#and so he starts making food for not only soundwave but also his cassettes and Soundwave is too charmed to resist
holographic-mars · 4 months
Ougghh… Mars you need to see my vision Mars. Coswave love language being food but Soundwave can’t cook for shit so Cosmos has to learn how through trial and error… lots of error. Soundwave still eats it and tells him it’s good (due to wanting to be supportive but also food insecurity and fear of wasting it) Cue cute cooking moments and Soundwave healthy weight gain. Just cute space husbands healing
IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO ANSWER things kept happening that made it difficult to do anything this past week!!
I love Cosmos learning how to cook and having to go through a ton of trial and error to figure out how to make something edible.
Soundwave will eat pretty much anything that will fill his tanks with edible fuel because being picky was not an option in the Dead End (Soundwave ended up eating a lot of what Ravage scavenged, so a lot of it was discarded energon and cybermice).
Soundwave will eat everything Cosmos gives him whether it’s actually good or not. He refuses to waste the food and the first time Cosmos threw out poorly cooked food, Soundwave was really agitated and anxious about it. That was also the last time Cosmos threw out food. He learned that if he wanted honest feedback, he would have to test his dishes on the cassettes (who were not shy about telling him how bad his food was).
Eventually, a routine was established (with good communication and understanding) and Cosmos got better at cooking. Soundwave belatedly realized that having regular meals and a near constant full tank, his frame was quick to adjust to the extra energy and his lean and blocky frame became bulkier and more rounded out (to Cosmos’ absolute delight, he loves his healthy and well fed wife). The cassettes also got a good treatment of healthy weight gain!
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Wait... Soundwave wants to turn the human kiddos into cassettes? How does that go? Does it work?
I have been sitting on this idea for a while now and I hate that it took me literally two months to formulate a response, but here it is-
Previous part here.
The humans belonged to him. He found them, he tended to them, and he learned who they were more than anyone else ever bothered to. The three human sparklings, his perfect cassettes... they were soft, weak, damageable, and likely to perish in but the passing of a cycle in his mind's eye. He refused to allow that, not after he finally found little ones in need of aid who could be his new cassettes.
The Autobots claimed the children as theirs, but the simple fact that they came back to him when they wanted affection told Soundwave all he needed to know. There was no need for him to abandon Megatron or join the Autobots to keep his precious cassettes. All he needed to do was make his cassettes strong enough to endure being handled like Cybertronian cassettes and all would be well. He could take them back to the Nemesis and they would adapt with time. Emotions like anger and sorrow would pass under his dutiful care. There was no need for concern, he just needed to play his cards right until he had what he needed.
Soundwave has always been quiet in his work, thus it was not difficult to begin formulating plans. Rafael was the easiest to begin with, largely due to the fact that he already had unique abilities. It was not hard to leave a simple hologram dummy in place of Rafael and take the child to Shockwave. Singing to Rafael and injecting him with mild sedatives kept him from waking as he was placed onto an operating table and Shockwave was allowed to begin his work. It was a simple process, a small implant in the child's head around his growth glands that would slowly begin turning the child's cells into something more Cybertronian in nature and allow for energon to begin being integrated into the body. Then beyond the tiny implant that would fly under human scans were tiny implants in the spine that would with time, change to allow plating to start to develop once the child's body was strong enough and at least more than 60% non organic.
Rafael didn't even know he'd been altered and was returned home without issue. Shockwave was happy to do the work for scientific purposes and Megatron was merely tolerating the situation since it ensured Soundwave would remain loyal. All was well, and while it was most certainly harder to worm his way into collecting Miko and Jack undetected, he managed to get them the correct implants too without their knowledge. The Autobots suspected nothing and allowed Soundwave to roam as he pleased. Out of pure caution he never revealed their whereabouts or knowledge to Megatron, he couldn't risk losing his cassettes before they were ready. Besides, the Autobots were decent caretakers while Soundwave was away working.
Thus with the implants ready, Soundwave began the second phase without issue. He prepared his little cassettes food and laced it with just enough energon to be of use. He did this every. single. day. for months until at last he started getting results.
The children began getting aches and pains, all of them not wanting to move around much and rather preferring to stay still or with Soundwave. Their food choices differed and they started only wanting what Soundwave prepared to the point of concerning the Autobots. The children began getting tired, sleeping more and moving less while also seeing and hearing more than they should be able to. Even still, they weren't strong enough, so Soundwave waited and waited until at last he had his sign.
Hair began to stiffen and turn to metal, soft flesh hardened, and bones grew sturdier. Bit by bit the children found metal in their frames, growing and changing them to match Cybertronians in some peculiar way. However Soundwave did not snatch them up until Rafael showed the first signs of plating growth when he ran his hands through his hair and small metal plates shined where Soundwave could see. He needed no other reason to wait, and thus too the children swiftly as he had so many months prior. The Autobots should have been more careful. Did they not fear one who was once a servant of the council and a gladiator in the pits?
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callsign-relic · 5 days
(Not a request dw)
I saw a video on the lore of Soundwave, and apparently during one of the G I Joe crossovers Soundwave had little wirey, arm things in his cassette deck???
And that makes me think of how he could probably just use those to keep his cassettes from fighting each other, or acting out whilst they're inside him.
It'd especially be daunting for his new cassette (In the Empty Nester AU) to have to grapple with, bc they'd be getting fussed over even when the giant mech that's been holding them captive is working on something else!
If they tried throwing themselves at the window/door thingy on SW's cassette deck in an attempt to escape, he could just use the little arms in his deck to carefully restrain them before opening up to stick a cassette-sized blanket inside. The arms would then carefully swaddle the (rightfully) upset human with the blanket, and then loosely loop around them.
Patting the top of their head, holding the single hand that they've managed to wriggle free, and generally just being cuddlier with them than Soundwave typically is. (Mostly bc they are an extension of him that reacts with his emotions when he isn't actively controlling them.)
Soundwave prefers to maintain the image the human has of him in a similar manner to how he would behave around the other Decepticons. An impassive, incredibly smart and patient mastermind that knows your every move before you even think to try it. Of course, he Can read the processors of other Cybertronians, and as for the human, while they still Are human? Well...
He's had his other cassettes for at least 300 times longer than the human has been alive. Those little shits have thought of Everything to try his patience. (Though they weren't trying to escape him.) There isn't much the human could pull that he hasn't already built up a resistance to in regards to being annoyed.
And even if they could open the deck door open, he'd have to be considerably distracted in order to not just catch them again with the deck arms anyways. The only time the deck arms handle cassette repairs is if Soundwave is too busy fighting/running from something to do it himself.
He vastly prefers Maintenance Time to be something that doubles as bonding time with any cassettes he may have. He wants them to associate him, and being held by him with comfort. Comfort, and Safety are the two main things a cassette carrier must absolutely provide for their cassettes (Other than food/fuel and shelter bc duh.) Also, bc getting close to people, having them stick around with you, and survive for long is exceedingly rare during/after the war. (To the winners go the spoils, and to the losers, the leftovers.) (Even before the war as well if you were among those considered disposable by the upper class.)
So, all that to say, Soundwave is secretly terrified of losing the few people he has left after the war.
(The reason he let his typical crowd of cassettes go ((In the Empty Nest AU)) is bc he respects them too much to just keep them cooped up with/in him all the time. The issue with them not being around arises after they've left, anyways. Plus, they do visit when they can so it isn't Too bad for the ex-human cassette. At first.)
(I love how this started as a 'Huh? Soundwave is kinda weird in some iterations.', and ended up as 'Soundwave is a sad father of one adopted child that loathes him, bc it wasn't actually an adoption but rather a kidnapping. Also, war is Hell.')
-Not a Request Anon
Ooohh this is interesting :0 I didn’t know Soundwave had those wirey tentacle thingies. They’d certainly be useful for him, having some extra appendages to keep the humans safe in his deck.
As for that last part, yeah that makes a lot of sense 😔 he’s just trying to fill the emptiness he feels with an unwilling guest
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ohblushblushblush · 2 years
So, guys, let me turn into a decepticon defender here and bash on Megs a little!
Just a disclaimer, I actually liked the show a lot, I love that it is different from the other media, AND I AM HAPPY TO FINALLY ANALYZE SOMETHING AND FEEL A LOT OF EMOTIONS TOWARDS THE CHARACTERS! I love pretty much everyone, designs are great and there is a promising storyline! <3
I also hope that some stuff is going to be elaborated in following episodes and seasons 🌟
Let me start from buiding the basis I am going to be going from, so we know that the war between Autobots and Decepticons has ended like 10 years+ ago, yet, the ONLY DECEPTICON in the G.H.O.S.T. is Megatron. Moreover, we saw him training seemingly in the place G.H.O.S.T. control, and therefore he have seen this jail where everyone is located. And this is just straight up cruel. Of course, it is not the worst prison in the world but consider this:
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This is the cell in DECEPTICON prison from the "Fall of Cybertron" game (screenshoted from the walthrough here) and IT IS FAR MORE SPACIOUS, can actually contain more that one person at the same time. And THIS IS WAR TIME PRISON.
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This is PEACEFUL time prison, it has no seats, no banches, NOTHING, just a space to keep them. Honestly, as one of my friend said, it gives off Shattered Glass trophy display vibes.
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Like, guys, of course, they are still alive, but being HERE, how it is even remotely FINE?!
Not to mention that autobots are pretty cruel to the decepticons themselves. Optimus was ready to injure Ravage over a minor prank, Bumblebee is laughing about a cassette being killed accidentally by Soundwave WHEN HE WAS STARVING and, of course, NO IMPROVEMENT HAPPENING IN TERMS OF DECEPTICONS CONDITION OVER THE DECADE, the list can go on.
And now lets go to Megatron and his behaviour. He accepted the deal with G.H.O.S.T. and now helps them hunt the decepticons all over the planet. He feels amazing with them, happy to be by their side and, of course, as in typical Autobot style, he just talks about making a difference. What rubs me the wrong way is that he seemingly feels a bit oblivious most of the time to what is going on. Soundwave calls him a traitor and he makes a surprised face, as if it is the first time he realized that he is not a decepticon anymore (i mean ideologically), he complaims to Optimus about decepticons conditions and then kinda apologizes to him for it, he let the casettes go, but there is no aid to them in terms of energon or shelter and I can’t continue this list. It honestly feels like he doesnt care much, or cares only when it shoved into his face, if he KNEW about how things are going to go why he accepted this deal on such grounds? Is being an ally to humans is more important than safety of his own people? He tells that he doesn’t like to see someone from his kind rot in prison, but again makes no moves to change that. You know, at the end of Prime Megs was like "Oh, I am kinda tired, I might as well just leave everyone behind", it feels the same, universe/Cybertron is no longer avalable to conquer, so he switched teams (I mean, that is how I feel, maybe some more explanation will follow). And, of course, there is still a question about wheather or not decepticons are dangerous, but the only thing i see here is them being "evil" cause they were abandined by their leader and by everyone, all thanks to the Autobots destroying the spacebridge, THEY ARE STEALING FOOD TO LIVE FURTHER, of course, they are dangerous, but only because there is no other option, even becoming an ally or retreating to Cybertron is not one. So they are left with joining the ManDroid or live surviving on crumbs.
In concluson, I am really curious about what kind of basis Megatron has for his change of heart 15 years ago and why there is no one joining him for such a long time.
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I also had an idea that if a bot, you can pick any of your choice, had gotten cursed with being an organic for a set time frame and their human ally decides to shelter them in their own home and show them how the human world functions, what would they think? All of the culinary, entertainment, and various activities humans partake in regularly, showing how much more complex and lively being a human actually is.
Soundwave guessed it could have been worse. After all, he wasn’t dead, his mind was intact and as far as he knew what had happened to him could be reversed. Still, finding himself suddenly human wasn’t something he had ever wanted. It was a good thing that the decepticons had a trusted human ally that could look after him and his needs until he returned to his cybertronian self since he doubted that anyone on the Nemesis would have been able to accommodate his new biological form. All respect to his cassettes but Soundwave knew them well enough to know that putting his health and wellbeing in their servos would only lead to catastrophe.
Their human ally had quickly made accommodations for him in their humble abode without needing to be coerced into cooperation. They had even offered him their bed but Soundwave had politely declined, stating that the couch was enough for him. This is also where he was currently situated, sitting on the couch with his hands in his laps as he waited for their human ally to prepare him food. Truthfully, Soundwave felt it was embarrassing that he could do nothing to help prepare his meal but he knew nothing about how to prepare human food and was thus useless in this situation.
From the kitchen he heard the human prepare the meal they were going to share; lasagna, they had called it. They had also told him that he was free to do whatever while they were cooking, making a wide gesture at their home as they had. Problem was Soundwave had no idea what to do. He usually didn’t have much free time, always busy with the various duty being the third in command entails. And even when he was free he usually had to look after his cassettes which took up a lot of time.
Looking around the human’s home, Soundwave frowned. There was a TV but he had never been interested in human media so that was a no. Various magazines, newspapers and books littered the place but he didn’t feel like reading either. His frown deepened. Now that he thought about it, the human’s home was quite messy. There were clothes hanging on a chair, some cups and plates that had just been left there and things were unorganized. They clearly hadn’t expected any company, especially not a sudden roommate.
Soundwave stood up and started gathering the magazines and newspapers and put them in two separate, neat piles on the living room table. He nodded. Yes, that already made things look better. The home was still messy though. Filled with the sudden desire to see this place clean, Soundwave went to work. He folded the laundry and put it in a basket, organized the bookshelves so that everything was in order and piled all the plates on one another and put the cups on the top so that they could all be easily transferred to the dishwasher later. He had even begun to prop up the pillows on the couch when the human suddenly entered the living room.
Their eyes widened when they saw that Soundwave had begun cleaning their home. “Wow, I did not expect you to start cleaning. I’m sorry it was so messy in the first place, I didn’t know I would have guests over.”
“Human; no need to apologize. Soundwave; unexpected visitor.” Soundwave was about to say something more when he suddenly smelled something. The human’s cooking. Now, he had smelled human food before but never had it actually appealed to him. Now however, he found his mouth salivating at the enticing smell. His stomach made a loud, growling noise, and Soundwave was suddenly incredibly aware he hadn’t consumed any sustenance since his unfortunate transformation into a human.
The human smiled at him and beckoned him to join them in the kitchen/dining area. “Come on, food’s ready.” Soundwave followed them without a word.
The smell was even more intense in the kitchen and once again Soundwave’s stomach growled, louder this time. There was a slight pain there too, one that he assumed was meant to inform him that he was hungry. Crude but efficient, considering the fact that humans had no internal hud that showed them their own fuel levels.
On the table there was two plates already prepared with this “lasagna” on them.  Soundwave waited for the human to sit down first so he could take the seat that they obviously meant for him. The human smiled at him and grabbed their eating utensils; a fork and a knife, Soundwave reminded himself, and he copied them. He stared down at the food and immediately felt at complete loss at what to do. Cybertronians didn’t “eat” like humans did, they consumed their fuel in fluid form, drinking it. Treats like rust sticks were an exception but those things didn’t need utensils to be eaten.
“Do you need help, Soundwave?” the human asked him upon seeing the clueless look in his eyes. Soundwave, too embarrassed to vocalize that he needed help eating, simply nodded. The human smiled kindly at him and carefully started showing him how to properly hold the knife and fork. Soundwave thanked Primus that he was a quick learner and soon he found himself capable of wielding the utensils. Now it was just actually eating the meal.
He brought the fork up to his mouth and took a hesitant first bite, despite his hunger. Immediately his eyes widened as he was overwhelmed by the flavor. It tasted nothing like energon or anything else he had ever consumed yet he found it delicious. The foreign texture felt natural in his mouth though he had to remind himself that he actually needed to chew the food to eat it. His excitement must have been visible on his face as the human laughed.
“I assume you like it?” Once again Soundwave just nodded before shoveling another bite into his mouth. The human started eating as well and together they ate in comfortable silence. When he finally finished eating, his plate completely empty except for some sauce, Soundwave finally found it in himself to speak again.
“It was... good. Soundwave; thankful for the meal.” He bowed his head lightly in respect for the human.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it. I was worried that since you are actually a cybertronian you would hate the taste. It’s good to know that you can eat regular human food since otherwise I wouldn’t have known what to make for dinner.”
Soundwave blinked. “... Dinner?”
The human laughed. “Yeah! Humans need at least three meals a day after all. Though we can have a snack before then. Oh! I wonder if you’ll like ice cream! I have some in the freezer if you want to try some.”
Glancing at the now empty plate and remembering just how good the food had been, Soundwave couldn’t help but lick his lips. “Soundwave... Would love to try some ice cream.”
Perhaps spending some time as a human wasn’t so bad after all?
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cosplayinamerica · 5 years
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I've always deeply loved Transformers, especially as a kid. Soundwave was always a personal favorite! My love for TF was reignited in full force in 2016, and in late 2017-early 2018, I decided that it was high time I consider tackling a TF-related cosplay, especially for DragonCon. I wanted to challenge myself! G1 Soundwave, a classic favorite, seemed like something that I might be able to pull off decently well given what I thought would be a "simpler" angular design with lots of simplistic boxy shapes and harder edges. In the end, after MUCH blood, sweat, tears, and burns, I succeeded and unleashed him at DragonCon 2018, bringing him back again to DragonCon 2019 with some much needed upgrades! 
Deciding this year that I also wanted to do something else to tack on to the original build, I turned my nose up at the cannon in favor of one of his cassettes, which ended up being Laserbeak. Ravage, my actual favorite is already inside his chest, which does, in fact, open and can be swapped out! Laserbeak was intended to ride on my shoulder and forearm, but due to some last-minute constraints (and a slight mechanical failure), I wasn't actually able to make this happen. Instead, Laserbeak got plenty of solo spotlight time throughout the con, and while looking after the Cybertronic Spree merch table! He was very popular!
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Soundwave and Laserbeak both are constructed primarily out of different thicknesses of EVA foam, along with some additional elements like various plastics and metals. Rare Earth magnets serve as the holding mechanisms that keep some things such as the door, the shoulder cannon, the eject button, and the mask in place. Laserbeak's construction is predominantly 1/4"inch EVA foam, and uses insulated copper wire and sculpting wire as the main means of articulation. 
His neck, however, is formed from numerous ball-and-socket linkages that allow for some VERY stunning swan-like neck flexibility! An LED that lights his eyes are situated firmly in his head, but sports long lead wires through that flexible neck all the way down into the body cavity, where a 2AA battery pack is stored and connected by a removable tab. There was a switch at one point, but the solder broke last minute so I had to make due wiring it directly. 
The same style of LED connected to a 2AA battery pack is also featured in Soundwave's right leg in the form of the red "REC/BATT" light! Soundwave also sports an incredible strong speaker in the back which I had playing music this year, as in 2018, the only complaint I (repeatedly) got was that I didn't play music! 
One main issue I have encountered with Soundwave is the inability to move my arms particularly well. The range of motion was slightly increased when I hacked a little off the bottoms of the "bicep" segments this year, but I still have issues getting my arms in front of myself due to the big ol' boxy chest in the way! 
This has led to some really amusing incidents (and photos!) of things like people holding drinks for me while I drink them, scratching my nose for me, or stuffing food into my mouth, and other such similar things. I've actually gotten quite good at opening and drinking from water bottles without using my hands!
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The funniest incident, however, was when Soundwave was having his maiden voyage at DCon18, and I still hadn't worked out the kinks yet. Friday afternoon, I'd been in Soundwave for about three hours I think, when something gave way. I had originally made a sort of bar piece that went across the groin of the costume from front to back and was held in with velcro. 
Well, I could feel that one of the velcro ends had given way and the bar was now dangling. Unable to correct this embarrassing problem myself, I solicited the help of an awesome stranger. Leaning over I asked him, "Can you do me a REALLY big favor? ... Can you grab my crotch and pull it off?" The piece was hanging down the back of my legs like a tail!! 
Thankfully, this awesome guy obliged and tore my crotch bar off me (and shoved it into my forearm cavity for later recovery). After that, he looked after me, gave me water, and had some MARVELOUS photoshoots with me! We became quick friends and have been close in touch ever since! Cosplay has been a huge part of my life since I started in 2004 after meeting some of my amazing cousins at a funeral. Introduced to cosplay and conventions, I was hooked on life ever since! 
Up until recently, my skills were more or less limited entirely to the sewing side of things. After discovering worbla and realizing my strengths and weaknesses with it, I wanted to give the crisp look of EVA a try when I noticed its dramatic rise in popularity. Soundwave was my first ever EVA build, crunched out in a ridiculously short amount of time. Hearing the wonderful compliments and praises of it since his debut in 2018, I've been looking to up my game more and more and learning so many new things in such a short amount of time! 
Cosplay has given me an incredible and healthy outlet for my creativity, and conventions give me moments to look forward to with great excitement that just keeps spurring me on! Through cosplay, I have made SO many incredible friends that I never would have made without it! It's opened doors for me, given me a sense of purpose, and most of all, helps me bring joy to others through their reactions to seeing my hard work (and me acting like a fool in it)!
---- https://www.instagram.com/decepticoncaliber/
Follow Cosplay in America on FB / IG / TW / TU / YT
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verdigrisprowl · 5 years
June 3 Dancitron Movie Night - Over The Hedge
Did any of the Cybertronians actually watch the movie?? I don’t actually remember any of them talking about it. I watched the movie. It was pretty good.
After the movie Soundwave confessed to Prowl his terrible crime: he accidentally had a Cassetticon on his shelf for seven years because he thought it was a normal cassette. Soundwave is a criminal. A villain. An unforgivable monster. Prowl told him it's not that big a deal actually. But uh, seeing as they’re in a relationship, it would be inappropriate for Prowl to be the one to declare he didn’t do anything illegal, so probably Soundwave should go tell the story to a police department that isn’t headed by his amica and get them to clear him.
Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 7:42 PM Soundwave's had a hell of a weekend.
Why? Well, when you spend all of it in a hospital, desperately trying to avoid any and all questions about the mech you've brought in - someone who's so deep in unassisted stasis lock it's a wonder they even have a functioning spark left, for the record - you're just not going to have a good time. It's impossible.
It gets worse when you're a carrier and the being you apparently left hanging for the better part of seven years is a cassette-shaped minicon. So much worse.
And then there's that whole thing with Primus from last week to worry about.
He's really looking for a good laugh tonight. Hopefully the human film will bring him one. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 7:44 PM Prowl, comparatively, has only had to worry about—well—Soundwave. That said, he's arriving a bit earlier than usual tonight. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 7:46 PM Panic kicks in before good sense does, and for a moment, Soundwave thinks this is finally it. He's going to be arrested. Why else would Prowl be there?
...The movie. Right.
He's just going to head on over with his arms open. Embrace? Please? Small one before everyone gets here and he has to non-literally hold his tongue? Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 7:48 PM Prowl meets him in the middle to embrace him tightly. "How are you?" Last week's conversation has been weighing on him ever since. He can only imagine it's been weighing on Soundwave, too. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 7:49 PM Can Tarantulas be a fly spider on the wall? He's going to try to be, and hope they don't notice him yet. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 7:52 PM Soundwave shakes his head. It hasn't been a great time. [[He has - he needs to tell you something, when tonight is over. To ask for--]] Frown. How to phrase this. [[For advice. He does not trust anyone else to tell him the truth.]]
Tarantulas is indeed on the wall. SpecsToday at 7:54 PM Enter dragon! She's taken Soundwave's advice and just bridged the snacks to the counter this time. That really was a lot easier. She's done something new, tonight! She carefully created some artificial quartz so that it has high-grade inclusions, and coated it with a thin layer of titanium. Hopefully it will pass muster from the ones who matter most- the minicons.
"Hello, Soundwave!" Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 7:54 PM Prowl draws back slightly, to give Soundwave a worried look. His concern—no, fear—is that this is going to be how-do-we-deal-with-a-stalker-god advice. But he nods. "Of course." Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 7:55 PM With all the wild, untamed infant activity lately, Swoop has found life returning to normal. His unsupervised wandering continues unimpeded. Freedom is meant to be enjoyed and, now that he's normal sized again, Swoop feels absolutely no hesitation at terrorizing the Cybertronian wasteland before heading to Dancitron. Watch out, movie night, there's a pterokid tumbling ass over teakettle through the front door, laughing all the way. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 7:57 PM Ravage is already poking his nose up over the bar to sniff at the fake quartz. He might fish around for a few pieces with a paw. Like one does.
Soundwave pings Prowl some gratitude and quickly squeezes what he's still holding before moving to greet the others. It seems Swoop is in fine form. With any luck, it won't be TOO much like usual. He's not in the mood to get into another fight.
[[Dragon. Impressive work; the offerings barely budged.]] Had Rumble done it, the snacks would've gone everywhere. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 7:57 PM Smokescreen's oblivious to any tension previously in the room, and comes in with a surprisingly fancy cape on his back, hiding his back and his doorwings, too, somehow. If there's one thing he got from Alpha Trion, it's his bad taste. "Hey Soundwave!" Smokescreen's again, brought some semi-sweet, surprisingly fruity cookies to share tonight! Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 7:57 PM ((STARTING IN 7, GET WHAT YOU NEED)) Starscream (TBDL)Today at 7:57 PM sitting far away from Autobots, looking nervous Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 7:57 PM Prowl takes his usual seat. Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 7:58 PM ((The full url for him wouldn't fit)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 7:58 PM Swoop lets out a happy squeal almost like he's deflating. For the briefest of moments, he's sprawled out relaxed on the floor. Then a grin splits his face and he's curling his legs up to spring onto his feet. Ta-da! Starscream (TBDL)Today at 7:59 PM ((mine doesn't)) SpecsToday at 7:59 PM The dragon churrs delightedly. "Thank you! But really, it's not my own skill. Your alternate brought the bridging technology over. I'm just standing on the shoulders of Cybertronians, as it were." Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:00 PM Would honestly take offense to the whole 'stalker' part, Prowl. Gods have that whole omni-stuff going on. 90% of the time it isn't intentional. And with that he can just feel something is off about certain mechs. It made him feel suddenly, very, extremely, uncomfortable the moment he crossed through the door.
Glances at Soundwave[slendy] questioningly. Dare he ask? [I should grab mini stuffed peppers for nom before movie] Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:01 PM Nervous glance at Primus "Are you an Autobot?" Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 8:01 PM Yeah, don't stop at the door. He's going to prod the god in the back to get him moving to his own seat. Stop scaring mechs with your poor words and worse people skills. SpecsToday at 8:02 PM ((oh man last week's movie night was a kaiju movie? and I missed it? D: )) ((I did see king of the monsters though and MOTHRA SAID TRANS RIGHTS)) Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:02 PM ((it was very kaiju. there were like, four whole kaiju)) Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:02 PM Tarantulas takes his cue to drop down in the back of the room and actually transform into a full-size mech. Gotta check out the joint first, feel the mood, y'know? Now that he's done with recon though, he's making a beeline for Prowl and Soundwave's couch, visor in a smile for once as he flops over Prowl's shoulder and resists the urge to nuzzle him. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:02 PM ((how many half kaiju though lol)) Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:02 PM ((four whole kaiju is eight half kaiju)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 8:02 PM //im sad i missed it but i was too Tired Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:03 PM ((and I was at a job interview :/ Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:03 PM Prowl starts at the sudden touch. Oh! Yes. Good. Hello. Prowl's going to reach for whatever's the nearest part of Tarantulas he can get a hand and/or arm around. ((did u get job)) Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:04 PM ((They haven't gotten back to anyone yet, so maybe Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:04 PM ((sorry was grabbing a food lemme catch up)) Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:04 PM ((good luck)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:04 PM Swoop scampers behind Soundwave's couch, his weight resting entirely on his toes as he shifts his weight here and there. "Soundwave, Soundwave. Him Bob want to movie. Him do a movie? Him Bob can come, Soundwave?" Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:04 PM ((thanks Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:05 PM "Hello, dearest Prowl. Before I forget - I have a present for you later, hyeheh. No particular occasion, I promise." Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:05 PM Never takes a seat, you know this. Moves though to let his 'babysitter' walk in too. Just going to be out of the way. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:05 PM As soon as Smokescreen spots Tarantulas, he's sending a few excited pings over. He's maybe a bit jealous, but also, he's not moving from his spot, with his back pressed riiiight up against the couch away from Soundwave and Prowl. SpecsToday at 8:05 PM ((I know you all know about the ones in the trailer BUT Scylla is probably kumonga and Methuselah could be angirius, while Behemoth is one they made up themselves)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:06 PM ((those of you who saw KOTM: good :D i hope you liked it. those of you who haven't, WHY NOT))
Soundwave glances at Primus but doesn't focus on him for too long; there is a new alternate and other matters to take care of. A nod to Tarantulas, a [[Yes]] to the excitable Dinobot, and a short wave to Smokescreen. ((WE'RE GOIN)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:06 PM Swoop bobbles his head excitedly, just assuming Soundwave has taken care of sending Bob the necessary bridge. He's perked up and looking around already. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:06 PM Much frown. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:06 PM "Oh? Is it in the mail box?" Slllowly tugs Tarantulas closer. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:06 PM Smokescreen returns a wave to Soundwave, standing up to try to get his cape to flow just a bit. "Hey, hey, Soundwave, you want some new cookies?" Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:07 PM Pings back in Smokescreen's direction! And pings to Soundwave as well, as recognition for the nod. Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 8:07 PM Yes, 'babysitter' because apparently Primus still mangles his words. SpecsToday at 8:07 PM ((also the movie goes full balls-to-the-walls in a delightful way and I loved it and y'all should go see it)) Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:07 PM "Smokescreen, are these mechs safe to be around?" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:07 PM [[Perhaps later. Place them on the DJ booth. He will eat them after a while.]] Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:08 PM "Of course, Starry! You've been here before, it's safe. The only bots you have to watch out for are Decepticons who are way too into horror movies and stuff." Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:08 PM And arrive Bob does. One teeeeeeny tiny impossibly small iteration of him anyways. And he makes a beeline for Swoop. The best jungle gym. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:08 PM "But they're" stage whisper "Autobots" Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:08 PM Swoop scrambles over to where the tiniest Bob in the multiverse is, all grins and no surprise. He's already reaching out by the time Bobby makes his move. Ignore the talons. It's fine. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:08 PM "Starry... You know I'm an Autobot, right?" Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:08 PM "No, it was rather too large to fit in the mailbox." Some snickering as Tarantulas climbs over the back of the couch and arranges himself next to and/or around Prowl. "You'll see, you'll see. I just thought I'd give you fair warning." Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:09 PM ((How big is Bobby?)) Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:09 PM Talons are just good for grabbing, and hoisting one's self up. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:09 PM "I know, but you are too goofy and friendly to kill me." jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 8:09 PM ((was finishing an overwatch match sorry)) Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:09 PM "And they are, too!" Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:09 PM (Conveniently small XD) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:09 PM Soundwave spots the tiny, tiny Insecticon, and for a moment, he wants to ask them if he can pick them up and hold them.
Then he remembers his seatmates and... figures that's a bad idea. jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 8:09 PM Jazz is a little late today Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:09 PM "That's what I am asking." Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:10 PM Swoop squeaks happily and straightens up while Bobby makes himself at home. His wings fan out and he just looks amused. "Hi!" Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:10 PM OH MAN. Tarantulas just noticed Bobby too, but at least he had fair warning. He's already given Bobby "ups" a few times. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:10 PM "Hi!" He chitters. Call and response. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:11 PM Soundwave nods to Jazz - and looks around to find out where Primus is. Not going to drape wings on the couch again, he hopes.
...So this is why humans talk about bears as grumpy. SpecsToday at 8:11 PM "Hi!" Oh Goddess it's so cute. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:11 PM "Starry, you'll be fine. You're safe. You know, Primus is like, a DILF, right?" Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:12 PM Might just, sorta, be a wallflower tonight. Dancitron is very busy tonight, Soundwave has Prowl and Tarantulas there, so he's feeling he'd be an unwelcome surprise...
And then he hears Smokescreen. What. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:12 PM "Very well." ... Tugs Tarantulas over and leans onto Soundwave. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:12 PM Bobby is utilizing all four hands to wave. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:12 PM Hides behind the seat, "Primus is here" Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:12 PM At least until that gets boring. And so patting at Swoop it is. Let's see if he can reach that crest. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:13 PM "It's okay, it's okay, Primus is good! He's a Dad I Love Fondly, and I'm sure you'll warm up to him, too. He gives awesome snacks." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:13 PM He leans in a little harder than usual. Two companions. Safety enough for now. He'll try to stay focused on the story. Try. Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 8:13 PM And he's staying close to Primus, in an attempt to keep him out of trouble. Then again, Smokescreen just made him snort in a poor attempt to not laugh outright Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:13 PM Swoop tilts his head to make Bobby's job easier. However, he also starts walking over to Soundwave, which probably doesn't help Bob any. Oh well! "Soundwave! Kehehe!" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:13 PM With any luck, Smokescreen will keep Primus distracted. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:13 PM Smokescreen is going to give him a spark attack. Plzno. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:13 PM [[...What.]] Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:13 PM *grabby hands Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:14 PM Oh, Smokescreen did mean DILF in the truest sense of the word. But he's not sure he's ready to tell Starscream what that means. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:14 PM "Look, keehee! Him Bob do a small. Me Swoop small and then Him Bob small." Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:14 PM Aaaaand  finally he gets the crest. Tiny but mighty, it's a good point to try to hoist himself up. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:14 PM "But he's... he's... he's going to send me to the pit!" Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:14 PM Enjoy the squirmy buggy. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:15 PM "He won't, he won't- that's like, the opposite of what he does, Starry. I think you're all turned around!" Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:15 PM "Megatron says that he sends mechs who have been bad to the pit!" Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:15 PM "But you've been good, haven't you?" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:16 PM [[Yes. He is very--]] What's a good descriptor. [][][]So.. very small. Very small, - Bob. - You're a tiny thing.[][][] Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:16 PM "No, I keep getting brainwashed and doing bad things and I can't help it!" Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:16 PM "Starry, you try to be good, right?" Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:16 PM "Yeah" Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:17 PM Point, Smokey. Primus is just going to lean against the wall with his arms loosely crossed. One of his wings spreads out to pull Soundwave[CC] , his current caretaker because he may need that in more than one manner, closer to him. Hi. Did he screw something up last Monday? Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:18 PM Swoop snickers at Soundwave. With one hand, he plucks Swoop off his crest and holds him out to Soundwave. "Yah! Kehehhe. Soooo so small tiny. Keheh. You Bob funny." Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:18 PM "Then you'll be fine. Just- follow your spark?" Smokescreen wraps himself up in his cape, lying down against the couch arm. He could fall asleep here! Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:18 PM Soundwave shakes his head and gently pushes Bob back toward Swoop. Not with Prowl on the couch. As much as he really wants to lose himself to the joy of holding a very small Cybertronian. Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 8:18 PM Annnd he's been pulled closer. Hi. Yes. You really did. Even Blaster felt the tension and he's a constant oblivious mess. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:18 PM ... Tiny bug. Very tiny bug. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:18 PM Bob more or less dangles, hands instinctively curling into whatever surface is available for purchase. Swoop's arm, the people around him. It's instinctive. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:18 PM "So if he does do something... you'll try to stop him?" Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:19 PM He is. Just going. To. Hold Tarantulas a little tighter. And lean harder on Soundwave. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:19 PM Bobby chirps. Wingies, fluttering. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:19 PM "Of course, of course, Starry. Don't worry. I'll sit on Primus or something." Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:19 PM "Thanks Smokey." Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:19 PM Tarantulas squishes Prowl back, although he's not exactly sure why. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:19 PM Soundwave lets a feeler slide across Prowl's lap in a sort of tiny barrier. No bugs here. jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 8:19 PM "I think this is what they call habitat destruction." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:20 PM But is he not PRECIOUS. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:20 PM Swoop cocks his head at Soundwave but doesn't fight to keep his arm straight. He holds Bob to his chest in one hand like a toy. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:20 PM Ouch. And he doesn't know what because that'd mean asking or prying. One of those is far worse then the other. Which he honestly doesn't know. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:20 PM Oop. More surface area. All hands on deck for Swoop snuggles. He does wave at Soundwave and Prowl. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:21 PM This poor armored beast. What a terrible day it is having. He sympathi-- oh, a wave. He can return a wave. He will absolutely return a wave. And now he's thinking about the cassette again. The wave sort of dies and falls back to his lap. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:22 PM ((i find the suggestion that humans are coordinated enough to construct and sell an entire neighborhood in about four months to be far less believable than the talking animals)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:22 PM Swoop looks down at Bob with big owlish optics before grinning. He's got an idea. The armor on the top of his chest has a lip where the top of his head connects when he transforms to connect his beak. It doesn't do much other than occasionally protect a shot at his neck in this mode though.
PLUNK! Now it is a Bobby seat. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:22 PM ((IKR?)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:23 PM ((to be fair, such suburbs are so cookie cutter and cheap i'd believe they do it assembly line style)) Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 8:23 PM Ask. Later. MUCH later. When his alternate has settled enough to not try and hide. Now would be a bad idea. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:23 PM He startles at first as gravity seems to take hold, but then his sitting, and cozy. So instead delighted chitters leave him as he settles in his new spot Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 8:23 PM ((wouldn't doubt it)) Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:23 PM ((still, it would take massive amounts of resources and demand to undertake it)) SpecsToday at 8:23 PM Dragonloaf. Comfy and cozy. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:24 PM Soundwave gets a gentle pat on his tense shoulders, almost like a little shoulder rub. Here, now you have a paw. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:24 PM ((I think the real question is why do these people want that land so badly that dozens buy it in the span of a few months)) jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 8:24 PM ((It may not be filled yet)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:24 PM Swoop is the smartest. Look at him. He did a thing. Haha.
But this isn't particularly entertaining. Hmm.... Aha! Swoop wanders around the couch to come up to Tarantulas instead.
"Spiderbot!" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:24 PM The other feeler curls around the paw on his shoulders. Soothing. Thank you. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:25 PM Smokescreen goes ahead and pings Soundwave a couple times, "By the way, Soundwave, you want to try my cookies this week? You can reach over with your long, looong feelers." Because he certainly doesn't want to get up. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:25 PM ((in all fairness, i smell a bag of cheetos from 10 feet away and go starved bear too)) Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:25 PM Wings slowly sink. Primus didn't need to read minds to feel the shift in everyone's field; except Prowl and the dragon for different reasons. Yeah... A very bad idea to ask. Looks at Soundwave[CC] with a deeper frown. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:25 PM [[He will eat them in a while, Smokescreen.]] His tanks are in a bit of a twist at the moment. [[Thank you.]] Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:26 PM Swoop gets a pat on the head with a free paw. "Yes, Swoop? Are you Bobby's nanny, now?" Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:26 PM Prowl is SO surrounded right now. It's strangely delightful. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:26 PM "You got it, Soundwave! I'll put it up on the table. Eventually." Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:26 PM "Primus... can I ask a question?" Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 8:26 PM "...you need to work on word choice." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:27 PM Soundwave shakes his head. [[Mechs like that human are why he opted to live out here.]] Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:27 PM Free pats? Free pats! He's going to sit down in front of Tarantulas now. He throws his arm over the arm of the couch and leans his cheek against his hand. "Nanny is a TV thing." Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:28 PM Hmmm. Can Bobby reach the fluff from here. He stretches to try. SpecsToday at 8:28 PM Prowl is so, so valid. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:29 PM Oop. But apparently he can't even touch his hands over his helm. Welp. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:29 PM Soundwave motions to the dragon. Come join the heap? Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:29 PM "Are you speaking of a particular TV show? ...Do you WATCH television?"
....Hey there, someone's reaching for the fuzz? Let Tarantulas lend Bobby a hand there. Or a paw, actually - they're particularly soft! jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 8:29 PM "Why mop a patio?" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:29 PM He isn't sure whether or not this small organic will find the human terrifying. The ones on screen do. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:29 PM "... Do humans really put that much in their garbage?" Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:30 PM Nervous peaking over chair back Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:30 PM He snatches up the offered paw immediately, before shoving his whole face against the fluff with a chirp.  New sensations are to be had. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:30 PM Very slightly edges away from the tiny bug. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:31 PM That TICKLES. Tarantulas shakes a little with suppressed giggles. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:31 PM Feels that. Gonna hold tighter. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:31 PM "Is it safe to come out?" Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:32 PM Swoop assumes Tarantulas is reaching out to pat him again. When that doesn't happen, a brief look of startled disappointment makes its way across his face as he glances down at Bobby. But that reaction blows away in the wind tunnel that is Swoop's birdy brain almost instantly.
It takes a bit for Swoop's processor to remind him Tarantulas did the whole talking thing and then regurgitate enough memories to make an uneducated guess at the topic. "Us Dinobots watch lots, lots of TV and movie and stuff." Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:32 PM ... Is it bad that he has the urge to eat sticks watching this Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:32 PM Sends Soundwave a negative ping. Holding was reassuring when bugwas far. Now bug is close and holding is trapping. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:32 PM "What did I say..?" More frowning. Glances to Starscream. "Yes?" Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:32 PM "Fuck?" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:32 PM Hurriedly loosens it. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:32 PM Bob all the while remains fascinated with the paw, the digits, the fluff. It tickles his face too. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:33 PM "Do you promise you won't send me to the pit if I come out?" Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:33 PM When he settles back against Swoop for proper snuggles, he doesn't let go. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:34 PM Cracks a small, bemused, smile. "Yes." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:34 PM [[Small for police.]] [[Unusual fundraiser as well.]] Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:34 PM "Wait, humans have cookie cops?" Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:34 PM perks. "Cookie?" Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:35 PM "You haven't met Minus yet." Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:35 PM Swoop looks down at Bob with confusion. "Cookie?" Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:35 PM [Tiny stuffed sweet peppers. Omnomnom] Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:35 PM Slowly comes out.  Still ready to jump behind someone or something if Primus or any Autbots makes a move in his direction Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:35 PM "Cookie! I've got some cookies. You want some?" Smokescreen's waving a cookie in Bob's direction. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:35 PM Well Bob takes that as confirmation. "Cookie!" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:35 PM [[He meant human police, but-- wait. Minus?]] Minus. Minus. This is familiar. Why? Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:35 PM He nods enthusiastically. Yes please. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:35 PM This squirrel........ is Smokescreen. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:36 PM RUDE. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:36 PM Swoop looks over at Smokescreen. After a second, he holds up his hand. Make it a good throw, buddy. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:36 PM "One of our newest. She's a dataslug." Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:36 PM "Here you go!" Smokescreen tosses the cookie in Bob and Swoop's direction. He's wondering who will get it first! Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:36 PM Swoop, of course, has a FAR longer reach and aerial battle experience. That cookie is his..... to give to Bobby. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:36 PM Well. Given that he has clumsy baby digits, and wonky tiny proportions probably not Bobby. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:37 PM "Aren't their shells like... their backbone?" Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:37 PM (( .... turtles don't have butts, do they. i cannot imagine a turtle butt Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:37 PM Perk. [[Dataslug?]] Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:37 PM Delighted he squeaks, jaw unlatching to catch the offered treat in rows of tiny needle teeth. Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 8:37 PM "I wasn't there. But it has soured things. Explanations will be needed. Later." after things settle again. For now...no. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:37 PM "Yyyyes, they are, Smokescreen." Tarantulas has a long-suffering look on his face. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:37 PM ((i don't think they have a human booty no)) Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:38 PM The cookie is happilly demolished Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:38 PM ((They do, but pretty sure they don't look like that)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:38 PM ..... sweet. Swoop is all grins when the cookie gets viciously murdered. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:38 PM ((I think it's just like... a hole)) Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:38 PM Swoop's gonna get crumbs in his collar! Heh Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:38 PM Back to sad Creator mode. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:38 PM "I thought so. So- this isn't like, actually a turtle, right?" Smokescreen is tossing another cookie to Swoop. Sharing is caring! Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:38 PM ((I'm pretty sure turtles can breath through their anus.)) Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:38 PM I think they are drawings Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:39 PM If Tarantulas thinks Swoop doesn't already have a plethora of crap in his armor, he's going to be sadly mistaken. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:39 PM Big mood, Swoop. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:40 PM G r o s s. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:40 PM ...Wait. He turns to face Prowl. [[Dataslug Minus. Wasn't that--?]] He flashes a shot of Prowl with the little blob. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:40 PM Maybe Tarantulas should acquaint you both with his decontamination rooms. Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 8:41 PM Kinda...pats? Yeah, he's gonna try to make this a bit better? Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:41 PM The slightest smile. It's a very proud slight smile. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:41 PM To be fair, Smokescreen has bigger problems right now than under armor crumbs! He's got a cape just to cover a very particular injury. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:41 PM Swoop is a free range kiddo and will not be tamed into a regular bathing schedule. Instead, he's just going to keep catching cookies to drop into the food processor that is Bob. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:42 PM To which Bob is happily waiting, jaws open to snatch up falling snacks. No quarter is spared. Even a fraction of his usual size he is a blackhole of treat consumption. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:43 PM [[She chose the work herself? It suits her?]] Look at that smile. It must be so. Prowl wouldn't be happy if she got assigned and didn't like it. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:43 PM "Soundwave... those tentacles... are they for data transfer?" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:44 PM [[They are for many things.]] Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:44 PM Swoop cackles at the carnage his wee buggy friend can unleash. It doesnt' take him long to start looking around for something else to feed to Bob. Hmmm.... Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:44 PM "She barged into my office and demanded the job. She's still training, but shows great promise." Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:45 PM "They're not just for attractin' mates, huh?" Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:45 PM Pats appreciated, but is still not a happy Creator. Not when he feels things are wrong and a few are his fault. Might have been able to go without knowing. Such is his life. And many of the mechs he would chat with appear to be rather busy with each other and/or the movie. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:46 PM "Can you use them for memory transferal?" Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:46 PM There has been a lull in the snack. Bob decides it's time to wriggle and squirm a little. Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 8:47 PM Life sometimes bites. Even gods, apparently. Just keep working at it. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:47 PM HMM. Normally, he'd just tear off some of the couch to feed Bob. But. Soundwave.... Hmm.... He'll just.... pick Bobby up and plop him down on Tarantulas for a second. Now he can run off and get food from the bar no problem. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:47 PM Quiet huffing. She really did take after Prowl, then. Interesting, how these things work.
[[You were a good choice of guardian in the beginning. He thought so then; he thinks so now.]]
Soundwave's not going to acknowledge Smokescreen's comment. He's just going to nod at Starscream - and glance toward Primus again. He senses he's being thought about. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:48 PM Bobby is blinking up at his new current seat Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:48 PM Tarantulas holds Bobby to the side, away from Prowl - is he what's causing the problem? - and gently pets the precious thing while Swoop's off and busy. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:48 PM "She doesn't remember it. It's a fortunate coincidence." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:48 PM This is the funniest thing Ravage has ever seen. Look at this ridiculous damn dog. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:48 PM "Could you store what memories I have externally so I stop forgetting them when I have my mind wiped?" Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:48 PM He's now more out of site, but also tucked in close against warm surfaces. Alright. This is acceptable. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:49 PM Here, how about a fuzzy shoulder perch? Perfect for tiny Bobbies. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:50 PM Oh. Even better. He burbles, and flops against the fuzz, nuzzling into it. Wings flick happily. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:50 PM (( my mind went "dan tara, your bobbie s" Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:50 PM (pfffftt XD) Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:50 PM "Oh, it's one of those badly made exploding cars!" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:51 PM [[Is that so?]] Even more intriguing. [[He should try to speak with her some time. He is curious about why she did choose the work.]]
[[...Yes. He could do that with the memories. Easily.]] Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:51 PM ((we were gonna like, talk about doing a plot on those lines, weren't we?)) Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:51 PM Wings shift closer to his frame. They lock around so he looks more like a feathery cape. Somewhat tricky to do when he's not always around to converse or be social on one-on-one to get better about the whole socializing thing.
Soundwave[Slendy] would be correct about his senses. Primus is bad at hiding anything.
WasSmokescreenhurt? Things take time to catch up. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:51 PM ((Yeah, if you still want to we can)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:52 PM ((still want to)) Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:52 PM ((owo)) Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:52 PM ((i mean we kinda just launched straight into it)) Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:53 PM ((true :smiley: )) "Can you do mnemosurgery?" Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:53 PM "Frag, for a nanoklik I thought Vernard was singing that." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:54 PM ...He really doesn't want to answer that in public. Even if Prowl already knows about it because of the romantic partner he tortured. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:55 PM ((maybe next time lllllet's discuss that ooc BEFORE launching straight into it)) Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:55 PM "I guess that was too much to ask" ((I sort of forgot :/ otherwise I would have)) ((I am dumb)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:56 PM Swoop toddles back to Tarantulas and Bobby carrying a plate that is loaded up for a normal sized Bob. His expression says let's rock n roll! Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:56 PM Bobby meanwhile has stilled against Tarantulas shoulder, lulled by the warm and the coarse fuzz. And perks back up immediately Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:56 PM ((not dumb, none of that)) Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 8:56 PM He can't do much about that. But he's not moving away, but leaning a bit into the god. It's okay to be bad at something when you don't do it often. But, for now, he's here to try and help. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:56 PM It's fine - Tarantulas can just plop Bobby right back in Swoop's collar now he's got the goods! Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:57 PM Tarantulas and Swoop are acting cross purposes. Tarantulas is trying to put Bobby on his collar. Swoop is trying to put the dish in his lap. We've come to an impass. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:58 PM Excellent. Now he can get to work in destroying that plate. Meet in the middle He grabs for it and flings everything everywhere Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:58 PM :V Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:58 PM ...well he meant for those to go in his mouth. Oop Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:58 PM To screw up badly enough to make Blaster notice? Yeah... Primus isn't supposed to be that screwed up. Even with everything being... myrff. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:59 PM "Did he just assign her a fursona?" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:59 PM [[...It's not too much. It just isn't something he cares to discuss in the open.]] Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:00 PM "... She was cuter before." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:00 PM [[A different environment, for security's sake.]] His and Starscream's. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:00 PM [[Oh?  Yeah we can talk later]] Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:01 PM [[Excellent.]] Soundwave nods. Bobby (Wily)Today at 9:01 PM Bobby is gonna try to scramble out of everyone's hold to go for the snacks. Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 9:02 PM ....okay, fair point. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:02 PM Swoop has nothing against letting Bobby roam free. Even if he did, he's too busy cracking up at the mess. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:02 PM Tarantulas snickers and sighs at the mess Bobby and Swoop have made, but eh - so long as it doesn't get in his setae, he's not gonna worry about it. jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:02 PM Jazz kind of wants to adopt Hammy now Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:04 PM Ruffles and tucks his helm down into his chest. Where's Smokescreen? He needs someone to hug. Soundwave[CC] probably doesn't want to be so. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:04 PM Swoop plops himself down on the arm of the couch and pulls his feet up, giving Bobby free reign to go all out on the mess. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:04 PM Smokescreen is on the couch, with his back pressed right against the couch, but he won't say no to a hug! Even if it hurts a bit due to his back injury. Bobby (Wily)Today at 9:05 PM That's good. Because picking them up is too much work. He's just gonna crawl, and pick up the snacks with his teeth. Cut out the middle man that would be picking them up Dirt never hurt anyone. It's seasoning Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:05 PM Tarantulas is amusingly inclined to agree... Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 9:06 PM ....he's not great with physical contact that doesn't involve violence. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:09 PM No hugging the Soundwave[CC] at all. He can follow him to the couch where Smokescreen was. Going to hug him from behind, yes? Assuming he doesn't knock anyone out of the way. Bobby (Wily)Today at 9:09 PM As fun as it is playing the role of vacuum cleaner it's tiring work. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:09 PM ... Oh. Oh. That's what  she meant by cork. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:09 PM Swoop doesn't know what a roomba is, but he manages to be entertained nonetheless. He's got nothing but grins for Bobby..... but Tarantulas in his peripheral vision  sparks a thought that has Swoop slipping off the arm of the couch onto the cushions. He wedges himself against Tarantulas, staring up at him. "Spiderbot!" jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:09 PM She got her man/cat Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:10 PM ((Jesus Christ. What does she want him to do? Break all their tiny fingers and toes first?)) Bobby (Wily)Today at 9:10 PM He eventually slows, swaying in place , before gently he lays his face against the ground. And falls asleep. With a cookie in his mouth. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:10 PM Tarantulas seems distracted, but he kinda-sorta makes space for the pteronerd. "Yyyeeessss?" Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:11 PM This couch is getting crowded. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:11 PM Smokescreen may wince as he is hugged from behind, but manages a smile, leaning against Primus. His back does seem unusually flat, but that probably makes it a bit easier to hug, "Primus! Uh- hey, sir! I made some cookies with your fruits!" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:11 PM It's a good thing Soundwave is so thin, he supposes. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:11 PM I'll stay off the couch Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:11 PM Swoop hasn't needed space a day in his live. He'll plaster himself against Tarantulas no matter the bizarre angle it takes. "You like Us more little?" Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:11 PM Shsh, Swoop's a scrawny beanpole too - see? Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 9:11 PM Yeah, he's tailed after Primus. And he caught that wince, Smokescreen. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:12 PM Sure, but his attitude takes up enough space for five couches. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:12 PM Tarantulas does a double-take at that one. "What kind of a question is that? You're - you're just different that way. This way. Whatever way." Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:12 PM Smokescreen, his worry is now transferred onto you. "What happened?" Let him worry. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:13 PM (( auto-homicide 3 omg. well... jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:13 PM ((Oh god)) Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:14 PM ((me trying to drive and not break my massive cosplay sword)) Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:14 PM Wait, wait, frag. He wasn't expecting this! "Oh, you know, weird magic happens, sometimes, you meet a bot and they turn out to be pretty weird- it's all good! It'll be fine. How're you, Primus?" Smokescreen's turning around, trying to return the hug to Primus. SpecsToday at 9:15 PM ((gotta go to bed early. night guys!)) Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:15 PM ((Aww, nini!)) Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:15 PM ((night)) Bobby (Wily)Today at 9:15 PM (samesies. Night!)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:15 PM Swoop rests his chin against Tarantulas' shoulder and keeps staring him down. "Yah. But. You Spiderbot like small stuff." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:16 PM ((night! rest well)) Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:16 PM Prowl's been barely paying attention to the movie. But he huffs at the truck flying into the house. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:16 PM ((Bobby passed out face down in the middle of Dancitron's floor is so precious)) Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:16 PM "Smokescreen..." Nope. Worry mode activated. Primus nuzzled him. "You know you can't lie to me." jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:16 PM "After you cut it down?" Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:17 PM Oh, frag. Smokescreen's nuzzling back, petting Primus' helm, "They, uh, got removed forcibly. That's the truth, really!" It's technically not a lie, just an ommission of detail! "Oh, soda's red energon?" Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:18 PM "I do like small things, but - your behavior is different then as well, you know." Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:18 PM "Smokescreen!" Cue more than unhappy, and a bit higher than neccessary, tone. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:18 PM "No?" Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:19 PM "Well, for one, you talk much less." Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:20 PM Swoop grins and blows raspberries at Tarantulas. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:20 PM (( she looks like an old tattered barbie Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:20 PM ((i was just thinking that)) jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:20 PM "she's snapped" Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:20 PM ((Cynthia)) Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 9:20 PM ((yes)) Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:20 PM ((are homeowners associations actually real things?)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:20 PM ((yes, and they are roughly this awful)) Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:21 PM "Primus- Primus, please, it's okay, it's okay! I've been at the med-bay! I'll get better. Eventually, really. It doesn't even hurt as much now!" Smokescreen's trying to pet Primus, trying to get him to calm down. "You don't gotta draw attention to it, you know." Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:21 PM ((Australia doesn't really have them so it sounds so weird to me)) Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 9:21 PM Nudges Primus as well. Tone it down, he's wearing a cape to hide the missing wings for a reason. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:21 PM ((people basically pay a neighborhood-run group for the privilege of being told what they can't do on their own property on pain of being fined hugely)) Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:22 PM ((i've heard some horror stories that match this lady)) ((my childhood neighborhood either didn't have one, or it was a chill one)) Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 9:22 PM ((it's why I didn't move into this one neighborhood. The people running it were bat-shit insane)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:23 PM ((that whole thing of hers about measuring the lawn is not at all an exaggeration. OR the worst thing i ever heard about)) jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:23 PM "Oh. Wow. Now I really wish he was one of my ops." Hammy has been unofficially adopted. Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:23 PM //my question is how they even have the authority to fine neighbors lmao Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:23 PM ((you agree to it via contract)) Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:23 PM ((Is it something all neighborhoods have or just newer ones?  Here it's just for apartment complexes so I don't know if it even counts)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:23 PM //why anyone would agree is the realy mystery tbh Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:23 PM Pardon him for being a bit, well, over worried. And having an overreaction to the whole thing. Primus lowered to sink on the couch with the reassuring pets and words. He's very unhappy about this, Smokescreen. Can you blame him? "Smokescreen... That is still serious. At least let me do something to help?" Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:24 PM //i don't think me and my friends have any intention of joining a hoa if we ever manage to get a house together Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:24 PM ((it's basically in rich people neighborhoods that wring their hands over keeping high property value and select people around, and in neighborhoods that dream of one day being such)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:24 PM //bc we're all planning a garden at the v least and i know we won't let someone tell us what we can or can not plant in a garden Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:24 PM ((they've been around a long time.)) Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:25 PM ((seems really inconvenient)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:25 PM ((so that it turns into such absurdity is not at all surprising to me, given the kind of people involved)) Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:25 PM "Well, uh- can you keep it down? And maybe, uh, take me home later? I kinda, uh, snuck out and don't wanna get in too much trouble." Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:26 PM Swoop scrunches up his nose, but still wears a grin. "You Spiderbot don't like talking Swoop?" Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:26 PM ((Is it a gated community thing?  I've heard of those, never been to one though)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:26 PM //i live in city owned housing right now and we have actual restrictions on what we can do on our porches even like. we're nto allowed to put plants up on the wide railing of our balcony, or hang things from the railings Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:26 PM ((i'm sure gated communities do have them, but no)) ((any neighborhood that feels like it can go off and make one)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:26 PM //what gets wild is when a hoa tries to bully you into signing the contract even if you don't want to ghjnh i've heard stories about that Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:26 PM ((I am so glad Australia doesn't have those it sounds ridiculous)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:27 PM //where like someone doesn't join the hoa and they get people bullying them over it, or even trying to fine them despite not being part of it Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:27 PM ((wait they'll try to make you sign the contract?? i guess that's how they get people but like... why would someone join them i dont understand Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:27 PM ((THE STORY ABOUT THE PEOPLE WHO BROKE INTO THE GARAGE TO INSPECT IT)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:27 PM //GOD Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:27 PM ((Why would you agree to be in it if you didn't have to though? Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:27 PM "That's not what I said! You're perfectly acceptable any which way. You're trying to push me into playing favorites between YOURSELF, and that's not going to work, tsk." Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:27 PM ((i actually think the neighborhood i grew up in DID have one, now that i think of it? our mailbox got knocked down by a drunk driver and the parents had to negotiate with the HOA about what kind of bricks they could use to build a new one, because they couldn't find ones that exactly matched the house's bricks)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:27 PM //i mean some might not but like. i've definitely heard horror stories about the HOA basically threatening/bullying neighbors to joining after moving into the neighborhood Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:28 PM ((but that's all i ever heard about them, so our neighborhood's must be lowkey compared to the horror stories)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:28 PM ((some places you can't move into if you don't agree to sign and some people do it because they get into the idea of everything being pristine and not at all lived in looking)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:28 PM "Favorite Swoop? Kehehehehh!" Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:28 PM ((What are the benefits of belonging to one, other than living in a rich, exclusive suburb? Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:28 PM ((the thing is the ones that ARE horrors are gonna be the ones that everyone hears about, because why would people share funny/exciting stories on the internet about a lowkey HOA that's never gone mad with power)) Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:28 PM (( https://youtu.be/GBwELzvnrQg Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:28 PM ((that's it. that's the "benefit".)) Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:29 PM (( the suburban mom gayle vid ^^^ Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:29 PM Sighs heavily. Leans his helm against Smokescreen's. "Of course. That'll be very easy to do." Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:29 PM ((ah, I see now Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:29 PM "Thank you, Primus- and you can keep holding me like this, right? This is- this is nice." Even if it hurts just a little! Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:29 PM //what's wild to me is the idea that you "Can't" move into a neighborhood if you refuse to sign the contract and join like. do they actually have power to tell you that you can't buy a property if you don't join //or is it just that bad peer pressure Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:30 PM ((in some places, yeah. i forget how tho)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:30 PM "You Spiderbot LIKE Me Swoop?" : > Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:30 PM "Yeah. I kind of need this too." Let him at least soothe the pain away? Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:30 PM ((night everyone thanks for the stream)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:30 PM ((night!)) jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:31 PM ((good night)) Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:32 PM "I'd be a fool to answer such a leading question." Tarantulas looks about ready to push Swoop off the couch. "...Define LIKE." Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:32 PM (("The major power of the HOA is the ability to compel property owners to pay a share of common expenses for the overall maintenance of the HOA and the amenities, usually proportionate to the ownership interests (either by unit or based on square footage). These expenses generally arise from the operation and maintenance of common property, which vary dramatically depending on the type of association. An HOA may have, in addition to a regular assessment, a "special" assessment for unexpected expenses (such as for road maintenance).")) (("Benefits to homeowners may include maintenance and management services, provision of recreational amenities such as pools and parks, insurance coverage, enforcement of community appearance standards which may lead to higher property values, and the opportunity for members to plan development in accordance with community values.")) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:33 PM Swoop's face is about ready to split in half from the grin on it. "Like means LIKE! Duh!" Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:33 PM "Good, good! And, uh- maybe a couple treats would be good? I'll be fine, though, I'll be fine." Primus' care is helping, really! Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:33 PM Soundwave now gets that cookie and begins putting things away with unusually sized bridges. While not having moved. Because that's his way. Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:33 PM //lowkey hoas are probably Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:33 PM ((that's why people sign into HOAs for reasons other than assumed snobbery. it's basically super-localized taxes for neighborhood upkeep--since the dude down the street from you is more likely to take action on fixing a pothole in the street than a government official who lives half the town away and has 500 other potholes to address.)) Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:33 PM "Heh, sure." Nuzzles. Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:33 PM //better. wow thanks discord Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:35 PM "Hff. That's redundant and uninformative." Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:35 PM //yeah it's the. when they go Mad With Power and try to force specific appearances on property they don't even own that's wild to me mostly from the stories i hear bc like. standards of appearance is one thing, i get wanting things to at least be eat, but to go "ah yes your grass is .5 inches too long and your bricks are the wrong shadeof red" is when i'd be like "bye" Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:35 PM ((HOAs are usually registered as nonprofits; i've also read about trailer park HOAs being formed so that the trailer residents can buy the property from the landowner they've been paying rent to, and get to cooperatively own their own neighborhood and directly do maintenance or pay for its upkeep, rather than paying rent to a landowner they need to submit maintenance requests to)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:35 PM ((tbh i'd rather have a pothole and the right to plant anything i want and paint my house any color i like but i suppose i can see how lowkey ones might be useful)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:35 PM "YAh! Keheheh." Swoop leans against Tarantulas' shoulder so he's got his cheek pressed into the fuzz as the waits impatiently for his answer. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:36 PM ((those are the out-of-control HOAs)) jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:36 PM ((I like quirky houses, which is why I'll never join an HOA. Or live in a suburb.)) Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:36 PM ((it is possible to have an HOA whose primary purpose is not to determine paint colors)) Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:36 PM So long as Swoop doesn't press the subject further, Tarantulas takes that as a sign that the conversation's over. He's dodged it! Awesome. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:36 PM ((gotcha)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:36 PM //yeah lmfao Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:36 PM Time to busy himself snuggling with Prowl on the other side instead. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:36 PM ((I have no particular desire to own a home but, if I went all in on a purchase that big, Jesus himself couldn't roll up to my pad and tell me what to do with it.)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:36 PM //i'd be willing to join a lowkey normal person hoa but not one of the out of control ones Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:37 PM ((but like, again, the normal ones aren't the ones that get fantastic stories about them shared on the internet)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:37 PM //ya Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:37 PM [Plenty of reddit stories about the crazy ass HOAs] Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:38 PM ((i feel like the thing to do would be to delay on joining for like three months and just do all kinds of things and see how they react. if they're chill, join, and if they're not, maybe consider an electric fence to keep them out of your lawn)) jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:38 PM ((lowkey is fine, but I like hanging plants and shaded gardens. It wouldn't blend in with their idea of a proper suburb)) Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:38 PM ((you're allowed to read their rules before joining. i'd say just, read the rules and see if they're reasonable.)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:38 PM //i know me and my friend hav sometimes joked about buying land in the middle of some woods and building a house there just to avoid crazy hoas but Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:38 PM ((you gotta know how they enforce them too though)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:38 PM Tarantulas is new to this game apparently. Swoop pulls one leg up so he can put his foot on the arm of the couch to get some leverage to push against Tarantulas in a more forceful lean. Not super hard (yet), but certainly noticable. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:38 PM ((like they've got state-level laws governing HOAs and everything)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:39 PM ((now that i did not know)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:39 PM //you could probably also ask neighbors for opinions on them too if you wanna know how they respond to stuff Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:40 PM ((yeah, they're Actual Legal Entities. which is how they can levy fines in the first place. signing on to an HOA is a legally-binding contract in most states. it ain't just a club somebody made up and asked for fees for. for that reason if an HOA steps out of line it's a matter that can be taken up in court.)) Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:41 PM [When a movie starts a long OOC discussion about HOAs. Movie night never ceases to amuse me.] jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:42 PM ((They can't evict you if you refuse to join though, right?)) Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:42 PM ((at work--my job is taking new company/corporation formations back and forth between lawyers and the secretary of state office--we form a lot of HOAs. i can't tell you what any of the ones we form are like, because formations only contain lists of the founding members, not the internal by-laws that govern that company; but we do form a lot.)) Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:43 PM Nnnnnaaaah, Tarantulas isn't new to the game. He's just playing it on his own terms and ignoring Swoop for now. A bit more affection for Prowl - and a little for Soundwave - and Tarantulas is bidding them adieu for now. See? No need to even PLAY the game if he's LEAVING, Swoop. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:43 PM Soundwave returns it with a quick squeeze as Tarantulas gets going. Might be the last time he can do that for a whlie, and all. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:43 PM ((it'd depend on the specifics? like, if the HOA actually OWNS the property of the neighborhood, then "agreeing to join" would probably be a term of buying property in the first place. just like if you try to move into an apartment and refuse to obey the apartment's rules you can get kicked out. but in most cases--if YOU own the house--no.)) ((but that might vary from state to state)) Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:44 PM Smokescreen gives Primus' arm a tug, leaning against him. He probably should get back before someone notices he's not in the medbay like he's supposed to. He doesn't even want to think about the look Megatron would give him! Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:44 PM Swoop gets his long birdy fingers wrapped around one spidery leg. He's not going to chase Tarantulas, but he isn't going to make this easy either. jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:44 PM Jazz waves to everyone on his way out Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:45 PM Prowl gives Tarantulas one last light squeeze, and lets him go. Farewell, spide. ((flskjflkgj i wrote the entire wrong character name YOU SAW NOTHING)) Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:45 PM (( ::::3c Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:45 PM Soundwave nods quietly to those leaving. Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:45 PM //im laughing bc i read it when you said soundwave and saw literally nothing wrong with it mentally Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:46 PM ((PFFT)) Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:46 PM Plot Twist: Tarantulas can mass-shift, and there's nothing Swoop's grip can do about it! Watch Tarantulas escape from his problems with practiced finesse. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:46 PM Scoops Smokescreen up gently. Going to soothe the pain anyway as he did so. He'll drop you off safely, but he'll be coming back here. Afterwards he'll join you for snuggles and snacks? Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:46 PM (( night y'all :heartpulse: jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:47 PM ((so did I, 'cept I spaced out what I read when my brain autocorrected)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:47 PM !!! Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:47 PM ((night!)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:47 PM Swoop blinks at the not-spide space in front of himself..... and then blows some farewell raspberries at this loser. jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:47 PM ((wrong. punctuation)) Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:48 PM Snuggles and snacks sound good. He's going to ping Soundwave and Tarantulas goodbye! Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:48 PM Ping. Goodnight, Smokescreen. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:48 PM Whelp! That accomplished, Swoop slides off the couch and bounces to his feet. Clearly he is done here and isn't forgetting anything(one) on the floor. Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:48 PM //a nyway, night lmao Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:49 PM Soundwave[Slendy], he will be back. There is something he feels he must ask. Nuzzles Smokescreen and warps out with him so he'd get home without fuss. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:51 PM THANKFULLY for everyone that Sunstreaker would murder if Bob didn't show back up, Swoop just about eats it when, at the last possible second, his body course corrects to not step on a certain passed out buggy. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:52 PM It's all right, Sunstreaker. Soundwave would have murdered Swoop for stepping on Bob too. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:52 PM This bird of prey turns a disastrous fall into a pretty sick roll, scooping up Bobby and bounding away. Later nerds! Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:53 PM Impressive. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:55 PM After dropping off Smokescreen, with a new blanket and snacks, he was back. Primus glanced at those who remained. Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 9:55 PM Still here. He still kinda needs to try and keep you out of trouble. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:56 PM ... The crowd's getting unnervingly thin. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:56 PM Are they alone now? Soundwave's going to--no, no, it seems they're not. And he really doesn't want anyone else to hear. He'll have to wait a short moment. Not exactly patiently, as he's been sitting on this all night, but not as rude as he could be, given his present uncertainty.
[[...Yes?]] Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:57 PM "What did I do." A question that wasn't one. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:57 PM Prowl quietly hooks a hand around the crook of Soundwave's elbow. Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 9:57 PM And he's hit with the strong need to put his palm to his face. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:58 PM No sense beating around the bush. Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 9:59 PM He meant later, as in days. Not hours. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:59 PM Well, the bluntness kicked Prowl's nerves on high alert. And usually he appreciates bluntness. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:59 PM Too late. There was tension that he knew he caused. It'd eat at him since he only had hours to talk each week. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:00 PM [[...He doesn't know yet.]] Pause. The feeler that was on Prowl's lap now curls around his wrist, as Bob's gone. [[He has been thinking about what has been done and what the future might hold, and trying to determine their meaning. He had hoped to understand by now, but certain... things, have come up. Interrupted it.]] Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 10:01 PM "You don't have to know yet." And Prowl will not be happy if Primus starts trying to egg a firmer answer out of Soundwave. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:02 PM That's actually somewhat comforting. He's so used to feeling like he needs a correct answer to everything right away he sometimes forgets that it's okay to take his time finding it. Of course, it's possible none of that will matter by the end of tonight anyway. That depends on what happens when he tells Prowl what he has to tell Prowl. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 10:11 PM "What th-..." Primus cut himself off hearing his own tone dip into areas he didn't like. Shutting his mouth, eyeing Prowl for a moment, then he returned his gaze to Soundwave. He stayed silent for a long minute while letting his feelings sort out before daring to utter another word.
"Soundwave... Whatever I did, or said last time, I'm sorry for it. I'll wait until I see you next time to ask. You know how to call me if you're ready before then." His voice was softer; genuinely apologetic. "I wont pry or ask what else is making you this way tonight. I respect you too much to do so. I do hope you'll be alright. " Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:15 PM He squinted at Primus from behind the visor at the opening response, Prowl's words blaring on repeat in his head. The expression faded partway after the next bit, but not entirely; he could not, at the moment, accurately tell what was honest and what might've been calculated to gain maximum approval. His head was full of other problems just then, and seeing through them was too hard.
So he nodded, pinging one thank-you, and bobbed his head at his alternate. It did put him more at ease seeing that one present tonight; he appreciated what they were probably doing. [[Next time.]] Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 10:19 PM Oh, good. That went...surprisingly well. All things considered. He did return the motions, as he knew his alternate was well aware he was not here for the movies. And, yes, he would be coming to the next one. But, for now, with the conversation as done as it was probably going to get, he put a servo on Primus' arm. "I think it's time we went home. Next week is not that far off." Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 10:26 PM There was one more question that Primus had in mind. With how curt Soundwave[Slendy] was with him, the answer felt obvious. It made him ache thinking about what that answer would mean from here on out. Mulling would do him no good. To try and distract himself, he nodded then shifted his attention to the other Soundwave[CC].
"No. Your home isn't mine." Cracks a sad smile. "Besides, I told Smokescreen I'd come back to keep him company. I could use his smiling quirky self right about now. I've got a few new recipes he might enjoy trying.
"Soundwave has Prowl, so he's in good hands." Attempting reassurance. Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 10:31 PM "....very well. Good night." and he's going to make sure Primus leaves before he does. Just...just in case. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:35 PM Soundwave turns immediately to Prowl and bows his head just so. It's time for honesty.
[[He has a confession to make.]] Frown. [[Two confessions. He does not want to burden you with his guilt when you were not expecting it, but he does not know anyone else he can trust with this - or who is as knowledgeable as you.]] [[Are you willing to hear him? He will not force you to listen if you are not.]] Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 10:36 PM Don't worry everyone, Primus is leaving and is gone by the time the chat begins. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 10:37 PM Prowl leans in to bunt—and then immediately straightens up. Oh. This didn't sound like any conversation Prowl had been expecting to hear.
But even so— "Yes. Of course." He would hear anything Soundwave had to say. And he was more than accustomed to being a sinkhole to throw guilt into. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:45 PM [[He has once again failed in his duties as a carrier unit and endangered the life of a mech he should have done his best to protect. He let them languish in stasis lock for nearly seven years and - and treated them as...]] Oh, no. No, the formal sound is not holding out, here. This isn't how he wanted this to go, but it's too shameful to pretend he can treat this like a business activity of some kind. [[He kept them on his shelf, as if they were a regular cassette. He - he owned a mech, Prowl. For over half a decade. We used him as MUSIC, once. He isn't even one of ours; he -- looks like one of yours.]]
Soundwave laced his fingers together over the back of his neck and stared into his own knee.
[[He couldn't tell the hospital where they came from. He doesn't know what will happen if he does.]] His fingers clutch tighter. [[They wouldn't believe him. So many believe that we enslave our deployers as it is. If he said someone gave them to him as a present...]] [[He didn't know. On his spark, he didn't. Even Ravage thought it was a side effect of one of Primus' gifts.]] Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 10:56 PM That. Was WILDLY outside of what Prowl had been expecting. Spark-stoppingly vent-shudderingly outside of what Prowl had been expecting. His jaw was partially dropped as he tried to work out whether to start with "why did you" or "how dare you."
And then Soundwave said he hadn't known and Prowl's breath all came out in a relieved whoosh. "Oh. God." He sank forward, crest resting on Soundwave's shoulder. "Okay. Okay, all right, can we... Let's start that story from the beginning. Rather than from the worst details possible." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 11:06 PM Soundwave immediately rested his own crest on Prowl's shoulder in return. He gave the information in the order he thought of it because it'd been boiling up underneath everything all night; he'd not been able to think chronologically until he ripped it open wide enough to let some steam out.
[[Yes. Of course. From the beginning. The start--]]
[[The greyfaces used to bestow gift after gift on him and his. Some he understood; some he still doesn't. One gave him the cassette. He thought it was JUST a cassette, and chose to keep it. He didn't have many personal possessions at the time, and he doesn't know any Slugfests. He thought it was-- a band, or a description of the music. Not a PERSON.]]
[[They had no thoughts for him to read. There's a set of Primus-created colorful lights set into the wall in his berthroom; we thought the fragment of a signal we were catching was because of his spark and their source.]]
[[He only found out because he turned the lights off this week and-- and he was testing things in the shelf room. To see what they meant to him. Then he felt them.]] Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 11:16 PM Prowl nods slowly, rocking his head against Soundwave. "Okay. Okay, that's..."
Where to start? His processor is still reeling from seesawing between "Soundwave's been keeping a slave secret from you for years and this changes everything you know about him, recalculate every calculation you've ever made concerning him" and "never mind, false alarm, abort all those recalculations immediately."
He wraps his arms around Soundwave's waist.
"You didn't do anything wrong. Morally OR legally. You had no idea the cassette was a person—and as soon as you DID know, you took him to a hospital, correct?" He lifts his head. "And—I'm not sure about your universe's laws, but in mine, there are legal exceptions made for people who accidentally use another mech without consent if they didn't know what they were using was a mech. It's applied from time to time to mechs who buy secondhand dataslugs or scavenge guns from battlefields. Surely, there's something similar in your universe?" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 11:28 PM He didn't mean to whip Prowl's head around a corner like that. It's just the order it stumbled out of his brain and into the open.
Soundwave scoots closer, automatically trusting the arms to protect him, just as they did last week.
[[He did, but he's not sure whether-- That is, he moved to where he would be his own law, but the hospital is in New Praxus, and he was living in another different timeline when we took in the cassette....]] He spent most of his life flouting the law, Prowl, not studying it to the degree you have. It gets tricky even before the multiverse comes into it. [[And the greyface gave them to him. That is a fourth location. And the laws have always been strange for us. Carriers could and often did terminate those who kidnapped their deployers. Legally.]] A little insight for Prowl, there. [[What if Slugfest is joined to someone? What if he is seen as an accomplice, or - or whatever receiving a potentially kidnapped mech makes him?]] Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 11:36 PM "Under my universe's laws, you wouldn't be. Other laws, I can't speak to. I'd have to look into local laws first, but—if it were up to me? You wouldn't be charged with anything. There's barely even grounds for an investigation."
Prowl sighed. "However, it can't be up to me. I'm not a neutral party. And, by extension, neither is my entire department. If I were to bring you back to Iacon and ask an officer to investigate the case in order to absolutely clear you of wrongdoing, I wouldn't be able to trust that the officer would remain objective, even under direct orders. There's a high probability they'd try to avoid displeasing their captain, even if only subconsciously. I—advise you to go to the authorities in your world and explain the situation. Preferably somewhere they won't want an excuse to arrest you just for being a former Decepticon officer." If Prowl weren't an enforcer, he wouldn't have to advise that. He could have just told Soundwave to keep it to himself, that Prowl knew he'd done nothing wrong and therefore Soundwave didn't need to invite trouble by trying to explain the story to someone who didn't know him as well and wouldn't be as sympathetic.
But Prowl WAS an enforcer. And consequently, he couldn't get anywhere near giving advice like that to his amica without it being egregious favoritism. The fact was, an enforcer now knew about this incident, and if he didn't act on it he'd be guilty of covering it up. This couldn't be left in Prowl's hands. Soundwave had to tell someone else. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 11:44 PM Soundwave tenses. Somewhere they won't want an excuse to arrest him? Is Prowl kidding? If there was anything Soundwave could guarantee about the authorities in his world, it'd be that they'd just as soon throw him into a bottomless pit as arrest h--
...Wait. He knew at least ONE of them had been open to operating on reason before. This Prowl had convinced them to do it.
[[You mean your alternate.]] The frown on his face defied description. [[The one who is avoiding him after telling him--never mind what she said. It is unimportant.]]
It would be foolishness to seriously entertain the idea of death being preferable to talking to her. He came close to doing so anyway.
[[He wishes he had never accepted the damned gift.]] Just going to bury his face even harder into that shoulder, there. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 11:47 PM "I didn't mean my alternate. Isn't there a Decepticon outpost somewhere out there?" Prowl gestures in the direction he sort of things the Decepticons might be. It's the wrong direction. He doesn't know much about the Decepticons around here. "But if my alternate is the only one you can think of? Then fine."
Prowl leans the side of his head against Soundwave's. There, there. "You didn't know. And if you hadn't received him, there's a possibility that someone who WOULDN'T have cared might have." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 11:51 PM He shakes his head no, as much as anyone with their face  smashed up against someone else can do. [[They dislike him nearly as much as the Autobots. He was... particularly antagonistic toward Starscream, for a while. And he is a traitor.]]
[[Mm.]] He's not completely reassured by that statement, but hearing someone else note that it's obvious he cares makes him feel a LITTLE less monstrous. [[Perhaps...]]
Long, long vent. [[He will talk to her tomorrow. He will not tell her that you told him to go.]] It'd probably be bad if he did. Then she'd feel obligated toward a version of herself and he'd have to go find ANOTHER officer, at which point his doom would be all but sealed; he just knew it. And another vent--this time, the kind of quietly relieved sigh that came of having one's absolute worst fears thrown out on their ear. At least he didn't have to worry about Prowl running away from him for this mess. He could count on that much. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 11:56 PM Ah. Yeah. Right. That whole helped-kill-Megatron thing. The average Starscream, at least, might be willing to forgive Soundwave that detail, but if Soundwave wasn't on his good side...
"Leaving me out of it is probably wise." Prowl turned to kiss the side of Soundwave's head. That was a lot of sighing. "How is... he?" What was his name. "Slugcon?" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 12:01 AM Sighs were bits of pressure escaping in convenient air form, and Primus knows he'd been under quite a bit of it since he found the minicon hiding on his shelf like that.
He shifted to return the kiss, thankful for the reassuring contact and comfort, and tried not to be overly amazed. If he'd told himself five years ago that he'd be seeking protection in a Prowl's arms, he'd have chalked it up to a memory and personality wipe.
[[Slugfest. He's still in stasis, but they have refueled him and stabilized his spark, and are working on repairing his frame. They do not wish him to wake and transform until they know it is safe.]] Pause. [[They were also somewhat reluctant after reading his Autopedia file. The later the better.]]
[[...Did you want Slugfest to know you asked?]] Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 12:04 AM Fest, Con, they were close enough.
So he was recovering so far. That was good to hear. Mainly for the sake of the injured, of course—but, no small part of Prowl's relief came from knowing how much it would weigh on Soundwave if Slugfest DIDN'T recover.
"No. I've never met a Slugfest. There's no need for him to hear upon waking up from over half a decade of stasis that the captain of the local police was asking after him." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 12:06 AM He hadn't THOUGHT Prowl would want that--Slugfest was a Decepticon, after all--but he'd promised to stop acting on assumption.
[[As you wish.]]
He shifted around until he was settled back against Prowl's chest and closed his optics. It would be for a moment and no longer. He just needed to take a second to calm down and process everything.
[[Thank you.]]
Instead, he ended up falling asleep. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 12:07 AM "Of course."
Prowl stayed and held Soundwave long after he fell asleep; and then, gradually, drifted off himself as well.
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afterspark-podcast · 6 years
G1 Episode 5: Transcript
Episode Show Notes
[This can also be found on AO3!]
O: Why don't you tell me one or two of your favorite Transformers ships and why?
S: Half the ships are dead.
[Intro Music Plays]
O: Hello and welcome to the Afterspark Podcast- an episode by episode recap of the Generation 1 Transformers cartoon. I'm Owls!
S: And I'm Specs!
O: And today we're going to be talking about episode number 5, Roll For It. Let's talk about giant robots today, shall we?
S: Yeah.
O: So, last time on the Transformers: Spike was kidnapped, Bumblebees’ memories were dicked with, the Decepticons “perfected” the Space Bridge, and Megatron went on an unscheduled trip to Scenic Cybertron.
S: And that's “perfected” in quotation marks.
O: [Laughter] It didn't go well- is what we're getting at here. Anyway, like any good episode we open with two Jets and Soundwave flying through the sky.
S: And Soundwave’s in robot mode, though it would be super weird if he was flying as a boombox.
O: I swear that happens later. [Laughter]
S: Probably, I mean it would be funny but it would be weird.
O: As they're flying Starscream is espousing about being, “The new leader of the Decepticons!” Uh, He almost hits Soundwave while flying because he's a jackass.
S: Soundwave appears to momentarily consider changing sides because his Decepticon symbol is mis-colored red for this shot.
O: They're normally purple for those of you who don't know this off the top of your head.
S: So purple.
O: [Laughter]
S: They attack a dam, blasting through a plate-glass window.
O: Okay, I think it was like a hydropower plant bu-but to me that translates over as a dam, right? So why are they so obsessed with dams? This is the second time, right?
S: It's just a convenient plot point.
O: Clearly. People freak out and call in a Decepticon sighting, like. Do you think there's a hotline? I feel like, at this point, there's like a hotline to the Autobots that are like, “Holy fuck, there's Decepticons here.”
S: Either that or 911 has actually started, you know, putting together a code for a giant robot attacks and then it gets forwarded to the Autobots.
O: I'll believe it. I'll believe it.
S: Yeah, probably.
O: Anyway, the best part about this that is the security guards attempt to take out giant transforming robots with handguns.
S: Not even like fancy-ass handguns.
O: No, no- they're just little handguns!
S: And then the Decepticons have terrible aim and blow up some barrels and crates but, mysteriously missed those pesky little humans.
O: Starscream proclaims himself as amazeballs. I.E. he's doing an amazing job. No, he's not. And orders Soundwave to begin collecting Energon.
S: And here they have is tape deck open but you cannot see the inside of his chest like, it doesn't exist- there's just a blank blue void.
O: [Laughter.]
S: That matches the rest of, or, well there isn't a void is what I'm getting at.
O: [Laughter] There's no hole. Anyway, Optimus Prime, Cliffjumper, and Brawn show up-- quoting I think Cliffjumper, “Just your friendly, neighborhood Decepticon Wreckers.”
S: Honey, you guys ain't the Wreckers.
O: [Laughter] Right!?! Uh, so the Wreckers are something that will show up in other media later. They’re basically kind of like the Autobot Brute Squad. Sort of?
S: Sort of? Yeah, they're the Autobot-- They're not special operations but they're like the special hit squad or something. It starts out with Impactor and like, Rack and Rule [Rack’n’Ruin]--something? And then the triple-changers. uh, Springer, Sandstorm, and Broadside get added and--that's, that’s neither here nor there. It's not at all relevant to this. So...
O: Basically, it's kind of funny with the phrasing because the Wreckers as, like, a group of Autobots is a thing that exists later. So it's mildly weird that it's used here.
S: In multiple ver-- multiple iterations in this--
O: Yeah, it's a thing in multiple iterations just not, like, in this specific version of G1. So everybody fights and then Optimus and Starscream end up in a tug-of-war match, which only ends when they accidentally blow up all the Energon on the Decepticons were stealing.
O: Yep. And then Brawn, the immovable object, gets a bunch of movable objects thrown at him.
S: One of which is Cliffjumper!
O: Um, Soundwave being the only intelligent one here orders a freaking retreat.
S: And then Starscream flies off past a super pretty rainbow. It's very pretty, honestly. Why did they put so much detail in that?
O: My question is what happened to the other two Seekers in this scene. Like, they just completely disappear- we don't see them flying out of the factory or the plant or whatever.
S: They snuck off for makeouts?
O: [Snorts] Possibly. Soundwave because he can't turn into a jet and, presumably, completely forgot he can fly- makes the goofiest escape imaginable. Running really awkwardly outside, nearly tripping, and then through what looks like a volleyball net?
S: It really does.
O: Presumably it's not, and is supposed to be a fence, but we say volleyball net because, like, the actual, like, grid or net part doesn't stop--start until a good ten feet off the ground---
S: Because it's not--
O: It's like up to his knee!
S: And it's not connected to anything else?
O: It's very strange. I don't know what it's for and I would love to see the freaking, like, show notes for this to know what the heck was going on here. It's a very very strange fence.
S: I'd like to see the show notes for like everything that's happens because this is a trip.
O: So, something that I've heard about said about Jem and the Holograms is like, they'd write something and the animators would do something very strange with it so, like, I look at a lot of the stuff here and I’m like, “Is that what happened?” I'd really like to know or did they just say Soundwave ran off and trips or something-- like what did that look like?
S: Could be. And then Prowl and Bluestreak give chase?
O: Where did they even come from? We didn't see them with the other Autobots, so they just show up the hell out of nowhere. Uh, so they show up, they hit Soundwave who flies into the air, turns into a boombox, and is promptly caught by Starscream.
S: In-in his belly hatch. Is this where he sticks all the Energon?
O: [Laughs] Soundwave is riding cargo, with the Energon. Poor Soundy, he's having a bad day. [Laughs]
S: And then Bluestreak shoots both Starscream and Thundercracker.
O: Okay, but where did Thundercracker come from and where is Skywarp?
S: Uh?
O: Eh? Anyway, when we get back to the Autobots, Optimus Prime is there with Prowl and Bluestreak. When it cuts back, Prowl is standing and Bluestreak is in car mode but Bluestreak is the one shown talking in the next shot. So--
S: Like, you can see his face.
O: Yeah, it's clearly Bluestreak.
S: And it's not like one of the things with-- from Robots in Disguise (2001) where, there's his face in the little stupid dash thing--yeah.
O: Yeah, it was Bluestreak, he was the one standing up there but not in the long shot. Prowl and Bluestreak pursue the Decepticons. Uh, Thundercracker insults Starscream's leadership capabilities as they escape.
S: And now back on Cybertron, Megs wants to go home because Starscream is an idiot.
O: Shocking no one. So, Megatron contacts Starscream and orders him to attack a lab as planned to get the antimatter-- to get an antimatter formula, apparently.
S: And we're back to astroseconds. 5 billion?
O: Why!?!!! Why would you count anything in seconds, Megatron!?!
S: Astroseconds, cuz we’ve got to be dumb robots.
O: [Spluttering] I’m just like--I’m just like, “WHY!?!”
S: And then Shockwave seems way more energetic today. I mean did Energon actually come through? I didn't think anything came through with Megatron.
O: Eh, it could--did, did some of it make it through or is it the fact that his bass--his boss is back? You decide. So, uh, evil Ray of Doom and poof Megatron is back on Earth.
S: Where he is promptly greeted by Laserbeak and Rumble.
O: Laserbeak actually lands on his arm? I still think it's weird he's pretty reasonable with the cassettes a good chunk of the time, given how much of an ass-hole he is to pretty much everybody else.
S: And then Rumble gives them an update, and oh my God, Rumble is so tiny!
O: He is! Like, so, uh, if you ever play the video games it is hysterical if you have fight Rumble because it's like fighting a leprechaun that comes up to your knee. [Laughs] And you're just like oh my God, die!
S: Oh, that's amazing.
O: It- it really is, I'm just sort of like, “Why am I having so much trouble with this thing?” I don't even remember if it was Rumble or Frenzy, but fighting both of them sucks! Anyway, so we cut to a lab, Bumblebee drives up. Bumblebee is apparently wheelchair-accessible.
S: He's really ahead of his time cuz, well, uh, I wasn't expecting a Volkswagen Bug to be, uh, wheelchair accessible, but it's frankly awesome that they did that.
O: Yeah, I like that clearly he had configured himself slightly differently to help Chip out. I think that's actually cool. Um, they're greeted by a guard with really long legs.
S: Just, it looks like you got designed by Clamp. Clamp legs.
O: Super long legs. [Laughter]
S: Yup, and then Reflector observes the guard entering his passcode in the lab. It looks like he's actually taking photos of--
O: Of like when he's pressing the buttons.
S: Yes.
O: And he says it was as, “Easy as a piece of oil cake.”
S: Maybe we should be keeping track of these crumbs of Cybertronian culture, I mean...
O: Do they bake cakes? Like, do-do-
S: Do they--
O: How does that work!?! I want to see a recipe, god dammit.
S: I feel like someone's made reference to oil baths but I mean none of the stuff in here is super consistent.
O: Tch--but that was, that was--Presumably oil baths weren't edible.
S: I know.
O: Or weren't meant to be edible?
S: I know but it's like, variance of oil, is like, this oil for food, is this oil for--
O: Water!
S: I don’t know!
O: It's like, oil bath, mineral bath, same thing. So we're introduced to Chip, a fourteen-year-old, we think, boy in a wheelchair. He will be another recurring human character in the series. We couldn't seem to confirm his age on the TF Wiki [but] he's Spikes’ best friend, so presumably they are the same age-ish?
S: Maybe, at least close in age? He is really adorable and is one of the more appealing characters in the series and he is also super freaking smart.
O: Oh yeah!
S: I think he's smarter than the robots? Honestly?
O: We'll see that later. I-I don't think that's an exaggeration. [Laughter]
S: And Bumblebee agrees with me! And okay, it's kind of creepy, maybe, he's totally petting Chip in one of these shots.
O: [Laughter] I mean it's clearly like, a thing of endearment but yeah, you have the Giant Robot who's like, ruffling the guy's hair. [Laughter]
S: Yeah.
O: As we said, Chip is super smart and, apparently, has had a hand in the antimatter development going on in the lab they've arrived at. He is then handed a bendy floppy disk that will, apparently, allow his home computer to communicate with the lab computer.
S: Which is called, ”Betsy Brainiac,” and it's also Autobot Orange-- the entire interior of this lab is like, Autobot Orange.
O: Of course it is. [Laughter] Uh, as they're leaving they are attacked by Laserbeak.
S: And so they were in the desert but now they're suddenly in a city!
O: Yeah, it's very strange, uh, they escape into, like, an underground parking garage? [Laughter]
S: Yeah, yeah- that scene change was really weird.
O: It was very-- it was not fluid, not at all. [Laughter]
S: Yeah and then Laserbeak reports back to Megatron.
O: I'm serious this is the second time, just in this episode, that Laserbeak has landed on Megatron's arm. I don't think he does this with anyone else but Megatron and Soundwave, correct me if I'm wrong.
S: Eh, as far as I can remember I don't think he lands on anyone else but I haven't watch the full series in a while.
O: I'll make note of it happens again, because I can't remember off the top of my head. Meanwhile, all the Reflectors pose like a weird robot boy band behind Megatron during all of this.
S: This is... surprisingly not the only time some Decepticons look like a boy band. Apparently--
O: I'm not shocked by this at all.
S: They look just like striking some cool poses--look like they're going to lay down some sick beats, I guess.
O: [Laughter] So uh, Chip is dropped off at home where he attempts to warn the lab that they are about to be attacked by Decepticons, presumably.
S: And as Spike and Bumblebee are driving off we get to see Bumblebees’ bright pink seats, again. They tell the Autobots, presumably, that the attack is going to happen and Optimus is heading towards the lab.
O: Meanwhile, Bluestreak and Prowl have caught up with the Seekers and Soundwave who are cannibalizing some Earth jets for parts.
S: I guess they're making repairs? I feel like repairs should work differently from this. It really just looks like they're sticking a new wing on Thundercracker.
O: Yeah, it just-- it just sort of felt weird when like, Prowl and Bluestreak walked in as they're just, like, attaching jet parts to each other. [Laughter] It's very strange.
S: [Laughter] Where did they get the paint?
O: I don't-- [Laughter] I don't know. [Laughter]
S: I mean are--so the way that jets generally work is that there are fuel tanks in the wings. How did they keep the fuel tanks from bursting?
O: I mean, so kinda--just.
S: I also don't know if that's how it works with military jets, but I’d assume so?
O: Eh, maybe. Regardless, I do want to point out that the Decepticons don't really have a doctor so, it's kind of, like the fact that they're repairing themselves-- one) I find kind of amusing, but two) it was also like, does that make Starscream their doctor? Or is Soundwave--
S: A combination
O: -or something?
S: Or combination Soundwave/Starscream, we see what they do in Fire in the Sky?
O: That's true. So it's kind of weird. Uh, later iterations we'll actually get a few doctors, um, one of our favorites is Knockout, obviously. Uh, we don't really get one here, they don't really have doctors oh, so it is kind of like who does repair them?
S: I think the, um, Constructicons are technically considered their doctor when--er doctors when they show up.
O: Yeah, that would be one way to do it, oh, okay.
S: I don't know if they're actually--well, Hook, I think, is a surgeon. Not sure about the others but Mixmaster could probably--
O: Yeah, I wasn’t--I wasn't sure if Hook being a surgeon was, like, a fanon thing that had become really widespread or he was actually labeled that way in the show, but--
S: I don't remember, uh, let me look this up cuz yeah it could definitely be fanon.
O: I like, it showed up in a fanfic I was reading and I, and I honest to God don't know if it, if it's in the actual canon or not.
S: Eh, okay he considers himself an artist, Master Craftsman, let's just-- let me just read the, uh-
O: Fair enough.
S: -the wiki to you.
S: The snob of the Constructicons Hook considers himself an artist he looks upon the rest of the Decepticons almost as peasants, underneath him to a degree. Though full of himself, Hook is a master craftsman, having truly earned his insufferable ego. His high standards that he holds himself and others to means he takes extra care to ensure that even the most simple of jobs is completed to the nth degree of perfection. It doesn't say that he is the-- is a medic but, ermm--
O: So I think it's safe to say we're not sure if it's something that will show up in canon, or not but it is pretty prevalent in fanfiction or in just, like, the fanon with the Constructicons, so we're not actually sure.
S: I guess, yeah, Soundwave and Starscream, they get to be the medics.
O: At least for now.
S: A fight ensues.
O: As it always does.
S: So much fighting.
O: We cut to Megs, Rumble and Reflector who are using the passcode to gain entrance to the lab and I have to ask, why didn't they just blast through the freaking wall?
S: That, pfft, I mean, God, we see them blast through--
O: Yeah, just wait for it.
S: Walls, windows, and everything.
O: Uh-huh, just wait for it. [Laughter]
S: So back with Chip, he's attempting to contact the lab via his home computer.
O: Apparently this is a really nice setup for the time, although I couldn't tell you either way.
S: And, well, you can see a bunch of college flyers on Chip’s wall like, at least one of those looks like it was a fancy tech college or some sort of research college. Apparently the dude's got his future planned if he isn't already taking pre-college courses.
O: Or went through college because he's super smart, you decide.
S: Um-hm.
O: Anyway, remember that thing I asked about why the Decepticons didn't blast through the wall? Now Megatron blasts through the wall. And Megatron demands the antimatter formula from the scientist. [Laughs] He calls him a flesh creature.
S: The scientist deletes the formula, but Meg's calls him out on his bullshit by using his [sigh] psychic hands to determine that he uploaded the formula to someone else I.E. Chip.
O: I have no idea if he'll ever use this random ass ability again.
S: I mean, I doubt it. If they had wanted to be consistent they could have just use that stupid chest tentacle that--
O: Let's not talk about the chest tentacle, ahh! [Laughs] Um, Prowl and Bluestreak continue to fight the Seekers, Soundwave and, uh, now Ravage.
S: Yep, and then Prowl shoots Ravage who goes and hides behind Soundwaves’ legs.
O: Save me Daddy! Uh, Soundwave shoots Prowl, taking his battle computer offline.
S: No one else has one of these, but Prowl, apparently.
O: Prowl uses his ear antenna to hunt for another online computer so he can use it to help fight.
S: Battle buddy!
O: This allows him to link up to Chips home computer--
S: Somehow.
O: [Laughs] Chip remote controls Prowl through the fight.
S: Honestly Chip would own at competitive video games now. He’d probably be amazing, either that or he would totally own at BattleBots.
O: [Laughter] Oh my God, I would love to see that! Although er-- ironically I just like the idea of Transformers building tiny robots to fight like, at, like, human competitions.
S: That would be incredibly entertaining and I could kind of see Wheeljack doing it.
O: Oh yeah! For shits and giggles? Like, I know they don't have the Holo forms, uh, like they do in the comics here but I could totally see him showing up and being like, “This is my robot!” and just like, you know blowing humans’ tiny puny little minds. [Laughter]
S: I could see, I could see Swindle like, setting up some sort of betting thing.
O: Oh god, he would! [Laughter]
S: Yeah, and then Bluestreak looks like he got drunk and lost his chevron here for a bit.
O: Uh, basically his colors are all fucked up.
S: Chip has Prowl use another jet to shoot missiles at the Decepticons.
O: This is a normal people jet, uh, I'm not sure why this is more effective than just, you know, shooting them, but they retreat so, ehh?
S: Oh, oh we forgot, we forgot Prowl is riding the jet here.
O: Oh yeah, like, he like, I mean like, he's fucking straddling the jet, somehow- like, reaching into the cockpit making it fire missiles. I'm like, I don't know why that was Chip’s first instinct but okay.
S: It's amazing and then the-- the Decepticons escape and hunt down Chip, because of course. [claps hands]
O: And Chip, our resident squishy badass, rips up the floppy with his bare fucking hands, that had the formula on it, having memorized the formula himself.
S: And then Ravage just, crashes through Chips’ bedroom wall like the freaking Kool-Aid Man and proceeds to kidnap Chip, wheelchair and all.
O: Door! Technically Ravage did burst down the door, not a wall, he's not a complete heathen, thank you. [Laughter]
S: That's true. That's true.
O: He's oddly careful while doing all of this, uh, besides going wheelchair first through a window, of which Chip is completely unharmed.
S: I wasn't expecting controlled defenestration today.
O: [Laughter] Ravage aims to please. Uh, I- I just think it's weird, uh, the Decepticons are sort of oddly careful with Chip through all of this, like, yes I know they just crashed through window but beyond that like, they basically just, you know drop him into, uh, I think Starscream? And they're off.
S: Yeah, something like that and then Soundwave reads the teenage boys’ mind in order to get at the antimatter formula.
O: Oh, the things he must have seen. I don't even want to know!
S: [Sighs]
O: Autobots then sneak into the lab using the power of Illusions and Rumbles’ own goddamn stupidity.
S: Why are you a rolling rock, Hound? Why? And I mean you can see, you can see Mirage’s footprints.
O: Yeah, it's very strange. Mirage turns invisible and Hound is pretending to be a rock. This is how they get past Rumble.
S: That's rolling! And I think they talked to him?
O: Yes, basically, he- I think, Rumble said something to the effect of, so it must have been nothing and I want to say Mirage uh, was like, “That's the most intelligent thing you've said all day,” and he's like, “Hey!” But he still can't see anybody. So Soundwave then hacks into the computer by shooting a little laser beam from his hand.
S: He goes all rainbowy while doing so, we never see this again.
O: Why?
S: Um, I think.
O: I mean, welcome the recurring theme of this podcast.
S: Yeah.
O: The Decepticons have managed to create antimatter.
S: And then Hound confuses Megatron through the power of Holograms and possibly throwing his voice.
O: Yeah, I would hope so, like, to me I feel like they should be able to tell where the voice is coming from otherwise. Bumblebee and Spike do make it in and they rescue Chip.
S: Bumblebee cradles Chip rather tenderly. I don't know if Chip would have been thrown out of his wheelchair at this point?
O: I think he was. That's why he picked him up but I maybe wrong. So to escape, Bumblebee sort of transforms around Chip and Spike and then books them out of there.
S: By driving up the stairs.
O: Stairs are, uh, of no consequence to a giant alien robot, thank you. They're promptly followed by Hound and Mirage.
S: Who also drive up the stairs.
O: With no problems, yes.
S: I have issues with the Formula 1 car doing this, but okay.
O: [Laughter]
S: Meanwhile the Decepticons fail to hit anything or anyone relevant.
O: And then we get another environment animation sequence and then all three vehicles crash through a window and make a graceful exit from three stories up, surprising the hell out of Rumble. Rumble is also having a bad day.
S: A very, very bad day.
O: It'll get worse.
S: And then Hound is suddenly blending in with the environment, he's apparently decided to go camo.
O: [Laughter]
S: Because he’s very tan instead of green here, oh no, he's cosplaying Swindle!
O: [Laughter]
S: Like two seasons beforehand.
O: [Laughter]
S: Optimus bursts into the lab with Sunstreaker, Bluestreak, and Ratchet in tow. Are they in- Are they in his trailer when this happens and then do they get released from the trailer?
O: Yeah, I think that's how that went. Anyway, while doing this, they hit Rumble in the process. As we mentioned Rumble is having a very, very, very bad day.
S: Yeah. Yep. And then Megatron throws the antimatter, blowing up the entire lab?
O: But not really? It's still standing, I don't really understand.
S: Oh-oh before this we just saw the Autobots burst through walls to confront Decepticons and like, each Autobot has their own individual hole except what appears to be Ratchet.
O: Who we think is actually supposed to be Ironhide through, like, this entire scene but he's colored like Ratchet.
S: Yeah cuz, err, I don't know, later when we get back it seems like Ratchet’s been back at the Ark the entire time, but let's get back to what we're actually at.
O: Back to our--back on our shit.
S: [Laughter] But yeah, so a lot more Autobots exit the lab then we saw entering.
O: And Optimus says, “we’ve suffered losses but we've not lost the war.”
S: Who died Optimus? Who died?
O: I'm convinced, Sunstreaker’s paint job was the only casualty.
S: Yeah, and his arm.
O: [Laughter] Poor Sunstreaker.
S: Yeah and then when the Bots get back to base they act like Ratchet’s been there the entire time like, like I said.
O: Yeah, Ratchet’s just like, “Woah guys, what are you doing? You got blown up!” Uh, so Chip starts to beat himself up, uh, over the, you know, the Decepticons getting the code but Wheeljack’s like, “Buddy, we can use your brain for better uses, let's go blow shit up.”
S: He's so understanding, Wheeljack, he's just, so understanding.
O: I think he just wants help with his mad scientist experiments in the basement.
S: Probably!
O: [Laughter]
S: I mean people give him lots of shit for blowing shit up but we haven't actually seen him blow a whole lot of shit up.
O: Yeah.
S: Except for that one bomb he made we're doing that.
O: Um-hmm. This is about the time Megatron and the Decepticons decide to attack the Ark.
S: And off go the Lamborghinis to fly! And thus Sunstreaker and Sideswipe commit atrocities against jets.
O: Jet Judo! Also, weirdly enough Sideswipe doesn't appear to be wearing a jetpack, but Sunstreaker is?
S: Um, I don't really remember who's supposed to be wearing the jetpack but canonically Sideswipe does have one. I just don't remember who has it in this scene.
O: Like I said I'm pretty sure it was Sunstreaker and I was like, “How is Sideswipe flying and why does Sunstreaker have the jetpack?” But whatever.
S: I don't know.
O: We get some decent animation here as the brothers fight the Jets.
S: There's like some really nice, it’s-it's really nice--
O: This is where the budget went, hello.
S: Um-hm. And nevertheless when they get shaken off by the Jets they have those extremely convenient parachutes like, like what Mirage had after his thing.
O: They all survived! Uh, Megatron then shoves? Absorbs? Antimatter into his chest. What the--?
S: Do The Voice!
O: Oh, okay- I can do that. [terrible Megatron impersonation] “Beware, Autobots! I am about to transform into the most powerful weapon in the universe!” He says, uh, as he turns into gun mode. Which I have to ask, what the fuck even is antimatter!?!
S: Gun Viagra?
O: [Groans] Moving on! Starscream starts shooting Megs at the Autobots.
S: And Hound is trapped by rocks, again? This might be a running theme-
O: [Laughter]
S: -But I don't know he just seems like he's buried in the rocks now like, like.
O: And this is time number three, right? Or is it just two? Starscream continues to fire.
S: And then Brawn hides in a ditch to toss his boss at Starscream. ‘Cause Starscream is on the ground and--
O: Instead of flying--because he's a jet. And no, we're not sure why this was the plan they went with, either.
S: I guess they're just working with their environment since there was that incredibly inconvenient ditch, but I mean how did Brawn get in there? Did he go like the long way around and sneak? How did, how did Starscream not hear him or [claps] see him, or something? Because I feel like Starscream was pretty close to the ditch.
O: [Huff of laughter] Eh, he was too busy getting Megatron off. [Laughter]
S: [Laughter]
O: I knew I’d sneak one in there somewhere. Anyway, Optimus knocks Megatron out of Starscream’s hands. Megatron then gets picked up by Skywarp. Meanwhile, Skywarp is accosted by humans who put on Wheeljack’s device and that device gives them control over Skywarp’s body.
S: They-they just stick it to his leg, like--so how it goes is Spike comes running over with what looks like a freaking jackhammer and then Skywarp picks him up and is like, “Squishy, I'm going to shoot you,” and then Chip wheels over, sticks the thing on his leg, and is like, “No, you're not!”
O: And then they're basically remote controlling skywarp. So Skywarp begins to fire at the Decepticons and random landmarks with Megatron. Uh, Megatron returns to his robot mode because the antimatter he shoved in his chest is about to reach critical mass. [Sighs]
S: Of course it is! Um, so of course this means he's got to start dumping [deep breath] dumping the cubes out of his boobs.
O: Predictably, uh, the cubes explode and the Decepticons retreat, Megatron vows revenge as the episode ends.
S: [Sighs]
O: [Laughter]
S: Is-is this the bit where they just fly away looking really tired, or is that the next episode?
O: I think that's the next one, like, the next episode basically ends very, very similarly, like with a fight with the Autobots vs the Decepticons, again, at the Ark. They start to blur together after a while let me tell you. [Laughs] So--
S: We have some recommendations, there's three fanfiction recommendations and then one piece of art, actually animation that Owls has to recommend. So let me go into the, uh, the fanfiction and then we will get to the animation.
O: [Laughter]
S: So the first recommendation I have for you today is “Always the Wrong Lid” by Bibliotecaria_D, which is sort of an alternate universe of G1, it's more taking everything that happens in G1 and treating it seriously, uh, I guess. It's rated K, Gen, there's no pairings. So, the characters-- Chip Chase, Skywarp, Thundercracker, Soundwave, Reflector, and Shockwave. And in summary, “It's an alien look at human racism, and bodily fluids.” There's an awful lot more in there than that. Um, so our main character that this rec- that this recommendation is based on is Chip Chase and then it's a One-Shot.
S: Um, the next one is “Lockout” by MariaShadow, which is G1 cartoon, rated K, Gen, no pairings. Character- main character is Prowl and then, I believe, there's some human original characters. So, main character’s Prowl and in summary, “Prowl endures for stress leave, and competes in a chess tournament.”
O: [Laughter]
S: Um-hmm, and, er our theme here is Prowl, because yeah, we got to see Prowl do some pretty neat tricks with Chip piloting him.
O: [Laughter]
S: And it's a One-Shot.
S: And our last recommendation is “Snap, Crackle, Pop!” by ShyLight. It's G1 cartoon, rated T, it's General, so there's no pairings. Uh, the main characters are Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, and the Decepticons and Autobots. So in summary, “Sideswipe hates teleporting and therefore, by association, hates Skywarp. Sunstreaker unleashes an unholy wrath upon the Decepticon base due to a misunderstanding. No jetpacks or GPS systems were harmed in the making of this fic-- beyond repair, anyway.” And so the theme for this was, Skywarp, Jet Judo and so on and so forth. Also teleporting and things ending up not where they're supposed to be, or people, I guess. And this one is a complete five parter, I think? It's complete. And so those are the fanfiction recommendations done, let's go over to the art and animation.
O: So just a reminder, uh, anything we talk about on here you can find links for on our Tumblr. We're not spelling out names and stuff, but all the links should be pretty easy to find so if you're interested head over there, that way you can, you know check out the lovely fan art, or the fanfic. We're also going to be trying to reblog a lot of the fan art, if it's on Tumblr so that it's easier to see, basically. [Throat clear]
O: So our fanart for the day is Masterpiece Reanimated and this, is someone who has reanimated scenes from Generation 1 but using the Masterpiece figures. We’ll be including a link to a specific scene that was actually from today's episode and honestly it does a better job with continuity than the actual scene, which I find kind of hysterical.
S: It's amazing.
O: It is. So if you remember kind of where we opened up where are the uh, the Jets were in the--
S: Dam?
O: Dam--hydropower plant, or whatever. Uh, basically they do that entire section up until, I think the jets fly off, uh, which also means we get Soundwave walking through the volleyball net- fence whatever and it is delightful, I highly recommend it.
S: And transforming and being caught by--
O: By Starscream-- they did such a good job, you should go watch it! Um, anyway they've got a YouTube, a Twitter, and a patreon and we will post links for all of those so you should go check that out because it was really fun to watch and they actually have more videos but I thought er, we thought this was the most um, applicable one for today. Since it was a scene from the actual episode.
S: Um-hm. Like I specifically look it up to show you.
O: It was hilarious, I loved it! So join us next time for episode 6, Divide and Conquer, where Optimus Prime nearly dies for about the fifth time, um, and the Autobots have to get onto Cybertron to retrieve something to fix him with the help of Chip and there's a lot of random things that happen. Including but not limited to: glue guns, Shockwave can't hit shit and, uh, acid rain.
S: And that just about wraps it up for us today. Remember to check our Tumblr at Afterspark-Podcast.Tumblr.com for any additional information, show notes, or links that we may have mentioned. You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter at Aftersparkpod (all one word) and SoundCloud and YouTube at Afterspark Podcast. Till next time!
S: I'm Specs!
O: And I'm Owls!
S: Toodles!
[Outro Music Plays]
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afterspark-podcast · 5 years
G1 Episode 15: Transcript
Episode Show Notes
[This can also be found on AO3!]
O: What the fuck is the cereal for!?!  I don't know, do you know!?!
[Intro Music]
O: Hello, and welcome to the Afterspark Podcast, an episode by episode recap of the generation 1 Transformers cartoon.  I'm Owls!
S: And I'm Specs!
O: Today we're gonna be talking about episode number 15, “A Plague of Insecticons.”  Let's talk about giant robots today, shall we?
S: Yes.
O: We open in this episode on a tropical island in a mangrove forest where several people are poling their boats through the forest.
S: It's called the, “Demon Swamp.”
O: That seems racist somehow?
S: Well, it might have been the Insecticons that named it that, actually.
O: [sighs] Eh, I guess.  And loo, a giant fucking beetle rises from the water!
S: Saying welcome to, “Demon Swamp,” ergo--
O: Okay, point taken.
S: What--why--why they might have named it that.
O: Yeah.  Meet the Insecticons!  Cybertronians that are here, now, for some reason.  Uh, Shrapnel, Bombshell, and Kickback, who are a stag beetle, a boll weevil and a grasshopper respectively.
S: Bombshell is also sometimes listed as a Japanese rhinoceros beetle, interestingly enough.
O: Yeah, we'll probably keep calling him a boll weevil but we--I definitely see how it could be a rhinoceros beetle.  The people flee, leaving behind several bags of food.
S:  That for some reason just really looked like fur to me, it was--
O: They did.
S: Yeah.
O: But the Insecticons can eat this how...and why???
S: Apparently they had to adapt somehow, I don't know.  And Kickback belly flops onto the one boat the remaining people are fleeing on, and...yeah.
O: The fleeing humans stupidly mentioned a farm and the Insecticons overhear this and decide to go pay a visit.
S: They don't even finish everything they were eating.
O: They don't.
S: I guess it'll be there when they get back, but ehh.  At the Ark the Autobots get a distress call from Bali about giant robot insects.
O: Skyfire says not to worry, the Skyfire extermination service is it's way.
S: Skyfire why are you so violent now!?!
O: He just really, really hates bugs, okay?
S: Well, I guess they wouldn make an awful mess smashing against his windshield at the speed of however fast he goes.
O: Yeah, yeah.
S: There would have been a lot more bugs then than there are now.  Skyfire then just like, transforms?  In the middle of the main room of Autobot headquarters the--the Teletraan 1 room.
O: And everybody just loads up, and by everybody we mean:  Spike, Bumblebee, Windcharger and Brawn.  But yeah, you're like--can he just fly out of the Ark, easily down the hallways in his jet mode? [dissolves into laughter]
S: Scale in this cartoon makes no goddamn sense.
O: It has some problems.
S: It really does.
O: We see Laserbeak returning to the Decepticon base, radioing ahead to Megatron to inform him of the robotic insects.
S: Megatron, Soundwave, and Thundercracker decide to head to Bali, Bah-li to track down the Insecticons.  (Or maybe just to have a nice vacation.)
O: Ah, again, I've seen what Megatron has to deal with on a day-to-day basis. I don't think I’d judge him if he’s like, that’s it I'm going to Bali! [laughs]
S: So I guess they get to Bali and then Soundwave sends out Ravage to track them.
O: And Ravage just sort of hops away following the scent, it's so CUTE!?!  Help!?!
S: He just kind of bounces.
O: It’s so cute!!! [giggles]  They do find a Decepticon escape pod that was apparently launched from the Nemesis before it crash-landed on Earth.
S: So yes, this does answer at least one question I had which was--were there still Decepticons on the darn ship? And so the answer is definitely yes, but this doesn't answer how many Decepticons were on that ship.
O: The world may never know.
S: Um-hm.  This leads Thundercracker to realize that the giant robot bugs they're tracking are actually Decepticons that gained insect alts instead of vehicle alts.
O: We cut to the Insecticons who have found the before mentioned farm and they just dive into a field of grain and start chowing down!
S: Oh my god they're vegans!
O: [laughs]
S: We never see them eating meat or anything.
O: You don’t so--
S: Just like metal, and grain, and other organic, uh--crops.  Crops.  They eat crops, okay?
O: So in addition to our Skyfire group, another group of Autobots show up Bali.  This group being composed of: Optimus, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Wheeljack, Ironhide, and Trailbreaker.  They run into a religious celebration prompting them to try to take a shortcut and Sideswipe decides to take the lead, going off-roading.
S: You're a fucking Lamborghini Sideswipe you do not have enough ground clearance for this! At all!
O:  [laughs]
S: At all, at all, at all.
O: And Sunstreaker gives his bro shit, uh, because Sideswipe ultimately leads the group into a dead end.
S: Complete with a size changing hole.
O: Wheeljack also makes fun of Sideswipe’s poor pathfinding skills.
S: And back to what white Americans thought not Americans sounded like circa the 1980’s.  It's pretty racist.
O: It’s pretty racist. And yet more people are fleeing the giant vegetarian robot insects.
S: Some poor guy bails out of a combine shouting that he knew they should have sprayed the grass for bugs.
O: Not entirely sure how that would have helped you, good buddy but I mean… [laughs]
S: Hey, maybe--maybe insecticide would have warded off giant metal insects, who knows?  The Autobots show up and exit Skyfire while Skyfire’s like...half transformed?  There's a really weird pause here in the animation.
O: And he has legs while everyone just bailed out of him like, it is so bizarre looking.  I love it.
S: Yeah, but I mean you could legitimately transform his--
O: Um-hmm.
S: His toy like that, so...
O: Whirl too, I think?  You could--he could have legs, it was so funny.
S: Yeah...so a fight ensues as we were introduced to the Insecticons’ special skills. This is why you buy the toys, kids!  Why you buy the toys!
O: [laughs] Including being able to clone themselves, for some reason?
S: You gotta have some sort of cannon fodder I guess, when there's only three of ya.
O: I...well, I mean, the Insecticons actually will act as cannon fodder for the remainder of the series for [the] Decepticons like, their clones will, so I--valid point, they're basically the Veh--the Vehicons of the series.
S: Pretty much, I mean it was an easy way to explain how the Decepticons would have like, large numbers rather than just having a weird variety of alternately colored Seekers.
O: Yeah, this--I almost feel like they should have introduced these guys sooner so that they could that instead of these Seekers that we’ll never see again.
S: Yeah, eh, I don't know what the writers were thinking or the artists, it was probably a weird combination of no one was doing their job.
O: No one was thinking.  [laughs]
S: Okay, so um, so Brawn thinks these clones are optical illusions until he and Skyfire are thrown into a lake by said clones.
O: Then the Autobots flee into some weirdly large corn hoping that reinforcements are coming soon.
S: It’s really, really, really, large corn--it’s kind of amazing.
O: Yeah.  Now about those reinforcements!  Sideswipe’s brilliant plan after leading everyone to that dead-end was to tunnel their way to their destination.
S: He's really not a smart dude.
O: And yet, that doesn't explain why everyone else here went along with it. [laughs]
S: The Insecticons shoot spikes into the corn but Windcharger uses a repulsor field to keep everyone safe. Um, another nod to Windcharger’s weird magnet powers.
O: Yeah, surprise! The Decepticon tracking party has arrived and Skyfire can't transform.
S: You had one job Skyfire.  Unfortunately that job is to be taxi, never mind that you're a scientist not a warrior and you mentioned that your very first episode.
O: And now you're stuck here with Brawn and Windcharger.  Brawn and Windcharger.  Against Megatron.  Ya guys are screwed.
S: Well, also Bumblebee and Spike, if I’m remembering properly, but--
O: Okay, Spike-- without being able to steal a gun from somebody is effectively useless in this fight and Bumblebee--Bumblebee is a, supposed to be spy, obviously.
S: Yeah.  Despite being--
O: He's a terrible spy, but he's supposed to be a spy!
S: Despite being bright yellow, supposedly a spy.
O: [laughs] Right!
S:  No one’s good at their jobs.
O: Except the cassettes!
S: Yeah, and Ratchet.
O: And Ratchet!
S: I mean, Wheeljack’s also good at building things but they tend to explode--
O: I want to--I mean the cassettes and Soundwave, okay?
S: Okay.
O: He’s the most competent guy in the Decepticon army.
S: Yes, okay--also you should probably sit down Skyfire, you're significantly taller than that weird corn.
O: And then Brawn apparently has something against Rumble as he calls him a sawed-off nerd and he's glad he's not with the other Decepticons?
S: So what do you think Rumble’s nerd qualities are, exactly? Like, what kind of nerd do you think he is?
O: Video games? Weird foreign films?
S: Music, maybe?  Legos.
O: I like that!  Anyway, this is just making me like Brawn less and Rumble more.
S: Well, you already didn't much like Brawn, so it’s not--
O: No, but it’s a, it’s raising Rumble in my estimation.
S: So the Insecticons don't seem to know who Megatron is.  The conversation basically went as so:  Megatron--We're all the same!  Insecticons--Great!  Now help us kill these guys.
O: [laughs] Megatron sees absolutely no downside to this, as the Decepticons prepare to fire.
S: And back to our other group of idiots.
O: I swear in the previous scene they looked like they were underground but apparently Sideswipe’s barely made a dent into digging through this mountain, hill, whatever.
S: I'm guessing that was just some sort of wall, considering what I'm going to say next…
O: [laughs]
S: Optimus finishes this tunnel with his chest by ramming through the rest of the rock in truck mode, so obviously--
O: It wasn’t--
S:  --it's not a very thick--
O: Rock wall or something.  The other Autobots follow.  Sideswipe mysteriously turning into a clone of his brother for a few seconds.
S: And they finally arrived to help Skyfire’s group.  The twins yelling, ramping up a hill, and then transforming into--in midair to tackle the Insecticons and Megatron from above.  It was obviously the proudest moment of their lives.
O: You know it was.  Megatron comes up swinging though, getting Sideswipe an incredibly inappropriate hold and then chucking him across the field and straight into Skyfire’s arms.
S: Skyfire’s his knight in shining armor.
O: He’s everybody’s knight in shining armor.
S: He is!  And then Ironhide pretends to be Ratchet again.  Ratchet I'm assuming is--
O: Not here, I'm pretty sure he's back at base.
S: He’s--he’s sir-not-appearing-in-this-film.
O: Yes!  Well, sir-not-appearing-in-this-episode, anyway.
S: Yeah. The Autobots attack and the Decepticons take to the air and escape.  This seems like an obvious tactical solution for the Decepticons.
O: I mean, look, if they could fly in the Autobots can’t, why wouldn't they just be like--alright this isn't worth our time today? Wheeljack proceeds to fix Skyfire who takes off to keep an eye on the Decepticons, while  the rest of the Autobots follow on the ground.
S: He does.  Soundwave notices the idiot following them immediately and Megatron sends the Insecticons to take care of Skyfire.
O: Skyfire wishes for a laser powered flyswatter and the Insecticons call him a booby.
S: [sighs] Harsh words from a group of robot insects.
O: [laughs]
S: Wheeljack shoots the insecticons off Skyfire’s wings.  Actually, I don't remember was Wheeljack flying here?
O: Wheeljack has flying!  So Wheeljack takes off.
S: He's not wearing a jet pack that we can see but apparently he can fly, yeah.  So yeah, Wheeljack shoots the Insecticons off Skyfire’s wings and then Kickback kicks him to the ground.
O: Optimus then catches him with this soft metal trailer, which is definitely softer than the ground in every conceivable way.
S: Somehow.  And at a nearby oil refinery the Decepticons land amid cries of, “The monsters are back, run!”
O: Has ch--has Megatron hit this place before?  Is this from an earlier episode?  Should we recognize this place Specs!?!
S: Maybe this is where the Insecticons have been going to get--I don't know their fuel when they're not chowing down on cereal?
O: [laughing] They’re--they were just eating wheat though!
S: I don’t know?  So Soundwave does his normal job--when we get to Energon situations like this and he's the Tupperware mate again as he creates some more empty cubes.
O: And we're just dumping oil into these cubes and it’s magically Energon, ‘kay.
S: Sounds about right according to everything else they do.  Bombshell drops down and uses his, “Override wave,”--I am making quotation marks with my fingers--um, on Sunsteaker and Sideswipe.
O: Sunstreaker says, “Hey, somebody else is driving me!”  I feel like I can make a dirty joke here with..well, almost no effort really.
S: Yeah...zero effort and introducing another fancy reason to buy these even though the toys don't actually do that.
O: [Chuckling] Yes.
S: You just gotta have a representation of that character that you really love that does that thing and then you can pretend that your other toys are being mind controlled.  And uh, so Trailbreaker uses his force fields to block the override away--array.  Again, more fancy abilities.
O: Why aren't we just shooting bombshell?  Wheeljack has missiles, he used missiles earlier they seemed pretty effective.
S: Cuz you know we gotta remind the kids about the toys’ cool abilities!
O: You realize who you're talking to, right?  This is the person who has five [six, at the time of posting] Megatrons, remember.  Clearly I am not inclined to branch out.
S: I guess they're appealing to people more like me, who have a weird-ass selection.
O: [laughs] I am connoisseur, thank you!
S: You specialize, mine is a bit wider though I do have two Drifts and like, two Ratchets. Brawn requests some assistance at getting close to Bombshell, so Optimus is just like, fucking picks him up and lobs him through the air.
O: Brawn then lands on Bombshell.
S: This is, you know, the second Decepticon that Brawn has ridden.  I mean, first was Soundwave and it pretty much cemented your dislike of him.
O: Yeah, pretty much.  If you hurt Soundwave I’m not going to like you very much.  Brawn falls off, or is kicked off.  It's kind of unclear.
S: Who’s then caught by Skyfire, who is basically (as I said) everyone's knight in shining armor but Skyfire catches him right before he hits the ground.
O: Again, how was this an improvement?  That doesn't mean the force of his fall just disappears, you know.
S: That's true, that's very true!  You--if you’re a human your inside bits end up splattered against the rest of you.
O: I mean maybe, maybe robots don't have that same problem but--but definitely any time they catch the humans.
S: Yeah..so back at the oil refinery we see the Decepticons filling yet more cubes, only now Rumble’s in tow.
O: So...basically, what this means is he was probably in Soundwave’s chest compartment all along, meaning that Brawn is just wrong about everything today.
S: Yeah, the Insecticons show up and Megatron tells them to crack open an oil tanker and drink their fill.
O: Okay, so they're not vegetarian but then why were they eating all that grain earlier!?!
S: They had a craving, they wanted their cereal.
O: They're giant bugs, not pregnant women with a craving!  The Autobots show up and Megatron tells Soundwave to, “Activate the Ravage cassette!”
S: What a way to, um...dehumanize is maybe not the right word?  De-personify?  De-personify one of your most competent soldiers.
O: But we do get more cute Ravage bounding, which makes me happy.
S: He just bounce, bounce, bounce--
O: [laughs]
S: --all the way over to the Autobots. And now it's Sunstreaker that's pretending to be his brother for a shot.
O: In a tussle with Thundercracker--Optimus, Wheeljack, and Brawn end up coming up underneath the pier Thundercracker’s standing on and throwing him up and into the oily water he'd already set ablaze.
S: Thundercracker’s just not making good decisions.
O: No. [laughs]
S: And Ironhide manifests fire extinguishers out of his hands in an attempt to control the blazing oil around them and then Shrapnel uses lightning to attack the Autobots telling them to, “taste to the lightning-lightning,” maybe?  Isn’t he the one that [repeats words]...?
O: Oh, he might, I can't remember.  [He is.]  I do love that Wheeljack’s response is, “It tastes terrible!,” after he gets hit though.
S: It's a good response.  I like it.  Good on ya, Wheeljack.
O: I like Wheeljack.
S: I love--I like him too.  He’s a--he’s a good fella.  But rubber tires save the day, as Bumblebee transforms and Sharpnel’s attacks have no effect.  Oh my god, that just makes me think of the thing from the Mars Attacks! comics and Spike’s rubber boots.
O: Oh my god, that part was amazing.  I love it cause like--
S: Yeah.
O: --the solder gives him shit, but he’s like, “Ha!,” at the very end, it’s great.  Uh, this prompts Wheeljack to ride Sunstreaker into battle and shoot Shrapnel with his missiles.
S: And then Optimus rides into battle on top of Ironhide and Trailbreaker.
O: Like a foot on each one.  It's kind of great.  Seeing as the lightning has failed, Megatron shoots the oil tanker, jumps into the water and then pushes it towards the oil refinery in an effort to blow up the Autobots.
S: Optimus just kind of bear hugs the ship and sort of makes it sink…
O: Megatron takes aim at Spike and then Optimus pops out of the water holding the oil tanker above his head.
S: This is really absurd looking because Optimus is like, 1/24 the size of this oil tanker or something?  He is very small compared to the oil tanker.
O: Right!  But then Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots, chucks an ENTIRE oil tanker at Megatron!!!
S: And the Insecticons proceed to say--fuck this shit--and take off with some Energon.
O: Megatron pops back up yells to stop them and then Reflector is here for some reason?
S: He had to get his paycheck somehow.
O: [laughs] Well, like where did Rumble go?  Like, Rumble I don’t think is there anymore, so I’m like, was Rumble supposed to be Reflector the entire time?  Was Reflector supposed to be Rumble?  Did Rumble say, fuck this shit, and hop back inside Soundwave?
S: Could be that, maybe he went to go do nerd stuff?
O: I'm gonna go with that.  Anyway, the Decepticons follow the Insecticons into the air and the Autobots laugh cause this day is saved once again, thanks to the Powerpuff Girls!  Wait, no, that's wrong. [laughs] Anway, that’s the end of our episode, join us next time for the season 1 finale, Heavy Metal War!  Where the Constructicons are introduced and Megatron is a cheater McCheater pants.
S: And we don't actually address any of the ecological issues that happened in this episode with the oil.
O: Or any of the other terrible things that Megatron and the Decepticons have done that further affected the ecology around them.  Eh, that’s not the word I’m looking for...environment.  I’m going to go with environment.  Alright, Specs, what are our fanfics for today?
S: We have two fanfiction recommendations for today.  Our theme for both of them is Insecticons um, but so let's go forward with this--I will introduce the first one and then Owls can introduce the second one because it was her recommendation.
O: Yay!
S: Alright, so the first one is titled, “Icehopper,” by Ayngelcat, and that's angel with a “y”.  (It'll be spelled for you.)  So it's in the G1 continuity, it's rated G, uh, it's rated--its Gen, there aren't any pairings. It’s just a cute little short thing.  So characters are: Shrapnel, Bombshell and Kickback.  And so, the authors summary is, “Another fic I wrote a while back which I've hauled from an obscure place.  The time of year seems appropriate.  I confess to it being a favorite besides which, insecticons needs love.”  So this is actually set during…
O: The winter, or…?
S: Yes, it’s set during the winter.
O: Ah.
S: Originally written for the TF_speedwriting, with the prompt, “Snow White,” and summary, summary is, “Kickback has fun in the snow which does not provide quite so much fun to fellow insecticons, and there's a warning for extreme Insecta-fluff.”
O: [chuckles]
S: With a smiley face.  So ya, recommendat-- the theme or here--whatever is, “Insecticons,” lots of Insecticon cuteness.
O: And my recommendation for today is, “Unusual Subjects to Take Up in Therapy,” by Sparklight.  Continuity for this is Shattered Glass, which is one of my favourite continuities ever and um, I just happened to remember that uh, Shattered Glass Bombshell was in this and recommended it for it.  The rating is G, the--it is Gen, there are no pairings though I will admit I feel like I get some Cliffjumer, uh, Bombshell vibes in this but um, but it's not listed that way.  Characters are: Regular universe Cliffjumper, Shattered Glass Bombshell, Shattered Glass Starscream, Shattered Glass Sideswipe and Shattered Glass Megatron.
Summary, “After Megatron expresses concern over how Cliffjumper is handling his new situation and Cliffjumper insists he's doing FINE, he still ends up talking to Bombshell about alternates, the differences between his native reality and this one (and the people in it) and, just a little, about how he's dealing with it.  At first reluctantly, and later less so.”  The theme for this was Bombshell, basically (and the Insecticons).
So, some background on the Shattered Glass universe and the plot in the main Shattered Glass stuff is that the normal Cliffjumper actually ends up there and ends up a allying himself with the Shattered Glass Decepticons, who are the good guys in this universe.  I quite like this fic, I want to say it's like five or six chapters long but it is complete um, and I just enjoy getting to read anything with Shattered Glass in it but I thought characterizations in this were good and we don't actually get to see a ton of Shattered Glass Bombshell material, so it was interesting.
S: Sounds good, and we’ve got fanart today!
O: We do!  So, our fanartist for today is Red or Russet Red, I'm not entirely sure which one they go by.  We will have additional links to their stuff on our Tumblr but the stuff that we will list on at least AO3 is that Russet Red has a Tumblr, Twitter, and an Instagram.  They tend to do a lot of ID-IDW stuff, though I think there's probably more stuff on there too?  There is a variety of characters, uh, the IDW continuity as far as I can tell.  Some really cute stuff, ranging from sprite art, to sketches, and finished pieces.  They have mine--my undying gratitude for making adorable Coswave fluff, yes!
Uh, our three art recommendations for the day are, a sleepy ambulance--which is Ratchet related.  A Coswave sprite they did which is super cute, and then some Minimus fanart, where he is holding a bunch flowers, that I just thought was cute.
S: Sounds adorable.
O: I really recommend them, their art style’s pretty damn fucking cute!
S: Okay, and so that just about wraps it up for us today.  Remember to check us out on Tumblr or Pillowfort at Afterspark-Podcast for any additional information, show notes, or links we may have mentioned.  You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter at Afterspark Pod (all one word) and various other locations as Afterspark Podcast such as AO3, iTunes, Google Podcasts Stitcher and YouTube, just to name a few.  Till next time, I'm Specs!
O: And I'm Owls!
S: Toodles!
[Outro Music]
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