#southern hemisphere witch
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witchynyx · 3 months ago
2025 Witches Calendar
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Seasonal Festivals: Southern Hemisphere
❤️ Lammas/Reflection: Feb 1 (traditional) / Feb 3 (astrological)
🩷 Autumn Equinox: March 20
💜 Samhain/ShadowFest: April 30 (traditional) / May 5 (astrological)
💙 Winter Solstice: June 21
💚 Imbolc/Quickening: August 1 (traditional) / August 7 (astrological)
🌿 Spring Equinox: September 23
💛 Beltane/Floralia: Nov 1 (traditional) / Nov 7 (astrological)
🧡 Summer Solstice: Dec 21
(Dates given are based on GMT+8 - Check the dates/times of the seasonal festivals in 15 different timezones)
Seasonal Festivals: Northern Hemisphere
💚 Imbolc: Feb 1 (traditional) / Feb 3 (astrological)
🌿 Spring Equinox: March 20
💛 Beltane: May 1 (traditional) / May 5 (astrological)
🧡 Summer Solstice: June 21
❤️ Lammas: August 1 (traditional) / August 7 (astrological)
🩷 Autumn Equinox: September 22
💜 Samhain: Oct 31 (traditional) / Nov 7 (astrological)
💙 Winter Solstice: Dec 21
(Dates given are based on GMT - Check the dates/times of the seasonal festivals in 15 different timezones)
New & Full Moons
🌑 December 31
🌕 January 14
🌑 January 29
🌕 February 12
🌑 February 28
🌕 March 14
🌑 March 29 - Super new moon
🌕 April 13 - Micro full moon
🌑 April 28 - Super new moon
🌕 May 13 - Micro full moon
🌑 May 27
🌕 June 11
🌑 June 25
🌕 July 11
🌑 July 25
🌕 August 9
🌑 August 23 - Black moon
🌕 September 8 - Total lunar eclipse
🌑 September 22
🌕 October 7
🌑 October 21
🌕 November 5 - Super full moon
🌑 November 20 - Micro new moon
🌕 December 5 - Super full moon
🌑 December 20
(Dates given are based on GMT+8 - Check the dates/times in your local timezone)
About the Calendar Wheel
The image on this post is the calendar I made for 2025, based on my location in Boorloo (so-called Perth, Western Australia), on Wadjuk Noongar boodjar.
From the centre, outwards, you'll see:
The 6 Noongar seasons
The 8 seasonal festivals (I've used the common names for the cross-quarters, since I'll probably use this on my business socials)
The 12 months of the year
The 52-ish weeks of the year
The 365 days of the year
The new, full, and quarter moons for 2025
Depending where in the world you're from, you might also notice some things look a little different than you expect...
The wheel is arranged Southern Hemisphere sunwise. Because the sun skewing towards the equator at midday take it to the north, the sun's path over the course of each day appears to move counter-clockwise (because clocks were made based off northern hemisphere sundials).
The quarter-moon icons seem inverted, because we're viewing the moon from a different vantage point. Southern hemisphere moon phases look like:
Likewise some dates might seem a little off - Astrological events occur at the same instant, regardless of where in the world we are, but how we mark that instant on our calendar will depend on what timezone we're located in (and which side of midnight that timezone places us).
I'm located ~12hrs ahead of the Eastern United States, so a lot of the events above might be the date before for folks in earlier timezones (likewise for folks in Eastern Australia and New Zealand, a handful of events might be the date after if they're in the early a.m.)
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babywitchofthesouth · 5 months ago
Spring Samhain/Halloween Decorations Inspo 🌸👻
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Floral Broomstick - created with dried flowers and twigs, tied with a linen bow around a larger stick (1 for an instructional video, 2 for more inspo)
Painted Pumpkins - paper maché pumpkins, white or pastel orange, painted with floral designs and leaves (1 for the maché, 2 for the floral designs)
Crochet Ghost Charms/Garland - mini crochet ghosts on a green crochet vine for your phone or to hand (1 for the charms and ghost pattern, 2 for a vine garland)
Crochet Witchy Frog/Duck - crochet amigurumi frog/duck (or other spring animal) wearing a witches hat (1 for realistic-ish frog, 2 for cute frog, 3 for cute ducks, 4 for tiny witch hat)
Floral Spider Wreath - twig wreath with paper or died flowers, mini plastic spiders and fake spider web through the centre of the wreath (1 for spider wreath inspo, 2 for flower wreath inspo)
Here’s the explanation for fellow baby witches:
Alright so every Australian knows Halloween happens in Spring. Pumpkins are crazy expensive since they're not in season, we have no orange leaves, and Samhain meaning ‘the end of summer’ is not accurate. We also have like, nothing to harvest (as Samhain is a harvest festival) except flowers, because it's still basically winter.
I've mentioned before that if I celebrate the Wheel of the Year, I'll generally celebrate it opposite to the Northern Hemisphere. But I've decided to mix Beltain (celebrated on the 31st of October in the Southern Hemisphere if following the seasonal calendar) and Samhain (celebrated on the 30th of April, reasons as above), so I can still express Samhain through Halloween with the rest of the world.
So these are some basic and creative diy ideas for a Spring Samhain and Beltain crossover, all inspired by brookestyless post on instagram.
Not sure if I'll have the chance to try all of them, but if you do, add the hashtags #springsamhain and #springhalloween so other Southern Hemisphere witches can be inspired! Also, feel free to tag me because I'd love to see how you all celebrate.
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skullsandseances · 6 months ago
Fuck it this blog is now my digital catalogue of all the stuff i come accross as an Australian Witch
Yes I'm stuck in the southern hemisphere where the seasons are opposite of the northern folk.
Easter is in autumn
Halloween is in spring
Christmas is in summer
If anything its pushed me to reject what media is shoved in my face through the holiday seasons and get in touch with our local seasons more (wheel of the year somewhat applies to this)
With the ancestry of Australia's settlement being of Irish descendants we have LOTS AND I MEAN LOTS OF FAE.
We have a rich collection of trees and animals purely native to this chunk of land.
I'm going to make my own alternated version of The Wheel of the Year incorporating Australia's "Six Seasons"
(Once i knew we had six seasons it made sense why the usual 4 didn't click in this country)
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misplacedmoorwitch · 1 year ago
✨Southern Hemisphere Witch Dates for 2024! ✨
Apologies for the delay team, hectic times. This'll be my last one of these for a while - I'm moving to Canada in May! <3
Sabbats - Traditional and astronomical dates are included, so you can celebrate how you prefer.
🥐 Lughnasadh 🥐  - Thursday 1st Feb (Trad.)  - Sunday 4th February  (Astro.) 🍎  Mabon 🍎 -   Thursday 21st March (Trad.) - Wednesday 20th March  (Astro.) 🎃 Samhain 🎃  - Tuesday April 30th/Wednesday May 1 (Trad.)  - Sunday May 5th  (Astro.) 🎄 Yule 🎄 - Friday 21st June (Trad.) - Friday 21st June (Astro.) 🕯️ Imbolc 🕯️  -  Thursday 1st August (Trad.) - Wednesday 7th August (Astro.) 💐 Ostara  💐 - Saturday 21st September (Trad.) - Sunday 22nd September  (Astro.) 🔥 Beltane🔥 -  Thursday 31st October   (Trad.) - Friday 8th November  (Astro.) 🌻 Litha 🌻 - 21st December, (Trad.) -  21st December  (Astro.)
Moon Dates - Some locations and countries will have specific moons based on local phenomena, so this is more of a general guide than anything specific.
🌚Jan 11th🌚 - New Moon in Capricorn ♑ 🌾Jan 25th 🌾- Thunder/Hay Moon in Leo 🌚 February 9th🌚 - New Moon in Aquarius ♒ 🐾February 24th🐾 - Dog/Red/Grain Moon in Virgo 🌚 March 10th 🌚 - New Moon in Pisces ♓ 🥝 March 25th 🥝- Fruit Moon in Libra 🌚 April 8th🌚 - New Moon in Aries (Solar Eclipse) ♈ 🍂 April 23rd 🍂 - Harvest Moon in Scorpio 🌚 May 7th 🌚 - New Moon in Taurus ♉ ❄️ May 23rd ❄️- Ice Moon in Sagittarius 🌚 Jun 6th 🌚 - New Moon in Gemini ♊ 🐺 June 21st 🐺- Long Night/Dingo/Oak Moon in Capricorn 🌚 July 5th 🌚 - New Moon in Cancer ♋ ⛄ July 21st ⛄ - Old/Ice Moon in Capricorn 🌚 August 4th 🌚- New Moon in Leo ♌ ⚡ August 19th⚡ - Kangaroo/Storm Moon in Aquarius 🌚 September 2nd 🌚 - New Moon in Virgo ♍ 🐛 September 17th 🐛 - Worm/Crow Moon in Pisces (Lunar Eclipse) 🌚 October 2nd 🌚 - New Moon in Libra (Solar Eclipse) ♎ 🌱 October 17th 🌱 - Seed/Egg Moon in Aries 🌚 November 1st 🌚 - New Moon in Scorpio ♏ 🐇 November 15th 🐇 - Flower/Hare Moon in Taurus 🌚 November 30th 🌚 - New Moon in Sagittarius ♐ 🍓 December 15th 🍓 - Black Swan/Strawberry Moon in Gemini 🌚 December 30th 🌚 - New Moon in Capricorn ♑
Astrological Phenomena - Visibility will depend on where you are, so be sure to check if they’ll affect you here!
🌚 24-25 March 🌚 - Lunar Eclipse (Penumbral) 🌞 8 April 🌞 - Solar Eclipse (Total) 🌚 17-18 September 🌚 - Lunar Eclipse (Partial) 🌞 2 October 🌞 - Solar Eclipse (Annual) 🌚 17 October 🌚 - Lunar Eclipse (Almost)
☿️ Mercury Retrogrades ☿️ 
APRIL 1, 2024 - APRIL 25, 2024 AUGUST 4, 2024 - AUGUST 28, 2024 NOVEMBER 25, 2024 - DECEMBER 15, 2024
♀️ Venus Retrograde ♀️ No Retrogrades ♂Mars Retrograde ♂ - December 26th 2024 - February 23rd 2025 ♃ Jupiter Retrograde ♃ - October 9th 2023 - Feb 4th 2025 ♄ Saturn Retrograde ♄ - June 29th - November 15th ♅ Uranus Retrograde ♅ - September 1st 2024 - Jan 30th 2025 ♆ Neptune Retrograde ♆ July 2nd - December 4th ♇ Pluto Retrograde ♇ - May 2nd - October 1st ⚷ Chiron Retrograde ⚷ - July 26th - December 29th For more info about each planet’s retrograde, please see astrology.com.
Star Sign Dates - Same as the Northern Hemisphere, but still useful to have for reference.
♒ Aquarius ♒  January 20th - February 18th ♓ Pisces  ♓   February 19th - March 19th ♈ Aries ♈  March 20th - April 19th ♉ Taurus ♉  April 19th - May 20th ♊ Gemini ♊ May 20th - Jun 20st ♋ Cancer  ♋  June 20th - July 22nd ♌ Leo ♌  July 22nd - August 22rd ♍ Virgo ♍  August 22nd - September 22rd ♎ Libra ♎  September 22nd - October 22th ♏ Scorpio ♏   October 22nd - November 21nd ♐ Sagittarius ♐  November 21st - December 21st ♑ Capricorn ♑  December 21st - January 19th
Sources: - Spheres of Light - Trad Sabbat Dates - Pagain - Astro Sabbat Dates - Springwolf.net - Southern Hemisphere Moon Names - Griffith Observatory - 2023 Moon Phases - Astroseek - Starsigns the new moons are in -YourZodiacSign - Starsign dates for 2024
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bwots-reblog-grimoire · 5 months ago
I need so much more spring Halloween content
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somewitchymusings · 1 year ago
End-of-year witchcraft in the Southern Hemisphere
I've been thinking a lot about how we do end-of-year witchy stuff during the summer. Many of the witchy creators I follow talk so much about winter being this great time to reflect on the year, with the Winter Solstice being this cosy, meditative time for reflection. They then speak to the welcoming of the sun during the solstice, allowing you to dream big for 2024 and set those goals and intentions which get brighter with the sun, etc, etc. Naturally, these kind of descriptions and energies aren't super helpful for me in the Southern Hemisphere. As such, I have been trying to cultivate my reflections and new-year dreamings to move with the unique weather.
I just celebrated the Summer Solstice/Litha. It was sunny, I said prayers to Helios, bought some sun flowers for my home, and did a big spring clean. I feel a big clean before harvest season/Lammas or the "height" of the hot summer makes most sense for my practice. It clears out space for the upcoming year and helps me ground before the busyness of Christmas.
Although that day happened to be sunny, as I write this post a great thunderstorm is rolling in. Living in Naarm/Melbourne (Australia), our weather is pretty inconsistent (yeah the: "melbourne has 6 seasons in 1 day!" comment is pretty true). The Wurrundjeri people and other Kulin nation peoples call this season Garrawang, Kangaroo-Apple Season. It is characterised by changing, thundering weather and long days with short nights. I honestly feel that this chaotic weather suits the "silly season," especially as a queer person when holidays are always that bit trickier. I'm no chaos magician, but I think it would make a lot of sense to harness that in a way that feels good to you. I think this energy is overlooked by trying to fit our experience of weather to the (Celtic, and frequently Americanised) Wheel of the Year - just because it is "summer" really doesn't mean it's all about sunshine magick. Especially in Australia where summers can be a brutal time for many crops.
For me, this shifting weather has been an opportunity to reflect on the previous year of 2023. Not just reminding myself of things I achieved, but things I didn't. Some goals can move into the new year, but many I came to realise were just unrealistic or didn't actually resonate with me and the things that make me happy. I have a tendensy to over-interlectualise my problems - trying to find reasons for not achieving or under-achieving. All of this is, of course, a whole bunch of capitalist brain-rot, but nevertheless the perfectionist in me struggles with the New Year. Instead, I try to reframe and witness that there is a lot that is entirely outside my control. I'll be writing out some of these things on paper, burning them, and blowing them out to the wind for the chaotic weather to take away - a symbolic reminder to go-with-the-flow and that the wheel keeps turning. I don't know about others, but The World and Temperance have been showing up in my readings pretty consistently.
I see this time as very 9 of Wands vibes, like a message of push through: there's more goodness to come! (i.e. the wands court cards, and the harvest season/Lammas/the height of summer). But also, there will there be much change, and change is good (i.e. New Years, this thundering weather, how Autumn proceeds summer). Feels appropriate that the 10 of wands - a card of carrying too many burdens - proceeds this. We then get that lovely playful page of wands, keen to explore and create. End-of-year reflection, to me in the Southern Hemisphere, is not so much a cosy, introspective time; but instead a fiery, chaotic, energetic time. I have to actively cultivate calm moments, because everything else is shifting. And as everything shifts, I'm finding ways to go-with-the-flow and shift with it - honoring what I can't control.
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I still have to do art for Pride Month, change my altar for winter, figure out what I want to do for the solstice, organise some stuff for an event, and catch up on a few fanfics...
And now I have to find a new drawing program because Adobe decided to be annoying.
Life's been kind of busy and stressful lately. Hopefully things will slow down a bit soon...
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beautifulvalleywitch · 1 year ago
Made this fun little infographic about the sabbats for my non-witchy family to join in on the celebrations! Thought I’d share the love😊❤️ Dates are for the Southern Hemisphere! (If people want I can make another one with northern hemisphere dates)
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vickyyherman · 1 month ago
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Hi! Baby witch here! I´m new on this topic and need some help and/or guidance on Tarot, Astrology, Wicca, witchcraft and everything related. Wanna know more about all of this, Can anyone help me?
P.S.: I am in the southern hemisphere
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whats-a-human · 1 year ago
Fellow southern hemisphere friends, reblog with a flower pic so we can help each other connect with springtime. Northern hemisphere friends are welcome to reblog too so we can reach more people!
I'll start. Have some hydrangeas from Brazil 💙
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ashadowofburnedoutstardust · 5 months ago
Bless, O threefold true and bountiful,
Myself, my spouse, my children.
Bless everything within my dwelling and in my possession,
Bless the kine and crops, the flocks and corn,
From Samhain Eve to Beltane Eve,
With goodly progress and gentle blessing,
From sea to sea, and every river mouth,
From wave to wave, and base of waterfall.
Be the Maiden, Mother, and Crone,
Taking possession of all to me belonging.
Be the Horned God, the Wild Spirit of the Forest,
Protecting me in truth and honor.
Satisfy my soul and shield my loved ones,
Blessing every thing and every one,
All my land and my surroundings.
Great gods who create and bring life to all,
I ask for your blessings on this day of fire.
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mage-eye · 3 months ago
Just a small witchy reminder on this day (or otherwise around this period), that Yule and related celebrations are only happening in the Northern Hemisphere.
Seasons are opposites between the hemisphere so be sure to wish your sibling practitioners a blessed Litha and other Summer celebrations.
- Selina
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olli-ii · 5 months ago
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When it's spooky season but also spring
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Oh, yeah, happy Halloween!!!!!
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vampfuzz · 1 year ago
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aromanticasterisms · 9 months ago
emilie is sooo flower based omg. she was made for me
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