#sorry tbhk tumblr
eatmy-customjorts · 8 months
tbhk 110 spoilers
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its fine this is fine everything is fine its ok everything is FINE mitsuba is OKAY
(i cant do this anymore aidairo please have mercy)
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kikiwiwiz · 11 months
Honestly Akane not being able to protest against decisions of other clock keepers is very interesting to me
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He very clearly wanted to protest against holding Teru guilty but he just accepts anyways, im guessing its because hes the weakest?
Also we all know that Akane can fight back if he wanted to, yeah, he may not be able to overpower Teru but he still COULD fight back, especially since hes on his boundary he must've got a massive power boost, he isn't an idiot if he had the intentions of doing this from the start he would be ready to fight, but no he got startled because he didn't expect the event to occur, let alone the action Teru gives (they both had it coming tbh /affectionate)
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He even turned his face as he explained to Teru, he knows how he looks at that moment and didn't want to be reminded.
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Also i hope they explore clock keepers abilities more i feel like theres more and I love that
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sugarcub · 1 year
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for the kou and mitsuba girlypops
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garfeildfanpage · 8 months
Tbhk has a really bad pacing problem, among a few other things
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Ever since the Picture Perfect arc it’s just been… unbearably slow.. the pacing in the recent chapters compared to the beginning is so strange. Tbhk has always been pretty slow paced compared to other mangas, so much so it really warped my perception with other mangas. And the pacing doesn’t really add to much, it’s not like the lore of tbhk is anywhere near being somewhat understandable. And it has its pros! The art is beautiful, and character banter is fun. But so much of the time is spent explaining yet somehow also…not? New things are introduced, partially explained, and then either forgotten or become a major feature of the story.
Boundaries being a pretty big example. they ARE explained..barely. The rules and purpose of them isn’t exactly clear? Are specified boundaries just for the mysteries? It doesn’t seem so since they show a specific boundary in the spin-off (which canonicity is highly debatable, but it’s never been denounced from canon, so i literally don’t know), along with mentioning a boundary in Brazil (which brings a lot of other things into question about wherethe hell the boundaries even are). So is it just boundaries with a yorishiro that are specific to the mysteries?
With Yako, Tsuchigomori, and Shijima, their yorishiros are in the farthest reaches of the boundary. and the same can partially be said for The Hell of Mirrors (I’m not sure). And the rule seems to partially follow for Hakubo, but Sumire is also shown leaving the boundary with no issue so idk. But the Clock-Keeper’s is just?? Inside Kako?? That’s not the farthest reaches?? Same with Hanako, unless Tsukasa originally resided inside of Hanako’s boundary before he was removed (presumably for Sakura). So does the rule just not include them? Or is it not a rule and instead just a common trend or whatever.
I also literally do not get Mitsuba as The Hell of Mirrors, aren’t boundaries supposed to be unique to the spirit in charge?? Or did Tsukasa specifically make Mitsuba with having him be The Hell of Mirrors in mind?
Back to pacing though. The recent chapters have been unnecessarily slow, like so slow that barely anything is happening. And I’m losing hope for some big interesting action cause it’s just been…bad. The fandom has been so dead and it’s obvious the pacing currently is why. Literally nothing is happening, nothing even brainrot worthy. Like the pacing for the previous arcs was slow but this is another level of drawn out.
Personal anecdote rq but I was so used to tbhk’s slow pace that reading literally any other manga feels like whiplash, reading chainsaw man was so difficult because I was expecting it to be slow and i ended up never understanding what was going on at all. Or maybe I’m just illiterate uhm
Mayhaps I’m just dumb and going stir crazy but whatever. I don’t have any closing notes cause this is pretty short so uh ninja out
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mari-lair · 1 year
hey !! I wanted to ask about your opinion on last chap, i have to assume that im especially excited to see what will happen between Teru&Akane, will Akane heal Teru's bruises? Ahh!
If u already said some opinion on this chap on ur tumblr pls tell me!!
I shared a few thoughts on the chapter Here
and about the terukane interaction: Here
That’s a good question, Akane used "We are going to the infirmary" and he seems determined, so I’m sure he will guide Teru there, but it isn’t clear if he’ll bandage him/help take care of the wound, or leave him once they reach the infirmary.
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Is worth noticing that his approach here is the same approach he shows the students he look after “I’ll lead you to the place with medicine, follow me”
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Only angrier, or more tired.
If Akane was concerned for his well being I would say right away he would bandage Teru up, cause he is a very active person, when he worries, it is obvious, and he needs to do something
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but since his attitude feels almost like a lecture, giving me “It will heal fast my ass, go to the infirmary like the student you are! This is a school not your weird exorcism job.” vibes instead of “Are you okay?! hope you’re alright,” vibes I can’t be sure. Is a different kind of care.
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So to me, it depends on how Akane normally deal with injured students (does he just hand them the materials to take care of their injuries? Or does he treat them himself?) and how hopeless he feels like Teru is outside his exorcism field.
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picmitsuba · 2 years
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im going to try post something every day starting from the art/colouring i dont mind from 2021 . thank you. 
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beefyballs123 · 1 year
My favourite manga panels from the most recent TBHK chapter (104)
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Idk I love the girl
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Sakura in a maid outfit, and I'm including her, because I love her
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Thank you for coming to my ted talk 🙏
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silverstar0215 · 3 months
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"That's Cherry Redpost, Daughter of Life. But I'd recommend not really....what's the word- mixing with her. She kinda gives off a bad vibe."
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gummidon · 2 years
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Hello and welcome! This is not my first account but my other one isn’t very easy to branch out with.. I’ll attempt to be active here but I’m pretty comfortable on instgram so we’ll see I suppose..
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musicalmoritz · 8 days
i’ve been following you for a little while because i’ve been considering getting back into TBHK. it was one of my strongest fixations but i was totally put off by the fandom’s reception of one part of the story until i dropped it entirely.
i thought i’d ask to see if the fandom has changed at all since i was last in it, and you seem really good at analyzing media: what’s your take on the amane/(possessed) tsukasa sa theory? i won’t argue regardless of what your opinion is! i’m just curious to see how the fandom is treating the story now. i miss the series alot ngl
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Have I finally made it as a TBHK fan creator now that I’ve gotten an ask abt the SA theory?? Jk jk, that was a terrible joke I’m sorry guys
Before I get into this I wanna say thank you for being so respectful, people tend to have very strong feelings in this theory (for good reason, it’s a serious subject) and that can lead to pitchforks whenever it’s brought up. I’m going to try to discuss this as neutrally as possible but I will warn you that I’m very biased. I love Tsukasa as a character and the Yugi twins as a sibling duo so as much as I try to see both sides, I simply don’t want this theory to be true and that plays a large role in how I perceive it
TW: This is going to contain more mature themes than my usual posts. Talk of incest, abuse, sexual assault, sex, trauma, PTSD, and a very brief mention of lesbian fetishization
Starting off with how the fandom as a whole talks about it, people are very against it nowadays. When the anime first came out it was super popular, but now you can’t even mention it without someone telling you never to bring it up again. I have only posted about it once and it was a joke about Tsukasa and Teru both having allegations made against them (tho the Teru ones are way less common and only made by fans who want them to be true bcuz they hate him or ship him with his brother). So far I’ve strayed away from going in depth with my thoughts on it, writing this feels like I’m swinging a bat at a hornet’s nest. If your problem with the fandom was that they denied this theory, then I would continue to stay away from it. People on here are more open towards it than TikTok tho so if you still want to get back into the fandom, I would recommend staying on Tumblr. Someone made ONE post implying it on TikTok recently and the entire fandom was shitting on them for like a week. Those instances are rare, I like the fandom overall, but it has its toxic moments and areas just like every fandom
Okay now onto the theory itself. I’m not going to pretend I don’t see where it comes from, there are some scenes in the manga that are drawn and worded weirdly. Most notably the scene in the Picture Perfect Arc where Mei wrote “Brother Lover” on Amane’s face made me wonder if they were trying to imply something. I have since learned that other translations don’t have the incest implication, but it’s still odd to me that they allowed that in any version. Still, he just looked kind of annoyed as opposed to getting flustered like he would have if something was going on with him and Tsukasa (the way he gets flustered when his feelings for Nene are brought up). So I viewed that scene more as a dark humor joke from Mei, I don’t think it was meant to imply anything serious between the twins
There is another scene in that arc, however, when Nene sees Tsukasa clinging to Amane and Amane does get flustered. He starts blushing and says “um…we were just…” and doesn’t really finish his sentence. This made me raise an eyebrow, but I also wouldn’t take it as confirmation that there’s anything romantic or sexual between them. It could very much be viewed as Amane being embarrassed. I feel that the strongest evidence for the incest theory comes from this arc, but that’s only if you want to run with the scenes I mentioned. I also find it strange that people never use these scenes as evidence, only panels that are drawn kind of weird. Fans seem to be stuck on a lot of early scenes with this theory which weakens its substance
For the record, I will not be analyzing the scene from the anime intro. That has already been debunked, the shadowy figure wasn’t Tsukasa, it was a representation of Hanako’s guilt. Although I disagree with the theory, I’m trying to be fair to the campaigners by debunking the stronger pieces of evidence
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The strongest evidence for this theory comes from the art, which is just as important to the story as the writing. With manga and graphic novels, the art tells half the story. It shouldn’t be overlooked, so I understand how some fans lean into it. Look back at the official art I put at the top of this post, it’s weird. Hanako is leaning over Tsukasa while Tsukasa holds his chin/lips and arm. They’re posed like a couple. We would never see the Minamoto brothers posed like that. In other scenes, we see Tsukasa touching Amane’s face or holding him from behind. They’re very touchy with each other, more-so than the other siblings in the series
I have two reasons for not taking these type of scenes/arts seriously in a romantic sense. One is that Tsukasa is simply an affectionate character, and Hanako is the same way. I think it’s more part of their behavior than being specific to each other. Secondly, if it’s intended to be taken in an incestuous way then I genuinely believe it’s fan service. That’s one part I don’t deny, AidaIro have certainly given us reason to believe the twins are like the Property Brothers. I just don’t believe it has any place in the actual story or their dynamic. Fan service is common in TBHK and sometimes it veers into problematic territory. Just look at the scene where Hanako possesses Nene to assault Aoi, and then Kou gets flustered by it and can’t help. A random lesbian fetish scene that is never brought up again and plays no role in the story other than moving us from A to B. I have also heard that there’s incest in some of the other works they’ve made, so it’s not a reach to assume they’d throw in a little fan service for the Yugi twins. How seriously you want to take those scenes is up to you, personally I will continue to deny it until we’re given undeniable confirmation
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Back to the twins just being affectionate, we see them act that way with lots of characters. Tsukasa is clingy to Sakura and Mitsuba too, sometimes very suggestively. That doesn’t mean he’s into them. I will say that Hanako is most notably clingy to Nene, someone he’s in love with, but we see him get close and friendly with the other characters too (he sat on Kou’s side and booped his nose during their first meeting). And Tsukasa is the one who initiates their physical affection 99% of the time, Amane’s been receiving it since early childhood so him copying Tsukasa’s behavior makes sense. Romantic relationships in adulthood are determined by the way we interact with our families as children so him repeating these actions in a romantic context doesn’t indicate anything abnormal. In fact, it’s a very realistic portrayal of how our love languages and attachment styles evolve over time
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And keep in mind, they’ve been that way since they were three years old, it’s just the way they interact with other people and each other. Tsukasa is a very childish character too, one who has very little concept of personal space and boundaries. So him being a little too clingy with his brother might not mean anything. Again, you could read into it if you really wanted to, but the way he interacts with Amane is nothing out of the ordinary. It aligns with his usual mannerisms, if it were specific to Amane then he wouldn’t act that way with the other characters (Amane was also clingy with Nene before he fell for her). Think of it this way, you don’t see Akane holding Teru’s hand or confessing his undying love to Nene. Characters are going to act differently in their platonic relationships vs. romantic/sexual, and we don’t see that difference with the Yugi twins
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A difference we do see with them, however, is that Tsukasa isn’t physically aggressive with Hanako the way he is with everyone else. He never attacks him or tries to hurt him, in fact every time he sees him he gets overjoyed and tackles him in a hug. He has no problem hurting him emotionally and mentally, but we never see any physical aggression between the two. This leads me to believe that the SA theory is invalid, it doesn’t line up with how Tsukasa treats Hanako currently or in any of the flashbacks. If anything sexual took place between them, it would have had to be consensual, because the more solid evidence backing this theory focuses on Hanako’s side of things. He’s very possessive of Tsukasa, and he doesn’t experience a trauma response when they’re touching normally. If it’s an intense scene and Tsukasa is telling him horrible things while touching him, then he freezes in place and starts crying. But when Tsukasa is just hugging or clinging to him, he only gets embarrassed. Hanako does show some signs of PTSD, but that trauma is rooted in him killing Tsukasa. If the trauma were anything sexual, we would see him experience those same trauma responses he displays in violent scenes when Tsukasa touches him in any context. At the very least, we’d see him get way more uncomfortable than being mildly annoyed
(Note: I am aware that not everyone reacts to trauma and PTSD the same way. I do not have any trauma of my own so I am going off what I have heard throughout my life from others sharing their stories. I am in no way trying to invalidate anyone’s experiences, no matter how you react to your abuser your feelings are valid and I hope you get the help you need)
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Another common piece of evidence used is that Hanako is hypersexual. I believe this is a serious misuse of the term, hypersexuality is so much more than being a pervert. People who are hypersexual usually think about sex all the time, they engage in excessive sexual behaviors and even think about it in completely normal contexts. This is a common response to many types of trauma, not just sexual. It’s a way for people to gain back control after they’ve been abused, or sometimes it’s a problem that arises from porn addictions or a weird relationship with sex. Even if Hanako were hypersexual, that wouldn’t necessarily indicate SA. He has canonical trauma aside from that, and it could also come from the pent-up frustration of being a middle schooler for 58 years
This is another situation where we have to account for the context. You can’t just take one element of a character’s canon personality and run with it, that’s the leading cause of mischaracterization. You have to consider how that behavior lines up with their other traits. Hanako is an allosexual boy who has been 13 for literal decades. Middle school boys are already one of the horniest species on our planet, it’s an awkward time when you’ve just learned those feelings exist and what they mean but you’re not emotionally mature enough to do anything about it. That usually goes away in the next few years when teens start getting into relationships. Now imagine that feeling staying with you for fifty-eight years. That’s over half a lifetime of being stuck in a transitional period. You have so many strong feelings, but you can’t do anything about them. Not just because of maturity, but because there’s no one to do them with. It makes sense that you wouldn’t know how to act when you get your first girlfriend (not excusing any of his weird behavior btw, frustration is not an excuse and it doesn’t make the way he treats Nene and Aoi okay. But it’s still important to understand his reasons, especially in this context)
I also want to note something I don’t see pointed out often, which is that most of the major scenes of Hanako’s pervertedness occur when he’s talking to Kou. TBHK has a very realistic portrayal of male friendship imo, and this is one of those examples. Having a girlfriend isn’t the only thing Hanako’s missed out on, he also hasn’t been able to make any friends his own age. He’s trying to get Kou to engage in “locker room talk” as a way to bond with him. Whether he’s trying to convince him to share his own preferences, or just wanting to mess with him, it brings them closer in a way. One of the main ways Hanako expresses affection is by annoying people, but I do think part of it is because he wants to be able to talk about hot girls with his only male friend. Sadly, he got stuck with the only middle school boy who respects women
We as a fandom tend to focus on these scenes as “omg Hanako’s a pervert,” or for people that ship him with Kou it’s “aww he’s teasing his boyfriend,” but I think the purpose is more-so to build a realistic friendship dynamic. I find it funny that the fandom as a whole leans more into the teasing explanation whether they ship Hanako and Kou or not, it’s funny to me that we all automatically go with the gay interpretation. But Hanako often uses jokes to cover up his deeper feelings, he acts like he doesn’t care when he actually cares very deeply. So him playing up his pervertedness in an attempt to make friends seems very on brand
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My last piece of evidence against this theory is a bit silly and a lot of ya’ll aren’t going to want to hear this but Hanako is most likely straight
*the crowd boos me*
I know, I know, I love the bi headcanon too and I think it makes sense, but unlike with some of the other characters I don’t think it has a place in canon. He acts overly friendly with Kou sometimes but if you’re going to assume they’re queercoded, you have to assume the same about Aoi and Nene (both affectionate friendship that look a little queer sometimes). Shipping aside I read them as a purely platonic duo, if there are feelings on either side then it’s more likely Kou since he’s bisexual. Lots of people point out the scene where he flirts with Kou as a girl, and I agree that was gay af but I kinda think he was just trying to mess with him. And keep in mind that the first thing he wanted to do as a girl was look at girls changing in the locker room (yuri yuri lesbian yuri wlw gay gay lesbian yuri)
This isn’t to bash anyone’s headcanons btw, I headcanon Hanako as bisexual and I do ship him with Kou. I’m just saying that I wouldn’t bet my money on him being intended to be bi in canon. In my post about possibly bisexual TBHK characters I included him as an honorable mention, I just haven’t seen enough substantial evidence so far to believe he was intended to be interpreted that way
I’m aware that sexuality isn’t the biggest obstacle for Tsukasa and Amane, but it’s a relevant mention. If Hanako doesn’t like men, I doubt he’d want to be with his brother of all men. Even if he liked men that would be a terrible option. AidaIro have also confirmed in one of their official arts/doodle skits that Nene is Hanako’s first love, which further leads me to believe nothing happened between him and Tsukasa. You don’t get with your sibling if you’re not ride or die about it. And as I mentioned before, anything that happened between them would have had to be consensual in order to be in-character and line up with the evidence surrounding the incest theory
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Lastly, I do believe the love between the brothers is somewhat genuine. It’s horribly toxic, Hanako left Tsukasa in some sort of void for decades and now he continues to keep him around as a yorishiro despite knowing it makes Tsukasa miserable. He loves him so much that he can’t let him go even when it would be good for Tsukasa. That’s selfish, it’s toxic, and on Tsukasa’s side things aren’t much better. He adores his brother but he also resents him for everything he’s done. He hurts him emotionally and attacks his friends. And, of course, Amane killed Tsukasa. Not exactly Brother of the Year
But through all of this, you can’t deny that the love is there. Fans who believe Amane hates Tsukasa kind of miss the point, Tsukasa wouldn’t be Amane’s yorishiro if he hated him. He loves him dearly but in a very complicated way. Adding romance or lust to that love frankly doesn’t make sense to me, it’s adds an unnecessary layer that doesn’t line up with the rest of their dynamic. It feels like a “yes and” to their story. I have read analyses that explain both sides, and ultimately I remain against this theory
I hope this helped you understand my perspective!! I tried to be fair to both sides but as I mentioned, I’m very biased. This is a very uncomfortable subject so it was difficult to write about, but I like tackling more complex topics. I don’t block people who believe this theory unless I dislike the way they talk about it, some people insist it’s canon to the point of hating Tsukasa for it or saying the series is bad. But for those that are more open-minded about this theory, I don’t mind interacting with them. In general though this is something I try not to think about lol
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eatmy-customjorts · 1 year
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another night out on earth
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derangedanomaly · 4 months
If you want to ofc could you tell us more about u? Like irl outside of Tumblr :D sorry if it's a personal kinda question
Wait- you're actually interested to know something about me?..
I-uhm- sure!
ABOUT ME (ig?)
I'm not a native English speaker
My favorite color is red
Other than Undertale/The Au's, I also like: The slashers, South Park, Obey me, Mlp, Sonic and Steven Universe! (*^^*)
I have a lot of hobbies that I can't keep track of..and I'm adding more and more as time goes on. Other hobbies besides drawing: writing, reading, programming, animating, playing videogames, listening to music, journalling, collecting, creating new things (like from a paper, or crocheting), I'm sure I have more- but I can't remember them now 😭
I'm an introvert
I really like Lana Del Rey, Mitsuki, and Queen.
I like to wear dresses- but I have next to none 😭
I'm broke as a joke, so the only place I've ever seen/visited is: The Italy and The Great Britain. 💀
I have mental breakdowns a lot, mostly about my future 😭
I can't stand public speaking!!
I hate being forced to do something.
I wear glasses-
I'm surprisingly not that much into anime, I've seen some, but I just can't watch a 20+ minutes video, that has episodes 😭
The only animes I've watched (and liked): TBHK, MHA, SPY X FAMILY
I've watched more- but I didn't really liked the others.
I'm scared of spiders- and it's pretty serious too, I have like a panic attack... 💀
I'm not into sugary things. I like spicy things the best!
I'M A GAMER AT HEART!! Some games I own/played/have: The Sims 4, Outlast, Outlast 2, Sonic Frontiers, Subnautica, Subnautica Below Zero, Genshin Impact, Honkai Starrail, Rayman (I have like wayyy more, but I don't remember all of them.. 😭)
My favorite games are: Subnautica (both of them- but I like the first more), Sonic Frontiers, Genshin Impact, Honkai starrail, Rayman, Outlast
I'm from The Czech Republic! ^^
I have OCD
I'm hopeless romantic. 😔
I want to read a lot- but don't have the time for it.
I like old music! ^^
Alright- that's about all the things I've thought about at the top of my head- I'm still surprised you even want to know something about me, lolz.
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tetoterritory0 · 13 days
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I decided to share something on Tumblr for the first time. and although not very often, I think I will share something on this blog. I'll mostly be talking about tbhk but there might be other fandoms too!! Oh and my native language is not English so there may be mistakes, sorry.
btw my Instagram account: vocaloid.daily0
I would be happy if you follow me. I can't post daily much because it's my exam year :(
And send me some fandoms please!!
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garfeildfanpage · 7 months
Amane isn’t an adult in the new timeline, right? The whole point of Tsukasa’s wish was for Amane to be cured of his illness, because he was going to die. So it’s pretty safe to say Amane is no longer alive. But how big of an impact would that really cause? Kou mentions a conflict between his grandmother and Hanako, but with that voided would the Minamoto’s still attend the school? Or would they still be there because of the other mysteries? Is tsuchigomori still a mystery? Am I going insane?????
But that brings up an old question; is the logic of the pilot still applicable? If so Hanako isn’t gone per say, it’s just someone else in the role. If so toilet yuri could be totally real in this new timeline, considering most (if not all) of the holders prior were girls. That’s just assuming that Nene still goes up to Hanako-San to grant her wish. But idfk I’m just spitballing
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crielumin · 4 months
Looking for online friends? I'm here!!
Haii!! My name is crielumin but you can just call me Ciel (I'm a girl btw). To start things off, I am a minor. I am here to find friends because I cannot physically interact with anyone besides my friends irl and family :(( I will not specify my age because I'm uncomfortable with sharing it on Tumblr :D!
If you're interested in being by friend, here's some of my interests that might intrigue you even more \⁠(⁠^⁠o⁠^⁠)⁠/
- i rlly like talking about anime and video games, specifically, genshin, hsr, persona, obey me, visual novels, twisted wonderland, omori, etc.
- I can be unintentionally cringe sometimes cus I am chronically online sometimes ;;..
- My fav animes are; Kuro(black butler), demon slayer, Blue spring ride, my happy marriage, undead girl murder farce(?), ouran highschool ost club, tbhk, madoka magical, and many others that I cannot remember at the moment!!
- I'm also low-key interested in kpop songs n groups like; seventeen (jeonghan my love), (g)-idle, aespa, new jeans, enhypen!
- My hobbies are listening to music, reading and sometimes writing (I only write drabbles bc i do NOT have the motivation to fully finish an actual fic ;;).
- I have many more interests that I cannot list off my mind (⁠ ⁠・ั⁠﹏⁠・ั⁠) I'm so sorry ^^"
- I swear a lot whenever I get comfortable with someone unfortunately.. /pos
- Fortunately! I have a discord where we could chat more! (This looks so unprofessional I'm so sorry idk how shit works???)
→⁠_⁠→ Discord: crielumin
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randomratty · 1 year
[💎] Hello, welcome to my blog!
Let’s get things started by a few things shall we? Listed below are things along the lines of dont’s and do’s. Please read those so we don’t have any problems in the future!!
I’m in the SFW/Tickle community!
If you think it’s weird I’m sorry..
and if you do not like it that’s okay!, just don’t be rude okay? ^_^
I do roleplays like that to ,
(if you are a close friend of mine who sees this text who never knew)
Now you know But please Dont Be mean abt What i like qwp Because if You DID not know i was gonna tell you but I wasn’t ready yet because I Fear That I’ll lose My Friends,
I have ADD and other stuff.
I’m in a lot of fandoms, and will (most likely) post some things about those fandoms, listed are the fandoms I’m in (warning, there is a lot-)
[🪄] Fandoms I’m in:
Super Mario
Dbh(Detroit become human)
Little nightmares
Mha(my hero)
Assclass(assassination classroom)
Among the sleep
Dying light
Whos your daddy
Crk(cookie run kingdom
Wander over yonder
Gravity falls
Tbhk (the bathroom hanko kun)
Yandere sim
The promised neverland
Demon slayer
Doki doki
Saiki k
Spookys jumpscare mainson
Hotel trasylvania
The mandela catalogue
The owl house
Bad guys
Nightmare before Christmas
Don’t hug me I’m scared (semi into it-)
Bendy and the Ink Machine(sorta)
Star VS The Forces Of Evil
Down To Earth
Home sick
Dead but not gone
Hocus Pocus
Helluva Boss
Hazbin Hotel
Welcome home
Billie bust up
Spy x family
A whisker away
The cat returns
Wandering witch
All saints street
The walten files
alternate invasion
Alternate watch
The Little mermaid
Scratchin melodii
The amazing digital circus
A plague tale innocence
Angel hare
Wii deleted you
Ashes town
Mythical meadows
Breezy town
Luminous kingdom
Blues clues
Bo on the go
Balvenie Birthday Party
Creepy pasta
Poppy play time 1-3
Fundamental paper education
The boilled one phenomenon
Don’t not take this cat home
Indigo park
The classrooms
Dandys World
Please don’t randomly DM me if I do not know you personally. Either if you’re a follower or not. If you also have little to nothing on your tumblr page and is following me, I will block you, I may assume you’re a bot of some sort.
[👧] She/Her pronouns plz! I support any pronouns, just plz tell me so I don’t mess that up!
Plz no homophobia, transphobia, creeps, NSFW, etc. I WILL block you if I experience any of it here. Plz take your negativity someplace else.
[🔞] Remember, I AM A MINOR! Plz take caution when talking to me either in DMs or in my ask box.
⚠️Here are the boundaries that I have for myself.. please follow them, thank you!⚠️
Okay so first up;
[🤞✨] 1. I have a phobia of spiders, so please don’t show me any spiders in my ask box or DMs. If roleplaying with me, you can type in “*throws spider at you*”, that’s it, just no showing me any spiders.
[👑] 2. If I don’t know you well enough, please don’t call me anything but Trinity. Only close friends can call me anything besides that.
[🌸] 3. Please do not vent to me WITHOUT ASKING. Please ask first, only close friends/best friends can vent to me anytime, though yes, they still need to ask for permission.
[🌟] 4. I AM UNCOMFORTABLE WITH ANYTHING NSFW/18+! I am a MINOR (below 18). I may be in some 18+ fandoms but please.. for the love of god don’t send me anything nsfw/18+. Just don’t act weird near me and we’re fine.
[🍭] 5. If you follow me and ask for something for the first time, please don’t make it personal or anything.
[💞] 6. I can be sensitive to stuff and easy to scare, and I worry a lot about my close friends who I care about dearly. So please be cautious when talking to me and don’t be rude to my close friends, thank you!
If I have anymore boundaries I will add to the list.
I’m adopted by 6 father figures
The father figure are 6 different people, (by roleplay)
NOTE: ONLY CLOSE PEOPLE CAN CALL ME RAT AS A NICKNAME/the People I tagged in my blog, well most. If I just met you a few days ago pls don’t call me Rat,
People who Can call me A Rat: @/Angryxxsigh @/kennyisntavablie @/witchyroman @/tickling-giggles @/wally-darlings-stuff @/itsbarnaby And my other bestie (she Doesnt have tumblr/
My music playlist!! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2QeCeaUP5a86nbMZDXsTUD?si=byS9uazPRlG1JhQw_f3JGw&pi=u-SWPOhq78RPKI
Ask first just incase By the new people who has been added.
I like Cartoons and Disney
I do not do any head canon request! I only did two? But I prefer not to do them,
My roleplay Blogs: @julie-joyful-1, @ellie-jade-harper My oc,! @trinitybutsmol (my irl but child @asher-francis abusive uncle, @trinity-trin and a different ua of trin And The uncle is Hers.
Thank you for taking your time to read this! Feel free to enjoy my blog! 💞
@ashwasfound was the one who made it for me:3 so ty!
This blog is also a Roleplay blog! for my Irl! :3
I post a lot of different stuff,
I MAY or not post my own art on there (depends if I have the courage because my art is bad)
I love Caffeine!… I’m obsessed with it I’m trying to slow down sorta
I’m abit shy if we ever Vc
But I will Most likely get used of it And be hyper.
I’m Childish at times by that like asking for like Plushes etc,
I won’t always Post Because if i need a Break or something,
Got any questions? Feel free to ask Me in my inbox!
I love a lot of animals,
I like collecting crystals,
If your a SYS/SYSTEM you are safe here!
Gacha maybe Posted Here
Don’t be afraid to ask me stuff or ask stuff to roleplay!,
I Tend to get clingy
My besties<33 @angryxxsigh @itscreamytears @kennyisntavaliable @romanflowerwitch @ashwasfound @tickling-giggles @wally-darlings-stuff @itsbarnaby @yourdearestmailman @jinleebelee @yourlocalzayzay @flufflover7 @trashyswitch @yourdarlingneighbor @foamy-space @justalilgiddybibs @chocolateydinosaur @bea-joyful @xobittersweet GO FOLLOW THEM 👹
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