#spoilers to season 5
unknownentry404 · 2 months
The Dragon Prince: Pre-Season 6 Thoughts.
(Post finishing my 3rd full watch-through)
It was SUPER weird going from S4-5 Viren back to S1-3 Viren. I think it’s amazing how- like, they didn’t really redeem him? Cause he CANT be redeemed, but they still- Showed us who he was underneath the corruption and- Really emphasised how much of Viren’s villainousness was DUE to Dark Magic corruption which just- And how much he did out of love. (CoughCallumCough) Is terrifying when you think of the other two characters that have ties to it…
Viren turning to dark magic to save his son. “Whatever it takes: however dangerous, however vile.” But then: choosing dark magic OVER his son. Being careless with Soren’s feelings and very life. Telling Claudia to choose the egg over Soren, almost turning Soren into a sunbeast, gaslighting him, etc…
It appears that he first saw the Mirror in his first “dark magic coma,” with his future self on the other side of it. Explaining again why he became so obsessed with the Mirror when he saw it- The fact that S5 Viren would agree with Runaan’s warning: “that mirror? You have found something worse than death-“ Kinda mindblowing.
I have and will always be on the “Viren is an irredeemable bitch” train but- I didn’t expect it to hurt so much when I got back to Season-4-him coming to terms with mortality and just wanting to spend the next 30 days enjoying life with his daughter like- It seemed so deeply unserious and out of left-field when I first watched it, but, post Season 5- Wow, it actually hurts?
His relationship with Terry was actually really sweet? And Terry really helped him unpack so much of the Toxic Masculinity in him… as a certified Viren hater, it’s disturbing how much of this is about him- I always thought the crew spent too much time with him but- He is actually such an amazing foil?
Once again: Harrow is the bird, (Pip), confirmed. Ghost Harrow standing over Viren with the staff saying “your soul is my treasure” in reverse, turning Viren into a Coin? With Pip right behind him for “no other reason?” Also, new theory but: I think this also might be pointing to how the star spell Callum will use, with the Quazar Diamonds, to “restore spirits to their bodies.” Will not only be able to save Rayla’s family, but potentially King Harrow as well…. (Harrow has been on an Oppa bird-side-quest journey this entire time, mark my words: one does not simply emphasise bird and then let bird escape so he is “conveniently” never in the same room as the only known animal speaker, King Ezran, ever again).
Umm, something I noticed that I actually hope is just thematic and is not an important observation but: Callum has learned/connected with both of his Arcanum DIRECTLY after having used Dark Magic… (Also after doing so to save Rayla, but yeah-) And Dark Magic appears to have been something cultivated by Aaravos? Oh great master of all six primal sources?Basically, I’m hoping that it is just thematic and showing triumph over evil! Of choosing your own path! But… there is a non-zero chance that Callum might ONLY have made these connections BECAUSE he used dark magic and- (Don’t let it be so, please- I love Mage Callum, he loves magic why- /scared) It’ll take three to make a solid pattern just- don’t make it three for three, please-
Aaravos is basically whispering in Karim’s ear, via the old high mage that his caterpillar (son) bit, isn’t he? Meaning he’s being manipulated by the person who killed his sister, destroyed Lux Aurea and swallowed his grandmother. And hence Sol Regrem is, too, being manipulated, through Karim, by the person who GAVE humans dark magic, gave them the wizard staff and LEGIT took his eyes- It is LITERALLY the end of S3 again- Karim in Viren’s place. Aaravos, master warmonger-
Rayla to Callum, finally opening up about the coins: “there’s a burden I’m carrying, but I know I can trust you with it.” To trust is to be stronger. If we’re gonna do it, we’re going do it. Together. Meanwhile: Callum carrying the burden of using dark magic alone. And I’m not even sure if he’s TOLD anyone that the cube is called the @Key of Aaravos!” He tried to destroy it but- he couldn’t and- (This is gonnna FUCKING HURT I-)
Another small observation, but to the Earth Archdragon in S4, Callum offered the least valuable item as a gift when- I’m pretty sure if he offered the Key of Aaravos, it would have been enough on its own and really gotten the ball rolling too? Would it have been smart to give it up? Unclear. But that thing is also a potential danger and-
(I love my baby Callum and I fear for his fate a bit more each day-)
Claudia… oh Claudia… I dunno what it is, but the fact she is so “committed to her family,” but at the same time… they are still alive. As far as we know, her mother is still alive in Del Bar. Soren is still there, and even tries to reconnect with her in Season 4. The only one who’s dying is Viren, but all Viren wants is to spend his last month with his daughter in peace and-Oh Claudia
Extra: I bought and read the graphic novels for a fuller experience, and found them quite interesting:
Callum was going to go off with Rayla on her search for Viren. And she accepted as a lie, before sneaking off in the night. Ouch.
It’s not explicitly stated, but it appears Rayla developed her fear of water from when she almost drowned on the Harvest Moon, as a child, after a run in with the Bloodmoon Huntress. She was alone and pushed off a cliff/waterfall into a lagoon where she was too weak/young to save herself and Runaan had to miraculously appear and save her. We see her carelessly dangling on a log over a stream before this scene, with seemingly no fear. And she also hasn’t interacted with the Bloodmoon Huntress yet, as of Season 5: literally JUST missed her but, I wonder if it’ll come back? 🤔
The third graphic novel takes place before Ezran was born and follows Claudia (and Soren) searching Viren’s old mentors house. It is very much a kids book, but one with very sinister undertones. We learn two things of interest: 1). The timeline of events are as follows: “Soren got deathly ill, Viren’s old mentor ‘mysteriously disappeared,’ Soren got better, Viren and his wife started fighting, wife left-“ Which, I’m- well. That’s fun? Also: the King, Harrow’s father, comforts Viren and asks how he’s doing and how the search for his mentor goes which- well then. 👀 2). The story ends with Claudia obtaining a map to a Unicorn, a map that only she can read because she is… “pure of heart” which- is such a standard, happy ending to a kids book until you realise… what she did… once she found that Unicorn… and then what its horn went on to do…
This show is too well written for the tiny fan base it has. If it sticks the landing, like I think it will? Cult classic on our hands people. Again, I’m just pissed about the depth they brought to the show with Viren: how he was a COMPLETELY different person in Part 1 vs Part 2. How that is terrifying not because we love HIM as a character, but because of how much we love Claudia and Callum… How they made me, a Viren Hater, sad that he died? Because his death was a tragedy? Not because he died, but because he died BEFORE he could warn Claudia not to go down this path. HIS path. That he didn’t want this for her- That she could still stop-
Oof. I simultaneously dread and cannot wait a second more for Friday-
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kyri45 · 2 months
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Can’t believe Nüwa is a Shadowpeach fan (Shadowpeach Bio Parent AU / NEXT )
(Yes I know she doesn’t need other beings to create life but let me dream of those two idiots being biological dads of the chaos baby)
P.1: First Arc
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9
Extras: A Future Scenario - PIF finds out - Part 1+2 Dub! - Part 3+4 Dub! - Part 5-6 Dub!
P.2: Week 1 and 2
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9
Extras: fanart by @terezsa07 - fanart by @downerdays - Animatic by @racoonponiee - fanart by @asthmaticplushiedragon
P.3: Training montage
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
Extras: Family dinner - fanart by @sammybear127 - Fanart by @foxqueen211
P:4: Un-divorce arc
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10
Extras: Spicynoodle bit - Animatic by @perryknowsall
P.5: More than a successor
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11
Extras: Fanart by @theofficiallemonnoms -✨Q&A! (p.1)✨ - ✨Q&A! (p.2)✨
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pinkravat-art · 5 months
"breakfast" a tma s5 animation thing
audio on:333
dawg can't even fry me an egg in this eyeconomy
[VD: A Magnus Archives animation done in orange and teal titled "Pusryčiai" (meaning: "breakfast"). Mellow music plays as Martin cracks two eggs into a frying pan. He turns away to throw the shells while the pan sizzles, and when he returns with a spatula, a "boom" sound effect plays as Martin recoils with comic disgust.
The egg yolks have been replaced by human eyeballs. Martin stares at them for a moment. He then pokes at the egg with the spatula, producing a squelching sound, and one of the eyes blinks with another gross wet sound. Martin goes from disgusted to comically sad and disappointed, and he fades away before the setting does. The video ends on the words "darė Skaistė" (meaning: made by Skaistė) and a quick shot of an eyeball. End VD]
ty @princess-of-purple-prose for the description, i edited it a bit too.
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froopa-coopa · 3 months
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in the safehouse
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itsdefinitely · 2 months
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og post
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buggachat · 7 months
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yet another successful day for Team Miraculous. let's wrap it up, gang. what would paris do without us
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renaissanceousia · 8 months
one of the most intimate scenes i've ever read i'm so serious
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bbygirl-aemond · 2 months
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aegon sleeping through alicent holding his hand and sitting at his bedside and cupping his cheek and waking only in time to see her retreating back and mumbling "mummy" is so sick and twisted holy shit
(gif from @joekeerys)
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themaidenofwords · 2 months
Have I mentioned how gut wrenching the slow progression from "Jonathan Sims-- Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London" to "Jonathan Sims-- The Archivist" is?
These are Jon's introductions of himself. He had already had people simply calling him "The Archivist" way back in season one, but he never introduced himself that way. He declared his title of Archivist as what he saw it to be-- a job title and nothing more.
And then we reached season three and there was a gap where we had "Jonathan Sims, former Archivist" and the words were still spoken as one would a job title but with a certain sense of grief that was incongruous with the professional veneer.
And finally, the reveal of what the Archives were and what being The Archivist truly meant happened, and Jon stopped pretending-- even to himself-- that it was just a job. No, he was Jonathan Sims-- The Archivist-- and it was spoken with the gravitas and responsibility of a king's title. It was now part of who he was.
And then, season five, and it's no longer "Jonathan Sims--". It is merely "The Archivist". Because Jon believes his humanity to have died along with the world he was tricked into dooming. His person-hood is secondary-- and can perhaps be considered more of a job title now in a similar way to how Jon referred to being The Archivist in season one. In season five, Jon believes his entire being to have been consumed by the Watcher. The Archives and his job as the Archivist can no longer be seen as a job, or even as a part of who he is, because it is ALL he is. There is no part remaining of Jonathan Sims, because he is The Archivist first and foremost. He doesn't believe his own humanity great enough to be mentioned.
He is, of course, wrong. But it wouldn't be a tragedy if he didn't realize that until it was too late.
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crabbys-stuff · 2 months
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Dunno if this counts as a spoiler??
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Was anybody going to tell me season 5 was already out or was I just supposed to find it out myself on tiktok 😩😩😩🙏✨️
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lallelol · 2 months
“I got you kiddo”
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I hope season 5 is treating you as well as it treated me
Animation process under the cut!
Let’s all begin by thanking @meggalice for inspiring me with her beautiful LMK sketches ♥️
Boards (the timing of these was changed a lot, for instance there’s a much longer pause on the moment Wukong catches MK in the final version, instead of being one flat flow like this)
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Lines, without the flowy bits
Final, slowed down at 12 fps
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Wow you reached the bottom, lets have a chat. How you doing? Me? I finished my first 3 exams this summer, later on i got another one and then it’s graduation time 💃
About LMK, go show season 5 more love!!! The animation team at Wild Brain deserves all the kudos, for real they created a miracl
Now leave this post better than you found it
Day 1 of animating Flying Bark series until they hire me
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plistommy · 2 months
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funtergeist · 2 months
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i am very normal about them :)
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deviliciousnavy · 2 months
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This scene destroyed me fr I just can't T~T
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froopa-coopa · 4 months
seeing it through 🖤
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fretsaffron · 2 months
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some sketchi sketches
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