#sound on for noises
halberdierminister · 2 years
Watson's sleep noises
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mugetsupipefox · 2 years
I think there might be a rat in the shed wall
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catmask · 9 months
does anyone have like an anti aesthetic. like something you look at and can recognize as a complete fashion/interior design/artistic movement and understand it but it makes you shudder seeing it. i am not talking like “its morally bad” “its poorly structured” like just sheerly devoid of joy for you actually invites a repulse response.
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heartwarminganimals · 9 months
Happy raccoon noises
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thebibliosphere · 5 months
I'm scrolling through some ambient noises to help me write, and it got me thinking. Y'know those white noise machines people use for sleeping?
Do you think there's a very specific brand marketed at Gothamites?
Like everyone else has rainy nights on the beach, whale song, the crackle of the campfire, and everyone's all-time favorite "rickety fan about to oscillate off your shitty ikea desk at four in the morning."
And then there's "The Sounds of Gotham," a nighttime ambiance made up of heavy thunderstorms interspaced with the wail of police sirens and the occasional smattering of gunfire.
If you upgrade to premium, you can get the added sound effect of "small vigilante child dropping onto your apartment roof followed by the heavy pitter-patter of their combat boots as they dropkick a criminal off the fire escape."
Mm. Cozy.
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tizzymcwizzy · 6 months
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a little adrien sketch for y'all!
the reason he's in this fit is cause my roommates got me the miraculous ladybug build-a-bear bear for christmas but the chat noir costume was out of stock so they just dressed it like me. so i decided to draw him in it. also i ordered the chat noir costume for the bear.
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manichewitz · 1 month
people who only want gay characters to be played by gay actors just dont understand the appeal of two ostensibly straight actors playing two ostensibly straight characters yet having so much chemistry together that they actually want to make out with each other more than just keep with whatever weird subtextual thing is already going on
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edwinisms · 7 days
george rexstrew deserves awards for many things but i have to say. edwin’s bloodcurdling scream as niko gets killed deserves a whole award unto itself. like. that scream did not feel at all like a tv show scream. to a somewhat jarring degree. and i can’t express how much I respect that
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calmingviews · 6 months
Bujumbura, Burundi (source)
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themeeplord · 8 days
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I saw Ultraman: Rising a few days ago and I loved it! I had to draw beloved Emi ❤️
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vaguely-concerned · 9 months
there are, of course, so many reasons to love gideon as a person. but her taking a moment to -- in the middle of a life or death situation -- mentally give 'a private prayer of thanksgiving for service rendered' to her rapier and knuckleknives as she's dropping them even though they've all this time kept her from her beloved longsword that she's finally about to pick up again... is one of the Most reasons for me personally
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izel-scribbles · 3 months
arthur lester // i'm only on part 10 so this may not be canon accurate
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(updated version, as of may 23)
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kyuhudraws · 4 months
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Strong bird prince!
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heartwarminganimals · 9 months
Maned wolf cub getting pets and making happy leggy noises
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starrodent · 3 months
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@jonmartinweek day 8: martin’s poetry
nosey little shit. also that tiny succulent in the background is my pride and joy and i’m annoyed at myself that i only showed it in one panel
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sweatermuu-lava · 2 months
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Repost of some of my old Pizza Tower art from early 2023 !
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