#source: ok ko
bruciemilf · 5 days
Bruce: Anyway, I better get this one home. See you, Superman.
Jason, a 6’4 anti hero crime fighting machine who threw down with Batman multiple times, sleepy as fuck: No! No no no no
Bruce, carrying him like a toddler: Yes ~
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*after the army challenge*
Duncan: Haha, it worked!
Heather: Yeah, but if it hadn’t, the other team would’ve wiped us out.
Duncan: Well, sure. If you wanna be, like, a bummer about it.
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Jean: *puffing out a raging fire*
Jean: Quick Eloise, cry on it!
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Bloo: *trying to put out a fire*
Bloo: Quick, Eduardo, cry on it!
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Usher: Edgar, do you know what’s going on?
Edgar: Almost never.
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Arpeggio: You tried and failed! For the last time!
Dimitri: Oh, I bet we could fail way more times!
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Shantae: Bolo, do you know what's going on?
Bolo: Almost never.
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flickynightdarkness · 8 months
Mojo Jojo: [points to Boxman, himself and Father] You, me and Father will go and check on those Delightful Children. Which leaves red cat and HIM here. Together to go handle the Endive situation
Boxman: [laughs] Do you think pairing them up together is a good idea?
Mojo Jojo: Of course I do. These two what we see are the pure evil and same coloured villains being paired together
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shadow-coolness · 5 months
K.O: My Dad is a hero turned supervillain and has an eviler alter ego!
Rad: Well thats a pretty hardcore origin story.
*Enid kicks him in the shin*
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cyber-streak-2 · 1 year
Tarn: Why’d you go there to fight me?
Megatron: You wanted to!
Tarn: Why’d you go and drag up the past?
Megatron: You wanted to!
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Camille: Okay, Jarrod How did you pull off those cool moves yesterday?
Jarrod: Pfft. Tss. Kehhh. I’ve realized that the whole world is a pizza of suffering and torment. The dough is betrayal, the cheese is the laughter from my so-called friends, and there's never enough sauce.
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incorrecthsrquotes · 1 year
Strong Bad: Welcome, losers! It's me, Strong Bad! Homestar: Yeah, we know it's you, Stwong Bad. Marzipan: You can't say welcome, you came here! Plus you're not welcome, like, at all. Go away!
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ladymiraclewings · 11 months
Vesperia: Pegasus, do you know what’s going on? Pegasus: Almost never.
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pen-guin-writez · 1 year
K.O.: Daddy, how long are you gonna live for?
Professor Venomous, to some important business guy he’s talking to: Uh, one minute:
K.O., petrified: One minute??
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Hm. That was a bit of a reblog spree, huh.
Maybe I should make a sideblog for myself.
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Geoffrey: Haha, it worked!
Sean: Yes, but if it hadn’t, that thing would’ve wiped us out.
Geoffrey: Well, sure. If you wanna be, like, a total bummer about it.
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