#sparklecats au
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dolliedyhard · 2 months ago
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Jeff and Dollie as cute kitties ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
Yes this is a new creepypasta AU in the works :3 it’s basically all the crp members as colorful kittens. It’s suppose to be plain ol’ fun where they go on silly adventures and whatnot :3
Now, should Jeff be called Jeff the Critter or Jeff the Meowster? Critter bc it’s close to killer, but critters are bugs so it’s not really accurate. Meowster bc “MEOWWWWW”, and it could technically mean anything bc it’s not a real word. Comment below which I should choose.
Stay frosty❄️ BAIIIIIIII!!!!!!!1!1!!1!!!1!!!!!
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foxsketch6543 · 2 months ago
Hiii idk if you still use those vbros cat designs but I saw them forever ago and i never mentioned before like those are so cool, like I thought those were just the cutest designs and the choice of cats was like. Spot on. And that's all I guess. Just wanted to say something while I was thinking abt it
Aww! Thank you so much! 😇
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It’s been a while since I done designs or did art of the Venture Kitties, plus I might do remasters of the ones I’ve did before because my artstyle updated when drawing animals. (Probably do new character designs too if ones I hadn’t done yet along with remaking a few.)
BTW here are my own takes on "post-movie & s7" Hank and Dean Venture as cats. ^o^
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theanoninyourinbox · 3 months ago
power out post traditional art
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pumaskulls · 9 months ago
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AU designs for Tanith & Liona that I finally got off my ass and finished coloring!
Kinda funny that I finished these instead of actually sketching up a full ref for Tanith, who is now the only OC from that story w/o an actual ref. I can only focus slightly to the left of whatever I aim to do ig
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thedeadcomic · 2 years ago
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I’m very fixated on sparkle animals as of late as well as my typical fandoms so I’m combining the two lol
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cephalopessimism · 6 months ago
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Emo cat Bellaquiss...👀
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stitchwraith-stingers · 2 months ago
HIIII do you have any jasmine x hazel hcs? :))
omgggggg hi. i made an old post about this here u can see those theyre aged up to high school / adult abit in those, i havent been cooking since ive dabbled into other interests recently and i havent rewatched the show but theyre always rotating in my head but ill try for u
jasmine is def a fan artist... she makes everyone in her class a fursona and she showed it to hazel and she adopted it.... they have matching icons n everything.... jasmine is a type of sparklecat meanwhile hazel is a german shepheard...... idk on the last one though but either way i think its funny how much they contrast, jasmine probably has a fursuit head and paws for pictures and going to conventions
actually i think they match pfps all the time. theyre like omg those characters r so us and just put them for atleast 3 weeks
aro4aro les4les autism4adhd they have no idea what theyre doing half the time but its something and i keep making characters best friends+
hazel is easily grossed out irl by certain stuff.... shes a werid girl but she cant handle like organs or anything, jasmine too but shes braver so she does the disections in science (winn has the weakest stomach hey always get sent home lol), they also watch horror movies together frequently
jasmine can cook. hazel cant. in short:
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hazel has THE most niche hyperfixes ever. like theyre gonna be so random and they keep changing rlly quickly. she walks up to her and goes wanna hear about wood or ants or something
eye contact heavy vs avoids eye contact. kinda awkward half of the time
i dont rlly see them having a kid in the future, they probably have a pet, like a cat or dog or something. but if they did they wouldve probably called her lily bcuz i already made her anyway (shes a fish girl who doesnt gaf)
(self indulgent crossover au stuff below not rlly important in the long run though i just thought about them idk)
theyre def such a code breaking couple. shadowclan / ex kittypet and windclan? medic and warrior apprentices?? crazy
jasminepaw has had like. a vauge connection to the dark forest, no one ever came to train her or anything she just kept walking around every night she got it untill she almost got drowned by someone, she just brought it up one day like hey do u ever dream of a scary forest and u freaked out everyone sleeping next to u bcuz u were drowning and hazelpaw goes ????? no? (<- petrified)
jasminepaw gives her rabbits once in a while. inspite of the shadowclan pray hazelpaw doesnt like eating toads and such, she likes mice instead, shes not very sure on the taste of rabbit but its a better alternative atleast
their full names r hazelwish and jasmineshine!!! the latter wanted the -song prefix and boasted abt it but it never happened, obviously lol
hmm... couldnt think of any wof ones rip, i dont wanna keep u waiting longer then u should, go my scarab
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the-owl-tree · 1 year ago
hey have you played the new cattails game? it just came out on the 20th and I’m in love so far. it’s so peaceful and cute 💕 and you’ve got a wide range to customize your cat. I made mine a pink bengal cat and honestly I can see it inspiring a wc oc in a sparklecat au
i haven't but i've been wanting to!! i played the original and enjoyed it, though wasn't always crazy about the gameplay loop. this one looks super cute though, i got REALLY excited at the prospect of cat farming. i looooovveee farming sims, i played harvest moon as a kid and i've sunk hours into stardew valley lol i think if harvestella had less jrpg plot and more fantasy farming i'd have gotten it (because listen to me. i have a supernatural/fantasy farming sim idea that NEEDS to become reality PLEASE I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS-)
i recently just bought rain world so i'm probably gonna be playing that for a while before i get another game lol i suck ass at it but it's so fun
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starlover2 · 2 years ago
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Hawk and Squirrel! Embracing the sparklecat aesthetics for this au
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shady-scrolls · 2 years ago
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Fix-it Felix AU cast? Meet Lightning Bug! A fusion between Zachie @redscorpiocat and Spark! Their reactions?
OOC: Drawn by them.
AU Felix: Ha, I can't tell which Spark fusion name is goofier: SparkleCat or Lightning Bug-!
AU Ralph: Ooooh, Zachie looks neat with these wings!
Kane Candy: Hehe- Lightning Bug. It'th such a funny, but fitting name
Scientist Calhoun: So now Zachie fused with Spark? Nice
The Princess and Servant:
Princess Vanellope: Ooooh! Looking good there, Lightning Bug!
Not-So Sourbill: I concur! This is another neat fusion!
The Troublesome Trio:
Adorabeezle: Wow, that's a lot of yellow
Gloyd: Mhm, but check out that sweet lightning bolt eyepatch!
Snowanna: Zachie looks so cool in this fusion
Turbo: So you guyth seriously went with "Lightning Bug" for your name... He slightly giggled at the thought
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astraldoesart · 2 years ago
Pinned Post!
Hello! I'm Astral. I go by it/its pronouns. I am very deep within the Markiplier and Jacksepticeye fandoms. Alongside others. I sometimes talk about important world issues but this is mostly a blog for my art and aus. I will also write on here.
Read this post for a laugh :)
All the AUs
Ego AUs
Megamind - Antihero au, Anti is Megamind and Jackie is Roxanne.
Werewolf - Antiaverage au, Chase is a human and Anti is the alpha of his pack. Anti protects Chase and his kids from dying after targeted by an enemy pack. Stacy died to a wolf from that pack when Anti first discovered Chase and his kids. Mostly Anti's perspective.
Mer - Schneeplebro and danti au. Dark is trying to wake up a god and Henrik is trying to stop him, Chase gets caught in the middle when Stacy makes and breaks a deal with Dark. Several perspectives.
Skyrim - Dark x Anti x Henrik x Chase au. Chase runs an inn, dealing with the hijinx of what eventually is his three boyfriends (mostly Dark and Anti). Chase's perspective.
Dragon - Marvin x Anti. Dragons have been hunted by humans for decades since the accidental murder of most of the royal family. Now it follows Anti, looking for his dad Chase who had been dragges off by humans. Too trusting, humans target him and almost hurt him until Marvin saves him. Marvin agrees to help. Anti's perspective.
Avian - Several ships. Several avians deal with the world they live with and the evil humans are capable of. Several perspectives.
Crossover - Still in concept. The mers and avians having a crossover where they could meet and what not. Probably won't have a real story or plot. Sub au of the mer and avian aus.
Bird Boys - Chase x Marvin x Henrik. Follows the story of the avian au except Chase doesn't end up dating Anti and Jackie. Chase's perspective.
Gods - The Iplier and Septic egos as gods. So far, no real story except gods go brr.
Undead - Anti x Henrik and Jackie x Chase. Set in the universe of the walking dead, main four boys handle a zombie apocalypse. Starts as Chase's perspective but follows Jackie, Henrik, and Anti.
Sparklecats - I have no explanations. Just the egos as sparklecats. There are two clans even. Septicclan and Iplierclan.
Five Nights at Sam's(FNaS) - Very early conception. Basically fnaf and ego crossover with Anti as William Afton.
IRIS Pokemon - Early concept. The JSE egos(+ Caretaker Nix) in the Pokemon universe.
Attack on Titan AUs
Bertholdt Survives - OC x canon au. Inspired by the song "I Know Those Eyes/This Man Is Dead" from The Count of Monte Cristo. Bertholdt survives the Battle of Shiganshina, switching sides. Chaos ensues when he sees the Warriors again in season 4.
Band - OC x canon. Inspired by the song "Guys Don't Like Me" by It Boys. The Warriors, minus Annie, make up a band. Eren, Mikasa, Armin, and Zakai make up another band. Zakai is dating Armin but meets Bertholdt in a club. She ends up cheating on Armin with Bertholdt's help.
Traitor - OC x canon. Zakai makes a different choice, siding with Paradis instead of Marley when she is reunited with Reiner, Bertholdt, and Annie. Her loyalty is grey until its revealed that Reiner and Bertholdt are the Armored and Colossal titans. She ends up running into Armin's arms specifically. Angst heavy.
Warring Pokemon - Early concept. AoT characters(+ ocs) in the Pokemon universe. I just want more pokemon brainrot to be shared.
My Hero Academia AUs
Hero - Where the LoV + ocs have different upbringings, resulting in many to be heroes instead. A "fix it" au of a sort. LoV and the Big Three aged down to fit into UA (with the Big Three being in 2A instead of 3A).
One Piece AUs
If You Died - An au where Lenna dies instead of Lila. Early concept.
19 Total AUs
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francy-sketches · 2 years ago
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i had a vision.
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pumpkinnkidd · 3 years ago
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metadede cats with updated refs! i am not consistent in thheeee slightest!
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paleblank · 5 years ago
l-longtail sparklecat pLEASE
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fruitjuus · 4 years ago
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pink and black
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rainbowmewz · 4 years ago
i have a....concept for a warrior cats rp server. please comment if you'd be interested in it at all.
Moons ago, the 5 Clans left their home in the lake territories because of a nuclear war taking place. They barely made it out alive and all ended up with genetic mutations. Soon they came across a Twolegplace on their journey, seeing that the Twolegs disappeared and were presumed dead and to never return...
Now, the 5 Clans live in separate areas of the city and mutations spread to every cat and their kits. Some cats can be seen with bright neon fur, others with two or more tails, others with multiple eyes or horns.
ThunderClan lives in the housing area of Twolegplace that is close to the forest. ThunderClan cats are proud of their forest heritage but don't stick to original Clan ideals as much as RiverClan. ThunderClan cats often make accessories out of leaves, pinecones, and other forest things. Their genetic mutations often include multiple tails and large statures. If a ThunderClan cat has an unusual fur color, it would typically be in the bright orange or red family of colors.
ShadowClan lives in the dark alleyways of Twolegplace. ShadowClan cats wear colorful beaded bracelets and accessories and trade them. All ShadowClan cats are given these so they are easier to spot by their Clanmates. Their genetic mutations often include horns or multiple eyes. All ShadowClan cats have dark colored fur except for their tail tips, paws, ears, and bits of fur on their heads which will have unusual colors.
RiverClan lives near the edge of the city, near a large lake and water tower. Their ideals are almost similar to before the war, they stay faithful to the warrior code and are disgusted by the other Clans living so close to Twolegplace. RiverClan cats often have accessories like shell necklaces. Their genetic mutations often include multiple fin like tails. If a RiverClan cat has an unusual fur color, it would typically be in the blue or purple family of colors.
WindClan lives near where the Twolegs used to keep greenhouses and gardens. These cats love taking care of plants and running around on the territory given to them. They wear flower crowns and often wear leather accessories. Their genetic mutations often include very curly tails, folded ears, and appearances similar to dogs. If a WindClan cat has an unusual fur color, it would typically be one that is a lighter shade of green or cyan.
SkyClan lives near the center of town, the closest to the tallest Twoleg structure used for gatherings. SkyClan cats often practice climbing on tall buildings and practicing parkour stunts. They often wear expensive jewelry that was taken from old Twoleg homes. Their genetic mutations often include large ears. If a SkyClan cat has an unusual fur color, it would typically be in the neon orange or pink family of colors.
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