#and you know what? tumblr really helped!
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donnieisaprettyboy · 9 months ago
2014 - realized I liked girls but began desperately trying to “pray the gay away”
2016 - stopped believing in Christianity as I began to better accept my sexuality
2020 - publicly came out as bisexual, and shortly after my gender crisis began
2021 - nonbinary ? we’ll run with it, I’m experimenting! I’m playing with it! I’ve been in college for a year so now I have the room to try some things out!
2023 - my first pride parade! and the gender crisis continues on…. I would really love more masculine features… a deeper voice is my dream… I see men with flat chests and I get so envious. maybe I’m trans?
2024 - FINALLY allowing myself to use multiple labels that feel right! nonbinary, transmasc, genderfluid, genderqueer, they all feel like ME! planning on starting HRT after I get married and get onto my fiancé’s health insurance. plan on getting married in a wedding dress because THAT’S WHAT I WANT! because gender is not a strict binary and I am allowed to play with it however I want! my gender is not for the pleasure or comfort of anyone else! I got to experience my SECOND pride finally feeling content with myself and my identity! I’m happy! I’m so happy :)
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professorthaddeus · 5 months ago
god the way this island sits on top of and reflects what's going on in your mind, and if you're already justifying what you're doing to yourself, it amplifies that, and as you justify and rationalize to cope, it makes that rationalization feel like objective truth, and then before you know it you've broken 206 bones twice to try and get back to a shadow of who you once were, except in doing so you're making it even harder to go back because you've warped yourself beyond recognition—
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inkly-heart · 10 months ago
please don’t be sad little sprout, you are loved 🌱 🖤
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shalom-iamcominghome · 2 months ago
How does conversion work for a trans person? I'm scared of being naked for the mikveh immersion and also the part about circumcision, I really don't want anyone to see my body naked
I feel you on that, anon. So, it will heavily depend on which branch of judaism you plan on converting to, but there will be trans-friendly and trans-unfriendly spaces within each branch. I think the best course of action is to ask around with rabbis which take in students - definitely ask rabbis what their expectations would be as a trans student. Honestly, the only reason I didn't disclose my transness immediately to my rabbi was because I could tell he'd be trans-friendly even through email.
Now, I don't know your specific circumstances, nor will I ask, but there are options depending on what you're looking for. I'm a trans guy - I don't have the obligation to go through bris, and I'm not really able to. However, I do fulfill many of the mitzvot for men, and that compromise sort of offsets the fact that I don't have any way to really go through with bris.
For the mikvah, I've heard some places will put a sheet barrier in the water so that your body isn't fully seen. From what I know, you just need people to witness (even for a split second) that you are fully immersed and not your body. This might be dependent on the movement, however.
Otherwise, the process is very similar if not identical to cis counterparts. You can fulfill a ton of mitzvot as yourself, and in general, transness doesn't really prevent you from doing that. I would definitely talk with your rabbi for any accomodations you might want in this process - it's imperative that you're able to trust your rabbi to be receptive and willing to hear you out or compromise or anything else. If you have follow-up questions, I'd love to hear them; I can only speak to my experiences, but I know that it can sometimes be comforting to know you're not the only trans convert in the world. Transsexuals have become jewish since the dawn of time; you have no reason not to be jewish if that is something you want.
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vex-00 · 6 months ago
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I know Chloe is a fan unfavorite but I don't think she's all that bad. I definitely would have made changes to the way her character was written and how she was introduced, though. She deserved better than FOP season 10 (;ω;)
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cryptids-and-muses · 27 days ago
So I’m having one of my reoccurring dreams about my estranged family. It happens. But this time, in my old family home there’s this supernatural spinoff/reboot/sequel on the tv. I’m not even watching the tv in the dream mind you it’s just on.
The brothers are tracking this like doomsday cult as they do and SURPRISE castiel is back from super hell and he’s a mega powerful new kind of demon! And is the one the cult has been trying to use! And hes still in love with dean! Who’s too in shock to believe this is real or that’s really cas!
I don’t catch what happens next but later as I’m packing to go to the airport (another staple of these dreams) I’m listening to a video essay about how this continues the shows homophobic trend of treating gay love as monstrous and predatory. With tumblr discourse over how this was handled and if it was good or bad.
And can I just say, what a b plot
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calamitoustide · 2 months ago
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new ship unlocked?
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lolathepeacocklord · 1 year ago
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biowho · 3 months ago
Fellow ace here! I'm not demi, but I fit under the umbrella as aegosexual (a term I only learned a year ago! Fun times!).
Since anons were being mean, I wanted to say hi!
Aw thank you for sharing also hi we're hanging out under the same umbrella isn't that neat! xx
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jasonsbruce · 3 months ago
someone saved my fic "slipping mask" as a bookmark noting that they're all out of character and now i never want to publish anything ever again 🤠
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mysticalcats · 6 months ago
ok fellas this post is really different from my other stuff so i'm putting it under the cut for people who don't care and also because i'm slightly embarrassed
ok so. is it unusual for a girl to want to have a deep voice and a flat chest and a more square face and also feel slightly jealous of men and want to sound like them and look like them
and also is it unusual to want to be all that, but also simultaneously not be very bothered very much by how you look right now or by being referred to with she/her except for sometimes when you think about it too much. because i usually don't think about it except for sometimes where i suddenly just get really sad about being a girl or i'll always have this faint feeling that i am just unhappy about it
and also is it unusual to try to ignore it and go about your life being unbothered by it even though deep down it does kinda bother you but you can't really. like. say anything to anyone because your family won't react well and neither will your friends because they'll think it's weird and uncomfortable. i feel afraid to ever feel this way because i know the people in my life won't react well to it
so like. genuine question please lmk wtf is goin on because i'm unsure if it's normal and i've felt like this for a long time and it's confusing me and i don't even know what i'm going to do with the information once i know i'm just sort of lost LMAO
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keeps-ache · 6 months ago
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hit random on a picrew n dressed him up :3
[inks below because they're neat]
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stillwastingmytimereading · 14 days ago
Currently trying to get my first book published and I'm wondering if it's a good idea to get an agent? I mean so far I've only sent my manuscript to one publisher, and I gotta wait a month for their reply so nothing is definitive yet but like. Has anyone had experience with this kinda thing? I would appreciate any and all advice. Cause almost every single publishing house only accepts agented submissions so I'm really questioning if I should do it. Is it worth it?
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cherubshert · 2 months ago
You don't know idols irl
But Jungwon has been nothing but a fucking sweetheart to engenes, he's constantly updating us, constantly posting content for our enjoyment, constantly doing his job as an idol
But some ungrateful 'fans' are now hating on him, for a rumor based of off there i say bullshit proof, like photos that are so blurry that it could be anyone(lemme tell you if you took those 'proof' to court, a good judge will laugh in your face and kick you out, that's how shitty they are), and proof from crazy individuals detailing how they stalked him.
Like instead of coming together worried about his privacy being so disgustingly violated, there r ppl, screaming and shouting at Jungwon??
Same on winter's side, i have seen the clips from that aespa fan meeting, where these 'fans' were screaming and cursing at her. over a rumor that if you had common sense you could see are false.
I don't think these people are really fans, these individuals are just people jumping on an opportunity to hate, and be vicious. I saw the email template they were planning to send to hybe, and it's just filled with stupid delusions.
Jungwon has admitted that he isn't in a relationship (even if he was, he is 20, who gives a shit) and these people have deluded them selves that he is, because of proof thaf can soo easily be disproven.
Kpop idol's mental health is so important, from torturous trainee life, to torturous idol life, Multiple idols have passed, because of crazy insane stupid rumors, that ruined their mental health. Yet, to this day so many people don't feel shame when they toy with an idols mental health like this.
And if something awful does happen, which i fucking pray not, these people will be the loudest about mental health. Please remember that idols are HUMANS not things or property. Jungwon has been so mentally strong, but i don't know how he's actually doing bts, as a my and engene, this situation is hurting my eyes.
If u r one of the insane individuals still angry at this, plss plss leave, i promise Jungwon and enha wouldn't care about losing 'fans' like you. Jungwon has said, on camera, by himself, that he's not dating, and you still delude yourself to thinking he is because???
It just seems like you have nothing fun or special going on in your life, please go hang out with family and friends, if you don't have friends make some, get a job, get a more productive hobby, go to the gym and do some boxing, since you are so desperate to let out rage. You say you love enhypen, yet you are so quick to treating them like this, because you lack respect not only for yourself, but for him.
we are going into 2025, a stranger, which is what jungwon is to all of us at the end of the day, dating, should not, and I repeat should not get you THIS riled up, you're mad at a human for falling in love?
And if you believe idols shouldn't date still, i better not see you dating either, cause by your logic, you also belong to said idol, and you dating is also a betrayal, you should also lose your job and everything you've worked hard for. You see how dumb you sound?? if not i really pity you, cause there is something insanely wrong with you.
Therapy is expensive, but human connection is mostly free, if you had friends, a job and a life to look forward to, you wouldn't care so much about this.
Parasocial relationships at the end of the day are not real, jungwon isn't really your friend, your boyfriend or your husband, he's a guy doing his job, being a singer, dancing and making music. your role as a fan, is to support him, so no he doesnt owe you any more than what he's given you(making good songs, dancing, concerts, albums/ the lives, photos and content r extras for your entertainment, he doesn't have to do that either if he doesn't want to, but he does(a lot),so shut up and know your place). he is a person, a human, and like yunjin said, an idol doesn't mean a dol(l) to fuck with.
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adriartts · 3 months ago
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more side character designs now to the tune of the Kil sisters
#original#ocs#character design#art#artists on tumblr#Ciara Kil#Naomi Kil#you know what's fucked up? never heard the name ciara until a few months ago. it's pronounced with a hard c. like keera. that's fucked up#anyway her name isn't pronounced like that cause i said so. it's a soft c and you pronounce the i. see-are-ah#hard-c ciara doesn't fit her. soft-c ciara does. it's fantasy i do what i want. i makea the rules#anyway. needless to say im in love with them both#naomi especially im sorryyy she's so intricate. she's got so much little shit going on I heart her crazy style#shes very good at Doing Things Right but it is an active choice to do so. unlike Ciara who is just really naturally personable and likeable#and so even when she's a bit unkempt or pushy. she gets away with a lot because she's so damn easy to like#wheras naomi is A Choice. she Is Right not because she's likeable but because she puts effort into it#shes obsessed with her image (who else does that sound like? almost like they're products of the same environment or something)#shes Neat and Put Together and very formal. very traditional#and not just because of that but not helped by it she's very distant. just enough to be noticeable but not enough to alienate her#because since she's so curated elsewhere. everyone she's distant to assume that they're just not privy to whatever else is going on#they assume that SOMEONE is. and that someone just isnt them because they arent good enough. naomi has a way of putting herself in a place#where she is an unattainable goal. and that's all in her pursuit of Doing Things Right#i could talk about her for hours also. fucking love naomi#naomi and ciara and julian are all fun because they're all. So Different. but similar enough that if you look closely youre like...#yeah. yeah those three all came from the same place and you can TELL#even ciara who is generally more easygoing than the others. you can still Tell sometimes#case in point: she's stubborn as hell and not afraid to pick a fight to get what she wants#love her.
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tangledinink · 2 years ago
Your latest Swanatello comic hit me like a truck…. That bit about forgetting and crying and being useless? The way Donnie feels he used to me smart but isn’t anymore? THAT’S ME. I went from being physically and mentally able to disabled overnight (literally, went to sleep one day, couldn’t wake up the next day, they still don’t know what caused it). Memory problems, comprehension and cognitive problems (I could not write my own name), unable to physically get out of bed…. I’ve gotten a lot better, but your comic just summed up those feelings of frustration and guilt PERFECTLY. It was like looking in a turtle shaped mirror. The whole thing is like looking in a turtle shaped mirror…. Swanatello is kind of a brilliant disability allegory actually… Donnie is trapped by circumstances he didn’t choose, his body and mind and abilities are affected…. <3
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It makes me really happy to know that this story resonates with people and can speak to other peoples' experiences with memory loss/cognitive disability/etc. I will keep on doing my best with it and I appreciate y'all's support ; w ;
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