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manatee-master · 1 year ago
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shirly-gallagher · 8 months ago
Colin drempt of Penelope in nothing but her nightwear. No jewels. No fancy hair. No adornments of any kind. Just her. He drempt of her in her comfy clothes and that's just so lover boy of him...
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This is the most stripped down he's ever "seen" her. Comparable (at this point) only to their first kiss, and even then, she's dolled up, though that may have been the first time he's seen her hair all down and loose...
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His subconscious could have conjured up an exact replica image from their kiss the night before for this dream, but instead he pictured her in a much more romanticized way, and I love that for us...
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This boy is so soft and gone for his bestie. I mean, the main narrative of his wet dream was them confessing their feelings for each other and then making out?! Like!?
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0dattebanya0 · 1 year ago
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froggie1woggie · 1 year ago
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bookworm-with-coffee · 4 months ago
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Raise a glass for my underrated beloveds— the unstoppable Frye Twins!!! 🥂💓🎉
After 177 years, still aging better than a fine wine. Happy Birthday to the best Assassins that London has ever and will ever have 💖💅😌
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(And a VERY big thank you to Paul Amos and Victoria Atkin for bringing these magnificent characters to life so beautifully. The Jacob and Evie that we love so much would never have graced our screens the same without you xx 💖)
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erensbich · 2 years ago
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Y’ALL WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK. the fact that mr miller could look like this in part 2 is killing me, i can’t watch this my heart is in pieces
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w1nter-wolf-barnes1 · 6 months ago
We love a jealous Bucky!! He will claw anyone’s eyes out they touch his Steve
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buckysforeverprincess · 2 years ago
Tuesday and I’m in a STUCKY mood!!! Thanks Pinterest for all the images. Cred to all the makers!!
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asvospace · 11 months ago
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sevasims3 · 2 years ago
TS3 Mods Masterlist (updated 08/03/23)
Welcome to Seva's Mods Masterlist!
Over these two days, I've deleted my mods folder and completely revamped everything inside, so I thought I would share all the mods I use to make my game better~
If you see something that interests you feel free to have a look, as all links are by trusted creators, and they do a better job at explaining the mods than I could. Click below to continue:
UI Mods
Sakura UI Recolor by aecyia
Soft Pink CAS Screen by Kolakanin (There are 9 options, only choose 1)
New CC Icon Replacements by Ninfaryes (I personally use the Folder icons)
New UI Poses by TheSweetSimmer
Game Fixing Mods
Smooth Patch 2.1, Auto-Lights Overhaul by LazyDuchess
No Intro by Rick
Perfect Day Lighting Mod 4.0 (IP Water with Auroras) by BrntWaffles
Reworked & Improved EA Lights by Simsi45
Esstential NRaas Mods
Please note some of these mods are required to run other mods in this list, but not all. However, all mods in this list are compatible with each other. Listed first is the core mod, then after are any modules I use to improve the mods functionality and add features. More information is listed on the NRaas website.
MasterController + MCCheats, MCIntegration, MCProgression modules
StoryProgression + SPCareer, SPExtra, SPMoney, SPPopulation, SPRelationship, SPSkill modules
Careers + CareersAcademics module
Overwatch & ErrorTrap
Woohooer & Decensor
Other NRaas Mods (In alphabetical order)
Once Read
Sleep Freedom
Have Coffee with Me
No Fridge Shopping
Sims Drinks
Workout Costs Money
Gameplay Mods
These are listed in no particular order, categories are listed for ease of viewing. As always, please read the descriptions of any mod you download to ensure it will work properly in your game.
Longer or Shorter Pregnancies, Puddles and More! by AgentTexas
Gain Weight After Pregnancy by FloTheory
Breastfeeding Mod V11, Don't Put the Baby Down by Nona Mena
Apple Sauce Baby Food Replacement by Twinsimming
White Formula Baby Bottle Replacement by daluved1
No Mutant Hair or Eyes by Kitty Carey
Mixed Pregnancy Feelings by lizcandor
Birds and Bees v1.0 by Mingos
Childhood & Family
Acne Mod 2.0 Lite by Twinsimming
Napping Mat by Arsil
User-Directed Scolding by icarus_allsorts
The Journal Mod by Lyralei
All Traits for All Ages by mikey
Better Playdates by MissPat
MakeUp Kit v1.1 by mintbeehry
No Stretch Children Can by kapaer
MoarInteractions by Buzzler
Toddlers Can Ask, More Baby Interactions, Outdoor Activities for Toddlers, Replaced Child Hug, Toddlers Can Sit with Sims, Toddlers Can Sit on Couches, Biggest Little Mod for Toddlers, Toys are More Fun, Homework Tweaks by TheSweetSimmer (bless)
Skills & Careers
Write Scholarships for Money by gamefreak130
Saturday Jobs Pack by missyhissy
Comic Artist Career, IT Career, Modelling Career, Nursing Career, Pharmacist Career by missyhissy
Social Networking Skill Changes by othiym28
Flower Arranging Skill (!!READ WARNINGS!!), Knitting Skill (!!READ WARNINGS!!), Scribbling Pad Fixed by zoe22
Online Center by JunJayMdM
Lose Weight Gain Fitness Slower by Twoftmama Note: you need an account on SimsAsylum to view this mod
Faster Gardening by berryblonde
Degree Credit Hours by Beccapixie10
Others (by creator)
Thank You Note Fixes by gamefreak130
Set the Table & Call to Meal, Vending Machine Tweaks, Autonomous Fun in the Sun by icarus_allsorts
Nosy Sim Interactions by FloTheory
Learn Recipes from TV, Better Bartending, Non-Lethal Vending Machines by Darkcloudwalker
The Randomizer Mod (BETA) by Lyralei
Unrestricted Sponge Baths, Faster Leaf Raking, Painted Frames CASTable, Higher LTR Costs, Unhidden Traits by mikey
No Route Fail Animation by hryniuk
Enhanced Hospitals by PuddingFace
Variety Attraction by Fentonparkninja
Dining Overhaul by WeeAlbet
Sleep on Sofa(see the 7th reply for download) by lytefoot
Cmo Smoking Mod Overhaul by olomaya
EcoFriendly Cars (requires store content) by SimsMx
Taxi Charge by Sleepy-Genius
No Hopscotch Wishes by computeteen5
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shirly-gallagher · 8 months ago
No one can convince me that this wasn't Colin's heart breaking just a bit when Penelope said their kiss "would not have to mean anything,"
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Look at his little face!? I mean, in my mind (and many others, I'm sure) our boy was already smitten, head over heels, down bad as the kids say, but not quite ready to admit it. The kiss solidifies these percolating feelings, it makes everything real, and it brings it all to the forefront. In the books the only issue Colin had with kissing Penelope when she asked was that he wanted to so badly, and I'd like to think the same applies in the show, leaving Colin with this "wtf do you mean it wouldn't have to mean anything? It would mean everything! Right? RIGHT?!" look on his face...
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Colin had Penelope on his mind well before her glow up, well before their agreement in her garden, well before her showing up in "such a charming dress" and calling him by his formal name. His comment on her not returning his letters was too locked and loaded and right on the tip of his tongue for it not to be something he was ruminating on...
*cue nervous drinking*
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Each stage of Colin realizing his feelings for Penelope was writen plainly on his face. How no one else in the ton (aside from Violet and Debling) clocked it is beyond me...
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lesbiangummybearmafia · 2 years ago
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froggie1woggie · 1 year ago
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bookworm-with-coffee · 6 months ago
Stay. . .
(Vex x Reader)
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Plot; Thrust into a sudden date with no time to prepare, your fate may come to rest in the hands of one irresistible Mesmer— who may just like you more than he lets on...
Pairings; Vex x Reader (Romantic)
Warnings; fluff, jealousy, mature themes, coarse language
The racing thrums of your heart beat against your ribs painfully, lungs and legs burning amidst your desperate sprint through the busy streets.
"Watch it!", passers-by hissed as you brushed past. Others onlooked in confusion or panic over what may be chasing you.
However, all went unnoticed by you as your rushed journey lead you on to the ourskirts of town and to the broken apartment-shack of your best friends, Bo and Kenzi.
The latter had been ignoring your calls all morning and there was little time left before you were expected to be on a date with a Fae you'd crossed paths with only a few weeks ago in the Dal Riata.
'Shoot your shot', was Kenzi's eager encouragement, insisting that you needed to get into the battlefield of love.
And now that you were drowning in those waters she'd told you to swim in, your best friend had metaphorically disappeared off of the face of the Earth.
Thanks, Kenzi.
Shuffling through your pockets, you desperately searched for the spare housekey the girls had given you, for the case of an emergency— should one arise. Like now.
You fumbled and fussed, hissing when the key slipped from your clumsy fingers and clattered to the floor. "Fuck!".
The rickety door finally fell open once you'd managed to jam the key into the lock, wasting no time in forcing yourself into their shared and humble abode.
"Kenzi?", your shout was breathless, knees wobbling and thigh muscles spasming from your lack of stretching before this harsh journey.
Their living space was strangely abandoned, your aching feet leading you to the stairwell that lead up to Bo's room and their bathroom, going no further out of a want to be polite.
"Kenzi?!", you tried again, starting to fume with the prospect of her sudden abandonment of you. "Kenzi!".
Sighing through your gritted teeth, your eyes lulled in a short roll before closing in exhaustion and exasperation. Your head came to a soft rest against the doorframe of the stairwell, hardly anticipating to suddenly have your head lifted and smacked to the plaster without any control of your own. Not in a hard or harsh manner, but enough to make you wince and draw your attention to the culprit.
The living space wasn't quite as abandoned as you'd first thought.
Slowly, your unimpressed glare met the mischeivous twinkle of Vex's darker hues, the Mesmer seemingly proud of himself in his observation of you from the couch.
With his pink satin sleep mask sitting pretty on those thick raven locks, his head tilted, "Could you be any more obnoxious??".
"Nice to see you too, Vex", you huffed indignantly, rubbing at the reddening mark on your forehead. "I didn't know you were taking lessons on irony".
"Self-improvement, actually", he corrected you with his grin growing. "Something you should look into, sometime".
Despite the frustration boiling over within you, there was something so contagious about the Mesmer's caustic sarcasm and wit that always had your own smile flourishing, even now.
Vex was neither friend nor foe, but had slowly drifted closer to the former in the last months.
Abandoning his Dark Fae faction had been far from easy on him. The Mesmer lacked friends on both the Light and Dark sides of Fae, despite his actions in helping both factions and the humans against a threat that could've destroyed the fabric of reality itself.
Vex's actions previous to his betrayal of the Dark were beyond heinous and you didn't need to ponder his undoubtedly heavy conscience over the lives he'd broken and ended. He was beyond remorseful, even if no proper apology had yet been spoken.
In some ways, you'd felt drawn to the Mesmer, having faced a similar lack of belonging for most of your own life. If solitude had taught you anything, it was that anyone with a good heart deserves a second chance— that no one with grace in their hearts deserves to be alone.
There was always a strange gentleness about Vex whenever he spoke with you, finding his charisma addictive and his humour ensnaring. Wordlessly, you'd found enjoyment in his playful digs, ample able to keep up with them and bounce off of them with your own.
In recent months, you'd perhaps come to trust the Mesmer more than you'd ever admit.
"You've missed Kenzi by about—", Vex glanced to his wrist. "Half an hour".
"Any chance you knew where the girls were headed?".
"Beats me", the Mesmer shrugged. "It's not like I was invited. They just upped and left".
Leaving you alone. Your heart sank for him, even if it was for a moment.
"What's got your knickers in a twist anyhow?", his question startled you from your thoughts.
Sighing once more, you sat adjacent to him on the barstools in the kitchen. "A date. And no time to prepare or think—". You grumbled, "I never should have listened to Kenzi—".
A soft and mellow chuckle drew your gaze, unsurprised that the Mesmer was finding amusement at your expense, but there was something strangely reassuring in his glance as he finally addressed the issue at hand.
"You're worried over a date??". Your silence was answer enough. "Sorry to rain on your parade, Love, but you do realise that you have it all going for you?".
You blinked.
"That outfit may be in need of a vast improvement", he continued with a pointed look. "But, it's nothing to stress yourself over".
Shaking his head in exasperation, Vex made a move to return to whatever slumber he'd been having before your untimely interruption. "Now, if you'll excuse me—".
"Vex, wait!", your voice halted him, irking him to raise the pink fabric from over his eyes once more.
"Can't you take a bloody hint?", he whined, instantly softening to the desperate pleading in your hopeful gaze.
It was obvious you needed his help and that you weren't going to give him peace anytime soon.
Following a few moments of inner conflict, Vex finally relented with a huff, "When's this date then?".
"In a few hours".
"Tell you what", he started. "I get you all dolled up nice and proper for this date, but— ". He stressed the last word with a raised finger, stifling your building excitement. "— in return, I only ask for a mani, pedi and facial, at your own discretion".
"Cut the pedi and we have a deal", your arms folded, Vex feigning indecision with a pout.
"The pedi is cut. But, I want the full treatment and that lovely colour you're wearing", the Mesmer gestured to the shade of (f/c) on your nails.
"Deal", your grin was instantly mirrored by his. "So, where do we start?".
"I thought you'd never ask".
Vex began his work in the upstairs bathroom with steaming lavender suds in a hot bath. Whilst you took a long and much-needed soak in the soothing waters he'd kindly run for you, the Mesmer got to work on your outfit.
You hardly thought it was appropriate for him to be rummaging through Bo's extensive wardrobe whilst she wasn't home, but Vex had insisted that he 'practically lived here' and had already stolen and altered some of the poor Succubus' clothes for his own wear.
After leaving the floral warmth of the bath, you wrapped a towel around yourself, using the soft flannel material as a shield for your bodice.
In hearing you leave the tub, the Mesmer had eagerly sauntered from Bo's room with two outfits in hand, both stunning you into an unnatural form of silence. It left you to wonder what other things the Succubus wore and how she did so in the first place.
The horrified nature of your gaze left Vex to second guess his chosen options. "Too slutty??".
"If that's the word you want to use for—", your finger waved across the scant amount of fabric in his hands, "— that? ".
"Gotta leave something for the imagination, I 'spose", he sighed, eyeing one of the hangers with a sense of longing whilst placing it away.
"Does she have nothing else?".
Plucking an old cable-knit sweater from the ancient wardrobe, Vex judged the style with apprehension before offering it to you. "It smells like soap and the disappointment of no sex, but it's better than eau de neighbourhood stripper".
"Brilliant", the soft material was eagerly snatched, irking an eyeroll from your counterpart as his search continued.
"Finally", Vex pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans, the garment decoratively torn, yet suiting for the oversized sweater in your arms. "You should be right with that and a pair of belted boots. I'll see if Kenz has any lying about—".
The Mesmer seemed to almost enjoy being dedicated to your cause, the softest of smiles gracing your features as he raced around on your behalf. And for reasons that illuded you, you felt a sense of relief and gladness with Vex's presence, grateful that it was him looking after you, rather than your own best friend, Kenzi.
Feelings that heightened as your time in the Mesmer's care continued.
Endearingly, he had jested your outfit of choice, sniggering, "I'll be driving you to the bloody nursing home. Grandma phoned. She wants her style back".
"The 2000's called", you retorted with your own laughter. "To let you know that joke is as outdated as those leather pants you're wearing".
Incredulously, his mouth had fallen open in a faux sense of betrayal before collapsing into a fit of giggles.
Snacks and hair products soon littered the living room space, the Mesmer proud of both the mess and his 'artwork' once he'd finished styling your 'illustrious' locks.
"How lucky I am to be carrying this old thing", he all too excitedly whipped out his little ebony brush-bag from his pocket, wholeheartedly psyched to begin your make-up.
"Come here", Vex coaxed you gently, unable to mask his growing smile nor the fond nature of his glance as he invited you to shuffle closer to him on the old sofa.
The tips of his fingers delicately cradled your jawline and chin with a practiced care, darker hues monitoring your expression whilst he slowly applied the various layers with a tenderness you'd never previously observed from him.
Shades and depth soon became apparent in your skin, every movement and tickle of his brush feathersoft against your flesh.
The Mesmer sweetly whispered his actions beneath his breath, uttering his expert advice to you on how to apply blush on to the cheekbones and how less make-up is always more.
"Kenz was right", you marveled, gathering his attention some way through. His brows rose, beckoning you to continue. "Your make-up skills are the stuff of legend".
"Well", his lashes fluttered in a small bout of shyness, a humbled chuckle slipping from him. "I'm hardly done yet. Just wait til' you see me with mascara. That's my real trade secret".
Never had you bonded with Vex on such a level before, your usual and brief interactions with him in the Dal Riata paling in comparison to the in-depth conversation offered by your time alone together.
"Like I told Kenz. Just ever so softly wiggle up,—", he flecked the minuscule brush with a slight tremor to his wrist. "— shaking like a vibrator".
Knowing you had to remain still for him, you attempted to restrain your laughter at his hushed commentary, failing miserably as your cheeks curved in the wake of your smile.
Giggles bubbled their way up your throat by force, stumping the Mesmer to a complete stop. There was a thoughtful tilt to his head and a subconscious caress over your jawline from his calloused thumb as he watched your eyes light up.
The thought of a romantic relationship with you, among other things had undoubtedly crossed his mind once or twice in passing, knowing with some regret that you would never pick him. Who in their right mind would?
At one point, you had been enemies— at the recieving end of his controlling powers. Frozen on the spot as he'd nearly made you gauge out your own eye. Vex had never been more relieved now to have been stopped by your friends.
Nevertheless, you'd made it clear he was forgiven, for whatever foolish reason. Taken what should have been a killing blow meant for him only months ago, that shattered your arm and fractured a few ribs. After everything he did, you'd still defended his life, almost at the cost of your own.
"Vex, watch out!", he recalled your shout, feeling the hard shove of your palm pummelling him to the floor.
Whipping around from the shock, the Mesmer turned to see you clatter to the ground with an agonised cry, nursing the arm you'd tried to use to defend yourself against a crowbar.
There was immediate action from Vex. Enraged by your shared enemies, he used his powers to end them by the means of their own hands in a bloodied massacre reflective of his anger.
Crawling to your side, Vex assessed the damage of your already swelling arm as it started turning a ghastly hue of red and purple. "You saved me", he gasped out, hardly believing that fact himself.
"Of course I did, idiot", you'd growled, clutching at your limb with the excruciating throbbing rippling through every inch of your upper left-hand bones and muscles.
"Who's the bigger idiot?", he'd asked, attempting a smile that was followed by strained laughter on your part.
It made him realise that you saw something worth saving, even if the others never spared a thought for him.
Thereafter, your friend Dyson had been wary of Vex's presence in your life— rightly so, and advised you to stay away from the Mesmer, as he'd cost you far too much already.
"What's the history between you both anyway?", you'd asked the Shifter in nonchalance.
Within earshot of him, Vex heard Dyson give you the entire run-down of what a monster truly was. And it was very Vex-shaped.
And despite it all, you'd stayed.
"You're so beautiful", his soft murmur drew your thoughts into a flurry, spoken with an affection so uncharacteristic of the male before you.
The air in your lungs was gone, followed by your ability to speak. 'So are you', you wanted to reply, your throat taut with hesitation if only to avoid sounding cliché or ingenuine. Yet, every word would have been the truth.
With your current proximity, it had offered you the opportunity to admire the Mesmer for the first time up-close. Aware of every gentle detail of his expression, his flawless Fae complexion, the depth of emotions in those darker hues and the seemingly rueful quirk of his lips whilst he continued in applying your mascara.
"Whoever you're going with is going to be lucky to have you", he spoke, restraining his disappointment from burdening the tone of his voice. "You're going to knock their bloody socks off", Vex's grin brightened in an attempt to reassure you, a twinge of envy biting through his heart for the one you had chosen.
"Thanks to you", your words of gratitude humbled him again, the Mesmer only wishing he'd had more time in your company.
You felt a similar and estranged sadness of your own with your glance to the clock hanging high on the kitchen wall. You should have been happy to be leaving in full preparation for your date. Excited to have a good time with the Fae you'd been gushing over in the last week, instead finding yourself already mourning the thought of Vex's absence to go on what may be some mediocre date.
Vex was eccentric, confident and carefree. Unafraid of being himself, yet with a sense of insecurity and loathing towards any part of himself that had once fuelled his indifference and cruelty. Bearing a gentle soul that spoke to yours in the kindest of ways, encouraging you to come out of your shell and be more comfortable in your skin. To be yourself and be happy.
Everyone needs a Vex, you thought with some regret. Bitter that the others could not see him like this, save for Kenzi.
And with the events of the afternoon— the snacks and make-up, the talking and the laughing, the relaxed and lighthearted atmosphere— it felt like you'd already been on some sort of amazing date that was coming to a bittersweet or tragic end.
Vex snapped his mascara back into his make-up pouch, admiring his work with an impressed once-over from those glittering hues.
"You best be off then", he told you, nodding towards the clock and reaching for the unfinished bottle of spirits you'd both been sharing earlier. "And I'll be patiently awaiting that mani and facial. After you fill me in on the goss from your night out, of course".
Winking, the Mesmer took a swig from the bottle, nearly losing his mouthful through his nose at your joking quip, "That wasn't part of the deal".
"You can't expect me to do your make-up for you and not at least be told about the kiss!", Vex insisted, feigning offence. "I'm expecting bare minimum". Raising a stern finger at you, you both shared in what now felt like a natural smile, unrestrained and kindred. "Now, off with you".
Still sharing some proximity, you used it as an opportunity to lean forwards and catch the Mesmer's cheek in a swift and brief kiss that was much-deserved on his part. "Thank you".
The Mesmer's fingertips instantly flew up to the flesh that still tingled with the echoes of your touch, uttering out something akin to a soft squeak, "What was that for??".
"For helping me", your reply made his lashes flutter. "For being my friend".
Every word was well-meant and left Vex stunned into silence. It was the first inch of respect or appreciation he'd been gifted in the longest time.
He watched as you nodded to him, a signal that you were making a move to leave and felt a surge of confidence that made him lurch forwards instinctively.
All of it faded just as instantly once the Mesmer's fingers were gently tangled around your wrist. "Wait, Love—".
Thinking something was amiss, your brows creased, "What's wrong??".
Stay, he wanted to plead, knowing he truly had no right to ask it of you. That it would be another act of selfishness he could loathe himself for.
You saw a sense of longing cloud those darker eyes, his mouth parting to talk, but no sound willing to escape.
Vex watched the swipe of your thumb, sweet and reassuring over his paler knuckles, every last ounce of his restraint draining from him when at last he mustered the courage to meet your gaze.
"Oh, sod it all", he relented in a breath, crossing the rest of the space between you and drawing your body against his in one careful movement.
The Mesmer's lips instantly found yours with the precise ducking of his head, the contact tender, inviting and desperate all at once.
Adrenaline claimed your ability to think with every dizzying movement of his mouth into yours, the tastes of spiced liquor lingering on his supple and warm skin.
Any insecurities that were rising within him were silenced with the twining of your fingertips into the fabric of his jacket, anchoring him to you as if to fortify any previous indecision you'd had.
Whilst this erased none of his wrongdoings, perhaps this was a step forwards from your previous differences and towards something better for you both?
"Maybe— Maybe I'd like it if you stayed", Vex mumbled against the parted seam of your lips.
"Is that so?", your teasing drawl irked a sheepish smile from the Mesmer. "I was getting the impression you didn't like me".
"Impressions aren't everything, Love. 'Like' would be an understatement".
An urgent buzz resonated from your pocket, your eyes growing wide with the realisation that your original date was still scheduled for the next half-hour.
"Shit—", your exclamation made Vex giggle as you reached for your flip-phone.
It was a message. From your date.
Your heart stopped as the screen lit up with the message,
'Hope you enjoyed your date with Vex!! I'll be bringing home Bo and pizza laters. Lemme know if you'll be home. Use protection, kids! Kisses!! Xx - Kenz 😎'.
"That—", your mouth fell open incredulously. "That bitch! How did she—".
"Can't say I'm surprised", the Mesmer sighed in faux disappointment. "Those are some sloppy texts right there. It's a wonder you fancied this fella at all— Ouch!". He winced when you flicked his ear.
"You're one to talk", you laughed.
"I'm just saying, I don't mess around when it comes to texts. Just say what you bloody mean and be on with it. No need to be primitive".
"Or Kenzi", your addition irked a chuckle from Vex, his darker eyes growing softer as they continued to observe you.
"I 'spose if she hadn't paid the fella to lead you on before faking these texts herself, we might not have ended up here", he reasoned.
"So, what now?", your brows rose. "We staying for pizza??".
The Mesmer's larger hand found your own before he eagerly pulled you along towards the front door with a shake of his head,
"I didn't waste this whole afternoon doing your make-up to spend the evening with Succubuns and her fanclub". Snatching a set of housekeys from the side table, he offered you a wink, "Let's go make this town unsafe! The night is ours!".
"Dal Riata?".
"Dal Riata".
The End. . .
Hey readers!! ❤❤ I hope you all enjoyed this fic!! It's my first in a long while! As always, any and all feedback is welcome! So, please - let me know how I went in writing these characters and how to improve, if I can! If you wished to be added to my tagslist, check out my masterlist and let me know what you'd like to be tagged in!
Thank you all so much for your support!! 💕💕
TAGLIST; @demigoddessqueens @deadlymistletoe @ladysaturnsdust
(You've been tagged because you've expressed an interest to see these writings, but let me know if you no longer want to be tagged! Hope you enjoyed 🥰💖)
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Me everytime I think about Shane or look at him;
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7wuliy · 1 year ago
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i m1ss u
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and maybe it wasn’t my fault
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