#spn angels & demons bang
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seidenapfel · 26 days ago
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My art masterpost for The Care and Reaping of Souls by @friendofcarlotta. Once again, the collab was a blast. The fic is amazing and I loved creating art for it. After doing mostly traditional art last year, I decided to do some digital paintings for this.
It’s my first of two collabs for this year’s round of @spnangelbang.
The art can also be found on AO3.
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rezal-art · 11 months ago
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Here is the art I did for the @spnangelsanddemons-rb! I had the honor to collaborate with @arlington-chamber-of-gay who wrote an amazing story, in which Dean gets hit by a spell only Castiel can undo:
Read Sirens, Bells, Heaven, Hell on Ao3
Thank you so much Arlington for choosing my prompt 💙
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diminuel · 11 months ago
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Here's my art masterpost for the @spnangelsanddemons-rb
"Let's draw mpreg" was pretty much the only thought living in my head as I prepared for this challenge. ;3
I had the pleasure of working with @butterflyslinky, who picked up my art prompt (the second picture).
You can read "On The Anti-Christ's Altar" on AO3!
Thanks to the mods for this fun challenge and butterflyslinky for the collaboration! ♥♥
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spnangelbang · 2 months ago
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A preview of... “The Care and Reaping of Souls” 
Author: @friendofcarlotta
Artist: @seidenapfel
Rating: Explicit
Archive warnings: None
Featured characters: Dean, Cas, Sam, Eileen, OG Death
Featured relationships: Dean/Cas, Sam/Eileen, Tessa/Jessica the Reaper
Length:  32,000
Tags:  Reaper Dean, Human Cas, Grief/Mourning, Temporary MCD
Summary:  Dean is a reaper. Escorting souls to the afterlife is more than just a job to him — it’s a calling. Not always an easy one either, but he copes just fine until the day he reaps the soul of Naomi Novak and meets her grieving son, Castiel. 
Castiel is kind, handsome, and Dean can’t stop thinking about him. 
As time goes on, Dean finds it harder and harder to resist the pull Castiel seems to exert on him. But is he ready to face the cosmic consequences that result when a human and a reaper fall in love?
According to Naomi’s death books, she dies right here in this bed, at 3:47 p.m. on March 2, 2025. The clock on her bedside table shows 3:46. 
Dean raises his hand to touch Naomi’s forehead, just below the colorful shawl wrapped around the few white wisps of hair that still remain to her. He’s halfway through the motion when the door to Naomi’s room opens and a man steps inside, clutching two styrofoam cups of coffee. 
“Hi,” he says, in a voice as deep and lovely as the reapers’ song of lament. “Sorry that took so long. The machine down the hall was broken, so I had to go to a different floor.”
“It’s fine,” Anna tells him, looking up. “Thanks, Cas.”
Naomi doesn’t react to her son’s return. She’s too close to death already. 
Dean can feel her soul just beneath the surface of her skin, straining to meet his hovering hand. He can give it another moment. The clock has only just ticked over to 3:47. 
As he waits, he watches Castiel approach the bed. His eyes are very blue, especially in contrast with his dark stubble and the purple shadows under his eyes. He hasn’t been sleeping well, and no wonder. Even the gentlest brush of Dean’s grace finds his mind awash with memories of his mother: playing with her in a garden when her hair was auburn and her body full and healthy. Being embraced by her as he cried over a heartbreak he barely remembers now. Going shopping with her to choose cheerful shawls after her illness started to affect her. 
He’s going to miss her even more than Anna will. Growing up, he was often singled out for being shy and awkward, and his mother—
With a shake of his head, Dean pulls away from Castiel’s thoughts. He’s getting dangerously close to intruding on emotions and memories beyond what he needs to know.
Posting date: February 3, 2025!
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myimmanence · 11 months ago
PAROUSIA by @panthera-dei
It was truly a pleasure to work with Rakizna (@panthera-dei) on this tale of a King of Hell turned Angel, thanks to a certain wayward Castiel~
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Below is the main art piece whereby Crowley is seen experiencing some strange effects whilst holding the Angel Tablet. Rakizna used this prompt and transformed it into a truly compelling story where you can witness the struggle Crowley faces as he makes peace with his revived state as an Angel, whilst dealing with an enemy he thought was dead…
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Please read Rakizna’s glorious work here
Massive thank you to the Moderators at @spnangelsanddemons-rb who made this work possible!
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jollyrolls · 11 months ago
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SPN reverse Angels & Demons Bang is here!! I loved the story @friendofcarlotta wrote. It was hilarious and hot and a lot of fun!! Read it here .
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demonicsoulmates-art · 9 days ago
Art post for "Fake it Til Ya Make it"
This story was written by @ladyknightskye for the @spnangelbang (SPN Angels & Demons Bang) and OF COURSE WE GOT PAIRED AGAIN.
The Ducifer resistance is at it again lol.
You can read the fic HERE.
So, first the banner.
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I wanted to give focus to the outfits that Meg chose for them to wear - I love men suits and I HAD to make something about it. I also wanted it to look kind of sweet, so I chose the pastel-y background, and decided to make the title pop by making it neon - which fit with the lighting I chose as well.
It took a bit over one hour.
and now the main piece
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This main piece took a bit more than 4 hours and a lot of thinking. I wanted them to be the main focus. At first I also wanted to make a detailed background - but it would, I think, keep the attention from them. So I changed my mind and made it very undetailed and basic in contrast with them. I wanted them to be in full light - mostly because of the vibesTM that the scene gave me re their feelings for each other and especially the way Dean noticed how Lucifer knew him more than he gave him credit for. so there is this very bright scene with minimal shading, sorta "angelic" (pun not intended) as they only focus on each other, and it should give a hint to the viewers (which in this fic are Sam and Michael, but it could also be the readers.
I hope you will like the fic as much as I did and will give it a shot. It's a Fake to Real Relationship trope with a case in true Supernatural style.
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folklaurr · 2 years ago
Whenever someone mentions “the gay angel” it’s always Castiel or Aziraphale but nobody ever mentions the only gay angel that got a happy ending (so far).
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spnangelsanddemons-rb · 9 months ago
2024 Reverse Bang Master List
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Thank you to all the artists, authors and betas who contributed to this year's Angels & Demons Reverse Bang!
What an amazing and varied collection and fic and art you all created. Please be sure to check everyone's work out for yourself and share some love, reblogs, and comments with our creators.
The complete list of posted stories & art is as follows:
The Angel Next Door (and the Zombie Squirrel) - art by @jollyrolls, story by @friendofcarlotta
Blood Stained Gold - art by @katfixation, story by @12gittens
Paradise Lost - art by @acaademicqueer, story by @adunaphel-the-quiet
Almost Home - at by @jollyrolls, story by @tragidean
Parousia - art by @myimmanence, story by @panthera-dei
By the Grace of an Archangel - art by @acaademicqueer, story by @celestialstarlight27
On the Anti-Christ's Altar - art by @diminuel, story by @butterflyslinky
She's Trying to Make a Devil Out of Me - art by @acaademicqueer, story by @doctorprofessorsong
Sunflowers and Pussywillows - art by @sidewinder, story by @mbqnoyolo
Sirens, Bells, Heaven, Hell - art by @rezal-art, story by @arlington-chamber-of-gay
The Righteous Side of Hell - art by @midnightsilver, story by @samanddean76
The Bees Say - art by @sketcheun, story by @bleuzombie
To Play The Part - art by @bakh-meliorism, story by @michaelmilligan
The Fourth Archangel - art by @free-to-be-impaled, story by @pyoyobell
Red Motel Reprised - art by @midnightsilver, story by @pregstiel
The Mortal Angel and The Devil's Prisoner - art by @hawkland, story by @avalonsilver
Desperation Breeds Madness - art by @katfixation, story by @xx-blueboy-xx
A Domesticated Demon - art by @sketcheun, story by @mbqnoyolo
Take Me Out - art by @golby-moon, story by @crematosis
Late Night Visitor - art by @ladyknightskye, story by TwinOne
not him/not her/not me - art by @hawkland, story by @autisticandroids
Walk Away: I Will Follow - art by @hawkland, story by @mercurialkitty
Salvation - art by @coydahlia, story by @elsasigyn
This is Our Get-Along Impala - art by @cowerandprey, story by @ladyknightskye
His Unicorn - art by @midnightsilver, story by @samanddean76
Devil's Best Friend - art by @coydahlia, story by @12gittens
The Fool's Journey - art by @demonicsoulmates-art, story by @ladyknightskye
To Be Forgiven For Your Sins - art by @espressosaur, story by @arlington-chamber-of-gay
Something Borrowed - art by @ladyknightskye, story by @hawkland
Crowley, Bobby and Juliette - art by @midnightsilver
In about a month's time I'll be getting ready to announce the next round of the bang, which will be a regular (non-reverse) angels and demons mini + big bang. So stay tuned for details, once I've had the chance to plot out the schedule and make preparations.
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sketcheun · 10 months ago
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excited to show my second collaboration! i'm honoured @mbqnoyolo chose my dagon + kelly + cas piece, and read more for a vicious and intimidating dagon with kelly not having a good time, and cas and jack being a pain for dagon:
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hawkland · 10 months ago
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Art Masterpost: The Mortal Angel and The Devil's Prisoner Story by: AvalonSilver (@avalonsilver) Art by: sidewinder (@hawkland)
Welcome to my second collaboration for the Angels & Demons Reverse Bang (@spnangelsanddemons-rb)!
I am always and forever weak for Endverse fic and art, so I knew I had to do something featuring (my beloved) endverse!Cas for this bang. In contemplating topics and possibilities not typically explored, though, I started thinking about endverse!Cas and Lucifer!Sam and what their dynamic might be like in some kind of AU or divergence from "The End." What if Cas survived the battle at the sanitarium and found himself alone against Lucifer? Or, what if Lucifer resurrected him to continue to torment his fallen brother? Those were just a couple of the possibilities I had in mind when I did my submission piece (which I finished in basically a 2-day fever dream of inspiration. OK, that beard Misha was sporting for a few months helped, too...)
I'm glad that AvalonSilver decided to run with the piece and give us this story, which might be the first endverse Sastiel I've come across in my reading adventures in this fandom! Do check it out here (and I'll be back next week with some more for this event...)
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midnightsilver · 10 months ago
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Crowley and Bobby were attempting to enjoy a romantic moon-lit evening (in a graveyard apparently) but (unsurprisingly) things seem to have gone wrong. Luckily Bobby is always prepared and came packing the salt rounds. Plus Juliette is fabulous at digging for bones. However Crowley is not exactly amused - that suit is Armani
My prompt for the Spn Angels and Demons Reverse Bang
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katfixation · 10 months ago
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My second piece for @spnangelsanddemons-rb that is accompanied by an amazing fic by Blue @xx-blueboy-xx, you can read it here. Had a blast working with them, i couldn't wish for better fic!!
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I actually drew this one first and wasn't planning on anything more but then Sam piece just happened lol.
I've had this idea for a while and when I decided to participate in this bang i was like hell yeah this fits let's use it. I drew this back in, i think, november or december?? If i did it now i would probably draw it slightly different, just fascinating lol
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cowerandprey · 10 months ago
My post for the Angels and Demons Reverse Bang! I had so much fun with this, I'll have the link to the fic -> HERE
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spnangelbang · 26 days ago
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“The Care and Reaping of Souls” 
Author: FriendofCarlotta  @friendofcarlotta
Artist: @seidenapfel
Rating: Explicit
Archive warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Featured characters: Dean, Castiel, Sam, Eileen, OG Death, Tessa, Billie
Featured relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester/Eileen Leahy, Tessa/Jessica the Reaper
Length:  31,686 words
Tags:  Reaper Dean Winchester, Human Castiel, Grief/Mourning, Character Death
Summary:  Dean is a reaper. Escorting souls to the afterlife is more than just a job to him — it’s a calling. Not always an easy one either, but he copes just fine until the day he reaps the soul of Naomi Novak and meets her grieving son, Castiel. Castiel is kind, handsome, and Dean can’t stop thinking about him. As time goes on, Dean finds it harder and harder to resist the pull Castiel seems to exert on him. But is he ready to face the cosmic consequences that result when a human and a reaper fall in love?
Link to Fic | Link to Art
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myimmanence · 3 days ago
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Here is the Art Masterpost for the SPN Angels & Demons Bang 2024/25! It was wonderful being able to draw @seidenapfel ‘s version of Cain, a suddenly mortal man treading onwards toward salvation despite his blood stained hands. With his dear Colette serving as his North Star, he begins to reconnect with nature and the life it nurtures, healing his inner peace.
Please check out ‘She Only Asked for One Thing’ to experience this journey of redemption!
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Thank you to the moderators @spnangelbang for hosting this bang <3
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