amylynnorg · 6 months
I have come to realize that Hotmail, Outlook, Live, MSN spam filter it a lot like being taught the Bible, faith, God, good and evil. Teaching it what's not junk/bad what is good/right is hard!  There are limitations to understanding and acceptance and this doesn't just apply to children. Psalms 68:19-20 Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens. Our God is a God who saves; from the Sovereign LORD comes escape from death. Be sure to Like, Subscribe, and Follow to our social media channels: https://www.facebook.com/AmyLynnsVoiceOvers https://twitter.com/amylynnorg https://thevoiceofamylynn.wordpress.com https://www.youtube.com/AmyLynnOrg Visit our website at: http://www.amylynn.org
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prince-steele · 1 year
Protest The New Tumblr Changes
ok so since everyone and their dog absolutely hate the new changes outlined in this new post from staff, I've been thinking about what we can do about it. HERE is the contact page on Tumblr's parent company, Automattic's, website. Please write FEEDBACK/WEBSITE FEEDBACK/TUMBLR FEEDBACK in the "What's This About?" section HERE is the Tumblr help centre link, please select the category FEEDBACK when messaging them. My recommendation would be to write something like this, but in your own words to mitigate any spam filters: "Hello, I'm contacting you today because of the proposed changes to Tumblr's UI. This is not what the community wants, and will negatively impact all users of the site. Users enjoy the Tumblr experience because it is unique, and a throwback to the days before all websites were algorithm focused. Employing this sort of algorithm will kill your websites usability, and along with it, drive away your current userbase. People will simply remain using their other social medias, as New Shiny Algorithm is not the reasons why people would flock to your site. Please reconsider these changes, and instead reach out to the wider community about changes that we need to use Tumblr more easily, such as: - A reworked search function on blogs and tags as the current one does not work/is not stable. We also cannot search for untagged posts. - Better toggle options for people with photo sensitivity, your advertisements often strobe and it makes the website unusable. Ads should be tagged as flashing, or with content warnings for users (i.e diet ads, ads for horror movies with gore in them) that actually work (advertisements are filtered out of the tag system).
- Options for 18+ and NSFW creators on your site; Your userbase would quintuple overnight if you were to look into options for NSFW hosting and safe toggle options for adult users. The community labels were a step in the right direction, please pursue this further. This is by no means an exhaustive list of things, but changing the very fabric of what makes Tumblr work is NOT the move that any of us want. Please, again, reconsider these changes and listen to the community. Thank you" AGAIN please add your own points to this to help prevent spamfiltering of your messages, and please spread this to everyone you know. If anyone wants to add more ideas of what to add to this list, please do so in the replies, tags or add a comment to this post!
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Two principles to protect internet users from decaying platforms
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Today (May 10), I’m in VANCOUVER for a keynote at the Open Source Summit and later a book event for Red Team Blues at Heritage Hall; on Thurs (May 11), I’m in CALGARY for Wordfest.
Internet platforms have reached end-stage enshittification, where they claw back the goodies they once used to lure in end-users and business customers, trying to walk a tightrope in which there’s just enough value left to keep you locked in, but no more. It’s ugly out there.
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
When the platforms took off — using a mix of predatory pricing, catch-and-kill acquisitions and anti-competitive mergers — they seemed unstoppable. Mark Zuckerberg became the unelected social media czar-for-life for billions of users. Youtube was viewed as the final stage of online video. Twitter seemed a bedrock of public discussion and an essential source for journalists.
During that era, the primary focus for reformers, regulators and politicians was on improving these giant platforms — demanding that they spend hundreds of millions on algorithmic filters, or billions on moderators. Implicit in these ideas was that the platforms would be an eternal fact of life, and the most important thing was to tame them and make them as benign as possible.
That’s still a laudable goal. We need better platforms, though filters don’t work, and human moderation has severe scaling limits and poses significant labor issues. But as the platforms hungrily devour their seed corn, shrinking and curdling, it’s time to turn our focus to helping users leave platforms with a minimum of pain. That is, it’s time to start thinking about how to make platforms fail well, as well as making them work well.
This week, I published a article setting out two proposals for better platform failure on EFF’s Deeplinks blog: “As Platforms Decay, Let’s Put Users First”:
The first of these proposals is end-to-end. This is the internet’s founding principle: service providers should strive to deliver data from willing senders to willing receivers as efficiently and reliably as possible. This is the principle that separates the internet from earlier systems, like cable TV or the telephone system, where the service owners decided what information users received and under what circumstances.
The end-to-end principle is a bedrock of internet design, the key principle behind Net Neutrality and (of course) end-to-end-encryption. But when it comes to platforms, end-to-end is nowhere in sight. The fact that you follow someone on social media does not guarantee that you’ll see their updates. The fact that you searched for a specific product or merchant doesn’t guarantee that platforms like Ebay or Amazon or Google will show you the best match for your query. The fact that you hoisted someone’s email out of your spam folder doesn’t guarantee that you will see the next message they send you.
An end-to-end rule would create an obligation on platforms to put the communications of willing senders and willing receivers ahead of the money they can make by selling “advertising” in search priority, or charging media companies and performers to “boost” their posts to reach their own subscribers. It would address the real political speech issues of spamfiltering the solicited messages we asked our elected reps to send us. In other words, it would take the most anti-user platform policies off the table, even as the tech giants jettison the last pretense that platforms serve their users, rather than their owners:
The second proposal is for a right-to-exit: an obligation on tech companies to facilitate users’ departure from their platforms. For social media, that would mean adopting Mastodon-style standards for exporting your follower/followee list and importing it to a rival service when you want to go. This solves the collective action problem that shackles users to a service — you and your friends all hate the service, but you like each other, and you can’t agree on where to go or when to leave, so you all stay:
For audiences and creators who are locked to bad platforms with DRM — the encryption scheme that makes it impossible for you to break up with Amazon or other giants without throwing away your media — right to exit would oblige platforms to help rightsholders and audiences communicate with one another, so creators would be able to verify who their customers are, and give them download codes for other services.
Both these proposals have two specific virtues: they are easy to administer, and they are cheap to implement.
Take end-to-end: it’s easy to verify whether a platform reliably delivers messages from to all your followers. It’s easy to verify whether Amazon or Google search puts an exact match for your query at the top of the search results. Unlike complex, ambitious rules like “prevent online harassment,” end-to-end has an easy, bright-line test. An “end harassment” rule would be great, but pulling it off requires a crisp definition of “harassment.” It requires a finding of whether a given user’s conduct meets that definition. It requires a determination as to whether the platform did all it reasonably could to prevent harassment. These fact-intensive questions can take months or years to resolve.
Same goes for right-to-exit. It’s easy to determine whether a platform will make it easy for you to leave. You don’t need to convince a regulator to depose the platform’s engineers to find out whether they’ve configured their servers to make this work, you can just see for yourself. If a platform claims it has given you the data you need to hop to a rival and you dispute it, a regulator doesn’t have to verify your claims — they can just tell the platform to resend the data.
Administratibility is important, but so is cost of compliance. Many of the rules proposed for making platforms better are incredibly expensive to implement. For example, the EU’s rule requiring mandatory copyright filters for user-generated content has a pricetag starting in the hundreds of millions — small wonder that Google and Facebook supported this proposal. They know no one else can afford to comply with a rule like this, and buying their way to permanent dominance, without the threat of being disrupted by new offerings, is a sweet deal.
But complying with an end-to-end rule requires less engineering than breaking end-to-end. Services start by reliably delivering messages between willing senders and receivers, then they do extra engineering work to selectively break this, in order to extract payments from platform users. For small platform operators — say, volunteers or co-ops running Mastodon servers — this rule requires no additional expenditures.
Likewise for complying with right-to-exit; this is already present in open federated media protocols. A requirement for platforms to add right-to-exit is a requirement to implement an open standard, one that already has reference code and documentation. It’s not free by any means — scaling up reference implementations to the scale of large platforms is a big engineering challenge — but it’s a progressive tax, with the largest platforms bearing the largest costs.
Both of these proposals put control where it belongs: with users, not platform operators. They impose discipline on Big Tech by forcing them to compete in a market where users can easily slip from one service to the next, eluding attempts to lock them in and enshittify them.
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Catch me on tour with Red Team Blues in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, DC, Gaithersburg, Oxford, Hay, Manchester, Nottingham, London, and Berlin!
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[Image ID: A giant robot hand holding a monkey-wrench. A tiny, distressed human figure is attempting - unsuccessfully - to grab the wrench away.]
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Image: EFF https://www.eff.org/files/banner_library/competition_robot.png
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/
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andrevasims · 2 years
GTA V Baby Names
So in GTA V, on their fake internet they have a website Your New Baby’s Name which randomly generates names from a list. Of course being GTA they’re really dumb or innuendos (or both lol) but I am a collector of dumb names soooo here’s the list.
Admiral Bongo
Canto Santi
Chicken Tikka
Denim Noo Noo
Digi Kulamba
Donkey the Third
Fire Wall
Mars Moon
Pip Pip Jongles
Pork Belly
Pro Phil Act'It
Pumpkin ale
Santa Yeehah
Titty Rhino
Yum Yum Killer
Yuyu Lampon
Zero Gravity
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pied-piper-pluto · 2 years
wasn't noticing it at first but: it's been a while since any flirtatious and totally real human women with empty blogs followed me! wonder if Tumblr finally figured out how to spamfilter them or if whoever was running the botnet finally got sick of low returns
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dramatic-dolphin · 2 years
(tényleg nem akarom as askboxodat hunblr kőszívű stan társkeresőnek használni de) az megvan, hogy nemrég csináltak belőle egy MUSICALT, ami ráadásul most márc. 15.-e alkalmából bootlegként felkerült youtube-ra is??? https:// www.youtube .com/ watch?v=yYy4onE2BXU (tagolás a tumblis spamfilter miatt) and like... CHOICES were made, mind egyes karaterek sztoriját, mind a kosztümöket illetően, & even though a dalok kicsit ilyen basic white bread disney soundtrackek én csak örülök hogy ez a szépség létezik mert ha tudatosan a Nemzeti Camp lencséjén keresztül nézed, it's genius tbh
eleve már az eleje egy nagyszerű kezdés volt (igen, legyen mostantól az askboxom mostantól hunblr kőszívű stan társkereső! 💖) de aztán KŐSZÍVŰ MUSICAL???? köszi a linket, ezt meg kell néznem. Choices Are Made amúgy is a legjobb leírása a legtöbb magyar musicalnek, jó és rossz értelemben is <3
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techvandaag · 2 months
Mozilla Thunderbird 128.0.1 ESR
De Mozilla Foundation heeft versie 128.0.1 van Thunderbird uitgebracht. Thunderbird is een opensourceclient voor e-mail en nieuwsgroepen, met features als ondersteuning voor verschillende mail- en newsaccounts. Verder zijn er een spamfilter, spellingscontrole, kalender en adresboek, en heeft het een aanpasbaar uiterlijk. In versie 115 treffen we onder meer een nieuwe gebruikersinterface aan, die van Mozilla de naam Supernova heeft meegekregen. Verder zijn de kalender en het adresboek verbeterd, en worden links niet meer in Thunderbird geopend, maar in de standaard webbrowser. In deze uitgave zijn de volgende verbeteringen aangebracht: What’s Fixed http://dlvr.it/TB46W9
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vosquitransitis · 3 months
was tun deutsche behörden eigentlich in ihre offiziellen emails das mein spamfilter die so absolut zuverlässig als spam identifiziert
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reneleijen · 3 months
Engeland: Aanhoudingen voor sms-phishing via zelfgemaakte zendmast
In Londen en Manchester zijn twee mannen aangehouden en aangeklaagd die duizenden phishing-sms’jes verstuurden via een zelfgemaakte zendmast. Met deze ‘sms blaster’ werden de spamfilters van telecomproviders omzeild, aldus een bericht van de City of London Police. De twee verstuurden met hun zelfgemaakte mobiele antenne phishing-sms’jes die van banken en andere officiële instanties afkomstig…
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regioonlineofficial · 7 months
Vorige week heeft de gemeente Waadhoeke alle sport- en cultuuraanbieders in de gemeente een brief gestuurd met uitleg over de pilot Sport en Cultuur. Onderdeel van de pilot is dat jongeren van 12 tot en met 16 jaar een tegoed ter waarde van €200 kunnen uitgeven bij sport- en cultuuraanbieders in de gemeente. Voorwaarde voor het meedoen aan de pilot is dat het beweeg- en cultuuraanbod op het online platform Yn Beweging wordt geplaatst. Alle verenigingen en bedrijven die in Waadhoeke sportieve of culturele activiteiten aanbieden, hebben vorige week een brief gekregen over de pilot Sport en Cultuur. De brieven zijn per mail verstuurd door Team FRL Waadhoeke van Sport Fryslân en door Seewyn Kunsteducatie. Sport Fryslân en Seewyn zijn de samenwerkingspartners van de gemeente wanneer het gaat om sport en cultuur. Wat is de bedoeling van de pilot? Jongeren die tussen 1 augustus 2007 en 31 juli 2012 geboren zijn, krijgen aan het begin van het sport- en cultuurseizoen 2024-2025 een (digitaal) tegoed. Het tegoed heeft een waarde van €200 en is twee jaar geldig. De tegoed kan gebruikt worden voor eenmalige activiteiten of evenementen, maar ook voor een lidmaatschap. Inleveren via Yn Beweging De jongeren leveren hun tegoed straks in via het online platform Yn Beweging. Daarop komt het volledige aanbod voor sportieve en culturele activiteiten voor alle doelgroepen, dus niet alleen voor jongeren. Ook na de pilot blijft het platform Yn Beweging actief. Wat staat er in de brief? Deze pilot biedt kansen om als vereniging of bedrijf onder de aandacht te komen van een groot publiek. Het gaat om ruim 2600 jongeren en hun omgeving. De gemeente roept de sport- en cultuuraanbieders op om alvast na te denken over het aanbod wat ze straks online gaan zetten. Alleen via het platform Yn Beweging kunnen de jongeren straks hun tegoed bij een vereniging of bedrijf uitgeven. Daarnaast vraagt de gemeente ook om na te denken over aanbod voor andere doelgroepen. Hoe verder? Op dit moment wordt het platform Yn Beweging verder ontwikkeld; de planning is dat de sport- en/of cultuuraanbieders in april hun aanbod kunnen invoeren. Op woensdagavond 27 maart organiseert de gemeente een informatieavond waarop we het platform presenteren en uitleggen hoe het aanbod daarop te zetten. In mei moet alle aanbod van de sport- en cultuuraanbieders online staan. Daarna zet de gemeente de puntjes op de i en gaat het platform ‘live’. Voor de zomervakantie krijgen alle jongeren in de gemeente een brief met uitleg over hun tegoed. Geen brief gekregen? De brieven zijn verstuurd per e-mail naar de bij Sport Fryslân en Seewyn bekende sport- en cultuuraanbieders. Het is mogelijk dat de mail in de spamfilter is gekomen. Verder is van een klein aantal aanbieders het e-mailadres niet bekend. Zij hebben afgelopen week de brief per post gekregen. Sport- en cultuuraanbieders die geen mail én geen brief per post hebben gekregen, en wel regelmatig activiteiten aanbieden in de gemeente Waadhoeke, kunnen contact opnemen met: Bent u een sportaanbieder, dan kunt u contact opnemen met Jorick de Haan van Sport Fryslân, via [email protected] of 06 - 8352 1883 (bereikbaar op maandag tot en met vrijdag). Bent u een cultuuraanbieder, neemt u met vragen dan contact op met Lotte Rodrigo van Seewyn, via [email protected] of 06 – 1090 6734 (bereikbaar op dinsdag tot en met donderdag). Hebt u vragen over de pilot in het algemeen, dan kunt u contact opnemen met Tim van Schie van gemeente Waadhoeke, via [email protected] of 06 -  4542 6608 (bereikbaar op maandag, dinsdag, donderdag en vrijdag van 14.00 tot 16.00 uur).
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b2bcybersecurity · 9 months
Mehr Sicherheit für cloudbasierte Arbeitsumgebungen
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Cloudbasierte Arbeits-Plattformen, wie Google-Workspace und Microsoft 365, sind besonders anfällig für Bedrohungen durch Cyberkriminelle. IT-Security Spezialist ESET hat seine Cloud Office Lösung verbessert und bietet jetzt mehr Schutz. Der IT-Sicherheitshersteller ESET hat eine neue Version von ESET Cloud Office Security (ECOS) veröffentlicht. Die verbesserte Sicherheitslösung bietet erweiterte Security-Funktionen für Microsoft 365 und enthält jetzt auch umfassenden, mehrschichtigen Schutz für Google Workspace. ESET Cloud Office Security sichert Exchange Online, OneDrive, Microsoft Teams und SharePoint Online sowie Google Drive und Gmail vor Gefahren aus dem Internet umfassend ab. Alle Nutzer, die bereits ECOS verwenden, erhalten die Unterstützung für Google Workspace automatisch und kostenfrei. Erhöhte Gefahr für Google Workspace und Microsoft 365 Unternehmen, die auf cloudbasierte Plattformen setzen, benötigen einen erhöhten Schutz vor einer Vielzahl von Sicherheitsrisiken. Insbesondere Microsoft 365 und Google Workspace sind potenziellen Bedrohungen wie Phishing-Angriffen, Malware und Zero Day-Bedrohungen ausgesetzt. Allein in den vergangenen sieben Monaten erkannte ECOS in den Kundenkonten von Microsoft 365 mehr als 750.000 E-Mail-Bedrohungen, blockierte 360.000 Phishing-E-Mails und identifizierte 21 Millionen Spamnachrichten. Auch Google Workspace steht klar im Visier von Cyberkriminellen – deswegen stellt dessen Integration in ESET Cloud Office Security eine bedeutende Weiterentwicklung dar. Google Workspace bietet eine Suite von Produktivitätstools und Kommunikationsanwendungen, die in der heutigen Arbeitswelt unverzichtbar sind. „Google Workspace wird von zahlreichen Unternehmen für die Zusammenarbeit und Kommunikation genutzt. Ohne jeden Zweifel ist das Google Angebot höchst interessant für Cyberkriminelle“, erklärt Peter Neumeier, Director of Channel Sales bei ESET Deutschland. „Das Versionsupdate von ESET Cloud Office Security bietet einen entscheidenden Schutzschild, der die integrierten Sicherheitsfunktionen von Google Workspace ergänzt.“ Mehr Sicherheit in der Cloud dank ESET Cloud Office Security Die neue Version von ESET Cloud Office Security bietet ein breites Spektrum an Sicherheitsfunktionen, darunter erweiterte proaktive Bedrohungserkennung und optimierte Cloud Sandboxing-Technologien. Mit einem Spamfilter, Malware-Scanner, Anti-Phishing-Mechanismen und fortschrittliche Bedrohungsabwehr sichert die Lösung die unternehmensweite Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit ab. Über die benutzerfreundliche Cloud-Konsole erhalten Administratoren einen Überblick über erkannte Bedrohungen und werden sofort benachrichtigt, wenn eine Erkennung erfolgt. ESET Cloud Office Security zeichnet sich durch folgende Merkmale aus: - Proaktive Bedrohungserkennung: Modernste Algorithmen und maschinelles Lernen identifizieren potenzielle Bedrohungen in Echtzeit, bevor sie Schaden anrichten können. - Cloud Sandboxing: Verdächtige Dateien werden in einer isolierten Cloud-Umgebung analysiert, um Zero Day-Bedrohungen zu erkennen, die herkömmliche Analysen nicht entdecken können. - Nahtlose Integration: Die Lösung integriert sich mühelos in Microsoft 365 und Google Workspace und bietet Administratoren eine benutzerfreundliche Erfahrung. - Kontinuierliche Updates und Support: Regelmäßige Updates und umfassender Kundensupport stellen sicher, dass Kunden stets vorne dabei sind, wenn es um Sicherheit geht. - Filtert Spam-E-Mails, bereinigt Postfächer von unangemessenen Inhalten und ermöglicht, Black-/Whitelisting für Exchange Online und Gmail zu konfigurieren - E-Mail-Inhalte werden auf Phishing-Links (URLs) geprüft, abgeglichen und bei Verdacht sofort blockiert - Scannen von E-Mails, Anhängen sowie zum präventiven Schutz vor Malware - Breite Auswahl an Protokollen und Filtern zur Nachverfolgung von Meldungen sowie ein zugängliches Berichtswesen - Multimandantenfähigkeit für MSP-Administratoren - Richtlinienbasierte Sicherheitseinstellungen, die ausgewählten Nutzern bzw. Gruppen zugewiesen und an deren Bedürfnisse angepasst werden können   Passende Artikel zum Thema   Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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sicher-stark-team · 10 months
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seralica · 1 year
Come back from several busy days to find out that my blog has finally been removed from the Shadow Realm!!! (aka caught in the spam filter, apparently)
not sure what to do about using my VPN now, because from my time extensively reading the shadowban tag it seems like this is often due to using a VPN, and I'm p sure I got blocked basically as soon as I made this tumblr, hideously annoying
For now I've turned it off, but like, data. If anyone has experiences on VPN-post-spamfilter blah blah, or if they got re-caught and had to wait another several weeks to get it turned back off, lmk!
Anyway off to post the podfic I've been waiting to post until other people can actually see it in the tags lol
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13dxfunkfreundenrw · 1 year
13 DX Mails ständig im Spam Ordner?
Liebe Funkfreunde, erste Ergebnisse unserer Analyse beim Mailserver Umzug haben gezeigt, das viele Freemail Anbieter wie z.B. Google, Web.de, GMX und AOL unsere ganz sauber erstellten und signierten Mails trotz aller technischen Möglichkeiten auf unserer Seite, warum auch immer, als Spam einstufen 😦 Leider haben wir hier von unserer Seite keinen Einfluss auf die Regeln der Spamfilter bei diesen…
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waitongutbildning · 2 years
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Om du är anmäld till min, Waitong Utbildnings, streamade helt gratis nybörjarinfo 10.00-12.00; 24/1 ADAD eller FIT 25/1 så ska du nu ha fått en länk. Om inte så kolla ditt spamfilter eller hör av dig! Platser kvar på grundutbildning i ADAD 15/2, 9/3 och 13/4 och diplomutbildning i FIT i Malmö 7-8/3 & 2/5. Mer info, priser och anmälan på waitong.se #WaitongUtbildning #FIT #DP #ICCE #ORS #SRS #InternationalCenterforClinicalExcellence #ScottMiller #FeedbackInformedTreatement #DeliberatePractise #Feedback #brukarmedverkan #ADAD #AdolescentDrugAbuseDiagnoses #ADAD2 #€ADAD #metodguiden #ADolescentAssesmentDialogue #Socialstyrelsen #Råbe&Kobberstad #netklient #learningtransfer #Statens institutionsstyrelse #SiS #HVB #behandlingshem #föreståndare (på/i Möllevången) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnlts8xslAX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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deinheilpraktiker · 2 years
KI-Sprachmodelle könnten Menschen mit Behinderungen gegenüber beleidigend oder voreingenommen sein Natural Language Processing (NLP) ist eine Art künstliche Intelligenz, die es Maschinen ermöglicht, Text und gesprochene Wörter in vielen verschiedenen Anwendungen zu verwenden -; wie intelligente Assistenten oder E-Mail-Autokorrektur und Spamfilter -; Unterstützung bei der Automatisierung und Optimierung von Abläufen für einzelne Benutzer und Unternehmen. Laut Forschern des Penn State College of Information Sciences and Technology (IST) weisen die Algorithmen, die diese Tech... #Behinderung #Forschung #Künstliche_Intelligenz #Maschinelles_Lernen #OKT #Sprache #Übung
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