin Ling (ok he might have stabbed WWX too but at least he looked to regret it and didn't mean to hurt him. I headcanon a post-canon apology and heart-to-heart between JL and WWX).
Eight WWX's matching personalities with WQ and WN.
Righteous, Protective, Talented, Mold breakers.
Righteous, while we know WY is the moral compass of the story, to see wrong and seek to do what's right despite society's disapproval, WQ and WN are surprisingly the same. WN saved WWX and JWY because WWX was kind and supportive to him and for nothing else in return and that it was the right thing to do and he knows that WC and the rest of the rotten side of his family is doing wrong. WQ may have helped hide them to protect WN from the consequences of his actions but she didn't have to heal them diligently, and shelter them. She could have sent them off immediately with supplies especially after JWY 🤬 hurt her precious brother and spat vitriol everywhere he went.
All three of them are super protective, and super loyal to their family. (WY considered the Wens his family and absolutely despaired when they left to be executed (aftermath of this is the Bloodbath of Nightless City), WN and WQ sacrificing themselves to the Jins for the rest of their family and WY)
All three of them were geniuses in their own right. WY as a genius inventor(he invented his own path in 3 measly months!), prodigious cultivator (late start became ahead of everyone). WQ, genius doctor recognized by WRH. And WN, recognized by WY as a prodigy in archery.
They were the mold breakers of their current society but mostly WY and WQ. WY for mastering and understanding resentful energy and adapting his knowledge to Cultivation. And WQ, for conceiving the idea of a Golden Core Transfer. They were the definition of heretics to everyone but that's what made them amazing and unfortunately feared.
I don't see any mentions of JWY being righteous(definitely not), nor talented, JYL too she was always average and never done anything notable that is to be mentioned besides the praise that comes from WWX and JWY.
Lastly this is just an aesthetic preference but Wen Qing, Wei Ying, and Wen Ning rhyme in pinyin, even if their Chinese definitions are different. You know how we like to shortcut MDZS characters to their name initials like WWX or LWJ.
Guess what! Their intials are still similar you could write the Wen adopting WWX or adopting his name and there initials would remain the same! So I could comment WQ and WN somewhere but in my heart they are Wei instead of Wen. The three were meant to be siblings! MXTX probably planned this too.
Although fate has WWX grieving both older sisters in his first life.
Guess which little brother is still more than welcome in WWX's second life?
I'll give you a hint: It's not JC.
Exhiled Rebels Translations
The Untamed
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cubedmango · 16 hours
hi, long time no message but this is kr anon - i just saw that you recently finished all (?) of build and i wanted to say congrats!! 🎉 and gotta say i really love the gentoku fanart/redraw you posted lmao, that meme really is him to a t (esp. after ep. 20 and before his turning point in like ep. 40) 😭 ngl i did think you would enjoy his overall arc, but i didn't expect you'd be that much of a gentoku stan by the end hfkhjwrfhs good for you though!! (also remember when i brought up aa/build parallels or what aa characters, especially the canon toku fans, would think of build, and i felt like if not misora bc of the similarities they share (more on this another time, though i also think sento and his dad's relationship has shades of maya and mia's relationship with misty), maya would be a fan of [redacted]? yeah i was talking about gentoku lol) and maybe we'll be seeing some more build fanart/content from you soon, if you're up for it? 👀
btw so sorry for the months-long radio silence, but it took far longer than originally expected for me to finish the rest of the show and its movies (excluding the v-cines for now, so you have one over me there lol, plus i also haven't seen the specials/webseries and the build episodes of zi-o, and some of those recent episodes of kr outsiders ig) especially with life getting busier and more hectic for me in general (university life and all), but let me just sum it up for now as me having enjoyed the ride from start to finish, even with some bumps along the way 🥹❤ [1/?]
(rest below)
sadly i don't have time rn to write/share my usual long responses to your commentary and stuff, though i actually started writing a reply to your answers from when i sent my last messages, back in march i think? 😅 i would have loved having more of episodic discussions/episode-by-episode breakdowns with you as you went along, but since you beat me to it by finishing the series on your own (which is totally understandable dw, esp. since i really didn't message you anything for the last several months), it won't be necessary anymore ig but i still want to eventually share that original reply i'd been writing so it won't feel wasted haha, and along with what i'd promised would be my overall review of everything i've seen so far, i'll do my best to send these messages to you by this weekend now 🫡 in the meantime, feel free to rant and ramble about build (like, ryusen truly is one brain chemistry-altering ship for the ages huh... makes me feel very 'go crazy go stupid' 😭) at me, even wrt the stuff i haven't seen yet bc i know the gist of them anyway, and i'll also be sharing some more links to build tumblr posts and tweets like before - though i see you've already started rbing more build fanart and edits (not sure if you based them on what i included in my original compilation though or if you've been combing through the build tumblr tags already?) so i'll have to make sure the ones i'll link rn aren't ones you've rbed already [2/?]
also when you say you think you've finished all of build, does that mean you've seen both hei gen final & forever + the specials/webseries + the build episodes of zi-o? or are you planning to only watch those at a later point, like the movies will be for after you've seen the other seasons they're crossing over with? but also no pressure if you just don't want to watch them rn for whatever reason, but just in case you do want to or you just want to keep the proper order in mind wrt at which point of the main show the specials or movies are situated in if you've seen all or most already (though i assume you've more or less checked the order from when you started watching the spin-offs after finishing the show): [3/?]
eps. 1-14 -> heisei generations final -> eps. 16-19 -> birth! kuma-televi!! vs. kr grease hyper battle dvd -> eps. 20-21 --> raising the hazard level with 7 best matches special & rogue miniseries -> eps. 22-41 -> kr prime rogue hyper battle dvd -> eps. 42-45 -> be the one movie -> eps. 46-49 -> final stage stageplay (though this was technically set during the actual finale, as you've seen) -> eps. 1-2 and eps. 1.5-2.5 of the succeeding season zi-o (since zi-o is basically an anniversary season celebrating 20 kr shows since 2000, thus basically being a giant crossover show like its spiritual predecessor decade and primarily consisting of arcs of like 2-3 episodes paying tribute to a certain season (sometimes actually featuring one or more actors from that season - not necessarily the actor for the mc though - and sometimes not if there are scheduling conflicts, etc.), and so is the 20th and final heisei kr show before zero-one marked the start of reiwa, though the timeline shenanigans here are so wonky and weird that you don't really have to consider these eps. canon if you want)
-> heisei generations forever (officially non-canon to the main timelines of both build and zi-o, though still a good enough homage to build's main story with a decent amount of ryusen) -> build new world: kr cross-z -> i heard the idol otaku is dating his fav special (basically just kazumi/misora nonsense from what i've heard, unfortunately) -> build new world: kr grease (i saw that you weren't keen on both new world movies as most build fans i know also weren't esp. bc of the het shenanigans (+ the weird evolt stuff that i've heard kinda feels like it's invalidating we already saw/learned in the main show, and it feels more like they just brought him back because they were milking his sheer popularity as a kr villain) that are apparently pretty typical of v-cine movies when compared to heavier gay coding in the main shows, sadly, so you can also take a page out of those other fans' book and not consider the nw movies canon or only cherrypicking the elements you like, but wrt the banjou stuff in cross-z specifically, i don't think him and yui are meant to be an unambiguously canon couple the way kazumi/misora and gentoku/sawa became in grease, as you can see a clear difference in how romantic both latter couples acted (even if i don't like both lmao, though i tolerate gentoku/sawa more than i do kazumi/misora simply bc i think g/s has funnier scenes than k/m, even with gentoku's unnecessary sexual proposition towards sawa in ep. 1 back when he was evil) vs. b/y, and also just the way banjou treated kasumi, his only 100% clearly canon girlfriend, vs. how he treated yui up to the end of the movie, and the girlfriend/date/best match comments in the movies seem to feel more like just jokes/trolling in hindsight (esp. since the b/y "date" at the end was literally just them selling stuff *sento* made, like something something sento is always somehow involved with banjou and his girlfriends, or 'girlfriend' in yui's case, so... lol. anyway), and also banjou appears to blatantly check out a shirtless killbas before they find out about him being the villain so ig the bi-coding was technically still going strong, plus the fact that yui just straight up disappears in grease which is supposed to be a direct sequel to cross-z and just isn't mentioned in any way (on which i have some bts info to spill btw, more on that in my next message) while sento and banjou continue to act like partners as usual, and in fact get paired up in a way that sets them alongside the pairing up of k/m and g/s in the same movie - so tl;dr: aside from the fact that we can just straight up ignore those movies, i don't think we have to worry about the yui stuff as a genuine invalidation of ryusen's romantic subtext-that's-practically-text, though it's still unfortunate they tried to pull this shit in the first place even if ultimately very half-assed and halfhearted, and you just kinda have to laugh at the audacity of doing all that *after* banjou made his little speech about sento being his hero, like you said)
-> kr jeanne and kr aguilera with girls remix (a revice spin-off included here on a technicality bc of sawa's presence, along with female characters from a few other kr seasons both in the heisei and reiwa eras alongside the titular female riders who i think i've told you before are the first major example of a lesbian-coded pairing in kr, though iirc they sadly also get hit with some plausible-deniability "they're like family/sisters" comments here though not really in the main show) -> kr outsiders (basically fanservice cash-grab slop from what i've been told that essentially is a suicide squad-esque project where various villains/evil riders from different seasons are assembled to battle a bigger bad guy, and evolt and misora are there in like a couple of episodes so 😔) [4/?]
(also i think there are like a few stageshows - different from the stageplay - that mostly feature the characters as played by suit actors only and are mainly crossovers with other seasons, as seen in this playlist which also includes non-build-related stageshows, youtube . com/playlist?list=PL0DBnMkUNDE3zk9hDvvihG9H_rBv6siTE&si=auHNcClmv4_a93S1, but idk if that covers all of them or if there's some missing, and unfortunately i think most if not all of the videos aren't subbed yet 😅) anyway i'm glad to hear you loved build just like i did, and hope you enjoy the rest of your kr journey! 💕 if you want some recs (for kr or mainstream toku in general), i can give you a brief list based on what i've gathered from other people since i'm also still a beginner for the most part 👍🏼 and thank you so much again in general for entertaining my asks and messages since the beginning last year, i'm just glad to have someone else to talk to about this stuff sjfhfkdhfas [5/?]
the stuff from tumblr: tumblr . com/sleepiestashu/700321086698553344/i-will-never-get-over-this-clip tumblr . com/raimei-p/718407651195748352 tumblr . com/gurayura/638313188734173184 tumblr . com/t-u-i-t-c/697842377983967232/silverwind-inukai-atsuhiro-kamen-rider-build tumblr . com/gurayura/190258714717 tumblr . com/summerrheannan/175883578861 tumblr . com/writing-in-sin/705753172018364416 tumblr . com/writing-in-sin/705934353292836864 tumblr . com/pleuvoire/659804099395600384?source=share tumblr . com/writing-in-sin/706518453622898688 tumblr . com/katsuragitakumi/624283580914384896 tumblr . com/katsuragitakumi/623545387915083776 tumblr . com/gurayura/190258714717 tumblr . com/keruworld/178191732809/things-that-cant-be-helped-these-two-precious tumblr . com/keshi-zumi/180792173152 tumblr . com/veeranger/179497372829 tumblr . com/keshi-zumi/179900052937/20181109 tumblr . com/takeru-tenkuuji/165057772349/be-the-one tumblr . com/takeru-tenkuuji/172014607710/are-you-ready tumblr . com/takeru-tenkuuji/643767818792370176/had-my-partner-watch-kr-build-and-finish tumblr . com/hiiiiiiiiiiho-blog/187010482966 tumblr . com/tsunflowers/665938709540126720/sento-coded-poses tumblr . com/heartvisor/716129755541405696/whenever-a-weird-t-shirt-crosses-my-dash-i-can tumblr . com/42wv/164432280570/here-comes-dr-pepper tumblr . com/sakurai-keiwa/638006761079685120/so-id-been-watching-kamen-rider tumblr . com/t-u-i-t-c/697714949310513152 tumblr . com/riderontime/667708174309146624/banjou-introducing-himself tumblr . com/peonypaint/682351924868218880/taking-a-spring-walk-together-id-two-digital tumblr . com/riderontime/668542674347982848/while-i-think-sentou-can-actually-express tumblr . com/yucca-persica/682512948095238146/so-im-continuing-my-kamen-rider-journey-and tumblr . com/sakura-neko6/679805498986463232/%E3%81%A1%E3%81%A3%E3%81%A1%E3%82%83%E3%81%84%E3%83%99%E3%82%B9%E3%83%88%E3%83%9E%E3%83%83%E3%83%81-small-best-match-boys tumblr . com/sakura-neko6/682522776141266944 tumblr . com/angeli-cal/681830647152672768/made-this-for-my-boyfriend-and-im-super-proud-of tumblr . com/jade-lop/680046866647449600 tumblr . com/meiuya/679835343407693824 tumblr . com/aokisouta/647356801407434753/best-match-rooftop-cinematic-universe-kamen tumblr . com/gurayura/644571893590032384 tumblr . com/kabutoraiger/643229452004999168/is-he-yknow-mimics-sento-sitting-on-the tumblr . com/kabutoraiger/641224933913083904/delighted-by-the-sento-on-this-shirt-design-3 tumblr . com/gurayura/642737313511866368/because-queenvernage-likes-nose-kisses tumblr . com/chilipepperconverse/749698516994129920/started-a-build-rewatch?source=share tumblr . com/kabutoraiger/649592805251022848?source=share tumblr . com/kabutoraiger/173938637978/i-should-be-working-right-now-x?source=share tumblr . com/kabutoraiger/176282612867?source=share tumblr . com/kabutoraiger/182461346822?source=share tumblr . com/kabutoraiger/728992489454845954?source=share tumblr . com/kabutoraiger/173803704162/sawatari-kazumi-specific-farming-memes?source=share tumblr . com/kabutoraiger/177176575102?source=share tumblr . com/kabutoraiger/171151040612/the-real-joke-is-that-banjou-isnt-straight-but?source=share tumblr . com/skeletonflower/747697203006554112/rabbit-tank-sparkling?source=share tumblr . com/m1ontee/746695053897089024/hazard?source=share tumblr . com/cina-full-moon-xanadium/747038237131997184/maekawas-6-year-old-son-sitting-down-to-watch-the?source=share tumblr . com/cina-full-moon-xanadium/747037066263756800?source=share tumblr . com/backtornado/176039367474/build-characters-react-to-you-contracting?source=share tumblr . com/number-one-toku-robot-lover/699306511051227137/sorry-but-timetoddddavis-s-tags-on-this-post (ngl seeing this post makes me tear up every time 🥺) tumblr . com/katsuragitakumi/180418205938?source=share (this shit goes so crazy like dhfjgwsjnfs) [6/?]
the stuff from twitter: twitter . com/funkyfunkyradio/status/1779275103596847521?t=psnLYCbT5mZCw4faWyfIZQ&s=19 twitter . com/Ponzu_SHT/status/1781660945946989008?t=Pg4sEboZIQN5vckidseaAA&s=19 twitter . com/KRfights/status/1783857906238079024?t=R1SvsO46XJLL7MxAtzipqw&s=19 (the card in the pic is merch following the Chemy card gimmick of the 2023-2024 season Gotchard, since iirc every new season tends to release merch for previous seasons based on their current gimmick) twitter . com/spidergenome/status/1744784670477386169?t=-1tjcLDe9zG4jLBvqVT2_A&s=19 twitter . com/cynonic/status/1707816360146039062?t=kDrhlIdwWRo0785HtrFqMQ&s=19 twitter . com/YRXCL/status/983380559182282752?t=JGM8aE0XtgCXqJwHcxiUxw&s=19 twitter . com/___racccoon/status/1510534991477805057?t=smM_s1knTKq2uNmv7NDwwg&s=19 twitter . com/JONA0207DIO/status/1643296242536153088?t=IeCo7FtikefmBIAWVDGBxQ&s=19 twitter . com/8038_2gou/status/1750502615866339675?t=5biOP7Vg4ePOwZzeNXlo1A&s=19 twitter . com/P3ACH0520/status/1456516201769623554?t=eMZUeWioRHpiaViI6LRWjw&s=19 twitter . com/P3ACH0520/status/1438183667663204356?t=-zj-0yFcvZdmlFg8691cpw&s=19 twitter . com/P3ACH0520/status/1756927961461395601?t=o3T10kxtFYEQZShzSrG6Vg&s=19 twitter . com/yuro_yuro_yuro/status/1754065358775038247?t=ZPaPsx3ttai0AotqTKHeOg&s=19 twitter . com/TokuStats/status/1755964588338930078?t=R5IgHSGIJvJN5wTqAmbSoQ&s=19 twitter . com/TokuStats/status/1756108264259940752?t=HWKUDpWv2ne6bufIxB7ZBQ&s=19 twitter . com/ichippon/status/1745683922086682872?t=XARw2xrhfsvcAPA-uH1xaA&s=19 twitter . com/00x_sio/status/1757760751375421810?t=wbODL8gTEL-RKEwbUZfIFQ&s=19 twitter . com/___racccoon/status/1535042965160067072?t=Qcj6PG8TGaTQWeBS8XUsYQ&s=19 twitter . com/TokuStats/status/1757767410537353382?t=9h2DHOKD_5gqzvv1JXPjVg&s=19 twitter . com/TokuStats/status/1756800454690852966?t=1cfA96Ve1zOuemgtvKsong&s=19 twitter . com/TokuStats/status/1756695765785727082?t=1cfA96Ve1zOuemgtvKsong&s=19 twitter . com/TokuStats/status/1756449394038116785?t=1cfA96Ve1zOuemgtvKsong&s=19 twitter . com/TokuStats/status/1757896417312477291?t=1cfA96Ve1zOuemgtvKsong&s=19 twitter . com/TokuStats/status/1758616156921876588?t=1cfA96Ve1zOuemgtvKsong&s=19 twitter . com/TokuStats/status/1759347800146428012?t=1cfA96Ve1zOuemgtvKsong&s=19 twitter . com/TokuStats/status/1761149499076981106?t=1cfA96Ve1zOuemgtvKsong&s=19 twitter . com/TokuStats/status/1759592516599296272?t=1cfA96Ve1zOuemgtvKsong&s=19 twitter . com/totome_17/status/1757758979579724080?t=0w9ZYUUT0MdIco4qbYNnQQ&s=19 twitter . com/1010_mumumu/status/1735287016181694882?t=3tRVABh9xFYcpj-zxECjYA&s=19 twitter . com/sasakura34/status/1672218720599683072?t=fgsjGz7n5F-fI56t5t84Cw&s=19 twitter . com/6W6pig/status/1669966178591346688?t=tM0nhcJVzlnRF63tEQt0xA&s=19 twitter . com/itotk32/status/1644461276071084033?t=A9srwyexOeq1TdYLz1P_VQ&s=19 twitter . com/6W6pig/status/1667937476856659968?t=BN0OxLfsms8b-R3mUmt-aw&s=19 twitter . com/fanzhazhazha1/status/1668911037687689217?t=UmIoxUEBwiUc6ZehH09wWA&s=19 twitter . com/Heyear_0609/status/1668270429142675457?t=hP7Tx-xWtjB1nANSPg5abQ&s=19 twitter . com/6W6pig/status/1620039685920935938?t=vPBjNykZU10DXr1l9YkrWg&s=19 twitter . com/oi_nanndedayo/status/1737450554857812029?t=_QAjrtWq-gJFSkY_2Zi2dQ&s=19 twitter . com/oi_nanndedayo/status/1740709126882365594?t=epUZbphcvxvt0dp3YvtHFg&s=19 twitter . com/KRfights/status/1758546842181063053?t=KbhACtwcvenQSfxmHL7wUQ&s=19 twitter . com/GaMwanG_/status/1759600273763545282?t=eSIBTzMbNDQRPjH9sBPe7g&s=19 twitter . com/st05_uoxou/status/1758821836127957202?t=gIUzv9uALvzjQCJ2Dl2vnA&s=19 twitter . com/mysillycomics/status/1235409655532269568?t=y36Wzm7AIrpelkicXlWfZw&s=19 [7/?]
also i noticed you rbed the ryusen cake by the ocean edit, so i'm linking 2 other edits from the same user (i shared one of them before but idk if you saw them since they might have gotten buried under everything else, so sharing them again just in case): tumblr . com/shirleyjakcson/654666138019594240/i-dont-know-about-this-power-of-science-stuff-you?source=share tumblr . com/shirleyjakcson/654696259298476032/dragon-rabbit-theres-no-way-a-combination-like?source=share and there's also this video that i linked in one of my earliest messages, since i also don't know if you've already seen it youtu . be/-Gjzr5HmmfY?si=-RhP-86SUOTs8Uic and from the same user, here's an out-of-context edit that's a 'comprehensive guide' to kr (aka memes summing up each rider mentioned in the song, which is an abridged version of 'george karizaki's rider system,' a character song for the guy of the same name from the season revice in honor of revice airing in 2021 - kr's 50th anniversary - and which is sung by his actor hamao noritaka and basically lists every rider in the showa era, every primary and secondary rider in the heisei era (excluding kuuga bc no secondary rider in the first place) and for the first 2 seasons in the reiwa era, and every rider in revice's main show), in case you want to pick your next kr season instead based on a meme you want to understand here lol youtu . be/N6zw0IGkUFY?si=fbCsMgploCWMuI0m and since the video doesn't have subs, this page has the lyrics so you can keep up with which rider is which: kamenrider . fandom.com/wiki/George_Karizaki%27s_Rider_System [7/?]
also i think i forgot to mention way before that kasumi's actor risako ito is also known for starring in the 'long long man' commercial, which also aired in 2017 (assuming you don't know about it already as well), and well i just find it funny that apparently this is the kind of stuff she finds herself drawn to acting in like ajfhkjwshs youtu . be/6-1Ue0FFrHY?si=kjyG9FzsqwwVN6a8 and if you want fic recs, i'll just link them next time since these messages are getting longer than i anticipated again (assuming you haven't been reading fics already, too) and a couple more accounts you might want to check out on twitter: the daily build twitter account @ daily__build which posts pictures of the cast both in-character and as themselves (some of which were already in the tumblr posts i shared earlier), which hadn't been updating for a while bc it's run by a brazilian but now it's back, happily + @ tokustats, a lot of whose tweets i included in my previous link compilation, and it's basically sports graphics (mainly nba i think?) edited to fit various toku shows (i think they linked all their build graphics in one thread, but you can also search for the graphics with the hashtag kamenriderbuild). anyway i hope this isn't too overwhelming for you, and feel free as well to take your time in checking everything out :-) [8/8]
KR ANON!! WOAH HI !!!! omg its so great to hear from u again, i hope ur doing good and ur university stuff is going well, it sounds v busy akfjdskjf i understand the grind 100% 😔
as for the stuff ive watched, i finished the main eps first and then went for basically everything i could find that i knew had the build charas/story involved, so the only stuff from everything u mentioned that im missing are the 4 eps from zi-o, the revice spinoff, outsiders and the stageshows. i was thinking of leaving the crossover movies for later at first but then i also didnt wanna wait for if/when i watch ex-aid or zi-o so i just went for them (esp since u mentioned banjou chara development for one of them which i was Rlly curious about) and i enjoyed both, non-canon as they might be akfjdksf.. i think ill check out those zi-o eps but i probs wont watch the whole show (yet at least)
but yeah it rlly was a rollercoaster holy shit that entire final arc in the show was fucked up and evil?? in the best way possible??? i was crying literally the entire last three eps help ... the silly little rabbit w a death wish was too real...... i def saw what u meant by the end bit being weaker but honestly it didnt feel too bad to me, it probably wouldve been better executed if they had more eps to work w (which ik are strictly consistent for every season) + those actors that werent able to film, but i feel like for what they had to work with they did a rlly good job bc i was still hooked and Invested(tm)
i only got to the other stuff afterwards so i didnt rlly watch the whole story in chronological order (which. i probs shouldve???) but i did enjoy those a lot too esp the second stage play as u already saw akfjdksjfkds that and be the one were.... man....... the found family. the ryusen. Kiryuu Fucking Sento. Good Lord. i dont think ill ever recover from the rain and the music box and 'hes my precious partner, our relationship wasnt a fabrication' that was worse than getting stabbed i think
also the rogue spinoff like i went in already liking gentokus chara a Lot after seeing the whole story so i was biased but i think they showed his desperation and spiral into insanity (? if it makes sense) rlly well there, it was def a lot more brutal but somehow i ended up liking the fight scenes in there more than the main story ones maybe bc they didnt have much of the cgi? either way it was a good insight into gentokus past/chara (and a little bit of takumis too who i always like seeing) and now i can Genuinely put him in the 'poor little meow meow who killed people' box so yay :) my silly shirt man i care him :)
then theres the new world movies which.....sigh......... Yeah............ those sure were movies ......... the comphet honestly didnt even bother me that much bc im so used to ignoring when writers pull shit like that (tho the whole banjou/yui thing did give me a fic idea in a way that i started outlining afkjdksgj) but the way they just undid the entire logic of the new world with the point of it being that its entire existence is only possible w evolt and the pandora box no longer existing is just. Eugh. like i get they have to have some sort of villains bc this is toku and the action has to be there but it just makes no sense in the sequel setting where its supposed to be A Normal World.??? we couldve had two movies about ryusen navigating life in this world and slowly finding their family again or smth like that but nope. kill the canon with rocks who even cares /s
anyway yeah i did enjoy the ride overall and im feeling very unwell over these guys so thank u sm again for recommending build it was a great time even tho i took . fucking forever to finish it 😭 also im super down to watch more so if u have recommendations for any other ones pls do share!! one of my mutuals also recd den-o and ryuki so i might go for one of those next and maybe ex-aid too later, but yea if theres any show besides those u think are good id love more recs 👀 ill be looking forward to the review u wanted to send me earlier too im super interested in what u thought abt it
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. im sorry but wasn't it said fairly early even hades knew persephone was a fertility goddess? like everyone knew she was as a goddess of spring so shes also was also fertility, thats why ppl questioned her being in the maidens (bc obvs fertility is mainly sex in this universe 😑) so i dont get why it was retconned its some big secret and some rare OP status? like it was not built up and was a p clear example of rachel just making stuff up as she goes.
2. truly glad for the anti lo posts bc if not the lo tag is literally nothing but bad edits and weird spam posts. yall are the only ones keeping the tags alive. where are the fans tho 💀
3. why is everyone a joke in this comic
From OP: No clue lol
4. You know what still baffles me: how Hades is literally both the lawyer and one of the judges in this court thing. Like? It doesn’t even make sense?? Not to mention the fact that so far all Hades has done is make terrible points and Zeus and Poseidon have barely talked at all. Like is this a proper court or not? Bc if Hades can become both the lawyer and the judge then the other two judges should also counterargument him. The whole act of wrath of Artemis and Apollo. Why did Hades bring it up? Why didn’t Zeus say that Artemis and Apollo were defending their mom and actually told Zeus about the aow? Persephone and her mom literally did everything they could to cover it up??? What’s even funnier is how Hades is making it seem like Persephone is getting in trial for the aow itself when that’s farther from the truth. It’s literally bc she conspired against the kingdom or whatever. Literally covered up a murder. Had she and her mom gone to Zeus and told him that she killed a bunch of mortals bc they killed her friends Zeus wouldn’t even care at all. This whole thing was so unnecessary and it’s getting dragged for so long it’s just annoying 
5. The way Rachel sexualizes Persephone on literally every occasion physically hurts me. Like what the hell is your problem??? She's not only 19 and naive(ughhh i'm so sick that she's written that way) but she also was r**ed NOT SO LONG AGO. LIKE LITERALLY 3 WEEKS AGO. AND YOU SEXUALIZE THE SH*T OUT OF HER ALREADY THO SHE'S NOT EVEN CLOSE TO HEALING AFTER HER TRAUMA. FU RACHEL
6. Seeing a LO stan call us 'misogynistic' because we only 'criticise the female characters' in the story is the funniest and dumbest shit i have ever read from the LO confession blog.
Maybe if RS didn't hate her female cast and didn't treat them more poorly then the male cast we wouldn't be discussing and pointing out so often how messed up and weird it is that she tore down their mythological character, their canon relationships, and passed off their symbols to her FL solely because none of them are allowed to stand out on their own without knocking her self-insert of a FL out from the spotlight.
Hell even her FL isn't safe from RS's horrible writing. Fact is, RS can't write for shit and has no respect for the goddesses (and gods) she's writing off of and we're just following on that lead in our comments. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
7. 182 is the worst chapter yet. Demeter who didn’t want her daughter dating a man her age that she doesn’t even like that much is framed as “abusive”. We already know Demeter doesn’t like Hades because hades even says all they do is argue, oh and comes to her farm piss drunk. Gee wonder why she doesn’t like the guy. She even tells Persephone she doesn’t trust the banks knowing hades owns them.
Persephone being mad her mom delt with him and then lying to her mom. The first chapters it seems that both characters don’t know each other then later they actually did meet and Persephone basically fell on him naked begging to bring souls back from the dead and leaves all embarrassed and calls that a genuine connection. Stfu, he was already very drunk. “Mom he’s not in love with me” y’all kissed how many times? He’s defending you to the depths of the earth even tho with his last gf he couldn’t even get his brother to remember her name and even thought about marrying her??! You’ve been living at his house?! Y’all talked about dates and asking about the fruit?! Persephone your mom wasn’t born yesterday! Idk I just hate how RS portrays Persephone being naive about hades with other characters. Persephone and hades kissed and then Persephone asks Minthe to help with her with her job and Minthe says something about the two of them dating and Persephone does “idk what you’re talking about but nothing is going on >:(“ stfu. Like you’re a sketchy entitled liar!
Hades, Hephaestus and Apollo exchanged. I’m guessing Hades found out then and not before about what Apollo has done but I thought he knew earlier with the quote “you’ve been terrorizing my wife for months!” I THOUGHT HE KNEW FROM THAT EXCHANGE! But no. Now I feel hades is possessive. Persephone told Apollo “we don’t talk about you” and she’s right we don’t see hades and p talk about Apollo, yet hades knows Apollo been terrorizing her. And then when he does find out he cracks a hotel.
Lastly Persephone “swipey thing”. Makes her sounds dumb, when we’re told over and over how smart she is. She’s been to a bank, she’s watched movies she knows what money is yet requests to be paid in diamonds. I swear RS just ruins her character. What is she other than a couple events, some one lines tied i a curvy baby bright pink highlighter. 
8. Lmao underage Persephone looks exactly the same (if not older) as present time Persephone. And on top of that, Rachel continues to sexualize her and the whole situation. Like in those panels in the newest episode where she talks to her mother about Hades being hella drunk, her dress looks like it's about to fall off her shoulders. And it's supposed to look like an ancient greek outfit? Does Rachel have any knowledge of what women wore at that time? 
9. Persephone's argument is so fucking stupid Jesus Christ. How does she think she made a "genuine connection" with a drunk man she met for 5 minutes max? Not only that, but they were both almost naked, Persephone was underage and she straight up just wanted to get info out of him about souls and how she could return them to the mortal realm. HOW does that count as a genuine connection? Rachel keeps forgetting her own story again and again.
Oh, and we're also supposed to hate Demeter for wanting to keep her underage daughter safe from drunk papa smurf. 😂
From OP for 8 & 9: Apparently, she was 19 when she met Hades. Doesn’t change much though.
-----FP Spoilers/Mention-----
10. (fastpass spoiler) bro the panel where persephone's like "i want the underground" has me crying like LMAOOO why she got t-rex arms💀💀 she looks like a $3.99 creepy ass baby doll
40 notes · View notes
prose-for-hire · 4 years
UC Sunnyhell: Part Two
Hell is a place on Earth
Previous Part // Next Part
Pairing: Spike x reader
Request: College AU where Spike is the campus bad boy who secretly is a softie that writes poems and reader is the new transfer who just moved into Spike's apartment since it was the only available room on campus (no one wants to willingly live with Spike). Spike constantly having one night stands over, reader always trying to study. Things appear to go from bad to worse.
Originally requested by: @sunflower-stan​ 
Other tag: @fictionalhoomanofnowhere
Warning: Sex references. Swearing.
Tumblr media
The first semester had been and gone by this point. You were settling into life at UC Sunnydale, found your friendship group in Buffy and the others. But one thing you still weren’t accustomed to, was living with Spike. He was hard to get along with at the best of times but living with him was a whole different thing.
He appeared to stay up most of the night and sleep well into the afternoon. He played loud punk music almost every waking hour and he smoked like a chimney. He never appeared to listen to a word you said and he pretty much did the opposite from whatever you said or thought anyway.
It was becoming really hard to live with him. Especially when he seemed to do everything he could to make you want to move out. He found it easier to live alone. To hide in the depths of what he knew than
Because of your current living situation you had started to branch out and pursue some of your interests. It beat staying in all the time and you really wanted to find someone that you could relate to.
You were a fan of musicals and the theatre. Poetry and literature. You liked reading and the way a writer could weave such intricate feelings. Scenes and spoken word able to explain your own feelings better than you ever could.
Your new friends didn’t really share your enthusiasm – even Willow was more into science and computers. Although your friend group were kind enough to listen to the way you spoke about your interests. They certainly didn’t make you feel bad about expressing your passions. But they just didn’t share your love and so you began to try to search out people that you could connect with. On some kind of deeper level.
You had been frequenting different bars that held open mic nights. Watching plays and listening to monologues. Letting the intricate wordplay wash over you. It could make you feel so many emotions. So many feelings were conjured.
Your favourite were the open mic nights. You pretty much never got up yourself, you usually would just listen. You were working yourself up to performing something of your own. You wrote things too it was just a matter of working on your performing skills. You were thinking of joining the clubs, maybe to improve your confidence in your writing. In your performing.
You walked back home from a play you had watched (and cried at) to find Spike sat there scribbling something. It was the first time you had ever seen him actually writing or appearing to do any work.
You were about to make a snide comment about it and then he noticed your presence. He almost jumped five feet in the air in surprise. He then hid the notebook behind his back and immediately got up to leave now you had returned. He left muttering something about you being a nosy bitch.
Spike had taken the opportunity, while he finally had time where he felt comfortable since you had actually left the house for once to write. This was something he didn’t like people knowing about. He wiped his eye as he stormed away. Hoping to God you hadn’t seen that. He couldn’t bear you knowing him that way. Laughing.
It was Friday evening and you had some friends over. There was a sudden knock at the front door. Spike had taken a baseball bat from his room and held it up as if he was ready to swing it.
Willow and Buffy’s eyes bulged at the object in his hand as they peaked from your bedroom doorway. Buffy was pleased they had convinced you to come to self-defence class now.
He walked slowly to the door, meeting you in the hallway skipping happily past him. He grabbed you back looking at you as if you were mad. He was expecting debt collectors. Again.
“Spike, it’s the pizza guy” You moved your shoulder from him before carrying on back to the door with the dollars in your hand, “What is wrong with you?” you muttered.
He scowled, jaw tensing as Buffy and Willow giggled at the way he had been so tense and he stormed away smacking the edge of the bat against the wall in his frustration. Leaving a small hole there.
You brought the pizzas back into your room (so you didn’t have to face spike again) and shared them out with your friends.
After you finished your meal and managed to calm yourselves down from whatever had just happened, talk of course turned back to Spike.
“So how is it… y’know…” Willow asked before mouthing “with Spike”. You hadn’t realised how much built up rage you had inside until you launched into your conversation.
“Well, I can tell you that Hell really is a place on Earth”
“That bad?”
“I can’t believe I’m stuck with him – if I even breath in his direction he has a problem with it!”
“Yeah, he’s always been a complete pig. Some people are just born evil” Buffy shrugged.
“Buffy! He’s not evil! He’s just… mean spirited”
“In the most evil way” Buffy added. She had never liked Spike. He was cruel and treated her as if she was dumb just because she was in a sorority and enjoyed cheerleading.
What you and the two girls didn’t realise, was that Spike was eavesdropping. You had all been laughing really loud and he was about to take his chance to kick Buffy and her little loser friend out. Until he found he was interested to hear what you all had to say about him.
You groaned, thinking about the way things had been. You needed to vent. So, you took the chance while you were in the company of your now closest friends.
“He’s inconsiderate and rude and also I’m pretty sure he never washes his clothes... but he always smells good. Weird”
“Totally weird”
“Well, we did like, warn you”
“And oh my God! He walks around naked all the time! There’s always some stranger he’s brought home and they are always so loud! He never studies and the plates are always piled high in the kitchen! It’s disgusting – he’s disgusting!”
“He’s always been so arrogant and gross”
“Hey, don’t wig, next year we can find a place. The four of us – right Buffy?” Willow offered, including her girlfriend. She comforted you as you caught your breath from your outburst. Willow rested her hand on your shoulder to reassure you.
“Really?” You asked with a smile as Buffy nodded. She was going to move out from her sorority so she wasn’t distracted for her last year she had already decided.
“Don’t worry, y/n. We’ll keep you sane” Buffy insisted.
Spike scoffed. The way Buffy acted as if she was saving you from him. As if he was a fate worse than death. You angered him. The way you had determined his character over a few fleeting conversations. The gossip your silly little friends told you.
You became enemy number one. Even more so than you had been before. He hated gossip and the way people would laugh behind his back. You reminded him of this every time he looked at you now, not that you knew this.
The annoyance for the other just kept growing. Yours had originally been fuelled by your friends rumours, but his actions were now getting worse. Spike was seething at your dismissive tone against your character. He didn’t even want a roommate, he only agreed the landlord to put the room up so he didn’t put up the rent again.
So he decided to try and make you leave. Properly this time. He didn’t care anymore, you reminded him of everyone out there. Everyone that he hid himself away from. Distanced himself from.
The tension rose uncomfortably. He was more rude. More gross. And he made sure to do everything he knew that he could to annoy you. It was petty, he knew it, but he knew it would get a rise out of you.
One afternoon, you had been scraping off some congealed red liquid that you had been concerned was blood. He hung out with a weird crowd, you only hoped some poor thing hadn’t been exploded in there. Although, upon further inspection it appeared to be tomato soup. But you would probably embellish the story a little to your friends.
You washed your hands and scowled at him. He had moved to lean against the doorway and just watch you clean.
“God, Spike, you’re so lazy”
“’Scuse me?”
“You don’t clean, you don’t study – what exactly do you do with your life?”
He was affronted by this. By the way you spoke to him. How he felt like you acted like you were better than him. In your frustration you didn’t care what he thought. He just didn’t care. You were trying to live your life.
He could hear Buffy or even Angel’s voice through your own. The way they had always berated him.
“And what? I should be like you? You’re not exactly making a proper go of it are you? Haven’t seen you do much of anything ‘cept follow them brainless bints around the shop. When you’re not doing that you sit in your room as life passes you by, livin’ through your little Musical shows rather than living in the real world - You’re boring. You’ll live your pathetic little life, stuck in your lame little ways until you die”
“You’re all the same! You and your preppy little band of misfits looking down your noses at everyone and yet you can’t see the obvious, can you? You’re so bored with your pathetic, frigid little lives that you have to make it my bloody problem!”
You decided, seeing as that’s how he viewed you that you would treat him exactly like that. Like he treated you. Things got worse.
He started to invite people over all the time. You would call it a party but there was nothing celebratory about it. You were confined to your room most of the time as they all laughed and screamed along to their music. They were always drinking and playing music no matter what time of the day you saw them.
You usually avoided them, locking your door, but you had needed to slip out of your room for a moment.
“Who’s this?” One of the guests pointed you out as you tried to make it to the bathroom without anybody noticing you. Now everyone’s eyes were on you.
“Oh don’t mind them, they’re just for show hasn’t had an original thought their entire life” Spike shrugged.
“Aw, no, Spike. Another mindless automaton” One of his friends spoke up and he laughed. It was a cold laugh, there was no humour in it.
“Do you, like, want to-”
“Don’t, love. They’re nobody” Spike stopped the blonde girl from speaking to you more kindly than the rest. They all laughed at this and began to tease you.
You left, slamming the door and you heard them laughing, jeering at you for your reaction. It made tears sting the back of your eyes. You collected yourself, shrugging on your jacket. You walked to a place you knew you would be welcome.
You knew that you weren’t going to get on. But this was getting out of hand. You hated him. Hated the way he treated you. The way he judged you, despite him knowing exactly how that feels.
As you thought this, he appeared to be thinking the same thing. Which made Spike scoff and frown. Was he really better than any of the people he hated? He shook that thought away. Downing his beer and looking for another rather than reflect.
You had called Buffy on your way over and she had been quick to contact the entire group to tell them there had been a major incident. Everyone piled around to her dorm room so that they could support you. You had sounded upset on the phone.
You explained everything that had happened and they all comforted you the best that they could. Xander then showed you the stack of films he had brought to try to cheer you up. He had even found some Musicals just for you.
Buffy explained that she had called Angel but he says he’s sorry but he’s busy right now. Buffy appeared disappointed and when you asked her about it she explained. They used to date when they were seniors in college but they had broken up despite still both having feelings for each other.
She explained it had seemed the right thing to do at the time, but now she wished they were back together. You insisted that you would make it your mission to help them get back together which made Buffy grin at you. She really did value your friendship.
As the night wore on your friends began to discuss the idea of you taking your revenge on Spike. It had made you laugh as they suggested ridiculous pranks and ideas that wouldn’t bother him at all. But then they began to take it more seriously. Insisting that you should get even.
You said you weren’t sure. And left it at that. But they thought you had better do something or he wouldn’t stop.
You eventually went back to a trashed house after staying for the weekend with Buffy. You stared at the mess. Maybe you would have to do something.
It had been unusually quiet the few days prior and you should have known better than to hope he had stopped. You had heard a girl, one of Spike’s partners that came around more than most (Harmony but her sex noises were nothing close to harmonious). She explained that if they were to have a threesome it would have to be boy-boy-girl. Apparently, neither of them had been able to swing Charlize Theron.
You had overheard this conversation over breakfast one morning on. A rare occasion they were both awake (they hadn’t gone to sleep yet). You had immediately spat out your food in disgust of their blunt discussion.
It had been perhaps in slight exaggeration but you felt like you were allowed. You were fine with people having sex and having fun but you really didn’t want to have to hear about it over your breakfast. They could have at least let you rub the sleep from your eyes first.
He had scoffed at you at the time and now he had set this up seemingly just to rub you up the wrong way. As opposed to the right ways he was rubbing his partners.
He tried to push the thought down that this had been solely planned because of you. With you in mind. To get a reaction from you. Because that would start him questioning his intentions. His actions. How you made him so angry it was now near obsessive.
So, it appeared they had finally agreed on the logistics of it. And were now giving you a live audio performance. On some random Thursday afternoon just as you had settled down to study.
You swore they were doing it on purpose. Being as loud as possible just to get a rise out of you.
You pounded on the door. You could smell sex from where you were stood out on the landing. He opened the door and stale cigarette smoke appeared to pour out of the room with him. He had opened the door almost immediately. As if he had been waiting.
“Problem, pet?”
“I don’t care that you’re having sex, the walls are just so thin – I have an exam coming up can you just be quiet? Or go to one of your, uh, friends’ houses…”
“Mm, someone’s jealous”
“I’m not-”
“Just ‘cause you’re not bloody gettin’ any” He prodded before he thought about it a moment, changing tac, “Oh no. I know what this is… You want me, you need me…” He teased, knowing it would make you flustered.
“I just- I just want to-”
“If you wanted a taste all you had to do was ask” He smirked, moving his hips slightly and moving his head smugly along with his words. Drawing your attention to his naked form. The people in his bed were calling him back and you were just staring at each other. All he was wearing was a single silver chain around his neck. He was attractive, you couldn’t deny this and he knew it too. 
You were both furious at each other. Silently trying to gain the upper hand.
“You’re a pig, Spike!” You suddenly screamed, stepping towards him angrily. Which made him smile and just close the door in your face. That was what he had wanted. To get such a big emotional response from you.
You were so angry you threw one of your precious book at his now slammed shut door. He winced at the name you had used, one often used against him by people like Buffy. She even managed to get to him in his own home. You angered him. You angered him.
But he turned back and the noises started up again and you knew for sure that they were doing it on purpose now. It was getting louder and louder. He couldn’t be that fucking good, you were sure of it.
You ran into your room and rummaged through the stack of CDs you had brought with you, selecting the perfect accompaniment. The soundtrack from your favourite musical. You turned the volume up fully and let the entire score play out.
You never wanted to see his stupid smug face again.
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sidsinning · 4 years
So when you decide to salt on Adrien and ML in general its cool and fine because opinions are okay to have, but when people make jokes about Luka it crosses the line? I honestly flooded by this you and several other blogs who contribute a lot of ml salt never touched Luka cause he is the definition of perfection so the second somebody does they are out of line 😑 and its never even that bad its hair drawn on a character from ice age
Ah we've caught one guys
Can I get a day without this Luka bashing coming into my space without my consent lol
"Let me make fun of Luka and not expect someone that likes him to talk shit in the proper tag"
Bro I never knocked on your door with this shit like you just did
My blog talks about salt yes, but I don't belittle characters maliciously. That's not salt. That's plain bashing without ANY proper criticism. Salt is a COMPLAINT about something. Not what you people are doing at all.
Don't come to me yelling about how you don't need my approval. I really don't understand what you gain from it. I'm just someone else on the internet. Was this not obvious.
You wanna bash Luka's appearance and make fun of him? That's on you. But not expecting to be called out for it by masking it as "salt"? LOL. You are the EXACT type of person I've been calling out lately. Bashing Luka, receiving criticism from his fans for it, then try to point it back at us by saying we "can't take a joke" or that we're "blind and crazy stans" that ravage anyone that doesn't call him perfect.
Who's the baby that can't take criticism here again? 🤔
I have been ON MY KNEES telling people to say whatever they want about Luka in the proper tags, bc as long as it's there, I can peacefully keep it away. I don't search for salt in these tags to reprimand. Say whatever critcisms you have about his character in your own spaces.
But this weird shitty joke about his appearance? Not the same. Not criticism. Also seen by my own eyes bc guess what? IT. WAS. NOT. T A G G E D.
The people that are doing this actually dislike Luka. That's a huge indicator.
Don't bring this to my attention again. I will ignore it. You hate me and what I say? Block me and leave me alone. Goodbye.
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wayward-mikaelson · 4 years
A Real Date
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200th Follower: @idabbleincrazy​
Request: So, how about a fluffy Sam x reader, where they’ve just started a relationship and finally have some down time between hunts to go on a first real date
Word Count: 13
Pairing: Sam X Reader
Characters: Reader, Sam, and Dean
About: Reader and Sam go on a first real date
Warnings: Language (Few swear words here and there), Fluff (Pretty fluffy, who doesn’t like a fluffy Sam?) 
A/N: Tag your Sam/Jared stans 
A/N 2: What color do you think Jareds eyes are? I went with Hazel cause most people with Hazel eyes are known for their eye color changing depending on their mood and lighting.
*18+ Content. Anyone younger than that will need to scroll along. I don’t want to risk my account thanosed.
**Please DO NOT copy and paste my work anywhere WITHOUT my permission and WITHOUT giving me the proper credit. I work super hard on my work and I would hate for it to be stolen.
***This work is also posted on Instagram, Wattpad, and AO3. Please go show some love over there
****Follow my other accounts Instagram, Wattpad, Twitter, and AO3
*****DMs are CLOSED for requests. I have to two other projects to finish up and I am super behind on them. 
Forever Tags: @donnaintx​ @myinconnelly1​ @magssteenkamp​ @elansaidaris​ @hobby27​ @440mxs-wife​
Shy’s Masterlist
Shy’s Favorite Fic List
I wake up and roll out of bed. My body still sore from the hunt the boys and I finished a few days ago. It's not everyday I'm thrown by a werewolf into a cement wall but. I've had worse. I once had a vampire feed on me for days, but that's a different story.
I limp over to the dresser and grab clothes for the day, when I notice the time on the nightstand through the mirror. It's almost noon. I hang my head and pull a simple jeans and a t-shirt out and throw them on. Not before I put on the herb cream I made to help with the sore muscles.
As I walk into the kitchen, I'm throwing my hair up into a hair band when I hear, "Thank God, she lives!" I stare Dean down, who has a mouth full of food.
"Fuck off, Dean," I mumble as I make coffee. "My body is simply doing what its supposed to do. Unlike yours." I turn to see Dean glaring at me.
He gets up, clears his plate. "I see someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," he says and walks out of the kitchen. "Sam! You girlfriend is being rude and mean." He adds.
"I'm going to kick his ass," I mumble to myself pouring myself coffee. I turn around to see Sam standing in the entryway. Staring at me with his perfect hazel eyes.
"How are you feeling?" He walks up to me and brushes a strand of hair that had managed to escape out of my face. His hands lingers under my chin and uses his thumb to rub my cheek. "You sleep okay?"
"I did actually," I sip my coffee and let the warm liquid do it's thing. "I'm still sore and still limping some. Not bad though, so don't worry about that."
Sam leans his head on mine. "I'm always going to worry about you. Hunting or not."
I smile and close my eyes. "You're so sweet and nice to me."
"Bleh," Deans voice is back in the kitchen.
"I'll make it up to you later tonight," Sam kisses the top of my head and pulls away. "Dean and I are going on a quick supply run. Just be ready to go after we get back."
Taking a deep breath I say, "Okay." Sam smiles and reaches out and brushes his hand across my cheek. "It's a date."
"A real one at that," Sam calls after me as he walk out of the bunker with Dean.
Now, I am left with either going to take a bath or going and setting up a prank in Deans room. Sighing, I opt for the bath, who knows what Sam has planned for me this evening. It's our first real date since becoming a thing about a month ago. With case upon case and literally stumbling onto a case, Sam and I haven't really had any time to go out and have fun.
When the boys finally come back, I am cleaned up and ready for whatever my tall hunter has planned for me. I watch as the boys put the stuff away. Dean waltz's off to his room only to turn around and eye me.
"Did you do something to my room while we were gone?"
I slip out of the kitchen chair and pocket my phone. "No, Dean. I was going to though."
Sam slips his arm through mine. I look up and see this huge smile on his face. "Shall we go?" He asks. I nod and Sam starts to lead me out of the bunker. "Don't wait up for us," Sam calls back after Dean.
"Dean is letting you drive this?" I raise an eyebrow when Sam leads us to the impala.
"Yep, took some convincing," Sam opens my side of the door and watches me as I slip into the front. Sam closes the door and with a few strides he in slipping into the driver seat and turning the car on.
"What do you say, we go to the buffet you like? Or that pizza parlor?" Sam looks at me and in the setting sun is at the perfect angle to see the color change in his eyes. My heart skips a beat and I almost instantly melt in my seat.
"You have said yourself that those two places should be shut down for who knows how many health code reasons," I shake my head and regain my composure.
"I mean, if you don't want to go to either places, I'm all for that because it's true, they should be shut down," Sam runs his hand through his long hair as he puts the impala into drive. "I just thought that maybe, I could shove it and take you there."
I smile and look at the road ahead of us. " You, Sam Winchester, are the sweetest man ever. But," I look over at him and he gives a quick sideways glance at me. "There is one place I want to try."
"Anywhere you want to go, my dear," Sam takes his free hand and rests it on my leg.
"Well," I take a deep breath. "It's a backyard-alley like taco spot. They make everything right in front of you, tortilla included. Everything is fresh. I've been thinking non-stop about it since Dean first mentioned it a few weeks ago."
Sam looks at me and back at the road. "Back alley taco shop. Do I need a gun?"
I laugh, "Maybe for the best. Let me text Dean to see if he has the directions."
When we pull up to the house, the sun was just about gone. Sam puts the car into park and opens the door and walks around to let me out. As I step out of the impala, Sam's hand lands on my waist. Pulling me up against his chest. He brushes my hair out my eyes and places a gentle kiss to my cheek before letting me go.
"Why the face?" Sam asks when he sees my scrunched up face.
"You missed," I take the collar of his shirt and press my lips to his. I instantly begin to feel my legs to shake.
"Indeed, I did," Sam mumbles. He wraps an arm around to keep me steady. Pulling back and keeping an arm around me, Sam says "How about we get you some tacos." He boops my nose with his index finger and links his arm in mine and leads us to the smell of tacos coming from the backyard of the house in front of us.
Back at the bunker, and full of tacos. Sam walks me to my room. "Tonight was fun," I say lacing my fingers into his. "We should do this more often when we have more down time."
Sam smiles. "We should."
Sam places a free hand on my waist and pulls me towards him. I place my hands on his chest and meet him halfway. Our lips move together like a dance. Sam slowly pushes me onto the wall where I wrap my arounds his neck and sigh into his lips.
"Ugh! Guys, not in the hallway, get a room," Deans voice ruins the moment.
Sam pulls away and give me an apologetic smile. I can see that even Sam wants to kick his brothers ass. Sam quickly kisses me and runs his thumb over my cheek and tells me goodnight before leaving me in the hall by myself.
I go into my room and get ready for bed. Once my head hits the pillow, I pass out.
I am slowly awakened by the bed sinking under me. I roll over to see Sam slipping into the small space beside me.
"I'm sorry," He whispers. "I didn't mean to wake you." He gathers me into his arms and tightly wraps his arm around me. His head resting on my head. "I just wanted to come lay with you."
I sleepily nuzzle my face into his chest and smile. "This is just what I need." I listen to the sound of his breath and soon I'm falling back asleep. But not without noticing Sam placing a gentle kiss to the top of head.
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A Little Help Pt 2 (Batman X Scarecrow)
Characters: Batman X Scarecrow
Universe: DC, Batman
Warnings: Addiction
Request: This is wierd but you did a scarecrow and batman ship a while back and I'm wondering if you could do a part two where Bruce finds out that Johnathan is addicted to his fear toxin and helps him through it? If that's okay thank you- A Little Help
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It had been a month since Bruce had heard from Crane. He hadn’t made a peep since that discussion, and he silently hoped that Jonathan had listened and was staying low, focussing on fixing his life and starting fresh, but he was worried that soon he’d open the news and see his body had been found, or see him back being Scarecrow. Soon he got an update though, in the form of Barbara passing the message on from her dad that Jonathan Crane wanted to speak to batman. He needed help. 
Bruce found out Crane had been up to in that month. He’d gotten rid of all of the toxin, using whatever financials he had to get an apartment and lay low, working small jobs till he could afford to leave Gotham, until about a week into the isolation when he became sick, and spent another week suffering until he realised he was addicted to his own toxin. “Guess I’ve built up an immunity to it’s effects but instead got addicted… when I pieced that together… I made more. Just enough to… treat my addiction.” He explained to batman, who could tell he felt embarrassed by having to admit his own weakness, and the irony in the whole situation. “I didn’t use it on anyone else, I promise I just… I can’t go to rehab, no one will take me. I know the process that I need to go through but… I can’t do it alone. I don’t trust myself…”
He was a mess. It was clear he was trying to not use the toxin and was going through withdrawal- his skin was wet with sweat, hair greasy and he couldn’t stop moving, like it hurt to stay still, but he also looked exhausted. It was just him and Bruce, in his apartment. He’d sent a letter to the Precinct, asking for help from Batman, with directions to where he wanted to meet. From there, Batman met Crane, who took him back to his apartment. It was bare and cluttered with mess. 
“Tell me what you need.” Batman offered to the man. 
“Anyway you could get me to a rehab under a false name? Or… a private doctor who’s willing to treat me or… Anything. Lock me in the batcave until I snap out of it- anything. Please.” Jonathan begged to him. Bruce knelt down in front of the chair that Jonathan was slumped over in, his arms resting on his thighs, keeping his body up.
“I can take you to the cave. I have cells in there, I’ll make sure you’re monitored around the clock to make sure you don’t get too sick. I’ll find you proper help as soon as I can. How does that sound?” He suggested to him.
“Let me pack a bag.” Jonathan didn’t even hesitate, getting up and sludging over to start to gather things. Bruce silently located his suitcase and helped him put things in.
Hope you like it! If you have any questions, please send them in! 
*Not my gif 
TAGS:  @courtneychicken​  @graysonmalfoy​ @bellero​ @originalpottervengerlock​ @supernatural-pan​ @esoltis280​ @lena-stan-xavier​ @lady-of-lies​ @sebstanismylife​ @macbetheliza @mandywholock1980​ @cdwmtjb8​ @caswinchester2000​ @determinedpines​
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amzarashi · 5 years
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i recently hit 500 followers and there’ll be a wee bit of a break before semester end exams roll around, so i figured why not celebrate a milestone!!! this’ll be like always (you know the drill)!!!
(also,, im too lazy to make a proper header rn,,,)
it’d be nice if you’re following your local ronan lynch stan, but you can still send in requests even if you’re not!!!
reblog this post (likes don’t count!!!)
here are my creations (so you’ll know what to expect)
i write sometimes, so it’d be v cool if you’d tell me what you thought about it???
check out my animanga blog (optional)
send me an ask with what you want me to do*:
         ·   url gfx* ( you can request for both ya lit & animanga edits. i’m more active in the trc/aftg/soc fandoms & the hq!!/tg/free!/bnha fandoms, but you can go through my tags lists: (i) & (ii) )
          ·   moodboards* (ship/blog/random, but please give me a theme & colour scheme to work with so i can make it v good for you!!! )  
          ·   gif requests* ( tv/film/music video/ whatever you want as long as it’s a fandom im part of)
          ·   playlists (my music taste is pretty bad, but i really love making playlists) 
          ·   make me choose* (characters/ships/other misc things from the fandoms listed above)
           ·   blogrates (i haven’t done these in ages, but the format will be below the cut)
if we’re mutuals, you can also join my fandom fam!!! (info under the cut)
this should at least get 40 notes or else i’ll die from the embarrassment
*it might take me some time to get around to doing this, because uni is hard, but i’ll try to finish it all up
blograte format:
url/domain: /10
icon & header: /10
theme: /10
mobile theme: /10
posts: /10
creations: /10
what i loved the most about your blog:
fandom family:
so i’ve been planning to make a fandom fam, but i never really got around to it, but i’ve finally gotten around to it!
if you want to join, send me an ask with:
your name, pronouns, birthday
your preferred character (send me three in order of preference,in case it’s taken)
a short about and/or quote ;
things you’ll be getting:
my eternal love & support
a family edit (of the assigned character)
a birthday gift (edits/playlists/a written piece)
blacklist #drakecelebrates if you don’t want to keep on seeing the posts. i’m v cool with it!!!
have a nice day!!!
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The anchor in their lives - Chapter two
Summary: When two super soldiers lives get turned upside down, they move into an apartment in Brooklyn, trying to deal with their past and figure out their futures. So what happens when the apartment next door gets a new resident, one who has the potential to change their lives in ways they could never imagine. The question is; Will they let her?
Pairings: Stucky x Original Character Annie (eventually ) SOON GUYS
Disclaimer:  This story may contain strong language, polyamorous relationships (eventually + sex ), mental health talks( anxiety, depression, PTSD and so on. If you’re not comfortable with any of those, you might not want to begin reading this series.
As always thanks to the wonderfully sweet @holland-stan-posts for all your help with piecing this story together, and of course your neverending support. You’re a babe x
Interested in reading more of my stories? Well, you can find them right here. 
Looking for the masterlist for this series? Well, look no further. It's right here.
Warnings: Mentions of Bucky’s past and anxiety. 
A/N: Chapter two! HERE WE GO GUYYYS. 
Got a brand new laptop so hopefully, it won’t die on me. It’s very pretty and cool. Anyways, I'm still very excited about this series and I like this chapter personally. Hope you guys like it, and I promise Annie will show up soon! 
Chapter two: 
Waking up each morning to the noises outside his window was something he never got used to. The constant buzzing from the cars, the occasional honks. People were yelling and laughing. Planes from above shaking the ground a little as it flies over the roof, or at least he felt like the ground shook. It was all so overwhelming. Although he had lived in this world for over 70 years seeing it change from his prison, he never got the chance to get comfortable with any of it; he was too busy being used as a weapon to kill a ton of people. So here he was a 100-year-old man who had no idea how to deal with this society or even this century.
He pulls himself out of bed and walks out to the balcony, settling down on a chair Steve had put out for him, looking down upon the ground and the people walking past. He liked to observe them from high above. Sort of like a cat he felt most comfortable when he was above others. The distance put him at ease and calmed his anxious mind. He inhaled the fresh morning air as he watched a brown-haired girl walk out from a cafe he had been curious to see from the inside, but he never dared venture out into the buzz of humans walking past him. He watched her as she strolled along the sidewalk with her curls bouncing in the wind, she seemed so free and even more carefree that he felt the ping of jealousy creep under his skin.
Why couldn't he just go down and buy himself a coffee in that cafe? It's not that far, and it might be good for him to get some fresh air that isn't from the balcony. He knows that Steve would be pleased. Bucky knows how much he worries about him and how much he wants him to get back to his old self but honestly, he didn't even know who his former self, was anymore. Hydra had pulled himself in and out of that icebox so many times that all his memories were all bundled together in a big mess, not to mention the countless erasing of the remainder of his identity. Hydra pulled every part that was him out of his core and shattered it over and over. Every time he thought that he might be able to hold onto something it was pulled from his grasp leaving him with the cold numbness.
He hears Steve preparing their breakfast, and he decides to join him. Carefully walking into the kitchen observing Steve's movements before greeting him. He looked good today; his blondish hair was smoothed back. The beard he had grown, to try and hide his identity a little, was getting long, and Bucky couldn't help but appreciate him with a beard. He looked less proper and more like a normal human being, which Bucky liked. It made him feel a little better. He was wearing a black shirt, that was a bit too small and blue jeans. Steve turns around and spots him, his blue eyes light up at the sight of him. And his stomach does a little flip, which he ignores completely.
"Hey, Buck. How did you sleep?" His deep and cheerful voice rings out and grounds him again.
"uh, fine." He mumbles and settles down on his usual chair. Steve smiles softly at him and turns around to cook the eggs.
Bucky feels the usual anxiety bubble up, he knows what's about to happen, and he wishes that he didn't do this every day but he can't help himself. He has to try because maybe one day he might look at him and say "you know what, I'm staying at home here with you" and that dream keeps him going.
He opens his mouth to ask him, they both know that he will, but the words don't come out. Steve turns around and pours some eggs on his plate; he looks a little concerned.
God, he wishes that he would stay at home just this one time.
"Stay" Bucky's voice is merely a whisper. "Stay home with me Stevie, just this one time" He begs him, knowing its pointless. Steve frowns, and he sees the pain that he causes him once again. He meets his eyes and those impossibly blue eyes stare into Bucky's steel blue ones. The pain is obvious, and the guilt settles in the pit of his stomach.
"You know I wish I could. But today is a really important day. I might be promoted if I'm lucky. We can watch a movie later, okay? you choose." Steve offers and Bucky nods. They eat in silence and then Steve leaves. And the pain begins all over again.
Steve arrives home feeling cheerful but also nervous. He got the promotion he hoped for, which was a good thing. It meant more money which was good. The downside was the hours. His schedule had been changed. He had to work later and more hours, but one good thing was that he had a day where he could work from one once every two weeks and the weekends off. The other days, however, he wouldn't come home until after dinner. A fact he wasn't looking forward to telling Bucky, hoping that he would be okay.  
He walks into the apartment and is usually met by an anxious Bucky in the hall who seems to relax the second he sees him, but this time he doesn't greet him. He walks into the living room and finds him sitting on the couch looking grim. This particular day must have been a hard one because Bucky is as tense as a spring. His whole body is stiff, and his face grimaced into a dead but yet somehow scared expression. His eyebrows are scrunched together, jaw clenched and his steel blue eyes wild. Again Steve gets the urge to hug him to his chest to comfort him and protect him from his mind, but he never does. He tried it a few months back, and Bucky freaked out, started yelling and throwing things around with a panicked look in his eyes. He ended up sitting on the floor his arms wrapped around his head mumbling ''leave me alone'' and ''no please'' over and over, it took him hours to calm down, so Steve never attempted it again.
Steve walks in and sits down o the couch next to him; he doesn't seem even to notice him.
"Do you want pizza or Chinese today?" Steve asks him, hoping to pull him out of whatever is happening inside his mind. Buckys eyes meet Steve's, and his blood runs cold at the dead look in them.
"Hmm?" Steve sighs internally and reminds himself to be patient. "Do you want to eat pizza or Chinese food today Buck?" He repeats, and Bucky perks up a little.
"Pizza" He mumbles as his eyes stare into the wall. "Pizza it is then. The usual I assume?" The super soldier nods and Steve gets up to call their local pizza place. When he returns Bucky hasn't moved an inch, and Steve reminds himself to be patient once again. It was just so hard for him to watch his friend as this broken man being helpless to do anything about it. Steve suggests watching an old movie, and Bucky nods again.
The food arrives, and they settle down on the couch nomming on their food and watching "singing in the rain." One of Bucky's favorites. Although he doesn't seem to be paying much attention to the movie, suddenly he turns towards Steve and stares into his eyes. Bucky's eyes have a serious look in them as if he is trying his hardest to gather his thoughts.
"How was your day?" Bucky asks frowning, but eyes piercing. Better get this over with, Steve thinks to himself.
"It was good. I got promoted." Steve carefully says and watches for any reaction from Bucky, his eyes widen for a second, but that's all.
"What does that mean?" He pushes and then groans before continuing. "I mean, that's great. Congrats punk." He gives Steve a careful smile, which he gratefully accepts.
"Thanks, pal. Um, it means more pay. Which is good. But also longer hours." Steve watches as a million emotions roll over Bucky's face, he can't decipher what they are, and before he knows it, he is back to his controlled expression.
"Youll be gone for even longer hours? Every day?" Steve nods and Bucky slowly nods, taking in this new information it seems.
"But I will still have the weekends off and one day every two weeks off," Steve adds hoping it might help. Bucky smiles a little-strained smile. "Well, congrats man." Silence falls upon the two men as they each try to figure out what to say, Bucky is the first one to speak as he announces that he is tired and that he is going to bed, before Steve can respond he has gotten up and almost jogs to his room. Leaving Steve alone with the burning guilt inside his gut.
Fin x
Next chapter..
Hope you liked it! 
Don’t be afraid to leave any feedback you wish; I would love to hear your thoughts. xx
Taglist IS OPEN, just send me an ask or message specifying what you want to be tagged in. Or if you want to be removed, message me as well. 
A line through your name means I couldn’t tag you for some reason also message if I’ve forgotten you.
Permanent Taglist: @holland-stan-posts @bibegone @sergeantjbuckybarnes @hannahll14
TAITL taglist: @fuckthatfeeling / @mia-at-work / @2nameless13 / @lucinapomona / @supernaturallover2002 / @slender--spirit / @kimmiestrawberrykiwi
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dmsilvisart · 6 years
New Followers ‘ello!
New Year and new followers....so here’s a welcome post!
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About Me:
First an foremost I’m a freelance artist, housewife and mom to two boys, one with ADHD & autism the other with ADHD & ODD, and i’m working from home. I have a degree in medical administration but have yet to find a job specifically in that field from home.
I do art! Fanart, general art, art art art!  
While I intend for my blog to be multifandom, I’m currently living and breathing Supernatural, Labyrinth and Shadowhunters, so that’s mostly what you’ll find currently.  Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Miraculous Ladybug and Star Trek have made appearances and more will follow.
Fictional characters that I adore Crowley, Castiel, Meg Masters, Magnus Bane, River Song, Kaylee Frye, All of Labyrinth,  Red Fraggle, Boober Fraggle, Fizgig, Kermit, Beeker, Newt Scamander, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Lupin and Tonks, Leonard “bones” McCoy, Jaylah, Jean Grey (The Phoenix), Rogue, Gambit, Willow, Katina Choovanski, Francine Peters. Loki. Harley Quinn....I’m sure there’s more
Real people I admire for either talent or outlook on life or both, Jim Henson, Misha Collins, Rachel Miner, Bruce Lee, Betty White, Stan Lee, Bob Ross, Fred Rogers, Dwayne Johnson, Steve Perry, Freddie Mercury, David Bowie, Terry Moore, Justin Furstenfield, Harry Houdini, Neil Gaiman, my grandmothers, my aunt and my mom.
My Blog quick links:
Commission Info
Always open for commissions, info in this link
My SPN fan art
self explanatory, SPN fan art, mostly charcoal portraits
My fanfic illustrations
All the bangs, collabs and random illustrations I’ve done based on fanfic
My other artwork
Everything that is not fandom or specifically SPN related, until I get more specific pages set up
Birthday artwork I’ve done for folks 
 If you want added to this list simply send me an ask
See what inspires me
self explanatory, when i need a pick me up i’ll scroll this page
Gifts from awesome folks
fics that amazing writers have written based on prompts i’ve thrown at them, fanart based on the few things i’ve written, other little gems that people have been kind enough to do for me
I write occasionally my AO3 is here
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The Rules:
I keep a happy house here, meaning if you’re going to spread hate on my blog, just go somewhere else.  I try to be inspiring, I try to be loving, I try to be kind.
I don’t do hate, it takes A LOT for me to hate anyone, you have had to have hurt someone, children, animals or be a raving racist for me to hate you. All of that being said, I don’t tolerate hate toward anyone, no hate toward characters, actors, the actors real life families, writers, artists…ANYONE. I don’t reblog it, I won’t give you your 15 seconds of fame. If anyone sends me hate, just so ya know, i won’t dignify it with a response. No one tells me what to create, who to like, what to fight for, if you don’t like what I post, unfollow me. No offense taken.
I ship ALL THE SHIPS, there are very few that I am weirded out by and in that case I don’t read it (now there’s a concept) and I ship and let ship, and I keep scrolling. To each their own, as far as characters and ships that they like. I expect the same courtesy from my followers, if you don’t like a ship or character I draw or reblog, simply ignore it, black list it, and keep scrolling.
This goes for porn as well, go somewhere else, don’t follow me if your blog is just you naked showing whatever to the camera. I will block you. DO NOT comment on my artwork, advertising your porn blog.
My blog is a safe space for all, your ethnicity, religion, sexuality, gender identity, age, etc.  You’re safe here, as long as you’re not hateful to anyone else here.
I do my best to tag things, but I kind of suck at knowing what to tag.  I also try not to reblog any NSFW images, however I do reblog occasional fic with the proper tags.
Other random stuff:
I’m on other social media but I am notoriously horrible at updating my other social media accounts.  My professional artist type stuff is all on myfacebook business page , which occasionally overflows into mytwitter and instagram when I remember to post there.   But I link nothing to my tumblr, because tumblr is my space to be my geeky self and be around folks who are just as weird as I can be. If you decide to follow me on any of those listed places above, please message me and let me know you’re there :)
I can be annoying with GIFs and I won’t apologize lol
Thank you!  
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To anyone who has liked, or reblogged my artwork I GREATLY appreciate it. While I try to thank each reblog personally, and reply to all comments, My life has been overly busy of late and I’ve missed a lot and that bothers me.
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xbreezymeadowsx · 3 years
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I posted 642 times in 2021
13 posts created (2%)
629 posts reblogged (98%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 48.4 posts.
I added 44 tags in 2021
#tommy flanagan - 7 posts
#efme - 6 posts
#flanaclan - 6 posts
#chibs telford - 5 posts
#i stan - 5 posts
#writing - 3 posts
#filip telford - 3 posts
#sons of anarchy - 3 posts
#chibs - 3 posts
#wwe - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 39 characters
#i'm in this picture and i don't like it
My Top Posts in 2021
11 notes • Posted 2021-06-25 17:32:10 GMT
Flanaclan Server Policies & Important Information
Bullet Point Key: each * is additional information to the last bulleted statement. Multiple *s is additional to the last *.
********** Server Policies **********
⦁ Most Important Policy- Be respectful of each other, our personal boundaries, and the server as a whole.
⦁ Ages 16 and up only please. Be truthful about your age. We want to try to be as inclusive as we can be without crossing any lines. We don't want to have to apply strict rules and regulations, but we will if members can't be respectful and truthful.
⦁ Follow individual chat portal guidelines and check pinned comments for more information regarding each chat.
⦁ Please keep specific topics confined to the designated chat portals unless on a call where content of all sorts can be posted to the corresponding chat for convenience. We will not strictly enforce this, it is merely a request to keep conversations flowing coherently and not bog down any one chat.
⦁ If you have questions or suggestions about anything server related and are unsure who to talk to, leave a message in the Round Table chat.
⦁ Chats are set to only send notifications when messages are directed to you. (I.E.: @everyone, @YourName) Chats set for all message notifications are: Welcome, Round Table, Support System, and Library. Everyone is free to set their own notification preferences if they wish.
⦁ All chats are available for everyone to talk in with the exception of Welcome.
⦁ Personal beefs should be dealt with off-server. If the issue becomes public, begins to affect the group or you feel some sort of neutral third party is needed, it should be addressed for a Round Table chat discussion.
⦁ Voice channels are for everyone unless otherwise labeled. This means anyone can use them at anytime and anyone can join a call already in progress.
* Friday and/or Saturday nights, most of the North Americans (and a German vampire) like to get on Mass Is In Session and chat. This channel is not exclusive to NAs, neither is the call specifically. Anyone can join provided they are awake. If anyone on the European side of 'Clan wish to start a similar tradition within their proper time zone schedule, it is greatly encouraged.
********** 'Clan Things **********
Tagline: "How can a man that sexy be so sexy?"
Theme Songs: WAP (Metal Cover) by Leo Moracchioli, Mr. Haze by Texas
#Hashtags (popularly used): Flanaclan ~ EFme ~ MyFavoriteScotsman ~ SexyScotsman ~ TommyTuesday ~ FlanaganFriday ~ McIntyreMonday ~ TheThirstIsReal ~ Daddy ~ ScotDaddy ~ FlanaganTok
Animal: Raccoon
********** Miscellaneous **********
Terms and random tidbits that might otherwise confuse newbies.
⦁ Jackie and Breezy are the oldest of the group. It is a common thing to hear either of them referred to as Mom.
* You are not required to call them anything.
* Mother, Ma, Mama, Madre, Ma Mere, etc. are generally also acceptable. Please don't use Mommy. (Don't ask why, it's just... no.)
* There was a time where the two "adopted" daughters and there were roles distinguishing who had which mother. Specifics have since been disregarded.
* Do not try to decipher who is who's daughter and what relationship is what. The "family tree" has become a jumbled mess of intertwined branches.
⦁ You may hear mention of "Old 'Clan". This refers to both when 'Clan started out in a Tumblr chat and also when we first joined Discord. Someone else originally ran the Discord server and, for whatever reason, one day deleted it out of the blue. Since the rest of us were against this, we created the new server.
* Some members from old 'clan did not make the transfer to current 'clan.
* Yes, there were some unfortunate issues and contention. No, we will not air our grievances anymore.
* Some of us that went through this are trying very hard to not remain bitter, petty bitches about it. Forgive us if we slip up.
⦁ Our server was originally known as "Flanaclan Chapel".
See the full post
11 notes • Posted 2021-04-24 06:25:27 GMT
26 notes • Posted 2021-04-05 04:55:05 GMT
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30 notes • Posted 2021-04-09 05:10:11 GMT
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36 notes • Posted 2021-04-08 13:57:23 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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for-sorscha · 7 years
Pro SJM as a ‘Fandom’
*cue ridiculous comparison to Nazis* The problem is when this penetrates outside of their group. People who don't like SJM are made to feel like total garbage just for not liking something. Look at those Pro SJM warriors, fighting the good fight. Not realizing the homophobia and racism which are in the books. Not taking into account these books are not perfect. This is one of the key problems with the movement. It does not improve anything. It is far, far more toxic than the anti SJM fandom, because they don't realize the offensive tendencies in the books and that it affects people. Gay people, POC and disabled people all feel left out a misrepresented in these books. They don't realize that most anti sjm people are trying to advocate for people's rights. All Anti SJM posts do is call out what's wrong with these books and the unhealthiness of it since the things people learn from this book series translates into real life. It's not isolated. Sure, we are ‘anti’ a fucking book series. But when a book series has toxic characters, crappy world-building and little representation with young fans who are very impressionable then yeah let people criticize it. This criticism centers around the hope of improving the thing, learning from the thing, and finding ways to enjoy the thing despite it’s issues without ignoring them. Anti SJM is a place people gather to share their hate of something. Which is fine. Sure, antis bitch about this series because so many young teenagers are reading it and being affected by it.
Anti SJM people need to keep doing what they're doing. I’m all for advocating for people’s rights and raising awareness of abuse, and that's why it's important that we do in a fandom for such a popular, toxic book series. In order to help abuse survivors in some way you can't just turn a blind eye to the abusive behaviour in a books series.
The Anti SJM Group is not isolated from the toxicity of the hate and the fandom, which means there are people who may go too far or whatever. But that happens in every fandom, even the pro sjm fandom, yeah trust me I've seen it. Spoiler alert: Most antis are not criticizing people themselves. I would NEVER personally call out someone for liking the books AND although some antis may take it too far most of us do enjoy aspects of the books and are not the hateful, spiteful people you make us out to be. We want people to be able to express our opinions about these books with comfort, in the proper tags of course. I have never seen a post saying "SJM STANS ARE TOXIC AND HERES WHY GET A LIFE YOU LOSERS" meanwhile there have been such posts like those for antis and don't you think that's a little *whispers* problematic Also stay out of the anti sjm tag if you don't want to see hate AND don't use that tag for your pro posts to make people feel bad. And side note: I don't hate Pro-Sjm people or Anti-Sjm people, we all have different opinions. Feel free to like something. Feel free to hate something. Just don't call out people for doing either. See how ridiculous this post is now that I switched the perspective. Imagine the rioting that would happen if I posted this is the pro sjm tags.
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cookinguptales · 8 years
Oh god, I forgot to post the end of year writing meme. So here it is about a week late. I wrote so goddamn much this year. I never expected karabita fandom to just kind of. Happen. haha. It was weird going through my fics and thinking about things like good lines or good summaries. I wonder if anyone who reads the fics remember lines better than I do? It feels weird thinking about someone having a favorite fic of mine or a favorite line from one of my fics or something. After all this time, I still kind of think, like, “well, no one’s really reading/enjoying/remembering what I write” so it’s odd to think of my fics inside someone else’s head. I guess that’s what they’re for, though...
Anyway, my fics this year were full of a lot of ups and downs. If anyone wants to talk about any of them, or you have any questions or anything, it was really fun looking back through them and I’m kind of nostalgic now. lol
(under a cut bc wow this is long)
End-of-Year Writing Meme for 2016.
Total Word Count: 144,500 on AO3, but probably about 5k more if you count all the fics on Tumblr. I’m…setting aside the nonfiction. So let’s just say 150k.
Total Completed Fics: 44 on AO3, christ
Ship/character/fandom breakdown:
Just going for the ones on AO3 now, so add several more karabita Tumblr fics and and I think some danganronpa, gravity falls, muppets, and maybe SU? I can’t remember all the non-Osomatsu ficlets I wrote this year. On AO3, though, 34 Osomatsu-san fics, all karabita I think. One also contained Ichimatsu/Xmas Couple and Jyushimatsu/Homura. Two fics for Arsenic and Old Lace, both gen. Two Danganronpa fics, Ishimaru/Mondo and Gundham/Sonia. One Gravity Falls fic, Stan-centric gen. One Scooby Doo fic, gen. One Pokemon Go fic, gen. One The Final Girls fic, Vicki/Gertie. Two Muppets fics, both Bunsen/Beaker. Jeez.
Best/worst title?
Best… I had a couple I’m fond of. Probably “The Road Not Taken (Again and Again and Again)”, “Six Sips of Strychnine”, or…god, a lot of these are puns. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that some of the pun ones, like “Fowl Play” and “A Ghost of a Chance” and “The Pokemon Trade” are the best and the worst. I’m also not thrilled with “Love’s Carriers”.
Best/worst summary?
Hmm. Frankly, I don’t think I’m very good at summaries. “There is a difference between living and surviving. Karamatsu hovers between the two.” wasn’t too bad. And both “Karamatsu knows that Chibita is drunk, but it's a little hard to take the moral high road with a hand on his dick.” and “Sometimes when two men love each other very much and one man is kidnapped by some aliens and some [censored] [censored] stuff happens, a beautiful miracle is created.” made me laugh. “Sometimes Karamatsu can see the choices he didn’t make, and ones he’s sure he did.” is probably the best, though.
Worst…uh… Most of them… My summaries are so half-assed. Probably either “Chibita loves his new dog, but Karamatsu is hiding something. (Spoilers: NO, he is not a werewolf, he's just allergic to dogs.)” or “‘Write a fic where [Karamatsu] eats a salad’ That's it, that's the fic.”
Best first line?
Errr. I have a few that make me laugh. “For a long time, Karamatsu had labored under the blissful delusion that he was basically a good person.” (All’s Fair In Love and Blow Jobs), “After being attacked by a horde of vampires, being held captive in their den of villainy, and becoming a denizen of the night himself, Karamatsu understandably had to make a few lifestyle changes.” (Developing A Taste), “There were some times, some crimes, that made Velma seriously consider getting a day job.” (Fowl Play). (That one in particular makes me laugh, but I don’t think most people got the allusion.)
I also think a couple set the mood pretty well, like “It all began with Karamatsu kneeling on Chibita's floor, head pressed to wood and his wings folded tight against his back, the perfect picture of submission.” (Feathers and Favors) or “Karamatsu stared dully ahead, not entirely sure whether it was the steam or the alcohol that was making his vision swim.” (The Road Not Taken)
Honestly, I think most of my opening lines are pretty good, or at least serviceable.
Best last line(s)?
I just closed all my fic windows. ;~; Honestly, most of my last lines are more like last paragraphs, and kind of sum up the themes of the fic. They don’t always work well outside of them… But this one is probably the funniest without context.
"She really was nothing but a giant chicken.” (Fowl Play)
General questions
Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted?
I wrote far, far more than I expected I would. I wrote almost three times as much this year as I have in all the other years put together on this pseud. (Though actually, I think I did write quite a bit on another pseud last year…?)
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted last year?
I MEAN I FEEL LIKE KARABITA WAS THE DARK HORSE. I wasn’t even that into it when I started writing it!! I kind of became more comfortable writing the pairing as I went, and now I have a million ideas. I think it really was like 90% the support I got from the fandom that made me keep writing. Uh, that and personal stress. lol
What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest.
Uhh. I think Feathers and Favors is the one that meant the most to me, but I think Like Moving Parts is my favorite. It feels homey to me.
Okay, NOW your most popular story.
GOD haha um probably mouth full of roses, eyes full of stars. I never, ever thought that melodramatic fic would be as popular as it’s become. It was such an experiment. I’m still not really sure why it caught on. Love’s Carriers also shocked me. I wrote both of those fics in such a short period, and I was expecting them to go largely unremarked. And then others I thought would go over well and they were basically ignored. so. Fandom is weird.
Story most underappreciated by the universe?
I REALLY LIKED MY POKEMON AU but I also acknowledge that many of the best parts still remain on my hard drive. God, I need to post the rest of that fic. I guess the Pokemon craze has kind of passed, though…
Life Line, Heart Line wasn’t exactly underappreciated… I was just writing for a fandom of one and I knew it. It wasn’t shocking to me that no one read it, and it was mostly just a short ToT fic so it didn’t sting. (I…learned my lesson about writing really involved fics for minuscule fandoms after I wrote that Sleep No More fic.)
Story that could have been better?
Er… Probably a lot of them, all told. I’m really not very good at writing sex, so probably some of those especially.
Sexiest story?
I…guess probably the sexy rent fic, haha. Though again, I think a lot of the best parts of that are still on my hard drive.
Saddest story?
Errrr… Probably Little Ghost, Little Ghost or the zombie ficlets. Both of them that involve dead halves of my OTP and the other half coping badly, essentially. Or The Devil At The Crossroads, because that one involved suicidal ideation.
Most fun?
Probably the Muppet fics! It’s a fun canon. Or, oh my god, that silly, stupid Scooby Doo fic. I loved it, people loved reading it, it was stupid. It was really fun haha.
Story with single sweetest moment?
Uh.. Frankly, I think I specialize in sweet moments, so this is a bit hard for me. The confession scenes at the ends of Like Moving Parts and Feathers and Favors stand out, but I think most of my readers would pick other moments, lol.
Hardest story to write?
Emotionally, it was Feathers and Favors. I…cried a lot while I wrote that. It touched on some very personal parts of my life. Love’s Carriers probably required the most research. I had to walk to florists haha. The Arsenic and Old Lace fics fought me a lot, largely because of election angst, which is why I ended up writing two. I’m relatively happy with Six Sips, though.
Easiest/most fun story to write?
I had fun with basically every single monster one, hahaha. I have such a type. Paradoxically, I think that Feathers and Favors was also one of the easier ones to write. I wrote so much in such a short period of time, because it just flowed really well. I guess writing it was kind of therapeutic.
Did any stories shift your perceptions of the characters?
Honestly, I think I thought a lot more about gag characters than is really right or proper this year. My perceptions changed a lot, and I came to love both Chibita and Karamatsu even more. (Which…is what happened to me when I wrote Beaker last year…)
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
Uhh… I mean… I wrote a lot of short, weird little fics this year, but largely in a fandom where I mostly knew I’d have an audience. (But I did worry a lot about alienating said audience, especially after they got used to fluff from me.) The zombie ones were outside of my comfort zone, but everyone was writing zombies so it wasn’t that much of a risk. The Road Not Taken actually was a risk; it was one of my first Osomatsu-san fics and I had no idea how it’d be received.
What are your fic writing goals for next year?
I don’t know… I’d like to finish a few of the karabita WIPs I have on my hard drive, but… It does kind of seem like the fandom for the pairing is dying off, doesn’t it? I still have a lot of stories to tell, but maybe soon I’ll have no one to tell them to… So maybe one of my goals should be finding a new fandom, too, huh? I tend to hunker down when I find a pairing I really like, but I often stay long after the audience has moved on, which just leads to frustration. Sometimes I look at the karabita AO3 tag and feel kind of embarrassed because I’ve written such a large percentage of the fics that are there, like maybe I’ve glommed onto something dumb too much? But it’s been one of the few fun things in a terrible year, so oh well, whatever. Still, branching out a bit couldn’t hurt.
I’d also like to write more of my ideas for original fic, though I’ll admit I find that very… large. My origific ideas have a habit of getting away from me, and then they’re too big and I get overwhelmed and set them aside. I should probably give them a chance to grow, though. I have so many f/f ideas, and the world needs more f/f origific.
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