#soundwave is cute too.
rewatching transformers: prime completely expecting for knock out to become an f/o again and then THIS BASTARD BLINDSIDES ME
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i'm not even halfway through season one... i happened to look up something related to tf:p and got a glimpse of him. why is he built like a BRICK WALL. he's also super intelligent. i cant make a coherent thought about him. help
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holographic-mars · 2 months
“Trying really hard to not be gay with Cosmos” Soundwave vs “trying really hard to be gay with Soundwave” Cosmos
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delicateartisantrash · 4 months
Excerpt: Soundwave's Puppy Eyes
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I can't stop laughing at this scene in a fanfic I'm writing, every time I come across it doing re-reads and editing passes.
Just. I lost it when I first saw that scene of Soundwave flashing 'Prime a smiley face emoji.
Imagine trying to convince the big bad Decepticon you're gonna do a thing regardless of his logic on the matter
and then he nails you with just literal #SadFace
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ranchjustranch · 2 years
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single dad and his 2 sons
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coresunrise · 9 months
So I bought a Soundwave and Minicons keychain for my keys
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It's so pretty and I love it! Plus the lil metal cassette add on that came with it!
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eyefocusing · 2 years
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doodling the guys ive bought in the past month :3
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pepperpixel · 2 years
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Hey! Turns out I was lied to about the estimated delivery time of my shockwave, and he actually got here a few days ago and I never even noticed! Luckily somebody in my house grabbed the box but like! Yeah!! He’s here! He didn’t get stolen or anything he’s here! So!!! Here’s… some stupid lil pics I took of him and my soundwave together… cuz.. I wanted. to take stupid lil pics of him and soundwave ghghggg-
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kaiisens · 2 years
rewatching bumblebee and trying to stop myself from buying the 200 dollar scaled down version
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passportclown · 5 months
heyyy I saw that you write for Transformers.. you didnt say which transformers though so Ill assume all? just ignore this if not.
could you write something for G1 Soundwave and Starscream both liking the same human reader? headcanons pls
Oh hi!! Yes, I write for all Transformers. I haven't watched them all but for any request I'd research the specific characters to write them as accurate as possible.
You didn't specify if you wanted angsty, lighthearted, etc.. so I'll go with G1 goofiness mixed with my own style. Nor did you specify romantic or platonic. But I think it's Romantic? I couldn't tell if the reader was into them both as well.. so I tried my own approach! If this isn't right, re-send an ask (if you want)! o.o Headcanons below!
Warnings: Kidnapping (but it's not taken too seriously) , slight ignorance towards human comfort and physical limitations , slightly forced relationship but it's ambiguous as to whether it's platonic yearning or romantic yearning , maybe slight yandere?? my kofi if you feel like donating
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Well, you must have done something to get this con's attention. But now you've got it, and you're very much unlikely to lose it.
Soundwave likes to think he's calm and smart.
He's got his cassettes, he's got his position, he's got Lord Megatron.. everything's good.
He never assumed that he'd want a human as well.
And yet, he does.
He treats it as a simple desire to ignore. Like how humans crave chocolate but ignore it and get salad instead.
Well, at least, that's what he thought humans did. He soon found out that it's hard to ignore such cravings.
He couldn't stop thinking of you. So, he'd send out Ravage or Lazerbeak to watch you. Just so he could understand his strange desire further.
It didn't make sense, but he wanted you.
He watched, and admired the little things about you. But then.. one of his Cassettes informed him that Starscream was watching you as well.
He had even taken you in the recent fight..
Soundwave couldn't have that.
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You must be quite the organic for Starscream of all Decepticons to like you.
Of course, he'd ignore his feelings at first. Or assume it's his clearly genius processor formatting some sort of plan involving an organic squishy.
But alas, he truly likes you.
Once he realizes his feelings, he denies them insistently. No way does he like a human! They're small, weak, easily crushed but..
Also cute.
He's a very rash individual. What he wants, he gets.
And he wants you.
He doesn't immediately jump into it, of course.
That'd be desperate.
He ignores the stares he gets from others, particularly Soundwave, convincing himself it was paranoia. He was being very careful!
No, he watches.. and waits..
And at the perfect moment, with you struggling to run in the midst of a Decepticon attack..
Well, who would notice if he just hid you in his cockpit?
Small ficlet:
Starscream got you to stop struggling from his affection.
Now you sat still in one hand as the other roughly pet you. He didn't quite have the hang of it, almost pulling out your hair and tugging at your clothes. His metallic hand would pat your head, then roughly slide down and grip your body. Over and over, in a repetitive motion.
He had a nasty grin, you couldn't quite tell what he was feeling but he was certainly pleased.
It's not that he's unattractive or anything, for a giant alien robot.. he is! But you were trying to avoid getting stepped on and he shoved you in a cramped space, shook you around as he walked, jostled you as he flew, and now he's roughly petting you.
Then.. Starscream jolts as the door opens.
"Starscream: Explain" A more robotic voice speaks, though it sounds as if it's accompanied by some sort of auto-tune. He really does speak like a robot constantly making a report. The Third in Command of the Decepticons, Soundwave. It's impossible to tell with his mask, but you suspect he's displeased.
"Wh- Soundwave! Why didn't you knock!? I am your superior-" Starscream yelps when Soundwave slams his hand against the wall, leaning over Starscream and prying into his mind.
There's a brief moment of absolute tension. Then Soundwave pulls back, and stares down at you. He pries you from Starscream's tight grip, attempting to be as gentle as possible. Starscream grunts, and glares at Soundwave.
"..I presume you'll be reporting this incident to Megatron and getting rid of the fleshy?" Starscream asks with a snarl, trying to pretend you mean much less to him than you actually do.
But Soundwave got enough of a read of his emotions from that peek into his mind.
"Soundwave: Might. Unless.." Soundwave continues, then leans forward once more and dangles you in front of Starscream like bait.
It works.
"Unless what?!" Starscream squawks, unable to keep up his uncaring and confident facade for more than a moment.
Soundwave stares, but not at Starscream this time.
At you.
Even you can tell through his red visor, seeing a brief flicker of light, that he's staring right at you.
"Starscream: Will share human with Soundwave."
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That was the start of an odd situation.
Starscream didn't know as much about taking care of humans as he thought he did.
Soundwave got you a more comfortable place to rest, food, water, everything you need.
Of course, neither Decepticon let you leave.
They would routinely swap you between their respective spaces.
Starscream hated it, and Soundwave tolerated it.
But if Soundwave just took you, Starscream would make trouble.
And if Starscream kept you, Soundwave would report him.
So they're at an impasse.
And you're in the middle.
It's not all bad.
You think in some.. weird alien robot way that they both love you?
Maybe not exactly romantically, but close enough that they both want to keep and hold you.
They listen to you well enough, as long as you use honeyed words with Starscream and speak more pragmatically with Soundwave.
It's a decent exchange for them, and a new but tolerable change for you.
You might be a pet, or maybe some odd flavor of partner, maybe just a friend. It's hard to tell. But at least you don't pay rent.
I really hope you liked this. 🥺
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katzske · 3 months
Thoughts on Earthspark Season 2 (first half)
Spoiler Free:
I must admit I’m dissatisfied.
The animation and rendering definitely looks cheaper. Sometimes it feels like frames are missing, animations not polished, scenes not fully rendered. 2d and 3d poorly blends. It’s quite noticeable unfortunately. Characters also do the TFP Megatron stare now.
That being said, time was taken to revisit old models of characters and give them a new appearance. (4 i’ve noticed) It makes sense given a lot has changed during one year time skip.
The writing often feels either like exposition dumping or naruto filler episodes. I was never at the edge of my seat even during the climax. I ended up skipping through episodes due to the lack of relevant plot information.
Something ES managed to maintain were carefully composed shots that make great still images. While that’s nice for screenshots and redraws, I also feel like it’s the only unique aspect of ES’ animation style that remained. The rest, as previously mentioned, has lost quality.
Character Details I’ve noticed and want to talk about (spoilers ahead)
half of season 2 part 1 is filler. optimus trailer episode, great america with cosmos, a pachycephalosaurus-truck fighting mushrooms, hashtag taking ten years to dispose of hard drives…. each episode did have a few minutes of either cute or important moments. but the majority is a waste of time.
I was hoping that we would learn more about the decepticons. now that they’re free, what are they up to? how are their dynamics? how did season 1 finale change their perception on things? would they try to convince the terrans THEY are the good guys? nothing like that though.
There is no satisfying character development for starscream. ES Starscream was perfect to explore a more neutral version of him, who does not do bad things out of pleasure, but due to necessity; following his desire to be free. In the show he mentions he wanted to get rid of his oppressors (in his eyes autobots and humans), but a real “bruh” moment was when he told Hashtag the only reason he opened up to her last time was to tell her “take care of yourself first”. It completely disregards the fact he came to help in the season 1 finale after reflecting on Hashtags words. It also aggravates me that the writing could have been a very easy fix. “hey i’m not being selfish by destroying this town. im doing this for the decepticons, we have lived under the control of the autobots and then of humans. this needs to stop, we deserve freedom and i will do anything it takes.”
the show managed to establish some friction between starscream and shockwave but for deception standards it was very tame. overall i think it was written okay; he purposely let the Terrans escape with the fragments, and he bailed on Starscream once he went bonkers. I hope that he gets to be a Decepticon leader in the second half; i don’t think we have seen that in any TF TV show before. i also like that his antennae and eye color give away his emotions now.
i feel like the autobots are treated even worse than the decepticons this season ngl. they merely exist; and when they do have the spotlight it’s often for comedy.
why the fuck did shockwave not wait for hashtag to just dump the hard drives and leave. if someone walked up to me yelling “give me your trashbag” as i’m trying to dispose of it i’d be weirded out too lol.
i hope the chaos terrans don’t return. aftermath imo was, plot wise, redundant. spitfire at least was interesting and had an impact.
i wish there were more interesting fights like in season 1 instead of, oh no they’re hitting the trailer with sticks, oh no we are an abomination of dinosaur and vehicle for what feels like 15mins straight. i miss seeing soundwave slay.
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starheavenly · 7 months
AAAAA SORRY I WANTED TO MAKE SURE!!!! I was the anon, so here u go! Zenith!SoundRod bc SoundRod is my TF OTP in general and I loved seeing them in ur AU. I hope I did them justice, I rly love ur art! 💖
His digits moved smoothly across the keyboard. It was that split klik when he looked up, it all went downhill.
Usually, Soundwave worked alone, focusing on his ideas. Either in silence or accompanied by the music he loved so much. But just that solar-cycle, Rodimus asked to join him. So he agreed. Obviously.
Yet, there was something peculiar about this, right at the back of his processors. Rodimus was quiet. Barely any move, barely a peep. Someone usually so full of life, then still, reading through a new speech he had given him before. Soundwave had never seen him that thoughtful and… Strangely, there was beauty within it.
Though, it must’ve been enough of a puzzlement for Rodimus too, as he looked up. When their optics met, Soundwave decided to cave in, “Is something wrong?”
“Haha, nothing’s wrong by your side!” Startled, Rodimus answered. “Just… Just wanted to focus on work for once. Like you always do.”
Soundwave hummed underneath his vocoder, “Thank you. But I do feel rather strange with you not talking.”
“You want me to talk? Cause oh man, be careful what you wish for, just ask Cyclonus, she… She can word things pretty bluntly,” he joked around. Obviously no matter what, she still cared for Rodimus.
“I don’t mind it. I like your voice,” he reassured him, voice steady as it could ever be.
To which Rodimus smiled. As a gentle rock ballad played from Soundwave’s speakers, he could hear the lyrics being repeated by Rodimus. That was when his confession from before finally came together.
Was Rodimus trying to impress him? Soundwave wasn’t sure. Simply, he scooted closer, their shoulders brushing against each other.
If it was the truth, though… Then it wouldn’t be a surprise why suddenly warmth spread all across from Soundwave’s spark.
OUGHHHH thank you so much!! I did a doodle for the ficlet:
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ITS SO SO SO CUTE!! I had to pace around my office just from the cuteness. I LOVEEEEE SOUNDROD. THANK YOU IM SO HONORED AND HAPPY AND THANKFUL
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holographic-mars · 4 months
Ougghh… Mars you need to see my vision Mars. Coswave love language being food but Soundwave can’t cook for shit so Cosmos has to learn how through trial and error… lots of error. Soundwave still eats it and tells him it’s good (due to wanting to be supportive but also food insecurity and fear of wasting it) Cue cute cooking moments and Soundwave healthy weight gain. Just cute space husbands healing
IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO ANSWER things kept happening that made it difficult to do anything this past week!!
I love Cosmos learning how to cook and having to go through a ton of trial and error to figure out how to make something edible.
Soundwave will eat pretty much anything that will fill his tanks with edible fuel because being picky was not an option in the Dead End (Soundwave ended up eating a lot of what Ravage scavenged, so a lot of it was discarded energon and cybermice).
Soundwave will eat everything Cosmos gives him whether it’s actually good or not. He refuses to waste the food and the first time Cosmos threw out poorly cooked food, Soundwave was really agitated and anxious about it. That was also the last time Cosmos threw out food. He learned that if he wanted honest feedback, he would have to test his dishes on the cassettes (who were not shy about telling him how bad his food was).
Eventually, a routine was established (with good communication and understanding) and Cosmos got better at cooking. Soundwave belatedly realized that having regular meals and a near constant full tank, his frame was quick to adjust to the extra energy and his lean and blocky frame became bulkier and more rounded out (to Cosmos’ absolute delight, he loves his healthy and well fed wife). The cassettes also got a good treatment of healthy weight gain!
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yuusishi · 2 years
Hiiii :D
Can I request Leona, Malleus, and either Lilia or Idia(I love them both and I cannot choose) with an s/o who frequently has nightmares and so they're constantly tired from the lack of proper sleep?
pairings : Leona Kingscholar , Malleus Draconia , Idia Shroud x gn!reader
genre : fluff , established relationships
cws/tws : none
a/n : I hope this got through well, I rarely have dreams but I have frequent sleep paralysis which feels nightmarish enough 💀 also new divider <3 this one is so cute
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Leona Kingscholar !!
He didn't really care until both of you became close, he knew college students were tired all the time so he thought you were just one of them.
He always noticed how your eyes were always drooping in every class except PE, shoulders always relaxed and your head tilting and then snapping up.
But when you two became friends and eventually partners, that's when the concern and curiosity started.
He would be blunt, "Oi Herbivore, you're starting to look like a racoon with those bags under your eyes, anything going on?"
He's mean, but that's just how he shows he's worried for you.
You were nervous telling Leona, thinking that he might find your reason for lack of sleep childish.
He blinked a few times, then asked if you wanted to sleep in his room in hopes it can relax you.
If he feels the space next to him shift harshly he'd wake up in a heartbeat, he won't say anything, instead slowly dragging you back down to lay down next to him again, this time his arms protectively around you.
He'd try to attend your classes to keep an eye on you since half the time you're in class you look like you're on the verge of passing out.
The teachers are thanking the stars that Leona’s finally attending class, but they notice that if you’re not there then he isn’t either…
You sleep in his room 99% of the time now, even if your nightmares have lessened already.
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Malleus Draconia !!
Before you explained to him your predicament he often thought you were deathly sick. He tried to get the specialist doctor for the royal family to go to NRC just to take care of you 💀
After you told him that nightmares are causing your lack of sleep, he put down his quill that was about to call the doctor over.
Now you have a new sleeping buddy!
Malleus decided that he will now be sleeping in your room until you both figure out how to solve your nightmare problem.
At first Malleus was confused how nightmares are able to affect a person this much, but chalked it up to the mentality of humans being weaker than faes.
While you sleep he secretly uses magic on you, nothing that can permanently change your state of mind but one that can hopefully give you a pleasant sleep.
He wants to use a spell on you to dispel all the thoughts that cause your nightmares, he really does, but the dangers of using a spell like that on a mere human scares him. He'd never be able to forgive himself if it harmed you instead.
He tries to get you to have small power naps between classes to give you more energy, the only exception is during lunch breaks since you need to use that for eating.
He's surprisingly strict with you getting sleep between classes, if you have to do homework he'll sit next to you to make sure you focus and finish it within the break.
Once you're done expect to be gently pulled down for your little morning/afternoon nap.
You remind him of Silver sometimes when he sees you've fallen asleep in the classroom or under a tree in the botanical garden.
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Idia Shroud !!
Thought you were kind of dead when you were having a particularly more sleep deprived day than usual.
After you told him of your current condition, he secretly went to work on a device.
A device that can release soothing soundwaves that you can't even hear from a naked ear! It's small too so you can carry it with you if you're going out of town.
Tries to say that it wasn't much trouble when you thank him, he definitely didn't spend the entire week trying to figure out how to make it quiet enough and how to make it tiny and lightweight.
Poor boy's hair is completely pink and flaming when you tell him you finally got a semi-good night's sleep thanks to his invention.
If you tell him that you want to sleep next to him to relax and be more comfortable, he actually died and ascended on the spot, that's why he's staring at you like he just saw a ghost.
"Idia...? Are you okay?" he realizes that he was staring and holding his breath "YES! I'm o-okay...and! You can sleep in my room..."
Usually people would sleep next to their partners at night, but Idia needed some more time to ready himself and that was time you were willing to give.
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Since we've got Bumblebee, Megatron, and Optimus babies, i think it's only fair we add Soundwave to the bunch! Especially after the pregnancy scenario with him a little while back. I'd love to see how Soundwave and the cassettes would react to human reader having a baby and adding a new sibling to the fam!
Yes, indeed it is!! I wrote this adorable little fic, I hope you like it!!
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"Status; positive?" Soundwave asked you one final time, kneeling beside the floor level berth as he ensured your blanket nest was sound. More snuggled than you'd ever been in your life, you smiled patiently as your mate continued his endless fussing over your comfort, and nodded your head as your eyes met his visor.
"Yes, I'm still sure." you assured him yet again, taking one arm off the bundle in your lap to lay a comforting hand over his. Trusting your judgment but as careful as ever, he nodded in return and lingered his gaze on the newborn peeking out of his swaddling, a kind of softness settling over his angular features as the two of you sat in a moment of comfortable silence. The little one was more or less asleep at the moment, but had already made a habit of waking in short, bleary bursts of cuteness before inevitably conking out once again, and the two of you had yet to grow tired of the awe you felt at everything he did. Hopefully his siblings would be just as happy to meet him. 
"Affirmative." Soundwave said after collecting himself, rising to his pedes to access the bot sized door to your makeshift maternity ward. It took a few steps for him to unlock all the security features he'd personally installed, but as the final lock came undone with an audible thunk and the heavy metal doors whooshed apart, you had just enough time to catch three human sized bots waiting on the other side. "Cassettes granted access-"
Soundwave stepped in front of the eager trio just as they tried to charge inside, his visor leveling on Frenzy in a voiceless repeat of a warning he'd delivered many times already. Thankfully the bitlet in your arms merely gave a tiny twitch at the noise, but was otherwise silent as the cassettes sheepishly shrunk down before approaching with almost exaggerated tip toeing. Looking beyond the big bot, Frenzy spoke up again in a much more controlled whisper, craning her neck for a better view. "Where is he?"
"Right here." you invited gently, encouraging them to approach. Seeing the bundle in your arms gave Frenzy, Ravage and Laserbeak a moment of pause before all three hurried to your side, moving as quietly but swiftly as their respective legs and wings could take them. Having expected such excitement, you merely ensured the sparkling was easily visible before preparing for the inevitable flood of questions.
"No way, he really is a bot!" Frenzy said first, crawling over the berth for a closer look but keeping a comfortable distance. Soundwave kneeled behind you as the entire family gathered around, and even with hushed tones all the action had the little one perking up to look around with his broad visor. The purple cassette only grew more awed as he cooed in mild confusion. "The teeniest one I've ever seen, too!"
Laserbeak, though equally touched by the new arrival, brightened at the sight of his chubby face and rounded visor before turning to his sister with an expression of victory. "Ha, you owe me ten credits! I told you he'd have a visor!"
"Don't be so darn smug, you had half a chance of getting it right." Frenzy scoffed, crossing her arms and meeting the other bot's insufferable gaze. "Besides, I'm the one who predicted him in the first place."
"True, but we didn't wager on that." Laserbeak countered with a snicker, the sound of which caused the sparkling to stir with more energy. Yawning and rubbing his face, the bitlet made an adorable show of smushing his rounded cheeks before his digits found his way to his mouth and he began to suckle, emitting a quiet hum of contentment. The adorable sight softened him, and the avian lowered his voice as he continued.  "Cute lil feller, isn't he?"
"Yeah, can't pretend that's not adorable." Frenzy concurred as Ravage sat quietly at her side, observing the newborn with a few tentative sniffs as the others continued talking. "But how long until he gets an altmode?"
"Development rate, uncertain." Soundwave answered simply, reaching over you to adjust your blankets. The movement made the sparkling reflexively reach for his sire, stubby digits flexing before the uncertain mech offered his son one of his own, which the newborn grasped tightly.
"There's not a lot of info out there about how these things go, so we're just going to figure it out day by day." you explained further, chuckling softly as the sparkling nommed on Soundwave's digit. "For now, he's just a normal newborn."
"A cute one. Look at his widdle servos..." Frenzy said without thinking, so enamored with her new sibling she briefly forgot to be cool. Catching herself with a blush and a cough once she caught Laserbeak smirking, the femme averted her gaze and mumbled a quick addendum. "That uh... that grip will make him a good guitar player, that's all."
Oblivious to how much his arrival had been anticipated, the sparkling decided to return to napping right in the middle of nomming on his sire, yawning once before conking out in your arms once more. The cuteness was too great for anyone to resist, and even Ravage gave a soft purr of adoration as the group gathered more closely around the new arrival, basking in his presence as he snoozed in perfect contentment. He couldn't know it yet, but he was perhaps the safest little one on Earth. 
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cometchasinglove · 1 month
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Starscream and Jayce: Dynamic Rundown
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Ah, these two…my main ship for my AU!
Early on, Starscream certainly doesn’t like Jayce, but he doesn’t despite her with a passion either. At least, not as much as he says he does. Starscream, although repulsed by humans, does find value in Jayce. He was the one who suggested that Megatron should keep her in the first place. After all, the Autobots use humans to their advantage, don’t they?
Of course, he still complains about her, huffing about how high maintenance she is and the like. Similarly, Jayce frequently scowls at him. She hates it whenever he refers to her as “vermin”, and rightfully calls him out on it. She knows that he can’t do anything to harm her with Megatron around. The two snark at each other constantly, but there’s no genuine malice.
After a mission that went awry, Megatron actually tries to beat Starscream for almost murdering Jayce in the cockpit of his jet mode.
(It’s accidental. Starscream wanted to scare her with loop-de-loops, unaware that she required a g-suit and a helmet).
Before Megatron could punish him too severely, Jayce makes it out of the medical bay at just the right moment to stop him. She brings Starscream to the lab to treat his wounds, and then she stays with him for the rest of the night. The Seeker is absolutely puzzled. He believes that she wants something from him; he cannot fathom the fact that she saved him from the kindness of her heart.
This is a crucial moment in their story. It helps the two change their tune about each other. It’s also brought up again much later, during another significant moment in my AU.
During their MECH Arc/Rogue Arc, the two grow closer together. It’s much easier since they’re both away from Megatron and the Nemesis. Well, at least at that point. Season Three is rough on both of them.
Starscream learns to view Jayce as a friend. The feeling is mutual on her part as well. Sure, there’s some ups and downs, even a tremendous mistake on Starscream’s end (which involves the creation of her scar).
It takes PLENTY of time, devotion, patience, and trust for them to reach a certain level of intimacy and closeness together. It’s difficult, but definitely not impossible.
When the two form a connection, Starscream is SUCH a tease towards her, and Jayce responds with peeps and blushes, just the way he likes it. However, there are instances where she flips the tables on him to surprise him!
Eventually, Starscream vows to never let her be hurt again, especially by him.
He even has two special names for her! It’s either “Mouse/Little Mouse” or “Comet”. The former refers to her cuteness and smallness, a huge step up from the initial “rodent” meaning. The latter pet name, however, comes from her love for outer space. During their shared arc as rogues, they stargazed and Starscream told her about living Cybertron.
Much like him, Jayce calls him “Raptor” or “Dove”. The latter, of course, is used during moments of sweetness without teasing (such as the former).
Starscream becomes possessive and a bit jealous sometimes, such as when Jayce hangs out with her best friend, Tayden, or the other bots. Still, Jayce’s heart continues to stay with the same Cybertronian.
Besides Dreadwing, Soundwave, and the Predacons, Starscream is the only mech who listens to her sing. Initially, he teases her for it (which sucks). However, he grows to appreciate it. Jayce can sing pretty damn well actually, she just doesn’t outwardly sing in front of others. She’s too shy. She will, however, hum for Starscream. Maybe even sing so, so very softly for him.
After the war and Cybertron’s revival, the two experience nightmares. It requires comfort from both parties. It’s something soft and gentle, just what they need.
Stargazing is still a common pastime for them! Only now, after she receives her upgrade from Primus (the pink and gold suit) Jayce can fly and keep up with him, too. He finally has a flying buddy!
On Earth, Jayce likes to bring him to the beach. As a former lifeguard, the redhead LOVES to swim. Starscream? Not really, but he admires her in her bathing suit.
Although Jayce forms friendships in unlikely places, she shares her strongest bond with Starscream. It’s not hard to see why. The two go through a lot together, and I’m proud of them.
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Divider Credit: @/saradika
Art Credit: @/destinysquared
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in1-nutshell · 8 months
Hellooo :)
Wanted to ask if you can write a Predacon Buddy version/AU? In my idea their alt mode would be similar to a Night fury from How to train your dragon/HTTYD. I'm imagining a mix between movie 1 Toothless personality and movie 3 Toothless personality mostly.
Buddy being very playful and outgoing even as a Predacon, play fighting with Skylynx and/or Darksteel and teasing Predaking by laying in his lap (can we call it that?? I dunno. I mean his front legs) and placing their paws/claws on Predakings snout. Or simply stealing his Energon/prey/whatever he eats for a chase?
Buddy, despite being with their pack most of the time, sometimes ends up with the Autobots. Nobody knows how or why. Buddy, being in their alt mode, just one day chilling in the Autobots base as the bots come back from a mission (Ratchet left for too). The bots just walk in and see a fragging Predacon chilling in the middle of their base like- THE FRAG?? HOW DID THAT GET IN HERE??!
Please do it with the Autobots and Decepticons if that's alright!!
I love your writing SO DAMN MUCH ♥️♥️
PS Sorry for any spelling mistakes!
Thank you for the complement! And don't worry too much about spelling mistakes, we all make them!
Predacon Buddy's are slowly becoming a common theme here.
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy the Night Fury Predacon with Bumblebee, Smokescreen, Predaking, and Soundwave
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Cybertronain reader
Shockwave doesn’t really know what happened to this Predacon when they came out of the test tube.
He blames Starscream.
Does Starscream have anything to do with this?
Maybe. He seems like the most logical suspect.
Buddy came out small, cute, and curious. Already nipping at Cons pedes when they came to close with their retractable dermas.
Curiosity was a dangerous thing to have if left unchecked.
So, Shockwave did the only logical thing.
He gave Buddy to Predacon, Skylynx, and Darksteel to look after.
The three older Predacons had their servos full trying to take care of Buddy.
Which was mainly Predaking doing most of the work. He was the most responsible out of the group and their king, naturally he picked up this duty.
Draksteel and Skynx where in charge of playing with Buddy.
Curiosity led Buddy to find the empty Autobot base by accident.
Of course, they didn’t really care about this ongoing war.
Right now, they wanted some places with a warm spot, maybe something soft to cuddle.
Some stray beams of sunlight hit the floor of the base creating a lovely warm place to sleep. But they needed the soft thing now to make things complete.
A soft little gasp was heard behind Buddy as they turned around quickly baring their retractable dermas.
They quickly put them away seeing a small human boy frozen in place. The weird looking frames on his face intrigued Buddy as they crept closer.
Raf just stayed still not knowing what to do.
Buddy vented out roughly knocking Raf’s glasses off his face which caused him to fall to the floor.
Buddy softly pocked at Raf’s hair.
Finally! The soft thing has been found!
Buddy carried Raf by the helm of his shirt and moved to the warm spot, circled around the place before plopping down.
Raf was trapped in between Buddy’s helm and front servos as they snuggled up to him before falling into recharge.
This is what Raf gets for staying at the base for 5 minutes alone.
Miko was never going to let him live this down.
For now, he figured he wasn’t in danger, and the small dragon was warm… and he didn’t get much sleep lately…
Raf was out like a light before he knew it causing Buddy to snuggle even further into their new favorite human.
Team Buddy duty
These bots were supposed to be watching Buddy. Buddy wasn’t supposed to leave the Nemesis until they had orders to go otherwise. Are they panicking when they can’t find Buddy on the ship? Who’s going to tell them in their face without risking the consequences?
Team that’s about to have a break down
These bots are very concerned in finding Buddy. Whether it be in the base sunbathing with their new favorite human or just gliding back from a long day of flying, these bots are about to lose it. They are just glad that no one got hurt by the end of the day.
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