#space love discovery
caramelcomics · 1 year
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Pencil sketch of the boys. 💚 I drew Ven a little too short oops
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eruptedinlight · 5 months
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Sassmaster Reno
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speakofcompersion · 6 months
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For jjong month ♡ part [1/4]
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tinderbox210 · 3 months
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Captain Michael Burnham and Commander Rayner + smiling at each other (1/2)
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spockskock · 1 year
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« I will find you in every universe »
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Rank the Star Trek captains based on whether or not they're expert road trippers
Archer - He tries. So hard. He burns a CD mixtape to listen to and rents a huge RV that only kind of works. He plans out a bunch of stops but "leaves room in the schedule for unplanned adventures :)" and then proceeds to not follow the plan at all and everything goes wrong. Actually, now that I think about it, Archer on a roadtrip would probably just mostly be the plot of the movie "RV."
Pike - He lets Una plan the stops and he METICULOUSLY plans the food. He and Una take a survey about what all their crew wants to see along the way and try so hard to integrate them all into the trip. He plays LOTS of car games, like Eye Spy or that one game where you count animals on your side of the vehicle until you see a graveyard and have to start over or that other game where you describe a movie plot badly and everyone has to guess what it is. He lets Uhura control the music and Spock read the map and Ortegas drive. The plan for the trip goes off the rails, of course, but everyone ends up having a blast anyway. Overall a SOLID roadtrip.
Kirk - Kirk takes everyone to see every single tourist trap they can find and, you know what? It's fun. Is the World's Largest Truckstop really all that special? No, but the memories they make there are. I also imagine his roadtrip largely takes place in Iowa and other parts of the Midwest so a lot of the trip is rolling cornfields. Overall not a terrible trip, if a little slow and nutty.
Picard - Due to being European, Picard's idea of a roadtrip is a little... different. The crew is a little confused as to why they are only doing about 3 hours of driving a day, but they do appreciate that it's through Wine Country, where the rolling hills are lovely. I imagine Picard plans a "themed trip" (wine tasting and touring) and Riker is the one to throw in the fun tourist traps they do end up visiting. Q is somehow at every single place they stop. Lwaxana is at a few of them too.
Sisko - Sisko takes everyone on a tour of the MLB baseball fields. He meticulously plans places to eat (mostly cajun places that he critiques as 'not as good as his dad's, but acceptable.') and fields to visit. In the meantime, Jadzia picks some more... colorful places to visit in the evenings. Different groups of people get lost but they always find each other. Everyone is a little wary of visiting baseball fields, but once they find out that it was Jake's idea to cheer his dad up, everyone acts like each field is the most fascinating thing they have ever seen. In the end, the trip is a little tedious, but they have all bonded over the solidarity of making Sisko feel better.
Janeway - Janeway drives through the middle of nowhere. Absolutely no cell signal ever. Google Maps will not work. They stop every hour or so to look at the sights. At several points, their van gets robbed and they have to craft new supplies as they go. They make some "road enemies" (other roadtrippers that get competitive about parking spots and camping areas and stuff) and get in several fights (that they win). They camp alongside the road instead of staying in hotels and it's kinda miserable but it builds a lot of relationships and character. Their van breaks down a lot but they always fix it themselves. B'Elanna ends up souping up the engine about 4 different times. In the end, they all get home pretty much dead on their feet, but the whole crew is planning the next road trip anyway.
Freeman - She has a schedule that no one follows and she yells about it a lot. The road trip keeps getting completely derailed. They absolutely do not hit any planned stops and they have to replace each of the van's tires 3 times. Good news, however, is that they got a GREAT sale on all the trinkets and stuff that they bought along the way so everyone is still having an okay time.
Dal - Barely has a plan. He basically piled everyone in a vehicle one day and started driving. They stop whenever they feel like it and do odd jobs to earn enough money to keep going. The end goal is to reach San Francisco by the end, but Dal has to keep them backtracking for various reasons and they're having a heck of a time understanding exactly how this brand-new Chevy Silverado with a fancy computer system that they accidentally stole works. Everyone has fun anyway, even though they are also kinda lowkey running from the cops.
Burnham - I don't honestly know enough about Burnham as a captain to say for sure but I think she and Saru would plan a pretty chaotic lil road trip that kinda jumps all over the country in a strange order. Lots of zigzags and backtracking and stuff. I think they have fun though?
1st Place - Pike
2nd Place - Kirk
3rd Place - Janeway
4th Place - Sisko
5th Place - Archer
6th Place - Burnham
7th Place - Picard
8th Place - Dal
9th Place - Freeman
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someguywriting · 4 days
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trekkie-polls · 5 months
Let’s be honest - Star Trek has predominantly been very fat phobic. The idea that a perfect human future doesn’t include a wide range of body types appalls me. I wish this was a longer and more diverse list.
All of these characters should be celebrated.
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donnieisaprettyboy · 4 months
2014 - realized I liked girls but began desperately trying to “pray the gay away”
2016 - stopped believing in Christianity as I began to better accept my sexuality
2020 - publicly came out as bisexual, and shortly after my gender crisis began
2021 - nonbinary ? we’ll run with it, I’m experimenting! I’m playing with it! I’ve been in college for a year so now I have the room to try some things out!
2023 - my first pride parade! and the gender crisis continues on…. I would really love more masculine features… a deeper voice is my dream… I see men with flat chests and I get so envious. maybe I’m trans?
2024 - FINALLY allowing myself to use multiple labels that feel right! nonbinary, transmasc, genderfluid, genderqueer, they all feel like ME! planning on starting HRT after I get married and get onto my fiancé’s health insurance. plan on getting married in a wedding dress because THAT’S WHAT I WANT! because gender is not a strict binary and I am allowed to play with it however I want! my gender is not for the pleasure or comfort of anyone else! I got to experience my SECOND pride finally feeling content with myself and my identity! I’m happy! I’m so happy :)
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devotedlittlefreak · 4 months
Rayner is a good fucking character and I hope we get more of him in the Starfleet academy show. And honestly that seem likely, with the friendship with Tilly that they kinda "teased"
But then everytime that Star Trek pull the "hot-headed character with a soft side", I fell so hard for them : Bones, Kira, B'elanna, all in a pretty different ways. Odo, La'an and Michael are another side of the trope (they're kinda taking the opposite path if that make sense? Compare Kira & Odo or Rayner & Michael)
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quinoariver · 4 months
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Happy "they were on screen for about a second and told noted old lesbian reno they're happy" to all who celebrate
Image description: 1. A digital drawing of Joann Owosekun and Keyla Detmer from Star Trek Discovery kissing. Owo is a Black woman with long braids that are partially tied back and an undercut. Keyla has pale skin and back length ginger hair that is completely shaved on one side. She has a metal implant around her eye on that side. Both of them are wearing their yellow 32nd century uniforms. The background is a starry sky. 2. the lineart of the previous drawing without the colors with a blue background. ID end.
also here's a toned down version because may have gone a little overboard with the lighting
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Image description: the same drawing but with slightly less vibrant colors. ID end.
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bagog · 7 months
It bums me out when I see how much hate the 32nd Century Fleet from Star Trek Discovery gets. Partly, it's because it's hard to parse who hates the ships, and who hates the show and is just taking every opportunity to get some hate off.
My basic position is that: Star Trek uses aesthetics-over-practicality as a STORY-TELLING choice, as well as a design choice. The Federation is such a cool, future place, we can build ships just cuz they look cool and not cuz they make any sense.
People saying "It doesn't look like anything like ships we're used to" are like people complaining the space shuttle isn't built like a horse-drawn chariot. Technology AND aesthetics have evolved over the last ELEVEN CENTURIES, what makes you think we'd even recognize their standards of beauty OR practicality?
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Images from thetrekcollective.com
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strangenewwords · 1 year
Lucille Ball gave us Star Trek
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Just in case y'all don't know, Gene Roddenberry wasn't having the easiest time getting his space western launched. He pitched it to Desilu (Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz's production company) and Lucy gave it the green light. She stood by it through one failed (but now beloved) pilot and helped to get it off the ground.
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soracities · 4 months
I'm turning 30 this year and in the last 12 months I've been dumped by my partner of 11 yrs and fired. My life has completely fallen apart and I feel raw and scared and brand new. There is no right way, we're all just doing the best we can.
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hearttea · 2 years
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New Trekkies Finding Out About Starfleet
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Image link.
[Caption description: Astronaut meme.
Earth labeled Star Trek with emblem.
First Astronaut: Wait, Starfleet has been prone to corruption in every series?
Second Astronaut with original series Star Trek title over gun: Always has been.]
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