#incorrect shantae
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incorrectshantaequotes · 1 month ago
Bolo: I'm so embarrassed, because I was walking down the sidewalk, and a rat was just walking right next to me, and it looked like we were together.
Coral Siren: Did you consider that maybe the rat was embarrassed, too?
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forthedancingandthethriving · 10 months ago
Whimpu: I have decided I’m going to learn Sspanish!
Juliano: Oh! ¡Excelente!
Whimpu: I- I haven’t started yet.
Bob: This morning, I found a glass of water with a note on it that said “for hangover me”.
Bob: So I drank it. Turns out it was vodka and drunk me is an asshole.
Mario: I don’t always make the best decisions.
Luigi: What is that?
Mario: An alpaca! I got the last one!
SMG3: I love you.
SMG4: You literally just told me I was the bane of your existence yesterday.
SMG3: That’s an unrelated fact.
Phobos: If the Abyss doesn't appear out of nowhere to stop me, then it can't be that bad.
Abyssal: If our creator is approving of this, then it can't be THAT GOOD.
Ash: Did I get so tired that I declared myself the King of all Pokémon?
Miku: If I said no, I'd be lying to the King of all Pokémon.
Cody: Aw man.. I really wanted to head into the zoo. Too bad it's closed.
Lil Coding: You know what they say.
Cody: Please don’t-
Lil Coding: BE GAY DO CRIME! *hops gate*
Phobos: They say if you seek revenge, you should dig two graves.
The Abyss: That's a stupid quote.
The Abyss: I'm going to kill way more than two people.
Sora: It's locked. You got a lock pick?
Tulip: Yeah-
Laharl: *kicks in the door*
Jayin: I love being right. It’s one of my favorite personality traits.
Juliano: You know, I think my life has value.
Phobos: Who are you and what have you done with Juliano?
Tama, holding out a cookie for Nimbus: Look! This one's a heart, that’s how I feel about you!
Nimbus: *quietly crying*
Ambrosia, affectionately: You’re an idiot.
Nimbus: That’s the charm!
Irene: I hate you with every inch of my body right now.
Nightmare King: That’s not a lot of inches.
Shantae: Can we talk about that text you sent?
Laharl: Why? It was important.
Shantae: It just says, "I'm back on my shit".
Laharl, shrugging: The people need to know.
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duckapus · 10 months ago
Shantae: *looking at herself in a mirror with shock and disbelief* I...how!?
Ashley: *sitting nearby looking very smug*
Tulip: *doing something on her phone* I told you not to underestimate him.
Shantae: But...but all the- *gestures to where her ponytail would normally be*
Ashley: I mainly learned how to do this from Jessie, remember?
Shantae: You didn't cut my hair I know you didn't cut my hair I'd have beat you within an inch of your life if you'd tried HOW DO I HAVE AN UNDERCUT!?
Sky, just outside the room: Alright Tulip, what'd you want to show- *walks in and sees Shantae, who thanks to Ash's crossdressing skills looks like an extremely pretty biker dude. Sky completely fails to recognize "him" and is clearly very attracted* Well, hello handsome.
Shantae: *gives her a flat stare* Sky it's me.
Sky: *there's a glass shattering sound effect as she visibly bluescreens*
Tulip and Ashley: *burst out laughing*
Shantae: *glares at her friends before chuckling and walking off* I'm gonna go see what Rotty thinks of this getup.
Sky: *slowly falls over stiff as a board while Tulip and Ashley are still losing it in the background*
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fang-feraligatr-blog · 1 year ago
Incorrect, Shantae knows she's hot, she just acts on it differently than Bayonetta
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incorrectshantaequotes · 3 months ago
Risky: Hmph! If you wanted straight answers, you should've asked a straight lady.
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incorrectshantaequotes · 3 months ago
Rottytops: Hey, do you guys know where I can get one of those gold necklaces with a T on it?
Sky: That's a cross.
Rottytops: Across from where?
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incorrectshantaequotes · 4 days ago
[During Pirate's Curse]
Shantae: Risky, I'd like a word-!
Risky: How about "scram?" Or two words, "scram, brat?" Or seventeen: "get out of my quarters in two point three seconds or I'll staple you to a flagpole!"
Shantae: How did you count-oh, never mind!
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incorrectshantaequotes · 28 days ago
Shantae: Rotty, no!
Rottytops: What?
Shantae: Sorry, force of habit. Sky, no!
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incorrectshantaequotes · 29 days ago
Vinegar, arriving with a comically small towel: Is this towel good, boss?
Ammo Baron, covering himself with the shower curtain: What am I supposed to cover with that? Are you making fun of me!?
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incorrectshantaequotes · 9 days ago
Barracuda Joe: We stake it out until the train comes in, let them load up, then jump on the back after it leaves the station.
Twitch: Won't it be moving kinda fast?
Barracuda Joe: Nah, freight trains take a minute to even reach walking speed.
Vinegar: Are you a train nerd?
Barracuda Joe: I've been here for a while. This isn't my first train heist.
Barracuda Joe: But yes, of course I'm a train nerd.
Twitch: Aw!
Barracuda Joe: I didn't buy this needlessly accurate miniature freight train because I thought you guys would need a visual aid.
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incorrectshantaequotes · 1 month ago
[Immediately after the original Shantae]
Abner, in the middle of Rottytops talking about Shantae: Ooooooooh, she's a crush.
Rottytops: What!? God no, she's a...
Rottytops: ...maybe not nemesis, those slots are full, but nemesis-adjacent.
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incorrectshantaequotes · 2 months ago
Shantae, pointing to thin air: On this side are all the times I've gotten mad at you for having a problem. Zero times.
Shantae, pointing to a pile of rocks: And on this side are all the times I was upset because you had a problem and didn't tell me. Now, what do we do with problems?
Rottytops: Hide them better so you won't get sad?
Shantae: I'm getting another rock.
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incorrectshantaequotes · 6 months ago
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I love when the quotes are Skylo related it makes me jump up and down and clap and cheer and say "yippee!" 💜💙
Very pleasant surprise to wake up to some fanart! Everyone say thank you to @volcanolotus for the fanart this is really good
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incorrectshantaequotes · 3 months ago
Sky: So, how was the honeymoon?
Shantae: Rottytops got drunk and tried to destroy our marriage certificate. She said, "Good luck trying to return me without the receipt!"
Shantae, sighing: I love her so much.
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incorrectshantaequotes · 2 months ago
Hypno Baron: No one wants to hear my opinion. Which is why I am not EXPRESSING AN OPINION, I am STATING A FACT!
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incorrectshantaequotes · 2 months ago
Lobster Siren: ...?/[Tubeworm, can you enrich my enclosure?]
Tubeworm Siren: Uh...I can punch a hole in drywall and hide toys inside?
Lobster Siren: ...!/[Thank you. Someday, I'll do the same for you!]
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