#spider pig spider pig does whatever a spider pig does
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fraugwinska · 4 months
I know canonically Alastor doesn't sleep but let's assume it's not because he doesn't have to but because he doesn't want to - he feels powerless and vulnerable when he sleeps, also he is tormented by nightmares.
What if one night everyone is waken up by hotel almost falling apart: walls are cracking, everything is shaking, and a green glow is flowing through the corridors. Turns out, Alastor is asleep and having a very bad nightmare. And unless they want the hotel to fall apart, someone has to wake Alastor up... (reader volunteers as a tribute)
LOTS of angst with a comfor ending? :)
You ask, Anon - and I deliver (at last)! Thank you for being so patient with me! Today just felt right to write this, and I sincerely hope you find it worth the wait! <3 TW: Depictions of Blood - Minors DNI - 2.8k words
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The Eye of the Storm
"What the fuck is going on?!"
Another loud boom shakes the ground of the corridor, almost making you trip and fall if not for the handrail you managed to grab. Angels door opened at the other end, a scared squeal of Fat Nuggets faintly audible as Angel stumbled out, clearly as startled and scared as you.
"Fuck, toots, what is that?"
"I have no idea!"
You had no idea, but whatever was causing it, the entire building was shaking like in an earthquake and you were terrified some of the older, worn out parts of your floor could collapse any moment. The cracks on the walls were growing with every rumble, and a bright, green glow had overtook the lamps, turning the usually warm and inviting space into an eerie nightmare.
You exchanged a terrified look with Angel, both of you unsure what to do next. He hurried over to you, his piglet shaking in two of his arms, taking your hand with his free one and pulled you with him. "C'mon, we need to find Charlie, before the fucking ceiling falls on our heads."
You didn't even have the time to reply before the lights went off, a terrified scream leaving your mouth before you could stop it. You heard a string of curses from Angel and felt him squeeze your hand tighter. The both of you ran down the stairs as fast as you were able to in the dim darkness. You tripped several times, but Angel held you steady, trying his best to not fall himself. The lights went on again with another rumble, making the stairway moan like it was in pain.
"Charlie! Vaggie!"
You reached the lobby, where you found the rest of the residents already gathered. Everyone was there, looking shaken and confused, but unharmed. You saw them look around and then up to the ceiling, the cracking of the wood and walls sounding louder and more violent than upstairs.
"Ey, you two, are yo' hurt?" Husk yelled over the noise, his eyes scanning Angel with a worried look.
You shook your head, letting the spiders hand go so he could run up to Husk, who took his pig into his arms and hugged Angel close.
"Is everyone alright? Where's Niffty... and Alastor?" Charlie's voice sounded shaky, and you could tell she was doing her best to keep calm and not freak out.
"I'm here!" The little cyclops girl appeared behind Sir Pentious's hat, her eye wide. "But I think Alastor's not okay."
"What do you mean?" Vaggie asked, her hands stiff on Charlies trembling shoulders.
Niffty looked around, biting her lip. "He has bad dreams sometimes, and he's really scary when he does, and then stuff like this happens. He can't control his powers, and-"
"Wait, so it's HIM who's causing all of this?" Vaggie's eye widened in anger and another boom made the whole lot of you duck as the glasses from the bar fall from their shelves, flooding the floor with shards of glass and debris.
"Yes, but he can't help it, it's his brain messing up! We need to help him!"
Vaggie cursed, while Charlie and the others started to ramble over another.
"Someone has to wake him up, before the hotel really collapses."
"Are 'ya crazy, Charls? We can't go in there!"
"Yeah, at this state, yo' won't know that fucker won't rip yo' to shreds befo' you even reach his room."
"It'ssss better to evacuate, I think."
"And leave the building to fall into pieces? Ugh, maldito idiota de la radio..."
Your head turned worriedly back to the green glowing corridor. Alastor. What the hell kind of bad dream would make him lose control over his powers like that? Niffty said it was his brain messing up, whatever that meant - did he really suffer from nightmares? You felt a sting of worry for the deer demon. You didn't even want to imagine the kind of terrors he had to have in his head to cause something like this.
"I'm gonna go."
Everyone stopped talking and looked at you. Husk gave you an incredulous look, still holding Angel and the pig in his arms. "Y-yo' can't be serious. That's straight-up suicide."
You shook your head. "Someone has to. I'll be fine, just... get out of here, wait outside and make sure no one is getting hurt."
Angel tore himself out of the cat demons grasp, taking you by your shoulders, his eyes pleading. "Toots, Alastor is not himself right now. He can't control what the fuck he's doing, and if he hurts 'ya, I don't... Please, don't do this, that bastard ain't worth it."
You knew the spider demon was worried, and you appreciated your friends' concern, but he didn't know the Radio Demon as well as you did. You were aware of his reputation, the stories of his atrocities and his sadistic nature. You knew how cruel and unforgiving he could be, but you also knew that over the last few weeks, he had shown you a softer, less menacing side. You and him bonded over his love of cooking and your love of eating what he prepared, over your shared interest for record players and classical music and your affinity to magic and the obscure. He could be a lot of things, but he wasn't just the bloodthirsty serial killer most of the denizens of hell made him out to be.
You gave the spider a smile, putting a hand on his shoulder and squeezed. "Don't worry about me, Angel, it's going to be alright. He's my friend, I can't just leave him in there to get crushed by the building."
Before you could be held back, you started to run towards the stairs. Charlie cried out to you, but you ignored her, you just took a last glance back, shouting as you vanished into the darkness.
"Just trust me, and get your asses out of here."
The group stood there, unsure what to do, and a loud snap coming from the second floor made them turn and run for the doors.
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The higher you climbed the stairs, the more intense the shaking and rumbling got. You had to crawl on the steps at times, because it was too dangerous to walk, and you didn't trust your legs not to give way under you. The walls were splitting, the green light was burning in the lamps, and the air was crackling with what seemed like dark magic, ominous glowing symbols appearing and fading in your vicinity.
When you finally reached Alastor's door, it was already hanging from the hinges. It had probably blown when the magic started to burst out in violent waves, the green glow brightly pulsating and threatening from within the inside. You wondered if your heart could beat any faster without giving way. It wasn't the first time you were scared witless, hell wasn't exactly a carnival. But as much as you believed the best about Alastor, he still was one of hell's most powerful overlords. He still had countless bodies in his name. You trusted him, but if Niffty and the others were right - and it seemed to be the case that they were - he had little to no control over himself when lost in a nightmare. Could a demon like him sleepwalk and kill you in their sleep?
You took a breath and squared your shoulders, turning around to call into the room, not daring to set a foot inside yet.
"Alastor? It's me. Can you hear me?"
The rattling of the sudden radio static made the framed pictures on the wall shatter to the ground, and from the edge of your field of vision you noticed the lights fade once more, turning the already ghost-like bedroom almost black. You reached for the doorway and lowered your voice.
"It's me, you have to listen, okay? It's okay. I just came to check on you. It's safe now. You are safe."
No answer, again. The darkness felt suffocating, as if it was about to crush you any minute. You felt dizzy, disoriented, like a rabbit that had caught the eyes of a fox. You didn't dare say anything else, not until you could at least see him, figure out what was going on. With shaking legs, you took a step over the threshold. The lamps flickered again and you tried your best not to stumble as you scanned the room in front of you in between the shutters of brightness for traces of the other demon.
When you found him, you had to bite down a cry of horror.
You wished you hadn't.
He was curled up and violently shaking on his bed, the covers ripped and laying in pieces around his sweating body. His head was almost between his knees, hair spiky and disheveled and his overgrown and twisted antlers slicing the mattress and pillows with every tremor rushing through him. You could barely see him, the flickering lights making his face obscured in the shadows, but what you could see made your heart sink. He was sobbing in between shattering breaths, his chest heaving up and down erratically and his claws digging deep ridges into his torso as his body jerked and twisted, blood pooling into the covers in deep red.
"Al." You couldn't control yourself anymore. The shock, the dread and worry freed your legs from their stupor and you rushed to the hunched form, nearly stumbling on the ripped fabrics.
His eyes flew open at the touch of your fingers, burning in bright crimson with ticking dials as irises, almost completely overtaking his entire eye sockets. The howling of radio static screeched from his lips as the room shook again as he bared his sharp teeth, his clawed hands swiping at you with violent intensity that send you flying on the ground. You tried to catch yourself, but fell to your side, letting out a pained cry as you felt the wound on your waist, dripping with blood and split wide open.
You watched him with wide eyes as his limbs grew, afraid to even move. His stare was petrifying you, you had never seen such violent, uncontrolled expression on him. He growled, his head turning towards you, his mouth, no, maw opening. He looked like he wasn't there anymore, that nothing left was inside besides a manic creature ready to slaughter everything it crossed. A nightmarish beast in its lair that had cornered a small helpless prey, ready to be swallowed alive.
He got up in one swift motion, the pieces of fabric that once were bedcovers flying through the air and a dark aura creeping into your vicinity. Your breath hitched. You couldn't get out of his range with him like that, the open wound kept you from moving fast, and his maw was so big it seemed he could rip you apart by just inhaling.
"Alastor, it's okay. It's me." you breathed, desperate not to lose hope. There must be something that could call to him in the deepest parts of his mind, something that could snap him out of this lucidity. You scrambled back as he stepped in front of you, lowering his head to meet your eye level. His claws dragged on the floor beside him, and in a sudden, swift move, his large hands grasped you, the pressure on the gash blindingly painful.
"I-It's okay, it's not y-you, it's just a bad dream. I'm here to h-help you. Let me..." You gasped, a sob leaving your throat as his claws started to dig into you.
"Nnnghh... Y...-you c..c-c-an't ...-he..lp...m...m-e-e.."
A snarl left his lips and he raised his face into the air, his arms lifting you effortlessly and you whimpered in fear. Pushing through the hazy fog that invaded your brain, you tried again.
"Please, Al, j-just look at me. Wake up a-and look at me. You'll be okay."
"W...-why d-d..id..-.yo...-u co..-m-e... -h..e-re...?"
The blood loss was making you feel faint, and you lifted a bloody hand, desperate to touch him, to reach the man behind the monster. With blurry eyes, you brushed his cheek, his face just near enough your fingertips reached the fizzing skin. It felt like dipping your hand in pure electricity, numbing and painful, but you didn't care.
"Because you a-are scared and h-hurting, and I care about y-you. What f-friend would I be if I l-let you s-suffer alone?"
At your words, his enormous form shivered, and you felt his grip on you loosen ever so slightly. The dials fixed on you were still ticking, but the red of his eyes dimmed. Your other hand came up, slowly, to take the other side of his face.
"Can you wake up for me, Alastor?"
More growling, more shaking.
"Pl-please. Wake up and come b-back to me."
His eyes flicked, the howling static became more hushed and his ears twitched under the forks of his antlers. You took a shuddering breath of relief as the animalistic stare on his face lost its threatening gaze and felt the buzz under your fingers slowly dying down. The sharpness under your hands subsided fully as you saw Alastor shrink back, slowly becoming aware again of his surroundings. The green glow that filled the room flickered and turned into the familiar oranges and reds. You held onto his face and his eyes, not daring to let him go until he had finally settled and transformed back into his regular form, the last clicks of the vanishing dials fading as his irises turned to dim reds once again.
"What happened. Why are you..." The sound of his familiar voice was all you wanted to hear now. As your legs gave away, you didn't fall however, Alastor's slender hands were quick to catch you, his smile confused and irritated. He let his eyes travel down your arms to the wound and pools of crimson surrounding you, and back at your face, now pale.
"What do you think you are doing, dear." he breathed, settling you down slowly on the ground.
"You had a nightmare. The hotel... everything was chaos. I had to come, had to... get you out of it." you stammered, watching him looking around to see the damage, his face warped in realization as he put the pieces together.
It was rare to hear the usually so poised and reserved Radio Demon swear, but for this situation you'd agree it was entirely appropriate. But the hotel still stood and he was back, and that was all that mattered. When he took you up in his arms and buried his face in your neck, you felt the more alive than in the whole time on earth.
"You foolish girl. You could've been killed by my hands."
You let him embrace you, his long arms circling around you protectively and his forehead resting on the hollow of your throat.
"But I wasn't." you said simply, smiling weakly into his hair. Your arms felt heavy but they still managed to find their way onto his back, reassuring and tender, letting him know you were fine, mangled maybe, but alive and there. You stayed that way for a moment, both of you unable to move or say something as you found some grounding in each other's warmth and the now peaceful silence.
The quiet was broken, however, when you heard frantic footsteps in the hall outside and the uproarious group of the hotel staff came charging through the opened door, halting when they saw your display. Alastor didn't lift his head, in fact, he didn't move at all. You turned your head, your hand barely leaving his back to give the speechless group a lazy wave.
"Are 'ya ok? I'll kill 'im if 'yer not, I don't give a shi-"
"You were so incredibly brave, oh gosh, look at all this blood. Vaggie, we need to get the first aid kit!"
"I'll get my mop! And a broom, look at the mess!"
"Aye, this fucker really owes you."
"Umm... this is rather... Should we give thossse two a moment?"
"Lo juro por Dios, un día de estos lo voy a matar..."
Through the mass of noise the others made, talking and fussing and scurrying, you heard Alastor's quiet whisper against your bloodied skin, loud and clear.
"Thank you, dearest."
You smiled, closing your eyes and holding him a bit tighter, even if it made your wounded side sting.
"It's okay, Al. What else are friends for?"
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quantrix02 · 1 month
Spider Pig, Spider Pig, does whatever a Spider Pig does
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miguel-owhora · 4 months
fat!miguel save save me fat!miguel
i dont think our miguel would get fat, unfortunately enough; he's too active, too paranoid, to let himself go—that and spider people have fast metabolism.
so in another, other universe, miguel doesn't become spider-man, and sure, he works out, but having a child takes its toll. and... he got comfortable with you. you treated him good, you had enough money to support your little family—he was actually living a good life.
so sue him for not exercising and eating healthier when you swung into his life; you pampered him with everything he could ask for, lovingly cooking for him, forcing him to be your guinea pig, and like many guinea pigs, he often didn't have a choice but was more than willing to eat whatever you fed him.
and miguel gets pregnant with your kid, lord does he get fat. you take care of him so good, indulging in every craving, lovingly massaging him when he gets sore. unable to rest how you chub up when you paw at his rolls and fat, cooing over his stretch marks.
stuffing yourself between his legs, his fat and jiggly and hairy thighs, and eating his fat pussy. having to spread them open just to get to his cock, and fuck, how miguel would squeeze his thighs around your head. i think he'd be a little shy and flustered when you ask him to ride your face, but after a few licks, he'd putting his entire weight on you and moaning, leaking slick.
watching his stomach, heavy with your kid and fat, roll and jiggle as you fuck him, hgngfh maybe even having him bend over the counter and slapping his hairy ass. fuck, how about bending him over n eating his ass out, rubbing your hands over those thick globes, they'd probably fatten up fjfmdd
his tits would also be so fucking fat and perky, they'd be so sensitive and you'd be mesmerized every time you fuck him, bc that shit would be bouncing with every thrust hfnff
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spyder-junkie · 1 year
Hi could I request Hobie x fem reader where reader tells Hobie she pregnant with his child 🤭 like how would Hobie react and help her through her pregnancy? 😳
Love you bestie 😍😘
HOBIE BROWN x pregnant! reader
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Hobie knows hes young, he knows youre young too, but when you tell him, he cant help but be incredibly excited.
“Im pregnant, Hobes.” You said nonchalantly, reclining back on the couch next to him. There was a ghost of a smile on your lips as you watched the gears turn in his head, still processing what you told him and void of the previous conversation the two of you were having.
“Youre joking?” He asked, turning to you, the corner of his lips already turning up.
“Im not.” You smile, still relaxed.
“Fucking hell!” He chuckles, sitting up next to you. His hands are under your shirt and all over your stomach in an instant, and you laugh at his expression.
“Youre not going to be able to feel it yet.” You laugh, giggling as he presses a kiss to your temple.
“Doesnt matter, I know hes in there.” Hobie says.
Hobie is very patient with you through the entire pregnancy. And you’re understanding with him when it comes to his Spiderman duties.
He’ll swing past your favorite fast food restaurant on the way home from patrol, or massage your back and feet when you feel fatigued.
He does whatever you ask him to, just overjoyed that you love him enough to carry his child.
When you go into labor he refuses to leave your side. he gets lightheaded while watching the baby come out so he chooses to stand closer to your face.
You two didnt want to know the gender until the baby was born
It doesnt matter what it is anyway, he’ll love the child all the same, but he will be pretty smug if it is in fact a boy.
“I toldya’ didnt I? I got quite a knack for these typa’ things.”
Definitely asks Peter B for father advice, but he does it nonchalantly, he doesnt want to be too uncool.
Petter is happy to teach him little tips and tricks he wish he knew when Mayday was born.
If the baby is a spider, Hobie makes specially fit web slingers for their wrists once they’re able to walk.
And as soon as the baby is talking, he’s teaching them.
(Have you guys seen that tiktok of the guy reading to the baby and he says “the cow goes mooo! the butterfly dont say nofim’ and the pig says ‘you have the right to remain silent’ “ Well that’s exactly the kind of things hobie says to the baby.)
Overall hes just a young father trying his best.
And some nights once hes finished with patrol, he’ll crawl in through the window, taking off his mask with a fond smile was he notices you and the baby fast asleep. He’ll strip, then crawl into bed and hold you two in his arms.
He has a real sense of family.
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animeshotsh · 7 months
Omg I love your makima reader!!! But like what if there was Denji reader👁👁
Like reader is like easy to fall in love with everyone and all that and having Chainsaw abilities just by her heart, and doing basically what denji have done, now that denji reader is in hell what happens when the ey meet the whole characters at the hotel
I see user don’t know lucifer since reader thought hell was actually the hell they went to (let’s call it purgatory where all embodiments of fear lives) but they’re In hell where lucifer rules, what are the characters first thoughts about denji reader
Keep up the good work on ur fics!!🫶🏽🫶🏽
Take some breaks and drink some water🫶🏽🫶🏽
Thanks anon for this amazing idea! And your sweet message 💕 ~
Eh? | Various x Denji!Reader
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After dying (finally do you know how much power it takes to kill the chainsaw man?) You end up waking up in a place that resembles a city. A very dirty and bloody one.
Of course you are confused, this cant be hell, hell has lots of doors and its all dark. So what is this? A demon power? A travel to another universe?
Whatever it is you dont care, seeing that you still have your powers its enough. Also, being back to having to steal to survive feels like nothing.
Turns out people here give zero shit towards any type of law violation so of course you end using your powers to attack and defend yourself.
Why are you picking up a pig and why a Demon who looks like a spider its coming towards you?
Angel its a lost of words as you give his little friend back, your body all covered in blood and the chains coming from your arms not suprising him.
More the fact that you look like a lost puppy as you ask what this place is and why he looks like a spider.
Angel its quick to flirt with you, getting you all flustered and confused. You think you are in love as he takes you back to the hotel.
Thats till you meet Husk who could not care less about you but now has to deal with you asking for drinks and seeing your pathetic attemp to flirt.
Once Charlie meets you and does break the news to you, you are lose in words...then she offers you to stay for free and have food as long as you dont cause trouble.
Its paradise to you.
Alastor thinks you are stupid but likes to see you do something and fail, he takes note on how the smallest things brings you joy. The first time he saw you fightning he was suprised to say the least.
Oh and when you meet Lucifer.
"I thought you would be scarier than Darkness demon was worse...and taller"
Lucifer its now questioning why he is so short and why you were talking to him only to end chasing off one spider.
You would end being a overlord without knowing you are one. The "meetings" seems more like friends gathering together. The other overlords cant take you seriously at all.
Its thanks to Rosie and Alastor that you end staying during the meetings even if you fall sleep most times.
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py-dreamer · 7 months
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So... I know I'm late...
But yea! I said I was coming back with some stickers and I kept my word! I would've hoped that I could've completed the sheet in like a day but as you can see...that didn't work out
I know I've been a bit MIA lately but burnout sucks. I do have a lot of WIPS I really want to work on but again, it seems that the ProcrastiNation hath struck my feeble mortal brain again.
But anyways:
I headcanon Aroace Mei, just a personal headcanon (disagree if you like) I also like lesbian Mei but thought I'd give some aroace appreciation
Silktea was only given 1 episode but OH BOY did it fuel our wild shipping habits. And I jumped on the bandwagon. It's a reference to that scene in She-Ra where Scorpia tells Catra she 'didn't want to do this' then wraps kitty up in the blankey and cradles her like a wee baby. And Sandy would do that for any friend, I will die on this hill
Saw a fanart where Mk had a pig nose themed pacifier and I just yoinked that idea. The pig hoodie and the pacifier seems like something Tang would do for Pigsy (also to get away with free noodles cause who can say no to that face?~)
Mac showing Wukong the lantern. What can I say, mans' fascinated by them pretty lights. Though our little performer's eyes seem to be straying from the show (^u ')
I know many people have issues with shipping with Nezha and such and I know the two had a rough history but y'know what fans do; they love to make the people who kill each other soulmates (platonic, romantic or otherwise) Even if it wasn't romantic, I still love the idea of them being buddies and just chilling, the danger noodle prince and the angy prince snuggle and watch a movie (mainly from Nezha 2019 but I also saw New Gods and can I just say, I want those two twinks to bicker then kiss awkwardly and I want Yun Xiang to BEAT. HIS. ASS) but in case anyone asks, I do perceive Nezha to be a consenting adult in general outside shipping drama and if the two are adults, it does make my heart squeal when I see these two hold hands and whatnot
HOW COULD I EVER FORGET MY SPICYBOIS, inspired by that one Ponyo kiss scene. I was actually gonna make a bigger piece but then I saw someone do it already in a much better fashion than I ever could and I just gave up on the idea but Ig here, its just like the two cakes mentality and I gave it a go. Hope I could do the concept justice
Have spider queen or scorpion queen ever interacted before? No. But they are both queens and I believe Spider Queen's confidence could rub off on Scorpion Queen and she'd appreciate the company of Spider Queen's children henchmen. Also she give yummy food so lesbian venomqueens for the win
Redraw of that moment with Peng and Azure. I normally detest that bird but these two do get some gears grinding and whatever anyone says. Neither of those two are straight. I'll tell ya that.
Toxicinsanity is another rarepair that had like 1 sec screen time. I don't think they'd ever work out in canon and had virtually no chemistry. I still love all the fluffy ship content I can find of them though and if it ever were to happen. I think the mayor would scare the sh!t out of Syntax
Let's get at least one hetero couple here, Chang'e and Hou'Yi are a couple of favorites ngl, I took most of their outfits from Over the moon cause both of them looked stunning, Chang'e especially. I've seen people ship mah girl with other people and while I do agree it's healthy to move on, in my heart she will always long for Hou'Yi
Also irl, on valentines, my mum took us out for lunch, she treated us to bubble tea and donuts. We walked home so I waited to drink mah drink in my room while I drew and I accidentally finished it all... I'm so sorry mum
f*ck I forgot ironbull. Uhh....I'll draw something later, rn I need to go to bed before I get yelled at...
click pic for less sh!ty quality!
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fiveki · 5 months
Small Huskerdust story!
(Angst )
It was a rainy night, Angel felt weak, tired and used. As always.
He opened the hotel’s doors, immediately collapsing on the floor as soon as he got to the lobby. His whole body ached, he could still feel Valentino’s hands all over him. It was disgusting. Angel was disgusting.
The spider teared up, unable to just stand up and go to his room. He was too tired, really weak. The poor boy began to sob silently on the cold floor, he really was pathetic. Crying unable to do something for himself, as easy as just standing up and going up a few stairs to go into his dorm, cuddle with his pig and sleep. As he always does.
That time it felt different.
Suddenly, a deep voice spoke out loud.
“You look like shit”
Husk was sitting down on an armchair, he stood up, the look that reflected through the red windows form the hotel’s main windows allowing Angel to see him, his eyes were teary, so the image was kind of blurry.
“You let himself be used again? You made me wait for nothing. You always bitch to me about how much you hate Valentino, how much you hate your job but you’re fucking unable to do something about it. You’re just an useless piece of shit. The only thing that makes you slightly useful is your body, and look at it. It’s so fucking disgusting. I’m about to throw up.”
Angel’s eyes widened at Husk’s rude words, each of them felt like a stab in the heart, completely. Slowly, he tried his best to stand up, he fixed his soaked clothes; that night he didn’t have too much time to change, he was almost wearing nothing
“Husk what are you- what are you talking about I- I am confused is everything okay are you-…drunk..? What’s up with you..!”
The boy’s voice cracked, showing how pain he was holding and was about to let go.
“I am not drunk, I’m being realistic. Do you know why I always drink when I’m with you? To forget I am next to somebody like you. You make me feel ashamed of even staying in the same place as you.”
Husk stepped closer to Angel, he was ready to receive whatever Husk had to give him. Valentino had taught him well to be prepared to get hit and not fighting back.
Husk made a quick movement, he was going to hit Angel.
As soon as Husk’s hand was going to collide against Angel’s face, he woke up with a loud gasp, trembling.
He immediately leant up and glanced around, he was terrified.
Husk woke up with Angel’s sudden movement.
“Angel..? What’s wrong, is everything okay..?”
The cat wrapped his arms around the spider.
“Bad dream again?”
The boy nodded, slowly starting to relax. He lie back down, hugging Husk gently yet tightly against his chest.
“Do you want to talk about it? I don’t like how tense you are”
The bartender lifted his head to look at him, his eyes widened in surprise when he saw Angel was crying.
“You’d never hit me right..? No matter- how pissed you are…”
Husk sighed, he knew what his nightmare was about now.
“Angel, my love… I’d never do that to you, alright?”
Angel nodded slowly, wiping his tears.
“I’m- it’s true… I’m sorry…”
Angel’s arm was grabbed in a gentle way by Husk, pulling it away. Husk’s hand cupped his face
“Dont apologise, I will repeat it as many times you need to make you understand or just remind you I’ll never lay a finger on you in a harmful way…”
A small smile was plastered on Angel’s face, he nodded, hugging him to show how much he appreciated that kind act, he kissed Husk’s head as well.
“I love you, Husk…”
“I love you more, Anthony”
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thedeerman · 5 months
RadioApple Fic:
Do You Want To Know?
Hey all, this is the first chapter of my little slow burn radioapple fic. Please let me know what you think, I don’t write much!!
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Ch1: A New Idea
It’s been three weeks since the attempted extermination. Three weeks since Lucifer just barely saved the life of his daughter in a fight that nearly killed everyone she cared about. Three weeks since he helped to build the new hotel and moved into his very own suite. It’s been both terrible and beautiful for Lucifer. He had hardly spoken to another soul for years and now was thrown into daily gatherings with sinners he didn’t know. Some of which he certainly didn’t care to know. But those gatherings also included his daughter. His wonderful, smart, passionate, forgiving daughter. I don’t deserve her, Lucifer thinks constantly. He spent years neglecting their relationship, burying himself in his own sorrow, and yet Charlie welcomed him in without a second thought. Without even asking for an explanation or apology for his years of absence. He’s not sure where she got such a big heart, but he’s beyond grateful that she has it. And as an attempt to show her just how dedicated he is to helping her see out her dream, he’s been showing up for every morning meeting. Every ‘family’ dinner. Every chore list, cooking schedule, errands run, nearly anything that could be signed up for, he does. Lucifer didn’t mind chores much. Cooking was fun and he could be experimental (in a way that didn’t include human remains, much to the other residents’ delight). Doing dishes or laundry was something as monotonous and calming as making ducks and other little trinkets. And on the days when he really just wasn’t in the mood to deal with it, he simply used his magic to help him get it done quickly. No matter how emotionally taxing, how time consuming, or how frustrating the task was, Lucifer was ready and willing to do anything he could to help his daughter succeed.
It’s because of this that Lucifer ends up on the attendance list for all of Charlie’s ’family’ activities for the hotel. It doesn’t seem too bad at first, but as the activities get to be a little more personal, Lucifer ends up regretting how agreeable he was to his daughter’s every request. A bit too late to be kicking myself for that now... Lucifer thinks as he sits in yet another hotel ‘family’ meeting. The ‘family’ being Charlie of course, her girlfriend Vaggie, the spider demon/porn star Angel, the grumpy bartender Husk, the scary little maid (the one that killed Adam, no less) Niffty, Angel’s one eyed bomb loving friend Cherri, now Lucifer, and... Ugh. This guy, the fallen angel thinks, as the final ‘family’ member graces them with his presence by appearing from the shadows. Alastor... What a pain in the ass. Lucifer doesn't actually have much reason to hate the demon aside from his frustrating theatrics and his need to always be the one Charlie pays the most attention to. Whatever game you’re playing, I’ve got my eye on you, he’s always thinking.
“Alrighty everyone!” His daughter’s voice catches Lucifer’s attention. “Now that we’re all here, I’d like to announce that we will be trying a new activity!” There are a series of groans from the group. None from Alastor, of course. But his creepy, always there smile seems strained, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly as Charlie continued. “So! You all know how we’ve been trying out some new ideas as test runs for new residents,” she starts. Yes, and it’s been excruciating. No one involved has been enjoying being guinea pigs for Charlie’s therapy experiments. The only silver lining being that the new residents wouldn’t have to suffer the same fates, as each and every “new activity” so far has been tossed out after a resounding failure of some kind or another. Fights, tears, broken furniture, and excessive day drinking have occurred both during and after a few of these sessions. Her ideas weren’t terrible in concept, but in practice, with demons and fallen angels and souls under contract, they just weren’t working. Lucifer’s attention is once again brought to the front of the room as Charlie continues.
“And yes, I understand that the past few exercises we’ve tried... haven’t exactly ended well.” Lucifer hates the sad look in her eyes as she considers her failures, but it’s gone as quickly as it arrived. “But after a lot of discussion and thinking about how and why our previous activities went so....” She pauses, looking for the right word. “Awful? Terrible? Destructive? Shitty? Depressing?” Angel adds. Vaggie glared his way but the demon wasn’t paying any attention. “Yes, thank you Angel,” Charlie says hesitantly. “So! I took those... experiences... into account while creating this one!” Lucifer shifts uncomfortably in his seat. He was a huge fan of Charlie living out her dream, but he wasn’t a huge fan of having to be this close to the action. He lets out a small sigh. I can’t abandon my place as her dad again. Charlie paused for a moment to reach into a bag and hand a bundle of items to Vaggie. Small strips of paper and markers. As Vaggie started passing them out to each of them, Charlie explains. “First thing’s first, I need everyone to write their names down. Once you’ve written your name, please give your paper to Vaggie.”
Lucifer’s anxiety starts up, as it always does when he’s involved in one of his daughter’s ‘family’ activities. He just hopes whatever comes of this involves less property damage than before. He hands his paper back to Vaggie as she walks around to collect them. Giving the papers back to her partner, Vaggie continues the instructions. “You will now each receive a randomly chosen name. The name on your paper will be for your eyes and your eyes only. Do not tell anyone else the name that you got.” Charlie excitedly passes the papers back out, now folded shut. “Except for me!” she interrupts. “I’m going to make a note of who gets who for the sole purpose of understanding the effectiveness of this activity. Don’t worry, no one else will get to see!” Her smile is infectious, Lucifer just can’t help it. He always smiles when he sees his daughter this way, so full of hope and joy. Vaggie hands him a folded strip of paper. Before he can open it to see who he was assigned, Charlie speaks again.
“Now, unlike some of our previous attempts, this activity will not be done as a group.” Multiple sighs of relief are heard, and Lucifer notices that Alastor seems to relax ever so slightly. At least that’s one thing we can agree on... “However,” Charlie continues, “This will be a week-long exercise-” multiple groans again, “that will involve a prompt each morning. That prompt will be a question or instruction that each of you will respond to in a letter. The letters don’t have to be long, but must include a full response to the prompt. They don’t have to be short either, just go for whatever your honest answer is!” She’s practically bouncing up and down with excitement as she says “The recipient of what you’ll be writing for the week will be the name on the paper youve been given. You’ll have a full 24 hours to write your letters. Tomorrow you’ll hand them in to me during the morning meeting, and will then be given the next prompt. Any questions so far?”
All of them are silent for a long moment. Vaggie breaks the silence. “Here are the rules. Rule number one: You MUST be respectful. OUR version of respectful. No insults, no petty jabs. Just answer the prompt. Rule number two: No discussing who each person is writing to. I mean NO discussion. Do not ask, do not tell. If we find out that this rule is broken, the offending parties will be sitting in on Charlie’s hotel-wide group therapy sessions for a month.” Lucifer’s eyes went wide at this. Several others did as well. Group therapy wasn't an uncommon ‘punishment’ (though Charlie wont ever call it that) but the sessions are held four days out of the week and last for one to two hours at a time. And with new arrivals slowly trickling into the hotel to be redeemed, the sessions were getting larger. Lucifer tensed, thinking of the last time he was forced to participate after getting into a spat with the only sinner in the building he just couldn’t stand to be around. Lucifer was not meant for group therapy, that was for sure. The most any of them have been forced to attend for bad behavior was one week. None of them wanted a whole month.
Vaggie looked amused at the group’s reaction to this. She spoke again. “This also includes revealing yourself to the person you’re writing to. These letters are supposed to be anonymous.” Charlie speaks up. “This exercise depends on honesty and anonymity, and I have really high hopes that this one can be used by new residents learning to redeem themselves.” She pauses. “Okay. So now that we’ve gone over everything, I’m going to call each of you over to note down who you’ll be writing to. I’ll then give you a paper with today’s writing prompt and an envelope to put the letter in once you're done. Make sure to seal it! After that, bring your envelope with you for tomorrow’s meeting and I’ll mark the intended recipient on the front. At the end of our meeting you’ll get the letter addressed to you and the next writing prompt.”
All of this information takes a moment to register in Lucifer’s head, but after he’s gone over it all in his mind he’s left with a sense of pride for his daughter. Out of all of her experiments so far, this one is the first that Lucifer doesnt think would turn into an all out war. It seems... feasible. He smiles as she makes eye contact with him, clearly ecstatic with her plan. Vaggie calls each one of them over to the desk that Charlie has against the room’s far wall. One at a time, each member of the ‘family’ does as they’re told and then leaves the meeting room. Lucifer spends a moment wondering who got his slip of paper, the one with his name written on it, until he suddenly remembers that he never looked at his own intended letter recipient. With no one close enough to peer over his shoulder, Lucifer slowly opens up the folded paper to see whose name is written.
Of course. Go figure. Yeah, why not just make the next week my own little slice of Hell? I mean honestly- His thoughts are interrupted by Charlie’s voice. “Dad! It’s your turn!” He looks up and realizes he’s the last one to be called. Everyone else, save Charlie and Vaggie, have already left the room. He attempts to smile as he stands and faces his daughter, but she sees through it immediately. And it's obvious. “Come on Dad... I know who you got.” This surprises him. Was his face really that revealing? “Everyone else’s name has already been marked on my chart, so...” She smiles awkwardly. “Listen, I think this will be good for you! Please, just try your best?” Lucifer slowly walks to the desk and sighs heavily. “Anything for you, sunshine. I’ll try my hardest.” He hands the strip of paper to his daughter and she gives him the paper with the prompt and envelope in exchange. “I dont think I’ve got you on the chores schedule today, but I’m gonna be pretty busy so I probably won’t see you until dinner.” She smiles at him, that glowing warm smile that he’d missed out on for so many years. She encourages him with an “I love you, Dad. You’re gonna do great!” and gives him a thumbs up.
He leaves the room smiling, just loving being in his daughter’s presence, until he walks into the lobby and sees him. Sitting on one of the many comfy chairs, sipping black coffee out of a mug that says “Oh Deer” on the side. The asshole. The worst demon in the hotel. The piece of shit that loves to torment Lucifer to no end. The name on his strip of paper. He strides by as quickly as possible to avoid any contact. Damn it... He thinks on the way back to his side of the hotel. Why, of all people... He can’t get the vision of the neat, cursive handwriting out of his head. His mind focuses on one name and one name only.
Read Chapter 2!
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fizzy-tizzy · 6 months
Headcanons for all the survivors gender/sexuality
Wilson- Just Kinda decided he was gonna be a boy when he was like 8 and his dad was so desperate for an heir that didn’t want him dead to rights he just kinda let it happen. would fuck anyone but at the same time is not interested at all
Willow- Butch-ish but more in a tomboy kinda way. genuinely likes wearing skirts and more feminine clothing but doesn’t really think she deserves to? if that makes sense? (She doesn’t really feel like a genuine legit girl) hardcore lesbian.
Wolfgang- Very traditionally masculine but in the “My job is to protect and take care of everyone” and not the “im a man so I can do whatever I want” type way. Gay but could totally be in a lavender relationship/marriage and have no problems w/ it
WX-78- Born a cis female, figured out early on that wasn’t right but couldn’t change it until they were an adult. Transed their gender but then figured out being a male wasn’t right either. eventually found someone who felt similarly and abandoned their flesh for the machine. solidly aroace. they’re triple a (agender, asexual, aromantic) just like batteries
Wickerbottom- cis female and “traditionally” feminine, has never felt the need to explore or question it. Used to be married to a man who was secretly gay and looking for someone similarly emotionally unavailable. He has since passed but left wicker a small fortune so. alls well that ends well ig
Wes- kind of a stereotypical femme twink. The kinda gay whos loud and proud and will hit you with a brick if you have a problem with that. feels obligated to help the others try and figure themselves out- esp the ones who are more in denial abt it
Maxwell- I think the idea that max is trans and Jack is cis and they turned out looking the exact same is hilarious. Technically the only ppl who knows he’s trans are jack and charlie- their parents just think he’s a masculine woman and everyone else knows him as a man. Bi and so so weak for bears and gently bossy women.
Wendy- Non-binary but still in the process of realizing it. Does not give a single shit abt romance but would totally be qpp with Webber once they know what that means.
Woodie- Probably Not Cis but has too much religious trauma to even dare questioning himself. He’s like JUST accepted the fact that he’s gay (still thinks hes going straight to hell but we’re working on that) so ynknow baby steps. baby steps. Deffo has a shit ton of body dysphoria due to the wereforms tho
Webber- Since spiders work a lil different in the constant (probably more like bees) there are like three genders Webber could potentially see themselves as. Drone, warrior, and queen. During his childhood he thinks of himself mostly as a drone but as he gets older and his sway over the spiders increases they’ll shift into seeing themselves as more of a queen. But other that he’s pretty much whatever non-spider gender is most convenient. Definitely bi.
Wigfrid- her gender is… strange. What she outwardly presents is her character’s way of presenting herself so ig I see her as kinda fluid? Idk valiant-valkyrie if ur reading this you can probably do a better job of explaining it. you are the defacto wigfrid authority. Definitely lesbian but once again will do whatever the role requires
Winona- Solidly butch lesbian. Definitely a caretaker and a protector but in the butch kinda way and not the femme kinda way. if that makes sense.
Wurt- Butch but hasn’t really realized it yet. does not think human genders apply to her bcs she’s a merm and will 100% be king when she grows up. baby lesbiab. her and wilba’s eventual union shall bring peace to the pig/merm kingdoms once and for all
Wortox- human genders do not apply to him. They are whatever is most convenient at the time. Fluid like loki and bugs bunny.
Walter- if xenogenders existed back then he would totally be like pupgender/buggender. Non-binary but has no problem being called a boy/man. Would be fine with any prns but people have only ever used he/him for him. Probably going to be a monsterf*cker when he grows up.
Wormwood- He is plant. Plants have sexes but no genders and wormwood is intersex anyway but they kinda just chose the first option presented to him once he found the others. Loves all but has absolutely no interest or idea about non-plant reproductive activities.
Walani- Yknow that “as a girl who’s a gross dude men who are fancy ladies are my best friends”? Yeah that’s her and Warly. she’s the emotional support golden retriever to warly’s high-strung cheetah. Lesbian but like. endearingly loser lesbian who’s only ever smooth when she’s not trying to be.
Warly- as mentioned before he is very much a guy who is a fancy lady. Would probably do drag if he had the chance and would 100% be the baddest bitch who makes all the men question their sexuality. Gay and european.
Wanda- doesn’t have time for all that gender questioning bullshit she just wants to kiss women.
Wheeler- Solid futch, leans more feminine or masculine depending on the situation. Woman-leaning bisexual, has probably fucked someone wife and inadvertently caused a divorce.
Woodlegs- pretty solidly cis male but 100% an embarrassing old gay grandpa. Doesn’t know much abt the terminology but is incredibly supportive and was definitely a homewrecker back in the day. Probably got out of at least one arrest by seducing the naval officer meant to bring him in
Wilba- high femme and definitely a baby lesbian. I do really like the idea of her being trans just because why not so why not. She and wurt are fat femme x fat butch once they grow up
Wagstaff- born as a girl but realized he hated it and made attempts to transition early on. Eventually ran away to America to fully transition. Non-binary too but hasn’t realized it yet and just thinks that everyone feels weird when someone calls them mr or sir. men-liker and old man yaoi certified
Wilbur- yes I’m doing the monkey. Gender is a strange concept to him, so he just kinda calls himself male bcs apparently he is? He doesn’t really understand it but it seems to be pretty important in human society so he’ll do it if it means he gets respected as an actual person and not just some sideshow.
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acapelladitty · 11 months
Jonathan Crane/Reader - Piss Kink (Kinktober #13)
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Summary - A slight mistake on your part sees Jonathan Crane deciding to indulge a more unique punishment for you.
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“Turn your head and I will thrash your skin so terribly that the marks will take weeks to heal, whore.” Crane threatens as his fist pumps along his cock, the tip of his length only a few inches from your face and you watch his thin fingers move across the skin like a spider, skittering along with purpose as his sadistic smirk beams down on you.
Your eyes are lidded as you gaze up at him and your wrists ache uncomfortably as they remain tied to your ankles – refusing to allow any movement which wasn’t you falling to your side like a roped pig, ready to be righted and forced back into place.
Not doubting his threat for a second, you mumble out a quick agreement which seems to irritate him as the fingers from his free hand collide against your cheek with a resounding slap that knocks your head to the side. It steals the breath from your lips as a pained hiss flutters free of your lips. Heat is quick to flare in your face as the pain settles quickly and your watery eyes dip up once again to meet his cold gaze.
“Yer, sir, I understand. This whore is sorry for not speaking clearly.” The words are well trained - an expected response - and his head tilts ever so slightly as he tests the sincerity of them. The sack which makes up the upper part of his costume to c his face does very little to hide the intensity of his gaze and you almost sob out a sigh of relief as he nods his acceptance of the apology.
The hand which had struck you slithers down your cheek, thumb trailing along the slight tear tracks which have settled on the skin, until his thumb and forefinger pinch your chin sharply. His other hand remains stroking along his cock, the hard length gutting free of his slacks and his short speech is stuttered by grunts as a visible string of pre-cum drips free of his slit.
“A slut who can’t speak clearly, shouldn’t speak at all.” Crane growls. “Maybe a small lesson in humility is necessary?”
“Yes, sir. Whatever you think this slut needs.” Shuffling your knees against the floor, you add the small spoken flourish in hopes of gaining his favour. It even appears to work, for a moment at least, as his grip on your chin disappears and his hand instead tilts your face up towards his upper body.
You gasp in surprise as his cock erupts, a stream of piss flowing free of his length as he aims his cock at a slight downward angle; ensuring that the warm liquid paints a messy streak across your chin and lower jaw before dripping down to splash across your naked chest. Shock quickly gives way to a disgust before dissolving into a heated shame as your body is coated in his release, the warmth quickly turning cool as it continues to drip across your kneeling frame.
Actively fighting back the clench of your throat, a pained yelp slips free of your lips as his free hand locks around the back of your head, pulling your restrained body closer as he presents his still-hard cock before your pursed lips. He holds it there for a teasing moment, allowing the few remaining droplets of piss to trickle across your bound body, the tickle of them a constant reminder of their presence.
“I’m going to throat fuck you.” His tone is commanding, leaving no room for refusal. “I will use you however I want, and you will be thankful that I relieved myself on your skin before doing so.”
“You’re very good to me, sir. Thank - thank you! This slut appreciates it.”
“Then show me how well you can take my cock.”
It was barely a warning, and your body stiffens as his cock jams past your lips and into your mouth. He tastes of pre-cum and piss, the murky duality making the heat in your skin grow more intense as you flex your fingers against your ankles. He’s rough and utterly uncaring of your comfort as his cock slams against the sensitive skin of your throat, forcing you to swallow down your gag reflex and allow him to use you for his own twisted pleasure – a dance which was more than familiar to you both.
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sleeplessdreamer123 · 2 years
Short prompt Idea! (Lucemond)
Lucerys is a menace of a gremlin, raised by Daemon to wreak havoc amongst the people in King's landing.
He first showcased this by being the one to kill Vaemond in his tirade. He drew Dark Sister from Daemon's hand and sliced him, though his cut was not as clean due to him having a weaker swing, leaving the head hanging by a small piece of flesh and bone. When they began accusing him as a kin slayer, he simply told them that since his uncle publicly admitted to not seeing him as a nephew, would it still be considered kin slaying if one of them disowned the other?
During the dinner, when Alicent tries to pray for Vaemond for his soul to be in peace, Lucerys continued that his soul should be in peace as he burns in the seven hells, not caring for the glare from Alicent or from the guffaw of Aegon.
When Aegon began teasing Jace, asking if he knew how to please Baela, Lucerys interrupted, pointedly telling Aegon that if he wished to know more about Jace's prowess in bed, he need not beat around the bush and just ask Jace to fuck him like one of his whores, earning a shocked gasp from Alicent and stares from the table (save for Helaena, who was busy with a spider she found early on).
When Lucerys saw the pig, he smirked and laughed, and when Aemond raised his glass and gave the final tribute, he held Jace back, and walked towards his uncle, took his cup and drank all of its contents while looking straight at his uncle, thanking him, for despite his lack of an eye, he can still appreciate his nephews, though Lucerys also jokingly proclaimed that although he was not the wisest, nor the strongest, he is at least the most handsome out of all of them, easing the tension as Jace smacked him on the head playfully when he sat down.
When Aemond grabbed him after dinner, he was already tipsy from his uncle's wine, and asked if he still wished to admire his handsome nephew, which annoyed Aemond to no end.
He called him a bastard, one unworthy of the Valyrian household, and Lucerys sighed, almost bored, stating that his mother is the firstborn full-blooded Valyrian princess, who's parents are of Targaryen descent. His father, Laenor, and his grandfather, Corlys, both proclaimed him their own, the heir to Driftmark. That is much more important than whatever drivel Alicent decided to spread. He was also taught of Old Valyria, of his ancestry and trained as a Targaryen and a Velaryon. His blood, his status, and his name are more than worthy.
Then he pushed back. What made Aemond believe he was worthy? A second son of the second wife, ignored by his father and his mother, no title, no lands, no riches to call his own. A half Targaryen acting more like a Hightower, not even taught proper High Valyrian, let alone the culture and history that the Targaryen name holds. He was raised under the Faith of the Seven, who looked down on Targaryens and their customs, and taught him nothing. How does it feel, to only be Targaryen in looks and name alone? How does it feel to not even be half as worthy as the "bastard" Aemond believes his nephews were?
Aemond wished to kill Lucerys for his words, but was stopped by Daemon. He glared as Lucerys waved a goodbye to his uncle, calling him Hightower like an insult. He swore he would make Lucerys pay for that.
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star-girl69 · 2 years
this was requested to me in a pm but this is the gist of it-
aemond x f!reader who is the daughter of a high ranking lord who is close friends with helaena and the rest of the royal family, but has a particularly close relationship with aemond. he comes to her for comfort after the pink dread joke, she goes to him when she has nightmares about the day he lost eye, and they basically just slowly fall in love with each other throughout their childhood. later, it is revealed that reader is bethrothed to someone else. aemond freaks out and then typical aemond-ness ensues.
this is so ooc but it’s cute so whatever also i apologize for it being so long i hope you all enjoy!!
warnings: violence, kissing, swearing, mentions of sex, reader cries a lot, parental neglect (kinda?), tell me if i missed anything!
You Have Always Been Mine
The fire crackles as you stare into it. Fire has always transfixed you, which was probably why you were so intwined in the family of fire and blood.
You were the fourth daughter of a powerful lord, only good for being a bargaining chip in a marriage. Your parents had been chasing a son, but only daughters came to them.
When you first visited King’s Landing, you were utterly lost. By chance, you stumbled upon Helaena in the gardens, a spider weaving between her fingers. You were fascinated by her bravery, and she was fascinated by yours. No one would ever approach her like this- so boldly ask what she is doing. Everyone walks on eggshells around her. But you were not like that, and she found herself not wanting to leave your side.
At Alicent’s request, you became a part of the family. Your parents agreed to it, seeing as it was one less worthless daughter to feed. Helaena told everyone you were her sister, and it was Alicent who held you when you got your first bleed.
Until the day you died, you would always be inexplicably tied with the Targaryens.
The sun has long since set, and your handmaidens has retired shortly after. You had tried to find sleep, but it would not come for you. You figured some needlepoint would help your mind to calm, your body to lull itself into a state of sleep.
So, at this late hour, when you hear a knock upon your door, there could only be one person on the other side.
“Come in,” You call, and the door opens to the sight of Aemond Targaryen. He bars the door, walking over to your sitting area quickly. “What troubles you, Aemond?”
He always came to you for comfort- and you were all too happy to provide it. You were too young to truly understand what was happening, but your stomach clenched each time you saw Aemond, each time you heard his name, or even thought about him.
“They gave me a pig.” He settles down on the couch, pushing his head into your lap. You quickly move your needlepoint, afraid of accidentally injuring him.
“What do you mean?”
“Jace, Luke, and Aegon. Today, during our dragon riding lesson. They put fake wings on a pig.” Your heart twisted for him.
“Oh, Aemond.” Your fingers wound into his hair, softly scratching his scalp. He sighed into your touch. “I’m sorry. They are so cruel to you… I- I do not know why.” He keeps his eyes closed, and you don’t cease your scratching. “If I could change it, I would. In a heartbeat, Aemond.” He opens his eyes, and you move your hand to caress the side of his face.
“Sometimes I think you are the only one who truly loves me, Y/N.” He grabs your hand with his own, holding it there as if he is scared you will pull away. You would never, not unless he asked.
“You speak lies. Helaena loves you, and your mother does.”
“Yes, but not truly. Not as you do. You love me like you can look into my soul and see every bad thing I will ever do- and yet you still love me.”
“I doubt I could ever not love you, Aemond.” He turns his face, pressing a kiss to your palm.
“Promise you won’t leave me to the vultures.”
You smile. “I promise, Aemond.”
The worst day of your life was when Aemond lost his eye. The fear- not knowing if you would lose him. You knew even then that you could not bear losing him.
Even weeks after that day, you found yourself having nightmares.
They would start similar to the actual events, a servant telling you to go the hall- that Prince Aemond had been injured.
You were not sure if you would ever forget the fear you felt when the servant told you that.
You would run to the hall, tripping over your skirts and worry snaking around your throat like a hand, choking you.
You would open the doors with a bang, look around frantically until you caught sight of him sitting by the fire. You would be relieved, and run over.
But when you were only a few feet away you wouldn’t see the gash over his eye. Oh, he was fine. You would grab his hand, notice how it was cold and limp in your hands. Then you would look up, see a knife sticking out of his heart.
And you would wake up screaming.
Tonight was no different.
It was the last night of your journey back to the Red Keep, leaving behind that horrible Driftmark.
But tonight, you could not bear it. You needed to see him- remind yourself that he was still alive.
So, with shaky legs and a teary face, you climbed out of bed, feet padding against the cold wooden floor. The door creaked as you opened it, and you flinched, but no one came.
You crossed the hallway, opening his door as softly as you could. His did not creak, and you sent a silent thank-you to the gods.
You shut the door behind you, turning around.
You had just wanted to come in while he was sleeping, see that he was okay, see the rise and fall of his chest, and leave. But he was sitting up in bed, waiting for you.
“I heard you scream.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t think anyone could hear.”
“I would always hear you if you were in trouble, Y/N.” He seems almost bored, stating that as if it was a fact.
You smirked. “Even if I was a million miles away?”
He gulps and doesn’t answer. “What was your nightmare about?”
“It- I shouldn’t burden you with it.” You walk forward, standing next to his bed. “I’m sorry for coming.”
“Don’t be. Tell me, Y/N.”
“I-” You feel the tears fall again at even just the memory. “Instead of your eye- there was a knife in your heart. You were dead, Aemond, and I could not bear it.”
He looks at you almost placidly.
“I just came to remind myself that you’re alive.” You place a hand on his face, the side closest to you that was maimed. “I’m so sorry, Aemond.”
“Lay with me.”
You take a step back, and he lets you. Your hand falls.
“Aemond- I can’t… It would be improper.”
He scoffed. “That is nothing. I am prince and you are a princess.” You open your mouth to speak but he stops you. “Alicent thinks of you her daughter, Helaena thinks you her sister. And you are mine. My best friend, and no one will take that from us.”
Your tears multiply at his words, but they are grateful tears.
“Lay with me,” He repeats, and you climb into his bed. He shuffles over, and you press your head against his chest. Feel his heartbeat. Remind yourself that he is here, he is alive, and he is yours.
The moon comes in through the window, shining off of the wall you are facing. You tilt your head up, look him in the eyes.
“I wish I could give you your eye back.”
“I know you would if you could.” You smile, and something ignites in his stomach.
When he said you were his, something had ignited in his stomach. But you were here, you were next to him, and you were his. You were his in a way that ran much deeper than blood, than marriages. You were his by cosmic right, by some way that your soul’s were tethered together.
If he lost you, he would not be able to live.
But he pushes that away, because you were here now, you were next to him, and you were his. At least for now.
You knew that the years had been kind to you. Men stared at you in halls, asked for your hand in marriage. But you did not have your eye on them. You had your eye on your family.
You did not want to think about marriage, about being taken away from them. It loomed over you, growing closer everyday.
You confided in Helaena, and she told you that you would always be sisters.
The stars have demanded it, that we be sisters.
Of course, you never quite were able to decode Helaena’s riddles. But you took comfort in it.
When you told Aemond of your fears, he had gripped his sword handle as if he could bend it in half.
You will always be mine. Don’t dirty your mouth with talk of another man.
If you were being truthful, the years had been kind on Aemond as well. He trained all the time, his body lean muscle. He was much taller than you, and his sharp features and eyepatch inspired fear.
Not in you.
He was still your Aemond, the one who held you when you had nightmares, who came to you when he was hurt by his nephews and brother.
You entertained the thought of marrying him in your most private moments. It would be a dream, you would stay with your family, and be married to Aemond. No one would be able to take you away from each other.
But your parents still had the final say, and you figured this was why they were coming today.
You stood with the royal family, in between Aemond and Alicent.
Perhaps he knew what their coming meant, because you could feel his eyes on you, tracing over your face.
You wish he could think you were beautiful like you thought him to be, but you would always just be his best friend. But, to even have a little piece of him was better than none of him. Even if you both married other people- you could never love someone like you love him.
The carriage pulled to a stop in the courtyard, and your parents exited. Their wish had been granted, and a 5 year old boy raced out of the carriage, rambunctious and entitled. Your parents gave him everything, but alas, you hoped they had softened now that they had their son.
“Daughter!” Your father exclaimed, and you stepped forward. Your had been in the same etiquette lessons as Helaena, the etiquette for a princess was all you knew. Your mother eyed you, picking up your brother, whose name you knew to be Thomas.
Your father grabbed your hands, looking you over, nodding to himself.
Your mother stepped forward as well, Thomas pulling at her hair. She ignored it.
“You will make the most beautiful bride, soon.”
You hoped it was never.
“Oh,” Your father spoke up again, putting an arm around your mother. “I cannot bear to wait any longer. We have betrothed you. A Tyrell son- the first son, heir to Highgarden! I guess he saw you at court, and came to us for your hand.”
You could not see straight.
“You will be the Lady of Highgarden!” Your mother seemed to be ecstatic, and you felt your heart break.
You could not. You would not.
You were frozen. You did not know what to do, what to say. Behind you, you could feel the tension from the royal family roll off in waves.
You heard Helaena’s soft cries, Alicent trying to comfort her. You turned away from your parents. although your father was mid-sentence.
“Helaena-” You rushed forward, taking her into your arms. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.” It was all you could repeat as your own tears fell.
“Have we caused some upset?” Your father was confused, you could tell.
“Yes.” Aemond’s voice. Oh, Aemond. You could not beat to leave him. You were not sure how to gather your thoughts, how to deal with this new information.
“Aemond,” Alicent scolded, but you heard the tightness in her voice. “I’m very sorry. My Lord, My Lady. We have just been taking care of Y/N for so long- this transition will be tough.”
“I see.” Now your fathers voice was tight.
“We are meant to be sisters. The stars demand it.” Helaena’s prophecies have always worked her into a frenzy, and you squeeze her tight, trying to bring her back to what was happening. Although you wanted to fade away with her as well.
“Y/N, come. We have much to discuss.” Your mother comes up behind you, placing a hand on your shoulder.
“Please,” And it is a whimper, a plea, said into Helaena’s hair as you bury yourself in her arms, trying to ignore what is happening.
“Y/N, I know this is difficult. But you will be married. The Tyrell boy is nice, and he will treat you well. Do not delay the inevitable.” Your mother’s counsel only makes you cry more, until she grabs you by the shoulder and rips you away from Helaena. “Insolent girl,” She mutters, keeping a death grip on your shoulder. She follows your father, and you look back.
Helaena is crying into Alicent’s neck, and Aemond’s jaw is clenched, face turning red in anger. He had not done that since you were young children.
“I’m sorry.” You mouth, and he does not answer.
This is the longest you had gone without seeing them.
You had been with your parents, being prepared for life as a Lady.
But you were not a Lady- you were a Princess. Not in title, but in practice, and in your family’s eyes.
Your parents had told you to stay away from Helaena and Aemond, make the transition easier. It only hurt you all more. You wished you didn’t have to listen to them- that Alicent was your mother and she would protect you from this cruel fate.
Your felt horrible for thinking this way, but you could not help it.
The gardens were beautiful, and as you walked with Lord Tyrell, you came across the place you had first met Helaena. Tears threatened to spill, but you pushed them back.
“You are most beautiful. I am surprised no one has taken your hand yet.”
“Thank you, My Lord.” Would it be improper to throw up on him?
“Of course, everyone thought you would marry Prince Aemond. But he gets everything. You know, even after he lost his eye, he beat me in a tourney.”
You remembered that. The only tourney he has competed it, before deciding he hated them. He had won, of course, and you weren’t sure why he hated them. But you would support him, always.
“Spoiled boy.” He muttered and you turned. He turned to you, a victorious smile on his face. “But, justice has prevailed. I get his woman. Tell me, has he taken your maidenhead yet?”
“My Lord, I-” Was he questioning your virtue?
“Well, has he?” You were too shocked to form an answer as quick as he wanted you too, so he grabbed your chin harshly. “Did he?”
His fingers dug into your skin, and it hurt.
“N-n-no,” You were scared out of your mind, and tears threatened to spill. He just looked at you like you were his meal.
“Shame. You will never get to know how much more of a man I am.”
You aren’t quite sure what time it is when you leave your chambers, but it’s dark and the halls are devoid of servants.
You look up at the door in front of you. Aemond’s. Behind that door holds so many memories- and you think about leaving him again. You truly cannot bear it.
You knock, hoping that he is inside.
The door opens quickly, and he is out of breath. Lose pants, and a linen t-shirt, he looks like your Aemond. You feel tears well. You are leaving him.
“Y/N. I knew you would come.”
He notices your tears, and he draws you inside his chambers, barring the door. He holds you against him as his hand fumbles with the lock.
“What’s wrong, dōna mēre?” Your heart squeezes at the nickname even through everything. He teases you, refuses to tell you what it means. And you are leaving him, so now you will never know.
He draws you to the couch, sitting side by side and he pulls you to his chest. Oh, how perfect this moment is. But then you remember what Lord Tyrell has done- why you are here, looking for comfort.
“T-that man, Aemond. He is horrible. He only wants me to fulfill some grudge against you. He questioned by virtue- when I didn’t answer- he- he grabbed by chin, so roughly, and it h-hurt…” You can feel him tense.
But he just shushes you and lays you down on the pillows, wraps a blanket around you. He pulls his hands away and you realize he is leaving.
“What are you doing?” Your voice is small, and Aemond’s anger only grows.
“I’m going to kill him.” You shoot up, faster than lightening. He whips around, getting on his knees to calm you down. “It’s alright,” He whispers. You can still feel the anger radiating off of him, but he pushes it down for your sake. You grab at his collar, trying to keep him from making a grave mistake.
“Y-you cannot throw your life away for me.”
“You are my life.”
The ferocity of his words hit you, as he grabs one of your wrist’s holding onto his collar.
“Aemond… do not say things like that.”
“Why?” His expression is hard. He is glaring at you, but you cannot find it in yourself to shy away.
“Because I am to be married, Aemond. And when you say that…” It seems like you might love me back.
“What? Tell me, Y/N.” He takes one of your hands, places it on his face.
“Because it gives me hope. That you might feel the same way I feel about you.” And you cannot lie to him, so it all comes pouring out. “Do not say things like that unless you can back it up, Aemond. Unless you love me.”
He presses a kiss to your palm. He speaks quickly, needing you to believe him. “I do love you. More than anything. You torture me, haunt me with just the thought of you. I need you. I cannot… You said you would not leave me. Don’t.”
You almost do not believe him, it seems too good to be true. But he speaks with such conviction you know it must be true.
Aemond Targaryen loves you more than anything.
Oh, this is all you have ever wanted. All you ever needed. And now you are being teared away from him.
“It’s not my choice. I would stay if I could. I would.”
He leans forward, breathes you in. He knows you speak the truth, but he does not want to believe it.
“I love you.” It is barely above a whisper, and your voice cracks with the emotion your pour into those three words, but he hears it all the same. You think it is the most true thing that has ever been spoken.
“How can I keep you?” He places his face next to yours, trailing your jawline with his nose. You wind your hands around his neck, if only to keep him close to you.
“I don’t know,” And you are lost in him, and you cannot think. He is the most addictive substance, and you will need him again and again after this. “Aemond…” You feel his breath, heavy on your cheek. It is heavenly. “Make me yours.”
“You always were.”
And he draws you in for the sweetest kiss, and you are lost.
When you wake, it is to the sun shining on your face. You remember last night, your confessions, and how Aemond had kissed you. You press your fingertips to your lips, suppressing a smile.
An arm winds around your waist, and you recognize it immediately.
“Are you awake, dōna mēre?” His voice is rough as he whispers into your ear, and you find yourself wanting to drown in it.
You place you arm over his, sighing. “Aemond.”
You turn to your other side, to find Aemond facing you. His shirt is discarded, and you trace the indents of his stomach and chest with your finger. You lay on his arm, his hand cupping the back of your head, lips pressing into your hairline. You could truly stay like this forever.
“I love you.” He whispers, and it is the sweetest sound. His other hand trails down, caressing your thigh and drawing soft circles there.
“I love you too.” You whisper, and a cloud hangs over this moment. “Lord Tyrell intends for us to marry, tomorrow. He says that he is entranced with me, that he cannot wait.”
He seems unbothered. “His name does not deserve to be in your pretty mouth.”
“They will take me from you.” At this, his arm moves from your thigh to your waist, tugging you closer.
“I won’t let them take you, Y/N. I swear this to you.”
Your parents might come looking for you, but you don’t care. “Can we just stay together, today? Stay in here?”
“If it is what you wish, dōna mēre.”
The sun has rolled behind a cloud, giving the room some much needed darkness. You have done nothing but reminisce, talk aimlessly. If you marry Lord Tyrell, it is possibly the last you will ever see of him.
You have moved to the couch, and you are in between his legs. His arms wrap around you from behind, and you are at peace.
You wish to be with him, for today. It is all you have, and it is not enough, but better than nothing.
Aemond leans forward, presses a bare kiss to your shoulder. You have been sitting in silence.
“I can’t marry him.”
“I know, dōna mēre.”
“Can you not do something? Can your mother not?”
“I don’t think so,” He places his chin on the top of your head. “But I will think of something.”
You want nothing more than to believe him.
A few hours later, you leave him and lock yourself in your chambers. You cannot sleep without him, so you toss and turn as you think of Lord Tyrell- and your approaching wedding.
The next morning, you awake to your mother. She is singing praises, telling you that your dress looks wonderful, the gardens are decorated for the ceremony. You ask if Helaena and Alicent can help you get ready, and she tells you not to be stupid.
“They have more important things to do, my dear.”
“They are my family. I want them here.”
Her eyes narrow toward you. “I am your family. Your father is. And soon, Lord Tyrell will be. You will belong to him, and you will be most happy.”
“I love Aemond, Mother. I belong to him. I always have.” She purses her lips, setting a white dress onto your bed.
“It will pass.” Is all she says, and you cry while she helps you into your dress.
Your eyes are still bloodshot, your tears have not stopped. No matter how much your mother scolds you, you do not stop.
You are crying as you are lead down to the gardens, as you sit there waiting for the Septon to get settled. You are crying as your father takes your arm, and you are crying as you walk down the aisle.
You pass by Helaena and Alicent. Helaena looks at you with so much longing, and you wish to fade into her embrace. Alicent smiles softly at you, as if to say: I’m sorry.
You notice Aemond’s absence, and do not blame him.
Your father lets go of your hand at the front of the altar, and you cannot look Lord Tyrell in the eyes.
“Why do you cry?” He asks, voice devoid of genuine concern.
You do not answer.
The Septon is a old man, grey hair and bad posture. He sinks in front of you, looking sickly. It seems neither of you want to be here.
“And do you, Lady Y/N, take Lord Tyrell to be your husband?”
You do not answer.
“Say it.” Lord Tyrell whispers, and you feel physically sick.
“She does not.” You turn at the sound of his voice.
He is yours, and you are his, and he would never let you be taken.
“Aemond,” You whisper, and before Lord Tyrell can react, you are running to him.
“Y/N,” He says as you reach him, and you long to feel the press of his lips upon yours. You miss him, and it has been only a single night. You run past his extended sword, into his arms.
You press your ear against his chest. One palm laid flat over his heart, the other on his shoulder. He wraps his free arm around your waist, and you are reminded of the painting in the library.
Aegon the Conquerer, holding Queen Rhaenys just like this, sword extended.
“Lord Tyrell,” You can feel his voice reverberate through his chest. “I challenge you to a duel for Lady Y/N’s hand.”
“What is the meaning of this insolence?” Your father is shouting, walking towards you with a dangerous look in his eyes.
Aemond extends his wrist, so the tip of his sword is pointed straight at your father’s chest. Even from feet away, he stops. He realizes then, that this man would kill him for you, and you would let him.
“It’s alright, My Lord.” Lord Tyrell is smirking, as if he knew this would happen. You do not pay attention to anyone else, only staring into his eyes with a venom.
With Aemond here, you are not afraid anymore.
“I accept this duel.”
Aemond does not smirk, does not let anything be betrayed in his voice or face. He is only unbridled rage, barely concealed under a thin layer of calm.
“To the death of first bleed?”
“First bleed. I would like to see your jealousy when her stomach swells with my seed.” Aemond does not react.
He kisses the top of your heads, and pushes you over to Alicent and Helaena.
You look over your shoulder as you walk towards his mother and sister.
He is looking at you, and you know that even if he does not win, it will not matter. You are his by divine right, by the stars. You understand Helaena’s prophecy now, and she wraps you in her arms. Alicent embraces the both of you, letting out a breath of fear for her son.
Lord Tyrell takes his sword from it’s holster, mimicking Aemond.
They circle each other, and at first, it is silent.
The Septon has disappeared, you notice, probably thinking that this wedding is disgrace to the gods.
Your mother glares at you from across the aisle, your father watching the fight. You do not care.
“Maybe I’ll let you watch as I fuck her. You can imagine it is your name she’s screaming instead of mine.”
“Maybe I’ll let you live.”
His face drops, and is suddenly replaced with anger. He rushes forward, sword swinging overhead. Aemond blocks it easily with his sword, moving to the side. He crouches, foot swinging out to sweep Lord Tyrell off of his feet.
He falls, and breathes heavily. Aemond stands above him.
Lord Tyrell grunts, throwing dirt into Aemond’s face. He is disoriented for a second, and Lord Tyrell kicks him back, not being able to resist pushing him around.
But Aemond does not fall, and keeps on his feet.
Lord Tyrell chuckles. “You are a good fighter, Prince Aemond. A true dragon. But I know how to play with fire.”
“You would not know fire if it burned your face off.”
And then Aemond is leaping forward, engaging in a whirl of parleys and dodging, dirt being kicked up into the wind.
You can barely keep up, and realize you have been holding your breath. You let it out, feeling air refill your lungs. You imagine it was fire, and that you could use it to burn Lord Tyrell’s face off, and see if he can recognize it.
You almost laugh at the look of fear on Lord Tyrell’s face when his sword is knocked out of his hands.
He stands there, looking around desperately for some sort of plan. His sword is too far to run too, and his fists wouldn’t do much.
He looks up at Aemond, true fear in his eyes. You hold your breath. He could have another trick up his sleeve, but you doubt he is smart enough for that.
Aemond flips his sword around, using the butt of it to drive into Lord Tyrell’s sternum. He falls back, wind knocked out of him. He hits the ground with a thump, and you barely hear his next word.
Aemond lines his sword up at Lord Tyrell’s throat.
Then, he flicks his sword up and a small cut appears on Lord Tyrell’s chin, welling blood immediately.
“First bleed.” He whispers, and for a second, you are too stunned to believe it. He sticks his sword back into his holster. “Y/N.” You watch Lord Tyrell as he stands up, grabbing his sword and running away with his tail between his legs.
You run over, and he embraces you, and it is how it’s meant to be.
“I wish to marry Lady Y/N, as soon as possible.” Alicent comes over, bringing you both into a hug.
“We can start the preparations immediately.”
Helaena grabs your hand.
“The stars demand it, that we be sisters.” Her eyes widen and she nods, knowing that you understand now.
You mother and father walk over.
“We arrange this nice marriage for you,” Your mother is in tears, holding onto your father. “And you trample it under your foot. You are no daughter of ours.”
They stand there, wait for some sort of reaction.
Alicent wraps her arms around your neck, pressing a kiss to your temple. “You will always have a mother in me, sweetling.” You thank her, and your mother seems appalled, but your father tugs her away.
Aemond kisses the top of your head.
It is later in the evening, and you are flat on your back, sweating and panting. Aemond rolls off of you, breathing heavily as well.
He puts a hand on your face, so you’re facing him as he lays on his side.
“You were truly made me for me.”
“Dōna mēre.” Your High Valyrian is horrible. “What does it mean?”
He presses a chaste kiss to your lips.
“Sweet one,” He whispers against you.
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moth-eats-paper · 4 months
My complete thoughts on TMA through 93-200
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MAG Thoughts on ep 93-200
John's hand still hurts from the cult of the flame
There's also a missing calliope. I think thats how you spell it
The institute is a death trap.
Both John and Elias are vessels of “The Eye” and can make people spill their guts Gertrude was also one up until Elias killeClayr. So that's fun
Gorgeys not ok
Nor is Marten
I quite like the new girl shes funny
Is anyone in mag alive lol
Well idk John why does Elias do anything.
(I have no idea what i was trying to type here^)
Tim and Marten are not okay especially marten
Spooky doll thing changed her mind apparently
And Michael (the spooky one) use,d to be an assistant of Gertrude funnnn
Ep 100 time baby :3) No one in the institute knows how to interviewnoople except John and I'm pretty sure that's because of “the eye”
The spself-cannibalismThe spiders are weird
Why is this woman so calm about a ghost woman who's on fire burning her (poor marten he's very confused)
Tim is speaking to a maniac
Melanie (I think it's her) is speaking to a man who keeps getting side tracked
The poor detective
“Sarah wanted to use nails but I talked her out of it because I'm a good friend!” YOUR A MANNEQUIN (I love that line so much lol)
Oh wax love that
Mmm skin
Don't skin John please
oh he's going to kill John
Oh dear he doesn't want to be Michael
Oh he's making a statement
Oh god Gertrude
Unrelated but my cat has decided to try and kill me
Oh god Michael Shelley is very dumb
Only just know getting scared? What the fuck
Doors. fun
I can't even spell whatever that is
Of course she didn't care
Just don't trust Gertrud
The Worker of clay?
His laugh is silly
Oh oh dear
Oh dear the doors not working
So I guess the distortion only wants what that person wanted
Why does Elias just agree with the person who's trying to kill him
I think this man has bugs in his skin
He does
John can suddenly read French and then can't
Melanie keeps trying to kill people
(People being Elias)
Pig episode (like actual pigs not the police)
Oh the pig no no like you sir
Oh god I guess this pig is a weird thing
Oh god not more circuses
Oh dear I think the pig has decided to eat clowns now
Oh self cannibalism
Whelp the pig ate someone
Loud sound
The eyes doing it's thing
Tim keeps scaring people
Tims not ok
Tims brother went missing
I don't think it's Tim's brother
Whelp he's gone
Oh clowns know
I don't think that's your brother Tim
Oh blood
Oh dead clown
Oh no more skin .
Oh famous clown
Tim and Elias drama
Oh we're in China
Oh creepy opening
I wonder. Is this in Chinese? I know that the eye can allow you to read other languages in order to obtain more knowledge. Even if you never spoke that language or were able to read it you just suddenly are able to.
Oh screams
Nevermind I'm pretty sure it's in English cause it seems the person writing it is a British soldier
Does he have the black plague?
This is a sad man
“True and total war”
IT WAS FROM 2004 NOT 2014
Oh the proper one's are in America
Space station time
I wonder if this is the same space station as the one Gertrude read
I think she kept talking about it in one of the statements well more specifically the guy who it is from
We love Melanie (even though she keeps trying to kill Elias but she has a good reason)
Because the one Gertrude read was the isolation guy. This is about the other two people who were on the ship
Oh god the space weird space hands are back I think
Oh blood
Oh he's bleeding
Oh god he's just going to let himself die
Old screaming things
Don't envy the isolation guy he had a really shit time
Whelp now he's in limbo space
Oh deep thoughts
Melanie is thinking deep
She's skeptical of stuff
Oh dear
Viscera I think is how to pronounce her name?
Viscera and Melanie are gossiping and I'm here for it
Oh performance review
He can just make her watch her dad's death!
I want texas toast I'm going to go make some
Whelp he's being followed by a police officer
And Jared's “death”
He just has to read statements to make him feel better
A screaming oven lovely
What do you mean you'd burn them?
John is better!
I fucking hate Shakespeare
Lovely more masks
Poor Tim
And Melanie
Lucas seams so silly
Viscera gets really excited about her reading and I love that about her
Mmm more statements
I'm pretty sure John just asked for a statement because he was starting to feel sick lol
His accent is kinda hard to understand
Spoopy people
Love how she calls the vampire hunter old man
Oh bodys on table
Silent screamers
Staby stab
Oh she killed him
HAHAH DOLL THING (why is his voice kinda-)
More Marten :3
This girl sounds like an asshole
That is a long ass name
“Spiders are eating” PFF
Oh don't walk into people's jaws
Mmm Japanese spider movies
Oh spoopy
Oh they found A Way to distract Elias
A leitner?
Jared is cool
Jared's mom was an ass
Hmmm more things to kill and torture everyone
I keep forgetting meat is in this
Jared is so sad
We're back in America and they found a bomb and the taxidermy or what's left of it
John and Tim drama
Oh tunnels
Bomb time
The meats back
No more arm
And now he's in the water
Meeting timeee
Gurtrud tape time
I think this is from a older time in europe because of the writing and how it is worded
Mmm more robotic things
Mmm birbs
Oh he's being protective of martennnnn
Awww john
Melines to relatable
Aww goodbye Jarey
mmm masquerade
“sorry Elias I can't hear you there's a DOOR in the way” I love marten
Hehehe bomb
Oh god marten don't die
Uh oh
Mmm nothing is everything and everything is something
God what is happening
What the fuck is this
He's not responseuve
Oh eye always watching
(I'm listening to this for a second time)
Hehehe sad man
Oh dear
The sky?
Ma ma that's not edible
I don't want the box to sing
Oh tunnel
Hmmm blood
Hmmm watching
Oh dig
He screams
Who are we watching?
Bye Eliasss
Season 4 babyyy
Poor marten
This is so sad
First actual episode of season 4 :3
Oh statement
He sees how people die funnn
“What am I?” I ask that often
Ship into the middle of nowhereeeee
Nevermind it's death
Why ya calm
Did you accidentally kill a bunch of people
This is this Oliver guy
That's funnn
Oh boy
Melanie (I think it's her)might have scared him off
I keep sending the homophobic vase because I can
oh no it was gorge
Magic tape?
He's very confused and I can see why
Hehehe eye thing
Statement timeeee
I think this dudes on something
Idk any more everything is odd
This person's a little silly
Awww I love John
Even though he keeps making have deep thoughts
Oh oh god marten are you okay buddy
He miss his boyfriend (I'm desperately waiting for them to get together)
W E B yippee
Oh god meline she's very traumatized
Oh that hurt
(Not at the moment)
I think everyone's losing it
Real honestly
It's always weird MX statement person
Is the site sentient
Is this a thing of the eye?
No it was the web
Oh he's a fish kabob
I can't tell if this is the buried, flesh or end
it's the slaughter
Cause everyone slaughtered each other
Eye thing
126 is the distortion
The recorder is silly
Idk if I liself-esteemt he still will
Of course he's worried about his boyfriend
He had killed the thing
Lot of truck
We have bone Turner
Oh god that sounded ow
I can't really update during school
PFFF The eye is just my brain absorbeing things cause it's never anything useful
Garry reference
God damnit John stop being creepy to strangers
The computers are eating people again
Mmmm cult's
oh god
Oop angey Martin
Oh dear
Peter Lucas is an asshole
Into the lonely
John is so smart
Oh god the eye opens
They gay
Stop being depressed
TF you mean I'm faceless
Ah the not Sasha
Oh it pissed of John
“Ceaseless watcher turn your gaze on this wretched thing” HE SAID THE THING
Martens broken
They broke Marten
I think it the lonely
Oh god he's getting relatable
“I am marten blackwood and I'm not alone anymore” HAD ME SOBBING
It's the bone man idk what his name is but I hate his voice
Helen just wants to have fun
Who the fuck is doctor David
I didn't realize they could get any gayer
(They also just like feel asleep lol)
Doctor doe Jane is silly
HIII Helen!!!
“You've always said you were Helen!”
“I am! I also ate her… it's really simple if you don't think about it”
George and Melina are backkkk
And Meline fucking slays
The gays are arguing
Christ that is scary
“Shocker, I have self esteem issues. Not the point” I am Martin
This is adorable and sad
Oh god John
Oh he's pleading
That's scary
This doesn't sound like a tape
Oh god
He's going to die
I'm going to cry
He's going to kill him
I'm actually going to start crying
Oh god
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Sabre: How did the pig tracks get on the ceiling?
Rainbow Steve, holding Gerald upside down on the ceiling: Spider-Pig, Spider-Pig, does whatever a Spider-Pig does.
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spider-beetle-bee · 5 days
Partners In crime.
LMK Various x Demon!Reader
GN Reader; Not romance based; This takes place in season 3, Not too long after they are officially running from LBD. So MK has no abilities, correct me if I'm wrong. 
Reader is a demon of sorts, In short you can temporarily raise the dead. In order to gain more power you must either kill and absorb a living things living essence or a creature you "Revived" kills something. Whatever you raise has some form of chains on them, Usually the cuff(?) of the chains are centered around the creatures neck, arms, and legs. 
You chose what you look like but you do have chains hanging from your arms with the cuffs being around your wrists. You carry around a staff with a lantern hanging on the end of it. You chose what you and the staff/lantern look like. As long as something has died you can summon it, Doing so does physically and energy wise weaken you. As for who's side you're on? The winning side.
Type:No specifics
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You looked down from the building at the large Mech, Barely keeping to the shadows. Eyes widening at the sight, watching as the boy had lost the Monkey King's staff to the The Lady Bone Demon herself.  You had been trying to keep up on the news of her, But ever since she had been released from DBK you hadn't been able to keep up with any news. Although it is very hard to ignore the giant mech destroying half the city.
During your thought process the staff had been encased in stone and the boy had fled, The spider queen giving him time to do so. Of course you were intrigued but who would you help? If you wanted to help the Ivory Lady then you could just sit here and have a unfortunate ending, Or you could help the people that seem to be failing very miserably now....Yeah that seemed to be the best option. You stood up, Allowing yourself to be quickly surrounded by green souls to get out of the overall area, The lantern swinging slightly as you arrived at your destination. 
You were falling.
"OH SH*T!!" You held tightly onto your staff, Surrounding yourself with souls again, This time landing onto a flying drone thing. Making a loud clanking sound. You unfortunately having landed on your face, Interrupting the speech The Monkey King was giving. Everyone turning to look at you, Everyone being clearly on edge, You stood up fixing your (H/L) (H/C) hair, Looking over the group you let out a whistle.
"Bad time to drop in?" You barely had time to get that out before the Pig man started yelling at you. The very beat up Monkey King standing infront of the group, dispite his obvious lack of power, "Who Are you?! How did you get here?!!" The pig man was holding the boy with spikey hair behind him. While the green dragon girl stood beside the pig and Monkey. The Monk standing next to the map protectively. Infact it all looked like they were. 
You raised your hands in defense, A nervous smile curving onto onto your features. Your staff had long gone into a "Sentient" mode, The lantern hanging on your hip with the staff itself positioning itself infront of you protectively. "Woah! Gettin' a little uhhmm...Jumpy aren't we?" your voice didn't come out half as scared as you thought it was going to be, "You never answered, The question. Who. Are. You." Monkey king narrowed his eyes at you, "Glad you asked, I am [Name]! The Ruler of necromancy!! and I want to help." 
First oneshot done! Obviously I will make a part 2 at some point, Tell me what you think of this! And I'll see you next time! Thanks for reading! I ended up cross-posting this from my Quotev.
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