#speaks: rory williams.
euphoriclusts · 2 months
open to: w / m / nb. character: rory williams. cis man. bisexual. nurse.
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"where have i been? oh...around. sick. busy. life, y'know?"
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yournewlodger · 4 months
Look all I'm saying is the last time there was a guy who had self-sacrificial tendencies, had kissed the Doctor at some point, had a name that started with "Ro" and we all thought he was the Master, we all looked like idiots because it turned out he was just somebody's husband.
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scienceandfandoms · 6 months
I was talking on Discord and accidentally spent an hour giving my thoughts on how well each new Who companion could take care of a baby. Note that I think most everyone on this list is capable of taking care of a baby for some amount of time. As such I'm adding how long I think they could do so/additional stipulations in bold. Also of note that a lot of these depend on when in their timeline we mean. I split some ratings based on this. Also also this is just for fun
So without further ado... How well New Who companions would do taking care of a baby (under the cut)
Rose Tyler: When we meet her she is so so young to be caring for an infant for a significant amount of time. But by the end of her time on screen? Sure. In EU content she's even got a kid. Rating: a few days at the start, long term at the end
Mickey Smith: Era specific. Definitely not for early Mickey. But once he's matured after spending time in Pete's World he could probably do it. Rating: maybe for an afternoon at the start, long term at the end
Captain Jack Harkness: Has had children canonically. This does not, however, fill me with confidence. Probably knows how to keep them alive more or less though unless their death would save the world haha who said that. Rating: inevitable heartbreak/10
Martha Jones: I'd trust her to do so at the start if she had to bc of her medical training and being slightly older/with her shit together. My confidence has only increased with time. Rating: most competent so far, could probably handle it long term if she had to right at the start
Donna Noble: Has successfully, canonically, on screen raised a spectacular daughter who is also a companion. A large portion of her time on screen in The Star Beast is dedicated to how good of a mother she is. Rating: companion I would trust the most with a baby for any amount of time
River Song: Another one that depends in part on place in the timeline and I'm not even gonna get into the thing where the Library makes her a parent or something at the end of that episode bc that feels forced af to me. But I feel like she'd lack confidence in her ability to care for a kid of any age, but take to it surprisingly well if she really had to do it. Rating: earlier in her timeline just no. Later in her timeline she could probably manage long term
Amy Pond and Rory Williams (they're a couple so doing them together): at the beginning they're also quite young (not even counting Amelia era Amy). They could do it but I think Rory would be picking up a lot of the slack for the same reasons I think early Martha could do it. Dubiously canonly they DID raise a kid (though it's unclear if it was from infancy), and in general there's so many timeskips they're a lot older and more mature by their departure and I think they'd be fine. Rating: carried by Rory to squeak out mid-long term success early on, but in a better position long term later in their lives
Clara Oswald: Clara has experience with children, yes, but ones that are SCHOOL age. Clara is not equipped to handle an infant. You can't be clever at an infant. Unless you speak baby. Maybe she forces the Doctor to teach her to speak baby. I doubt it would help. Rating: I wouldn't leave a baby with Clara Oswald for more than an afternoon and even that much is a gamble
Nardole: Has been seen looking after babies before. Seems reasonably competent at it. Up there honestly. Rating: long term right from the start. Or at least from his second episode he's just kinda doofy in THORS and there's a significant time skip after that
Bill Potts: While not as young as someone like Rose, her position in life is still one that makes caring for a baby for a significant duration difficult. Could she do it? Yeah probably if she really had to. But I want her to live her life. Rating: living situation complicates anything more than short term early on, probably capable of long term with resources even then
Ryan Sinclair: Chibnall companions are kinda nothing to me. Sorry. Please don't come at me for not being a Chibnall enjoyer. But it can be hard to get a read on them to me. Ryan is pretty young though so I'm gonna say best not. Maybe if he was written by someone capable of developing a character. Rating: short term would probably be okay
Graham O'Brien: Also Chibnall. In a better position age wise. Loses points for all the ableism with Ryan so maybe if the kid isn't disabled I guess. Rating: another short term candidate I suppose
Yaz Khan: Also Chibnall. Also young. Still probably not. I'm sorry canon Yaz is kinda nothing to me I know a lot of people really like her. Rating: competent enough for short term probably
Dan Lewis: Maybe the Chibnall companion I'd trust with a baby the most? I mean he's not barely an adult, and his main crime is outing someone which isn't really relevant to a baby. I think it's a bit outside his wheelhouse but he'd manage it okay. Though if he never unshrunk his house that might make it a bit more difficult for anything longer term. Rating: congratulations you get short term with longer term conditional on the assumption you have somewhere to go with said baby
Rose Noble: She's 15. But on the other hand she could ask her mom for help so if that's an option she's fine actually. Rating: probably a great short term babysitter, has the resources to get excellent assistance if she were to end up with a baby in the long term
Ruby Sunday: Another Quite Young companion and her introduction literally does feature a baby in her care getting kidnapped. She does get that baby back though and it's shown that she helps her mom with childcare a lot so big babysitter energy. Rating: short-mid term on her own, longer term with assistance
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multitude-of-doctors · 3 months
Here are a list of pairings that I'll have for each Doctor, I will separate them by Doctor.
/ - Familial & Friendship (Platonic)
X - Romantic
Bold - Pairings I'm most interested in (but will do others if asked).
9th Doctor
Doctor X Muse (OC or Canon)
Doctor / Muse (OC or Canon)
Doctor X Rose Tyler
Doctor X Captain Jack Harkness
Doctor / Captain Jack Harkness
Doctor / Donna Noble
Doctor / Jenny
10th Doctor
Doctor X Muse (OC or Canon)
Doctor / Muse (OC or Canon)
Doctor X Rose Tyler
Doctor X Simm!Master
Doctor / Jenny
Doctor / Simm!Master
Doctor X Captain Jack Harkness
Doctor / Captain Jack Harkness
Doctor / Donna Noble
Doctor X Martha Jones
Doctor X Clara Oswald
Doctor / Sarah Jane Smith
14th Doctor
Doctor X Muse (OC or Canon)
Doctor / Muse (OC or Canon)
Doctor / Donna Noble
Doctor / 15th Doctor
Doctor X The Toymaker
Doctor / Wilfred Mott
Doctor X Simm!Master
Doctor / Jenny
Doctor / Sarah Jane Smith
11th Doctor
Doctor X Muse (OC or Canon)
Doctor / Muse (OC or Canon)
Doctor / Amy Pond
Doctor X Rory Williams
Doctor X River Song
Doctor X Clara Oswald
Doctor / Clara Oswald
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lazer-screwdriver · 8 months
Rory cussing people out in latin <333
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tardxsblues · 2 years
just watched the angels take manhattan
how do doctor who fans not just combust on the regular?
even back in the peak superwholock era, i really only saw gifsets of ten and eleven being adorable goofs, and i vaguely knew of the various companions and their shenanigans, but ive been out here for years thinking it was a silly little space show (i now know how very wrong i was)
the heartbreak you go through on a regular basis with this show?? i don’t think i have ever shed more tears while watching something than i have with doctor who, and i am only on season 7
please forward support group links and helpline numbers, thanks
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riverswaltz · 2 years
doctor who characters and what their favourite taylor swift album would be
nine - fearless
rose - 1989
ten - red
martha - red
donna - red
eleven - speak now
amy - evermore
rory - red
clara - folklore
twelve - reputation
bill - lover
river - reputation
thirteen - midnights
yaz - evermore
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jonismitchell · 2 years
not me typing a message for my own neuroses and accidentally sending it while the person was online what is wrong with me
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solsthiems · 6 months
Rory Williams I’ll love you forever
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thespidersfrommarz · 9 months
amy and rory :,,C
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gallifreyanhotfive · 6 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 37
When Mel was 18 months old, she accidentally caused her older sister Anabel to fall down the stairs, which ended up killing her. Mel repressed the memories of her sister's death, and her parents decided to keep Anabel a secret from her. (Novel: Spiral Scratch)
When Leela eventually died, she was reborn as a girl named Emily. (Audio: The Child)
The Seventh Doctor visited Ace when she was a baby to apologize for many of the manipulations he would one day put her through (and that he would continue to put her through) because he thought it was easier talking to a baby than a teenager. He stole a baby picture of Ace and replaced it with a playing card while he was there. (Short story: Ace of Hearts)
Oliver Harper joined the First Doctor and Steven on the TARDIS because he was running from the police, who were chasing him because he had been outed as homosexual. (Audio: The Perpetual Bond)
Martha Jones met the Thirteenth Doctor while she and the Tenth Doctor were stranded in the 1960s after being attacked by the Weeping Angels. (Comic: A Little Help from My Friends)
The Fifth Doctor can go between referring to the TARDIS as "old girl" and as "flying deathtrap" incredibly quickly. (Audio: Zaltys)
Dodo Chaplet's funeral was attended by only two people: James Stevens and the Doctor. Her entire life after leaving the TARDIS was a shitshow and became dark enough that I will not elaborate here. Feel free to do some digging, but it is not for the faint of heart. (Novel: Who Killed Kennedy)
However, there are other accounts of Dodo's post-TARDIS days that do not end as terribly for her!!!! :D
The Doctor's frequent trips in a damaged TARDIS during the 1970s and 80s disrupted Earth's timeline to such a great extent that the two decades folded in on each other, making 20 years worth of events happen in 10. This is how the UNIT Dating Controversy was addressed. (Short story: The Enfolded Time)
The Brigadier once bullied the Third Doctor into getting his metabolism checked over because he didn't believe the Doctor would be safe in Bessie or the Whomobile. While this was all happening, Sarah Jane helped foil a Dalek plot. (Audio: Glorious Goodwood)
Adric does not speak English. He hears Alzarian through the TARDIS translation circuits. (Audio: Zaltys)
Ace has a younger brother named Liam but didn't remember he existed for a long while because their father took him when their parents separated. (Audio: The Rapture)
While on a school trip to the Natural History Museum, Ryan and Yaz helped the Second Doctor fight Myriapods, which are insect like in nature. (Short story: The Myriapod Mutiny)
For a while, the Tenth Doctor traveled with Heather McCrimmon, descendant of Jamie McCrimmon. (Comic: The Chromosomal Connection, et al...she's in a lot of comics)
Rory Williams became Caesar of Rome as an Auton after the death of the Empress Augusta. (Audio: The Unwilling Assassin)
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targaryenluvs · 9 months
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pairings: eleventh doctor x fem!reader (romantic), amy pond x fem!reader, rory williams x fem!reader
summary: the chaos of your boyfriend the doctor, amy, and rory organising your birthday. but seems there’s some miscommunication and clashes when it comes to agreeing.
warnings: none! fluff, bickering between eleven rory and amy over who knows you better, kisses, hugs, short blurb
a/n: no clue why i haven’t yet written for one of my fav shows yet
you’re slumber is ruined by extremely loud voices originating in the kitchen. it wasn’t even morning in your eyes yet everyone was awake. eleven being awake made sense but rory and amy? especially amy with how cranky she gets. speaking of eleven, he wasn’t in bed.
which wasn’t odd since he quite literally didn’t need sleep but he usually got out of bed when you woke up. you’d find him reading, tossing a ball up and down, talking to himself and you, some of the more tame times. once you found him trying to do gymnastics in bed.
as you got up and made your way into the kitchen you found the three of them with a cake. “no! no! you’ve got it wrong her hair isn’t that short rory!” amy scolded as rory sighed, “i swear it is! did she not get a haircut?” amy slapped him upside the head which had the doctor laughing, “that was me you dummy. and you, quit laughing and get to icing.” the doctor raised his hands,
“ah but you see, i already have!” rory and amy’s gasps were loud. “green! you put green love hearts on the cake and- is that a hat? oh god is it a fez? and a bow tie?” amy groaned as eleven reached to adjust his own, “bow ties are cool.” the three of them spoke in unison, “i quite adore your bow tie collection eleven.” rory’s eyes widened as he realised you’d seen them. “no, no, no, no! you are not supposed to be here.”
so you wait in the living room in the meanwhile. not long after the three come in, all holding a, special cake. whilst from one side it looked gorgeous the other was a mess. you spotted a drawing of the four of you holding hands, the tardis in the background and it looked as if a five year old had drawn it.
the party in the living room has copious amounts of clashing colours and themes and they all had flour and icing on their faces and clothes. “we’re sorry for ruining it.” amy frowned, they all looked like kicked puppies and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“ruin it? i’ve got to be one of the luckiest girls around to have three people love me so much that they fought over my birthday and what to do for it. i love the cakes and the party. thank you guys. seriously.” you smiled as everyone slowly cheered up.
“you like it seriously?” rory asked as you laughed, “yes i do you idiot.” you pulled them all into a tight hug as you all laughed. you registered the rogue hand placing a certain fez on you’re head.
“now who needs party hats when we have these bad boys.” the doctor grinned as you placed the fez at the centre of your head. “i’ve never looked better.” he smiled at you, “never.” you kissed him sweetly, a hand on his cheek as you glanced over at rory and amy fussing over who got to give you the first slice.
“yeah, i wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.” you had your people right here.
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yournewlodger · 2 years
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scienceandfandoms · 2 years
After all these years, I have finally realized Moffat's true vision for the Eleventh Doctor. This is what Doctor Who was always meant to be
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multitude-of-doctors · 3 months
I decided to create a wishlist of Canon Characters that I would love to write with for my muses:
Disclaimer: This does not mean that I won't write with your Muse if they aren't any of the characters listed, you can refer to my pairings post for pairings I like.
Rose Tyler
Captain Jack Harkness
15th Doctor
The Master (John Simm)
The Toymaker
Donna Noble
Jenny (Doctor's Daughter)
Martha Jones
Wilfred Mott
Clara Oswald
Sarah Jane Smith
River Song
Amy Pond
Rory Williams
Oswin Oswald
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anki-of-beleriand · 10 months
Bad Liar Ch. 9
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Summary: Life is about lessons, and Wanda has been learning some harsh facts that had define her life and taken her to a place in which she was given a second chance. Then, all of a sudden, she meets you, and she realizes why it's easier to lie to yourself than to accpet what's right in front of her.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff/ Female!reader - America/Kate - Mentions of past Vision/Wanda - past Natasha/Reader - Some Female!Reader/Carol Danvers
Warnings: Slow burn - slightly Enemies to friends to lovers - Mentions of abusive relationships - Toxic relationships - angst - drama - mentions of abuse - idiots in love - homophobia - more tags as the story progress.
Author's note: Reader and Wanda are confronted by others in regards to their growing feelings, an accident shakes Reader's world, and America and Kate are just two idiots in love.
As always, English is no my mother tongue, so please forgive the grammar, spelling and funny mistakes!
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Chapter 18
Chapter 9
The vulnerability of love
The soccer field was completely drenched, the field completely unkempt after the soccer team training session every single one of them getting ready for the final match on Saturday.
Even in the midst of such a cold mid-morning, everyone was still filling out the soccer field with some of the team members practicing with the ball and others simply warming up. It had been a small morning, and America hated to be just a spectator to what had been happening from more than twenty minutes. They were supposed to enjoy lunch time out in the open, Kate had been quite insistent to just go over the field and America didn’t understand why until they met with a very sweaty and drenched Riri Williams waiting for them.
America rolled her eyes clenching the thermos flask Kate had left to her care just so she could go down the stands and joined Rori in her training session. America clenched her jaw watching as her best friend giggled while allowing Williams to put her hands on her waist, Williams leaned in whispering something in Kate’s ear and the young woman flushed shaking her head while wriggling her hands nervously. America didn’t know when Kate had taken interested in soccer, she had always been a sports fan but this particular sport was never something she paid closed attention to. Not until now.
Not until she found out Riri Williams was the Captain of the team and they had started talking almost every day ever since Riri helped them out with Wanda’s file.
“You either are going to throw that to Williams, or you're going to break it.” Loki stated leaning back on his elbows, he tilted his head smirking at America. “Personally, I'm bored so I wouldn't say no to you starting something up with Williams.”
Yelena snorted, slapping Loki on his head, Kamala huffed, pressing her lips together. From that distance they couldn’t hear what Riri and Kate had been talking about, but it was something that had made Kate nervous, she would glance up towards her friend every once in a while before shaking her head and pressing Williams into teaching her some moves.
“I don't think America stands a chance���” Kamala said all of a sudden, America turned sharply towards her glaring at her friend who smiled apologetically. 
“What the hell is that supposed to be, Kamala?” America exclaimed as she pointed a finger to the field, eyes narrowing. “I could take Williams with my eyes closed if I wanted to!”
Kamala winced looking for some support but finding herself alone in her argument, she opened her mouth to speak but Yelena beat her to it. 
“Look at those legs, that abdomen, that skin…” Yelena leaned back patting Kamala on her back. “I'm with Khan on this one, Williams could take you in a fight, and Kate would finish the job if you mess with her girl.”
America was building a counterargument passing around the edges of the stands when Yelena’s words hit her brain. She faltered in her footsteps, and that was all it took for she too lose her footing and slipped down the group of stairs, America could hear the screams from Loki and Yelena, but her world soon became a mixture of colours and blurry images as pain filled her senses. She hit the ground with a heavy thud, the air leaving her lungs as her mouth opened in a silent scream, America clenched her eyes for a moment, her lips parting to let out a whimper filled with pain.
The young woman heard her name being called but her mind was still trapped in the piercing pain she felt on her back, arms and legs. A warm sweaty hand placed itself on her forehead, she fluttered her eyes open to see Kate's worried frown and her lips pulled into a thin line. 
“I didn't spill the chocolate.” America said, offering a pained smile. 
“You're an idiot.” Kate said affectionately, she lifted her face to see Riri coming over with the coach and the assistant. “Stay here, Riri is bringing help.”
America winced, rolling her eyes, “woah, the hero to save the day, fantastic.”
Kate frowned at the sarcasm dripping from America's tone. She was about to say something but soon the coach put her away to see how bad the young woman on the ground had hit herself. 
Kate turned around to see Kamala, Yelena and Loki leaning forward torn between being worried and amused. She placed her hands on her waist glaring at them. 
“What did you guys do?” The question came accompanied by a hiss, Loki and Yelena looked at one another then at Kamala. “Guys…”
“We did nothing, Kate Bishop.” Yelena shrugged. “She was just a little worked up because you were too distracted with your girl over there.”
“And we kind of point out that she could take America in a fight and that you wouldn't take it lightly if America were to mess with your girl, that’s when she fell.”
Kate opened her mouth to retort until she frowned cocking her head to the side. 
“My girl?” She blinked away a couple of times, then her eyes turned into a fierce glare as she finally caught up with her friend's game. “You guys…”
“Hey, Kate, we have to take her to the infirmary.” Riri came from behind her, placing a hand on Kate's shoulder. 
“What? Why? Is she okay?” Kate forgot all about her friends and focused her attention on America who was being put on a stretcher, Riri tried to offer a comforting smile but Kate could see there was something else bothering the other girl.
“She is going to be okay, but she may need some medical attention, an X-ray and perhaps painkillers and a good massage. She bruised her back, and ass, so perhaps you could help her out with that massage.” Riri winked playfully at a now blushing Kate who was torn between being completely worried and slightly embarrassed by the comment.
“You can go with her; they’re taking her to the infirmary.” Riri placed a hand on Kate’s arm, her lips curling in a comforting smile. “Go on, I bet you're dying to do just that, play the nurse and everything…”
“Shut up, Williams.” Kate hesitated for a moment before mumbling. “Thank you.”
Without wasting any more time, she sent her friends one last glare before joining the coach and his assistant that were carrying America on the stretcher.
“Don't you guys think you're taking this too far?” Riri asked, turning to the group. 
Kamal shrugged sitting down on the bench, she pointed a finger to Loki and Yelena. 
“I think we should stop before this end in a tragedy.” Kamala made a gesture with her hand pointing to the ground and Riri. “It is fun and games at first, but you know this could end in a heartbreak.”
“Oh, Kam, don't be overly dramatic.” Loki exclaimed, his elbows on his knees. “Everything has gone according to plan, and Williams here has had her fun as well.”
“Besides, I think this is the best way to make those idiots finally give in.” Yelena kicked the grass tilting her head. “Though, I have to admit the probability of this ending badly is high.”
Kamala set her eyes on Riri who lifted her arms and shook her head. 
“Don't look at me, I'm here for the ride.” She smirked, putting her hands on her hips. “And it has been fun and all, but I think one of these days Chavez is gonna break my nose or something.”
Kamala rested her chin on the palm of her hand, she couldn't shake the feeling this was a bad idea, but she had to admit the plan was solid. She lifted her dark eyes to Riri who was now engaged in a conversation with Loki and Yelena.
The day was growing older, Kamala huffed thinking about her conversation with Kate and the confusion growing inside Bishop. They all had one year left in school before they would need to part ways and start college. They had all been friends since kindergarten, and while at first everyone thought of going to the same University and be together forever, they each had started taking measures to ensure their future. Kate and America had been so reluctant to grow in that aspect of their life's, and while America had been protected by her sister taking over the family business, Kate was not so lucky. 
“You look thoughtful, is there something you're not telling us?” Loki sat beside Kamala watching as Riri taught Yelena how to kick the ball. 
“Next year we are all gonna be so busy trying to enter into a university and decide what to do…” Kamala broke into a nostalgic smile. “I think America and Kate are thinking about that responsibility, you know?”
“I thought you shipped them together.” Loki stated, Kamala rolled her eyes at the term. 
“I do! They are so good together.”
“Then, why are you so worried? This plan is going to work.”
“Loki, what if they have to end everything after having gotten just a year of relationship?” Now Kamala grabbed Loki by his forearm, glistening eyes showing the deep emotion she was experiencing and Loki could do nothing more than to roll his eyes. 
“You know that's ridiculous, right? They had been in love with one another since America gave her lunch to Kate after she dropped hers by tangling on her feet.”
Kamala giggled remembering the first time they had met America in school. At least, the first time they had talked to one another. Loki hesitated, pressing his lips for an instant before letting out a suffering sigh, his right arm wrapped comfortingly around Kamala's back. 
“Everything is going to be fine, Kam, this is just a push in the right direction, but in reality this is something that will happen sooner than later.”
And Kamala had to believe that. 
She knew Kate was still afraid to tell everyone about her decision, and America had never made it a secret of what she wanted in life. Sooner or later they would need to part ways, so why not let love find a way? 
Wanda Maximoff strolled down the hallway, her hands busy texting you as she approached the infirmary. She chewed on her lower lip seeing as her messages went through but left unread. 
It had been a couple of days since she had last seen you, and just a couple of hours since she last spoke with you. Wanda found herself once more in a turmoil of emotions with you at the centrefold. It certainly had been too long since she had so much fun and found herself relaxing and enjoying her time with the twins and anybody else for that matter. A small smile played on her lips, her chat with you filled with nonsense and meaningful conversations that made Wanda's heart flutter with longing. 
Not for a single moment had Wanda stopped to think about the consequences of the game she had been playing with you. She had tricked herself into believing that whatever she was experimenting was normal, that it was something she could control but that little by little had sneaked inside her heart whenever she talked to you, whenever you smiled at her, whenever she was closed to you.
“Professor!” Kate Bishop stood up rather quickly, her eyes wide and filled with a spark of concern that translated into a terse smile. Wanda broke from her thoughts seeing Kate coming her way with a frown attached to her features.
“Hey, Kate, are you alright?” Wanda placed a soothing hand on Kate's shoulder, and the young woman nodded curtly. 
“She hurt herself pretty badly, such an idiot!” Kate turned around lifting her hands in the air while pacing around the small waiting room. 
Wanda dropped her shoulders, her thumb caressing the carcass of her phone. She followed Kate while the young woman ranted half exasperated and half concerned. It was not a secret that Kate and America had been best friends since forever, and for Wanda it had been quite evident both girls seemed to be at the edges of something else. 
The woman stopped her trail of thoughts when you came into her mind. The similarities were there as well, but Wanda knew without a hint of a doubt that you and her were friends. Just good friends. Nothing else. It couldn't be, it was not possible. Wanda was no gay and you… Well, you were, but Wanda wasn't. And even if Wanda was, or entertained the idea, you were taken. Not that… 
“Professor?” Wanda jerked awake from her internal rant, she turned to see Kate watching her with curiosity and some exasperation at being ignored. 
“Sorry, Kate I…” Wanda made a gesture with her hand to cover up her lack of attention. 
Kate huffed, pursing her lips to the side. 
“Your phone was ringing, and Doctor Sue wants to see you.”
“Right, let me see what they need.”
Wanda covered her flustered face entertaining herself with the phone. There was a new message and this time around the fluttering in her heart intensified, and her stomach dropped deliciously. 
I know, Tasha just called, I just left my office and I’m making my way over there, Wands. I’ll be there in 30 minutes, thank you for telling me. See you in a few.
“Wanda?” Sue Storm stretched her hand towards the newcomer, she smiled nodding backwards. “She is in there, I have to give her a sedative because she was in pain.”
“Thank you, Sue, is it too bad?” Wanda tried to get a glimpse of the bed in which America was now fast asleep. 
“Well, not too bad.” Sue made a face signalling a chair, Wanda sat down with Sue who fixed her hair while chuckling. “At this time of the year, when they are not careful, these kinds of accidents do happen. And America is…”
“Prone to them?” Wanda contributed; Sue made a face nodding. 
“Yes, I guess it's only normal, Y/N was the same when we were in school.” Sue chuckled, lifting her eyes to the ceiling before turning to Wanda. “She will need some x-rays just to make sure everything is alright, and probably won't be able to come to school for a while, her back and legs are all bruised up.”
Wanda winced chewing on her lower lip, she dropped her eyes to her mobile and her fingers flickered with her unconscious desire to text you. 
“Have you talked to her?” Sue asked softly, Wanda lifted her head frowning. 
Sue held back her amusement, “no, Y/N. I know you two are like friends, right?”
Wanda hated the warmth she felt on her cheeks, and the knowing glance the doctor was sending her way was somewhat unnerving. It was the same stare she received from Natasha, or from Hope whenever Wanda decided to talk about you. Or rant against you, depending on her mood. 
“Oh, I…Yeah, we are, I just talked to her…” Wanda hesitated for a moment, bouncing her left leg and she opened her phone but you had not written anything yet. 
“She said she will be here in 30 minutes.”
“Perfect, I guess that covers it.” Sue stood up pointing to the bed in which America was asleep. “I guess we can let Kate come in before she opens a hole in my waiting room.”
Wanda chuckled, nodding in agreement. 
“She is worried.”
“That she is, you want to see her or are going to wait for Y/N?” 
There it was once more, the tone of voice and the glance that told Wanda everyone knew something she didn't. It was slightly unnerving, and Wanda couldn't shake the feeling that it was as if she had been discovered. As if her attraction for you was so evident everyone was amused by it. But it wasn't possible. It couldn't be. Right? 
“America is my student so I will wait for her sister to make sure she can…I mean, so…”
“So she can take America to the doctor?” Sue helped the other woman when Wanda seemed a little lost for words. 
“Yeah, that. Yes.”
Sue shook her head, now she understood why Natasha and Hope had been torn between being amused and concerned about this newfound friendship. Wanda looked a little lost, while you usually were so easily smitten. Sue observed as Wanda allowed Kate inside the room while talking softly to her, America completely asleep for the time being. 
Then Kate went to America and Wanda left. Sue put her phone away dialling a well-known number. 
“Hey, Stephen, how are you?”
The parking lot was almost empty, you sighed getting out of the car with your earphones still on. 
You think you can be here in an hour? 
“Yeah, Stephen, don't worry, I'll be there with America, I just got to school so…” You strolled down the sidewalk towards the main building. 
Good, Sue told me it was probably nothing but wants to make sure so let me know and I send for the both of you. And make sure you take her out on a wheelchair. 
Your heart dropped at those words, your hands were sweaty at the thought of America being hurt. The moment Natasha called you to inform you about the accident your world stood still. She had assured you it was nothing bad, and soon after Wanda had made the same comment trying to ease out your worries. But this was your little sister, and hearing the word accident brought forth unwelcome memories. 
“Hey, you're here.” You faltered in your steps turning to see Wanda coming towards you. 
In a moment of sudden vulnerability you hugged her tightly, your whole body relaxing as soon as she allowed her arms around you. Her warmth and body comforting your aching heart. 
“Y/N, are you alright?” She whispered, her hand caressing your hair. 
“Yeah, I just…thank you.” You stepped back, your body going rigid and whatever flickered of weakness disappeared almost instantly. 
“It's okay, she is fine. It was a simple fall but…”
“It was an accident.” You stated bitterly, Wanda frowned but you waved away her confusion. 
“Come I need to see her and then I'm taking her to see Stephen.”
Before you could resume your walk a single hand wrapped around yours. Your air caught in your throat, and your heart stopped beating as Wanda came closer to you, her free hand cupping your cheek. For a moment you thought she was going to kiss you, and Wanda entertained such an idea by letting her eyes drop to your lips then to your eyes. She leaned in placing a single kiss on your cheek. 
You let out a single gasp, her hand tightening around yours and while she stepped back the distance between the both of you was almost non-existent. 
“America is going to be fine, for what I heard she is as tough as her sister, also prone to such troublesome outcomes.” Wanda offered a comforting smile that you couldn't help but return. 
“Thank you.”
Wanda smiled shyly at you, looking away before she did something that could destroy the friendship she was forging with you. You hesitated and then leaned in placing a kiss on her forehead, your arms sneaking around her waist pulling her closer to you. 
“I mean it, Wands. Thank you.”
Wanda was left in the hall, her heart almost coming out of her chest and her skin imprinting the memory of your lips on her forehead, your body so close to hers. She tried to regulate her heartbeat, and then with a longing she had never felt before followed you into the infirmary. 
America couldn’t help the grin adorning her features at the sight of Kate and you fuzzing around her fixing everything in her room to make these days more passable. You brought some more pillows, and Kate went right on to fix them around America smiling at her friend while letting the flicker of concern shadow her stare.
“Are you sure you don't need anything else?” You checked the pillows and the blankets, making sure America had the two bottles of water and the medication for the pain. 
“I can make sure to bring something else, if you need anything at all.” Continued Kate wriggling her hands in front of her.
“Shouldn’t you be home? Today is a school night, Katie Kate.”
“Ugh, you know I hate that nickname.” Kate rolled her eyes pressing her lips together while making her way to the chair near the window. “And I brought my bag, and mom will send for me later on, so I’m going to do my homework with you and keep you company, so suck it up, Chavez, you’re stuck with me until I said so.”
America softened her features; she followed Kate with her eyes missing your expression of amusement. You stood there for a brief moment, the medication and the water on the bedside table, as well as everything America could need if the night became too much for her. The fact that Kate had come over to help you out had been a great plus, and it had given you the chance to take a deep breath and be there for your sister.
Once Kate had started babbling about homework and facetime with Loki, Kamala and Yelena, America could turn her attention to you. You had been standing in complete silence on the side, the young woman knew she had been quite an idiot for falling down the stands at school. The doctors had been optimistic, and while she had not broken anything, it was quite obvious she hurt her back pretty dumbly. A part of her was embarrassed by the accident while another part was sorry for the fact she was making you overreact with the care and attention she was giving you. America tried to calm you down, perhaps providing you with some jokes or easy words. But at the moment she was just tired and in pain, the only thing she wanted was to be sedated. 
“You know there is a new TV show you may like, and I already talked to Tasha and sent her over the medical records for your sick leave notes.” You broke your silence all of a sudden, America nodded pressing her lips together.
“So no chance of missing out on school?” She asked, you snorted and Kate huffed in disbelief.
“Of course not! And you need to be on top form because the festival is two weeks away.” Kate commented, America made a face shrugging.
“I don’t think I wanna go…”
“You have to!” You and Kate stated at the same time, Kate looked almost horrified by the idea and you looked hopefully at your sister.
“I am the one organizing this, and if I’m going to be a chaperone you better be there, kiddo.” Then, as if you were trying to convince yourself nothing was wrong, that you were fine, you started talking about all the things you and Wanda had planned so far.
You were almost babbling by then, after having you completely silent during the afternoon, America was slightly concerned at your sudden talkative persona. You busied yourself by arranging America's clothes, and some books, for a moment everything seemed okay until you just stopped what you were doing and stood watching to her bookshelf where a picture of her and yourself was resting. 
“You know? This is nothing, I just didn't calculate my steps and the bleachers were slippery.” America gauged your expression trying to see your face waiting to know what you were thinking exactly, Kate let her eyes wander from you then back to America trying to understand the sudden change of topic coming from America.
“And you heard uncle Stephen, I'm gonna be fine.”
“I know.” You turned to her making your way to where she was resting comfortably. “That’s why you need to get better, Kiddo, so you can go to the dance with us…so, everything will be fine.”
You leaned in to place a kiss on her forehead, America opened her mouth to say something but she knew at the moment you were just trying to pretend everything was fine. She sighed glancing at Kate out of the corner of her eyes. 
“I love you.” America screamed out before you left the room, your eyebrows shot upwards and your lips finally curved into a tiny smile. 
“Love you too, kiddo. Do your homework and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” Both Kate and America blushed as you left chuckling closing the door behind you.
You finally sat down on your sofa with the sound of a random TV show filling up the empty living room. You closed your eyes, resting your head on the back of the sofa letting the sounds washed away your concerns and the fears that had erupted inside you that day. You could smell the sweet aroma of the whisky you had pour for yourself, but you didn’t dare to drink; it wasn’t so much that you need it, but it was a comfort to busy yourself with just about anything you could.
Your life has taken on quite a turn as of late.
Your weekend had been filled with magic and discoveries, the time you spent with Wanda and the kids had filled you out with a longing you were not familiar with. You had laughed, and you had relaxed, you had shared and you had never before had so much fun or felt so safe by being around someone such as Wanda. Your heart fluttered at the memory, and your mind was a whirlpool of possibilities of what would happen if you were just to take a leap of faith with the other woman. Would it be worthy? Would she want it? Would she want you in the same way you wanted her?
Sometimes you thought you saw the signs there, in the way she looked at you with such a warmth glint and that tender smile. In the way she let her touches linger, or how she always seemed to be closer to you, to lean into your touch and just let the tension built up to the point you and her waited for something to give in. For something to happen.
Then, there were times in which you remembered she was married, that her husband was still out there and that she probably was not even interested in women. Perhaps that was Wanda’s way to be a friend, and you coming onto her would be just wrong. Unnecessary. Perhaps, even unwelcome.
As if that wasn’t enough, you had been under a lot of pressure ever since you signed the contract with Jarvis. The man was unbelievable, and he certainly thought highly of himself; not only had he come to the office as if he owned the place, but he had also been trying to get into your good graces by disrupting your meetings and your office whenever he wanted it. It had only been one day, but you were about ready to call Fury and tell him you would no longer keep up the façade. Maria had been the one talking you out of it, reminding you this was for the greater good and that it wouldn’t take too long before they got the man. Still, your had life had complicated just a little bit more when, in one of those rants Jarvis threw your way that day, Monica Rambeau decided to barge in and demand answers about your break-up with Carol.
Carol Danvers would always be your biggest what-if, and your biggest regret. She had always been your friend, and as such, you loved her very much. When you two decided to start a relationship, you had done so ignorant of her feelings for you, and while this didn’t excuse you for using her, you always thought it was a game for her as much as it was for you. You sighed remembering just as Monica said Carol had left that day, no good-bye and no announcements. She just left.
And while you would always be there for Crol, you couldn’t help but thing of what you could not give her, the love that she so deserved and that now seemed to pour out of you in waves towards a single individual you thought impossible.
Wanda Maximoff. 
The woman was a complete mystery to you. Her mannerism, her wit and her contradictory personality were some of the things that had enchanted you from the first moment. Getting to know her had been a plus you never thought would happen, and now that you were seeing a part of her you didn't even suspect you knew you were in deep trouble. Wanda had spent most of her time in your mind, and you were still trying to decipher why and how. 
“God, I'm a mess.” You shook your head glancing at the stairs and wondering how America and Kate were doing. 
You felt the tears prickling your eyes, the suffocating weigh in your chest wanting nothing more than to explode. You clenched your eyes close, the warm sensation of tears rolling down your cheeks brought a grimace to your face. You hated crying. 
The sound of a single bell called your attention, you dropped your eyes stopping the overwhelming emotions you were experimenting at the moment. 
Your heart leaped contentedly when you noticed the name on the screen.
Can you open the door? 
You straightened up, eyes wide opened glancing at the screen then at the door. For a brief moment you just tried to process what was happening until you heard a shy knock on the door. You sprang into action going straight to the door, the sight that greeted you brought a grin to your lips. 
Wanda was standing right there, her hands full and the twins standing before her. They were hesitant at first, glancing from you then to Wanda before Tommy stepped forward hugging you tightly. 
“Hi, Y/N.” Tommy leaned back showing a toothy grin. “Mummy thought you may need us to be happy, and to make America feel better.”
Wanda opened her eyes blushing profusely at Tommy's words. You arched a single brow ruffling the kid's hair. 
“Well, Mommy knows best, right?” You winked at Wanda who was now mortified, Billy frowned stepping closer stretching his hand to you. 
“Is America fine? Can we see her?” 
“Well, I think she is doing her homework with Kate at the moment.” You could see the disappointment in the kid's face, it took you but a minute before you moved from the door. “But you know what? I bet she would love to have you two coming over to say hi, perhaps help her and Kate a little?”
“Can we?” Billy perked up following you inside the house with Tommy closed behind. 
“Sure, but you guys need to make sure Kate and America behaved themselves, deal?”
“Deal!” They exclaimed at the same time.
America and Kate were completely surprised by the twins entering the room running to America and making sure the young woman knew she was missed. Kate chuckled when they tried to go into bed, until America winced in pain and they jumped out of bed scare of having hurt America even worse.
The room was soon filled with excited chatter, and while you stood by the door with Wanda, Kate made sure to look at you and her Professor with care. Wanda was far too close to you to be normal, Wanda’s hand was twitching by her side almost brushing against your own hand, and while your eyes were on the twins and America, Wanda had hers on you.  
You watched from afar, smiling at the sight. Out of the corner of your eye you could see Wanda smiling as well. The packages she had been carrying were left in the hall downstairs. You stepped back, your hand resting on Wanda's shoulder. The young woman turned to you following you downstairs. 
“This was quite unexpected, Wands.” You commented glancing at the bags with curiosity. 
“I thought you may appreciate this.” Wanda lifted one of the bags, handing it over to you. 
You snorted, lifting your stare to her, inside the first bag she handled you there was a big bowl of poke. You glanced at the other two, finding more food, your heart shivering at the gesture. 
“You didn't have to…” You started but Wanda ignored you grabbing the bags making her way to the kitchen. 
“I'm pretty sure you have not eaten at all, and America must be the same. So I thought we could eat together, I didn’t count on Kate being here but I know I brought enough food for everyone.” The confidence Wanda felt when she made the decision of buying for left her as soon as she found herself standing far too close to you. 
You were looking at her blankly, not a single expression on your face while your eyes pierced her soul. Wanda fidgeted, her eyes flickering around your face, then she parted her lips and you knew all you had to do was close the distance and you would know how sweet those lips were. 
Wanda from her part was completely frozen, her mind blank and deep into an ocean of possibilities. Each one of them was scarier than the previous one. She just had to lean in, to give in and she would cross a line she had never crossed before. If Wanda were to give in, she could end up in a heartbreak. 
The moment was broken by Wanda, she dropped her gaze stepping forward to give you a friendly hug. You closed your eyes, your lips pressed together while your heart sank. It was a mistake, and you almost crossed a line that should never be crossed with a friend. 
“I know today was not ideal, Y/N, I just thought food and some friendly company could help some.” Wanda sealed the hug with words that pierced deep inside your soul. 
It hurt. 
And you hated the fact that it hurt so much. 
“Thank you, I just… She is my little sister, you know?”
You both parted leaving a great distance in between, Wanda nodded in understanding dancing around the kitchen to grab some plates and get the food ready. 
“I know, let me help you with this, perhaps we can work some on the festival while we eat.”
“Yeah, sure that sounds good.”
The tension never left, and the casual touches and the brush of hands became a constant during your time serving dinner. You had to remind yourself that for Wanda you were a friend and that the young woman was straight as an arrow, probably in a disagreement with her husband that could end up with the redhead back in his arms. And while you fought yourself with conflicting emotions, Wanda had to remind herself that you were already engaged with someone else, and that she had never even considered dating a woman. The fact that she felt attracted to you was not as bothersome as she might have thought initially. 
Both women kept gravitating around one another, unbeknownst to them the twins, Kate and America were paying close attention to their interaction, their closeness… The unsaid emotions that were quite evident, if seen as innocent, by the most important people in their lives. 
America scowled deeply at your smile, the flush in your cheeks, hearing laughter of pure delight, the flirtatious conversation. She then glanced at Wanda observing how the other woman leaned closer. The tension was palpable from a distance. 
It was right there and then, America knew you needed to know everything about Wanda Maximoff before it was far too late. 
The question was, how should she tell you such news? 
Hope shivered lightly on her chair, her eyes following the restless form of Wanda that was ranting about her week so far. The session had started like any other, just small talk about the tasks Hope left Wanda for the week and how the young woman had made progress with them. 
There was a moment in between that conversation that Y/N had popped up in the conversation making Wanda change completely. Hope found it quite interesting, placing questions here and there until Wanda was babbling terrified about you and how wonderful it was to be with you. How her children love you and America, and how Wanda was left in an ocean of confusion every time she was around you. 
Hope never thought whatever relationship the both of you share would become in this. Sure, she considered a friendship, perhaps even a crush but Wanda was certainly affected by you, she was completely shaken by her feelings for you. 
“And we just… We ended up having dinner with her and America again, and she was…” Wanda passed her hand through her hair, her eyes glistening with unshed tears she remembered your smile, the warm of your caressed, your words as the both of you pretend to be working on the festival. 
“Y/N is a sweet soul, you know?” Hope leaned back, interlocking her fingers. “She can be tough and decisive, but deep down she really is a softie and she always loves without measure, she gives herself to family and friends even if that costs her own soul.”
Wanda stopped harshly in front of the windows, she didn't need to hear such a description to know it to be true. She had seen it, how you would do the impossible to make everyone happy. To perhaps, make things easier for them. 
“I…I think…” Wanda turned around with the words at the tip of her tongue, her eyes finding the knowing stare in Hope's eyes. 
“Have you ever felt this way before?” Hope didn't need to add anything else to the question, doing so might lead to Wanda trying to hide her emotions, and besides the revelation must come from her. 
Wanda wrapped her arms around herself looking away. No. Yes. She was never allowed to feel, to experiment, to decide. But, she had felt things when younger, and once she was old she had tried to see the possibilities, but many of them had been beating out of her. 
“I haven't.” She whispered, leaning back against the window.
“And, what do you think about this?” Hope inquired softly, Wanda pressed her lips looking away from Hope. 
“I think it's wrong.” She stated after a while. 
Hope leaned forward furrowing her brows, Wanda carried with her a heavy weight that was putting her down and filling her with guilt and uncertainty. Hope could see the conflicting emotions running through those green eyes, the way she was holding onto her convictions but also how she was letting herself be the person she was supposed to be. 
“Really? Why?”
Wanda opened her mouth then closed it again, she leaned back lifting her head and her eyes stared at the ceiling. 
“I'm not supposed to.” Every word seemed to take a toll on her, it was like a painful reminder of everything she was starting to change in her life. 
“I have two children, and I have a husband.”
“You're divorcing him, though.”
Wanda smiled bitterly, dropping her arms to her sides. 
“I like men.” She said with finality, Hope hummed tilting her head. 
“Do you?”
The question caught Wanda by surprise, she liked men, right?
“How many men did you date before going out with Vision?”
Wanda readied her answer but soon stopped herself when no words came out. She looked away slightly annoyed by this, she didn't understand why she had to give explanations. 
“I don't remember.” She said flatly.
“You don't? That's pretty curious…”
“No, it is not. It was a long time ago, and I really don't remember.” Wanda defended herself, her passing around the room resuming all of a sudden. 
“I just know I like men. She can't… I mean, I can't…”
Hope sighed knowing Wanda's stubborn nature was coming into play and that the younger woman was not ready to admit anything at all. The room fell into a tense silence, and Hope had to wonder how affected were you by the same situation. Were you as confused or you were already hooked up with these newfound emotions? The last time she spoke with you Hope could hear the affection in your voice, she could tell Wanda was becoming someone important to you. 
Wanda sat down once more she rested her face on her hands, her voice carried through the room shaking Hope to the core. 
“You don't understand, Hope.” Wanda was trembling and the other woman was pretty sure that she was crying. “I can't let myself feel anything for her, I am far too damaged, far too lost and she… She has someone else, and I couldn't be…what she wants. I just… I don't know how to stop feeling like this.”
Hope softened her stare, and by the time Wanda locked her eyes with hers Hope could see the rampage emotions going through Wanda. 
“What are you feeling Wanda?”
But Wanda didn't answer, she just sobbed and clenched her eyes closed feeling foolish for being weak. Hope wished the other woman wasn't so hard on herself, she knew whatever Wanda was experimenting would pass but she certainly needed for Y/N to do something to clarify the situation or this would end up in a heartbreak. 
The question in here was, were you ready to give the first step? 
Only time would tell. 
“Hey, Kiddo, how are you feeling?” You stood up rather quickly making your way towards America who was wincing with each footstep she took. 
“I feel horrible, but better than yesterday.” She gritted her teeth holding onto you. “I think I'm still sore and I hate that I can’t recover faster.”
“You should be resting.”
“Ugh, please I'm tired of being in bed, let me help you around or something.” America leaned forward pouting and making eyes at you.
You snorted pointing towards the counter where there were tomatoes ready to be cut. America smirked in triumph setting to work and help you with dinner, she grabbed the knife until her eyes fell on your mobile and the name of Wanda popped up all of a sudden. The music you usually put on while making dinner filling out the kitchen, and the sweet aroma of pasta filled the air.  America observed as you waltzed around the kitchen, a smile playing on your lips in ways she had not seen in a very long time.
Not even with Carol.
The young woman furrowed her brows, her eyes coming back to the mobile then to the task at hand. She had not read the messages that you and Wanda had exchanged when talking over the phone, but America had seen enough of your interaction with the other woman to know that there was something there. That you had started developing feelings for her; America hesitated almost grabbing your phone but she decided against it.
“You’re awfully quiet, Kid, what is it?” You cleaned your hands on the washcloth on the stove, your eyes gleaming contentedly at America. “Are feeling okay?”
“Are you?” America asked back, she focused on the tomatoes making sure they were cut correctly before passing them over to you.
You felt your shoulders put backwards, your lips forming a thin line before letting out a heavy sigh.
“I was a little out of it when I heard you hurt yourself, America.” You grabbed the tomatoes putting them together in the blender with the rest of the ingredients for the sauce. “I was really worried, but I’m better now.”
America hesitated for a moment before speaking again, “that’s not what I meant, Y/N.”
You raised an eyebrow at her, America huffed tapping the table.
“Lately, you have been different.” She stated as subtle as she could, you nodded tentatively at her but didn’t interrupt her.
America tilted her head, wincing lightly while looking for the closest chair. You observed as the younger woman stall the conversation, as if she was afraid to say or ask what was so obvious bothering her as of late. You waited patiently trying to think of a reason for America to be this restless towards you.
“How are things with Carol?” The question caught you by surprised, you thought by now America knew what had happened but you realised that the time you had spent with your sister as of late was minimal and whenever the both of you were together Wanda and the twins were in the middle of it.
America scowled noticing how shocked you seemed by the question, you opened your mouth and then closed it your cheeks changing colour while your eyes looked away from her.
“What is it?” This time around America’s tone was demanding. “What happened?”
“I broke things up with her, last Monday.” You stated simply, shrugging while returning your attention back to the dinner.
This time around America was the shocked one, not a friend of you having casual sex with a woman that so obviously was in love with you, America had come to like the blond-haired woman and was hopping that she would be the one to put you out of the dark hole you had fallen into after the break-up with Shuri. The fact you decided to break things up even after you had decided to give the other woman a chance was all America needed to know to talk to you about her recent discoveries and concerns.
“Why? I thought you were going to give the relationship a chance?” America could see this was a topic you were not overly excited to talk about.
“I just thought it was not fair to continue something that wouldn’t go anywhere, Carol got the opportunity of her life to move to the other side of the world and I just…I couldn’t.” You let everything stirring on the stove while facing your younger sister.
The younger woman was glancing at you with a knowing stare you hated and loved. It was so easy to forget you were the older of the two, and you were supposed to be the responsible one. You remembered the time in which America had been crying, asking for your forgiveness after Shuri had left you broken-hearted. She blamed herself, perhaps if America hadn’t been there and you didn’t have to take up the responsibility you two would be together still.
Family comes first, America, and you are my family, if she can’t understand that then she doesn’t deserve me.
That was the moment you had decided to move on, for yourself and for America. Now, standing before you were a more mature woman that knew you better than you knew yourself sometimes, and you knew she was always in the lookout for you to be happy.
“Y/N, this has nothing to do with Professor Maximoff, is it?” America asked tentatively, you almost fell down at such suggestion your eyes opening wide as if you had been caught doing something you were not supposed be doing.
America rolled her eyes when you opened and closed your mouth, the babbling started with half-formed explanations and sputtering words that America stopped lifting a single hand.
“I knew it! You ended things with Carol because of Wanda?! Why?!” America was now pointing a finger at you. “Y/N what the hell is going in on?”
You were trying to talk to her, but America kept on pressuring you into talking, and you were trying to get half-witted explanations that had nothing to do with what you knew was happening inside your heart.
“I swear to God, you hate her a few months ago!”
“I may like her a lot!”
The room fell into a heavy silence.
America and you were breathing hard, both of you looking at one another while the sound of boiling sauce echoed through your ears. America lowered her hand on the table, she grabbed your phone shaking her head with conflicting emotions crossing her face. You frowned not really understanding where this sudden change towards Wanda came from.
“You had been talking to her, haven’t you? She is the one that has been putting that stupid smile in your face, and the one that has made you so…annoying as of late.” America locked her eyes with yours waiting for an answer.
“I just…I…” You hesitated and America lowered the phone.
“You really like her.” America mumbled, you walked around the counter placing hand on your sister’s shoulder.
“What is it? I mean, I thought you would be happy or something, you’re always telling me I should settle down, or look for love or something.”  You gauged your sister’s face trying to see where her discomfort came from.
“I don’t want you to get hurt.” America shrugged. “And, Professor Maximoff has two children, and she may not be who you think she is.”
You broke into an easy smile, “hey, Kiddo, I like her, yes. But I also know she may not like me back, I know that.”
“It didn’t stop you from being an idiot and liking her.” America retorted knowing you were not ready to hear the deepness of your own emotions.
You offered a bitter smile shrugging, “we cannot help who we like, America. But I’m gonna be okay, I promise you, is that what had you so worried?  That she may hurt me?”
America winced nodding, she flushed turning away from you when you ruffled her hair and wrapped her into a tight hug.
“Oh, lil’ sister, I’m gonna be fine, don’t worry so much.” You chuckled, your heart tugging inside your chest at the small gesture of sisterly love from America.
America went to say something else but your next words stopped her completely.
“I know she is married, and I know that I don’t stand a chance, so…don’t worry. She is a friend, and I will make sure to not cross that line with her.”
“You know she is married?” America blinked her confusion; you nodded a flash of sadness crossing your eyes. “But, Y/N, her husband…”
But whatever America was about to say about the marriage was cut suddenly by the ring of the door. You perked up wiggling your eyebrows, America was slightly confused glancing around the table to see five spots on.
“Are we waiting on someone?” She asked, and you chuckled.
“I invited someone over, I know you would like the surprise.”
You ran over to the door and right there stood Hope with Scott and Caisie. America’s face lit up and she had to stopped herself from running when Hope came right at her engulfing her in a tight embrace.
You smiled closing the door behind them, Scott grinned goofily wrapping his own arms around you.
“Damn, Y/N, is so good to see you again!”
“You too, Scott, I missed you guys so much.” Scott nodded watching as the rest of the women went right away to the kitchen hearing America babbled about her accident.
“We missed you too, you know? Hope was driving us crazy with her constant worry and indecision to just suck it up and come talk to you.”
You offered a tired smile to the man in front of you.
“She wasn’t the only one, I think we both were fools.”
“That’s right, but now we’re back together so let’s make the most of it. Now, tell me, what has been going on in your life?”
The rest of the afternoon was spent with the friends you hadn’t seen in a while. Everything felt right into place, the old jokes and the new ones, the adventures and the struggles, everything was so familiar that you felt at ease knowing in the midst of separation and internal struggles whenever you had a real friend distance and time didn’t matter at all. They would always be there for you, the same way you would be for them.
Scott, Cassie and America went straight to the basement, Scott carrying America while the older woman blushed unable to struggle for far too long due to the pain on her back. Everyone knew it was that time of the night in which you and Hope would need to have that long await conversation. You served more wine grabbing your glass and Hope’s carrying it with you towards the living room.
“So, how’s work?” You asked settling comfortably on the sofa.
“Same old, same old, it has been good and quite interesting.” Hope offered a cryptic smile, and your heart dropped at what could be hidden there.
“Interesting… How?”
“You know I can’t talk about my patients, right?” Hope asked lightly resting her cheek against the palm of her hand.
“I know.” You hesitated before speaking again. “That’s why I haven’t asked you about her.”
Hope clicked her tongue, her eyes piercing right through yours.
“What’s going on with Wanda, Y/N? As far as I know you were with Carol and now…” hope could certainly not tell you anything at all of the appointment she had that day with Wanda, she could not talk about the other woman’s feelings for you, but she could talk about yours.
You played with the glass in your hand, your eyes watching the red liquid danced around with your heart pounding blood into your ears. You could pretend before America, it was easier to make sur ethe young woman would not be worried about you or your emotions, but Hope had always been there. She had always known. Even if, at some point, she had been gone.
“I think I’m…god, I don’t know.” You mumbled passing your hand through your hair. “Carol was amazing, you know? But I couldn’t feel the way I’m feeling right now for Wanda.”
Hope pressed her lips together, waiting for you to continue.
“I don’t know when it happened, you know? I just though she was beautiful and then, I though she was funny, interesting, smart and I just…” You closed your eyes, opening them again to glance at the screen of your mobile. “I get to meet her even more and all of a sudden I’m just experimenting all these emotions for her, and I know it’s not possible because she…”
“She what, Y/N?” Hope asked when your silence went for far too long, you rolled your eyes taking a long sip from the wine.
“I’m not one of your patients, Hope.”
“No, you are my friend.” Hope stated. “I don’t want you to get hurt, but I also don’t want Wanda to get hurt in the process.”
This last part perked up your curiosity but Hope offered a half smile shaking her head.
“I wouldn’t be able to hurt her, Hope.” You mumbled looking away miserable as ever. “God, why do I always fall for the complicated it ones? What couldn’t I fall for Carol? It would have been perfect!”
Hope raised her brows at the sudden declaration, though she was pretty sure you didn’t even notice your own confession. Two confessions in one single day, that must be a record for Hope who was watching everything developed from afar; she wished things were easier for you and even for Wanda, but she also knew she could not force things to happen, she would need to be patient or else everything could end up in a heart break.
“I think you need to give yourself time, Y/N and you should also be honest with yourself, and her.”
You snorted shaking your head, “look, you must know this already but, she has a husband, she has two kids, it’s a matter of time she may go back to him or perhaps find another man that…I mean, she is straight as an arrow and I’m just always reding the signals incorrectly, I know I have to keep my distance so this is what I’m going to do.”
Hope was really grateful to the fact you were too busy feeling sorry for yourself to notice the hint of panic in her eyes when you mentioned Wanda’s husband. You didn’t know much, for the comment you just made, and Hope was not the right person to provide you with that story. But what stroke Hope the most was the fact you felt miserable at the mere thought that Wanda might found her heart’s love in a man. Which confirmed your assessment of a moment ago: you didn’t know how to read the signs.
“I just don’t know, I should focus on the business and America.” You emptied the glass of wine shaking it in front of Hope’s eyes. “Want some more?”
“No, thank you.” Hope smiled leaning forward and placing a hand on yours, you lifted your stared and waited patiently for Hope to talk.
“Let me give you some advice.”
“Please.” You mumbled, and Hope could see you were just as confused and terrified as Wanda.
“You need to decide what you want, what you really desire. Once you had defined this you should give yourself and others a chance to get there with you.” Hope offered a kind smile as she continued. “I cannot tell you about Wanda, Y/N, but I can tell you really feel so much that you’re still afraid to get hurt. Allow yourself to take a leap of faith and find out what can be possible.”
“What if…” You started trailing off when Hope rolled her eyes.
“Then, you took a risk and whatever the end result you came out of that moment wiser, and with the certainty that you did everything that needed to be done for you to be happy.” Hope then wrapped her arms around you. “You and Wanda deserve that much, at least, and even if it doesn’t end the way you want it, you and her would had gained a friendship that may help you face the hardships of life, so it’s a win-win situation.”
You had a lot to think about by the time you went to bed.
You glanced out of the window to see Wanda’s home had the lights off, she was probably sleeping already with the twins in their room. You grabbed your phone reading the last message she had left in the chat; it had been a simple question about the final arrangements that ended up with her inviting you and America over for lunch the next day.
As the night grew older, you kept your stare to the darkened sky right above your head. The next day would be a new day, and you had made up your mind. Tomorrow would be a new day, and hopefully, it would be the beginning of a new chapter in your life.
************************************************************************Next Chater: The tension between Wanda and Reader grows, the twins play matchmakers, Kate and America shared a kiss, the dance is almost there and someone that shouldn't be there gets a sight of the twins.
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