#Gladiators of Kaon
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delicateartisantrash · 7 months ago
Gladiators of Kaon: Out for a Walk
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Jus a little sketch of the dorks from my story, Gladiators of Kaon. I’ve been struggling to cement their scale and need to go tweak a few scenes to be more accurate and consistent… but dang if i’m not tempted to make Lightshow even a tiny touch shorter muahhaha mmmmaybe
swindle tho
swindle’s perfect
—oh crap i forgot Soundwave’s biolights
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delicateartisantrash · 3 months ago
holy shit i did not expect to wake up to this
(seriously you have nothing to worry about your transformers are very recognizable and lovely and dem proportions are playing nice with each other)
Thankies ✨
I drew some fanart of Delicate’s character Lightshow interacting with Ratchet.
I just imagine this scene somepoint around the time of Transformers Prime. She sees Ratchet for the first time in a while and “lights up” (literally)
Im really happy with it, I think my art is improving!
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silentdecepticon · 2 months ago
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quibble-auk · 11 days ago
This is just some little sketches of my continuity I’ve been brewing for a minute. This stuff will make more sense with the context of this post.
There’s a part two!
This is based off of this post right here though! Basically I’m just sketching out some things Comet may see upon his arrival to Kaon’s arena.
Comet is not my OC! They belong to @thebrokenmechanicalpencil!!! Please please please go check them out!!!!
I apologize it’s late and so these are very messy lol
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Starting off strong with the Twins, obviously lol
Was this an excuse for me to just sit there and work on muscle structure from memory…. Maybe…. Just a bit…. I probably should have used references lol.
I just thought it would be kinda cool to give the gladiators more human looking bodies since I had already established that they don’t actually wear a bunch of armor.
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Hehehehehhehehehehe there’s a butt
Here in The Pit’s youll see all kinds of things like…
Gladiators getting washed down after a match!
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People getting first aid!
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And Gladiators getting ready for their upcoming matches!!!
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Yeah, I just imagine them being able to take off a lot more armor than the average mech could. This is to try and keep them out of getting into fights outside of the arena. Is it effective? Depends on the Gladiator.
So, they get to look like people under it all. Most of them actually don’t have an alt mode since they’ve never actually been out of the arena to go scan a vehicle. Or if they do it’s of an animal or smth.
Also the twins for once are the smart ones and actually wearing a full chest plate like a sane person would.
Hopefully I’ve not scarred Comet
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mychlapci · 6 months ago
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just-for-tfnation · 10 months ago
Cybertronian Culture
I have a Cambridge Technical degree in Latin, which involved a whole written test based around the culture at the peak of the Roman Empire. One topic that caught my mind was that of the Gladiators, and how that may effect the Gladitorial rings of Cybertron.
They had signature weapons, each weapon had an archetype:
Murmillo: Heavily armored gladiators with a large shield and a sword called a gladius.
Thrax: Similar armor to the Murmillo, but with a smaller rectangular shield and a curved thracian sword.
Retiarius: Wielded a large net and a trident.
Essedarius: Mounted gladiators who fought from chariots.
Hoplomachus: Armed with a sword and a spear.
Laqueatores: Used a noose to catch their adversaries.
Eques: Fought on horseback.
Dimachaerus: Wielded dual swords. (source: Ancient Roman Gladiators - The Colosseum)
Looking on from this, we can see some inspirations taken for several iterations of Megatronus, and as well, TFP Soundwave. Megatronus often fought in the style of the Dimachaerus or the Hoplomachus (if we were to replace the spear's place as a long range weapon with a blaster or cannon). Using this knowledge, we can see the links between Cybertronian Gladiator culture and the Gladiators of Ancient Rome.
Which means I can stick my dirty paws in and start making things up. It is no stretch to assume that the Pits of Kaon used similar rules - crowds choosing who lived and who died, days off for people to specifically attend the blood sports, and a culture as a whole that viewed these matches as a normal day out. Women would frequently throw favours into the rings for Gladiators who were especially handsome. Fan clubs would arise, and people would pay for vials of sweat from their backs.
So we can assume that not only was Megatronus good in the Pits as a fighter, but he must have been good looking. Especially in the beginning, before his word spread, before Towards Peace was drafted, he must have been good to look at. He would have had to keep track of his looks, his showmanship - he would need to not just be presentable, but sensual.
Just an idea, food for thought!
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energ00n · 1 month ago
I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but I'm just curious. Was there any other au you considered before landing on the apprenticeship au? <3 Thank you so much for this au! It's the best!
I've made quite a few and I plan on doing more in the future, apprentice just has my attention at the time being
Everything good
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An AU where I killed baby Sentinel and so everyone is happy and DPax meets later on. The AU is just them happy traveling together
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My oldest AU, needs lots of update but basically reverse AU where Orion is the gladiator of Kaon and Megatronous/D-16 is a librarian
3. Sparkling
idk when I'll do it but I want an AU where megop gotta deal with their sparkling (I just want to design their baby)
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kingghoost · 5 months ago
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Posting this Cybertronian Ratchet design because all the drawings I have ready forward use/reference it ^^
I made it awhile ago and it may not be super creative, but I actually didn't wanna change his design too much to portray how he himself doesn't change as a person (not in a bad way, he holds firmly to his beliefs and has a strong character💞)
I wrote a little backstory, too!! ⬇️⬇️⬇️
" Long before the war, Ratchet was one of the many medics stationed in Kaon with the task of nursing fallen gladiators back to health. Though he was considered the best, many feared his temperamental attitude, especially his own patients. Despite the coincidence, Megatronus and Ratchet had never actually interacted face to face, although they were aware of each other's existence. That is, until they had both been introduced through their mutual friend, Orion Pax.
With the little free time he had, Ratchet was one to frequently travel to Iacon to visit the Hall of Records, whether to spend his time reading or doing research on personal projects. Then, he met Orion at his workplace, and the two quickly formed a strong bond. When they weren't hanging out in person, they would keep contact via comms (sorta like online friends.) One fateful day, Orion had taken some time off of work to visit Ratchet in Kaon, coincidentally at the same time Megatronus had started to make a name for himself and his cause. This resulted in him witnessing one of Megatronus' speeches live, thus allowing them to meet and form a partnership as well.
In a way, Orion Pax changed Ratchet. Being surrounded by corruption and oppression from the caste system where it was at its worst, Ratchet had given up any hopes of a better Cybertron. However, Orion's altruistic nature inspired him, guided him to prove his mettle in the Great War, and binded him to Orion's—now Optimus'—side for millennia, and many more to come. "
Corny? I'm not sure. The writing's not all that good because of its age, but getting the point across is all that matters..
I really love the idea of a Kaonian Ratchet 💞💞
Ratchet being an indirect cause to Orion and Megatronus meeting is super interesting to me as well... do you think after all that happened, he feels at fault? In the episode where Ratchet was telling everyone about Optimus' backstory, he seemed to have nothing but bad things to say about Megatron, so they probably never got along since the beginning...
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pauk-di · 1 month ago
So how did your op and meg meet?
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When D-16 arrived at the Kaon arena, one of the sponsors saw potential in the miner.
Optimus may be a brutal gladiator, but he's still Optimus! It wasn't hard to convince him to train the shy and scared miner.
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transformers-spike · 3 months ago
"Cybertronians reacting to getting kissed", in which kissing is not something cybertronians do as an act of affection, so they're completely new to the human concept of kissing to express romantic love. Talk me one Knock Out who is so versed in wooing but doesn't know two shits about human kissing, and finding himself kissed for the first time. Or Starscream who's gonna freak out. Or Megatron who doesn't even know why you're smashing your intake against his
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This is such a good question, anon, I've been rotating it in my head for a while now
Knock Out is well-versed in the drag and frag technique. He’s probably one of the youngest members on the Nemesis, still old as balls by our standards, but some rebellious youngin’ by theirs. He’s all about sliding in with a smooth pickup line and buttering you up until he reaches the “let’s get down to business” level, where he starts flashing his biolights in a “come hither and frag me” display. When it comes to human kissing, he’s… improvising to say the least. He’s seen humans make out in a wide variety of drive-through horror movies (many with questionable acting), and while he doesn’t “get” why we do it, he does his best to lean into the act and find what makes it so pleasurable by our standards. When you do kiss him for the first time, he’s already been hyping himself up for months, and whatever smoothness he tries to apply immediately disintegrates because oh fuck, your lips are so small and he has so much to give. He’s absolutely suffering despite the confident front he’s putting up. After fumbling the bag, he’ll ask you how he did. “Mid,” you’re tempted to say. But the hopefulness behind those smug optics stops you in your tracks. Starscream must have had a very confusing interface life even by Cybertronian standards. But there’s no way he didn’t get frisky back when he was Air Commander of Vos, even if the workload was immense. Although that’s probably the most action he got in his entire life, and even then the closest equivalent to “kissing” by their standards is merging EM fields and hoping for the best, a careful manipulation of wavelengths to fall into perfect sync. We humans do not possess a hyper-developed EM field, which is enraging for Starscream because what do you mean you smash intakes??? Mass-displaced or not, the only fluids he accepts in his intake are energon and transfluid, thank you very much. Kissing is a bad idea, and you’ve learned it the hard way, so good job! Now you have to deal with his drama queen ass acting like you just spit in his mouth. Worst thing is, he is interested in trying it again, but with his stipulations (aka watching him fail to figure out how to kiss you). He doesn’t even fail in a funny way, he’s so bad it’s concerning, you’re half tempted to contact Knock Out and blackmail him into sending you Starscream’s medical file.
Megatron was… surprisingly abstinent back on Cybertron. Yes, he’s been around for a long time. Yes, he used to be a gladiator at some point. And yes, it had its perks, but he was always more of a “sensitive spark” than a typical casanova. He had more important things to focus on at the time (mainly surviving the pits of Kaon and, before that, not offlining in a freak mining accident). Honestly, who knows what he did as a politician, whatever freakiness he had going on while trying to depose the government is none of our business and I am totally not typing this with a fusion cannon to my head.
He’s been through so much; fought countless beasts and fellow gladiators, avoided assassination attempts and blood-thirsty mutinies while leading a millennia-long war. Nothing can surprise him anymore. Yes, you’re a weird little freak for smashing intakes with him, but you need not fear for your safety. He’s… intrigued by your display of affection. You can mumble excuses all you want, but you’ve smashed intakes with him and it can’t be undone. Watch out for those sharp teeth and prepare a tetanus shot just in case. You have to deal with the consequences of your actions whether you like it or not, especially when he’s got a claw under your shirt and another down your pants. Your lips are bleeding and you pray it’s an accident, if he gets a taste for human blood you’re done for.
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delicateartisantrash · 6 months ago
Chapter Drop: Gladiators of Kaon, Ch. 9
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Been a bit, because woooooow-ee did Leaking Spark take me on a joy ride. It was nice to immerse myself back in this world for a bit.
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ty-dye-rabbit · 2 months ago
Megatron’s original designation was “D-16”, and was a miner.
If you change the Numbers into letters:
His name spells “DIG”.
Megatron; Leader of the Decepticons, Gladiator of Kaon, Galactic Warlord, etc—
was literally named. fucking. “DIG”.
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radioactiverats · 28 days ago
Mentor Starscream x seeker!reader (8/?)
WARNING: Graphic violence
A mission goes wrong - instead of punishing Starscream as expected, Megatron finds a different way to get under his skin - making Starscream watch as he beats you up instead.
Haha I lied I guess drunk shenanigans was what I needed to turn the writing tap back on... so here is some angst (!!)
WARNING: Graphic violence
The mission was an abject failure.
Gritting his denta, Starscream knows he'll be punished as he stiffly delivers the report to Megatron. At least you're safe in his habsuite - as horrible as it is, you know the drill by now. Not that he likes subjecting you to constant emergency first aid, but at least he can be the one to tank Megatron's wrath.
Helm bowed, on his knees, he braces for the blows to his frame - or would it be Megatron's cannon this time? No pain comes, though - what he doesn't expect is Megatron's silky laughter, which is somehow even worse.
"Oh no, Starscream. You think that you can offer your frame up for punishment and it'll be enough to atone? I think not."
Starscream's optics narrow as he works through what Megatron means. Surely - surely not.
But the cruel smile that warps Megatron's faceplate only grows wider as the increasingly cacophonous sounds of a struggle approach the bridge. Place forgotten, Starscream shoots to his pedes in horror as you are shoved through the doorway, furiously trying to break free from the grip of several low-ranking lackeys.
"Lord Megatron," Starscream says, fighting to keep the tremble of rage from distorting his vocaliser. "you can't. They're barely more than a youngling - "
"It doesn't matter to me what they are," Megatron snarls. His blood red optics flash, a cruel grin splitting his faceplate as he rises from his throne. "All I need to know is that you care."
Starscream lunges forward at the same time you're shoved aggressively before Megatron. However, he's immediately restrained by a flash of blue and purple - Soundwave and Shockwave.
"Starscream: Necessary to the Decepticon cause," Soundwave intones. "Recently: Has been distracted. Reason: Young charge. Conclusion: Going soft."
"I'll show your cassettes soft!" Starscream screeches, thrashing in their grip.
"Cassettes: Aid Soundwave."
Optics wide, you force yourself to face the looming shadow above you.
"Tell me, little one," Megatron purrs, silky smooth. "What have you contributed to the Decepticon cause?"
The fear you feel comes from the knowledge that there's no right answer. Megatron doesn't want to hear that you've been in every battle since Starscream joined the Decepticons, doesn't want to hear that you were the one to patch up his SIC - even if he's probably figured it out. He just wants to hurt Starscream. You steal a quick glance at your commander, unable to maintain his facade with you in imminent danger - wild-eyed and feral in his desperation to reach you because he hadn't anticipated that Megatron's cruelty could reach such lengths, and now you were going to pay the price.
His voice slithers into your audials like venomous snakes, infecting your processor with doubt. It's a terrible time to be reminded of your guilt for being unable to help Starscream more - but the slump of your shoulders is what Megatron was gunning for. His optics harden, cold as ice and sharp as flint. You wonder how Orion Pax felt seeing the shift of his optics into something unrecognizable, something monstrous.
"Then, for the good of our cause, I have no reason to withhold from eliminating a drain on our resources," Megatron snarls.
The first blow sends you reeling back, the ringing in your audials reverberating with Starscream's cry. You have no time to recover - another strike to your chassis, a vicious swipe aimed at soft mesh. You stand no chance against the former feared gladiator of Kaon, and everybody knows it. The searing pain has you gasping, servos pressed to the gash in your side - energon, hot and sticky, flows freely over your plates. Megatron circles you lazily, looking vaguely bored.
"Pathetic. Where's the fight in you? It seems that Starscream's training leaves much to be desired."
Okay. Now that you won't accept. Not after everything Starscream has risked for you. You grit your denta and glare at Megatron. If you're destined to meet Primus today, you're not going down without a fight. This, however, seems to please him, because his disgusted expression shifts into one of malicious glee, optics glinting with barely contained bloodlust. "That's more like it," He growls, laughing as you lunge at him with a cry - he easily swats you aside. Scrambling off the floor, you take stock of your enemy - Megatron is twice your size and fully armoured - built, quite literally, like a tank. The only advantage you have over him is flight, and now is not the time to think about fighting fair.
Gathering your energy, you shoot upwards, towards him. He definitely wasn't expecting that - miraculously, you manage to land a kick to his helm. Your efforts barely put a dent in his armour, but in a crazed way, Megatron seems pleased.
His grin is feral as he stalks towards you. "Commendable, little seeker," He says, leering at you. "If you survive this, I will spare you."
You barely manage to dodge his servo as it comes down, but that's where your luck runs out. Already anticipating your move, Megatron grabs your leg as you jet upwards and slams you into the ground. Warnings explode on your HUD - your mechanisms are going haywire, and the impact had shaken something out of place. Your frame radiates pain, pain, pain, but still, you try to drag yourself away - and cry out as Megatron grabs you by a wing.
The snap of plates is an awful, awful sound. That's all you can think of before agonizing pain explodes in your wing, arcing like lightning down your spinal strut. Mechanisms creak, wires snap a little too easily under Megatron's unforgiving servos - you thrash under his pede, frame completely overtaken by agony. Distantly, you hear Starscream's roar of rage, but it's not enough to drown out the screaming spit of static that overtakes your voice.
Heavy blows rain down on your frame, unceasing. Your plates may as well be made from aluminum under Megatron's fists, denting at immediate contact. There's no escape - you flinch away from a punch only to meet claws that shred your plates open like paper. At this point, you can barely see through the energon that stains your frame and drips into your optics. The growing pool of energon beneath your pedes and the sluggishness of your processor tells you that you're losing power fast. Any way you move, there's no escaping the agony the wracks your frame, searing, burning - rushing like liquid fire through your lines, rushing from torn wires to hotly sear over your plates. Worst is the pain in your wing - you're distantly aware that it's broken, hanging by a few remaining wires whose only purpose seems to be ferrying pain to your frame. Horror wracks your frame as you consider that you may never fly again and suddenly, survival seems to be the worst punishment of all.
Your sob for Starscream is the last straw. Baring his denta in a snarl, he activates his thrusters to wrench himself away from Soundwave and Shockwave, throwing himself in front of your broken frame just as Megatron pulls his fist back for the final blow.
"Enough," Starscream hisses, savagely.
For a nanoklik, all is still.
Unexpectedly, Megatron steps back. "Interesting," He drawls, and turns away as if disinterested by the entire affair, completely undisturbed by the explosion of energon that now covers the bridge. "A promise is a promise. Take them to Knockout."
Starscream looks down at your broken frame, snapped wing and shattered cockpit, and for a nanoklik has absolutely no idea how to lift you up without increasing your agony. There's no avoiding it, but you are not granted the mercy of passing out when he does lift you up, a screech of static garbling your vocaliser when you sob at the pain in your wing. "Shhh," Starscream murmurs, his steps frantic as he storms off the bridge. "It's all right now, we'll get you fixed up - "
You know he's desperately trying to rein in his EM field so as not to scare you further, but you can dimly feel the abject panic that vibrates through his plates where he's holding you close. You make the mistake of looking into his optics - Starscream is just as terrified. You've never seen him this panicked, not even when you cracked your faceplate open. Dread wracks your frame at the realization of how bad it must be.
"What if I never fly again?" You sob.
"You will," Starscream says fiercely. "You will fly - I will not accept any other outcome."
By some small mercy, you've slipped into stasis by the time he bursts into Knockout's med bay. Knockout looks uncharacteristically grim - all his tools are laid out, clearly having been warned of your arrival.
His intake flattens into a hard line when he sees the state of your wing. Starscream must have seen it, because his EM field immediately spikes.
"I don't care what you do," Starscream growls. "But that wing must be restored."
"I can rejoin it," Knockout says, sombre. "But I cannot guarantee full use of the wing afterwards, because there's no telling whether the severed sensory nets will reactivate."
Starscream snarls in disgust, his own wings trembling. Before his white-knuckled grip can dent the medical berth, Knockout speaks again, thoughtful but hesitant.
"The other option would be a wing replacement. The success rate is high, but I'm sure you know what the major obstacle to that is."
It barely takes a nanoklik for Starscream to come to a decision. "I will see to it," He says curtly. "I expect you not to question my methods."
Knockout ex-vents. "I'd better get started before they come online," is all he says. "You'd better go."
Starscream nods, expression stony as he pivots to depart the med bay. Rage crackles through his lines, propelling him upwards as he takes to the air. He'd grievously misjudged Megatron, and you had paid the price. Something had changed - the look in the warlord's eyes had been crazed, blinded by bloodlust. Gone was logic and reason. Mindless cruelty had taken its place.
"Megatron is not fit to lead," Starscream whispered grimly to himself. Something had to give.
Megatron is not fit to lead.
And if he had to be the one to incite change... then so be it.
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Edit 1: “If you feel nothing, then why are you shaking?” Cry with me over @xarologys art <3 all the feels :,)
Edit 2: And a bonus snippet inspired by art :D
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bones4thecats · 9 months ago
Hello! Thank you for the answering my previous request, it was a lovely read. If you are still open for requests at the time of me sending this, I would like to request some general relationship headcanons for TFP Megatron, Starscream, Soundwave, and Shockwave with a Cybertronian S/O. Thank you for your time and I hope you have a good day! - ❤️‍🩹Anon
Relationship Hcs With TFP Decepticons
Characters: Megatron, Starscream, Soundwave and Shockwave Requester: ❤️‍🩹Anon A/N: It's nice to hear from you again, ❤️‍🩹Anon! Thank you for the compliment on your past request! Anyways, I do hope you enjoy this Transformers Prime request. By the way, be on the lookout for titles that are naturally feminine, I couldn't find many gender-neutral ones. P.S: The character labeled in the last bit of hcs is completely fictional. ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Transformers Prime Series and Movie ⚠️
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»»————————————- Megatron ————————————-««
👑 This guy is known for his tyrannical behavior, but he does tone it down when it comes to you being around him. Megatron does care about his S/O dearly in his spark
👑 Megatron started the war because of the unjust ranking in society, but he also started the war because he did not want you to be shoved around like nothing anymore. He may have been a respected gladiator in the Pits of Kaon, but even that title can only go so far in a corrupt society
👑 Over the course of the war, Megatron appointed many to his side, which was called the Decepticons. And throughout the claiming of titles, he dubbed you his right-hand. After all, a Lord is nothing without a Lady
👑 He may not seem like it, but this ruler is fairly good at treating his lover as an equal. Megatron may be a psychopath during his reign over the Decepticons, but he has morals deep down in his spark
👑 Anyways, when the war did begin to go against both sides and Cybertron fell when it came to life, Megatron was the first mech to realize it. And when he saw how the supposed-quick-war was growing longer with every passing cycle, he rushed you off the planet and onto the Nemesis ship first, with him and his most trusted followers joining
👑 Throughout his time out in space locating the mystical Dark Energon, you attempted to stay in direct contact with him the best. Before he ventured to far away, leaving the Nemesis in control of you and the official second-in-command, Starscream
👑 It was painful ruling alongside the egotistical seeker, but when your sparkmate returned, you lunged at the opportunity to rule alongside him instead
👑 While he was under the influence of the dark energon, he attempted to keep you far away from him, which showed just how much he valued your existence. You may have been an amazing fighter, but he could overpower you with ease
👑 Megatron's death was also the thing that caused many to see just how close you two were. When his limp and sparkless frame fell from the Nemesis, through the atmosphere of Earth, and down into the vast and deep ocean below, you cried in agony while multiple Vehicons carried you away. All Autobots, including ones like Ratchet and Arcee, were shocked to see you crying over his death. They suspected that he was an abuser, when it reality, he was better than that... he was your dream mech...
👑 Before your escaped, you were taken away by the Autobots, locked away in your once thriving ship with your medic Knockout and the many Vehicons who stayed loyal. Though, it seemed that the Autobots, especially Optimus, felt pity for you
👑 And while he laid apparently deceased in everyone else's mind, you felt his spark pulsating through your bond. You were shocked when it was announced that Megatron somehow had come back from the dead, but you knew once you looked at him that he wasn't the Megatron you once knew and loved
👑 During the fight, you were one to fight alongside the Predacons, using your advanced fighting skills when in flight-mode to attack easily. After the actual fighting, Predaking looked at you and nodded, making you fly off and to the surface of the hopefully-near thriving Cybertron
👑 You lunged forward in a sprint and allowed the large mech to pick you up, spinning you around and hug you as you wept into his now-spikier armor. You then rose your head and relaid it down on his forehead, only looking away from him when you heard the coughs of a certain scrawny-stiletto wearing seeker
👑 Starscream merely backed away scared as you and Megatron glared and the titular mech yelled at him in anger. And before you flew after your lover, who was exiling himself after saying the Decepticons were no longer working and he was turning his title in as a warlord, you smiled at the Autobots and handed Knockout a small tablet with a photograph of the main 'cons, then it changed to one of you, Knockout and Breakdown
👑 The red mech smiled and gave you a small hug before you heard Megatron yell for you, making you transform after sending your goodbyes and flying away. A new life to start with your lover, away from war and away from the blood-soaked regime of your old lives
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»»——————————-  Starscream  ———————————-««
💫 He first met you while he was controlling a large armada of fellow seekers in the Cybertronian Air Command. You were a new recruit and gained a close bond with the raspy-Decepticon, quickly rising in the ranks before becoming Lieutenant-General of the Air Command
💫 While under the control of Megatron, he showed quite a favoritism to you. And believe me when I say this; Starscream hated how close he acted towards you
💫 It was when Soundwave revealed you and Starscream's spark-bond that Megatron stiffened slightly around you, but did still act fairly cordial. Until his motives began to worsen over the next few hundred years
💫 Many view Starscream as a very manipulative and fearful being, and they're not wrong there. At first, he tried manipulating you, but you eventually grew onto him like a mold
💫 He also has used you like a Cybertronian-Shield multiple times. But, you always were at the ready with a weapon when against the Autobots and their meddlesome human allies
💫 Speaking of him using you as a shield, while he may use you as one when it comes to some battles when he is obviously at a disadvantage, when it comes to his beatings against your leader, you become his defendant. At least when it gets bad enough to be possibly life-threatening
💫 Starscream puts on a macho-mech persona, which he only lets down when his life in in danger or when you are in a major accident. Like when the Autobots were fighting against you and Shockwave while retrieving a Predacon's fossil. He had immediately noticed you were going to have a small concussion
💫 He was the one who went out with Soundwave to defend you, he could care less about Shockwave's spark. He needed you alive, not him.
💫 You guys are one of the cutest duos on the Nemesis. Whenever a Vehicon walks by you two speaking with a smile lodged on both of your faces, they just look at one another and chuckle
💫 It's your gentle-nature that makes Starscream feel unworthy of having you around. He views himself as inferior, and this only grows when he serves under Megatron. The larger mech makes him feel completely worthless, especially by comparing him to others, specifically Shockwave and Soundwave
💫 Unlike Starscream, you helped fight against Unicron when he possessed Megatron. You helped Shockwave gather his three Predacons to send them off, before going off to use your flight to your advantage before leaving to find Starscream
💫 He angered you slightly when he tried convincing Megatron to take over Cybertron again, and after he flew off, you sent him a comm saying you hoped he lived a fulfilling rest of his life. He just chuckled and wished you and Starscream a good future, making you smile and look at your spark-mate
💫 Smiling at the Autobots nervously, Starscream transformed and yelled for you to follow suit. You sighed and threw a vile of finished synthetic-energon at Ratchet, making him gasp and chuckle as you winked and flew off. What an exit... one worthy of his old lab partner and good friend
💫 As Starscream chanted about being the new leader of the Decepticons, you heard the Predacons approach and stared wide-eyed as they glared at Starscream but not you... damn you were always favored more than him🤣
"Y/N...? Why are they glaring at me so much...?"
"Pretty sure they wanna eat you. You might wanna start running, Hon'."
💫 You just looked at the three mechs and told them to go easy on him, and they just huffed before nodding and chasing him. Leaving a smiling Cybertronian behind
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»»——————————-  Soundwave  ———————————-««
🔊 Ah, the loving silent mech himself.
🔊 He, unlike others, did not meet you before the war began. Instead, you were assigned to be his fellow third-in-command, except you were more located outside of the ship and leading attacks than him
🔊 Soundwave is fairly difficult to get to know at first, since he doesn't speak and doesn't show any reaction. Y'know- with the visor-face and all...
🔊 But, when you did get closer with the mech, it was known to all on the Nemesis that you were held in high regard not only to Lord Megatron, but to the third-in-command as well. Not even Starscream dared to lay a servo on you, fear of retaliation from both of the powerful mechs overwhelming him
🔊 Now, if you are smaller than him, he does make sure you stay out of others ways or get jobs that fit the way you are built and can handle. Normally, the smaller the Cybertronian, the thinner amount of weight they can handle
🔊 Though, if you are bigger, he trusts you to handle yourself a lot more. He would watch over you in battle, sending you codes that could help you in defeating the Autobots and retrieving whatever Megatron needed
🔊 Soundwave also is a very busy mech, so most of the time he has work to do. So, in those kinds of situations, he sends his precious minicon, Laserbeak, out to observe you. Ordering him to send a distress single if you were in danger and he couldn't do anything to help
🔊 When he was kidnapped by the Autobots, you were beyond unstable. Throwing items back and forth across your shared room, successfully scaring all that passed and heard you mixture of angry screams and cries of agony
🔊 Him coming back made your mood lighten up, and it caused even Megatron to slightly smile seeing you run up to him and hug him tightly, before cringing at the sight of the Autobot medic, and your old friend, Ratchet, being thrown in cuffs and pushed away to a holding cell
🔊 You stayed right beside him as best as you could, helping out with everything until those wretched humans came around and had a second Ground-Bridge opened, wrapping both you and him in the warp. Before carrying your screaming frame as his struggling one inside
🔊 Soundwave slightly strutted before lunging at the three mortals, unsuccessfully ending them. This made you gasp and stutter in realization... you were stuck in the Shadowzone with no way out of it and no-one except those humans to know where you were
🔊 Falling to your knees, you began to weep as Soundwave kneeled in front of you and held you close. A low tune being played over his speakers
"Will we ever get out of here...?"
"I will stop at nothing to get us out of here, Y/N." Soundwave said, his natural voice running through your audials.
"I love you..."
"And I love you as well."
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»»——————————-  Shockwave  ———————————-««
🧪 Shockwave and you met in another fairly odd way
🧪 As a very head-strong member of the Cybertronian Sea Special Ops, and holding the rank of a Major, you always kept your mind right on the target. And when you were sent in by your General, Preon, to observe a supposed operation of a revolution against the Council
🧪 You disguised yourself with a device modeled by one of the engineers, and when you came into contact with the one-eyed mech, you were enamored. And you couldn't lie, hearing Megatron's speech of freedom from the damaging oppression laid stuck in your head
🧪 Over time, you began to use your Black Ops skills to escape detection and help Shockwave gain different objects he needed for his experiments. And when you revealed your treachery to the Cybertronian Council, he felt a pang in his spark that was unfamiliar
🧪 While first deeming it illogical, Shockwave did enjoy being in a close relationship with you. You were highly skilled in battle and in everything scientific
🧪 Shockwave is a very distant mech because of his work. He serves the Decepticon cause very well, to the point where many say he comes in a dual battle against Soundwave's loyalty to the cause
🧪 Despite the complaints of Megatron, you stayed on Cybertron, and got damaged when fighting against Arcee and Cliffjumper. And even he had to admit, you grew on him a lot faster than he initially believed. The cyclopian-mech did also prove to be better at being a doctor than he or you thought
🧪 Shockwave does care about you in a unique way. While he doesn't show it outright like other Cybertronians, he does prove how much he cares about you with simple methods. He does three main things; he is extremely honest, sharing his opinions on all matters, Shockwave also trusts you with tasks he wouldn't trust anyone else with, such as caring for the Predacons while he is outside gathering more fossils, and he loves to show his loyalty. He could care less about everyone else, you are his top-priority when it comes to dangerous situations
🧪 If you ever had doubts of your bond, he immediately addresses it. He may be working while speaking, but he does show his devotion to you first
"Shockwave... do I... mean anything to you...?"
"That's one of the most illogical things I have ever heard." Shockwave replied. "If I saw no use in having a relationship with you, I would never had proposed our spark-bond coming to light. I don't ever want to hear about you doubting yourself, Y/N. Understood?"
🧪 He's not the most ideal mech to be bonded to for life, but he isn't the worst
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revelboo · 1 month ago
Super appreciative of Megatron being the reasonable one in the situation- actually listening, asking Reader if they want him to send Star and Sounders away before doing so... he's really such a sweetie. (Even if Megatron is likely also doing it to have alone time with them).
Love to see that mech nervous and unskilled at emotional comfort. He's really so tender at times that it makes me sick (pos)!!!! Can't wait for him to maybe get some cheek kisses for being a sweetspark and realize he's dipping into romantic feelings - anytime he has that jarring moment of affectionate understanding, it's always so satisfying 😌 ❤️
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Megs is just done with all of this stupidity
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Everything Is Alright Pt 113
IDW Starscream x Reader, Soundwave x Reader, Megatron x Reader
• Sitting crosslegged on Megatron’s berth, you fidget with the corner of a blanket, picking at loose strings. Neither Star or Soundwave have returned and there’s a nervous sort of anxiety threading through you even as you listen to Megatron’s low voice murmuring. Recounting stories of the gladiator pits of a place called Kaon on a world you’ll never see. And he keeps pausing mid-sentence before continuing, giving you the impression that he’s trying to leave out the worst parts. Even so, the picture he’s painting isn’t a pretty one. He’d willingly gone into the pits, but it sounds like not all of the gladiators had. But the wistful way he talks, makes you think a part of him enjoyed it. Misses it.
• Rumbling softly, he pauses and glances down at you. Sitting there neck craned to look up at him, relaxed in his presence instead of as tense as you usually are. And it’s a delight to mess with you, but this is nice, too. Unexpected. Just having someone to talk to without having to wonder if they’re scheming or plotting. “I’m sure I’m boring you, pet.” Surprised when you just shake your head, looking away with a little half smile.
• “Just not used to seeing you smile,” you admit, shrugging when he just looks at you in disbelief. “You should do it more often.” Because he’s a little less intimidating when he’s not scowling and serious. You kind of like this side of him. You’re definitely not shopping for another mate, you can barely handle the two you have trying to kill each other or playing tug of war over you. You’re aware that he’s just trying to distract you from the drama and you appreciate it even if it’s probably just mostly him being very uncomfortable with dealing with you crying. Tugging the blanket closer around yourself, you’re aware of exhaustion tugging at you. All the adrenaline and crying dragging at you until you just want to sleep. Until you’re having trouble focusing. Head lifting when he asks you something and the words sound like they’re from a great distance. Oh, he’s frowning again, leaning- no, you’re listing sideways.
• Denta gritted as Hook straightens his damaged wing so he can work on the support connections, Starscream glances over at Soundwave. The way he’d confessed to what he’d wanted had struck a chord in him and he hates it. Doesn’t want to understand or have any empathy for the other mech. Because it’s just easier to hate him, for him to be an enemy. And that’s what he is. A rival trying to steal you away from him.
• Can feel the Seeker staring at him as he flexes his servos. That anger banked to a dull exhaustion after the brawl. And beating the scrap out of the other mech hasn’t been nearly as satisfying as he’d thought it would be. That missing connection a raw spot in his spark like a jagged wound. Hurting him and he can only hope it didn’t hurt you, too. Or the spark. It’s not even his, but there haven’t been any new Cybertronians in so long and this is a chance to move forward. To have something he’d never allowed himself to even imagine because it could only hurt him with impossible things. “You’re not going to give up, are you?” Starscream asks, grimacing when Hook realigns his wing.
• “No,” Soundwave growls and it’s what he’d expected. Because he can’t bear to go through that again, to have to sever a bond and see that fear and hurt in your eyes. Even though he’d done it for you. To free you from being manipulated. Except, was it really for you or for him? Venting, he studies his hands. Was he worried for you or about being controlled through you? Because if it was the latter? No wonder you’re so upset. And he hates that he’s not sure.
• “Primus, I’m awful at this,” the Seeker mutters dejectedly and Soundwave huffs out a bitter laugh. Because they both are. He’d been so blinded with rage feeling his bond just ripped away that he’d not thought of how hurt and scared you must have been. Hadn’t checked on you, attacking Starscream instead. Neither one of them particularly good at taking care of a mate, both struggling even without being at odds with each other.
• “Truce?” Startled by the question, Starscream just stares, optics narrowed. Soundwave has to realize he still doesn’t trust him. That he likely never will. He can’t. Half the time, he isn’t sure he can trust himself. Doesn’t want the other mech bonded to his mate. Doesn’t want to share you with anyone. You’re his. He’d found you. But you love Soundwave as much as you love him, don’t you? Hates that and probably always will, but can’t do that to you again. Can’t hurt you. And something unfamiliar crackles through his bond, spark constricting. Knowing something’s wrong.
Swerve, Hound, Trailbreaker, Bluestreak, Earthspark Soundwave, Scavengers and Vortex are up next for updates. I think I’ve figured out a workable plot device for Megatronus Prime, Silverbolt, and D-16
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pricklyjim · 2 months ago
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AU Timeline Of History and Key
• New Cybertron is thrown into chaos when Zeta Prime, the first Head Prime, is killed in an outer-world ambush attack.
•In the aftermath, the remaining Primes create a new government and caste system to restore balance.
• To help find a new leader, Primus creates the Primus Beacon, an artifact that can help the user identify the next Head Prime.
• Along with this, a song written by Primus and is discovered by Sentinel Prime, though the end of it is destroyed during the attack on New Cybertron. The remaining lyrics recalled only by Sentinel prime.
[Untouched Lyrics that were retained]
“To my children, I grant to you, The beacon of my holy truth. I have found one to bear the weight, For he alone can cleanse his plate. Let him lead, his vessel Is pure, Guided by vision, steady and sure. And along with him, a spark untamed, A fire that'll burn, wild, unclaimed."
[lyrics recalled by sentinel prime]
“A prime in red to lead the way, To banish darkness, keep it at bay. A silver knight, with moonlit might, Will bring ruin in the dead of night. A gladiator, mad and bold, Whose's scriptures will reshape the world.
The silver gladiator shall only fall, When the leader in red stands mighty tall.”
• The first barer of The Primus Beacon is chosen shortly after: that being Magnus. And during this time Magnus and the primes train Rodimus, helping him become the next Head Prime.
•During this time, Megatron and Orion are born into their separate lives, with Orion arriving slightly later than Megatron. As Orion grows, and becomes mid-age he becomes a scribe, and formally leaves his mentor Alpha Trion behind.
• Meanwhile: Megatron, After writing numerous books and poems dedicated to his Sire, about the struggles of the lower caste, is sentenced by the Government to be reborn and is sent to Kaon to fight in the pits.
• both Megatron and Orion gain fame during this time through their speeches and writings, with some observers noting that they share similar goals but have very different methods of achieving them.
•Rodimus is eventually crowned Head Prime, but with his coronation comes an uptick in Decepticon attacks, specifically targeting high-caste buildings.
•The Primes send Rodimus to kill Megatron alone to fulfill the prophecy told by Primus, but this leads to Rodimus's disappearance and assumed death.
• After a week, Magnus steps down, and Megatron is found in a square with the Primus Beacon permanently attached to his spark, standing over the bodies of the fallen Primes.
[Current Present]
• With the Primes gone, Megatron takes control and forms a new government. Meanwhile, Orion leads the Autobots in opposition to Megaton's rule, and due to this both factions claim equal territories on Cybertron, resulting in a tense stalemate and the current predicament of their shared leadership.
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