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The Doctor watched him go before he saw the bounty hunters look in his direction when hearing Nomad run off, he wasn't one to curse but it was suitable in this moment, so he uttered one under his breath before making a run for it, as he ran through the trees he spotted a young man making a run for it as well, he couldn't leave him behind and leaped over a tree root, not losing his stride "Come with me!" he yelled to the young man "I'll get us to safety!"
Starter #3 - 14th Doctor//Reblog To Roleplay
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"It's not safe, go back to the TARDIS" The Doctor said, it was something he would never say, normally he could guarantee the safety of the companions that travel with him, but not this time, he needed them to go back to the TARDIS where they would be safe and he could deal with this alone.
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The Doctor looked down as he pondered that idea, at least Nomad would be safe from those bounty hunters, so far they hadn't spotted him yet, but if he was careful he could get away as well without getting caught, hopefully, he looked to his great grandson and gave a nod of agreement "Go back to the TARDIS, stay low, don't let them see you" he replied.
Starter #3 - 14th Doctor//Reblog To Roleplay
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"It's not safe, go back to the TARDIS" The Doctor said, it was something he would never say, normally he could guarantee the safety of the companions that travel with him, but not this time, he needed them to go back to the TARDIS where they would be safe and he could deal with this alone.
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"And I don't want to lose you Nomad, I've already lost a lot, family, companions, friends, I'm not about to lose you as well, you just need to trust me that I'm very clever and will be fine" The Doctor replied, although deep down he had his doubts, sure he was clever but even he had limits, but he didn't want to show Nomad he had doubts.
Starter #3 - 14th Doctor//Reblog To Roleplay
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"It's not safe, go back to the TARDIS" The Doctor said, it was something he would never say, normally he could guarantee the safety of the companions that travel with him, but not this time, he needed them to go back to the TARDIS where they would be safe and he could deal with this alone.
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"Nomad, I'm serious, go back to the TARDIS" The Doctor told his great Grandson, even if he knew he had two other great grandchildren he had no idea where they could be, nor did he know if his Granddaughter, Susan, was still around, but the best he could do his protect the great grandson he had with him now "I need to deal with this, alone"
Starter #3 - 14th Doctor//Reblog To Roleplay
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"It's not safe, go back to the TARDIS" The Doctor said, it was something he would never say, normally he could guarantee the safety of the companions that travel with him, but not this time, he needed them to go back to the TARDIS where they would be safe and he could deal with this alone.
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Starter #8 - 10th Doctor//Reblog To Roleplay
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"I can't it's wood!" The Doctor said, he really needed to create a setting for his sonic screwdriver to be able to open wooden doors, it was getting ridiculous, he waved his sonic screwdriver over the door "hang on! If I can just vibrate the molecules and fry the bindings, I can shetterline the interface!"
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Starter #7 - 9th Doctor//Reblog To Roleplay
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"...They're insane" The Doctor realised as he watched these Dalek demanding them to worship the Emperor of the Daleks like a God "hiding in silence for hundreds of years is enough to drive anyone mad" he said as he stepped a little closer "but it's worse than that...driven mad by your own flesh, the stink of humanity" he shook his head a little as a look of pity appeared on his face "you hate your own existence" his face darkened slightly "and that makes them more deadly than ever"
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Starter #6 - 10th Doctor//Reblog To Roleplay
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"Who you gonna call?!" The Doctor said as he came out of a compartment in the flooring of his TARDIS with an unusual lookong device attached to his back, clearly doing an impression of the classic song Ghostbusters, which was quite fitting considering the 'ghosts' that were all over the world at the moment.
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Starter #5 - 10th Doctor//Reblog To Roleplay
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The Doctor looked to the other person before giving a slight shrug "Well, you could...come with me" he suggested, it had been sometime since a companion had travelled with him, he wouldn't admit aloud he was a bit lonely, especially when he went on one of his ramblings and the only company was the TARDIS, of course he loved the old girl, but it wasn't the same as having an actual companion.
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Starter #4 - 9th Doctor//Reblog To Roleplay
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"What you think I couldn't dance? You humans" The Doctor griped good-naturedly as he danced to the tune he was playing "I can dance, fantastic isn't?" it wasn't all too often that one saw him this playful and enjoying himself.
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Starter #3 - 14th Doctor//Reblog To Roleplay
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"It's not safe, go back to the TARDIS" The Doctor said, it was something he would never say, normally he could guarantee the safety of the companions that travel with him, but not this time, he needed them to go back to the TARDIS where they would be safe and he could deal with this alone.
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Starter #2 - 10th Doctor//Reblog To Roleplay
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1953, a classic year, technicolor, everest climbed, and most importantly the Queen's coronation, it was a brilliant time period to be in in The Doctor's opinion, he drove out of the TARDIS on his moped before stopping by his companion "You going my way, doll?" he asked in what was clearly an impression of Elvis Presley.
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Starter #1 - 9th Doctor//Reblog To Roleplay
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The Doctor looked in a mirror, a new face, no matter how many times he had regenerated it was always a lottery on how he would look, he tugged on his leather jacket a bit "Not bad, could've been worse" he said before frowning thoughtfully "ooh, northerner, that's new" he then felt his ears and made a face "look at the ears..."
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Hi everyone! I thought I'd include a list of Doctors that I currently roleplay on this account, more may be added at some point if I feel comfortable enough to roleplay them, but for now it's mainly the 9th, 10th and 14th Doctor, here's a link to the list, it'll also be included in my pinned post under the name 'List of Doctors' :)
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The Doctor seemed to snap out of his shock, was she ginger? He had always wanted to be ginger! But he pushed that thought aside since she looked panicked "That was a regeneration, you regenerated" he replied "but only people from Galifrey can do that, it's a way to cheat death, changes your whole look" he looked her over "but how is it that you have that ability? It shouldn't be possible...unless you're a Time Lord...well...Time Lady"
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Eira ran into the TARDIS. When this Doctor bloke had offered her a trip in time and space she had pictured a lot of things; sipping tea with Queen Victoria, discovering why Stonehenge had been built, meeting Gruffydd ap Llywelyn. As a history major, the idea had been irresistible. What Eira had not expected was running for her life from aliens with laser guns. One had gotten a shot off on her, and it had hurt in the moment but it had very quickly begun to numb itself. Was that the adrenaline? She had never ran for her life from aliens before- or even met an alien before the Doctor- so she didn’t quite know what it was supposed to feel like. “Um, Doctor?” Eira had begun to try and check herself over when she noticed an orangy-yellow light beginning to emanate from her hands. The same light began to coalesce in her vision before overtaking it entirely. Her arms thrust outwards as she felt, well, she didn’t know what she felt. Suddenly it stopped. She felt a bit woozy, and everything in the TARDIS seemed ever so slightly shorter, but she was fine.
(Visual reference for Eira post regeneration)
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The Doctor stared in shock when he saw Eira regenerate, he'd know that kind of thing from anywhere, it shouldn't be possible, that was a Time Lord's trick of cheating death, so how was this supposed human able to do it? He hadn't known her for very long so had no idea that she was a Time Lord, at least that was his assumption, he walked closer to her "...That's impossible" he breathed.
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Eira ran into the TARDIS. When this Doctor bloke had offered her a trip in time and space she had pictured a lot of things; sipping tea with Queen Victoria, discovering why Stonehenge had been built, meeting Gruffydd ap Llywelyn. As a history major, the idea had been irresistible. What Eira had not expected was running for her life from aliens with laser guns. One had gotten a shot off on her, and it had hurt in the moment but it had very quickly begun to numb itself. Was that the adrenaline? She had never ran for her life from aliens before- or even met an alien before the Doctor- so she didn’t quite know what it was supposed to feel like. “Um, Doctor?” Eira had begun to try and check herself over when she noticed an orangy-yellow light beginning to emanate from her hands. The same light began to coalesce in her vision before overtaking it entirely. Her arms thrust outwards as she felt, well, she didn’t know what she felt. Suddenly it stopped. She felt a bit woozy, and everything in the TARDIS seemed ever so slightly shorter, but she was fine.
(Visual reference for Eira post regeneration)
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The Doctor stared in shock when he saw Eira regenerate, he'd know that kind of thing from anywhere, it shouldn't be possible, that was a Time Lord's trick of cheating death, so how was this supposed human able to do it? He hadn't known her for very long so had no idea that she was a Time Lord, at least that was his assumption, he walked closer to her "...That's impossible" he breathed.
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"Hello, I'm The Doctor"
Independent multimuse blog for the 9th, 10 & 14th Doctor from Doctor Who.
AU & Crossover Friendly
Multimuse Blog
Rules | Pinned Post
Blog run by @bluenotegaming
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► reblog to let your mutuals know that... YOUR RP BLOG IS NOT TIME-SENSITIVE!
...That there is NO time limit or expiration date on asks, memes or threads.
...That your partners NEVER need to feel they have to apologise for not responding to a thread or ask yet.
...That you welcome replies to "OLD" threads and memes, even if they've been sitting quietly untouched for weeks or months.
...That there is NEVER any pressure or obligation for your partners to reply until they feel the drive and enthusiasm to do so.
...That YOU will happily respond to things at YOUR OWN leisure, and you would like your partners to feel comfortable doing the same.
Not everybody enjoys running their blog this way and that's a-okay. But removing the idea that RP interactions are something that can "expire" or that the asks in your inbox have an unspoken "due-date", takes the pressure off of both your partners and yourself and can help bust feelings of stress/anxiety from the hobby. Reblog to let your partners know that you're just jazzed to receive new writing from them, whenever it comes.
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