#tech talk
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foldingfittedsheets · 2 months ago
So I’m retaking Rigging II for practice and because I had to take it as an independent study. I’m learning a lot of foundational stuff I missed which is cool. Tech talk incoming, feel free to ignore.
Right now we’re rigging an excavator. Mechanical things are always kinda pleasant to rig since there’s not much skinning associated but the file the professor is having us work off is haunted as fuck.
Maya keeps losing its mind and from the moment I booted up the file it had several errors just. On the mesh itself, before any rigging took place. A terrible omen we can all agree.
Almost everyone is having issues with joints that just fly 180 degrees when their controller is touched and either he told us to set it up jank or the mesh is full of demons. It’s the worst kind of bug where it only happens sometimes, too, so Maya is just making fork in the garbage disposal sounds of pain.
I finally got mine unstuck, but we’re doing review and almost everyone has some kind of ghosts in their joints, it’s a bit of a shit show. Also to be clear he is aware this might be on him since it's so pervasive but it's more like, what is Maya up to this time?
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exceptionally-minded · 3 months ago
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The floppy-eared, twin-tusked therii makes its home on the planets of Pacara and Batuu. It has soft, reddish-brown fur and short, two-toed hooves. Therii are an herbivorous species whose preferred diet includes leaves and stems of oats, wheat, and corn — although they have been known to beg Batuu tourists for snacks of popped grains. Therii use their ears both for hearing and as a means of expression: They often show contentment by flapping them wildly!
From Star Wars Bestiary, Vol. 1 by S.T. Bende and Illustrated by Iris Compiet
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42bakery · 13 days ago
All of you are very aware that my brain gets very obsess with the most random thing even in MotoGP, and this time is not different. This time, it's about the rider's heigh and which is the talles team in the grid. It was prompted by Aldeguer coming to MotoGP and wondering if Honda or Gresini's line up was on average taller.
First of all, we need to see who is the tallest and the shortest rider on the grid. The tallest is Luca Marini with 184cm and the shortest one is actually shared by Jorge Martín and Enea Bastianini with 168cm each. Below there's a table with all the riders and their height according to MotoGP site*
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Now, the next step is to look at the average height of the teams. Below the table with the results.
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Turns out, that Honda has an average height )of 182,5 cm, which is 2cm taller than Gresini (which was my initial tough. It's also a contrast to the 2018, where they had the shortest line-up. Well in General Honda is know to be a pretty small bike and difficult to handle for taller riders, so... it's surprising they choose such taller riders. In one particular occasion, Dani confessed he even struggle to properly fit on the bike (I think it was the Honda with an 800cc), which is telling on how small they managed to do that particular bike/model.
On the oposite side of the spectrum, Tech3 has the shortest line-up, and KTM has the second shortest one.
This promptly me too look at the manufacturers data. In the current MotoGP era it isn't as important as it used to be. Before the development of the aero, the ideal height of a MotoGP rider was around 170cm (or 175cm, not a lot higher than that). With the aero, came more stability for the bikes, which allowed the manufacturers to make longer bikes, therefore taller riders come to play.
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As expected, KTM is the bike who has on average the shorter riders, while Honda, despite LCR being on the on the short side of the spectrum (ranked 4th), has overall the shorter line up. (And if anyone is wondering if there's a difference between the riders riding the Desmosedici (Ducati) GP24 and the ones riding the GP25, yes there's one. The average height of the riders in the GP25 is 174cm and the ones in the GP24 is 179, which makes them the tallest in the grid).
Right now, none of this is really important, but the riders height does have small paper in the riders performance. Height do play a role on the ergonomics, and for taller riders it makes it more difficult to fit on the bike, but as I said before, aero did change that.
* We all know that the site is a bit wrong in this cases, but it's the official site and the one containing all riders' height (or most of them). So if anyone wants a beef about a particular height, please do it with MotoGP/DORNA. Also if someone has a more accurate site that contains all riders heights, please share so I can update this if necessary.
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bad-batch-lurker · 11 months ago
I just saw some Tech slander saying that he is physically weaker than Hunter. I’m not going to reblog it because I don’t want that on my dash.
But please, I think *canonically* he’s second strongest of the Batch.
I can offer more examples, but the one I’ll cite here is him helping Wrecker open the door on Tipoca City. With Omega on the other side, if Hunter was stronger than Tech, he’d be the one at the door. He wasn’t, because he’s not.
Case closed.
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cryptidize · 10 months ago
I'm getting increasingly startled by how much AI is being added to things when it doesn't work. Like. They don't work. They're not accurate, they're even dangerous. The time it will take to untangle websites from AI becomes exponential the more you integrate it into systems.
Maybe one day, we will figure out applications for it that actually matter but web searching is not the answer. The internet was supposed to be our digital library and knowledge base that anyone can access, but now AI and Google together are single-handedly destroying all the hard-earned trust the Alphabet monopoly has.
They're, quite literally, commiting to the enshittification of the entire web. All because they wanted to push out competition. Because they think AI is going to be the new search engine. I hate you projections I hate you modern business degrees, I hate you advertising majors becoming CEOs i hate you Google.
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vampiresuns · 1 year ago
I haven't seen it anywhere on tumblr, so just so you know there's been a huge data leak reported with over 26 billion records compromised in many, many websites. Aside from the usual suspects of shady websites with tons of ads, the leak includes twitter, linkedin, adobe, canva, dropbox and tumblr.
please change passwords associated with those sites if you use them, and jic also change your gmail password as it's used to sign on/authenticate people in several websites. here are some tips on creating safe passwords:
make them long! 8 to 12 characters at least
use a combination of numbers, letters and symbols to create a phrase you can remember. for example, if I used my username as a password (which don't. don't do this) you could turn it into: V4mp1r3.$uns
Avoid multiple character repetition if you can. ie. don't add the same number, symbol, lowercase or uppercase letter more than twice
write them down in a notebook or paper only you have access to, or use a password manager
and remember! firefox comes in with more built in protections that any other web browser, install them in your phones if you haven't, and it comes with built in password managers that are accessible in all your logins if you log into your web browsing session. stay safe online!!
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charles-leclerc-official · 8 months ago
Ferrari have made some small modifications to the floor of the car for this weekend's race. These changes are small, and are aimed at added stiffness in the floor which should offer some more stability cornering.
This isn't a long term solution, but it should help in the meantime for both drivers. Any small adjustments between now and more substantive changes for current problems will be greatly appreciated.
The team does seem to feel they have a direction again. We will see after summer if that is true. I will be interested to see how this modification as well as in inboard upgrades in Spa handle.
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waru-chan8 · 1 year ago
I’m a new motogp fan and was wondering about the riding style for the riders and what is the “famous” riding style between them so if you could like tell me about it please?
Hi there anon 👋👋👋👋. I know I've been labelled as the tech expert, but I'm far from it. I'll try to explain the little I know the best I can.
Riding style is the way a rider rides a bike and there are as many riding styles as riders there are in the world. A riding style can evolve/change depending on the bike or set-up or how a rider is usually feeing (injuries). Also history made them change. We can't conceive races without riders touching the asphalt, but initially they didn't
There are stuff that is more easy to spot as how much a rider leans and how they do it when they are in the kerb or which part of a rider touches the asphalt. For example, first riders used to stay upwards an completely lean the bike, whereas now the turning comes from the riders accompanying the bike. There are riders that don't touch the ground at all, other just with the knee, knee and elbow and now some (Martín for sure) with the shoulder too. I think someone mentioned touching the asphalt with the shin of the helmet. And how much the lean the bike, hence why you see so many angles. Martín is one of the riders that lean it a lot, while Aleix is the oposite, bare minimum, just to turn in.
Riding stile is also hugging/staying close to the bike or be 'away form it'. There are riders to seem like thy will fall, but stay hugged to the tank (most extreme case is Rins) and other that put as much distance with it as they can (Martín). And things in between. Also the famous kicks/putting the feet in the asphalt before turning. Some riders do to reduce the velocity others don't, and others just when the bike/body calls for it.
There's also stuff not so visual, like they behaviour on track, thriving when in group batelling (Marc) and other's that face problems/can't fight at al (I want to say Luca, but he got good at this like we saw today). It's about destroying the tyres at the start and then manage them or nurse them to last as much as you can, so they are at the best at the end of the race (Joan and Rins)
And the most important in here might be the lines and breaking. When we talk about the lines is about always picking the same part of the tarmac and doing the same over and over again having similar lap times, and every time hitting it. Fermín in Moto2 is apparently a good rider in this, always finding where to go. In MotoGP I'll say Rins, but sometime he chooses the most unconventional ones and also Jorge Lorenzo. He was a fucking clock. Other riders do whatever they can to stay on the bike and do not replicate as well. In this case is adapting at the evolving conditions of the track and bike as the grip and the weigh varies. And then we have the braking and this about where and how to break. There are riders that break hard and late, some just late and some just hard. There are others that prefer to break little and do the whole turn breaking in a constant way and others prefer to break at the start to be able to pick the bike early. Hard and late breakers can be Marc and Brad. Martín is a hard breaker and I think Aleix is a late one (but I can be wrong). On the other side of the spectrum, Dani Pedrosa is an early breaker and then was he one to pick the bike the earlier. There are riders that still try to replicate this without no available. I think Maverick is like this. Rins for example is no breaker at all, he will break as little as he can and accelerate as much as he could as soon as possible. There are other that got so good at this that at the middle of turning they where still breaking and where opening the gas (I can't remember if it was Casey or Hayden)
And then there's the things we don't see, like bike balance and setup. Where the weight is on the bike? Front? Balanced? Back of the bike? Suspension, break, etc. For example Fermín likes to have as much feedback from the front as he wants so the weight is mostly on the front, while Alonso likes a more balanced one. When riders talk about the feedback is about interpreting the 'signals' and grip the tyres and bike gives them and they get it with setups and weight distribution, etc. There are also riders that don't mind a sliding rear, meaning the bike will move a bit, while others can't have it,
With all of this we get 'rider profile' like 'old' school, 'new' school, 'smooth' rider or aggressive, but there are more. Like Martín is from the wave of new rider. Meaning they like to hang out of the bike as much as they can, while Bezz is a more old school, he will stay closer to the bike. Rins is a smooth/gentle rider and the way to describe it is like he is dancing with the bike, he is one with it (probably there's a technical term for this, but I don't know it) and Marc/Brad are more aggressive, it's like they fight with it at each moment. Aleix has his own category for some reason.
There's no better or worst riding style as you can see Bezz and Jorge both have results whith such different riding styles. And by the way, Pecco is in between them. Same with Rins and Marc with the Honda.
The only way to really understand this is watch them ride and listen what they say or like. And when looking at them, look at what they do in FPs or when they are alone on track because that's their 'natural' riding style, while in the middle of a group they need to adjust. Some do better than other.
I think @blorbogp could help as they're more experts than me. I hope this helps because there's a lot
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yesloulou · 2 years ago
Since you are the best researcher in the dirlie community, I thought I'd ask you.
Do we know whether Daniel is ambidextrous? I've seen him use both of his hands without any struggles. Thank you for your answer 💛
hi nonnie!! (im rlly not but 😳) ty for the kind words im super flattered!!
my sources (google search) are saying that daniel is right handed. in zandvoort 21 his car's right hand clutch paddle failed after formation lap. he had to use the left hand clutch (which if you're a right-handed driver you probably would've never had to) and almost wasn't able to start the car. i think his wording in the interview ("so if you're right handed") also confirms that he's not naturally ambidextrous.
p.s. clutch paddles (no. 13 in this graph) connect/disconnect engine power to wheels. the left and right paddles do the exact same thing. the car listens to whichever is pressed down more.
during standing start procedures, right handed f1 drivers usually fully press down the left paddle to completely disengage transmission, and press down right paddle to the desired percentage (say 40%) of engine power for launching the car. when lights go out, they release the left paddle and the car will instantly get 40% power.
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p.s.s. this mechanical failure meant daniel had seconds between formation lap and lights out to figure out what even was wrong with the car and how to do a start with only one working clutch paddle. many thought he'd have to retire. it was impressive that he was able to start the race at all (losing only one position which he then quickly gained back). but afterwards daniel was like "i probably should've practiced left hand starts" "I'll practice a few more times" etc etc. just goes to show he was SO conditioned to putting all the blames on himself at that point, even if it was literally a car failure. fuck mclaren and every gaslighting cunt in that clown team 🪄🪄🪄 anyways.
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thegoblinwitch · 11 months ago
i finally took the jump and am ditching my macbook for good for a dedicated linux mini desktop (star labs byte, if you're wondering, you prob aren't), after a literal decade since i was on linux last (though it was on a windows machine, with the issues that entails).
it's pre-installed with ubuntu, 'cause i thought that was the easiest to deal with to start, though i plan to do some distro hopping.
any linux peeps on here have any advise on how to easily (i.e. low need to manually partition and/or install/uninstall constantly) do said distro hopping? and also any distro recs?
my only requirement is that it be low on the need to use the command line to start with, i wanna ease into it, not jump in the deep end without floaters on...!
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exceptionally-minded · 5 months ago
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In days of yore, the infamous zillo beasts roamed their homeworld of Malastare, slaughtering the native Dugs and attacking any other beings that dared to cross their path. Long considered to be untamable, the zillo beast lived alone, interacting among its species only long enough to breed before returning to its solitary existence. The creatures sustained themselves on electric energy; they attached themselves to a power source and drew strength from its current. Once connected to a source, the beasts would power up, regenerating lost or damaged limbs and expanding until they'd reached their full size and strength. An adult zillo beast could measure up to ninety-seven meters in height and weigh up to sixty-thousand metric tons.
These beasts boasted a nearly indestructible hide, with armored plates that proved impenetrable by blaster fire, explosions, and, as rumor had it, lightsabers. Gaps in armor, however, could be pierced, leaving the creatures vulnerable to attack at close proximity. The creatures were highly mobile, scurrying across their environment on four legs while maneuvering their eight-spiked tail, for both balance and defense. Adult zillos grew an additional arm atop their backs that boasted the same grasping fingers and sharp claws as their other appendages. The creatures' glowing green eyes were capable of night vision, and their talons and teeth could easily slice through metal.
Among the reptile's more curious traits was its ability to perform facial recognitions, an anomaly evidenced by holorecords of one such beast tracking Supreme Chancellor Palpatine across Coruscant in an effort to slaughter him. Although the Dugs believed the species to be extinct prior to the Battle of Malastare, an electric proton bomb awoke the last recorded member of the species in 21 BBY. Since that time, there have been very few reported zillo beast sightings. However, rumors are ripe of a cloned sillo having been discovered on the planet of Silla, and taken to an Imperial stronghold on Tantiss. It is said to have escaped, although its precise whereabouts remain unknown.
Adapted from Star Wars Bestiary, Vol. 1 by S.T. Bende and Illustrated by Iris Compiet
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42bakery · 9 months ago
I just realized thanks to @uwabbittuwabbit that we have a bunch of new people in MotoGPblr and that they might not now the difference between the teams and manufacturer championship and how to calculate them (not that is important right now, but is useful to know).
So I’m going to try and explain them and I’m going to use Ducati as an example (because it’s easier). Let’s start with the scoring system.
MotoGP has 2 different depending if it’s Sprint or Sunday’s race. Don’t worry I don’t remember this numbers either.
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So far, so easy, right? So let’s keep going.
Now it comes the rider’s points, which is the sum of each race score (as seen in the table above). Riders can score a maximum of 37 points per weekend.
Now next it’s the teams points that is the sum of points of each rider in the team they ride for.
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(Please ignore that the colours don't match the teams colours, they are just as a visual aid to see which numbers goes with what).
This one is also fairly easy, but now it comes the Manufacturer one. The manufacturer points are the points of the highest scoring rider per each event, that is not the same as weekend, witting that manufacturer. Ducati is currently 1st with 241, but let’s see how they got so many points.
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As we see above, only in France and Italy did the same rider become the higher scorer in both the sprint and the race (Martin in France and Bagnaia in Italy). And we also can see that only 4 riders have scored points for Ducati (Martín, Bagnaia, Enea and Marc).
This also allows us to see which riders score more points for the manufacturer.
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And this tells us that Martín, despite being in front of Bagnaia in the championship, has scored less points for Ducati mainly because he’s a Sprint specialist (kind of), meanwhile Bagnaia is a Sunday rider.
Well, I hope this helps newcomers to understand a bit more bout MotoGP and their score system.
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bad-batch-lurker · 1 year ago
I absolutely refuse to believe that in 5ish (from Plan 99 to when CX-2 first appears) months they: healed Tech from his fall; brainwashed him; reconditioned him; and then set him up with all that cool shit.
Especially when they couldn’t do it to Crosshair.
OR he was injured enough to make him susceptible and had memory loss, but he kept some of these Tech ticks? But not the extra flair?
Also, the assassin seems established.
I have my own pet crack theories, and I know that they are absolutely pouring oil on the Tech fire with fucking “domicile.” But I just can’t believe it.
And I want Tech to very, very much be alive.
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cryptidize · 7 months ago
So lately, I've been job searching again. Not a surprise, I know... I'm usually looking for something new at least once a year or so. But the reason is because I keep leaping from sinking ship to sinking ship - every job, both corporate and small business, has been failing spectacularly in some way.
I won't be talking about specifics, but let me mention some themes I notice to determine whether a job is going under.
1.) Labor Violations
Of course, this is always a red flag. If they tell you not to discuss pay with coworkers, this is a labor violation. There are many protections you have as an individual who works. These protections are not taught in school, nor college, nor by your families, so it's good to become familiar with your rights. You may even discover after reading this that your rights are being violated. If you find that is the truth, please see the Department of Labor and their process for reporting this violation. You may receive additional compensation for doing so, simply because of the violation.
2.) The Invisible Growth
Some jobs will claim they're the "fastest growing" xyz in the industry. Some places will claim they've had to expand their facilities, their workload, their staff. Growth is not always a bad thing, but once you're there, you may notice their pitfalls. Maybe their facility is in disrepair with a leaky roof. Maybe their workload increased, but not workers and pay. Maybe they're margin pinching about cleaning products. These are cause for some alarm, simply because they are growing, but not sustaining. Not ensuring every growth move is accompanied by standard procedures and improving work conditions can be damning in the future. The enshittification of business.
3.) Confusing Time Off
Some businesses will make language around time off confusing. Where I work currently, we have PTO (Personal Time Off), VTO (Voluntary Time Off) and VTO (Vacation Time Off). Personal and Voluntary are not paid. You cannot use either of these methods until after your 90 days. AFTER 1 YEAR, you earn Vacation time. When this was originally pitched to me, personal time was a replacement for sick time, but they conveniently left out that I wouldn't be compensated. I also have to let them know 2 weeks in advance for every day I use, and 6 weeks in advance to take Vacation Time longer than 1 day. Places do this in order to give the illusion of having a work/life balance.
4.) No Experts
Certain jobs (warehouses come to mind) have a high turn-over for all positions except management. When this happens, you start to run dry on expertise. Workers tend to talk and ask each other questions. This is a normal behavior in jobs, especially if training is brief or lacking in areas, but if no one is knowledgeable on the work they're doing, wrong/incomplete knowledge is being passed around. The main way i can diagnose this issue is within a business' IT Team. How many people do they have for every computer? Is it just one guy with an engineering degree? How often is the technology updated or cleaned? The laptops at my work are being charged with Nintendo Switch chargers and killed slowly because we have 1 guy with an engineering degree doing all the general IT and it Sucks. This is a symptom of the turnover.
I know this may seem like a random post, but now more than ever, businesses are violating our rights and protections, as well as our kindness as people. I'm tired of it! Unionizing is great, I love to see people banding together, but individuals have power too! You have every right to complain to the labor board! You can fight for your rights with or without a team! I wish you luck!
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princessnijireiki · 7 months ago
also, hilariously, achieved this by finally biting the bullet and getting a Kindle... you need the "put down that phone" + no notifs or vibrations sort of experience, I think! like I can wake up and grab a book or my book-alike tech and read a chapter or three to open my day, and it feels like me again vs. avoidant routines to stay away from toxic household vibes, or phone scrolling just to scroll until the mental stimulation itch is scratched.
turns out very chill old people were so right about dink my offee, watch/listen to news, and read a book or the morning paper to stay off that damn phone. like JUST that one specific thing, but damn if they weren't right!
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